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Phenylpiracetam - Phenotropil - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

16 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: Nootropics.

Synonyms: Phenotropil, Carphedon, Phenylpiracetam, Fonturacetam, Fenotropil,

Active substance: N-carbamoylmethyl–4-phenyl–2-pyrrolidone.

Country of manufacturer: Russia.

Phenylpiracetam (INN: fonturacetam, brand names Phenotropil, Carphedon), also called is a phenylated analog of the drug piracetam which was developed in 1983 in Russia where it is available as a prescription drug. Research on animals has indicated that phenylpiracetam may have anti-amnesic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, anxiolytic, and memory enhancement effects.

Phenylpiracetam binds to α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the mouse brain cortex with IC50 = 5.86 μM

In rats, scopolamine is used to model memory impairment. It impairs performance in the conditioned passive avoidance reflex test, increases cortical nACh and hippocampal NMDA receptor densities, and decreases striatal D1 and cortical benzodiazepine receptor densities. Phenylpiracetam demonstrates antiamnestic activity by restoring performance in the passive avoidance test and partially reversing each of these scopolamine-induced receptor density changes.

Experiments performed on Sprague-Dawley rats in a European patent for using Phenylpiracetam to treat sleep disorders showed an increase in extracellular dopamine levels after administration. The patent asserts discovery of phenypiracetam's action as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor as its basis.

The peculiarity of this invention compared to former treatment approaches for treating sleep disorders is the so far unknown therapeutic efficacy of (R)-phenylpiracetam, which is presumably based at least in part on the newly identified activity of (R)-phenylpiracetam as the dopamine re-uptake inhibitor.

Because Phenylpiracetam increases physical stamina and provides improved tolerance to cold weather, Phenylpiracetam appears on the lists of stimulants banned for in-competition use by the World Anti-Doping Agency. This list is applicable in all Olympic sports.

Sometimes Phenylpiracetam is mussed up with Methylphenylpiracetam (2-(5-Methyl-2-oxo-4-phenyl-pyrrolidin-1-yl)-acetamide); Methylphenylpiracetam is a derivative of piracetam and a positive allosteric modulator of the sigma-1 receptor. It differs from phenylpiracetam by having a methyl group.

ATC N06BX Other psychostimulants and nootropics.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

E66.9 Obesity, unspecified;

F07.9 Organic personality disorder and behavior due to illness, injury or brain dysfunction, unspecified;

F10.2 Alcohol dependence syndrome;

F20 Schizophrenia;

F32 Depressive episode;

F33 Recurrent depressive disorder;

F48.9 Neurotic disorder, unspecified;

F81 Specific developmental disorders of learning skills;

F90.0 disturbance of activity and attention;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

R25.2 cramps and spasms;

R41.3.0 * Reduced memory;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

R45.3 Demoralization and apathy;

R45.7 state of emotional shock and stress, unspecified;

R46.4 Confusion and slow response;

R53 Malaise and fatigue;

T90.9 Consequences unspecified head injury;

Z60.0 Problems related to adaptation to changes in lifestyle;

Z73.6 Restrictions on activity, caused by reduced disability.

Pharmacological action of Phenylpiracetam

Nootropic drug. Has expressed antiamnesic action activates the integrative activity of the brain contributes to the consolidation of memory, improves concentration and mental performance, facilitates learning processes, accelerate the transfer of information between the hemispheres of the brain, increases the resistance of brain tissue hypoxia and toxic effects, has anticonvulsant activity and anxiolytic activity regulates the activation and inhibition of CNS improves mood.

Phenotropil has a positive effect on metabolism and blood circulation of the brain, stimulates the redox processes, increases the body’s energy potential through the utilization of glucose, and improves regional blood flow in the ischemic areas of the brain. Increases of noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

Does not affect the levels of GABA, does not bind to GABA A - and GABA B receptors, has no appreciable effect on the spontaneous brain activity.

Phenylpiracetam no effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Has a weakly expressed diuretic effect. Has anorexogenic activity in exchange application.

