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Mexidol. Original preparation. Ethyl methylhydroxypyridine succinate.

15 Mar 2017

Mexidol is characterized by a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects, it has cerebroprotective, nootropic, antihypoxic, anxiolytic, antistress and anticonvulsant effects, eliminates the deficiency of CNS functions during aging.

Mexidol in sports
The need for antioxidant action, including as a means of inhibiting the processes of lipid peroxidation.

Hypoxic tissue damage caused by lack of oxygen during anaerobic training.

Various marathons - improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, reduces platelet aggregation.

Asthenic conditions, as well as for the prevention of the development of somatic diseases under the influence of extreme factors and loads.

The impact of extreme (stressor) factors.

The consequences of acute disorders of cerebral circulation, including after transient ischemic attacks, in the phase of subcompensation as preventive courses.

Encephalopathies of various genesis (dyscirculatory, dismetabolic, posttraumatic, mixed).

Syndrome of vegetative dystonia.

The mechanism of action is associated with its antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing properties. Meksidol is an inhibitor of free radical processes, LPO, modulates the activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase), affects the physicochemical properties of the membrane, increases the lipid content of lipids (phosphotidylserine and phosphotidyl-inositol), reduces the viscosity of the lipid bilayer. Mexidol improves energy metabolism in the cell, which along with antioxidant action creates the basis for an antihypoxic effect. The drug has a modulating effect on the activity of membrane-bound enzymes and receptor complexes of brain cell membranes, in particular GABA-benzodiazepine and acetylcholine. He himself does not bind to these receptor structures, but changes the content of mediator monoamines and amino acids in the structures of the brain. Meksidol increases the level of dopamine and endogenous peptides, blocks the activity of serine proteinases and metalloproteases.


What is the use of Actovegin in sports?

15 Mar 2017

In sport there is a long-standing problem - the problem of hypoxia, when the main goal is to achieve high results. To achieve this goal, drugs - antihypoxic drugs that help reduce hypoxia and actively help increase the resistance of cells to oxygen deficiency.

Actovegin improves the transport and storage of glucose and oxygen (insulin-like effect); The supply of organs and tissues with blood also increases. Ischemic tissue damage is reduced. Metabolism within cells is accelerated. Actovegin improves energy and muscle contractility, serves as an obstacle to the accumulation of lactate in them (hypoxia lactate-lactic acid salt-accumulates, which leads to a disruption of tissue respiration, fatigue, and muscle pain). These unique properties of Actovegin are very helpful to athletes: on how oxygen deficiency in muscle tissues is eliminated, depends the result of training and success in the sport of each athlete. And this, of course, can not but rejoice athletes: they are always looking for ways to deliver oxygen to actively working muscle tissues.

The conducted researches of Actovegin on professional athletes showed: intravenous infusion of 20% solution of actovegin increases aerobic performance, which allows to increase the time of exercising at the maximum possible power.

It has been proved in the course of clinical studies that the effect of ACTOVEGIN on special performance at distances of 1500 and 10 000 m is manifested in improving the athletic result without a marked increase in the intensity of metabolism.

It is believed and proven that the use of ACTOVEGIN 7-10 days before the onset of shock microcycles (or competitions) and throughout their endurance sports can substantially increase the rate of post-loading recovery.

Actovegin is a preparation containing low molecular weight peptides and amino acid derivatives.
Actovegin, being a hemoderivat, which is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5000 daltons), contains only physiological substances.
At the molecular level, Actovegin causes an increase in the utilization and consumption of oxygen (increases resistance to hypoxia), increases energy metabolism and glucose intake. The total effect of all these processes is to enhance the energy state of the cell, especially in conditions of insufficiency.

Extract of blood (Actovegin) stays in body.


Trental (Pentoxifylline) tablets, ampoules - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

14 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Agapurin retard, Agapurin SR, Agapurin, Agapurun Retard, Agapurun, An Ruo Ning, Angiopent, Ao Le Ni, Ao Nuo Hong, Aotong, Apo-Pentox SR, Apo-Pentox, Apo-Pentoxifylline, Apo-Pentoxifylline SR, Aspen Pentoxifylline, Behrifil, Bo Shu Te, Cental, Cerator, Ceretal, Chang Long Lei, Chinotal, Circulaid LP, Claudicat, Damaton, DanKe, Dartelin, De Bao Xing, De Luo Wei, Dian Ke Shu, Dospan Pento, Duplat, Durapental, Dyna-Pentoxifylline, Elastab, Elorgan, Endopentoksas, Eshieton, Fei Ke Wei Kang, Fixoten, Flexital, Forflow, Fu Shu, Fucon, Fylin, Gan Feng, Hemalin, Hemopene, Hemovas, Hexopal, Ipentol, Ka Kai, Kinetal, Lentrin, Maoping, Nelorpin, Ni Fu Ping, Oxiflux, Oxifyl, Oxopurin, Pan Duo Xi Lai, Pan Ke Fu Lin, Papiror, Penphylline, Pental, Pentilin Retard, Pentilin, Pentiline, Pentoflux, Pentofyllin, PentoHexal, PentoHexal retard, Pentohexal retard, Pentoksifilin, Pentol, Pentolab, Pentomer, Pentomer retard, Pentop, Pento-Puren, Pentosin, Pentox, Pentoxal, Pentox-CT, Pentoxi Genericon retard, Pentoxi Retard, Pentoxicux, Pentoxifilin, Pentoxifilina Alter, Pentoxifilina Andromaco, Pentoxifilina Belmac, Pentoxifilina Davur, Pentoxifilina Generis, Pentoxifilina Genfar, Pentoxifilina L.CH., Pentoxifilina Mintlab, Pentoxifilina MK, Pentoxifilina Pharma Genexx, Pentoxifilina SR Zentiva, Pentoxifilina, Pentoxifyllin AbZ, Pentoxifyllin acis, Pentoxifyllin Actavis, Pentoxifyllin AL, Pentoxifyllin Basics, Pentoxifyllin Sandoz, Pentoxifyllin Stada, Pentoxifyllin-B, Pentoxifylline Biogaran, Pentoxifylline EG, Pentoxifylline Mylan, Pentoxifylline Qualimed, Pentoxifylline Ratiopharm, Pentoxifylline Sandoz, Pentoxifylline Valeant, Pentoxifylline, Pentoxifylline–1A, Pentoxifylline-Rivo, Pentoxifylline-Teva, Pentoxifyllin-ratiopharm, Pentoxifyllin-Tchaikapharma, Pentoxifyllinum Biotika, Pentoxifyllinum Rup Borisov, Pentoxil, Pentoxilline, Pentoxi-Mepha, Pentoxin, Pentoxipharm, Pentoxiphat LP, Pentox-SR, Pentoxy Heumann, Pentoxyl-EP, Perental, Perilax, Pexal, Platof, Polfilin prolongatum, Polfilin Retard, Polfilin, Previscan, Qi Ming, Qiquan, ratio-Pentoxifylline, Razyflin, Recital, Rentylin, Reotal, Retimax, Run Xin Shu, Sephylline, Shery, Shu An Ling, Shu Fu Luo, Shuang Ke, Sidmak Pentoxifylline, Sin Tong, Sipental, Sufisal, Suintol, Tai Tong, Tarontal, Throne, Tian Cun, Tian Mai, Tioxad, Tofilline, Torental, Torral, Toxipen, Trenace, Trenat, Trenfylline, Trenlin, Trental Bb Farma, Trental CR, Trental Programmi Sanitari, Trental Retard, Trental, Trentilin Retard, Trentilin, Trentolin, Trentox, Trenxy, Trepal, Tri-Plen (Pentoxifylline and Felodipine), Vantoxyl, Vasonit, Vasonit retard, Vasoplan, Vaspentox, Wei You, Xiang Di, Xin Ke Duo Na, Xinfu, YiShu.

