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Meldonium medicine. Metabolic therapy - myth or reality?

24 Feb 2017

February 12, Jurmala hosts international conference "Metabolic Therapy - myth or reality." The conference came to the leading physicians and healthcare professionals.

The scientific program of the conference included presentations of practitioners as well as specialists of JSC «Grindeks», presented results of a clinical study on the effect of the original product Mildronate on the treatment of angina.

The conference program:
• P-FOX inhibitors in myocardial metabolism correction. Efficiency of Mildronate medicine experiment
• comorbid conditions. The main treatment approaches - whether there is a tablet from the most?
• The role of metabolic corrector in the treatment of cognitive impairment
• The impact of adoption on Mildronate adherence in patients with CHD
• Rationale for clinical studies on the efficacy and safety of Mildronate - MILSS II
• MILSS II study results


Meldonium Benefits. FAQ

24 Feb 2017

Meldonium Benefits. FAQ How to take Meldonium?

2 capsules a day. All dose used in the morning at one time or divided into 2 doses.
use of course - 10-14 days.If necessary, repeat the course in 2-3 weeks.
In connection with a possible stimulating effect of the drug it is recommended in the morning.

In some cases it is necessary to apply Meldonium?
at increased mental and physical exertion;
reducing efficiency;
and reducing the concentration of attention;
impairment of memory;
reducing physical endurance;
weakness and fatigue after physical and mental overload.

For whom this drug Meldonium?
Women and men over 18 years old.

Why Mildronat?
Mildronate optimizes energy metabolism in the cells of the body, restoring the operability of physical and mental overload, keeps you energetic and cheerful regardless of the resulting congestion.


Meldonium Medication. Meldonium - a new weapon of the Cold War

24 Feb 2017

Why Russian sportsmen ignored the ban meldonium and why this drug is detected in the blood even of those athletes who took this Meldonium Medication or even years ago?

One small American organization, living on grants for anti-doping research, and high prices seriously took up a large-scale work, the main aim of which was to find those stimulants, which are widely used by Russian athletes, but not used in America.

The cost of "intelligence" and were astronomical cost of 7 million dollars! For reference: the average cost of research, which is still engaged in the company that is 80-100 thousand dollars.

As a result, we got Meldonium scandal, which is actually our Russian officials may be regarded as a boomerang that they have launched some time ago also yourself.

Why Russian sportsmen ignored the ban meldonium?

Meldonium - a great tool that provides such quality as human endurance, experience more physical activity. Meldonium provides recovery after suffering heavy loads.

This is - unknown aspects Meldonium scandal. "Legs" in the scandal with Russian athletes grow from here! Meldonium able to be synthesized by the body if the person has ever taken this stuff!

If alcohol, nicotine, opiates and morphine meldonium not be administered artificially, they will still be in it!

Back in the 70s of the last century was discovered the formula that is obtained in the form of Russian athletes imprint - meldonium. This "supplement" corresponds to natural substances synthesized in the body. As a result of receiving the body thanks for the tip, and it learns to generate meldonium.

Here is the answer to the question why the Russian sportsmen ignored the ban meldonium!

Americans can be "put the blame" other substances with a similar action, and perform the same functions as the meldonium.

Now it is clear to you, where did Meldonium scandal with Russian athletes?

Availability meldonium body just simply says that an athlete trains intensively, it is hardy and corresponds to the classical parameters of class specialist, and not addict who was caught red-handed.

If the athlete stops training, the amount of synthesized his body meldonium reduced. And if a specialist is trained properly and well, then synthesized meldonium in his blood objective can be detected much more!


Meldonium Cycling - Frequently Asked Questions

24 Feb 2017

How to take Mildronate: before or after meals?

Mildronate desirable to apply to the food, but the efficiency will not change, if we take a capsule or syrup after meals.

Can I take Mildronate with other medications?

On the application Mildronate with other drugs, consult with your doctor!

Mildronate enhances the action vasodilatig funds, some antihypertensive drugs, cardiac glycosides. It can be combined with antianginal drugs, anticoagulants, antiagregaentami, antiarrhythmics, diuretics, bronchodilators.

In view of the possible development of mild tachycardia and hypotension, caution should be exercised when combined with nitroglycerin, nifedipine, alpha-blockers, antihypertensive agents and peripheral vasodilators.

