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Glycine Combat Sub - Autumn depression is canceled

01 Feb 2017

Autumn depression is canceled, five trouble-free means to combat the autumn blues:

Even if soft rain and yellow leaves create for you the atmosphere of coziness and romance, sooner or later, the autumn depression can overtake you. The laws of biological rhythms make us change the perception of the world on the eve of the winter, lowering the temperature and reducing the amount of sunlight affect the metabolism, the holiday season is over and it's time to come back from a holiday on weekdays.

Seasonal adaptations may take a lot easier if you take care of this in advance and help your body to readjust it mildly.

1. Eat local fruits and vegetables without restrictions. Who decided to accept preparations of vitamins and minerals in order to facilitate the adaptation, but it was in the beginning of autumn there is much more useful vitamins in their natural form. From the fruit of the plant biologically active substances incorporated in the natural complex, and in this form is better absorbed. Autumn are particularly useful fruit with a high content of iodine, such as persimmons, apples, grapes.
2. Start something new. A new project or change the fitness club - everything that can infuse novelty into your life and change it a little bit for the better is a good way to beat the autumn blues. These changes contribute to the production of hormones that cause the body to tone and lift the mood: epinephrine, dopamine, endorphins. Autumn - a good time for the dream.
3. Hugs. Physical contact with your loved ones - the best anti-depressant. The hormones that you get in response to an expression of tender feelings, not only support you morally, but also help the immune system to work at full capacity in the season of SARS. If you do not want is anyone to embrace a regular basis, it can become an alternative to blanket weighting.
4. Start the day with music. Make for yourself an ideal musical selection, or use the already created by someone, and go to work in the headphones. The selected music should be rhythmic, but not intrusive. The rhythms and melodies have influenced and emotional background, and on the physiological processes: through the perception of sound and vibration of the brain are stimulated, the rhythm of music affects the heart, all this enables the production of hormones and stimulates the metabolism.
5. Take Glycine combat sub to help reorganize the nervous system. The amino acid glycine is a universal adaptogen, which is produced in the nervous tissue and protects against overloads. With a lack of glycine people much worse adapts to change, may experience anxiety and wanton sadness, his emotions are unstable, worsening memory and attention. Active substance formulation Glycine has the same molecular structure as the natural glycine and completely absorbed by the nervous system.


Glycine Use - Secret of a Good Mother

01 Feb 2017

The secret of a good mother: where to get the strength and peace of mind, raising children

Be a good mom! A good mom - this erudite, physically active, tolerant, caring woman who always smooth mood and a nice smile. She knows how to cook, sew, knit, knows English, pedagogy basics, playing a musical instrument ... All this makes life interesting and full of children, helping them to develop and grow happy. And what they think about your children?

Ideal vs. reality
The dream to be the best mom for her child tormented almost all pregnant women. You eat right, drink vitamins, talk to tummy, go to parenting classes, read books on education, choose a beautiful odyozhki. And then came the day the appearance of the baby born, and a few hours later, exhausted and happy, the happiness you get your hands on.

From that moment everything goes according to plan. You do not sleep at night, worried about the set, fend off the advice of relatives, many are forced to take important decisions in the child's life. Recovery after delivery may be delayed, breastfeeding inconvenience and pain, you feel guilty in the absence of milk, the relationship with her husband to lose the romance. And as the child grows inconsistencies to its ideal image of all is added. You have always believed that children can agree on everything, if you like them, and seek to understand, but has once again deprived of the promised entertainment their brats for bad behavior. Or let things take their course, when you need to be firm, include cartoons and children are going to drink coffee in the kitchen - simply because there are no more forces to be responsible.

What will happen to your children if you do not know how to properly educate them?

Return to Me
When you become a mother - you do not cease to be itself. You open a new resources and feelings, but your old qualities will not go away: you are the same people living with their wishes and possibilities. Responsibility for the life of the new man - a lot, and if you try to do everything perfect, it drains and keeps in constant tension. But every time after a dive in the children's problems go back to him.

Live interesting for yourself and your children will be with you interesting. Do what gives you inspiration and strength. This is the best example of how to live, to be happy. In the end, this is what we want for our children, when they strive to bring up and educate.

Take care family! The desire to do it all yourself can play a cruel joke: in the end, you simply will not remain forces neither himself nor family.

