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For whom created Afobazole

19 Feb 2017

Many of us are familiar stressors that surround us every day:

  • Problems at work
  • Traffic jams
  • Economic crisis
  • Household complexity
  • Financial difficulties
  • Bad neighbors
  • conflict surrounding
  • Turmoil in the family
  • Negative news

Our nervous system is trying to cope with the impact of stressors as long as it has the resources.
Under conditions when stressors are long lasting, protective mechanisms of the nervous system may be depleted, in which case it can not react to stress: in nerve cells occurs physiological inhibition and excitation processes begin to prevail. This is manifested by increased irritability, nervousness, anxiety and tension. Being able to unwarranted anxiety, the person becomes unable to adequately assess the significance of stress factors, often losing control of emotions or experiences emotional exhaustion, decreased performance. Over time, against the background of such psycho-emotional disorders can develop diseases of internal organs (including the heart and lungs, stomach and intestines), and disorders of the immune system.

When the impact of stressors become too severe


there is a risk to break close to the people to lose interest in hobbies and favorite work, which contributes to a stressful condition and prevents a person to feel happy.

It is in such situations, when there is no strength to resist stress, come to the aid Afobazol that not only eliminates the symptoms of anxiety and stress, but also helps to restore the normal functioning of nerve cells - to the natural flow of the braking process. Eliminating anxiety, irritability, anxiety and tension, Afobazol helps regain emotional control, self-confidence to enjoy life in full force and be happy!


Stress and the reaction of the body

19 Feb 2017

Stress is the set of reactions aimed at adapting to changing environmental factors. These factors are stressors, and the reaction of the body - stress reactivity. Not many know that the human body is able to experience two types of stress. They provoke positive and negative factors. Stress has a negative effect on the body, as well as the very reaction to it, is called distress, while the positive impact of stress - eustress. In the continuation of the article, we will use the term "stress", we will keep in mind the distress.

The human body has the ability to instantly react to stressors readiness to "fight or flee" (active reaction) or freeze (passive reaction). Activation of the body under stress manifests increased work of the adrenal, thyroid and parathyroid gland and the hypothalamus, pituitary and other parts of the brain. There is increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and force of contraction, is released in the stomach hydrochloric acid, increases the level of cholesterol and glucose in blood, breathing quickens and muscles tense. Obviously, if acute stress these changes help the body to "fight or flight", that with prolonged exposure to stress may lead to overload and exhaustion of the body's resources. Constant stress can cause disruption of the endocrine and immune systems, cause a malfunction of the heart, respiratory and digestion, provoke an aggravation of skin diseases. That is why it is so important to be able to withstand stress, learn to control your body's response and time to deal with the negative effects of stress.

Afobazole helps control emotions, to maintain the confidence and strength to the point.

Action Afobazol confirmed by research - more than 80 publications involving over 4,500 patients.

It restores nerve cells - Afobazol stabilizes the GABA / benzodiazepine receptors and restore their sensitivity to inhibition by endogenous mediators, protects nerve cells from damage.

The innovative formula Afobazol - Current fabomotizole substance protected by a patent.

Action without drowsiness - Afobazol causes muscular weakness, drowsiness and has no negative effects on concentration and memory.

Act fast - The effect Afobazol develops 5-7 days of treatment, reaches a maximum of 4 weeks, persists after completion of therapy.

If you feel that you can not properly assess the significance of stressful factors and events and their effect was to cause excessive anxiety, tension and irritability, you began to feel unmotivated anxiety or feel on the verge of collapse, particularly if your performance has declined, or have problems co sleep, can not ignore these signs, it is necessary to pay attention to their health.

Afobazole helps control emotions, to maintain the confidence and strength to the point.

Exposure to stressors - Under prolonged exposure to stress nerve cells depleted resources, their receptors lose their ability to respond to the inhibitory neurotransmitter impulses.

The increase in symptoms of stress - there is an increase of anxiety, tension, irritability, restlessness. These symptoms persist even with a decrease in the action of stress factor.