Can I use Mildronate during pregnancy?

Clinical studies on the safety of use during pregnancy has not been carried out. Therefore, the drug is not recommended for use in accordance with the instructions for medical use of the drug Mildronate now, to avoid undesirable effects on the mother and fetus during pregnancy.

It is not clear whether the drug is excreted in breast milk. If treatment with Mildronate mother is necessary, breast-feeding is stopped.

Can you give Mildronate children?
Mildronat successfully applied in medical practice in children younger than 12 years, but unfortunately, no one has ever collected enough data that would officially allow the reception Mildronate® children.

Application Mildronate officially allowed teenagers between 12 and 16 years in the following indications: functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, cardiomyopathy (post-miocardic, metabolic, neurogenic, dyshormonal, toxic), decreased performance, mental and physical overload.

Does medication Meldonium has side effects?
Of particular note Mildronate safety of the drug, it is - one of the most important factors explaining its widespread acceptance among physicians and patients. Mildronate Security confirmed periodically updated safety reports and the results of published clinical studies.

Side effects are rare, can be expressed as an allergic reaction (redness, rash, itching, swelling), as well as dyspepsia, tachycardia, changes in blood pressure, agitation.

Patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys should be careful with long-term use of the drug.

Experience in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina suggests that trimethylhydrasine propionate dihydrate is not a first-line drug for acute coronary syndrome.

No information about adverse effects on the reaction rate Mildronate.

In some cases, it is not recommended to use Mildronate?
Mildronate not recommended for use in women during pregnancy and lactation.

Mildronate also contraindicated in individuals with hypersensitivity to meldonium and some other component of the drug.

Contraindications to increased intracranial pressure (in violation of the venous outflow, intracranial tumors).

In addition, there is not enough data on the use of the drug in children younger than 12 years.

Do Mildronate affect the ability to drive a vehicle?
Studies on the effect of the application of Mildronate on the ability to drive have been conducted.

Passed whether the drug is standardized according to international quality standards?
Production of all the products of JSC "Grindeks", including drugs Mildronate takes place according to generally accepted standards of Good Manufacturing Practice of pharmaceuticals, which guarantee high quality products. JSC «Grindeks» held regular inspections and audits by regulators around the world, including Russia, Japan and the United States.
Where the drug Meldonium is released?
The drug is available only on the industries in the European Union - in Latvia and Slovakia.

In which countries is used Mildronate?
Mildronate drugs registered and sold in Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and other CIS countries. As the drug is registered in Albania, Kosovo and Mongolia.
Registration processes are underway in other countries. Today, JSC "Grindeks" evaluates the possibility of starting the drug registration Mildronate in Europe.


Meldonium Sale - Frequently Asked Questions

24 Feb 2017

Do I need a doctor's prescription to buy Mildronate at the pharmacy?

Mildronate, 250 mg N40 is a form of OTC drug Mildronate, 500 mg N60 and Mildronate, ampoules 10% 5ml N10 is a prescription drug forms.

In some cases, use Mildronate? Mildronate - a medicament for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as stable angina, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, functional disorders of the cardiovascular system; appointed as acute and chronic ischemic disorders of cerebral blood flow, with reduced working capacity, physical and psycho-emotional overload.

Meldonium Indications for use:
In the treatment of coronary heart disease (angina, myocardial infarction), congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy dyshormonal, as well as in the treatment of acute and chronic disorders of the brain blood supply (cerebral strokes and cerebrovascular insufficiency).
Hemophthalmus and retinal hemorrhages of different etiologies, thrombosis of the central retinal vein and its branches, retinopathy of different etiology (diabetic, hypertensive).
The reduced performance; physical stress, including the athletes.
abstinence syndrome in chronic alcoholism (in combination with specific alcoholism therapy).

Release form of the drug (packaging volume, dosage)
Mildronate produced in the form of capsules, tablets and injectable solution:

Mildronate, 250 mg N40
Mildronate, 500 mg N60
Mildronate ampoules 5 ml of 10% N10
What is the difference between the capsule and liquid form of the drug?The difference in bioavailability is meldonium and method of administration: parenteral or enteral administration route, which in turn affects the rate in effect. For parenteral routes of administration of the drug, its effect is faster and increases the bioavailability of the drug.