Take care of your health
Your health - a happy childhood and adolescence your children. Healthy parents are active and full of energy, they can always entertain the children run around and have some fun with them and, of course, to provide the material. Therefore, an investment in your health - it is the most useful contribution.

To support the body during pregnancy will help Limontar. This preparation consists of succinic acid and citric acid; has a bracing effect, it helps to cope with toxemia, promote better growth and development of the fetus. Limontar indispensable when the difference between the pregnancy is less than three years: for this period, the female organism resources simply do not have time to recover fully.

Support the nervous system, when you feel exhausted mentally, not enough sleep, or become irritable. These problems perfectly cope glycine - drug, which contains the amino acid structure of nervous tissue. Glycine use can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is prescribed for the prevention of burnout at increased psychological stress. The amino acid glycine helps mum to always remain calm and be truly attentive to the children.

You should visit a cardiologist for screening activities. Status of the cardiovascular system - the main determining factor in life expectancy and opportunities to be active. Often, chronic fatigue, and headache indicate heart problems. For the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, cardiologists recommend modern metabolic drug Eltacin. It is composed of three amino acids, which help the heart muscle to develop for their needs more energy, and my heart will long remain healthy and strong.

Remember, the secret to a good and kind mother - is to take care not only of his family but also about themselves, no less. Culture to do with your life and health will be the best education for your children.


Biotredin (Threonine) tablets from craving for alcohol

31 Jan 2017

When the disease behind: how to build a life after recovery from alcoholism?

The life of man, who has recently recovered from alcoholism is different from a person's life without addiction. A few months after the end of therapy the risk again to leave the booze is very high: the biochemical mechanisms not yet completely rebuilt, and return to the familiar environment returns usual temptations. Therefore, to be ahead of the important work: to learn to live a full life without alcohol, self-managing their desires.

The need to maintain sobriety after encoding is very important, because people will no longer feel the pleasure after receiving the usual doses of alcohol, and can easily reach lethal concentration of ethanol in the blood.

At such times, a vital support will be close to the people, the family, but not old friends from the world of alcoholism. The care and attention relatives give strength to change and move on.

What will help you recover from alcoholism treatment
To come back to alcohol, you should find a way to get positive emotions without him. Any work, the result of which is material - this is a good incentive and a source of motivation. Physical work has several positive effects, but it is important not to overestimate their own strength, to monitor the state of health during exercise and after a few hours.

Most likely you will have to change the social circle, habitual ways of spending weekends and holidays. Change your habits and break old ties - the most difficult part of the rehabilitation, but it is a key point. Coding of alcoholism may not work if you yourself do not control their actions, so always be aware of personal responsibility.

Walking and short hikes, moderate exercise activates the regenerative processes in the body, helping to establish the exchange of neurotransmitters. To improve the condition of the dopamine system helps stimulate pressure receptors in the skin and muscles, so the recovery period is recommended to go through several drug treatment courses restorative massage.

It will be useful to establish an intimate life, as regular sex improves the production of dopamine and endorphins, but do not start a new relationship. You are very vulnerable emotionally enter into peaceful and constructive relations in this state probably will not work, and stress during rehabilitation can lead to failure. It is also recommended to take a break in communication with a partner who was the cause of constant stress and provoking the abuse of alcohol.

Support preparations for the restoration of metabolism will greatly facilitate your task. Establish the production of neurotransmitters help Biotredin daily intake, which consists of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and the amino acid threonine. The drug has a complex effect on the body: reduces the emotional stress, improves trophic processes in the nervous tissue and accelerates the physical recovery. Furthermore, Biotredin reduce craving for alcohol, since its metabolism of acetaldehyde is formed.


Biotredin (Pyridoxine) tablets for concentration

31 Jan 2017

How to survive the first year at the university and go to the second year

School graduates its main achievement see admission to university. A lot of effort is spent on preparing for the test, and in the first year of a brand new student falls are pretty shabby. But as it turns out later, the biggest test is only coming. How to survive the first year at the university and continue their studies safely?

Write notes and draw scheme

Processing of the information you receive on lectures and textbooks, will be more effective if you portray her as a compression scheme or a table. Write out all terms and unclear what caused the issues, and then find out the answers to the teacher. This approach makes you a student, which is almost impossible to surprise: themselves with a magic notebook, you can in five minutes to prepare for the unexpected test, find the answer to a tricky question a teacher. At the session, your notebook will be the best material for preparation for examinations and tests, because remember what you yourself have turned to clear (even to you) coupled system, it will be much easier to remember than the material from textbooks.

