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Glycine - The remedy for stress

20 Jan 2017

Stress... “Everyone feels it, everyone is talking about it, but almost no one takes the trouble to find out what it is” – these are the words of Hans Selye, which were written about the stress more than half a century ago.

Since the scientist introduce this word (from English – “tension”), the concept of stress as an important source of our health, for some reason, receded into the background. Meanwhile, in small doses the stress is quite useful – it increases the organism resistance to extreme stimuli; but in large doses it promotes the development of diseases.

Naturally, the reaction on the fear, the anger, the oppressive atmosphere in the family, remorse, quarrels, unfaithfulness, job dissatisfaction, and other things, depends both on the depth of the feelings and on the state of health, which is, today, not always fine. And then there are social instability, wars, terrorism, natural and industrials disasters...

Severe stress follows us, reminds with the huge number of heart attacks and strokes. Almost every person once feels a sharp desire to shout: "Stop the world – I want to get off!"

Meanwhile, nature has endowed us not only with the ability to get excited easily, but also the inhibitory system. It is associated with the amino acid glycine, which is important substance for all the cells of the organism. Unfortunately, it is consumed faster than the excitation passes off.

Do not rush to take tranquilizers and antidepressants. Sedating, with all their side effects, they’ll come back to bite you later. It’s necessary to defend yourself from the stress properly – with the drugs, which work in conformity with the natural laws, and which can help the organism to fix its “brakes” itself. One of such kind of drugs is Glycine.

Naturally and gently, it compensates the “battle with the reality” losses at the delicate molecular level of metabolism. The cell itself determines the need for glycine and takes it, or, if there is a lack of it, produce as much as it necessary for not only pay off, but to harmonize the excitation.

Glycine is known as an anti-stress drug, which can reduce psycho-emotional tension, elevate the mood, relieve stress, normalize the falling asleep, and deepen the sleep. If you take it for a month (1 tablet 3 times a day), you have great chances to pass through the stress and avoid its after-effects. At the same time, having a nootropic effect, the drug is not remit, but on the contrary, improves memory and concentration.

Please note: the tablets or powder (after grinding the tablet) of Glycine should be administered sublingually (under the tongue). On no account swallow the pill, or wash it down with water – in this case, the desired effect will not be achieved!

Glycine can be taken by the whole family. It can be prescribed even for infants. Using it, people become kinder, intolerance and impatience may go away; array of problems may disappear.

Glycine is prescribed under any adverse ecological conditions. It is able to neutralize the “blow to vessels”, so it can be recommended for:

all who is over 60 years, for the stroke prevention;

hypertensive patients, as a basic drug for maintaining of the normal blood pressure values;

women during the menopause;

patients with acute ischemic stroke as a primary neuroprotectant;

patients with brain injuries, for weakening of residual effects.

Please note: the tablets or powder (after grinding the tablet) of Glycine should be administered sublingually (under the tongue). On no account swallow the pill, or wash it down with water – in this case, the desired effect will not be achieved!


Glycine - The difficulties of an awkward age

20 Jan 2017

“Each teenager goes through his own spring – a violent, foolish spring. It doesn’t “march, strewing with flowers” – not likely! It breaks down and twists...” The writer takes us back to our youth, to the memories about our adolescent problems. Now, when we have our own children, and when our darling baby became a “nasty” adolescence, sometimes we are eager to tell: “The times were other back then!”

Unfortunately, the essential characteristics of puberty (moroseness, susceptibility, assurance in his plainness, morbid proneness to conflict, permanent readiness to self-defense etc.) are aggravated by the instability of social life, natural disasters and armed conflicts. The flow of violence from TV is not painless too. And then there are these “clingy” (the last century stuff!) adults.

The body of a young man is under severe stress. And it’s above his strength to overcome it by his own. That's the cause of joining in the bad companies where everything is easy and simple, where no one would condemn for alcohol or even narcotic drugs.

Parents are worried: “What to do? Should we use psychotropic drugs?”

Of course, not. It’s better to use, as required by the nature, such medicines as Glycine, Limontar, Biotredin. These drugs act smoothly, according to the nature laws.

Glycine is called the “remedy against the virus of evil”. If you take 1 tablet of this “family” drug (it’s worth for all the family members to take it, as an inadequate response you can expect from any of them!), 3 times a day, stress and conflicts may leave, efficiency will be increased, memory will be improved.

About Biotredin they say the “medicine of achieving the goals”. By solving the internal biological problems, gives the opportunity to achieve the inner harmony. The internal contradictions will be weakened; the bad mood will go away (changing mood with the dominance of negative emotions, which is typical for adolescence, is a symptom of the hidden depression); the rapport, the concentration will be improved; the willing to communicate, to listen to adults, readiness to do good will appear.

It is better to take these metabolic drugs according to the following scheme: put one tablet of Glycine under the tongue (3-4 times a day), and in 10-15 minutes after its dissolution take one tablet of Biotredin, also sublingually (2-3 times a day).

Just in a week it can be not so easy to recognize this “difficult teenager”. Don’t waste a chance, help him feel like a “man” and establish himself in a new way!


Azaphen (Pipofezine) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

20 Jan 2017

Synonyms: Azaphen

Active substance: Pipofezine.

ATC - N06AX Other antidepressants.

Pharmacological group - Antidepressants.

Pipofezine (Azafen or Azaphen) is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) approved in Russia for the treatment of depression. It was introduced in the late 1960s and is still used today.

Pipofezine has been shown to act as a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin. In addition to its antidepressant action, pipofezine has sedative effects as well, suggesting antihistamine activity. Other properties such as anticholinergic or antiadrenergic actions are less clear but are likely.

Azaphen (Pipofezine) tablets Variations

Azaphen (Pipofezine) tablets 25 mg, N50

Azaphen (Pipofezine) tablets 25 mg, N250

Azaphen (Pipofezine) MR (prolong) tablets 150 mg, N30

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F06 Other mental disorders due to damage and dysfunction of the brain or somatic disease;

F32 Depressive episode.

Azaphen (Pipofezine) Composition, structure and packing

Azaphen: The tablets are yellowish-green color, Valium, chamfered; tolerance of marbling.

Other ingredients: potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil), microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, povidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone low molecular medical), magnesium stearate.

Azaphen MR: The modified-release tablets are yellowish-green color, round, biconvex; tolerance of marbling.

Excipients: Hypromellose (Methocel K4M Premium), Kollidon 25 (povidone), microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil), talc (magnesium silicate), magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological action

Tricyclic antidepressant. Blocking neuronal monoamine uptake presynaptic membranes increases their content in the synaptic cleft leading to reduction of symptoms of depression. Timoleptic effect of the drug is combined with a sedative and anxiolytic activity effect. Unlike tricyclic antidepressants possesses anticholinergic properties which are not affected by the activity of MAO has not cardiotoxicity.



Rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability - about 80%. T max after administration of tablets - 2 hours.

In tablets Azaphen MR active substance is contained in a special matrix-supported, sustained release of pipofezine in the digestive tract. Pipofezin liberated rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. When a single oral tablet Azafen MV 150 mg C max pipofezine blood achieved in 3–4 hours and is 111 ng / ml.

Distribution and metabolism

Binding to plasma proteins - 90%.

Largely biotransformation in the liver to form inactive metabolites.

In an in vitro study shows that is not a substrate pipofezine isoenzymes CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, and is metabolized mainly influenced by CYP1A2.


T 1/2 after taking the pills - 16 h, T 1/2 after a dose modified-release - 9 hours. Eliminated from the body primarily by the kidneys.

The residence time of the drug in the organism (MRT) - average 13.4 hours (10 to 20 hours). Repeated receptions fluctuations drug concentration in blood plasma in the gap between the two doses are smoothed. Eliminated from the body primarily by the kidneys.

Azaphen (Pipofezine) Dosage

The initial dose for adults is 25–50 mg in 2 divided doses (morning and afternoon). With good endurance gradually increase the dose to 150–200 mg/day (3–4 hours, last admission at bedtime), in some cases - up to 400 mg/day. The optimal daily dose - 150–200 mg, the maximum daily dose - 400–500 mg. When the desired effect of switching to maintenance dose - 25–75 mg/day. The course of treatment - up to 1 year (at least 1–1.5 months).

After establishing the optimal daily dose using tablets Azaphen 25 mg, administered Azafen MB (modified-release tablets) 150 mg of 1 times (morning) or 2 times (morning and evening) based on efficacy and tolerance.

Azaphen (Pipofezine) Overdose

Data about overdose are not available.

Azaphen (Pipofezine) Drug Interactions

With simultaneous application Azaphen potentiates the effects of ethanol and other CNS depressants, antihistamines and anticoagulants.

Reduces the effectiveness of anticonvulsant therapy.

In an in vitro study demonstrated that pipofezine not an inhibitor or inducer of isozymes CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, it is unlikely Azaphen drug interaction with drugs that are substrates of these isoenzymes. Fluvoxamine, propafenone, mexiletine, ciprofloxacin, as inhibitors of CYP1A2, pipofezine can increase the concentration in plasma.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Azaphen (Pipofezine) Side effects

CNS: headache, dizziness.

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting.

Other: allergic reactions.


Depressive disorders mild to moderate severity (including depression with chronic medical conditions).


Severe hepatic and/or renal failure;

Concomitant use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors;


Lactation (breastfeeding);

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Precautions should be prescribed the drug for chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, with ischemic heart disease, condition after acute stroke, infectious diseases, diabetes, childhood (insufficient data on the safety of use).


After the transfer to MAO inhibitor therapy on Azaphen should be an interval of 2 weeks.

A periodic monitoring of liver and kidney.

During treatment, the use of alcohol is prohibited.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

During treatment, patients should refrain from activities potentially hazardous activities that require attention and quickness of psychomotor reactions, such as driving.

Azaphen (Pipofezine) Reviews

Always I felt that the depression I had never been, so when my doctor prescribed the drug "Azafen" I was surprised. Why would I? I got to the hospital with symptoms of "prolonged muscle pain ...". The drug I saw cut with other appointments. Discharged in satisfactory condition. Recommendations for follow-up treatment "Azaphen" I left ...
And now the house carefully review the instructions, I periodically return to " Azaphen ". It is easy antidepressant, but still try not to sit down and get used to the pills.
It does not satisfy me, and the internal discomfort with itself, some leading out of a sense of balance, inability to concentrate on the right, and so on. N. States is reminiscent of the " Azaphen ".
The recommended course of treatment (which is 1-1.5 months) do not use. One tablet of Azaphen helps improve internal spirit.
Recommend reception " Azaphen " Of course I will not, after all, need to consult a doctor. But it is not necessary to be afraid of this drug. In my opinion, and for me personally, this is the most harmless, it helps to relieve mild depression medication.

Great Drug

Antidepressant " Azaphen " I took prescribed by a doctor, quite a long time, about half a year. Cardinally improve their condition, I have not noticed. As it has been depressive mood, and left. But sleep got up, becoming a deep and calm. And at times reduced life does not give me rest increased anxiety.