Active substance: Pentoxifylline.

ATC - C04AD03 (Pentoxifylline).

Pharmacological group – Antiplatelet; Adenosynergic tools; Angioprotectors and cerebrovascular correctors.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

H34 Retinal vascular occlusion;

H80 Otosclerosis;

H81.4 Vertigo of central origin;

H83 Other disorders of the inner ear;

H91 Other hearing loss;

I63 Cerebral infarction;

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I69 Effects of cerebrovascular diseases;

I70 Atherosclerosis;

I73.9 peripheral vascular disease, unspecified;

I79.2 Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere;

I87.0 Postflebitic syndrome;

L98.4.2 * skin trophic ulcer;

R02 Gangrene, not elsewhere classified;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

T35 Frostbite involving multiple body regions and unspecified frostbite.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Composition, structure and packing

Tablets, film-coated, enterosoluble;

Concentrate for solution for infusion;

Sustained-release tablets, film-coated.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action - normalizing blood rheology, improves microcirculation, vasodilator.


Trental improves blood rheology (flow) due to exposure to diseased erythrocyte deformability, inhibiting platelet aggregation and reducing elevated blood viscosity. Trental improves microcirculation in areas of poor circulation.

As the active principle Trental contains a xanthine derivative - pentoxifylline. Its mechanism of action is related to the inhibition of phosphodiesterase and cAMP accumulation in cells of the vascular smooth muscle and blood elements.

Providing weak miotropic vasodilator action, pentoxifylline decreases somewhat round and slightly dilates coronary vessels.

Trental treatment leads to an improvement of symptoms in violation of cerebral circulation.

The success of treatment for peripheral arterial occlusive disease (eg intermittent claudication) is manifested by the lengthening distance away, eliminating night cramps in the calf muscles and the disappearance of pain at rest.


The tablets 100, 400 mg

Following oral administration of pentoxifylline is rapidly and almost completely absorbed.

After almost complete absorption of pentoxifylline is metabolized. The absolute bioavailability of the original substance is (19 ± 13)%. The primary active metabolite of 1 - (5-hydroxyhexyl) –3,7-dimethylxanthine (metabolite–1) has a plasma concentration of 2 times greater than the initial concentration of pentoxifylline.

T 1/2 after oral administration of pentoxifylline was 1.6 hrs

Pentoxifylline completely metabolized, more than 90% is excreted through the kidneys in the form of water-soluble non-conjugated metabolites. Delayed excretion of metabolites in patients with impaired renal function.

In patients with impaired liver function of T 1/2 pentoxifylline elongates and absolute bioavailability increases.

Solution for infusion

Pentoxifylline is extensively metabolized in the liver and red blood cells. Among the most prominent metabolites - metabolite 1 (M–1; gidroxypentoxifylline) is formed by splitting a metabolite 4 (M-IV) and metabolite 5 (MV; carboxypentoxifylline) - by oxidation of the base material. M-l has the same pharmacological activity as pentoxifylline. More than 90% of the dose is excreted via the kidneys pentoxifylline and 4.3% - in the feces.

T 1/2 of pentoxifylline after/in the 100 mg was approximately 1.1 hours in patients with severely impaired hepatic function of T 1/2 pentoxifylline increases. Pentoxifylline has a large distribution volume (168 liters after 30 min of infusion of 200 mg) and a high clearance of approximately 4500–5100 ml/min. Pentoxifylline and its metabolites do not bind to plasma proteins. In severe kidney function is slowed metabolites.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Dosage

Dosage set by the doctor according to the individual characteristics of the patient.


Inside, swallowing whole, during or immediately after meals, drinking plenty of water.

Usual dose - 1 table. Trental 100 mg 3 times a day followed by slow dose escalation to 200 mg 2–3 times a day. The maximum single dose - 400 mg.

Usual dose - 1 table. Trental 400 mg 2–3 times a day.

The maximum daily dose - 1200 mg. In patients with impaired renal function (Cl creatinine <30 ml/min), the dosage may be reduced to 1–2 tablets. night.

Solution for infusion:

Dosage set by the doctor according to the individual characteristics of the patient.

IV, drip, dosage and method of appointment determines the severity of circulatory disorders, as well as based on individual tolerability.

The usual dose is two IV infusion a day (morning and afternoon), each of which contains 200 mg of pentoxifylline (2 Amp. 5 mL) or 300 mg of pentoxifylline (3 Amp. 5 ml) in 250 ml or 500 ml 0 9% sodium chloride solution or Ringer’s solution. Compatibility with other infusion solutions should be tested separately, you can use only clear solutions.

Pentoxifylline (100 mg) must be administered at least 60 minutes. Depending concomitant diseases (cardiac insufficiency) it may be necessary to reduce the injection volume. In such cases it is recommended to use a special infuzator for controlled infusion.

After a day of infusion may be assigned additional 2 tablets. Trental 400 mg. If 2 infusions separated by a longer interval, the Table 1. Trental 400 mg of two additional appointments may be taken earlier (around noon).

If, due to medical conditions, performance of IV infusion maybe only 1 time a day later after it can be assigned to Table 3. Trental 400 mg (noon - 2 table. And evening - Table 1). Long IV infusion of Trental - for 24 hours is shown in more severe cases, especially in patients with severe pain at rest, with gangrene or trophic ulcers (III-IV stage at Fontaine).

Dose Trental, parenterally administered within 24 hours, typically should not exceed 1200 mg of pentoxifylline, wherein the individual dose may be calculated according to the formula: pentoxifylline 0.6 mg per kg per hour. Daily dose, thus calculated, will be 1000 mg pentoxifylline - a patient with a mass of 70 kg and 1150 mg pentoxifylline - for a patient weighing 80 kg. In patients with renal insufficiency (Cl creatinine <30 ml/min) is necessary to reduce the dose by 30–50%, depending on individual patient tolerability.