Action unique formula Afobazol - Under the influence of the unique formula Afobazol: fabomotizole, there is a restoration of receptors of nerve cells and ensuring their protection from further stress.

Recovery of nerve cells - As a result of the stabilization of Afobazol receptors and restore proper structure and function of nerve cells.

Afobazole Admission Adults - 1 tablet after meal - 3 times a day; Within 2-4 weeks.


Nootropic Noopept

18 Feb 2017


"Remembrance - it is the means by which we will record and store information about past events in order to take advantage of it in the present."

Among the things and events that we remember, are stored not only our knowledge (acquired in school, college), but personal memories (a first date, wedding, birth of children), as well as our habits and skills. To achieve this, we need to code or process, the information that we want to remember, and to lay it in storage, and then retrieve the memories or skills in response to a stimulus or a key command. That is, there are three main mechanisms of memory: storing (or coding), storage and playback (or extract). If you breach any of these stages, memory loss will occur.

For the duration of securing and preserving the memory of the material is divided into short-term, rapid and long-term.

Short-term memory is characterized by very short persistence of perceived information, the amount of memory in each individual. It characterizes the natural person's memory and remains, as a rule, throughout their lives. The volume of short-term memory is primarily characterized by the ability to mechanically, ie. E. Without the use of special techniques, to memorize information perceived. The value of short-term memory is great: it is it allows you to immediately weed out irrelevant information and keep potentially useful. Short-term memory can be compared with racks in a large library: books that are taken from them, then put back depending on immediate needs. Long-term memory is more like a museum: there are certain elements selected from short-term memory, divided into a plurality of columns, and then stored more or less long time. But it should be noted that the short-term memory is not possible without the normal functioning of the long-term.

Memory allows you to store current information needed to perform a particular action; Storage duration determined by the time the present action. When transferring information from short-term memory in the operational happens its selection on criteria defined by the specific task that person decides.

Nootropic Noopept - innovative drug dipeptide structure, with extensive nootropic and neuroprotective properties. You can buy Noopept.

Long-term memory is able to store information for a long, practically unlimited period of time (this period is limited only by the time a person's life). The information which has appeared in the long-term memory storage can be played any number of times a person, without forgetting it. Moreover, repeated and systematic use (reproduction) of this information only strengthens its traces in the long-term memory. Long-term memory allows a person's ability to recall at any time that he needs. When using long-term memory to recall often require thought and effort of will.

Good memory - the dream of many and are often the basis for success in life. It is the memory of a particular distinctive feature of the human brain allows a person to learn and improve. The accumulated experience in the memory helps to find the correct solution to the problem in a given situation.

But not always enough just to have a good memory, it is important to use it and be able to train properly for effective memorization there are so-called laws of memory.


Glutamic acid, Cystine, Glycine for increase endurance

17 Feb 2017

Five ways to increase endurance while jogging

Do you want to get more out of jogging, but increase the duration of the training does not work. What is the problem? Why do you feel tired after only 15 minutes and can not increase the route? Did you properly calculate the forces, and spend the bulk of energy inefficient. But the reason may be that you simply already at the limit of their physical abilities.

Make a cardio more productive help expert advice on fitness.

Learn the correct technique. Perhaps you can not run at full strength, as the attitude is not serious to the well-known simple guidelines. The correct formulation of the foot when running, posture, rhythm and intensity of breathing - all this allows you to run a long time, and did not get tired at medium speed. The most comfortable pace for the run is one in which to breathe easily obtained in the two steps and two - exhale. This speed allows you to evenly distribute the forces on the entire route, and do not choke on the side of the road after 300 meters after the start of training.

One step forward - two steps back. To develop stamina useful once a week to arrange cross-country races, a distance which is greater than your usual mileage. For example, on the weekend try to overpower the five, if you usually run through two or three kilometers. Running speed at the same time should not be high, run quietly, it is important to overcome all of the specified route, you can even switch to periodically step. Such an increase in the load gives a signal the body that you need to run more energy, and he learns to seek resources to solve the problem. Returning then to the usual distance, you feel stronger.