Special side-effects are not noticed. Is that the first time that has just started taking this drug, periodically suffered from headaches.

So I can say that "Azaphen " - antidepressant light not strong, both in terms of side effects and therapeutic effect. But personally, I like it.

Strong Nerve

You can not do without the sedative tablets. After all, modern life and its pace is not allowed to live in peace for most people. Nothing can be done have to resort to sedatives and antidepressants. But for a man like me, my character is not sugar and because of this, neither I nor others have to oh how hard times. I can yell at someone, maybe it's good shout all stresses are faster, but then I start to torture yourself, they say why I did it. Therefore, insomnia and poor appetite, and other symptoms of depression are not rare guests at me. But my anxiety and fear that something do not give off too and I happen sometimes protracted depression. Among the anti-depressants I was taking pills Azaphen, one of the last and effective. They are 25 mg (in multiples of 250 pieces), small, round, whitish. I bought a package for 342 rubles, not cheap, in my opinion a little expensive. Every human body reacts to these drugs individually, one suit, the other way around. For me pills " Azaphen " went better than others, although there are side effects from them. I observed after a dose and slight dizziness and drowsiness. But the main thing Azaphen with neyrofulolom (so the doctor advised me) helped me get rid of depression, phobias and all disappeared.
He took pills for two weeks, three tablets a day, you can extend the course for another two weeks, in this case, the treatment effect will be more stable and long-lasting. I'm after a course of Azaphen became, if not the iron, the more calm for sure. Cheerful (life has become happier), too, and in this I see the main effect of taking Azaphen tablets worthy of an antidepressant, and recommend to you!

" Azaphen " - Wonder drug with the help of which I began to live, not exist!
Last year, I went through a lot of stress. Tell us briefly (being pregnant), my sister gave birth to the COP could not recover for a long time, lying in gynecology child we took, after the ill-law. Insidious disease of the 20th century-oncology. she gave birth to a son was a crybaby, took care of her mother in law, m there and started every day in my head there was only one question and if I get sick, 2 weeks buried in-law, then I fell into a tough depression. parents took the child. I lost weight on every day from 72 kg I lost weight to 58 kg. has not yet reached lo good neurologist and he told me it is a miracle drug prescribed Azaphen to these pills, I only existed since the early days as the beginning of taking these pills, I began to live a new life. and so grateful to the neurologist and the manufacturers of these pills. Side effects I have not noticed, but I will say one pill brought me back to life!


Asentra (Sertraline) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

20 Jan 2017

Synonyms: Alprax Forte (Sertraline and Alprazolam), Alprax Plus (Sertraline and Alprazolam), Andep, Ansium, Antipres, Anxit Forte (Sertraline and Alprazolam), Anxit Plus (Sertraline and Alprazolam), Ariale, Asentra, Asertin, Atenix, Atralin, Bellsert, Bicromil, Chear, Chemmart Sertraline, Cimicile, Cratular, Daxid, Debitum-Sanovel, Deprax, Deprecalm, Depsert, Doc Sertraline, Dominium, Eleval, Episod, Garmisch Setrax, GenRX Sertraline, Halea, Implicane, Inosert, Lesefer, Lustral, Luxeta, Mapron, Netral, Nudep, Optibel, Pandomil, Repose, Resert, Restyl Forte (Sertraline and Alprazolam), Restyl Plus (Sertraline and Alprazolam), Sedoran, Serdep, Serenata, Serimel, Serjet, Serlift, Serlin, Serolux, Sertagen, Sertal, Sertin, Sertiva, Sertrac, Sertralin - 1 A Pharma, Sertralin Actavis, Sertralin Arrow, Sertralin ICP, Sertralin Mylan, Sertralin Sandoz, Sertralin Stada, Sertralin Teva, Sertralina Biogalenica, Sertralina Bluepharma, Sertralina Chemopharma, Sertralina Dr. Reddy’s, Sertralina Genfar, Sertralina Itf, Sertralina L.CH., Sertralina La Santé, Sertralina Mepha, Sertralina MK, Sertralina Pharmakern, Sertralina ratiopharm, Sertralina Somidal, Sertralina Tetrafarma, Sertralina, Sertraline Actavis, Sertraline Arrow, Sertraline Aurobindo, Sertraline EG, Sertraniche, Sertrax, Serval, Setalin, Setaloft, Setra, Sidata, Solotik, Tragal, Tralin, Traser, Xsert, Zapline, Zerlin, Zert-OD, Zetral, Zolof, Zoloft, Zortral, Zosert, Zotral, Adco-Zerta, Adjuvin, Aleval, Alpraser (Sertraline and Alprazolam), Alpraser Simple, Altisben, Altruline, Anilar, Apo-Sertral, Apo-Sertraline, Aremis, Arrow Sertraline, Asentra, Aserin, Bei Yu, Besitran, Celonfex, Cenzoft, Certorun, Cloridrato de Sertralina, CO Sertraline, Concorz, Conexine, Deprax, Deprefolt, Depreger, Diticone, Doc Sertraline, Eleva, Emergen, Enidap, Epilyd, Exulten, Fatral, Fridep, Gen-Sertraline, Gerotralin, Gladem, Halea, Iglodep, Insertec, Irradial, JinDeSi, Jzoloft, Kinloft, Kuai Wu You, Leyuan, Lomaz, Lowfin, Lusedan, Lusert, Lustral, Lustraline, Luxeta, Misol, Neurosedine, Novativ, Novo-Sertraline, Nu-Sertraline, Onirux, Oralin, Pharmacor Sertraline, Pi Mai Le, PMS-Sertaline, PMS-Sertraline, Prosertin, Purtraline, ratio-Sertraline, Resperal, Sandoz Sertraline, Satil, Selectra, Seltra, Seralin, Seralin-Mepha, Serdep, Serenada, Serenata, Seretral, Serivo, Serlain, Serlan, Serlife, Serlift, Serlin, Serlina, Serline GMP, Serlo, Serlof, Sernade, Serolux, Serolux Sandoz, Seronex, Serotin, Serotop, Serotyp, Serta, Sertac, Sertadepi, Sertagen, Sertex, Sertiva, Sertra TAD, Sertra, Sertrabrain, Sertragen, Sertral, Sertralin - 1 A Pharma, Sertralin 1A Farma, Sertralin 1A Pharma, Sertralin AbZ, Sertralin Actavis, Sertralin AL, Sertralin Alternova, Sertralin Amendia, Sertralin Arcana, Sertralin Aristo, Sertralin beta, Sertralin Bluefish, Sertralin dura, Sertralin easypharm, Sertralin G.L., Sertralin Genericon, Sertralin Helvepharm, Sertralin HEXAL, Sertralin Interpharm, Sertralin Isomed, Sertralin Krka, Sertralin Mylan, Sertralin Nycomed, Sertralin Opopharma, Sertralin Orion, Sertralin Pfizer, Sertralin Pliva, Sertralin Ranbaxy, Sertralin ratiopharm, Sertralin Sandoz, Sertralin Sandoz eco, Sertralin Spirig, Sertralin STADA, Sertralin Teva, Sertralin Winthrop, Sertralin, Sertralina Acost, Sertralina Actavis, Sertralina Almus, Sertralina Alter, Sertralina Andromaco, Sertralina Angenerico, Sertralina Aphar, Sertralina Aserta, Sertralina Aurobindo, Sertralina Azevedos, Sertralina Basi, Sertralina Bexal, Sertralina Cinfa, Sertralina Clorhidrato Interpharma, Sertralina Colmed, Sertralina Combix, Sertralina Cuve, Sertralina Davur, Sertralina DOC, Sertralina Edigen, Sertralina Eurogenerici, Sertralina Farmalid, Sertralina Farmalider, Sertralina Farmoz, Sertralina FG, Sertralina Generis, Sertralina Genfar, Sertralina Germed, Sertralina Hexal, Sertralina J.Neves, Sertralina Jaba, Sertralina Juventus, Sertralina Kern Pharma, Sertralina Labesfal, Sertralina Lareq, Sertralina Mabo, Sertralina Mintlab, Sertralina MK, Sertralina Mundogen, Sertralina Mylan, Sertralina Normon, Sertralina Pharma Genexx, Sertralina Pharmagenus, Sertralina Qualigen, Sertralina Ranbaxy, Sertralina ratiopharm, Sertralina Rimafar, Sertralina Sandoz, Sertralina Serpax, Sertralina Sertabal, Sertralina Stada, Sertralina Tarbis, Sertralina Tecnigen, Sertralina Teva, Sertralina Tevagen, Sertralina Tralin, Sertralina Ur, Sertralina Vir, Sertralina Winthrop, Sertralina, sertralin-biomo, Sertralin-CT, Sertraline A, Sertraline Accord, Sertraline Actavis, Sertraline Almus, Sertraline ALS, Sertraline Alter, Sertraline Arrow, Sertraline Aurobindo, Sertraline Biogaran, Sertraline Bluefish, Sertraline CF, Sertraline CristerS, Sertraline EG, Sertraline Evolugen, Sertraline Generichealth, Sertraline Generics, Sertraline Hydrochloride Apotex, Sertraline Hydrochloride Aurobindo, Sertraline Hydrochloride AustarPharma, Sertraline Hydrochloride Dr. Reddy’s, Sertraline Hydrochloride Hikma, Sertraline Hydrochloride InvaGen, Sertraline Hydrochloride Lupin, Sertraline Hydrochloride Matrix, Sertraline Hydrochloride Mylan, Sertraline Hydrochloride Prosam, Sertraline Hydrochloride Ranbaxy, Sertraline Hydrochloride Sun, Sertraline Hydrochloride Teva, Sertraline Hydrochloride Torrent, Sertraline Hydrochloride Watson, Sertraline Hydrochloride Wockhardt, Sertraline Hydrochloride Zydus, Sertraline Isomed, Sertraline KR, Sertraline Lannacher, Sertraline Mylan, Sertraline PCH, Sertraline Pfizer, Sertraline Ranbaxy, Sertraline Ratiopharm, Sertraline Sandoz, Sertraline Teva, Sertraline Winthrop, Sertraline Zydus France, Sertraline, Sertraline-GA, Sertraline-Teva, Sertraline-Winthrop, Sertralin-Hormosan, Sertralin-neuraxpharm, Sertralin-ratiopharm, Sertralin-Teva, Sertralin-Teva Medika, Sertralon, Sertramerck, Sertran, Sertranat, Sertranex, Sertra-Q, Sertwin, Setaloft, Setaratio, Setrona, Sonalia, Stimuloton, Tatig, Terry White Chemists Sertraline, Teva-Sertraline, Tialin, Tolrest, Tralforin, Tralin, Traline, Tralinser, Tralisen, Tresleen, Trimalon, Wei Ta Ting, Xi Tong Jing, Xinya Quling, Xydep, Yi Suo Ming, Ying Si Tiao, You-jet, Yu Lang, Yu Luo Xin, Zeleft, Zolodin, Zoloft D.A.C., Zoloft, Zolotrin, Zortal, Zosert, Zotral, Zysertin.

