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Glutamic Acid and Cystine at Premenstrual syndrome

11 Feb 2017

Premenstrual syndrome: when emotions prevail

PMS, premenstrual syndrome - a complex of physical and psychological reactions of women who appear a few days before menstruation. The most noticeable symptoms of PMS - is emotional instability, irritability, headaches, facial swelling, bloating and breast tenderness. Why have these symptoms and whether you can alleviate the condition of women before menstruation?

Where does PMS appear?

There are several theories that explain the development of premenstrual syndrome. The most common - hormonal changes after ovulation, and the change of neurotransmitter metabolism. The influence of female hormones on all the processes in a woman's body has always emphasized. PMS when autonomic dysfunction is more severe symptoms, and also enhances the actual IRR symptoms.

There are four forms of PMS flow:

Neuropsychiatric, with a predominance of symptoms of the emotions and perceptions

Edematous form, with a predominance of edema face, breast tenderness, bowel symptoms

Cephalgic form - with migraine, dizziness, increased irritability, symptoms of the heart

Sympathadrenalic Form - PMS with panic attacks, which are caused by the excitation system simpatoadrenalovoj

Atypical form - when there may be symptoms of allergies, insomnia, hyperthermia, unusual headaches, hypotension or hypertension, etc.

How to help yourself during PMS

The mountains of sweets and savory, emotional chat with friends during PMS are temporary and questionable effect. To improve better to turn to physical therapy and modern drugs.

Physical activity in the second half of the cycle should be sparing, but regular. If you go to the gym, then it is time effective stretching and endurance exercises; lower the intensity of the power load by 30%. In training, do not allow an increase in heart rate above 140-150 beats per minute. Please pay attention to Chelohart.

For those who do not exercise regularly recommended hiking up to 3 km in flat terrain. If you are an experienced runner - continue in his mode, start the run in the morning better in the first half of the cycle.

Replace the bath with warm shower: it helps reduce puffiness, stimulates the nerve endings in the skin and activates the dopamine system, to warn the pressure drops and orthostatic collapse.

Every day, do exercises for the neck: it will improve the blood flow in the brain, reduces muscle tension, reduce swelling of the face.

Try to eat less meat and soups to meat broth, but do not give up sharp spices and seasonings. The substance capsaicin, which creates the acuteness, stimulates the nerve endings in the mouth and helps produce endorphins.

Eat black dark chocolate and do not be afraid to get better. Substances that contain cocoa, and increase the amount of endorphins in the blood, the stress is transferred more easily.

Modern drugs Eltacin and Glycine amino acid help reverse your condition during PMS. Glycine - an amino acid that is produced in the nervous system during stress activates protective inhibition and increases the metabolic processes here. Admission of glycine at PMS improves mood, reduces the likelihood of headaches, normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension and irritability. Eltain with severe PMS is recommended to take regularly throughout the cycle. The preparation consists of three amino acids: glycine, cystine, glutamic acid. Their interaction in the body helps to deal with the violation of the autonomic regulation of natural gentle way. Preventing PMS with vascular dystonia includes receiving Eltacin and glycine in the complex.


Glutamic Acid for Cardiovascular System

11 Feb 2017

Start the retirement age is not for everyone is the reason to retire, many people continue to work after 60, while remaining in their positions, and even continuing career. Still, age takes its toll, and compete with younger colleagues not always possible, even with a priceless experience. Therefore, working pensioners regularly experience stress that is associated with the uncertainty of their positions.

The retirement age is not for nothing is defined in its limits: from 55-60 years, the need for rest is growing as significantly reduced the rate of metabolic and regenerative processes, chronic diseases have an effect on overall health and hormonal changes affect emotions. Most adverse effects on health after age 60 have a night shift as the need to stay awake at night reduces the efficiency of an important process of daily recovery reduces the production of melatonin. Particularly strong negative impact on night shifts have heart and blood vessels. Doctors also recommend that upon the occurrence of the retirement age to leave the managerial position, but on the condition that you can rely on a quiet and pleasant new place of work. Sometimes giving up leadership positions is more stressful than the continuation of the work in the intense rhythm. Please pay attention to Vladonix.