Discuss assignments with classmates

The first two courses of study successfully overcome those who starts a productive relationship with classmates. Joint discussions and training to help you better remember the material, as well as the understanding of the topic make deeper: because the perception of information may be slightly different in different people, and different vision of the theme you can be helpful. Good relations in a group improves the performance of all students, reducing the stress of the teaching load. And you get another reason to always walk in pairs - a meeting with friends.

Occasionally allow yourself to miss classes

This is very bad advice, but used in small doses, it can help to improve attitudes to learning. All that we are doing the last effort and with no desire to become a source of stress, and eventually takes all forces. If you become very hard to wake up on the first couple times a month can make an exception in the morning and stay home? Of course, you need to choose carefully progulnuyu couple to anti-stress therapy did not turn around problems with the teacher.

Take your vitamins and drugs that improve brain efficiency

Learn to reduce stress and better help the regular intake of the amino acid threonine in combination with vitamin B6: they help neurons to produce ATP, and you can use its full potential. With the help of modern technologies based on threonine and vitamin B6 created Biotredin drug, which has been successfully used in the excessive mental and psychological stress. First-year students who are experiencing a lot of stress especially in a new environment, it is recommended to take Biotredin throughout the school year.

To enhance the effect of the drug, taking Biotredin recommend combined with glycine. The amino acid glycine in this drug is contained in an optimal dosage form for assimilation - microcapsules that penetrate into the brain and improve his defense during stress.

How to prepare for the report?

Report of the audience - it extracts verification and ability to process information. Where to begin? Find interesting source, ideally a few, read the text, and select for themselves the basic questions (those that were not understood). The second time reading, try to find answers to the marked the first time the questions and write them down: it is possible to do this you will have to turn to other sources. Now, make a report, plan, highlighting the main points, but something tezisno record straight in terms. Read the whole topic again, returning to his notes. The problem report facilitate the presentation in electronic form, but in a good visual material will be tables and charts on paper in large format, which you can attach to the board. Practise the text of the report at home in front of a mirror. Still nervous? Take the morning to report two tablets under the tongue Glycine: this will help to calm down and collect.

Preparing for the session without any extra nerves

Stress caused by a restriction on the session time. Just a few days you will need to remember or learn all the material covered, and thus worthy of his play before the examiner. Many leads do not just poor training and low resistance to stress. Fear lay an egg on the exam reduces all efforts to nothing, but you have passed the entrance exams, written tests and controls during the year. Session - it's time once again to recall the Biotredin and Glycine: You will be able to prepare well, using their full potential, and that it is important to maintain self-control and to answer the most tricky questions.


Succinic Acid Limontar - Reduce the Risk of Miscarriage

31 Jan 2017

How to reduce the risk of miscarriage with habitual miscarriage?

Miscarriage can be a manifestation of female infertility, however, according to statistics 10% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. If a woman has had a miscarriage, then the probability of pregnancy is increased following an unsuccessful twice. It is therefore important to regularly visit a gynecologist in such cases and to take all prescribed treatment.

The main causes of miscarriage

The most common cause of miscarriage in the first weeks of pregnancy are the genomic and chromosomal abnormalities. As a rule, it is incompatible with the DNA damage fetal life.

Women who have had several involuntary abortions in a row, often have changes in the immune system. A woman's body treats the embryo as a foreign body and and activates defenses. As a result of this struggle immunity embryo dies. In normal pregnancy from the first day his mother a few depressed immunity that allows the embryo to implant and develop successfully.

Anatomical features of uterus, hormonal abnormalities, reproductive tract infections can also cause abortion at any stage. You can also like Mildronate.

Another factor that can cause miscarriage, is psychological stress. When stress dramatically increases production of tumor necrosis factor that is involved in non-specific immune response can damage the shell and embryo / fetal stress as occurs during vascular spasm placenta. Therefore, the emotional state of the woman during the pregnancy is a critical factor for a successful gestation.

What if there is a risk of losing the pregnancy?

At highest risk of miscarriage (after two or more abortions) an important tool for monitoring is to analyze the concentration of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the first trimester and α-fetoprotein during the second trimester. It will also carry out regular monitoring of ultrasound, in some cases every week.