Active substance: Sertraline.

ATC - N06AB06 Sertraline

Pharmacological group - Antidepressants.

Generic Name: sertraline

Brand Name: Zoloft

What is Sertraline?

Sertraline is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Sertraline affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with depression, panic, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive symptoms. You can buy Asentra.

Sertraline is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

What is the most important information I should know about sertraline?

You should not use sertraline if you also take pimozide, or if you are being treated with methylene blue injection.

Do not use sertraline if you have taken an MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days. A dangerous drug interaction could occur. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline, and tranylcypromine.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Signs, Symptoms and Solutions

Some young people have thoughts about suicide when first taking an antidepressant. Stay alert to changes in your mood or symptoms. Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor.

Do not give sertraline to anyone younger than 18 years old without the advice of a doctor. Sertraline is FDA-approved for children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It is not approved for treating depression in children.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F32 Depressive episode;

F41.0 Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety];

F41.2 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder;

F42 Obsessive-compulsive disorder;

F43.1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Sertraline (Asentra) Composition, structure and packing

Tablets, film-coated white, round, with bevelled edges and a notch on the one hand; on a break - white lumpy mass.

Other ingredients: magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl cellulose, sodium starch glycolate, calcium dihydrogen phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, talc.

Cover structure: Opadry 03H28758 (hypromellose, titanium dioxide, talc, propylene glycol).

Pharmacological action

Antidepressant. A specific inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin (5-HT) reuptake in neurons. In the metabolism of norepinephrine and dopamine affects slightly. At therapeutic doses, sertraline blocks serotonin uptake in human platelets. The drug has no stimulating, sedative or anticholinergic action. No affinity for serotonin, dopamine, histamine, benzodiazepine, GABA, choline and adrenoceptors.

The antidepressant effect was observed by the end of the second week of the regular admission of Asentra, while the maximum effect is achieved only after 6 weeks.

Unlike tricyclic antidepressants in the appointment of Asentra no increase in body weight; in some cases, marked its decline.

The drug does not cause mental or physical drug dependence.



After oral administration of sertraline is slowly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, C max in plasma is reached after 4.5–8.4 h.


Css is set within a week with a daily intake of 1 times/day. Sertraline binding to plasma proteins is 98%. Vd > 20 l/kg.

Sertraline is excreted in breast milk. Data on its ability to cross the placental barrier is not.

Metabolism and excretion

Sertraline undergoes intense biotransformation in the “first pass” through the liver by N-demethylation. The main metabolite - N-desmethylsertraline - less active than the parent compound. Metabolites are excreted in urine and faeces in equivalent amounts. Approximately 0.2% of sertraline excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form. T 1/2 drug is 22–36 hours and is independent of the age or sex of the patients. For N-desmethylsertraline T 1/2 - 62–104 hours.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations

T 1/2 and AUC in plasma increases with abnormal liver function.

Pharmacokinetic parameters of sertraline in patients with both mild and moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance 20–50 ml/min), and with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <20 ml/min) did not change when it is used consistently.

Sertraline is not output during dialysis.

Sertraline (Asentra) Dosage

For depression and OCD in the average adult starting dose is 50 mg 1 time/day, in the morning or in the evening. The daily dose can be gradually not earlier than one week increased to 50 mg and a maximum daily dose of 200 mg.

For panic disorders and PTSD Asentra initial dose is 25 mg 1 time/day, in the morning or in the evening. After a week, you can increase the dose to 50 mg 1 time/day, and then gradually, not a week before, to raise up to a maximum daily dose of 200 mg.

Initial dose of Asentra for children aged 6 to 12 years is 25 mg sertraline 1 time/day, in the morning or in the evening. After a week, you can increase the dose to 50 mg 1 time/day. For children between the ages of 12 to 17 years starting dose is 50 mg 1 time/day in the morning or in the evening. If necessary, the daily dose can be gradually not earlier than one week, to increase from 50 mg up to a maximum daily dose of 200 mg. To avoid overdose should take into account the smaller body weight in children compared with adults, and with increasing doses above 50 mg/day should be carefully monitored for this category of patients: the first signs of an overdose of the drug should be discontinued.

Satisfactory therapeutic results achieved typically after 7 days of starting treatment. However, to achieve full therapeutic effect requires regular use of the drug for 2–4 weeks. In patients with OCD in order to achieve a good result may require 8–12 weeks. The minimum dose providing therapeutic effect is maintained in the future as a support.

In elderly patients, there is no need for a special dose adjustment.

In hepatic dysfunction drug should be used with caution. In severe hepatic dysfunction dose should be reduced or increased intervals between doses.

In patients with impaired renal function, a special correction dosing regimen is not required.

Asentra (Sertraline) Overdose

Symptoms: may cause serotonin syndrome with nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, tachycardia, agitation, dizziness, agitation, diarrhea, sweating, myoclonus, hyperreflexia. Severe symptoms are observed, even when using the drug in high doses. However, when taken with other drugs or ethanol may occur severe poisoning, sometimes fatal.

Treatment: There are no specific antidotes. If necessary - intensive supportive therapy and monitoring of vital body functions. Injection of activated carbon can be more effective than gastric lavage, artificial cause vomiting is not recommended. Necessary to maintain an open airway. Forced diuresis, dialysis, hemoperfusion, or blood transfusions may be unsuccessful (due to the large volume of distribution of sertraline).

Drug Interactions

With simultaneous use of sertraline and MAO inhibitors (including selective MAO inhibitors acting reversible type of action - selegiline and moclobemide) may develop serotonin syndrome: hyperthermia, rigidity, myoclonus, and the lability of the autonomic nervous system (rapid fluctuations of parameters of the respiratory and cardiovascular system), changes mental status, including increased irritability, marked agitation, confusion, which in some cases may go into delirious state or coma (this combination is contraindicated). Similar complications (sometimes fatal) arise in the appointment of MAO inhibitors during treatment with antidepressants, depressing neuronal uptake of monoamines or immediately after their withdrawal.

In healthy volunteers the use of sertraline 200 mg/day did not affect the effect of ethanol, carbamazepine or haloperidol, as well as mental activity and psychomotor activity (though the combined purpose of sertraline and drugs which depress the central nervous system, requires careful attention, and the simultaneous use of with ethanol and ethanol-containing drugs are contraindicated).

The joint appointment of indirect anticoagulants (coumarin derivatives) with sertraline showed a significant increase in prothrombin time (prothrombin time control is required at the beginning of the use of sertraline and after its cancellation).

Sertraline Pharmacokinetic interactions

In a joint application sertraline may interact with other drugs that bind to plasma proteins (diazepam, tolbutamide and warfarin).

Simultaneous use of the drug cimetidine significantly reduces the clearance of sertraline.

Long term administration of sertraline at a dose of 50 mg/day with desipramine (drug metabolizing isoenzyme CYP2D6) is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of desipramine in plasma.

In in vitro experiments revealed that carried isoenzyme CYP3A3/4 betagidroksilirovanie endogenous cortisol, as well as the metabolism of carbamazepine and terfenadine with long-term administration of sertraline at a dose of 200 mg/day did not change.

Plasma concentrations of tolbutamide, phenytoin and warfarin for long-term administration of sertraline 200 mg/day does not change, therefore, it can be concluded that sertraline does not inhibit the isoenzyme CYP2C9.

Sertraline does not affect the concentration of diazepam in serum, suggesting the lack of inhibition of isoenzyme CYP2C19.

According to in vitro studies, sertraline has virtually no effect or minimally inhibits isoenzyme CYP1A2.

The pharmacokinetics of lithium were not significantly altered by concomitant administration of sertraline; but tremor occurs more frequently, which suggests the possibility of a pharmacodynamic interaction (such combination requires caution). Also caution should be prescribed sertraline with other drugs that affect the serotonergic transmission.

When replacing one inhibitor of neuronal uptake on the other there is no need for a “washout period.” However, caution is required when changing the course of treatment. Avoid co-administration of tryptophan or fenfluramine with sertraline.

In clinical studies have shown that sertraline causes minimal induction of liver enzymes. Simultaneous with the appointment of sertraline 200 mg of antipyrine and leads to a significant decrease in T 1/2 antipyrine (this change is detected only 5% of cases).

When co-administered sertraline has no effect on beta-adrenoceptor blocking effect of atenolol.

When administered in a daily dose of sertraline 200 mg drug interactions with glibenclamide and digoxin have been identified.

Pregnancy and lactation

Adequate and well-controlled clinical studies on the safety of sertraline during pregnancy was conducted. Use of the drug is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Women of childbearing age in the period of the drug should be advised to use effective contraceptive methods.

Sertraline is found in breast milk. The appointment during lactation should stop breastfeeding because of the lack of reliable data on the safety of sertraline in this period.

Sertraline (Asentra) Side effects

CNS and peripheral nervous system: dry mouth, increased sweating, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, tremor, anxiety, agitation, hypomania, mania, insomnia, loss of appetite (rarely - increased) until anorexia, weakness, restlessness.

From the digestive system: flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain; rare (0.8%) with prolonged use - asymptomatic increase of transaminases in serum (normal upon drug discontinuation).

Miscellaneous: blurred vision, redness of the skin, ejaculation disorders, decreased libido, weight loss.

From the laboratory parameters: reversible hyponatremia (more common in the elderly, as well as when taking diuretics or some other drugs) associated with the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH.

When using the drug in a few cases have been marked extrapyramidal disorder, dyskinesia, tremor, convulsions, menstrual disorders, hyperprolactinemia, galactorrhea, skin rash; rarely - erythema multiforme. Movement disorders were more common in patients with indications of their presence in history or concomitant use of antipsychotic drugs.

Discontinuation of the drug withdrawal syndrome is rare. Possible paresthesia, hypoesthesia, symptoms of depression, hallucinations, aggressive reaction, agitation, anxiety, or psychotic symptoms. These manifestations are difficult to distinguish from the main symptoms of the disease, and may occur in the application and other antidepressants.


Treatment and prevention of depression of various etiologies;

Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD);

Treatment of panic disorder;

Post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD).


Concomitant use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors and for 14 days after their withdrawal;

Simultaneous use of tryptophan or fenfluramine;

Unstable epilepsy;

Children under 6 years of age;


Lactation (breastfeeding);

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

With care prescribe the drug for neurological disorders (including mental retardation), manic states, epilepsy, hepatic and/or renal failure, weight loss, children over 6 years.


According to clinical studies, sertraline drug is effective and safe in the treatment of depression in patients with myocardial infarction, and in patients with unstable angina. Placebo-controlled studies have shown the efficacy and safety of sertraline in patients with diabetes.

Sertraline is not prescribed in conjunction with MAO inhibitors, and also within 14 days after discontinuation of treatment with MAO inhibitors; after discontinuation of sertraline for 14 days did not prescribe MAOIs.