Use interval training - alternating high and low loads. The monotonous jogging causes fatigue because tired synapses of the nervous system. Diversify incentives, start with a quick run somewhere for a minute, then two minutes to go to the quick step or jogging, then again accelerate. Gradually, with the growth of your physical fitness, reduce rest periods and increase the peak periods as long as they are not equal. Uniform running differs substantially from interval training on the quality of the load, you learn to adapt and switch. Do not forget, however, that much more traumatic interval running normal, and be sure to include in training sufficient for the duration of the warm-up and cool down. In addition, such training, because of the rather large load may be significantly shorter than your normal jog. You can try Semax.

Add in its training program Weight Training. By increasing strength and muscle size, you are creating a database to obtain the necessary amount of energy during the races. Increase muscle mass you will also help to increase the protein content in the diet.

Increase endurance, among other things, allow the amino acid drugs that help the heart adapt to new conditions. They stimulate the production of energy and strengthen the heart muscle. Eltacin preparation consists of the amino acid glutamine, glycine and cystine - is nonessential amino acids which are identical to those produced in the body. They are responsible for the production of glutathione, which is the most powerful natural antioxidant and adaptogen. Help your body and add to their own resources modern adaptogen.


Cystine, Glycine, Glutamic acid help Recovery

15 Feb 2017

Terms of recovery after athletic loads

Training on the result is always associated with the need to restore. Develop endurance and muscle strength without effort and work on the verge unlikely. Therefore, to understand how to recover from overload, it is useful to each athlete. This will not be afraid of serious work and get back into operation.

To maintain a good fitness level, and if you do not get a balanced and varied enough to eat, can partially replace conventional sports nutrition products. Creatine, protein powders, amino acids - each of these components will work on improving the quality of certain sports and you will not have to suffer so much under heavy load. Creatine supplementation should be discussed with a sports doctor, as there may be an adverse reaction to this drug.

Drink enough clean water. This rule must be observed at all times, but during the restoration of drinking regime is particularly important: because you will be sure that every minute of forced rest is used for good reason. To establish the elimination of toxins from the cells and improve the inflow to the recovery of useful materials for possible only in conditions of continuous water flow, as the solvent. You can try Semax.

Always complete workout hitch - stretch the muscles, walk on the treadmill at a calm pace, restore the heart rate to normal levels.

Take a contrast shower: start with hot water and cold alternating with 2-3 times for a few minutes. This procedure will give cheerfulness, improve blood circulation in the muscles and speed up their recovery. Visit bath or sauna will be useful.

Do not forget about sports massage. It is best left to professionals, but you can do it at home, with the help of relatives or yourself. The main thing - do not overdo it. In order to effectively relax the muscles, the movements should be soft, and massage time - long enough. The best time for him - the evening before bedtime.

Complete rest even at strong undesirable delayed onset muscle soreness. But you can not work through the pain: so you will not only postpone the restoration of form, but also run the risk of sports injuries. Do not ignore your symptoms, do your best to find a balance between rest and load feasible. Easy daily workout can help strengthen the recovery processes in the muscles, and configure them to work actively in the coming days, when you keep the usual training schedule. Walk, swim, the main thing - do not lie on the couch.

To accelerate the recovery processes in sports doctors recommend Eltacin. This modern amino acid drug that when taken regularly improves overall stamina and prevents heart disease in athletes. When overtraining Eltacin acts as a powerful antioxidant, it improves the condition of the muscle fibers and overall health. Regularly taking this drug you will be better protected against overloads.


Glycine, Cystine, Glutamic acid at Power training

15 Feb 2017

Strength training for women: how to organize the process

Women weight training and help build the body and lose weight, but the attitude towards them in society is ambiguous. Most likely, this is due to cases where the training with lifting organized properly, because a woman's body is not so natural to Weight Training, as a male.