The threat of termination of pregnancy is a cause for hospitalization, but, depending on circumstances, the choice is often made in favor of home treatment. In any case, you should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and appointments, which leads your pregnancy.

With increased anxiety, adverse psychological atmosphere in the family or at work, prescribed sedatives. Widely used drug Glycine, highly efficient and, most importantly, safe in pregnancy. The amino acid glycine strengthens the nervous system and improves the emotional state, which eliminates one of the risk factors of miscarriage - psychological stress.

Habitual miscarriage is also an indication for progestin from the first day of treatment in the antenatal clinic. Vice progesterone helps to maintain an adequate level of pregnancy hormone that promotes normal implantation of the ovum.

Often the threat of termination of pregnancy prescribe bed rest. During the implantation of the ovum dragging pain in the abdomen and lower back may be harbingers of miscarriage. Compliance with bed rest in this case can be a decisive factor for a successful outcome of pregnancy.

To improve the food and fruit ripening metabolic prescribed drugs. Limontar improves the growth and development of the embryo from the first days, it is recommended during pregnancy at any stage. The drug activates the processes of energy formation in cells of the fetus, which increases its viability, exhibits antihypoxic and antioxidant properties. In early toxicosis Limontar improves the general condition of mothers, which has a positive effect on the fetal condition. The drug is completely metabolized in the body and eventually converted to carbon dioxide and water.


Semax at Transient Ischemic Attacks

31 Jan 2017

Transient ischemic attacks

Sometimes called a transient ischemic attack " pre-stroke conditions" that is completely untrue. They arise as a result of acute circulatory disorders in the brain and are accompanied by confusion, speech disorders, memory and motor activity. Prevent the development of transient ischemic attacks and to prevent the possible development of a stroke will receive the drug "Semax 0,1%."

Semax at Transient ischemic attacks

Precursors of stroke
Transient ischemic attacks and their prevention

Transient ischemic attack (TIA), otherwise referred to as "transient ischemic attacks" or "Pre-stroke conditions." It is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation, developing thrombosis due to incomplete cerebral vessels or long spasm, often, against cerebral hypertensive crisis. In humans, the patient develops symptoms of a stroke, which, unlike stroke, takes place over 24 hours. It must be remembered that a TIA - a harbinger of impending stroke. Most often it occurs in patients with TIA in people aged 40-60 years.

Semax is one of the most effective drugs for treatment of ischemic attack, as well as treatment and rehabilitation after a stroke, which reduces the possibility of receiving the progression TIA 2.5-3 times.
Prevention of transient ischemic attack - a mandatory treatment of the underlying disease (hypertension and atherosclerosis).

The most common cause of transient ischemic attack - hypertensive encephalopathy, against which there is a long spasm of cerebral arteries or near the wall (part-time) thrombosis. Consequently, in the basin of the affected artery blood flow rate drops expressed and developed hypoxic events leading to activation of lipid peroxidation, cellular energy deficit and a significant disruption of the functional activity of neurons.

TIA clinic depends primarily on whether the vessel in a pool of blood flow disturbance occurred: the large arteries, the harder symptoms. Cerebral symptoms manifested, as a rule, confusion, at least - his loss. Focal symptoms of a transient ischemic attack - a violation of motor activity and loss of sensation in certain areas of the body. Violation of speech and cognitive functions (attention, memory, ability to analyze the situation and decision-making, spatial orientation) are possible in the first hours of a TIA, and then restored.
In general, the life prognosis of transient ischemic attack quite favorable, but you must remember that TIA is a harbinger of stroke. Semax in treating ischemic attack prevents the development of pathological disorders in the brain tissue and contributes to the speedy restoration of the disturbed functions of the brain, in particular through semax:

interneuronal formed new connections, allowing functioning cells to take over the functions of those killed in the ischemic attack;
restored motor activity and sensitivity;
restored cognitive function, improves concentration;
accelerated exit from the state of amnesia;
It improves memory thanks to the influence on all stages of the formation of the memory trace (storage, processing / structuring information playback) (!);
It normalizes the autonomic centers.

Prophylactic administration of a preparation "Semax 0,1%" in the TIA:
improves survival and plasticity of neurons in neural tissue hypoxia condition;
prevents disruption of mnemonic and cognitive functions;
enhances mental and physical performance;
normalizes the autonomic centers;
It prevents or significantly reduces the risk of recurrent TIA.