Checklist for working pensioners

When you change jobs, choose the one where your useful knowledge and experience, but with less responsibility.

Do not try to recklessly compete with younger colleagues: their motivation and ability to adapt will still be higher, and you risk to health.

You do not have anyone to advise or work on probation, but if it gives you pleasure - you should not give up. Do not forget to ask for a premium for it or pay raises.

Try to avoid night shifts and overtime.

Be sure to take sick leave in case of illness; time to go on vacation

Have regular check-ups. Some try to avoid working pensioners medical examination at the enterprise, as they fear that their health status changes will be cause for dismissal. But as practice shows, if you want to dismiss, that excuse is the most unexpected. And the objective data about your state of health in the enterprise will be the basis for the formation of a safe mode of work for you

Take amino acids that strengthen the cardiovascular system. So you can increase your stamina, compensating load at work. Cystine, glutamic acid, glycine and help to improve metabolism in the myocardium, increasing tolerance to oxygen deficiency. This is an important prevention of heart disease, as well as the ability to lead an active lifestyle into adulthood without endangering their health. All three amino acids are in Eltacin preparation which is produced by modern technology and maximizes bioavailability of the active ingredients.


How to avoid sports injuries during intensive sports

11 Feb 2017

Injuries can change things greatly in sports. Unfortunately, sports injuries are not uncommon in the preparation for a competition. The main reason for injuries from overloading is inadequate preparation for the active physical stress and the revaluation of its forces. Work on the result in a short time requires a special approach.

Sports nutrition during intense workouts
Preparation for the training starts with a diet. The fact that an athlete should eat and drink, it will build muscle and help to restore the resources. Proteins and carbohydrates are the basis of nutrition in active training sessions, and they are presented in the form of special sports nutrition. A special role is played by amino acids: they receive in the form of drugs helps to slightly increasing caloric intake, provide the body with the necessary building materials and energy. This is especially important during periods of so-called "dry" when the athlete wants to lose a little weight before the competition to get into a weight class. No special power, he runs the risk of not only muscle mass, but also the health of the heart. Please pay attention to Testoluten.

Also, to increase physical activity and protecting against overloads applied allowed athletes medications. Most of them are designed to support and enhance the natural processes in the body, and allow athletes to achieve good results, without losing health.

training mode before the competition
Training on the eve of the competition can take place in different modes, and the choice is often different. Much depends on the specificity of the sport in which the athlete performs. But the main requirement - to give the sportsman enough time to relax before the performance. The most intense load fall by an average of 2-3 weeks prior to the date of the competition. The remaining amount of time training takes place in a quiet mode, or non-existent. Thus, resources are more than recovered in time for the most critical moment, and the athlete can perform at their best.
All preparation for a competition you need to take care of the support of the heart. Even well-trained heart at greater risk at the peak of the intensity of physical activity. To prevent complications prescribe medication Eltacin amino acid. It not only reduces the risk of the heart, but also increases overall stamina to sporting loads.


Drugs with Glutamic Acid for Heart Disease

11 Feb 2017

When the heart of a child in need for help?

Heart problems in children can be a long time do not show any symptoms, or the child can simply ignore. Typically, changes in the state of children's health becomes a parent, but in time to find out what the problem is in the heart, does not always work. Most often, children are exposed to diseases of the heart, which are a consequence of physical overload, bacterial and viral infections, but a considerable part of them constitute congenital malformations, which are usually diagnosed in utero.

Symptoms that may indicate cardiac problems in the child

Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and desire to sleep instead of playing in their spare time

Pale, uneven complexion, bluish or greenish tint lips, bruising around the eyes

Cough with expectoration in the morning, which is not associated with infections, shortness of breath

Discomfort in the chest after exercise

Dizziness and fainting

Apparent eye throbbing neck vessels

Delayed physical development

At the reception to the cardiologist

From the child's heart condition largely depends on his physical development, as suffering from a lack of oxygen and energy in inefficient blood circulation organs and tissues, and thus can not fully carry out its functions. You can also like Bonothyrk.