C Patients with depression are at risk for suicide attempts. This risk persists until the development of remission. Therefore, from the beginning of treatment and to achieve optimal clinical response should establish a permanent medical supervision of the patient.

At the moment there is no sufficient experience with sertraline in patients undergoing electroconvulsive therapy. Eventual success or risk of such combined treatment has not been studied.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

Appointment of sertraline is not accompanied by a violation of psychomotor functions. However, its use in conjunction with other drugs may impair attention and motor coordination. Therefore, during treatment with sertraline to drive vehicles or to engage in activities related to the increased risk is not recommended.

Sertraline (Asentra) Reviews

Other names Zoloft: Stimuloton, Asentra, certralina, Deprefolt, Seralina, Serenata, Serlift, Torin, Adyuvin.

... Zoloft - this is a wonderful drug! This is the first that I have appointed. Very strong anti-depressant! I was on it so cool ... and shivers ran, and hands numb, and it was getting dark Galaz and hallucinations were ... well I do not like this drug ...

... I took it for two days. On the first day I was so covered that I even have really thought the end ... I do not even speech center refused ... all in all instructions for antidepressants written that when a hallucination should stop taking the drug ... here ... I called the doctor - say - so and so - I have hallucinations - as she says - keep drinking ... says there is no more - and I believe it ... and the next day - my mother dear ... I was in shock and stopped short to take it ... then another read that there side effects in rare cases, death ... very interesting side effect - is not it ?? That's a good thought, it is better to kick in or live with panic attacks ... I chose panic attacks ... and began to take tranquilizers ... they are much softer, but the cause of panic attacks is not treated, but only eliminate the symptoms ... but output I have no ... that's ...

Well ... on myself and I checked what BP called Zoloft. Last night I was taken to the emergency room, because there was a very strong attack of the PA, I have all day twisted-nauseated, and in the evening caught spazm, shaking like never before, and I could not control it, cramped hands and feet, the head stopped, in short I thought I was dying, I thought a stroke happens. Mom with my brother scared exactly, and I myself was in shock!
In short a good thing in America ambulance come in 3 minutes ... we were loaded into the car and drove away. Held once a bunch of tests, to the point that thrust me into some kind of pipe and checked brain. In conclusion, I know that everything is fine on the analysis, and by the strongest attack occurred overstressed despite the fact that I spent the whole day lying in bed.
I do not want think, but after this experience with BP I get to the side of the opponents of this chemistry, and I will calm myself try more humane ways ...
Zoloft I took only 2 days, ie two tablets of 0.25

... Well that ends well ... and Zoloft - is evil itself ... 2 days only sustained, and well, he fucking - such aid ... does not cure, and cripples ...

... Hi! Zoloft - the active ingredient Sertraline ... started to drink and immediately went strong side effects, heart palpitations, anxiety began, although receiving sertraline me it was not, discomfort in the abdomen and chest, there was great excitement, dilated pupils, eyes were like a wolf ...

... As well that I have not bought a drink and did not ... I neuropathologist has written out, but somehow I'm not in a hurry with this ... right now I read the topic and pleased !!! ... I like all my life against drugs and against these pills that make me not from me ... and I want to be yourself !!! Without the intervention of my mind ...


Fluoxetine (Prozac)

20 Jan 2017

Fluoxetine (trade name Prozac) is selective inhibitor of the return capture of serotonin, antidepressant, is applied as anoreksigenny means or a suppressor of appetite.

Fluoxetine available and inexpensive means (the Prozac trademark is many times more expensive) for appetite suppression, with rather rare side effects. Over 22 million purposes of Fluoxetine were carried out to the USA in 2007, doing it to one of the most often appointed medicines. To all other he has the activating influence, doing trainings by more intensive. Due to anti-depressive effect the motivation and aspiration to training increases. Is on sale strictly according to the recipe.

It is in addition possible to note noticeable improvement of mood, decrease in need for a dream, elimination of premenstrual pains at women, increase in duration of sexual intercourse at men (however, there is a large number of feedbacks (about 11%) saying that Prozac causes impotence, causes painful feelings in case of an ejaculation which long don't pass, causes problems with an ejaculation, reduces sexual desire (both at men, and at women), and bright realistic dreams.

Mechanism of action

Fluoxetine works as selective inhibitor of the return capture of serotonin at the expense of what increases mood, reduces intensity, uneasiness and sensation of fear, eliminates dysphoria. Besides serotonin plays an important role in the center of saturation, so in case of increase in its concentration under the influence of fluoxetine the feeling of hunger considerably decreases that gives the chance easier to transfer a low-calorie diet in case of weight loss. The expressed therapeutic effect occurs in 1 week of acceptance.


Hypersensitivity, chronic renal failure, the expressed liver failure, suicidal mood, concomitant use of inhibitors of MAO (in the previous 2 weeks), pregnancy, lactemia period.

With care: A diabetes mellitus, an epileptic syndrome of various genesis and an epilepsy (including in the anamnesis), Parkinson's illness, the compensated renal and/or liver failure, cachexia.

Side effects

Using Fluoxetine for weight loss development of the following side effects is possible (though the probability doesn't exceed 5-10%):

From a nervous system Prozac can cause: giddiness, a headache, a sleepiness or sleeplessness, slackness, increased fatigue, an asthenia, a tremor, agitation, uneasiness, suicidal bent (inherent to the patient with depressive disorders), a mania or a hypomania.

From the alimentary system: a loss of appetite, dryness in a mouth or hypersalivation, nausea, diarrhea.

Allergic reactions: dermal eruption, urticaria.

Others: the increased sweating, depression of a libido.

Extremely seldom: systemic disturbances from lungs, kidneys or a liver, vasculites.

Sexual dysfunction at men in rare instances. Easily is eliminated at additional reception of yokhimbin.

In the instruction refer to side effects also weight loss. All undesirable reactions have reversible character. "Attention" Contrary to popular belief, after cancellation depressions or sharp rising of appetite as concentration decreases very slowly within several days don't develop.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, condition of exaltation, cramp.

Treatment: a gastric lavage, purpose of absorbent carbon, at cramps - anxiolytic HP (tranquilizers), symptomatic therapy.

Route of administration and doses

For weight loss Fluoxetine is accepted inside. An initial dose - 20 mg/days of 1 times, in the morning; if necessary weekly the dose is enlarged by 20 mg/days. The maximum daily dose - 60 mg in 2-3 receptions, however at weight loss for effective suppression of appetite is enough 40 mg a day. As a rule the effect is swept up for 2-3 day of a course. Duration of a course of treatment - 4-5 weeks then the dose gradually decreases to full cancellation within 1 week.

Danger to mental health and life

The disputable reputation medicine was earned in connection with loud trials and legal claims in the relation by companies, and also become frequent cases suicide manifestations during treatment and massacre against the background of acceptance of this medicine.

In 2013 Peter Breggin the psychiatrist gave the comment on the website on the occasion of mass execution in headquarters of Naval Forces of SShAin which calls by a major factor of the incident Trazodon's acceptance as sleeping pill. According to doctor Breggin, Trazodon makes similar dangerous impact, as Fluoxetine.

In 2014 the Civil Commission on Human Rights published on the website a new research of the journalist Patricia Kelly O'Meara according to which, cautions about dangers of antidepressants and extended coverage of this question in media led to reduction of demand for antidepressants that matched on time reduction of number of suicides among teenagers.



20 Jan 2017

Fitomutsil isn't means for weight loss, but the effect of loss of weight is present at most of patients. The matter is that this medicine is positioned as light depletive. Fitomutsil is manufactured in Great Britain according to the GMP standards.


Peel of seeds of a plantain of block (Plantago psyllium) of 5 g,

fruits of plum of home (Domestica prunus) of 1 g

Together these components are a source of food fibers. Besides that they stimulate a vermicular movement, fibers can be useful also in fight against excess weight. Incorporating liquid, they inflate and occupy space, filling the free volume of a stomach. It creates feeling of satiety for some time, reducing appetite and allowing to eat less. You can also like Semax.

Laxative effect of fitomutsil very soft. Stabilization of work of a digestive tract requires several days of regular reception of additive, at the same time, the organism just gradually fixes the mechanism of release of intestines without unplanned losses of liquid, valuable electrolytes and nutrients.

Fitomutsit reviews of additive

Fitomutsil's reception gives small effect in weight loss. Nutritionists make a reservation that for bigger result it is necessary to combine his use with physical exercises and observance of a diet. In that case it is possible to achieve "plumbs" on average minus 3-4 kg in a month though there are noticeable shifts from this size: both in one, and in other party.

The number of the lost kilograms depends on a diet and intensity of occupations that allows to draw an important conclusion: performance of all these "additional" actions actually has key value in weight loss process course, and more likely Fitomutsil is addition to a diet and exercises, than on the contrary.

Responses of the nutritionist

The practicing nutritionist Zueva Elena

Fitomutsil is good only as soft laxative. It is no secret that on diets, especially extreme, quite often there are locks. Here it is also useful to you fitomutsit, but to expect that he will help to lose weight and will disperse a metabolism, silly. Remember, laxative and diuretic doesn't help to lose weight. And in certain cases even disturbs. If you keep to a vegetable diet and feel a problem with locks, buy fitomutsit. But as soon as process will be adjusted, refuse medicine reception, otherwise you risk to do irreparable harm to the organism.

Side effects

According to the instruction, side effects when using means don't arise. However it is necessary to remember that at the wrong use of dietary supplement locks can develop.

Fitomutsil has small positive effect on process of disposal of excess weight. Thanks to simple structure and non-interference to course of physiological processes, it can be considered one of the safest means for weight loss. However, as well as in other cases, reception of dietary supplement doesn't cancel other efforts directed to achievement of normal weight.

Fitomutsil Slim Smart

Fitomutsil Slim the Smart is a part a peel of seeds of a plantain (Plantago Psyllium) 4.5g; glyucomannan 0.5g.

Actually, weight reduction happens thanks to a diet. Without restrictions in food acceptance Fitomutsil Slim the Smart doesn't make a sense. Fitomutsil Slim the Smart is means for weight reduction which works thanks to availability in structure of 5 grams of cellulose. The main mechanism of action is an oppression of hunger. Additive allows to transfer easier a low-calorie diet, but has no direct fat-burning effect. As a part of nothing supernatural or innovative isn't present – only insoluble food fibers contain there.

Efficiency evaluation and the declared effects:

Affirms that additive oppresses appetite. There are no claims to this statement. Really, when 5 grams of insoluble food fibers and 0.5 liters of liquid get into your stomach, doesn't getting hungry any more. Cellulose absorbs water and inflates. It stretches stomach walls. At the same time mechanoreceptors which signal in a brain about saturation are activated. When the stomach is complete, getting hungry less. As a result the meal will be more modest if only you don't begin to push in yourself food with a great effort.

The instruction and the official site of additive say that additive Fitomutsil Slim the Smart blocks digestion of fats and carbohydrates. It is a lie. Cellulose only slows down splitting and absorption of nutrients, but doesn't block these processes. Therefore, this mechanism of action is invented.