Why a woman is more difficult to gain muscle mass?

To achieve good results in sports without adequate muscle mass is difficult: the number of myocytes directly affects endurance. And if you want to lose weight, the amount of muscle mass also works for you: the fact that muscle tissue consumes more energy even at rest. During strength training muscles contracting, even more energy efficient, a certain amount of calories is also necessary for their recovery after training and growth. Thus, your daily intake of calories increases, and it becomes easier to lose weight. You can try Semax.

But a set of muscle mass in women is limited to physiological characteristics. In the women dominated muscles muscle fibers of the first type, the so-called red fibers, or slow, are well adapted to long-term moderate stress, but bad increase in volume. Furthermore, under normal hormonal background, women initially much less muscle than in men and more fat percentage.

What will help a woman improve muscle relief:

The basis of the success of weight training for women is perseverance. The rapid decrease in the percentage of body fat for a couple of weeks before the trip to the sea is not possible, and no competent coach you do not promise. Tune in for a long and serious work: the first result you'll see in a month, but the following changes will be noticeably faster.

Training designed to increase the amount of muscles and improve the body's relief will be much more effective if you are serious about what you eat. The daily diet must necessarily be a sufficient amount of protein - at least 2 grams per kilogram of your body weight. Estimate the amount of protein consumed at least approximately - 100 g chicken breast, for example, contains about 25 grams of protein, and a pack-ounce cheese - about '30 If you can not eat so many protein foods, include in the diet sports nutrition, namely protein cocktails, which are, in fact, concentrated protein.

The efficiency of the female body depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The most effective weight training to develop strength and muscle volume in the first half of the cycle; in the second half is better to work on the stamina to spend more time working out and stretching techniques.

You do not need to work with more weight. Slow muscle fibers, predominant in women who muscle can increase in size even when small weight loads.

Unusual physical effort, not well thought out exercise and diet can damage the cardiovascular system. Therefore, strength training in addition to sports nutrition is recommended to take an amino acid preparation Eltacin. It improves the metabolism in the heart muscle and prevents the development of heart disease that often develops when excessive physical exertion.

Strength training can cause panic attacks, and women affected by this phenomenon much more. This helps to eliminate the problem of long-term use Eltacin, which is the drug of choice for the treatment of vascular dystonia and prevent panic attacks.


Glycine, Cystine, Glutamic acid for Endurance

14 Feb 2017

Second Wind: how to become tougher

The expression "second wind" is used when talking about the exchange of the restructuring during prolonged physical work, with the result that the athlete feels a burst of energy after a critical decline. It is believed that the second breath opens for beginners in the sport, while experienced athletes can adapt to the loads smoothly, without suffering from power failure. Learn how to get a second wind tends to every young athlete, because it is so open the way for a new level of endurance and new sporting achievements.

The biochemical mechanism of "second wind"

Exchange of glucose in the cells can occur in two ways: with the participation of oxygen and without it. The result is a pure energy in the form of ATP, which is spent on essential needs of the organism. The most effective way of oxygen, as in this case, one molecule of glucose produced 36 ATP molecules, while anoxic - only two. You can try Semax.

When an athlete is working hard, then at some point the oxygen saturation of the blood ceases to meet the increased needs. Experienced, strong athletes at this point in the muscles many active mitochondria, which cope well with primary energy load. New athlete who has not yet reached a sufficient fitness, will suffer from hypoxia and lack of energy - "blind spot." Under anaerobic glycolysis in muscle lactic acid accumulates, the amount increases dramatically bifosfo-glycerate, which reduces the bond strength of oxygen to hemoglobin. This makes it possible to use oxygen more efficiently, and to intensify the process of aerobic oxidation of glucose. That's when an athlete feels a surge of strength: he opens a second wind.