In order to spot cardiac pathology, it is necessary to show the child's cardiologist per year for checkups and every time to check heart after infectious diseases that occur at a high temperature and a violation of the general condition. For example, influenza may produce complications heart, angina, which was treated at home without antibiotics can lead to rheumatic heart and vascular lesions.

Treatment of heart disease in children - a long and complicated process, often requiring surgical intervention. Regular intake of drugs helps the heart recover gradually. But you can never change their own appointments or to interrupt the course without the consent of the attending physician. Without adequate treatment, many children's heart problems are compounded by rapidly.

Comprehensive treatment and prevention

Heart failure is a child may be caused by various diseases and often develops without treatment, and the absence in the treatment necessary to prevent preparations.

One of the drugs that is recommended for children with heart problems as part of the treatment is a complex of cystine, glutamic acid and glycine - Eltacin. Amino acids enhance trophic processes in myocardium myocytes help operate without damage at low oxygen concentrations, that when there is insufficient blood circulation and increased load significantly prevented the development of heart failure.

Eltacin recommended at age 12, his long-term use does not have any adverse effects since the drug consists of the natural amino acids for the body components.


L-glutamine, L-cystine for Heart Protection

11 Feb 2017

Well, when this question arises in anticipation of love - happiness no one has died! But if suddenly during exercise occurs weakness, shortness of breath increases, a person gets tired quickly, if only recently has such a reliable "motor", became frequent, often pounding, as if intending to "jump" from the chest, this is an alarm.

Similar symptoms - a serious occasion to reflect and take action without delay. In our life with its hypodinamics, unhealthy diet, smoking, stress at work, at home, in transport ... with the heart not to be trifled. The next bell can just hear. Statistics relentless. More and more people are diagnosed, associated with cardiovascular disease. Almost half a million people die each year from heart disease.

Do not fall into a risk group, prevent heart problems, without substituting a "drug hit" other bodies to correct the symptoms of cardiovascular disease allows Eltacin. It includes inherent in every organism amino acids - glycine, L-Glutamine, L-cystine. Due to the formation of the myocardium necessary energy (ATP) allows the drug on the molecular level, gently, in accordance with the laws of nature to improve the activity of the cardiac muscle and improve its contractile ability. As a result, conditions are created to reduce shortness of breath, palpitations normalization, perform physical work. You can also like Vladonix.

Eltacin Treatment should start as far as possible in the early stages of development, in particular of coronary heart disease (CHD) disease. Receiving the drug on the basis of conventional therapy (see. Instruction) makes it possible to strengthen the heart. There is a chance not only to significantly alleviate the condition of the patient, but also gradually reduce the dose of the funds received in the treatment of coronary artery disease.

Eltacin has not only cardio but also meteo-protective effect. This is very important in our climate is not stable, because the reduction meteo-dependance temperature surges and atmospheric pressure can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications. Remarkable is the fact that the drug can help children over 11 years of bad transporting physical exercise, and especially those whose life is connected with the sport.

Do not wait until your "engine" begins to falter. Do not delay, provide assistance to your heart!


Cystine and Glutamic Acid at Hypotension

11 Feb 2017

Five weaknesses hypotonic

Hypotension is often considered to be a nice bonus from nature, as in this case, you will not get any dangerous pressure numbers and complications associated with hypertension. The reason is constantly reduced pressure is often impaired regulation of vascular tone, which can be a symptom of vascular dystonia.

Low blood pressure is often accompanied by dizziness, nausea in the morning, weakness and fatigue. This significantly complicates the lives of those who can not boast of a pressure higher than 100/60 mm Hg. Art. Therefore, people with low blood pressure are habits that may seem whims, but it helps to adapt to the characteristics of the organism.

