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Nootropic Stack - Biotredin and Eltacin

29 Jan 2017

How to reduce your biological age?

The difference passport and biological age can be significant: the number of years lived not at all adequately reflected in the appearance and health. The classic method based on the blood pressure assessment, Pulse, balance retention, self-assessment of well-being and health can now be replaced by modern diagnostics. To determine the biological age of a person, doctors and psychologists use a variety of research methods, which show morphological and functional state of the main body systems.

Often the result of such research is biological age figure exaggerated compared with the actual number of years. The need to work hard and lead a sedentary lifestyle causes chronic stress, which accelerates the aging process. To improve the situation will help taking care of themselves and move to sparing operation. What is important is the control of chronic diseases to exacerbation from becoming another stress factor. You can buy Biotredin.

Complete recommended actions taking drugs that enhance metabolism and provide energy for cells renovation. This will help adjust the biological mechanisms and to restore the natural capacity of the organism to date.

Improve heart condition after prolonged overload and stress will help Eltacin. The preparation consists of the amino acid cystine, glycine, and glutamic acid. As a result of their interaction forms a potent antioxidant glutathione, which not only improves the condition of the heart, but also contributes to the renewal of all body tissues. Constant reception Eltacin slows aging and in combination with other measures, prevents the development of heart disease. Moderate exercise improves the effect of the drug.

Biological age is determined by the speed of the brain responses, memory and attention quality. Restore the characteristics of brain activity helps the amino acid threonine in combination with vitamin B6, which are components of the drug Biotredin. Threonine and vitamin B6 are stepping up the process of energy formation in neurons that helps them to stay longer viable and maintain a high speed of information processing. Application Biotredin as a medicament for the prevention of stress, helps prevent premature aging of neurons.


Biotredin at Post-traumatic stress disorder

28 Jan 2017

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Sometimes, it seems, the world turned upside down - so much like the reality of a nightmare or a television thriller. As if a man forces keep emotions, not let them splash? For a time, yes! But stress becomes chronic, keeps the tension of such a high pitch that any minor situation may be excessive for the psyche. Doctors estimate a condition of the person as post-traumatic stress disorder. His classic examples: "Vietnam" Americans have the syndrome, "Afghan", "Chechen" syndromes - we.

At first, it seems that those who have passed the hell of war, everything is normal. Harder just got! However, it soon begins to change dramatically psycho-emotional status: person pursuing intrusive memories, hallucinations, anxiety, lost working capacity, deteriorating quality of life, develop depression - a direct path to a variety of diseases.

Is not it easier for children. Their psyche effect and can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder is not only global experience, but little for the majority of events: barbarously broken toy, discord between the parents, family breakdown ... As a result - loss of sleep, decreased attention, inability to concentrate, restlessness ... Begins "limp "achievement, develop conflicts in relationships with teachers and parents

Such conditions require correction, and it should be carried out as required by the nature, physiological way - glycine and Biotredin. Included in these medicines are natural amino acids, carboxylic acids, vitamins act gently, without side effects, and are of great help.

Glycine, as they say, has a powerful anti-stress effect. To have the opportunity to release tension, conflict, aggression and at the same time increase efficiency, improve memory, it is necessary to take all the members of the household (irritation and intolerance "contagious"!) Regularly for one month to 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Biotredin solving internal biological problems, it allows to achieve harmonization of the person: weaken the internal contradictions, retreats bad mood, and with it the hidden (the most dangerous to health) depression.

It is better to take these drugs, metabolites of the scheme: it is recommended to put the tablet under the tongue glycine (3-4 times a day), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - a pill Biotredin (2-3 times a day).


Biotredin anti-alcohol tablets

28 Jan 2017

Is it normal - to drink beer every day?

Relax with a beer or two after a hard day's work is familiar to many people, and is not considered to be something special. Indeed: there is nothing wrong to drink a little with friends or even alone. But too much love can guard pennomu drink at least your family. It can be or not to drink beer every day without harm to health?