For all dosage forms dosage set by the doctor according to the individual characteristics of the patient. Reducing the dose, taking into account the individual tolerability necessary in patients with severe liver dysfunction. Treatment can be initiated in small doses in patients with low blood pressure, as well as in individuals at risk due to a possible reduction in blood pressure (patients with severe coronary artery disease or with hemodynamically significant stenosis of cerebral vessels). In these cases, the dose can be increased only gradually.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Overdose

The tablets:

Symptoms: dizziness, retching, drop in blood pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmia, reddening of the skin, loss of consciousness, vomiting, areflexia, tonic-clonic seizures.

Solution for infusion

Symptoms: weakness, sweating, nausea, cyanosis, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, syncope, drowsiness or agitation, arrhythmia, hyperthermia, areflexia, loss of consciousness, tonic-clonic seizures, signs of gastrointestinal bleeding (vomiting type of coffee grounds).

Treatment: symptomatic, particular attention should be directed at maintaining blood pressure and respiratory function. Seizures remove diazepam.

At the first signs of overdose (excessive sweating, nausea, cyanosis), immediately stop taking the drug. Provide lower position of the head and upper torso. Watching free airway.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Drug Interactions

For all dosage forms

Pentoxifylline is able to enhance the action means that reduce blood pressure (ACE inhibitors, nitrates).

Pentoxifylline may increase the effects of drugs affecting blood clotting (indirect and direct anticoagulants, thrombolytics), antibiotics (including cephalosporins).

Cimetidine increases the concentration of pentoxifylline in plasma (the risk of side effects).

Co-administration with other xanthines may lead to excessive nervous excitement.

Glucose-lowering effect of insulin or oral antidiabetic agents may be enhanced when taking pentoxifylline (increased risk of hypoglycaemia). Strict control of these patients.

In some patients, concomitant use of pentoxifylline and theophylline may lead to increased levels of theophylline. This may lead to an increase or enhancement of side effects associated with theophylline. Trental (Pentoxifylline) at Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated in pregnancy. At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Side effects

For all dosage forms:

When Trental used in large doses or infusions at high speeds can sometimes cause the following side effects:

The nervous system: headache, dizziness, anxiety, sleep disorders, convulsions.

For the skin and subcutaneous fat: facial flushing, flushing and upper chest, swelling, nail fragility.

From the digestive system: dry mouth, anorexia, intestinal.

Cardio-vascular system: tachycardia, arrhythmia, false angina, worsening angina, blood pressure reduction.

On the part of the hemostatic system and of hematopoiesis: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia pancytopenia, bleeding from vessels in the skin, mucous membranes, stomach, intestines, gipofibrinogenemia.

From the senses: blurred vision, scotoma.

Allergic reactions: itching, redness of the skin, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.

Very rare cases of aseptic meningitis, intrahepatic cholestasis and increased activity of “liver” transaminases, alkaline phosphatase.

Additional for tablets:

From the digestive system: the feeling of pressure and fullness in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Indications

Peripheral circulatory disorders genesis of atherosclerosis (such as “intermittent” claudication, diabetic angiopathy), trophic disorders (eg shin trophic ulcer, gangrene), frostbite, post-thrombotic syndrome, etc. (in the application solution for infusion);

cerebrovascular accidents (cerebral atherosclerosis effects, such as impaired concentration, dizziness, memory impairment), ischemic and post stroke state;

circulatory disorders of the retina and choroid;

otosclerosis, degenerative changes in the background of vascular pathology of the inner ear and hearing loss.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Contraindications

Tablets of 100 mg and 400 mg

Hypersensitivity to pentoxifylline, other methylxanthines or to any component of the formulation;

massive bleeding, extensive retinal hemorrhage, bleeding in the brain;

acute myocardial infarction;


during breastfeeding;

children up to age 18 years.


serious cardiac arrhythmias (arrhythmia risk of deterioration);

hypotension (risk of further reduction of blood pressure, see “Dosage and Administration”);

chronic heart failure;

gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

impaired kidney function (Cl creatinine below 30 ml/min) (risk of accumulation and increased risk of side effects, see “Dosage and Administration”);

severe liver problems (risk of accumulation and increased risk of side effects, see “Dosage and Administration”);

recently transferred after surgical interventions;

increased tendency to bleeding, such as the use of anticoagulants or irregularities in the blood coagulation system (risk of more severe bleeding).

Solution for infusion

Hypersensitivity to pentoxifylline, other methylxanthines or to any component of the formulation;

massive bleeding, extensive retinal hemorrhage, bleeding in the brain;

acute myocardial infarction;

severe arrhythmias;

severe atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary or cerebral arteries;

uncontrolled hypotension;


during breastfeeding;

children up to age 18 years.


hypotension (blood pressure lowering risk);

chronic heart failure;

impaired kidney function (Cl creatinine below 30 ml/min) (the risk of cumulative and increased risk of side effects);

severe liver problems (risk of cumulative and increased risk of side effects);

increased tendency to bleeding, including the use of anticoagulants or violations in the blood coagulation system (risk of more severe bleeding);

recently transferred after surgical interventions.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Cautions

Treatment should be under the control of blood pressure.

Diabetic patients taking hypoglycemic agents, the purpose of large doses may cause pronounced hypoglycemia (requires dose adjustment).

In appointing simultaneously with anticoagulants should be carefully monitored for blood coagulation system.

Patients who have recently had surgery, requires systematic monitoring of hemoglobin and hematocrit.

The administered dose should be reduced in patients with low and unstable blood pressure.

Older people may require a dose reduction (increase bioavailability and decrease the rate of excretion).

Safety and efficacy of pentoxifylline in children have been insufficiently studied.

Smoking may reduce the therapeutic efficacy of the drug.

Compatibility of the solution with pentoxifylline infusion solution should be checked in each case.

In conducting in/infusion, the patient should be in the supine position.

Trental (Pentoxifylline) Reviews

Jennifer 28 years,"Trental" to improve cerebral circulation - good drug tested
Good Trental pills helped me get rid of a headache, which arose because of poor microcirculation.
I never thought that such a bad microcirculation is suffering from a headache. The pressure was rising high, his head just popped.
Neurologist immediately diagnosed VVD (vegetative dystonia) and ordered a bunch of pills.

My mother advised me to take Trental - she, too, problems with cerebral circulation, so she knew she says!
And on the fifth day I felt much better! Headache subsided, the pressure is no longer rising.
The symptoms gradually went away, I have not even had time to buy that bunch of pills, which I appointed a neurologist.

So, I am quite successfully treated with Trental.

This drug, of course, does not reduce the pressure immediately and relieves headaches, for this is Andipal, but Trental has a therapeutic effect, so there should be some time.

If someone tonnes problems with circulation of the brain, Trental advice, but be sure to read the contraindications!