Coffee in bed. People with hypotension can not physically get up alarm clock: normal vascular tone and heart rate upon waking they restored a few minutes. And if they did venture to dramatically get out of bed - may lose consciousness, or at least will have to sit down and wait until the end of dizziness and tinnitus. Therefore, it is better to wake up with a light warm-down, then sitting on the bed. If you have no one to bring tea or coffee "bed", then leave the night before by the bed with a glass of water and drink immediately after awakening. Some information about Pielotax.

Just a comfortable temperature. Poor thermoregulation - a frequent companion of hypotension. In hot weather people with hypotension will feel weak and suffer from a lack of oxygen and headache. If you want to sit still in a poorly heated office or lecture hall gipotonik have hard times: freezing hands and feet, somnolence and always hungry. Productivity in this bad, and regularly there is a desire not to go out for coffee or a smoke. Choose coffee: it will increase the pressure a bit, and you get warm - although coffee is important not to overdo it.

Intolerance to hunger and thirst. Often, low blood pressure occurs in people who adynamic in stature. This combination of physiological qualities leads to the fact that the energy reserves are very low, and if a person can not eat on time, then he rapidly deteriorating health and a bad mood. All this is not to say a bad character, and points to the vulnerability of hypotensive. Lack of water reduces the blood volume, and without the low pressure is further reduced, which can lead to unconsciousness.

High demands on air quality. Since hypotension is reduced when the partial pressure of a blood gas, the gas exchange efficiency is lower than with normal blood pressure. Therefore, each milliliter of oxygen in the inspired air is important. The stuffy room a person feels very bad, and this is primarily due to lack of oxygen in the brain.

Physical laziness. If you once again can not drive yourself to the gym, or just do the exercises at home, this may be due to laziness your physiology. Physical weakness inherent hypotonic and every workout can lead subsequently to a long recuperation, trigger a migraine, temporary heart rhythm disturbances. So start training at an arterial hypotension should be gradual, evenly distributing the force, nor in competition with anyone. In order to improve the adaptation to physical exercise and to avoid unpleasant consequences Eltacin take the drug, which consists of amino acids: glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine. So you will render support to the heart, improve vascular regulation, and gradually increase physical endurance.


Why do athletes and sports use nutrition drugs?

11 Feb 2017

If you want to play sports seriously, particular attention should be paid to everything that you eat in order to maintain the body. Your diet and drugs significantly affect your form, and the lack of necessary substances adversely affects the health. Sport and drugs are an integral part of modern sport, so you need to know the specifics of their application.

How do the proteins and amino acids

Special food is necessary not only to those who want to increase muscle mass. Active sports rearrange work of the body, and you need more energy and macronutrients. Of course, all the missing material can be obtained from food, but not everyone has the time and energy to his careful study of the menu.

Proteins and amino acids are the basis of individual sports nutrition. Their main feature - the lack of replenishment of protein in the diet. Despite the fact that protein powders and amino acid preparations, in fact, are material for protein synthesis in the body, they have their own characteristics. Proteins are used in order to gain the necessary amount of protein in the diet, because to do so through the normal supply is not so easy to produce. For example, 100 grams of chicken breast (! A is one of the high-protein products) contained 23 g of total protein, and in an egg - A of about 6 to successfully recruit muscle mass, it is recommended to use at least 3.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight; that is, an athlete who weighs 80 kg, you should eat at least 160 grams of protein a day! Protein shakes facilitate this task - their composition is chosen so that one portion contains 30-50 grams of protein. Please pay attention to Chitomur.

Depending on the rate of assimilation by the body, the proteins are divided into "fast" and "slow." Slow protein - is casein, a protein complex, which is a long time to digest and provides the body with amino acids during this time. It is well nourishes, and therefore can be used in the process of weight loss. "Fast Protein" - whey protein - absorbed twice as fast as casein, increases the concentration of amino acids in the blood, thereby helping to restore muscle after heavy exercise and activates protein synthesis in muscle.