Drinking beer is harmful or helpful?
On the healing properties of beer periodically appeared legend that spoke of its ability to treat diseases of the joints, kidneys, and even diabetes. At the same person who tried this drink regularly, I was confident that in this way takes care of health. Many now drink it as a prevention of stroke and dementia.
According to recent studies the use of beer is much exaggerated, and its impact on the body distorted information. The fact is that the amount of antioxidants and vitamins, which is in a bottle of beer, very small, and may not be valuable to the body. While it is a "live" beer which has been brewed according to the rules of malt and hops. More benefits can be obtained from conventional foods. A major effect on the body by the use of "liquid bread" still has alcohol. In addition, beer is very rich in calories, and its frequent and excessive consumption leads to obesity.

If a person is drinking beer every day - this is alcoholism?
On the probability of the development of alcoholism can be judged by the number and frequency of alcohol intake. And daily use of any amount of alcohol rather speaks in favor of dependence. But the key factor for assessing the state of a person is how easy it can be to give up alcohol and how then will behave. Many people drink beer just for the company, but over time friendships rituals can tighten and become an internal need.
If you can not be in a good mood without cans of beer, angry or annoyed at the lack of opportunity to have a drink with a friend, always a beer quenches thirst and make sure it is fitted in the refrigerator - you probably already addicted.

Beer is not considered to be alcohol: it is easy to drink. But it was his castle and the relatively low presence of pronounced flavor allows you to increase the amount of alcohol consumed, not noticing it.

Is it possible to accurately determine the dependence of beer at home?
In order to understand whether a person craving for alcohol, or a drink - it's just a tribute to the social traditions, there is a simple test. In the morning on an empty stomach, even before the first food intake and to a cup of coffee, it should take 2-3 tablets Biotredin drug. It is a modern natural preparation, which consists of the amino acid threonine and vitamin B6. It acts as a regulator of tissue metabolism, and is able to not only identify the craving for alcohol, but also facilitate the withdrawal symptoms in the treatment of alcohol dependence.
In the case of a pathological inclination to alcohol Biotredin single dose on an empty stomach causes a sharp facial flushing, sweating, and dizziness. Symptoms appear within 10-15 minutes after dosing.

Well, if you catch a starting alcohol dependence in a first step, although it is not easy: it is often at this time the person still does not feel that dependent, and believes that the drinks "like everybody else". However, at this time it is best to treat.

To reduce the craving for alcohol Biotredin recommend the use in combination with other treatments. Never take Biotredin after drinking alcohol.


Biotredin Pills in Alcoholism

28 Jan 2017

The chance to beat addiction to alcohol

This, at first glance, there is a fantastic chance when used correctly Limontar, glycine, Biotredin. These drugs, metabolites help the body to correct the distortions caused by the consumption of ethanol, according to the laws laid down by nature.
Prevention and treatment of acute alcohol intoxication (Limontar, Glycine) can protect all the organs and tissues from forming and securing exchange violations that contributed to alcoholism.

In the presence of the disease and acceptance Glycine Biotredin may normalize at the molecular level of the violation underlying the craving for alcohol. To do this 4-6 times a year is to conduct courses of treatment "Glycine + Biotredin" within 20-30 days.
Treatment efficacy is monitored "breakdown with Biotredin". The sample allows the complete external well-being to identify 'hidden cravings ", which, as a rule, is a harbinger of worsening disease.
Unlike other diseases alcoholism need intensively treated in remission when the outer alcohol does not interfere. Especially after the "coding", "Torpedo" and other similar factors. Courses "Glycine + Biotredin" is - prevention of exacerbations (heavy drinking) and larger periods of remission. Remember, any "encounter" with alcohol and requires mandatory application of strict compliance with the treatment regimen.

Limontar (tablet) consumed 20-30 minutes before receiving alcohol, followed by the pill over 1-1.5 hours (1-5 tablets) after his admission. In the morning it is necessary to take a pill glycine, 30 minutes - the second, and then during the day on a tablet every 1.5-2 hours. From the second day, 3 times a day (days 3-30) - Glycine tablet initially and after 20 min Biotredin tablet.

Duration of the course depends on the nature of alcohol consumption, "rarely", "often" - respectively the course shorter or longer.