Rules of admission and "Semax 0,1%" Dosage at Transient ischemic attacks
Receive Semax for 10 days - 3 drops in each nostril; 2 times a day.
The amount of the drug on the course - Course 2 bottles; vial contains 60 drops; Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.


Semax Recovery after Stroke

31 Jan 2017

Early recovery after stroke

Rehabilitation after stroke - a process long and complicated, the early stage of which is aimed at restoration of damaged brain functions. Treatment aimed at the resumption of speech, motor functions and memory, including physiotherapy, speech therapy classes, and receive a number of products that will improve trophism and regeneration of nerve cells.

Semax recovery after stroke

We begin recovery
Rehabilitation after stroke is usually divided into two periods: the early - the first 6 months later - the second half of the year after a stroke and later. This is done for the convenience of drawing up a treatment plan, the results of evaluation of the quality and completeness of forecasting recovery.

Tasks of early rehabilitation after stroke
The maximum possible recovery of lost and broken functions and minimizing the consequences of a stroke. Stopping blood supply to parts of the nervous tissue in the brain leads to oxygen starvation of neurons that results in a violation of their work: at the beginning of a reversible, then - irreversible. Damage to parts of the brain manifest violation of bodily functions, which are responsible for these areas - speech impairment, memory, movement, hearing, vision and so on.
Prevention of recurrent stroke. Moved vascular accident makes the body more vulnerable and increases the risk of having another stroke, especially within one year after the first. Thus, the mortality rate of nearly 35% in the first 30 days after vascular accident, and in the first year is 50% of all cases. Therefore, a person who has had a stroke, automatically enters the risk and in need of the most active and the early recovery period.

How to start the rehabilitation
After stroke rehabilitation should be started early as possible and include:

Drug therapy to improve nutrition and nerve cell functions - receiving neuroprotective, neyrometabolics, nootropics, to eliminate the predisposing factors for recurrent stroke - drugs against hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases, to improve the psycho-emotional background - tranquilizers and antidepressants;
Physiotherapy and exercise therapy - for the establishment of nerve impulses along the fibers of neurons, restore muscle strength, and so on;
Classes with a speech therapist to restore speech after a stroke;
Sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist, depending on the individual character of post-stroke changes.

Neuroprotective - Means that prevent damage to the nerve cells in the brain from the adverse effects. Their influence is aimed at eliminating or reducing disturbances in nerve cells.

Neuro-Metabolic - funds intended to influence the higher functions of the brain. It improves memory, stimulates mental activity, enhances and facilitates the learning process.

Nootropics - Medicinal products intended to influence the higher functions of the brain. Improves memory, stimulates mental activity, enhance and facilitate the learning process.

Tranquilizers - Psychotropic drugs with anti-anxiety effect.

Antidepressants - Drugs used primarily for the treatment of depression. The patient, they improve mood, reduce anxiety, emotional stress and so on.

Semax Drug therapy after stroke
Applied drugs after a stroke are divided into two main types: neuroactive - nootropics, neuroprotective and neyrometabolics restoring the functionality of the nerve cells and vasoactive - acting on the blood flow.

According to experts, it is neuroprotective treatment is not only to protect the affected group of brain cells, but also to ensure further full-fledged functioning of the nervous tissue.

The uniqueness of the preparation "Semax 1%" in rehabilitation plays an important role after a stroke. He at the same time acts as a full-fledged neuroprotective, nootropic and neyrometabolics, and can replace a whole range of drugs with a mono-activity. This avoids unnecessary drug load on the patient and improve his psychological condition.

"Semax 1%" is an effective bridge rehabilitation in the early period after stroke and is involved not only in the recovery process, but also in the prevention of re-vascular accident, ie, ensures that once the two main tasks. A few months later in the recovery period, it is advisable to use Semax 0,1%.

The consequences of a stroke
The consequences of stroke is divided into:

Neurological. The loss of certain functions depends on the area of the brain, which has developed a stroke. Thus, the common effects of stroke are paresis or paralysis of the arms and legs on one side, asymmetry of the face due to paresis of the facial nerve on one side. Brain damage can occur narrowing of the visual fields (one-sided in both eyes), hearing loss in one ear.
Mental and psychological. Memory after a stroke may disappear partially or completely and requires a long recovery period. In the initial period the patient can not remember his name or his family. Vascular disaster often becomes the cause of severe cognitive impairment, reduced capacity for learning and memory, changes in mental functions and behavior.