The protein for sports nutrition can add and carbohydrates - such supplements are called "weight gainer." They have a very high nutritional value and needs, primarily to compensate for a general lack of caloric intake, not only the amount of protein.

Protein supplements are not limited to proteins. both complex and individual amino acids preparations - and amino acids to produce athletes as well. Complete amino acid composition and properties practically do not differ from the proteins. Their advantage is unless usability (no need to prepare cocktails shakers wash and carry it all with you - amino acids are generally available in tablet form) and that they are a bit faster absorbed by the body.

Dietary supplements containing specific amino acid (e.g., taurine or arginine), also common among athletes. One of the most popular additives - BCAA (which means "an amino acid with a branched side chain") - is a combination of isoleucine, leucine and valine. These three amino acids are essential and only enter the body with food. They help prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue, helping to increase strength and muscle mass, reduce body fat percentage in the body.

Medicinal products for athletes

Authorized agents for a lot of athletes. Basically, their job is to regulate the processes of anabolism natural way to increase endurance and speed up recovery after heavy load, strengthen joints and ligaments. Depending on the tasks and status of the athlete's health, sports doctors prescribe ATP and other biologically active substances, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, various adaptogens. All are designed to improve the physical abilities for some time and did not prevent the loss of health.

Medicinal products based on amino acids have a special place in this list. Besides the general nutritional value, some of the individual amino acids, and combinations thereof and have a therapeutic effect on the body. Their ability to influence processes in the plastic body and thus improve the power generation is widely used by athletes. Especially important are these properties to support the heart, increasing its endurance. In clinical practice, proved to be effective combination of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. This combination is available under the trade name Eltacin. Included in the amino acids involved in the synthesis of endogenous glutathione - a strong antioxidant. Eltacin increases contractility of the heart and tolerance to lack of oxygen, increases physical endurance.

Heart health achievements in sport depends greatly, so it is important to take care of it regularly.


L Glutamine to cope with Stress

11 Feb 2017

Eltacin: an invaluable aid in stress

Any psycho-emotional arousal contributes to the development and progression of cardiovascular disease. In times of stress the heart, providing the body cells with oxygen and nutrients, is forced to work at full capacity. If, however, this small, as small as a fist muscle lump is not "full-blooded" provide tissues and organs, there are weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, edema ...

The manifestations of heart failure are unpleasant in themselves. And if a person has hypertension, ischemia, defect, heart? The cure for stress is known to be called glycine. The drug can not only protect cells from stress attacks the agents, but also neutralize the "aggressors", appeared in the tissues under stress. You can also like Cerluten.

Invaluable assistance of glycine in a stressful situation provides a unique new drug-metabolite Eltacin. Gently, physiological laws without the side effects it is able to adjust the body's "heart failure."

Eltacin increases in the myocardial cells of glutathione - a substance having the ability to bind free radicals, reducing lipid peroxidation, improve the efficiency of oxygen use, stimulate the processes of formation of energy (ATP).

A combined intake of glycine and Eltatsin will not only survive the stress, but also greatly facilitate the "life" of the heart. Both drugs recommended to put in the form of sublingual tablet or tablets of powder after grinding with an interval of 10-15 minutes after dissolution.


Glutamic Acid and Cystine for heart protection

10 Feb 2017

The swimming good for the heart?

Choosing a gym for training pay attention to swimming lessons. Pool is a favorite vacation spot and keep in shape, there is no possibility to swim in open water. Especially useful for training in swimming for those who have heart problems and blood vessels.

Lessons in the pool is recommended as a gentle way to keep fit, as training for beginners. Body weight in water less, so any movement is given with less effort. This greatly simplifies the task of overweight people, which is often not recommended for weight loss workout in the fitness room. In the water, reduced stress on the joints and the cardiovascular system that allows you to engage without any harm to the physical preparation, to recover from an injury or serious illness.

As in the pool training can help your heart.