Daisy, 38 years, "Trental" to improve cerebral circulation - really improves peripheral arterial supply
a relatively small price, small tablet very successful form for ingestion

Trental I wrote a surgeon with Raynaud's disease. It is necessary to drink twice a year in spring and autumn. After taking pills abdomen is inflated, like a tight, not soft. The usual dose three times a day with a gradual increase does not suit me. Day discomfort, night can not sleep. I drink a few years as follows: Table 1. Morning Table 1. evening no later than 18 hours., nothing hurts, calm sleep. I have a high weight and low blood pressure. Tried counterparts - do not help, they are more easily tolerated. At reception Trental blood comes to peripheral arteries.

My illness sleeps 38 years, if you do not feel the fingers, shake hands and begin to drink Trental. If Raynaud's disease exacerbation, helped me a lot Solcoseryl injections.


Bromantane (Ladasten) - Instructions for use, Dosage, Indications, Side Effects, Reviews

13 Mar 2017

Trade name of the drug: Ladasten

Rational chemical name: N- (2-adamantyl) -N- (2-n-bromophenyl) amine. INN or grouping name: bromantane.
Dosage Form: tablet.

Ladasten (Bromantane) Composition
Each tablet contains:
Active substance: bromantane (adamantilfenilamin) - 0.05 g and 0.10 g Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: anti-asthenic means.

Ladasten (Bromantane) Pharmacodynamics
Ladasten is adamantane derivatives, a positive impact on the performance of physical and mental performance. The spectrum of action of the drug combination of activating, anxiolytic, immunostimulant actions and elements actoprotective activity. In Ladasten no hypnotic-sedative and muscle relaxant properties, the drug has no addictive potential. In its application, unlike a typical action of psychostimulants, almost no effects develop hyperstimulation and aftereffect of depletion functionality of the organism.

Ladasten (Bromantane) Therapeutic action
Ladasten in patients with asthenia and anxiety-asthenic disorders manifested from the first day of its application in the form of a distinct reduction asthenic symptoms, indicators of emotional stress, somatic-vegetative manifestations; medication helps to restore the activity and increase endurance.

Ladasten mechanism of action associated with increased release of dopamine from presynaptic terminals, blockade of its re-uptake and biosynthesis enhancement caused gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, as well as its modulatory effect on the GABA-benzodiazepine-hlorionoformny retseptornsh complex, eliminating decrease benzodiazepine reception, growing under stress . Ladasten enhances GABA-ergic mediation, reducing the expression of the gene controlling the synthesis of GABA transporter, carrying the reuptake of the neurotransmitter.
Ladasten toxic (LD50 in rats is greater than 10,000 mg / kg, and more than 100 times greater than the effective dose).

Ladasten (Bromantane) Pharmacokinetics
The time to maximum concentration (Tmax) was 2.4 hours, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of 363.3 ng / mL, the drug elimination half-life (T1 / 2) - 11.21 hours.

Ladasten (Bromantane) Indications
Asthenic conditions of various origins, including at somatic diseases and after infectious diseases.

Contraindications for Ladasten (Bromantane)
Pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Ladasten (Bromantane) Dosing and AdministrationUsed inside, regardless of the meal. The optimal single dose -50-100 mg; DSA - 100-200 mg, distributed into 2 doses throughout the day. The drug should not be used after 16 hours of the day. The duration of a course of the drug is 2-4 weeks.

Ladasten (Bromantane) Side effects
Manifestations may include the excessive activation and sleep disorders, which do not require discontinuation of the drug, it is advisable to decrease the dose. With increased individual sensitivity to the drug may develop allergic reactions.

Ladasten (Bromantane) Overdose
With substantial overdose may develop sedation. Treatment: nonspecific detoxification therapy.

Ladasten (Bromantane) Interaction with other drugs
Ladasten reduces the hypnotic effect of thiopental sodium, does not weaken the anxiolytic effect of benzodiazepines.

Ladasten(Bromantane) Reviews

Anti-asthenic drug "Ladasten" (Bromantane) - improves memory, physical and mental performance, endurance and restores the activity. Ladasten is an anti-asthenic means. It is used in asthenic and physical conditions of different genesis, after infectious diseases and neurasthenia.

I can not share my impressions about Ladasten!

Take advised friend who knows about Bromantane from your doctor and get a good and quick effect.

Everyday hassle at work, in the vanity of transport and all kinds of squabbles home-'s constant "atmosphere" in which the accounts reside. All this contributes neither calm nor fresh mind during working hours. And also not very good to rest with constant thoughts about their problems.

He took three weeks. In just one tablet! What is even less than in the manual. Maybe it's not right, but I have noticed that many drugs act on me and in smaller doses than recommended)

The result of such and such has become much more active, but without the hustle and aggression. Falling asleep fast, quiet, I do not wake up at night with thoughts of pending matters in the afternoon, and sleep until the morning and wake up in a good calm and joyful mood! But this is not some fairy euphoria. It's more like to develop a sense of confidence that problems can be solved, the case will be made in spite of the obstacles, the idea does not jump from one to the other, at a desired concentration is increased and allows no fuss.

Maybe a little messy, but there is no excuse - I write a review for the first time)

Yes! The process of waking up in the morning has become much more pleasant! ) Just a "pop-up" from sleep, and do not jump under the Service as usual.

Thanks Ladastenu gates in general and thanks to my friend, I advise to take Bromantane. I recommend heartily to all tiredand angry, all moody and nervous!


Drug Against alcoholism - Biotredin (L-threonine and vitamin B6)

11 Mar 2017

Can alcohol to relieve stress?

How do you relieve stress? Sport, meeting with a friend, grabbing sweets stress or harmful delicious meal? Probably the first thing you think when experienced nervous shakes, is a bottle of wine or brandy, hoarded in case of emergency. After all, they say that alcohol relieves stress better than other funds.

What happens in the body during stress

Mild stresses are the energy incentives that allow us to accumulate a maximum strength and reach new heights. When stress in the nervous system and blood increases the number of hormones and neurotransmitters that increase both the activity and protect organs from damage. So we better focus and act faster. If the stressor is too intense or prolonged, all compensatory mechanisms are exhausted, and the body suffers from toxic effects of cortisol and adrenaline. You can buy Biotredin.

Why alcohol improves mood

The tradition of drinking alcohol to "treat the nerves," is not in vain so strong. Ethanol metabolites bind opiate receptors in the synapses, and operate in the same way as the endorphins. That is, you do it becomes easier for a while, and the lack of its own endorphins overlaps quite comparable efficacy surrogate.

The action of alcohol on the body

But positive emotions, which causes the intake of alcohol, do not stay with you for a long time. Once synapses exempt from ethanol metabolites, people once again feel the reality of their problems. The signal from the nerve tissue to produce its own endorphins have been reported since their place was occupied by the ethanol and the lack was not felt. In addition, in the process of conversion of alcohol in the liver of his was involved in dopamine metabolism system, and now has a depressing effect on the nervous system. Therefore, after the euphoria of alcohol should be emotional downturn, even more pronounced than before drinking. In this regard, in people prone to alcoholism, at this stage a big risk to go into hard drinking: for a new portion of alcohol again, cheer up, and this mechanism will work a few more times, and then they simply will not be able to stop. For those who are not inclined to dependence, the practice of removing the alcohol stress can lead to depression.