Therefore, those who have suffered a stroke, need special care and careful treatment by relatives and health professionals.

Timing of recovery
A large part of the recovery processes occur within the first 3-6 months after stroke. After the 6th month, the rate of these processes are slowed down but can continue to restore the functions of up to 2 years or more. For example, there are good chances of a full recovery of speech after a stroke, if the voice rehabilitation began in the first weeks. Therefore, it is the early recovery period is crucial for the future of the patient: his ability to self-service, professional and social activity.

Rules of admission and "Semax 1%" Dosage at Stroke Recovery
Receive 15 days;
2 drops - in each nostril; 2 times per day.
Course 2 bottles - in a bottle contains 60 drops; Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.


Semax for Stroke Prevention

31 Jan 2017

Stroke Prevention

Stroke - a massive destruction of brain tissue due to impaired blood flow or bleeding. Stroke Prevention - is not only the treatment of major diseases, especially hypertension and atherosclerosis, but also preventive protection of brain cells from the effects of hypoxia and ischemia. Prevent stroke can be due to receive prophylactic neuroprotective drug "Semax 0,1%."

Semax stroke Prevention

Prevention of stroke
Acute disorders of cerebral blood flow causes damage to large areas of the nervous tissue, are responsible for important bodily functions - speech, memory, vision, movement, and so on. After a stroke the group of nerve cells are often damaged irreversibly, and impaired function can not be fully restored.

Statistics on mortality and disability from stroke in Russia disappointing - of the more than 450,000 annual strokes about half of stroke patients die within a year after undergoing vascular accident, and about 80% of all survivors are disabled.

Stroke Prevention - is the only way to protect themselves from severe and often irreversible consequences. "Semax 0,1%" Neurotrophic therapy with the drug - is a reliable and affordable way to prevent changes in the nerve tissue at the initial stages.

Prevention - the most effective treatment
Unique "Semax 0,1%" properties for the prevention of stroke, you can:

Optimize the metabolism in nerve cells;
Eliminate or reduce the starting changes in the structure of the nervous tissue;
Loosen the devastating consequences of the impact of concomitant diseases (atherosclerosis, etc.), stress, lifestyle features on the vascular system and the nervous tissue of the brain;
Warn primary disorders, as well as exacerbation of existing problems under the influence of neurotransmitters.

Clinical trials Semax confirm that its use for the prevention of stroke in people with chronic disorders of blood circulation in the brain, reduces the risk of cardiovascular accident is 2.5 times.

Primary and secondary prevention of stroke
For stroke prevention drug "Semax 0,1%" can effectively be used for both primary and secondary prevention of problems in both men and women.
Primary prevention is considered to be the prevention of the first occurrence of cerebrovascular events.

A common cause of strokes becomes common to many lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, errors in diet, stress, lack of sleep and disruption of the daily routine. Another predisposing factor - is the presence of chronic heart disease, vascular, endocrine organs, etc., which is not taken under medical supervision and control.
Therefore, prevention of vascular problems must necessarily include:

Early detection of chronic diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension and other Tip), regular surveys;
Drug treatment of concomitant diseases;
Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

For secondary prevention of stroke include measures to prevent further vascular events after already suffering disease, the probability of recurrent stroke is increased more than 10 times in the first year after the stroke, and early initiation of secondary prevention is vital.

Secondary prevention includes medication - improving trophism nervous tissue and control of associated diseases and their complications - and non-drug methods - lifestyle changes and other. The combination of these methods can reduce the risk of repeated vascular accidents by more than 80%. The preparation Semax 0,1%, as an important element of secondary prevention, provides active trophism nerve cells and significantly reduces the risk of recurrent stroke.

Stroke Prevention - general advice
Avoid vascular accident and its grave consequences, you can use the following measures:

monitor the level of blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels and control them using lifestyle interventions and medications recommended by your doctor;
give preference to healthy habits and lifestyle, to respect the sleep mode, and labor;
contribute to the normalization of cerebral blood flow with exercise (walking outdoors, walking, swimming, exercises for the spine, and others.), and drugs prescribed by a specialist;
pay attention to the prevention of thrombosis (sedentary life, drinking regime, antiplatelet drugs prescribed by the doctor dose, etc.);
nervous tissue trophism increase stability and brain cells to hypoxia and ischemia.