The last effect which is presumably exerting impact on weight is a decrease in caloric content of food. Sounds beautifully, but it is no more than cheap manipulation. You can take 5 grams of a product with nutritional value of 500 kcal / 100. Add 5 grams of cellulose there, and caloric content will decrease exactly twice – now it will constitute 250 kcal / 100. But on the same logic the caloric content of candies can be reduced if to wash down them with water. Average nutritional value will be small, but it is obvious that the absolute number of the calories which arrived in an organism will remain invariable.


Most of people if to trust feedbacks, are quite happy with effect of additive Fitomutsil Slim the Smart. However, in the comments growing thin generally speak not about weight reduction, and about clarification of intestines. As they learned that their intestines were cleared of toxins and slags – a riddle. Other reasons of positive reviews: natural structure; regular acceptance Fitomutsil Slim the Smart helps in case of locks; appearance improvement; weight reduction on 3-5 kilograms. The abundance of positive reviews is a consequence of competent strategy of promotion of medicine. His producers pay people who under the guise of regular visitors of the website leave comments of advertizing nature under articles. In such a way sales of many additives having doubtful efficiency or a predatory price increase.


Physical and chemical aspects of reception

20 Jan 2017

The communications which are taking part in formation of a complex pharmacological drug — a receptor, form the big force field on the surface of a receptor attracting the drug molecule diffusing in an organism. This effect can be cooperative and pays off on Fick's equation. There are several types of communications which play a role in association pharmacological drug — a receptor:

Valent communication arises between two atoms if they socialize two electrons with anti-parallel backs. Binding energy is carried to a resonance of electrons between atoms. This communication is carried out on small distances 1 — 2 And, and its energy makes 10 — 150 kcal - mol - 1. Such communications form drugs of Hydrargyrum and an arsenic with the enzymes having sulfhydryl groups, alkylnatrii phosphases with a cholinesterase, dibenamin with and receptors of adrenergic systems, as well as alkiliruyushy tsitosgatik.

  • Ionic bonds in principle are quite stable. Binding energy makes 5 kcal - mol - 1. They have a certain value for association of pharmacological drugs with receptors.
  • Ion-dipolar communications with energy of 2 — 5 kcal - mol - 1 are essential to orientation of pharmacological drug concerning a receptor molecule.
  • Hydrogen bonds have energy about 1 — 7 kcal - mol - 1 and participate in association of pharmacological drug in the receptor field.
  • Dipole-dipolar communications take part in fixation of pharmacological drug in the receptor field with the energy peer to 1 — 3 kcal - mol - 1.
  • Apolyarny van-der-vaalsovy of communication stabilize a complex of pharmacological drug with a receptor. Their binding energy makes 0,2 — 1 kcal - mol - 1.
  • Hydrophobic communications are formed at interaction of unpolar medicines in water medium.

Orientation of pharmacological drug in the receptor field happens at an optimum complementarity of partners. It is reached when binding energy more than 10 kcal - mol - 1.

Interaction of the pharmacological agent with a receptor proceeds in three stages: attractions, orientations and bracings. The closer pharmacological drug is concerning a receptor and its receptor field, the larger number of communications takes part, including also van-der-vaalsovy of communication.

If the pharmacological agent acts by means of induction of changes of a configuration of a receptor, then it is necessary to distinguish a part of a molecule which is responsible for communication with a receptor, i.e. for "property" and that part of a molecule which causes conformational changes, i.e. "effectiveness". It allows classifying medicines by the principle of interaction with a receptor:

Agonists — medicinal substances which by means of an attachment to a receptor induce effective configuration change.

Antagonists — medicinal substances which, being attached to a receptor, don't induce effective configuration change.

Incomplete (partial) agonists — medicinal substances which by means of fixing with a receptor can induce effective configuration change, but to a lesser extent than it is induced by agonist.

This determination assumes that the receptor is not only in 2 conformations — "based" and "put", but there is also a number of intermediate forms — "partially put" conformations. The last should be considered as receptor places for a number of the molecules rendering similar pharmacological effect. Please pay attention to Cerluten.

The concept about isoreceptors explains why there is such kind of cellular and organ specificity in a capability of pharmacological medicines to affect the main ways of metabolism in fauna.

As in case of interaction of pharmacological medicine with a receptor the structural complementarity is provided also with the most important physical and chemical properties of medicines which have a direct bearing on a reception problem it is possible to allocate the size of a molecule on which the penetration kinetics through intrakorporalny barriers depends. With increase in a molecule the possibility of change of its geometry and education of van-der-vaalsovykh of communications with the macromolecular partner raises.

The geometry of molecules pharmacological of active medicines has essential value for interaction them with receptors. Molecules exist in various forms of isomerous conformation: optical, geometrical and conformational isomers. In molecular pharmacology the following consistent patterns are determined:

1. In case of low-molecular substances (1.2 dichloraethylene) sterichesky differences of a molecular structure poorly affect features of pharmacological effect of drugs.

#2. The structural and specific effect occurs in case of use of pharmacological agents with a larger molecular weight, such as, mediators of a nervous system (160 — 190). Among them an adrenaline and Acetylcholinum contain 26 atoms, serotonin — 25 atoms, and Noradrenalinum — 23 atoms.

It is established that the conformstion of a molecule of a receptor is more rigid, the difference in operation is stronger than stereoisomers, i.e. difference in operation of stereoisomers depends on in what degree the receptor represents rigid bond.

3. Paramount value for resorption of pharmacological drugs has their solubility in water which testifies not only to a look, but also to the number of polar groups in their molecules.

4. Contrary to it solubility of pharmacological drugs in lipids testifies to smaller polarity of bonds. Between solubility in water and lipids there is an inversely proportional dependence. In particular, the lipid — water is higher than a coefficient, the easier pharmacological drug gets through biological membranes, namely, through their lipide layer. Studying of distribution coefficients, and also physical and chemical aspects of interaction of steroids with biological membranes allows to make the conclusion about the hydrophobic nature of influence of steroids and curariform agents.

There was an attempt of creation of model of interaction of Acetylcholinum and its analogs with receptors, interaction of organic ions quarternary the ammoniynykh of the bases with mesh structures of polyelectrolytes is studied and the conclusion is made that larger energy of interaction or hydrophobic effect can be the reason of high specificity. Further specification of the factors influencing interaction of a holinoretseptor with Acetylcholinum or the quarternary ammoniyny bases in the conditions of creation of experimental models, perhaps by means of the thermodynamic analysis.

In recent years for complex formation assessment between pharmacological drugs and receptors the research of electron structure of pharmacological drugs became very popular. Among them some antibiotics, steroids, sulfanylamide drugs, etc. are studied.

Thus, a research of physical and chemical properties of molecules of pharmacological drugs — a necessary stage in assessment of their complex formation with receptors.


Phentermine for weight loss

20 Jan 2017

Phentermine a stimulator which is similar in properties and structure to an amphetamine. It is used as an agent for appetite suppression. Phentermine unlike an amphetamine doesn't cause the expressed feeling of pleasure and therefore it is allowed in some countries as drug for treatment of an obesity. Phentermine is implemented both in a high-speed form (Adipex®) and in the form of pitches with long action (Ionamin®, Duromine® in Australia and New Zealand).

In Russia drug is entered in the List II of the list of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors therefore it is legally impossible to get it. You can also like Cerluten.

Researches on weight reduction

Phentermine (ionamin, adipecs, Fastinum) at 60% of patients lost weight more than for 5% that was confirmed in randomized placebos - controlled researches. At treatment this drug didn't obtain a reliable data about a possibility of its beneficial effect on expression of dislipidemiya, hyperglycemia and other complications of obesity. Short-range forms of phentermine prescribe 3 times a day in 30 min. prior to food. Retardny forms of phentermine are taken before a breakfast once a day. Phentermine is drug of the central action. For this reason its appointment can be followed by the same undesirable phenomena, as well as reception of sibutramin. In addition, long reception of phentermine can lead to development of medicinal dependence, rising of pressure in system of a pulmonary artery, to strengthen sympathoadrenal implications at "the panic attacks" at patients with alarming disorders. Phentermine (unlike a sibutramin and an orlistat) concerns to group of strong drugs, is released only according to the prescription of the doctor, and duration of his appointment shouldn't exceed 3 months.


Kickback phenomenon

19 Jan 2017

Kickback phenomenon is the term used in bodybuilding for the description of process of loss of muscle bulk after the termination of reception of anabolic steroids or other anabolic means it lasts about 1 month after a course. The phenomenon of kickback is especially expressed at the use of steroids in high doses, and also at unreasonably made courses.

How to prevent a kickback phenomenon?

  • You take only competently made courses
  • Reduce intensity of trainings after a course by 50% within 1 month
  • Accept anticatabolic means - cortisol blockers
  • Accept not less than 250 g of protein a day
  • Use gonadotrophin

How to win against "kickback"

Source: Iron world 2013 No. 11

At different users of AAS the kickback happens not to the identical speed and intensity, however the phenomenon it waits for everyone without exception. What main reasons for kickback and whether it is possible to resist to them? For the answer to this question at first it is necessary to be defined at the expense of what we receive good results at application of steroids of One of main objectives of the persons visiting gyms the hypertrophy of muscles is. For already many years it is known that combinations of physical activities in total with good nutrition lead to increase in muscle bulk. A little smaller amount of time is known that addition in this combination of anabolic steroids allows to achieve results quicker and to make them more expressed. From everything the level listed by a basis for a hypertrophy of muscles moreover which we have loading is - it is a factor primary, and food and hormones are factors secondary. Without loading the muscles, not to achieve results, it is as if good we ate and were pricked. The modern science is capable to answer many questions concerning a hypertrophy of muscles as a result of physical activities and along with it to dispel the myths occurring still in different sources. Let's consider a number of current postulates which to us will help to understand the kickback reasons.

Increase in volume of muscle fiber more develops at the expense of hypertrophy.

This type of a hypertrophy represents process of increase in quantity miofibrill (elements of muscle cell), entering muscle fibers. The more in muscle fiber similar to threads miofibrill, the it becomes more volume and stronger. Imagine an elastic band from pants which consists of a fabric strip with the thin rubber threads interwoven into it. Each such thread separately has no the necessary elasticity and if to tie to it a heavy load and to pull, then it will just break, and here the same freight tied to the whole elastic band will dangle on it as the devil on a string. Same situation with miofibrill. Each separate miofibrill is capable to be reduced, but develops at the same time only tiny effort, however when the number of these miofibrill the huge, and common effort developed by muscle fiber considerable. The correct mode of training loads leads to increase in quantity miofibrill in muscle fiber, at the same time fiber becomes more and stronger. Hypertrophy which is understood as growth of muscle cells due to preferential increase in amount, i.e. part of fibers also is mentioned in various sources. There are also recommendations about the training mode stimulating this type of a hypertrophy: the high-volume training with small scales, small rest between approaches, the incomplete amplitude and the continuous mode promoting difficulty of outflow of blood from muscles i.e. actually is about pamping. However, as it appeared, the sarkoplazma share of muscle fiber is so small (9-10%) that there is no sense it purposefully to develop. Nevertheless, any body builder can assure that the pamping yields good result in growth of muscle bulk. And this is true, the main effect of pamping consists not in increase in amount of aarkoplazma, and in a hypertrophy of oxidizing muscle fibers which mainly is slow, and it to 50% of all fibers entering amount of one muscle. 90% of growth of muscular amounts are reached by a combination of the training modes directed to miofibrill hypertrophy of all types of muscle fibers.