Second Breath and stamina

The phenomenon of "second wind" is associated with the development of endurance: the moment when the athlete overcomes itself and continues to run, overcoming fatigue, the body learns to match the new load level. Lack of physical fitness is compensated through a more efficient use of internal resources. But this way can be dangerous: Do you have enough forces the heart to once again overcome the energy failure?

Athletes who take amino acid preparation Eltacin, endurance and adaptation to stress under conditions of lack of oxygen is much softer. Amino acids, which are part of it - glycine, glutamic acid, cystine - have a direct effect on the oxidative processes in the cell, and help you to use the maximum available oxygen cells. With regular use helps Eltacin

increase stamina, not to bring themselves to a state of "dead spots." Soft adaptation to new levels of stress and heart overload protection helps to achieve high results in sports without risking health.


Bromantane (Ladasten) – Information for Doctors

12 Feb 2017

The new drug with stimulant and anxiolytic properties Ladasten the treatment of neurasthenia (results of comparative clinical studies with placebo)

Application Ladasten drug in the treatment of asthenic disorders postinfectious

Influence Ladasten on psychophysiological state characteristics and cognitive function in patients with psychogenic asthenic disorders

Safety and therapeutic efficacy Ladasten drug in patients with neurasthenia and asthenia somatogenetic

Cognitive impairment in somatogenetic asthenia: efficiency Ladasten.

A new approach to the treatment of neurasthenia and asthenia somatogenetic (results of a multicenter study of efficacy and safety Ladasten)


Bromantane (Ladasten) – Mechanisms of action

12 Feb 2017

1. Increased synthesis and Ca2 + dependent processes dopamine release. The ability to enhance the synthesis of dopamine Ladasten de novo fundamentally differs from the typical stimulant drug. Due to the increased synthesis of dopamine in the treatment of Ladasten not develop depletion of neuronal catecholamine reserves.

2. Recovery of impaired stress GABA reception and a decrease in expression of the gene encoding the protein synthesis of GABA transporter the GAT-3. You can buy Ladasten.
GAT3 is a transfer protein isoforms GABA conducting GABA reuptake from the synaptic cleft. By reducing the expression of a gene coding for the synthesis of this protein is increased GABA content in the synaptic cleft, which provides increased GABA transmission and a factor of increasing the binding of ligands of GABA-benzodiazepine-hlorionofornic complex.

3. The anti-radical action. Ladasten reduces the activity of an excessively elevated lipid peroxidation contributes to the preservation of the integrity and barrier function of cellular and mitochondrial membranes.


L-cystine, L-glutamine for Heart protection

12 Feb 2017

Winter for weather-sensitive people - always a test. After quite a long hot summer and exhausting its instability autumn weather shift to icy winds and frost, are replaced by the thaw, heavy toll on health. Even healthy easy. But it is especially difficult for those who suffer from coronary heart disease (CHD). Weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, edema - typical signs of heart failure, concomitant disease.

To help the body in such a difficult situation is a drug Eltacin. At the molecular level, "soft" and physiologically he is able to correct these unpleasant symptoms. Due to the formation of the myocardium necessary energy (ATP), the drug can improve the activity of the heart muscle, increase its motility - reduced shortness of breath, heart palpitations normalized, it becomes possible to perform physical work.

Eltacin has not only cardio but also meteo-protective effect. Reduced meteo-sensitive, which means that the risk of cardiovascular complications. You can also like Chitomur.

Patients with coronary artery disease to take Eltacin recommended 1 tablet 3 times a day for three weeks. If necessary, in consultation with your doctor, you can repeat the course.

Eltacin Treatment should start as far as possible in the early stages of disease development. Receiving the drug on the basis of conventional therapy, provides an opportunity to strengthen the heart. At the same time there is a chance not only to significantly alleviate the condition of the patient man, but also gradually reduce the dose of the heart by means of traditional therapies adopted in treatment of coronary heart disease. This is especially important for those who are sensitive to changes in weather conditions, or in a state of stress. And then, and another (secret) deals a serious blow to the cardiovascular system.

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