Most of these recommendations to help reduce the risk of stroke, but stroke prevention without drugs, which are designed to directly protect nerve tissue, is not complete. Therefore, in addition to following the general guidelines, can effectively protect brain cells by neuroprotectant and neyrometabolika such as "Semax 0.1%."


Semax for Minimal Brain Dysfunction

31 Jan 2017

Minimal brain dysfunction

More and more children are found symptoms of irritability, tearfulness, they are disobedient, distracted, have poor memory, they require constant extra attention. All these manifestations of minimal brain dysfunction - small and mostly reversible changes in brain tissue. These children on the background of normal intelligence have emotional and behavioral disorders and can often lag behind their peers in development. To cope with this problem will help neuroregulators "Semax 0,1%."

Semax Minimal brain dysfunction

Children violations
This syndrome includes a very wide range of behavioral disorders in children. It is characterized by the presence of immature age child's ability to control the activity, emotions, and behavior, as well as specific learning disabilities, and to acquire new skills in reading, writing, numeracy, communication. We can say that the minimal brain dysfunction in children are associated with the violation of the harmonious development of the individual functions of the higher nervous activity.

How to help the healthy development of the child?
Treatment of minimal brain dysfunction in children

Many of today's parents are well aware that the minimal brain dysfunction - not a feature of character, and a problem that can be eliminated or reduced, pay great attention to the proper selection of safe and effective drugs.

Neuropeptide Semax 0,1% eliminates the imbalance of the regulatory systems in the cerebral cortex, improves the formation of new connections between neurons. The drug normalizes the development of the cerebral hemispheres of the cerebral cortex, it regulates the functional centers.

Scientific evidence shows that "Semax 0,1%" is one of the most effective drugs to improve memory in children. Serious positive effect of the drug in the developing nervous system of the child is confirmed by the fact that it is successfully used not only for the treatment of minimal brain dysfunction, but also for the development of children with intellectual disabilities.

Numerous studies of the preparation "Semax 0,1%" confirmed its ability to increase the concentration of attention, which is very important for classes at the school, as well as stress resistance, perseverance and assimilate information. With minimal brain dysfunction treatment with "Semax 0,1%" contributes to the development of speech, communication and other skills that are important for a good social adjustment and academic success.

How to help the healthy development of the child?
Treatment of minimal brain dysfunction in children

The syndrome of "not-want"
Children with minimal brain dysfunction at the level of intelligence and abilities are not inferior to their peers. But an imbalance in the individual sections of the cerebral hemispheres of the cerebral cortex leads to a delay in the rate of development of the most important functional brain systems (language, perception, attention, memory, motor skills and other).
Abnormalities in the development of the child can be shown:

Problems with reading (dyslexia)
Violation of the letter (dysgraphia)
Impaired speech functions
Problems with the account (dyscalculia)
The problems with motor development (the gap from the age norms)
Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

The combination of the manifestations of minimal brain dysfunction between them can be very different. But nearly always the result of minimal brain dysfunction is a maladjustment in the team, problems in school, are frequent conflicts with parents and teachers. Children hardly concentrate on the job, make many mistakes when it is running, behave impulsively and unpredictably. And when it comes to school or other activities, which causes difficulties in the child, parents are faced with the vagaries of loud statements and "do not want to!". According to statistics displays minimal brain dysfunction can be found no less than 20% of schoolchildren.

Character could not correct?

Scientists have found that such violations of a child's development often have a hereditary factor. Therefore, many parents blamed behavioral problems and difficulties encountered in studies on the nature of the child ( "the character went to my father, mother, grandfather or ..."), and hope that all goes with age. As a result, the child does not have time to acquire important knowledge and experience for him at a certain age, and this can badly affect its future (university admissions, choice circle of friends, and so on).

Memory impairment in children and other manifestations of minimal brain dysfunction require professional assistance, as well as the use of drugs to improve the central nervous system. Psychological and pedagogical correction classes teach the child and parents to deal with the problems that cause difficulties, improve mutual understanding. But some lessons often enough, especially if we are talking about significant violations of a child's development. One of the causes of minimal brain dysfunction is to reduce the plasticity of neurons and slow in developing new interneuronal connections in the brain. Therefore, the central nervous system of the child support is required to ensure a smooth functioning of the brain cells to eliminate the imbalance in the individual sections of the cerebral cortex.