Anabolic steroids stimulate miofibrill hypertrophy.

The hypertrophy of muscle fiber depends on quantity again formed in miofibrill. The correct training load causes the following factors stimulating education new miofibrill:

  • The increased concentration of anabolic hormones in blood and a muscle.
  • The increased concentration of free creatine in muscle fiber.
  • The increased concentration of ions of hydrogen in muscle fiber.

Those who don't use anabolic steroids are considerably limited in the size of the first factor and hope only for the power of the endocrine system. However by the exogenous use of anabolic hormones it is possible to increase their concentration in tens or even hundreds of times. Therefore any beginning course of reception of steroids notes two effects inseparably linked with each other: increase in volume of muscles and growth of working scales, and isn't a rarity a result increase in a press lying on 20 kg in the first month of a course. Growth of weight is followed by growth of force that demonstrates increase in number miofibrill in muscle fibers. When growth of working scales, as a rule, stops also growth of weight stops. If to speak in conditional figures, then the monthly cycle of trainings on "the resources" will add on 20 miofibrill to each fiber, and with assistance of exogenous hormones – on 100. The increased concentration of ions of hydrogen and free creatine in muscle fiber is created only during loading, and this factor only pushes cages to education in them miofibrill, and the concentration of anabolic hormones here increased is necessary on an extent not only trainings, but also all rest of the time. Miofibrilla is under construction within 15 days, and all this time synthesis of protein has to be raised. Delay of this process limits growth of muscle bulk in general. Therefore it is so difficult for "hetero" to achieve growth, his hormonal system not always works steadily and depends on many external conditions, and "chemist" creates constantly increased hormonal level forcibly, and in this plan it is simpler to it to provide full and fast maturing miofibrill.

Termination of use of steroids

From all aforesaid it is easy to draw a conclusion that with the termination of introduction to an organism of anabolic steroids also all his positive impact on a hypertrophy stops. The training doesn't stimulate education miofibrill in a large number, and construction of new doesn't take place in conditions of sharply raised protein synthesis. And what happens to high number miofibrill, already created on a course? It is easy to guess that it begins to decrease, and together with it, respectively, also muscular volumes and force decrease. It is of natural process of aging miofibrill the result. The mechanism of aging of organellas of a muscle cell is connected with functioning of so-called lysosomes which constantly destroy some organellas including miofibrill in a cage. Lysosomes (from Greek lýsis – disintegration, decomposition and soma – a body) – the structures in cages of animal and vegetable organisms containing enzymes capable to split (lizirovat) proteins, nucleinic acids, polysaccharides, lipids. One of functions of lysosomes is destruction of structures unnecessary a cage, for example during replacement of old organelles new, or digestion of the proteins and other substances produced in the cage. Synthesis new miofibrill for lack of the acceptable level of anabolic hormones very low, as a result of lysosome is gradually destroyed by old miofibrill which in a large number have collected in muscle cells on a course, and new don't come to their place any more. The volume of a muscle cell decreases, and to that size which is capable to support the current level of testosterone. That is if he is lower than natural norm, then it is possible even to lose what was to a course. Lysosomes work not so quickly, the first weeks can be not noticed kickback at all, but through some time (often it occurs three weeks later) the kickback becomes obvious and accompanies with falling of scales each training. Please pay attention to Hepatamin.

Kickback termination (or his essential delay) in sports practice is reached by the use of the testosterone or other anabolic steroids in doses at the level of therapeutic. It is about so-called "bridge" between courses. Sharp decrease in quantity of the used androgens, and is, as a rule, 200-250 mg of testosterone a week, reduces load of an organism, but doesn't remove it completely. The liver and kidneys will continue to work in the emergency mode as they should deactivate and bring androgens out of an organism, but this loading will be less than if 1000 mg a week were accepted. Anyway, "bridge" has to consist only of injection steroids as the negative impact of oral forms is significantly higher. Against the background of "bridge" it is recommended to unload systems of an organism to the maximum. It touches also a gastrointestinal tract including. Caloric content of a diet it is possible and it is necessary to lower at least on a quarter, to reduce by the same size protein number in a diet, to exclude food hard to digest. Despite noticeable decrease in dosages of AAS, the results achieved on a course remain almost completely. In it there is nothing surprising, most of consumers of AAS use the doses which aren't corresponding to the level of loadings and food. Time of duration of "bridge" is selected independently and can reach several months. The subjective feeling has to serve as a reference point that the organism has had a rest and "strains to be in action". The better rest received an organism during "bridge", the less long can be a break between courses. However if you have decided to be limited to monthly or even half-month term, then such period can be worried safely without any "bridges". For this purpose it is necessary to try to slow down kickback what it will be question below of.

Delay of kickback is reached by a complex of actions of pharmacological and physiological nature. It is possible to refer the use of the anti-estrogen stimulating synthesis and secretion of testosterone, and also other biologically active agents contributing to normalization of activities of a reproductive system to the first. Such anti-estrogen as lomide and tamoxifen, it is possible to carry zinc, magnesium, a bee uterine milk, antioxidants to other substances (selenium + N astetiltsistein), vitamin D, plant extracts (tribulus and aashvaganda), adaptogens, D-asparaginovuyu acid proved the efficiency. Earlier there was an opinion that one of the serious reasons of a catabolism of muscular tissue after cancellation of acceptance of steroids is the increased cortisol level. Actually many people tried to reduce kickback by means of cortisol inhibitors, for example a tsitadren. But in spite of the fact that that almost completely suppresses secretion of cortisol in adrenal glands, the kickback continued to happen to the same speed. Against the background of it attempts to reduce quantity of cortisol by means of dietary supplements look ridiculous. So the basic reason of kickback is exactly decrease in level of testosterone, but not the high level of cortisol, the last plays in it a part, but not key. After a rate we shall aim to raise as soon as possible testosterone level (in this case own) that "the steroid hole" wasn't such deep. Of course, it won't be compared by efficiency to "bridge", but it is better, than helps not to do anything though there are those who exactly and arrives – anything to itself. Use of creatine during rest from AAS seems very perspective. Creatine is an intermediary between all metabolic processes which happen in a cage, including plastic. As the dugout boat it runs on a cage and transports energy for molecules ATP in the form of the recovered kreatinfosfat from one part of a cage in another. It is important not only during the training, but also during rest. Increasing concentration of creatinfosfat, we stimulate plastic processes in a cage. To one of proofs of it serve a research of the Canadian scientists during which use of creatine helped to keep the muscle bulk, force and endurance in bicepses and tricepses of young men which upper extremities were specially immobilized by means of plaster. Along with creatine (5-10 grams a day) it is possible to use VSAA (20 grams a day) and NMV (3-5 grams a day).

First of all change of the training mode belongs to actions of physiological nature. The training directed to a hypertrophy of muscles without fail is followed by a catabolism, without it there will be no due stimulation of synthesis of protein. The catabolism developing in muscle fibers during loading has complex nature.

Proteoliz – process of decomposition of proteins by means of proteolytic enzymes. Often under proteolizy understand only splitting to amino acids of proteins of food thanks to action on them digestive enzymes in a stomach and a small intestine, however it has also other value – splitting of own proteins of an organism in the course of metabolism. The last takes place to be when amino acids of muscular tissue are spent for energy needs. During loading of both anaerobic, and aerobic nature of a squirrel of muscular tissue are split on amino acids, and those begin to take active part in power supply. To minimize this process we use VSAA before a training, in time and after it, and it is possible to strengthen effects of VSAA by means of an arginin and taurine.

The catabolism caused by hydrogen ions. Except a proteoliz during loading muscle cells are exposed to a catabolism as a result of accumulating in them lactic acid, to be exact products of its disintegration – hydrogen ions. To fight against accumulating of ions of hydrogen there is no sense as it is one of the most important factors of stimulation of synthesis of protein in muscular tissue. However it is necessary to avoid its excessively high concentration as it leads to considerable destruction of proteinaceous structures of a cage and activation of action of lysosomes (the last become active in acidic environment). Extent of destruction of muscles becomes such considerable that normally it is possible to be recovered only against the background of the use of anabolic steroids.

Full-fledged trainings in a rest interval from steroids will only promote kickback strengthening as the catabolism caused by them won't be compensated by the normal level of anabolic hormones in the conditions of "a steroid hole". For reduction of intensity of kickback during this period of a training shall be constructed so that to cause the minimum catabolism. For this purpose it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For reduction of a proteoliz the training shan't be volume and long.
  • For avoidance of excessive concentration of ions of hydrogen in muscle fibers duration of the approach which is carried out to the full shan't exceed 30 seconds, and rest between approaches on the same muscle shall be at least three minutes.

In practice it can be Split from three trainings a week. At each training two-three muscular groups are studied, on each of which it is carried out on two-three working approaches to the full. Serial performance of approaches on each muscular group (around) and so that the working muscles weren't duplicated will be preferable option. In this case it will be possible to avoid excessive acidulation of muscles ions of hydrogen and to keep high rate of a training. For example, after warm-up on all muscles studied for a training it is possible to execute one approach on pectoral muscles, in a rest couple of minutes – approach on the average delta, then in two minutes – approach on a biceps. Further such circle is carried out one or two times again, that is all there are two-three approaches each trained group. Similarly for other trainings (see the scheme below). From personal experience I can tell that to me the most optimum only two approaches on muscular group seem, three approaches can be used in case "bridge" practices. Preferable range of repetitions: 10-12 – on body top, 12-15 – on a bottom. For reduction of volume and duration of a training study of some small muscles can and be offered.

Example of three-day Split

1 day: Breast Average deltas Biceps

2 put the Back Forward deltas the Triceps

3 day of the Leg of Caviar Back deltas


  • Breast: presses of a bar, a dumbbell lying, in an inclination.
  • Deltas: moves of dumbbells in the parties, before, in an inclination.
  • Biceps: raising of a bar.
  • Back: draft of the vertical block the wide successful fellow, draft of a bar or a dumbbell to a belt.
  • Triceps: a block press from top to bottom, assignment of a dumbbell in an inclination.
  • Legs: a press legs, squats with a bar.
  • Calves: rise on socks.


During rest from anabolic steroids, for the purpose of reduction of rates of a catabolism, it is possible to practice therapeutic doses of hormones against the background of decrease in volume and intensity of trainings.