In cases where the reduced appetite, there are frequent periods of weakness, lethargy makes sense to add to the circuit Limontar - 1-3 days tablet 2-3 times a day. If alcohol is combined disease with coronary heart disease, to a circuit at any stage be connected Eltacin - a tablet 2-3 times a day for 20-30 days.


Biotredin anti-alcohol pills

28 Jan 2017

Alcoholism in remission: how to again leave the booze

Treatment of alcohol dependence does not end after release from the hospital. The main work for the patient and his family begins now because magic pill for alcoholism does not exist, and each has to learn to control themselves.

The turning point in the treatment - is to overcome the craving for alcohol in the first stage of recovery, to again go to the binge. The first few weeks after starting treatment are critical. During this period, a new way of life without alcohol rituals has not yet formed, and the patient's own willpower is not enough, not to drink on occasion. Drug experts say even the lack of will for six months or more.
The main patient's illusion is that it can control the dose of alcohol and the situation, if you allow yourself a drink. In fact, the most important task - to prevent the use of even a low dose, as in the process control is no longer possible. You can buy Biotredin.

If a person simply return to the home environment, it is very likely a new binge, out of which at this time will be much harder. As long as internal demand will not go out to drink, it is important to use all means to control.
Friends on alcoholic interests are an important part of adversity, and meeting with them should be avoided. It is vital for the recovering fill successive day activities. You should always be employed, preferably with something interesting for you, that causes positive emotions. Any physical work, sport can be a very good tool for overcoming the thrust, so at this moment you are in control of their movements. Physical work helps pay off the flow of obsessive thoughts. The new schedule will replace the old habits of alcohol, which was filled with time and fills life with meaning. Your goal - the formation of stable habits that help to stay sober.

Keep a diary: it helps to see how you have changed. Write down on a separate sheet of the negative consequences of alcohol consumption and compare them with the positive aspects of sobriety. At the time of a strong desire to drink more just read this.
Remember, you can fully control himself, but only until such time as not drunk. Therefore, do your best to not try a single drop. The most difficult to resist the temptation in some standard for the use of alcohol circumstances, so avoid such situations: Indulge your friends, do not go to bars, etc. Houses should be no alcohol or its substitutes (non-alcoholic beer). Holidays should not be associated with alcohol.

The biological and psychological dependence on alcohol are closely related: work with the metabolic processes in the body helps to reduce cravings and less to think about drinking. The drug is to reduce the craving for alcohol and removal Biotredin withdrawal syndrome will help to strengthen the will. It consists of the amino acid threonine and vitamin B6, which are natural components of the body. To reduce the chance to go into the bout, taking Biotredin recommend starting immediately after returning home from the hospital. It involves biological processes of recovery and improves the psychological state: reduces irritability, improves attention and memory, intellectual ability.


L Glutamic Acid

28 Jan 2017

How to talk with elderly parents?

When our strong and beautiful parents grow old, we are sad and do not want to accept the inevitable. We are still their children and want them to remain our heroes. And here we cease to control themselves in the conversation, making comments at every opportunity, irritated, avoid intercourse or conflicting. But at this time our parents need loving and caring adults we are.

If you regularly calls up on the phone - specify one time when this will occur. Often, it is the unexpected call "weather" during the working day or an important meeting can cause severe irritation. You can take the initiative and call first at one and the same time convenient for you. For the system to work, it is important to always perform this promise.Arranging meetings with parents, inform in advance how much time can be (how many will come, and when you plan to leave), who will be with you as you want to spend this time. "I plan to call the week" - is very uncertain, every day stress in waiting will increase, as a result of the conflict could erupt because of a carelessly spoken word.Words in communication with elderly mother and father have a lot of weight. Try to talk more about his warm feelings - "love," "hug," "miss", "mommy," "daddy". These simple, but for many people uncomfortable, the words able to significantly improve communication with any grumblers.Upon meeting and parting always hug and kiss their parents. It may just be a formal gesture, but it magically changes everything. You can also like Mildronate.