How to relieve stress without alcohol

Alcohol does not eliminate stress, temporarily mask your condition, reducing the chances of further strengthen the internal mechanisms of adaptation to psychological stress. So if you really seriously, it is the habits contact is not necessary.

Sedatives reduce the excitability of the nervous system, but also inhibit the metabolism of here. Therefore, most of them are suitable as an emergency with a high psychological stress, but do not work as a means of stress.

Increase in the metabolic processes of the nerve cells and simultaneously activate protective combination can braking amino acids L-threonine and vitamin B6, which are active components Biotredin drug. It improves the formation of its own endorphins, the body activates the resources to deal with stress.

If you have already started to take the stress of alcohol, then Biotredin will not go into hard drinking, and not to sink into a depression.


Memoria oral drops - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

09 Mar 2017

Active substance: St. John’s wort, Ginkgo Biloba, Spotted hemlock, Ginseng, Arnica.

ATC - N07XX (Other drugs for treatment of diseases of the nervous system)

Pharmacological group - Homeopathic remedies.

Hypericum perforatum, known as perforate St John's-wort, common Saint John's wort and St John's wort, is a flowering plant in the family Hypericaceae. The common name "St John's wort" may be used to refer to any species of the genus Hypericum. Therefore, Hypericum perforatum is sometimes called "common St John's wort" or "perforate St John's wort" in order to differentiate it. It is a medicinal herb with antidepressant activity and potent anti-inflammatory properties as an arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor and COX-1 inhibitor.

An extract of Ginkgo biloba leaf (GBE) is marketed in dietary supplement form with claims it can enhance cognitive function in people without known cognitive problems. Studies have failed to find such effects on memory or attention in healthy people.

Spotted hemlock, Conium is a genus of flowering plants in the carrot family Apiaceae which consists of four species accepted by The Plant List. One species, C. maculatum, also called hemlock, which is highly poisonous, is native to temperate regions of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia, while the other three are from southern Africa.

Although ginseng has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, there is only preliminary evidence to date from high-quality human research that it has any biological effects. Among potential effects are improved memory, reduced fatigue, reduced symptoms of menopause and reduced insulin response in people with mild diabetes, but the design and quality of these studies were questionable. Higher quality clinical trials were recommended before conclusions about any effect of using ginseng are possible.

Perhaps the most famous in the world of homeopathic remedies is widely advertised balm Bittner. Homeopathic Drops Memoria - less famous, but is also an effective remedy, speaking the language of advertising, "from the creators of Bittner Balsam." This complex homeopathic drug has neuroprotective, anti-hypoxic, anxiolytic, vasoregulating, timolepticheskoe, improve microcirculation effect. This therapeutic versatility due to carefully selected quantitative and qualitative composition of the Memoria, including: hypericum, gingko biloba, konium makulatum, Panax Ginseng, arnica montana. Memoria is effective in asthenic conditions and adaptive disorders, diseases of the central nervous system, cerebral arteriosclerosis, weakening of memory and impaired concentration. The drug reduces pathologically increased tone of cerebral vessels, increases the elasticity and strength of vessel walls, and normalizes cerebral circulation, nutrition and metabolism in the brain cells, inhibits the biological process of neuronal aging. Among the advantages listed Memoria performance improvement of mental activity, improved memory, eliminating distractions and anxiety, increased responsiveness, stimulation of the process of thinking, improving adaptation to stress, mental and physical stress, a sharp change in weather.

Memory is recommended to take half an hour before or 1 hour after meals for 10 drops three times a day. Allowed breeding drops in a little water. Drops before swallowing some time to hold in the mouth. The duration of treatment is on average 2-3 months. If necessary, in consultation with the doctor can be a repeated medical course. At the first sign of the disease, as well as in situations where the fore the speed of action (eg, headaches and vertigo) may increase the multiplicity of reception: 10 drops every 30-60 minutes until the condition improves, then move on to the familiar three-time reception .

Maximum number of the drug in acute conditions - 8 times a day. Cases Memoria negative interaction with other drugs have been noted. However, when planning drug policy should take into account that part of the preparation St. John's wort (Hypericum) may influence the effectiveness of a number of other medicines. For example, it potentiates the effect of antidepressant drugs of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, increasing the risk of hypertensive crisis (in this connection reception memorial origin and MAO inhibitors should be diluted at least 14 days during the period of time). The combination of St. John's wort with selective inhibitors of reverse neuronal serotonin reuptake (sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine or citalopram) may lead to aggravation of the flow of so-called "serotonin syndrome," manifested headaches and epigastric pain, dizziness, vomiting, restlessness, state of confusion, and increased irritability. St. John's wort has the ability to increase the photosensitizing effect of tetracyclines, thiazide diuretics, sulfonamides, piroxicam, quinolones. Given the plant "essence" Memoria, should not be surprised slight turbidity of the solution, the weakening of its smell and taste during prolonged storage: it does not affect the efficacy of the drug.

Memoria study involved not only foreign, but also domestic experts. So, at the Department of Nervous Diseases, Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov was investigated the efficacy, safety and tolerability of this drug by patients suffering from brain dysfunction, developed on the background of vascular encephalopathy. The duration of drug therapy was 3 months. The study demonstrated a positive impact on the Memoria memory, attention and cognitive processes, safety and tolerability of the drug.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

R41.3.0 * Reduced memory.

Memoria oral drops Composition, structure and packing

Drops for oral homeopathic as a clear, light-yellow to reddish-yellow liquid, no peculiar smell.

Active substances 100 ml

St. John’s wort (Hypericum) D1 15 ml

bilobate ginkgo (Ginkgo) D6 10 ml

spotted hemlock (Conium) D6 10 ml

Ginseng (Ginseng) D6 10 ml

arnica (Arnica) D12 10 ml

Excipients: Ethanol 43% by weight of purified water.

Memoria oral dropsPharmacological action

Complex homeopathic medication improves cerebral metabolism. Has an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, exhibit membrane-stabilizing properties, contributes to maintaining the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, improve cerebral and peripheral circulation and microcirculation.Pharmacokinetics

Effect of the drug Memoria result of the combined effects of its components, is a kinetic observation is not possible, all components can be traced using markers or research. For the same reason it is impossible to detect and drug metabolites.

Memoria oral drops Dosage

Adults and adolescents drug is prescribed, 10 drops 3 times/day.

The course of treatment is 2–3 months. If necessary, you can assign the re-treatment.

At the beginning of the disease, as well as in cases requiring rapid relief of symptoms can receive the drug every 0.5–1 h 8 drops, but not more than 8 times/day. After improvement - 3 times/day.

The drug is taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals in pure form or diluted in 1 tablespoon of water by holding some time in the mouth before swallowing.