Suitable not all drugs, nootropics for children, besides parents worry that their child may develop adverse reactions. "Semax 0,1%" is a unique tool with a complex neuroprotective and neuro-metabolic effect, a convenient way to use in the form of nose drops.

Rules of admission and "Semax 0.1%" Dosage at Minimal brain dysfunction

Receive 20 days;
2 drops - in each nostril; 2 times per day.
The course of 3 bottles; 2-4 courses per year - in a bottle contains 60 drops. Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.


Semax at Encephalopathy

31 Jan 2017


Headaches, feeling of heaviness in the head, dizziness, sleep disturbances, decreased memory and attention are the first signs of vascular encephalopathy - chronic disorders of blood flow in the brain tissue. The disease progresses rapidly and leads to massive damage to brain tissue, which leads to the development of dementia and stroke. To prevent the development of vascular encephalopathy, reducing its manifestations and complications - such as strokes - can be by means of a course of "Semax 0,1%."

Semax at Encephalopathy

Starving the Brain


One of the most serious causes of malfunction of the brain are different types of chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. Many of these diseases form a group under the name "encephalopathy" (DE). These abnormalities progress irreversibly, leading to the formation of a plurality of areas of damaged tissue in the brain. Damage caused by cell death in conditions of oxygen starvation. Timely prophylactic "Semax 0,1%» allows neurons to survive in extreme conditions.

Detecting problems

There are three stages of vascular encephalopathy, features that help to notice the disease and to take action:

For the first stage is characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the head, frequent headaches, sleep disturbances, dizziness, fatigue, decreased memory and attention;

In the second stage, all these symptoms significantly amplified and supplemented by the instability in walking, difficulty in carrying out the work, the symptoms of organic brain lesions appear;

The third stage of DOE leads to the development of dementia and is a harbinger of stroke;

The victory over the disease

For the treatment must be comprehensive treatment, affecting all aspects of the problem. It needs to use tools that increase cerebral blood flow, protecting brain cells and supporting them in a lack of oxygen, and medications that fight directly with the symptoms of the disease. An alternative to the complex of several drugs is "Semax 0,1%" - the first complex regulatory neuropeptide action that triggers the natural restorative processes in the central nervous system.

Effective treatment is recommended to use "Semax 0,1%" courses, repeating them two to four times a year.

Rules of admission Semax 0,1% with vascular encephalopathy.

When blood does not flow
The causes of cerebral blood flow are most often diseases of the cardiovascular system - atherosclerosis, hypertension and so on. The saddest thing is that the chronic condition can develop into acute when encephalopathy turn into a real stroke. Therefore it is very important to deal with the initial circulatory disorders and the consequences of these violations as soon as they arise.

Efficacy proved
Regardless of the root causes of all types of vascular encephalopathy occur due to full or partial progressive decrease in the level of cerebral blood flow. Lack of blood flow causes the development of focal ischemia and hypoxia, resulting in pathological processes appear in brain cells. Violated exchange and synthesis processes suffer interneuron interaction accumulated cellular debris. Useful substances do not enter, and do not appear harmful, resulting in cell death process begins to grow rapidly and capture all the great parts of the brain. Organic disorders manifest as cognitive impairment, reduce the patient's quality of life. Sharply reduced memory, disturbed emotional sphere, deteriorating ability to analyze and respond to the different situations, begin a significant change in the psyche. Gradually connects neurological clinic; if you do not stop the disease, it can go too far.

"Semax 0,1%" can stop the disease. The drug retains the viability of neurons affected areas, stopping the cascade of pathological processes. "Semax 0,1%" not only prevents the development of disease, but also returns all the lost opportunities, fully restoring the function of the brain.
The use of "Semax 0,1%" with vascular encephalopathy:

It ensures the survival of neurons and forms new interneuronal communication even in conditions of chronic hypoxia in vascular encephalopathy;
It supports the functionality of neural tissue;
increases mental and physical performance;
restores cognitive function;
It improves memory and concentration;
normalizes the autonomic centers;
It improves memory and concentration;

"Semax 0,1%" is fighting not only with the symptoms but also the causes of the disease, successfully defeating them.

Rules of admission and Dosage "Semax 0,1%" at vascular encephalopathy
Duration of Receiving 14 days - 3 drops - in each nostril; 3 times a day on the 1st and 2nd stage vascular encephalopathy.
The amount of the drug on the course - Course 4 bottles; 2-4 courses per year.

In vial contains 60 drops; Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.

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