If the mother complains about his health, and thus disclaims all forms of assistance - take this with understanding. Most likely, for her trip to the hospital for examination it is a great stress pills - an additional concern. It you want to prolong her life, to be around longer, and it has the right to choose calm. Complaints are not a guide to action, but simply asking for sympathy. So the little children come to her mother, so she kissed the bruised knee, and not in order to get the iodine dose to abrasion.

Sometimes it is necessary to briefly disconnect from the conversation, not to take the entire flow of words, while remaining outwardly attentive. So it will be easier to cope with growing irritation, when what you hear, you do not like or tired. Try to transfer the subject, and if not, switch the attention of parents on any other action: to communicate with their grandchildren, to help find some a lost thing.
Do not try to persuade the parents in their views, no matter how wrong they may seem to you. It is a futile exercise, but in the process you can really move away, because your generation separates the gulf. Your life is different from that of your parents at the time of their youth, when their minds are formed, so looking at things and phenomena will be different. In fact, the only thing that matters in your relationship - is the close relationship and love.

Try not to communicate with parents in times of severe psychological stress, better move the meeting. At this time, you have little power to control their emotions and words, and relationships can be complicated by unexpectedly. Do not forget that you may need support. In those periods when you feel that you find it difficult to cope with irritation, take a tablet l glutamic acid. L glutamic acid is considered part of the nervous tissue, and long-term psychological stress the need for it increases several times. Glycine drug is rapidly absorbed and stimulates the production of self-glycine in the future.


Glycine Uses for Adaptation

27 Jan 2017

The adaptation of the child to the kindergarten without problems

You get a coveted place in the kindergarten for the child, and can now go to work or devote more time to yourself. But it turns out that the baby was not pleased a new way of life. He is capricious, shouting, falls to the floor, refusing to get dressed, go to the group. And departing from the garden in the morning you hear him crying for a long time from an open window. How to ease the adjustment to kindergarten for the child and mother?

A difficult age
The complexity of adaptation in the garden can be attributed to the age characteristics of the child. As a rule, children get to kindergarten just before their third anniversary. In this age of crisis is not rare, which is associated with awareness of himself as a separate person. Baby changing emotionally and physically, turning from a cute baby into a boy or a girl with character. A key requirement for the child during this period is to defend their interests. This results in expression of stubbornness, negativism, protest, self-will in almost any occasion. Anxiety of change worsen the already complex behavior, because the child is still very difficult to control. For confidence in the world he needed certainty, even drab. Eventually, when the kindergarten will be part of his life device, it will only strengthen the entire system. But now, at the stage of change, daily trips to the garden violate children's peace.

Skilled preschool teachers know that the easiest way to adapt kindergarten children around the age of 2 years, or after 4. But this does not mean that the three-year adaptation is bound to be complicated: as always, all individually.

What will survive the adaptation to the garden easier?
Prepare your child in the evening. Choose the clothes together, remind that you need to get up early, make up hair, a surprise for educators or girlfriend. Remind in order to be in the garden, when breakfast, walk, what class, what will be the teacher in the morning, and that you are sure to come in the evening. This will help to transform the anxiety in anticipation: it highlights are already known, and have to wait as everything goes.
If time permits, the road itself to the garden can be fun. Let it be a campaign with the song, or the exit from the labyrinth, searching for the treasure that exists in the group locker room locker. The same experience can be arranged on the way back in the evening.
Favourite Things. When the baby is in a new situation, he just needs a piece of its territory. As part of its cozy children of the world can be a favorite toy, pajamas with a superhero, "secret" note from mom in the pocket, etc.
On weekends and during the forced absences follow home the same day regimen, as well as in the garden. This will facilitate adaptation to the kindergarten both psychologically and physiologically.
Agree with the tutor about at what point the child should go to the group. Prior to this, the conditioned signal even if it remains on the sidelines. Often the teacher meets the children at the door, and you can not easily say goodbye and reassure the child. To create a good mood for quite a few minutes, if they were held in a confidential setting.
Ask the child what he likes and dislikes in the group with whom he communicates, what fear, what he says caregiver during the day. Perhaps there are objective reasons why he does not want to go to kindergarten in the morning.
To reduce stress and facilitate the adaptation of the child to the kindergarten, one month prior to admission to the garden and the whole period of adjustment pediatricians prescribe amino acid glycine. It increases the endurance of the nervous system of the child a natural and safe way: establishing natural regulation mechanisms in the nervous tissue. Glycine and safe drug for prolonged use at any age. Glycine uses intake and helps mom calmly treat addiction child process to a new life in the garden. This drug does not cause drowsiness.