Memoria oral drops Overdose

Overdose cases to date have not been registered.

Memoria oral drops Drug Interactions

Clinically significant drug interaction Memoria with other drugs is not established.

Memoria oral drops at Pregnancy and lactation

The question of using the drug during pregnancy Memoria and lactation (breastfeeding) is solved by the doctor individually.

Memoria oral drops Side effects

Rare: photosensitivity (because the product contains St. John’s Wort).

Patients should be informed that if you notice any side effects should consult a doctor.

Memoria oral drops Indications

Impaired memory and concentration;

In the complex therapy of cerebral atherosclerosis and its accompanying headaches and dizziness. Memoria oral drops Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Memoria oral drops Cautions

With the development of photosensitivity it is necessary to reduce the dose.

Since Memoria contains herbal natural ingredients during storage may be slightly blurred solution, as well as weakening the smell and taste that does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Memoria oral drops Reviews

Anastasia B.
I support vascular dystonia with about fifteen years. Previously, I was almost constantly tormented by terrible headaches, spasm vessels, dizzy. Sometimes, I even fainted. The doctor attributed to me periodically drink "Memory", so I can now say that I'm really much better. No more of those horrible symptoms of poisoning my life greatly.

Darya Z.
Memoria drink away every six months. The doctors prescribed it in combination with other drugs as a means of reducing spasms of cerebral vessels. For a while helps, headache ceases to be so strong, but still have to guzzle this drug intermittently. Also during the reception Memoria improves memory and concentration, it is not checked again.

Olga G.
When choosing a medication of brain activity, I was based on the fact that the homeopathic remedy was, as is well known in the formulation of this drug include not only medicinal plants, and raw materials of animal and mineral origin. More often it took "Memoria", while studying at the institute, especially when it is session. Tasks are many, time is limited and you need to concentrate.

Kate G.
And I once saw memorabilia before the sessions. It may, of course, someone will say: "How stupid!", But as a former student of the University of Pharmacy, I can say that spent on drink a course twice a year without fear. Indeed, the brain activity is improved several times, focuses on hurray. I was able to learn in 2 weeks lecture for six months. Although there was one problem - frequent headaches during treatment. But perhaps it was from a large volume absorbs information. Generally, drugs inspire confidence in me (saw Nott, Remens, Aflubin). How to assure manufacturers, Memoria has no contraindications, does not cause side effects, does not lead to addiction, so you can take the drug without a doctor's prescription.

Andrew R.
This drug is administered to my grandfather when he was undergoing treatment at the hospital. After a stroke, it was observed a disorder of memory and absent-mindedness. Upon receipt of memorial origin, in conjunction with the course of treatment, a doctor's appointment, there was a very positive trend. He also took this drug separately, after the hospital has discharged home. He himself also noticed that taking Memoria, feels much better, at least began to forget, and significantly increased the concentration of attention.

Elena K.
I know that the medication should be prescribed by a doctor, but I decided to drink Memoria itself as suffering vascular spasms, drink all the time Spazmalgon for pain relief. Usually I do prophylactic course in the fall and spring, when the weather is strongly influenced by differences on health. After a month of use are symptoms - tinnitus, lethargy and sleepiness after headaches. Markedly improved brain activity at work, focus easier. I think that this drug needs to be used as a prophylactic to all people over 40 years, Memoria homeopathic remedy and will only benefit.


Cerebrolysin ampoules - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

08 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Cerebrolysinum suillus, Gehirn-Proteolysat, Derivado peptidico de cerebro de cerdo.

Active substance: Cerebrolysin concentrate (complex peptides derived from porcine brain).

ATC - N06BX Other psychostimulants and nootropics.

Pharmacological group - Nootropics.

Cerebrolysin - a peptide drug created using new biotechnological methods, providing a neurotrophic effect on central nervous system.

Cerebrolysin is used worldwide for the treatment of ischemic (in the acute and recovery period) and hemorrhagic (the recovery period), stroke, traumatic brain injury. This drug having neuroprotective and neuro-regenerative properties for the treatment of both acute and chronic neurodegenerative diseases.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F00 Dementia in Alzheimer’s disease (G30 +);

F01 Vascular dementia;

F03 Dementia, unspecified;

F32 Depressive episode;

F79 Mental retardation, unspecified;

F90.0 disturbance of activity and attention;

G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified;

I63 Cerebral infarction;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

R46.3 Excessive of activity;

S06 intracranial injury;

S06.0 Concussion;

T14 Injury of unspecified site.

Cerebrolysin Composition, structure and packing

Solution for injection amber, water, transparent. Vials of dark glass.

Active substances 1 ml amp. 5 ml amp. 10 ml amp.

Cerebrolysin concentrate (complex peptides derived from porcine brain) 215,2 mg /1.076 g/ 2.152 g

Excipients: sodium hydroxide, water for injections

Cerebrolysin Pharmacological action

Nootropic drug.

Cerebrolysin contains low molecular weight biologically active neuropeptides, which penetrate the BBB and went directly to the nerve cells. The preparation has an organ multimodal action on the brain, i.e. provides metabolic regulation, neuroprotection, functional neuromodulation and neurotrophic activity.

Metabolic control: drug Cerebrolysin improves the efficiency of aerobic energy metabolism of the brain, improves the intracellular protein synthesis in the developing and aging brain.

Neuroprotective effect: the drug protects neurons from the damaging effect of lactic acidosis, prevents the formation of free radicals, improves re-survival and prevents neuronal death in conditions of hypoxia and ischemia, reduces the damaging neurotoxic effects of excitatory amino acids (glutamate).

Neurotrophic Activity: drug Cerebrolysin - the only peptidergic nootropic drug with proven neurotrophic activity similar to the action of natural neuronal growth factors (NGF), but manifests itself in terms of peripheral administration.

Functional Neuromodulation: the drug has a positive effect in disorders of cognitive functions, improves concentration, memory processes.


Cerebrolysin complex composition, the active fraction of which consists of a balanced and stable mixture of biologically active oligopeptides having total polyfunctional action does not allow for the usual pharmacokinetic analysis of individual components.

Cerebrolysin Dosage

Drug should be used parenterally. The dose and duration of administration depends on the nature and severity of the disease, as well as the patient’s age. Possibly a single administration of the drug at a dose of 50 ml, but more preferably, a course of treatment.

The recommended course of treatment is daily injection for 10–20 days.

Reading Dose

Acute conditions (ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, brain surgery complications) from 10 mL to 50 mL

In the residual period of stroke and traumatic brain and spinal cord 5 ml to 50 ml

Psychoorganic syndrome and depression 5 ml to 30 ml

Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and Alzheimer-combined vascular origin 5 ml to 30 ml

In neuro pediatric practice 0.1–0.2 ml/kg body weight

To increase the effectiveness of treatment can be conducted up to repeated courses until an improvement in the patient’s condition due to the treatment. After the first course of the frequency of injection may be reduced to 2 or 3 times a week.