Based on what the clinical effect of the drug?
In humans, carnitine is synthesized from γ-butyrobetaine. Meldonium is a structural analogue of the gamma-butyrobetaine, and therefore can inhibit the enzyme gamma-butirobetaingidroksilaze responsible for the synthesis of carnitine. As a consequence, in the body decreases carnitine concentration and slows the process of transferring long chain fatty acids across mitochondrial membranes of heart cells (Carnitine acts in this process as a carrier of long-chain fatty acids). This slowdown is very important during the oxygen deficiency, since the normal fatty acids entering into the heart and there is insufficient oxygen partial oxidation of long chain fatty acids. Thus accumulate intermediates which have a deleterious effect on the heart tissue, for example, acylcarnitine blocking delivery of ATP to cell organelles.
Simultaneously, deceleration metabolic rate increasing carbohydrate metabolism of long chain fatty acids (glycolysis) in which there is a more effective formation of ATP in the conditions of oxygen deficiency.

This is important in the treatment of pathologies associated with myocardial ischemia (angina pectoris, heart failure), because in these cases, the heart does not receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients.


Meldonium supplement - Is There a tablet for all?

24 Feb 2017

Leading cardiologists and specialists from Russia's sphere of health and Latvia have tried to answer the question "Is the tablet of all there?"

February 12, Jurmala hosts international conference "Metabolic Therapy - myth or reality." We came to the conference leading cardiologists and healthcare professionals in Russia and Latvia.
The scientific program of the conference included presentations of leading practitioners, industry experts and representatives of joint stock company "Grindeks", presented results of a clinical study on the effect of the original product Mildronate tolerance of exercise in patients with angina. In addition, the conference presented the results of studies conducted in Russia on the effectiveness Mildronate. Also, experts have told about what the overall situation in Russia today in the health sector.
Solemn speech opened the conference by the chief specialist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia Gegamovich Raphael Oganov.

During the conference, Professor, Head of Department of Clinical pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and ambulance Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry Arkady L. Vertkin described the general situation prevailing in the health sector in today's Russia. During his speech, the professor tried to answer the question "Is there a tablet of all?".
To answer this question hastened other participants that reported the latest research on the effectiveness of Meldonium supplement.

Academic Director of the Institute Orgincheskogo synthesis Kalvins Ivars presented experimental data to support the effectiveness Mildronate. In turn, Director of Research and Development Joint Stock Company «Grindeks» Nils Poritis presented the results of recent randomized, multinational, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled study Mildronate, holding that it was necessary to build the evidence base the effectiveness of treatment of stable angina for re-registration the drug in Russia and other countries.

Efficacy data Mildronate obtained as a result of research in Russia, presented the professor, president of the National Society of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, chief cardiologist of Russia Central Federal District Yury Pozdnyakov and professor, senior clinical pharmacologist Volgograd Sergey Nedogoda. In their speeches, experts not only demonstrated the generalized results of research, but also shared examples of usage Mildronate in practice.


Meldonium Sport - About 20% of the athletes need to apply formulations comprising Meldonium

24 Feb 2017

Symptoms overvoltage cardiovascular system have about 20% of the athletes, especially cyclic sports. Preparations containing meldonium showing these athletes.

According to the head of the Laboratory of sports cardiology VPO Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism Anastasia Mikhailova, quoted by the agency TASS, about 20% of the athletes are clear signs of over-voltage of the cardiovascular system and the need to apply Mildronat or other preparations containing meldonium.

"Signs of the surge of the cardiovascular system are about 20 percent of the athletes, especially in cyclic sports - said Mikhailov. - Mildronate 'well in this regard, has a clear positive trend. And it shows not only these 20%, but also those who are prone to such problems with the body. Especially young athletes, passing on an adult level - their cardiovascular system is unable to cope with the increased loads. They can not do without cardioprotection - suffering heart. "


Mildronate Diabetes - New approaches to the treatment of diabetes, heart disease, cerebral and vascular system

24 Feb 2017

Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and its complications are acute social problem in many countries. Especially alarming growth in the number of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Thus, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), each year about 15 million strokes worldwide, and cardiovascular diseases remain one of the main risk factors for disability and mortality. You can buy Mildronate.