Glycin - How can you help your child?

27 Jan 2017

How to reduce stress in the child in adapting to a new school?

Moving to a new place - stress for the entire family. But children are always going through these changes harder adults because they can not control the situation and are completely dependent on their parents decisions. The most severe stress a child is exposed to during the transition to a new school: you have to get used to a new team and win a place in the classroom, adapted to the needs of new teachers. And this time the child needs more understanding and sympathy for the relatives of people than in constructive advice.

How can you help your child in the transition to a new school:
Talk openly with your child about the reasons for the family to move or change schools, even if you think he does not understand them. It is especially important to discuss this with a teenager, since without its participation in important decision, he might think that in a family with his interests are not considered. During changes the feeling of the common cause would be a good support for children and parents.
Do not put high goals: Now it is important to carry out a minimum program, find a school that will be comfortable just for your child. In the elementary grades, choose first a suitable teacher, even if it will work in the most ordinary public school. It will have to meet with teachers in person, learn about good teachers at the new location with friends. Perhaps you can help teachers from the previous school: often teachers from different schools exchange their experience.
Most likely academic success at the new location will enhance the child's self-esteem, which is very important for a comfortable adaptation. But at the same time to study for a high score in the new class will not all. It is therefore important to understand themselves and to explain to your child that his assessment is now - not the main thing, and he can learn as much. At the same time you say that you believe in him, that this difficult period is over, and it can show all their talents. Be sure to stay in touch with the class teacher to find out about school problems at once, and in time to help the child.
Heed to the way a child's awkward relationship with classmates. Now you have to overcome major pressing issues, by adapting to the new conditions, but still children are more vulnerable in relationships with peers, and often depend on the collective opinion. If the child will not be able to establish relationships in the class, be prepared for the fact that in the near future will have to change schools again.
Visit the school psychologist as a family at least once. Knowing more about the student and his family, the psychologist will help him to better adapt to a new school, and parents - to understand their child in this difficult time for the family.
Adapting to the new school will be much easier if the child will be protected by maintaining a drug based on the amino acid glycinGlycin strengthens protective inhibition in the nervous system, and prevents burnout. The drug is resolved from an early age and can be used for a long time without harm. In addition to sedation, Glycin also helps to better absorb new material, because it improves metabolic processes in the nerve cells and the formation of neural connections.


Glycine Incursore

27 Jan 2017

The child does not want to do homework, how to persuade him to study?

What parents can do to a child sat down, finally, for the lessons? Convince, persuade, talk about the janitor, threatening deprivation of entertainment and sweets stall to cry and drink a sedative, to promise to buy something. As a rule, these methods do not work, but it spoils the atmosphere in the family.

If a child says he does not specify, then, maybe, and it actually is. But most of this phrase is simple inattention or unwillingness to make an effort even to write the task in the diary. With juniors in this situation easier: most likely you will come to take him out of school and can go up to the teacher to write down the job at home. With an older child it is important to be able to find a job by phone at classmates or teachers. The control of this process remains with the parents.

Seat for student lessons - this is only half the solution. He could sit for hours on textbooks, not by doing anything in the end, but very tired. At that time, when you notice that the child has spent a lot of time wasted, and it is time to sleep, you are ready to explode with negative emotions. This situation can be repeated on a regular basis, and it is often linked to specific school subjects: here lies the answer to the question "why?". The subject of the child are not interested or are not absolutely clear. Rather they need help in the development of teaching material, and if parents engage with the child once it is necessary to refer to the tutor. Communicate with teachers on problem subjects: so you will be able to get recommendations for practicing at home, the official extra classes at school, an individual approach to the child in the classroom.