Increase endurance at moderately elevated myocardial stress. Since the water posture promotes easier outflow of blood from the lower divisions, the ventricles of the heart can best be filled, gently relaxing, and save enough energy to effectively reduce the blood and push into a new cycle. Thus, at a moderate pace swimming, you get cardio without the risk of harm to the heart.

During the voyage, even untrained people better control their breathing - or they simply can not survive in the water - so that oxygen delivery to the tissues of the heart improves. Measured, deep breathing improves blood oxygen saturation, promotes blood flow to the myocardium, as it dilates coronary vessels, as a result of the heart is working in the best conditions.

Swimming improves peripheral vascular tone and blood flow from the veins, which helps with venous insufficiency and impaired vascular regulation. Therefore, exercises in the pool is indicated for the prevention of varicose veins, while jogging and weight training while contraindicated. Improving vascular tone, you reduce the likelihood of blood clots that can prevent myocardial infarction. You can try Actovegin.

Gentle exercise in the water with heart failure to help improve health and reduce the functional class of heart failure. Along with gymnastics in the pool is assigned Eltacin - preparation that improves metabolism in the myocardium, helps the heart muscle to recover. The medicine is made up of amino acids that can be produced in the body, so long reception Eltacin safe, and its effect is similar to the internal mechanisms of adaptation work.


L glutamine benefits for Heart

10 Feb 2017

How to survive a divorce without loss of health?

Divorce for many is a serious challenge. At this time, useful to review their lives and constructive conclusions, but more feelings of regret, resentment, anger, fear of the future does not allow you to complete the relationship easily. Especially difficult accounts to those who are forced to divorce through the courts to divide property and custody of children. Stress in a divorce is able to cause serious damage to health: under intense or prolonged stress in the body produced by toxic doses of cortisol and adrenaline, which are damaging to the heart, blood vessels, nerve tissue.

Often, divorce destroys the usual social contacts. The presence of insoluble disagreement within the pair leads to the fact that the friends of the family, too, choose any direction. One of the former spouses in this case receives considerably less support, or be deprived of it all, which significantly affected his mental state. But regular support of friends can not change the situation: through a divorce in any case will have to go alone. You can try Actovegin.

In addition to their own experiences added anxiety and guilt to the child. Especially difficult are experiencing parental divorce teenagers, often complicating their behavior and so the unfavorable situation in the family.

What will survive divorce easier

Solve immediate problems and not try to look into the future. This will give two important bonus: you deal with things that are important at the moment, and permanent employment reduces anxiety levels and reduces the chance to go into a depression.

Physical exercise can help dispose of epinephrine and cortisol, are produced in large quantities in the body during this period. This will reduce the negative effects of stress on the heart and nervous system.

If you have a very bad attitude and no meeting is complete without conflicts, after the divorce is accepted, try to avoid personal contact with former partner, all the necessary procedures were made through a lawyer.

Be honest with children. They see that family life is changing, and shielding them from the information you contribute to the generation of disturbing thoughts. Divorce of parents will be accepted easier if the child will know that Mom and Dad were on good terms. Even if it is not, do not flaunt it baby, do not say bad things about the former spouse. Reduce nervous tension in the child help drug Glycine active substance is an amino acid structure of the nervous tissue. Glycine activates a protective mechanism of inhibition in the nervous system and helps to adapt to stress.

During the entire period of the divorce, and at least another two months after completion of the procedure, take adaptogens, such complex preparations Eltacin and glycine to enhance their own adaptive abilities. These are preparations of amino acids, which improve the metabolic processes in the cells of the myocardium and nervous system, to protect them from premature aging and death. Eltacin synthesis in the body activates a powerful antioxidant glutathione, which reduces the vulnerability of the heart cells, and helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

A change of scenery, alone for two or three weeks after the divorce. Now, in your life entered a new phase, but it is important to survive the separation. If children are left with you, be sure to take them with you: for your family is especially important right now mutual support.

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