In case duration of rest is supposed within one-one and a half months or the doses used on a course are small, it is possible to refuse safely hormonal support from the outside and to help at the same time own hormonal system.

By means of creatin, BCAA and HMB can be supported to some extent synthesis of muscle protein.

Anyway, intensity and volume of loadings at trainings have to be significantly reduced. It is one of the most important factors of decrease in intensity of kickback. Also the full refusal of trainings for one-two weeks is allowed.

It is possible to try the combined approach at which the first several weeks practice "bridge", and the next several weeks – full refusal of synthetic hormones. In this case during the use of therapeutic doses of AAS it is possible to do three working approaches on muscular group on the above-stated scheme, and during the subsequent period to be limited to two approaches.


Pharmacological providing depending on sport

19 Jan 2017

Depending on groups of sports consider the following pharmacological providing:

1. Cyclic sports demand primary implication of endurance. In them high-speed endurance is combined with good coordination of movements.

Running disciplines of track and field athletics, swimming, rowing, canoe racing, bicycle sport, short track belong to cyclic types; and also winter types — skating, cross-country skiing.

The main functional system is cardio respiratory (cardiovascular and respiratory), providing the neuromuscular device.

These sports demand support of a metabolism, the corresponding specialized delivery and drink (maintenance of water balance), especially at marathon distances when there is a switching of power sources with carbohydrate (Natrii phosphases, a glycogen, a glucose) on lipid and the real threat of a dehydration of an organism is framed. Essential value both when forecasting, and in the course of correction of working capacity by means of pharmacological drugs, has control of the hormonal status. From pharmacological agents first of all energy sources are necessary: Natrii phosphates, glycogen and glucose, metabolites of a cycle of Krebs, and also agent of plastic action, vitamin and mineral complexes.

2. High-speed strength sports (all sprint distances, throwing, weightlifting, etc.), which distinctive feature — explosive, short on time and very intensive physical activity.

The main functional system is the neuromuscular device, providing cardio respiratory system.

In most cases rate depends on genetic determinants and gives in both to a training, and influence of medicines a little. Distinguish the cyclic sequence of motor actions (run) and acyclic it (is bright). It is very difficult to improve result on a hundred-meter race, and force and endurance give in to training influences better. It belongs also to pharmacological correction. Born sprinters have higher percent of fast-twitch muscle fibers in comparison with long-distance runners. Rate is very evident indicator — with age augmentation it undergoes the earliest and expressed recession in comparison with force and endurance.

All throwers and weight-lifters require special control of a specialized delivery and shift of a catabolic phase of a metabolism in anabolic without use of the forbidden steroids and Somatotropinum that is reached by use of agents of anabolic action, Natrii phosphases and other energizator, plastic substrates. Also drugs or DTs which effect is focused on depression of intensity of processes of oxidation of lipids (antioxidants) and adaptogens of a plant origin which contain physiologically active agents of antioxidatic action are obligatory.

At sprinters unacceptably uncontrolled augmentation of body weight. Carbohydrate metabolism and energy sources prevail: Natrii phosphases, glycogen and glucose. At the solution of problems of pharmacological support consider that in these sports the main sources of energy are carbohydrate metabolism and Natrii phosphases, glycogen and glucose. As agents carbohydrate and aluminous and lipid admixtures, antioxidants, drugs of power action, beekeeping products, etc. are applied to maintenance of efficiency of the athlete.

3. Combat sports which characteristic feature at an expenditure of energy is the changeable cyclic level of the exercise stresses depending on specific conditions of rivalry and reaching sometimes very high intensity.

The isolation ward, fencing, free-style wrestling, fight Greek-Roman, judo, taekwondo belong to combat sports.

The main functional system - the neuromuscular device, providing cardio respiratory system.

Use of the resolved agents of anabolic action and sources of full-fledged protein is effective. It is also necessary to consider that these sports are in most cases rather traumatic that can be the cause of disturbances of microcirculation and metabolic processes in a brain therefore as protectors it is necessary to use drugs of nootropic action and dezagregant, such as Trentalum, klopidogret, Dipiridamolum (Curantylum), tirofiban (agrostat), Prefolik (Italy, drug in Ukraine it isn't registered), etc., and also drug of new generation abtsicsimab (Reopro), being monoclonal antibody received by a biotechnological method and having the expressed affinity to receptors of thrombocytes that provides potent very much fast and long anti-aggregate effect.

4. Game sports, or sports, are characterized by a big exercise and neuron psychological stress, existence of movements, single combat elements against the background of intensive game thinking at an appreciable load on the top and lower extremities, and also constant alternating of intensive muscular activity and rest. The basketball, badminton, baseball, softball, handball, soccer, water polo, field hockey, ice hockey, table tennis, volleyball beach, curling belong to game types.

The main functional system is cardio respiratory, providing the neuromuscular device, the visual analyzer, and also operational game thinking.

Problems of pharmacological providing are bound to correction of processes of restoration, compensation of energy, improvement of metabolic processes in a brain by means of vitamin complexes, nootropic drugs, adaptogens of plant and animal origin, and also antioxidants.

5. Coordination sports are based on the thinnest elemental motions that requires considerable endurance and attention, and also on a combination of a dynamic operating mode of one muscles to static efforts of others.

The artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, diving, tramp lining, firing bench, firing bullet, archery, synchronized swimming, sailing, whitewater slalom, equestrian sport belong to types; winter types — figure skating, freestyle, bobsled, mountain skiing, luge, snowboarding, skeleton.

Increase in mental stability by means of vegetable medicines of the comforting action (a valerian, a hawthorn without spirit components, pikamilon), use of nootropic medicines, vitamin complexes, the products containing a large number of energy substrata is of great importance (a liver, an egg yolk, seafood, beekeeping products, creamy and vegetable oils, etc.).

6. Technical sports (auto racing, bobsled, parachute jumps, circulation under a sail, etc.) are substantially connected using technical means. At the same time the level of physical activities cannot reach very high values, but the nervous tension sometimes is on a limit of human opportunities, as determines the principles of pharmacological correction — increase in mental stability

7. Besides, there is a series of the admixed sports where different types of the immune biology including the listed types of physical activity of the person are applied. Naturally, problems of pharmacological providing differ considerably and essentially depending on sport, it is necessary to add that there are many problems with restoration and maintenance at the high level of an intellectual form at competitions in chess.

Irrespective of specialization of the athlete maintenance and rising of its special working capacity is the key moment for achievement of high sports results.

The approximate list of the recommended HP and DD for drawing up individual schemes of pharmacological providing by types of sports activity and stages of preparation

All types of physical activity are sectioned on degree of intensity of loads among which distinguish very high, high, average and low. Approximately the same gradation can be marked out also on degree of psychological loads. For example, the chess player tests enormous intellectual overloads while his exercise stresses are small. The same can be told also about fingers from all types of weapon (except shooters from an onion which tension of a bowstring makes more than 40 kg). Absolutely other situation at marathoners, runners on long and average distances, at skiers and cyclists who work till several hours.

If the doctor wants to affect physical efficiency of the athlete, he first of all should tap the factors limiting working capacity to correct them by means of medicinal preparations and biologically active agents. In most cases several factors can be the cause of a fatigue of athletes: depression of energy resources in the working muscles (inadequate rate of resynthesis of ATP, exhaustion of intramuscular stocks of creatine phosphate, glycogen, hypoglycaemia), accumulation of products of exchange (an acidosis, accumulation of lactic acid and urea, a ketosis, change of electrolytic balance, a dehydration), disturbance of integrity of the functioning structures because of a failure of their plastic providing and a homeostasis, functions of a nervous and hormonal regulation. In admixed sports (figure skating, gymnastics, biathlon, all types of firing, etc.) the primary factor limiting working capacity are psychological overloads which demand correction by not doping medicinal preparations, homeopathic remedies and dietary additives.

Considering prevalence of use of dopes, it is necessary to oblige doctors to keep reporting documentation in which real use of medicines with the indicating of the reason of their appointment has to be reflected (by analogy with a case history).

The card of pharmacological providing represents the document in which all actions bound to pharmacological preparation taking into account loads, a delivery and other recovery procedures are reflected (massage, a sauna, psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytical influences, etc.). This map can be kept in any form, the main thing — dynamics of all medic biological and pedagogical actions bound to the athlete's conclusion to "peak form" once in a year, restoration in micro meso - and macro cycles to two-three times in a year has to be reflected in it. The card which is the legal reporting document has to be stored at the doctor as a case history.

By drawing up the card it is necessary to consider the anamnesis of the athlete and distribution of exercise stresses in a year cycle of its preparation, exact dates of competitions for which he prepares, and also a set of the various factors concerning immediately prescribed pharmacological agents. Among them — possible side effects of the drug used at ultra boundary exercise stresses; results of landmark and profound comprehensive examinations (according to biochemical analyses and bench testings); exhaustive information on medicines (including pharm dynamics and pharm cinetics) or DD which are planned to be used in preparation, and also about results of clinical studying (impact on working capacity and restoration in a bench experiment). It is necessary to be convinced, of course, that this drug isn't dope or its structure doesn't contain doping components.

Use of medicine shall be in details proved — it is necessary to specify what function requires correction, and also to give the results of researches confirming need of its use. Effect of medicine shall be coordinated to other recovery actions (massage, a sauna, balneological procedures, hypo - or gxygenation, etc.).

It is final, needless to say, that the doctor shall have copies of certificates of conformity and hygienic certificates on all applied medicines.

Use of pharmacological means is closely tied to the period, stage, micro and to macro cycle of sports preparation and has with respect thereto the specifics.

The sports training in a year cycle usually begins after the competitions with the transition (recovery) period.

Further the all-preparatory stage of the preparatory (basic) period of preparation when the athlete increase a general physical force, speed, endurance follows. Then special physical training which is characterized by enhancement of the skills necessary in this or that type of competitions begins (jumps, sprint, style of swimming, skating stride on skis, firing and ski race in biathlon, occupations on a log in gymnastics, free skating in figure skating, working off of blows in boxing, etc.). Just before competitions already fulfilled skills are enhanced and fixed. During competitions the level of physical and emotional activities reaches the maximum. At this time creation of all conditions for accomplishment of the task set by the trainer, and if necessary, and for urgent recovery is required if starts (duels, fights) follow one by one with small intervals.

When developing schemes of pharmacological providing it is necessary to take correction of the factors limiting sports working capacity into account. It orders the scheme and reduces amount of the drugs used according to the existing indications to use. Depending on a cycle of training process these or those problems of pharmacological support prevail.

In a transition period the main tasks are remission of the slags which collected in an organism as a result of hard physical activity and also putting off of an overstrain (on medical indications). Vitamins and their complexes, macro - and trace substances, immune nmodulators, antioxidants, enterosorbents and other drugs are for this purpose applied.

In the preparatory period (the general and special and preparatory stages) at hard physical activity it is focused on intensifying and support of anabolic processes and immunity in an organism by means of adaptogens, drugs of the plastic action, immune modulators, antioxidants enriched with proteins of a delivery.