It happens that the interest in the school is completely absent, the child has no favorite subject, there is no desire to change anything. It suits the situation in the gallery, and the ability to just passively attend the lessons. The will and the motivation to learn will not appear if you press on the child, put the example of other children, to try to convince his school perception is wrong. The most effective solution to the problems in this period - immersion in your favorite activities, the development of creative skills, providing sophisticated student himself. This approach may seem paradoxical and even frightening. In fact, the loss will be not so significant, but in the end inspired by their success the child will become increasingly manifest themselves in school, as it will become more ambitious and confident. You can buy Glycine.

Problems with motivation and will often accompany the children with a history who have neurological problems, perinatal encephalopathy, minimal brain dysfunction. In addition, these children is more difficult to study because of the difficulty in concentrating. To find out whether the child really there are any diseases will neuropsychological examination and pathopsychological.

Solve the problem of violations of attention, and motivation will help welcome the amino acid glycine long course. While taking glycine incursore all learning problems are solved easily, the child becomes calmer, more confident, more attentive, it improves the ability to learn and remember new material has already passed. Long-term use of the drug Glycine incursore is completely safe for children of all ages.


Glycine Solution at ADHD

27 Jan 2017

Preparing for school child with ADHD: educate or treat?

ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - one of the most common diagnoses in children. For the first time the problem becomes noticeable when the child begins to prepare for school. Later ADHD negative impact on the learning process, and requires a special approach to such children teachers and parents.

What are the symptoms of ADHD in children?

According to studies, about 30% of children with ADHD also have learning problems, and often increased anxiety and a tendency to depression. Difficulties in school children in these arise due to the fact that they are difficult to concentrate, they are not able to hold their taking off any longer than two or three minutes, and the tire quickly. About half of all children hyperactivity syndrome is accompanied by so-called oppositional defiant disorder, which manifests itself flashes of anger and aggression, stubbornness, disobedience. In 30% of adolescents in the attention deficit disorder in the background further deviant behavior may develop.

It is important to know that not always can be a manifestation of hyperactivity of ADHD. The main criterion that distinguishes ADHD by simply features of nature - these are the problems in relations with other children and learning difficulties. If excessively noisy and lively child is able to come into contact with peers, normally acquires the curriculum - its behavior is not related to ADHD.

Hurry or demure?
Children who suffer from attention deficit behave differently. Some children, for example, can stand up and walk in the classroom, pick up things from other children venturing fights on purpose to argue with the teacher. In this case, the child is more likely to be examined and receive appropriate treatment, psychologist recommendations indulgence parents and teachers. A child who does not show aggression and disobedience, to receive the necessary assistance to manage much rarer. His problems in education are likely to be written off on the intellectual limitations and low diligence. Therefore, among the ADHD in a better position in the end turn out to be "difficult children". However, help is needed, and Tikhonov, besides they later often suffer from depression.

How to prepare for school inattentive and hyperactive child?
In preparation for the school child with ADHD must be taken into account especially his nervous system. At the same time a tool that helps the child to become a student, are not only the preparatory classes, but also a new organization of life. Recommendations psychologist can help parents establish daily routine that will help improve the neural regulation: specialist will advise you to alternate physical and mental load, careful approach to the selection of games and entertainment, see to it that the child is old enough to spill.

When ADHD treatment of cognitive behavioral therapy is used today in conjunction with medication. Against the background of drugs that help to reduce arousal in the brain, methods of psychological correction of behavior gives much better results. But it happens, that when it comes to mental health counseling, and the appointment of any medication, parents immediately think of antipsychotics and antidepressants, are afraid and begin to further avoid any contact with the doctors on the subject of ADHD.

The drug Glycine, modern and safe, can be used in ADHD without fear to get side effects. Glycine - an amino acid that is a structural element of the nervous system, normalizes metabolism processes in the nervous tissues and activates protective inhibition. When attention deficit glycine helps improve concentration at training, reduces anxiety, it helps to cope with undesirable behavior. Glycine solution treatment is safe for children of all ages.

Preparing for school child with attention deficit disorder will be most effective when combined with psychological methods glycine intake correction.

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