Cerebrolysin used parenterally in the form of W/O injections (to 5 mL) and the in/injection (10 ml). Drug at a dose of 10 mL to 50 mL recommended only by a slow/infusion after dilution standard solutions for infusion. The duration of infusion was 15 to 60 min.

After opening the ampoule/vial Cerebrolysin solution should be used immediately.

Cerebrolysin Overdose

Currently, the cases of drug overdose Cerebrolysin were reported.

Cerebrolysin Drug Interactions

With simultaneous application of Cerebrolysin with antidepressants or MAO inhibitors may enhance their mutual action. In such cases it is advisable to reduce the dose of the antidepressant.

Pharmaceutical interactions

Cerebrolysin is incompatible with solutions, which include lipids, and with solutions that change the pH (5.0–8.0).

Cerebrolysin at Pregnancy and lactation

Caution should be used in Cerebrolysin at I trimester of pregnancy and lactation.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is only possible when the intended benefits to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus/newborn.

The results of experimental studies give no reason to believe that Cerebrolysin has any teratogenic or has a toxic effect on the fetus. However, similar clinical studies have not been conducted. Cerebrolysin Side effects

Side effects are common (> 1/100, <1/10), uncommon (> 1/1000, <1/100) and in some cases (> 1/10, 000, <1/1000) and in rare cases (< 1/10, 000).

At excessively rapid introduction: rarely - a sensation of heat, sweating, dizziness, and in rare cases - tachycardia or fibrillation.

Digestive system: rarely - loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting.

CNS and peripheral nervous system: rarely - excitement, exhibit aggressive behavior, confusion, insomnia, and in rare cases - grand mal seizures, convulsions.

Allergic reactions: In rare cases - hypersensitivity reactions manifesting headache, pain in the neck, legs, lower back, shortness of breath, chills and collaptoid state.

Local reactions: rarely - skin redness, itching and burning at the injection site.

According to the results of clinical studies have reported the following side effects occur:

Cardio-vascular system: in single cases - hypertension, hypotension.

CNS and peripheral nervous system: in rare cases - fatigue, tremor, depression, apathy, dizziness.

Other: in rare cases - hyperventilation, flu-like symptoms (cough, runny nose, respiratory tract infections).

Note that some unwanted effects (agitation, hypertension, hypotension, lethargy, tremors, depression, apathy, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea) were identified during clinical trials and occurred equally in both patients, Cere treated and placebo patients.

Cerebrolysin Indications

Alzheimer’s disease;

Syndrome of dementia of various origins;

Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;

Ischemic stroke;

Traumatic brain and spinal cord;

Mental retardation in children;

Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in children;

Endogenous depression resistant to antidepressants (as part of combination therapy).

Cerebrolysin Contraindications

Acute renal failure ;

Status epilepticus;

Cerebrolysin Cautions

At excessively rapid implementation injections can sense heat, sweating, and dizziness. Therefore, the drug should be administered slowly.

Checking and confirming the compatibility of the drug (for 24 hours at room temperature and the presence of light), with the following standard infusion solution: 0.9% sodium chloride solution, Ringer’s solution, 5% dextrose (glucose).

Simultaneous application of Cerebrolysin with vitamins and drugs that improve cardiac blood flow, however, these drugs should not be mixed in the same syringe with Cerebrolysin.

Should not be mixed in the same solution for infusion Cerebrolysin and balanced amino acid solutions.

Use only clear solution Cerebrolysin and only once.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

Clinical trials have shown that Cerebrolysin has no effect on the ability to drive vehicles and use machinery.

Cerebrolysin Reviews

Alexa, years 28, The drug " Cerebrolysin " - Cerebrolysin: relieves stress from the nervous system and helps to develop it in young children!
It helps both adults and children

I never thought that the usual nootropic medicine is able to help people with very different - from my perspective - diseases. My story is quite simple. Fatigue, stress, nervous stress - all lumped together and I surrendered to the mercy of a neurologist, because she knew that the nerves should be treated as long as they still have. One way of treating neurologist and prescribed me two courses of injections " Cerebrolysin ". From the word "prick" I have my opinion and more nervous tic began, because this action is afraid of more than anything else. I have even from the hospital the most terrible reminiscence - is when after giving birth to me without warning rolled a shot in the thigh: I screamed louder than battles!

But this is so, the background. The course I started to pass immediately, a nurse from the vaccination office I got smart - she never showed me nor the syringe or needle. A vial I bought at the beginning of treatment, and they were in her office.

About myself I can say that even the first course of treatment, "Cerebrolysin " significantly helped me: left headache, normalized sleep, anxiety went away. Very happy with the present state of the stand, because life was something good!

Masha, 33 years, " Cerebrolysin " - Excellent and proven preparation time

All moms want their kids to be healthy, and that I am one of them. I buzzed constantly, it is necessary to be vaccinated, but the inner stopper stops me, and it did not work in vain. To go to the reception to the neurologist, he looked up and said that her son was a lack of oxygen during labor. We have a son, a movable, such children are called spermatozoa, at first glance, do not say that he may have problems with focus on legs. He stood alone in the crib in seven months and went on a side, then there was my mistake, I put his son in a walker. Son become more than to sit down and crawl.
The neurologist prescribed drug "Cerebrolysin" in 0.5 ml of massage and ten days, and three times drink valerian. The standard package of 10 vials, but we had to throw away 0.5 ml in the trash, because the drug is not kept, and I would keep myself not to become a child not spare. Store this medication in the refrigerator is necessary if stored at room temperature, it will be gone, and pierce just waters.
We calcined the first course and did a massage, for me is not very much that it became a stop on the legs, but the therapist said, after the last massage that was a good emphasis. With the speech, before the son muttered something in its own way after the fifth injection son said to give. After the eighth injection have broken through, say mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, though still not clear, but the first words very pleased. After the drug in combination with massage, I saw a good result.
Now, whether in thought prick second 10 pieces of 0.5 ml and drink valerian, the result is 100%. Masseur says that everything is fine with us that do not need to stabbing.
The drug is administered intramuscularly, administered slowly, my son did not cry. But how much cost me nerves as I was afraid that my little boy is going to hurt.
P.S. The drug is time-tested, with the doctor spoke, he said that the drug for about 25 years. So I recommend. In general, I wish you and your baby's health, it is better not to come in handy.


Cerebrolysat ampoules - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

08 Mar 2017

Active substance: Bovine brain hydrolyzate.

ATC - N06BX Other psychostimulants and nootropics.

Pharmacological group - Other psychostimulants and nootropics. Nootropics.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F90.0 disturbance of activity and attention;

G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

R41.3.0 * Reduced memory;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

R47.8 Other and unspecified disorders of speech;

R53 Malaise and fatigue;

T90.9 Consequences unspecified head injury;

Z73.6 Restrictions on activity, caused by reduced disability.

Cerebrolysat Composition, structure and packing

Vials of dark glass.