In the competitive period of a problem of pharmacological providing are subordinated to creation and a well-timed restore of power depot in the athlete's organism, fight against augmentation of concentration of free radicals, prophylaxis of traumatism and diseases. Also pharmacological agents influencing education of Natrii phosphases (drugs of creatine, ATF-LONG, neotone, ezafosfin, etc.), and the parenteral delivery rich with carbohydrates (carbohydrate saturation) are used. Creation of power depot is carried out also by use in a ration high-carbohydrate or products, depending on specifics of the performed work, and also products of the increased biological value.

In conclusion it should be noted that universal biologically active agents which could increase efficiency of any athlete don't exist. It is caused by the fact that sports considerably differ on the level of physical activities, duration and the power of the performed work, the accuracy of performance of a task, need for concentration of attention and many other qualities therefore individualization of the developed schemes of pharmacological support has to be based on a research of key parameters of a biochemical and hematologic homeostasis of athletes taking into account gender and age differences, their psychophysical characteristics, and also to be tied to sport, to a stage and the period of sports preparation.

Depending on power providing groups of sports, capacities of loadings and level of a lactate in blood can be applied also various means of pharmacological support.

Universal schemes of application of not doping pharmacological means of an ergogenny orientation don't exist today, however the general approaches to creation of such schemes which have to be individualized depending on the tasks facing the athlete, a stage of preparation, degree of fitness, the state of health and objective indicators of a homeostasis of an organism of the athlete are developed.

We provide the approximate list of the recommended HP and DD for drawing up individual pharmacological programs in a year cycle of preparation on types of sports activity.

It isn't recommended to apply more than 5 — 7 medicines and DD at the same time, and with the obligatory accounting of their compatibility. It is necessary to appoint means in a year cycle of preparation taking into account recurrence (course appointment) and tolerances to them as the organism of athletes adapts to monotonously used means of restoration therefore variable, individual complexes depending on sport, the period (stage) of sports preparation are necessary.

Pharmacological providing stages and the periods of training of athletes in macro cycle

1. Preparatory period. In the preparatory period both on the general, and at a special and preparatory stage at hard physical activity it is focused on intensifying and support of anabolic processes and a condition of immune system of an organism by means of adaptogens, drugs of plastic action, the enriched aluminous delivery, immune modulators, antioxidants. Agents are useful to correction of microcirculation and a rheologic condition of a blood, antianemic drugs, in particular iron preparations. The psychoemotional state by means of nootrop.

2. Competitive period. In the competitive period of a problem of pharmacological providing are subordinated to creation and a well-timed restore of power depot in an organism of the athlete and fight against augmentation of concentration of free radicals. Creation of power depot is carried out by means of specialized rich with carbohydrates (carbohydrate saturation) or lipids, depending on specifics of the performed work, and parenteral delivery (drugs of amino acids, lipids). Products of the increased biological value (beekeeping products, nuts, flower pollen and drugs from them), and also the pharmacological agents influencing formation of ATP, a creatine phosphate, etc. are used. On recovery of athletes contain in the simplified type of the reference, for example, such schemes: for representatives of high-speed strength sports — a potassium orotat in combination with Inoziye F; carnitine and Cobamamidum (B12 vitamin drug (for throwers); the same in combination with vitamin E (for weightlifters); in the period of augmentation of training loads — glutaminic acid, a potassium and a magnesium asparaginate, lecithin, extract of an eleuterococcus and vitamin C.

3. Transition period. In the transition (recovery) period the main tasks are release from the toxic products of exchange which collected in an organism as a result of a hard physical work with the help of medicines with an antioxidant and hepatotrophic orientation, and also knocking over of an overstrain on medical indications. Vitamins and their complexes, macro - and minerals, immune modulators, antioxidants, adaptogens and B'day are for this purpose applied.

Recommendations about creation of individual schemes of pharmacological ensuring sports preparation

When scheduling biomedical support of the athlete in this or that group of sports it is necessary:

  • to select individual schemes taking into account functional features, sports and psychoemotional qualities;
  • to determine function of an organism of the athlete which needs correction and to normalize it by means of pharmacological medicines, DD and reasonable food allowance;
  • to pay special attention on power supply, the respiratory function connected with consumption, transport and a consumption of oxygen, a condition of content of free radicals in an organism, functions of immune, nervous and endocrine systems, and also bodies of a natural detoxication (a liver, kidneys) by means of which of an organism the collected toxic products of metabolism shall be removed;
  • not to overload the athlete's organism with substrata and enzymes which are responsible for formation of energetically rich products providing movement (neotone, ATP, glucose, vitamins, minerals, etc.) as their surplus will be removed from an organism as unnecessary and unused on what the additional energy necessary for an organism in case of the strengthened muscular work will be required;
  • to consider dynamics of intensity of physical activities in a year cycle of training of the athlete and to tie the program of pharmacological providing to accomplishment of the tasks set by the trainer (sheathe also special physical training, precompetitive and competitive activities), and also to micro, meso - and to macrocycles taking into account days of rest (without acceptance of pharmacological means);
  • to remember that when using the same pharmacological means their influence on an organism of different athletes can significantly differ. It concerns both the mechanism of action (pharm dinamics), and bioavailability, and biotransformations (pharmacokinetics). Also the individual susceptibility of athletes to the same medicine will be various.

In need of impact on parameters of physical efficiency of the athlete, first of all, it is necessary to reveal the factors limiting working capacity to influence them by means of medicines and DD. Management of this process and its scientific and methodical justification are usually called monitoring and pharmacological correction of efficiency of the person, including restoration and adaptation to physical activity.

Doctors and trainers shouldn't forget that the athlete, even highly professional — the living person therefore it is very important to use all possible means and methods to cause in him positive emotions — it will help it to develop motivation to a victory. The light show, an aromatherapy, all types of massage, water procedures, and also conversations with the psychologist can be for this purpose used.

Parameters limiting efficiency of the person, and the principles of their pharmacological correction

Parameters / Mechanisms of depression of working capacity and restoration / Physical working capacity. Agents for correction

Oppression central and peripheric nervous systems / Central fatigue, depression of conditioned-reflex activity, rate of formation of the movement / It is sharply lowered. Adaptogens, nootropa, vitamins. You can buy Ladasten.

Insufficient functioning of endocrine system / Metabolism imbalance (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, immune globulins, water, electrolytes and others) / It is limited. / Vitamins, antioxidants, special power supply

Depression of function of cardiovascular system, disturbance of a rhythm of heart, microcirculation in fine coronal vessels, sokratitelny ability of a myocardium, a tonus of peripheric vessels (at restrains, overtrainings) / Decrease of blood flow, oxygen transport (hypoxia) and nutrients to the working muscles / Is absent or is lowered. Cardioprotectors (Inosinum, creatine phosphate, òðèôîñôàäåíèí), antiarrhytmic agents, products of beekeeping and others / Respiration function weakening (at excessive physical strains)

Oxygen disadvantage of a blood and tissues (hypoxia) / It is lowered / Respiratory analeptics of not doping structure (ammonia), antigipoksant (Gipoksen, Cytochrome C), antioxidants (vitamin E, etc.), adaptogens

Microcirculation violation / Decrease in blood supply of intensively working muscles, fabric hypoxia / It is sharply reduced. Antiagreganta, spazmolitika, inhibitors of fosfodiesteraza and adenosine receptors

Change of rheological properties and coagulability of blood / Reduction of speed of a blood-groove, up to staz in case of micro thrombi hyper coagulation, tromboembolic conditions / It is significantly reduced. Anticoagulants of direct and indirect action, fibrinolytic medicines, spazmolitik, nootropa

Shifts of acid-base balance in the sour party / Change of buffer reservoir of blood, acidosis / It is moderately reduced. The medicines shifting pH in the alkaline party (sodium bicarbonate), alkaline mineral waters

Decrease in power supply of the working muscles / Lack of a glycogen, ATP, creatine-phosphate, L-carnitine, lipids, proteins / It is significantly reduced. Carbohydrate saturation, L-carnitine, products of beekeeping, PPBTs

Functional vitamin deficiency, trace substances, electrolytes, waters (dehydration) / During high exercise stresses there is a depression of concentration of a giro - and water-soluble vitamins, electrolytes, trace substances and water (especially in a marathon) / It is lowered.

Vitamins and their complexes with electrolytes and trace substances, adaptogens, agents on the basis of a levzea and a tribulus / Inhibition of cellular respiration in the working muscles / Disturbance of transport of electrons in a respiratory chain, synthesis of macroergs, dissociation of respiration and phosphorylation / It is lowered. Adaptogens, giro - and water-soluble vitamins, nootropa, specialized drinks / Initiation of free radical processes in the course of superintensive loads and effect of pro-oxidizers

Formation of hydroperoxides, toxic products, disturbance of functional lability of cellular membranes and biopower mechanisms / It is lowered / Antioxidants, antigipoksant, adaptogens, vitamins E / Depression of an immunologic reactivity (cellular and humoral immunity)

Risk factor for development of banal infections, autoimmune processes / It is lowered / Immune modulators, the combined adaptogens, vitamins, biogenic stimulators, beekeeping products (Propolisum, flower pollen)

Depression of function of a liver, kidneys and other organs at the expense of a condition of an overtraining / Hepatic pain syndrome, reactive pancreatitis, liver hypertrophy, disturbance of excretory function of kidneys, etc. / It is lowered. Gepato protectors, antioxidants, PPBTs, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics

Use of the pharmacological drugs inhibiting a metabolism / Disturbance of transport of electrons of a respiratory chain of mitochondrion, synthesis of ATP and creatine phosphate / It is lowered. Cancellation of the drugs reducing physical operability, restoration of a metabolism

Unbalanced delivery of athletes. Depression of caloric content of a ration / Disturbance of ratios of the main alimentary ingredients, imbalance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, electrolytes, trace substances and vitamins / It is lowered. Correction of a delivery of athletes according to a metabolic cost and the period of sports preparation

Thus, any pharmacological medicine recommended by the doctor shall correspond to a certain column of the table. So, for example, antioxidants, immune modulators and phosphates are located in various columns. It is reasonable to create the combined medicines which influence directly several factors, limiting working capacity, and also processes of adaptation and recovery.

Application of pharmacological means is closely tied to the period, a stage, micro and to macro cycle of sports preparation and has with respect thereto the specifics.

Sports trainings in a year cycle usually begin after the competitions with the transition (recovery) period.

Further the all-preparatory stage of the preparatory (basic) period of preparation when the athlete follows increases a general physical force, speed, endurance. Then special physical training which is characterized by enhancement of the skills necessary in this or that sport begins.

Just before competitions already fulfilled skills are enhanced and fixed. During competitions the level of physical and emotional activities reaches the maximum. At this time creation of all conditions for accomplishment of the task set by the trainer, and as necessary and for urgent recovery is required if starts (duels, fights) follow one by one with small intervals.

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