According to experts, the constant search for new approaches to treatment is required such serious diseases, including not only treatment, but also prevention.

In particular, these issues was devoted to held in May of this year conference "cardiometabolic disease - slow killer of mankind", which took place in Chisinau (Moldova). The conference discussed a number of topical issues of occurrence, treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart, brain and blood vessels.

The conference noted the importance of preventive measures in preventing the occurrence of such diseases, the positive effect of the original drug Mildronate «Grindeks» in the complex treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.


Buy Nootropics Tablets – Noopept effects

23 Feb 2017

Causes of memory loss

Violation of memory - a serious disease, which has its symptoms and methods of treatment. According to statistics, memory problems are concerned almost every fourth inhabitant of the Earth. The causes of memory problems are many, one of them (but not only!) Is the natural aging process, which provokes benign senile forgetfulness ". But we must not think that memory impairment - the inheritance only older people, even very young people may be faced with memory disorders.

The causes of memory impairment may be:

  • Stressful situations, prolonged depression, long-term concern. The more you are worried and nervous, the weaker becomes your memory. This is especially true of the older generation, who because of their age often begin to worry about trifles;
    - Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue. Get enough sleep (at least 7-8 hours) is an integral part of the human life cycle, it is during sleep the brain sorts and stores the resulting information for the entire day. Frequent lack of sleep, and as a consequence of chronic fatigue leads to distraction, irritability and memory impairment;
  •  Bad habits: regular consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Abusing alcohol, you not only reduce your memory, but also are contributing to reduction of the intellect and the subsequent development of dementia. Initially, memory impairment can occur sporadically, you stop to remember what is happening at the time of alcohol consumption. Gradually, the memory begins to deteriorate still more, a slowing of thought processes and reduces the speed of perception. Smoking also weakens the function of memory, especially short-term, at the same time affecting verbal and visual memory;
  • Deficiency of certain vitamins (C, E, B6, B12, etc.), amino acid and nicotinic folic shortage. All these elements are necessary for the body to full activity of the central nervous system. Their insufficient damages brain cells, which means that the whole work suffers brain;
  • The use of stimulants. Once upon a time, in order to "whip up" the brain, for example during the preparation for the exam, it was popular to mix the "horse" dose of coffee with "soda". Now almost every corner you can see the energy and tonics. This incentive may give a small short-term effect, but the consequences for the organism, especially with regular use, can be very sad;
  • Metabolic disorders, diseases of internal organs (kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.), infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis);
  • Head injuries - concussion, bruising and hemorrhage (stroke) will sooner or later lead to problems with memory;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including increased blood pressure accompanied by a deterioration of brain perfusion. This is - one of the most common causes of memory impairment in the elderly.

The main effect of Noopept
Nootropic (improves cognitive function)
Anxiolytic (reduces anxiety and irritability)
Vegetative-tropic (including, and normalization of sleep)


Meldonium – Mildronate Metabolic Effects of Anti-ischemic Agent

23 Feb 2017

Meldonium protects cells against ischemic injury in patients with angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, disorders of cerebral circulation.

Mildronate increases exercise tolerance and improves cognitive function.

With its unique mechanism of action, like Mildronat widely used in the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases and cerebral ischemia, and for increasing the performance of healthy people with physical and mental overload.

When using Mildronate observed tonic effect - improves memory, thinking processes are accelerated, increasing agility movements, increases resistance to adverse circumstances.
Mildronat - structural analog of gamma-butyrobetaine, a substance occurring in each cell of an organism.

The operation of the tool - a positive effect on the energy metabolism of the cells and a tonic effect on the central nervous system.

Mildronat in ischemia and increased payload activates metabolism professions that require less energy to produce oxygen consumption.

Normally elevated body burden of lead to rapid loss of strength in the case of the use of body Mildronat trained to withstand the load, use oxygen efficiently and quickly restore energy reserves to prepare for new stress.

Mildronat, acting as gamma-butyrobetaine, can accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses in the body, as a result, accelerated, and all responses, improves overall metabolism. Therefore, when applying Mildronat observed tonic effect - improves memory, thinking processes are accelerated, increasing agility movements, increases resistance to adverse circumstances.

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