Solution for IM administration 1 amp.

hydrolyzate brain cattle 1 ml

Cerebrolysat Pharmacological action

Cerebrolysat - brain tissue preparation contains amino acids and bioactive peptides, which penetrate the blood-brain barrier and enter directly to the nerve cells. Cerebrolysat improves metabolic processes in the brain cells, activates protein synthesis in neurons, increases the resistance of brain tissue to intoxication, hypoxia, hypoglycemia, improves the condition of the mechanisms of regulation and brain activity, improves backup compensatory possibilities of cerebral hemodynamics. All this leads to a decrease in the severity of neurological deficit.

Cerebrolysat Dosage

Administered intramuscularly at 1–5 ml daily or every other day. Treatment of 20 injections.

After a 3–6 month break Cerebrolysat treatment can be repeated (after consultation with a physician).

In practice neuro-pediatric - intramuscularly, 1–2 ml (up to 1 ml per 10 kg body weight) for 10–15 days, with a repetition rate of 2–3 times per year.

Cerebrolysat Overdose

Currently, the cases of drug overdose have been reported.

Cerebrolysat Drug Interactions

Simultaneous use of Cerebrolysat with antidepressants may intensify their actions.

Cerebrolysat at Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated in pregnancy. Precautions: drug administered in lactation.

Cerebrolysat Side effects

Injections in some cases will cause local pain, irritation, flushing. Allergic reactions, increased blood pressure (with concomitant hypertension).

Cerebrolysat Indications

In the complex therapy of cerebrovascular disease (encephalopathy;

Ischemic stroke (acute phase and convalescence);

State after hemorrhagic stroke;

Traumatic brain injury (concussion, traumatic brain injury, post-surgery on the brain);

Encephalopathy of different genesis;



Radiculopathy different genesis (infectious, toxic, traumatic);

Cerebral palsy;

Decreased concentration in children.

Cerebrolysat Contraindications

Pronounced renal dysfunction;

Status epilepticus;



Precautions: drug administered in lactation.

Cerebrolysat Cautions

Precautions should be prescribed the drug for allergic diathesis, epilepsy.

Cerebrolysat Reviews

John, 37 years, Returning to the issue of brain power and restoration of nerve cells. In our difficult time, the brain suffers under the influence of various factors. This stress and bad habits, and the environment. You can enumerate a long time. They say that in alcoholics liver is destroyed, but in fact the longest-suffering liver, but brain cells die every day, and they should be supported in this cruel environment!)
Cerebrolysat is an analog of expensive Cerebrolysin. I can not vouch that the effect of 100% the same as the Austrian drug, but the action is very good, and, in principle, not a very difficult situation, you can easily replace and redeem the pharmacy inexpensive Cerebrolysat .
Personally, I assign it means in some cases. Most often, patients who have had a stroke, to maintain or restore brain activity. Also recommend periodically pierce people suffering from dizziness, headache, decreased memory and attention, against the background of vascular encephalopathy and other diseases. I highly recommend Cerebrolysat.

Maria 58 years, Here and now I remembered Cerebrolysat when really became bad. The root cause seems not only in hypoxia. But without a lunch break, six days a week in front of a computer ... hypoxia of the brain is, of course. But depression but this job of work. And nothing is currently found. That remembered Cerebrolysat. I think, though energize CNS, nerve tissue metabolism improved. The effect is. It has become more concentrated, more energetic.


Meldonium – Mildronate Means for Disaster Recovery for Physical and Mental Overload

07 Mar 2017

Meldonium increases efficiency, provides a natural resistance to stress.

Mildronats increases physical endurance.

Mildronat buy uk helps to cope with overstretch after exercise.

The daily dose of 500 mg (2 capsules). All dose used in the morning at one time or divided into 2 doses. The course of treatment - 10-14 days. If necessary, treatment repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Meldonium Mildronat buy uk

Mildronat uk buy means for disaster recovery for physical and mental overload.

In high load conditions meldonium restores the balance between delivery and cellular oxygen demand, eliminating the accumulation of toxic products of metabolism in the cells, protecting them from damage; also has a tonic effect.

As a result of its use increases the body's resistance to stress and ability to quickly restore energy reserves.

The drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (CNS) - increase of motor activity and physical stamina. Because of these properties, use mildronat including to enhance physical and mental performance.

Mildronat improves adaptation to environmental factors and long-term mental and emotional stress.


Meldonium online. Student weekdays - Increases performance

07 Mar 2017

Students - an important life stage. In this whirlwind of new experiences, young people often neglect their main obyazannostyu- their studies. However, they forget that a bad evaluation may face expulsion. How to avoid it? Diligently working on academic performance. To learn how to do this, we will talk today.

Students - an important life stage. In this whirlwind of new experiences, young people often neglect their main obyazannostyu- their studies.

Healthy sleep - your top priority
The habit of learning all the night before the exam; the desire to have fun when you want to be tomorrow at 8:00 in the study - students of all times has been difficult to find time for restful sleep. Hence - the attention span, immunity to new information, and as a consequence - low academic performance in various academic disciplines.

How to find the time to 8 hours of sleep? Clearly delineate the time in everyday life: 8 hours - sleep, the other 8 - in the study, while the remaining 8 - leisure and business. Remember that you can not "steal" the clock in sleep on something else.

Say "no" depending on the gadgets
Today's students - representatives of the Y generation - can not imagine my life without gadgets and the Internet. This kind of backup, which is always at hand. No need to remember new information - Google will tell everything.

How to be? Take in the library of paper books and begin to rely on their own knowledge. And yet - write cribs. Not ready to download, namely to write by hand. Composing tips, you will learn to choose the most important, and write something - you probably remember it. But the use of cribs in exams - not necessarily. And why? You have already learned everything.

Sporting exercise
Physical activity - a good way to give your mind a rest. When you feel that you do not remember what they knew by heart 5 minutes ago - arrange a jog for 10-15 minutes. Or just stroll the sports pitch in the open air.

The first law of Parkinson's
The first Parkinson's Law states that the total amount of work will always grow to fill an all time allotted for work. Students with the greatest eagerness follow this principle. For example, if the student knows that he has a month for writing diploma, then the whole process of writing would take him a month, that is, instead of having to concentrate on the task, young people will waste time.

How to be? Remember what you told the parents as a child: "Do not eat the soup - do not get chocolate"; "Tidy room - then go play football."

You were furious, but do what you say.

Now you have to find their own incentives. Promise yourself that if you do the learning task quickly and accurately, then after that do something that I enjoy very much.

If nothing helps - ask for help
If, despite your best efforts, you still will not get to focus on their studies, it is possible that you have a psycho-emotional strain. This often happens during the session. In this case it is necessary to see a specialist who prescribes medication you can deal with mental overloads (eg Mildronat, capsules of 250 mg).

The above tips will help you to cope more effectively with the educational tasks while maintaining the body in good shape.

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