Phenylpiracetam has moderately activating effect in respect of motor reactions, increases physical performance, has a strong antagonism cataleptic action of neuroleptics, reduces the severity of hypnotic action of ethanol and hexenal.

Stimulating effect Phenylpiracetam prevails in the ideatoric field. Moderate psychoactivating effect of the drug is combined with anxiolytic activity. Phenotropil improves mood, has analgesic effects, increasing the pain threshold.

Phenylpiracetam has an adaptogenic effect, increasing the body’s resistance to stress at elevated mental and physical loads, fatigue, hypokinesia and immobilization at low temperatures.

Against the background of Phenylpiracetam marked improvement in vision (increase sharpness, brightness and field of view).

Phenylpiracetam improves blood flow to the lower extremities.

Phenotropil stimulate antibody production in response to antigen challenge, which indicates its immunostimulatory properties, but at the same time does not cause the development of immediate hypersensitivity reactions and not alter the allergic inflammatory reaction of the skin caused by the introduction of the foreign protein.

In exchange application Phenylpiracetam not develop drug dependence and tolerance. When canceling the development of the drug were observed withdrawal.

Action Phenylpiracetam already apparent after a single dose, which is important when using the drug in extreme conditions.


Absorption and distribution

After intake of rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, distributed in various organs and tissues, easily penetrates through the BBB. The absolute bioavailability of the drug when administered to 100%. C max levels achieved after 1 h

Metabolism and excretion of Phenylpiracetam

Phenylpiracetam not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged. About 40% is excreted in the urine, 60% - in the bile and then. T 1/2 is 3–5 hours.

Phenylpiracetam Dosage

Mode set individually.

Phenylpiracetam is taken orally immediately after eating.

The average single dose is 100–200 mg, the mean daily dose - 200–300 mg. The maximum daily dose - 750 mg. Recommended to divide the daily dose into 2 doses. Daily dose of 100 mg should be taken 1 time/day in the morning, a daily dose of more than 100 mg should be divided into 2 doses. The duration of treatment may vary from 2 weeks to 3 months. Average duration of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, can be repeated in a month.

To improve efficiency, appoint 100–200 mg 1 time/day in the morning for 2 weeks (for athletes - 3 days).

When alimentary-constitutional obesity - 100–200 mg 1 time/day in the morning for 30–60 days.

Not to take Phenylpiracetam after 15 hours.

Phenylpiracetam Overdose

Currently, the cases of drug overdose Phenylpiracetam reported. If necessary, symptomatic therapy.

Phenylpiracetam Drug Interactions

Phenylpiracetam may increase the effects of drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, anti-depressants and neuroprotective drugs.

Phenylpiracetam at Pregnancy and lactation

Phenylpiracetam should not be administered during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding ) due to the lack of clinical trial data.

Phenylpiracetam not teratogenic, mutagenic and embryotoxic effects.

Phenylpiracetam Side effects

CNS: insomnia (while taking the drug after 15 h).

Some patients in the first 3 days of admission - psychomotor agitation, flushing of the skin, feeling of warmth, increased blood pressure.

Indications for Phenylpiracetam

CNS diseases of various origins, especially diseases of vascular origin or associated with disorders of metabolic processes in the brain and intoxication (particularly in post-traumatic states and phenomena of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency), accompanied by the deterioration of intellectual-mental functions, decreased motor activity;

Neurotic conditions manifested by lethargy, increased exhaustion, decreased psychomotor activity, impaired attention, memory impairment;

Violations of learning processes;

Mild to moderate depression severity;

Psycho-organic syndromes manifest intellectual mnestic violations and apathy-abulic symptoms and little-apathy of schizophrenia;

Convulsive conditions;

Obesity (alimentary-constitutional genesis);

Prevention of hypoxia, increased resistance to stress;

Correction of the functional state of the body in extreme conditions of professional activity in order to prevent the development of fatigue and improve mental and physical performance;

Correction of daily biorhythms, regulation cycle “sleep-wake”;

Chronic alcoholism (to reduce symptoms of fatigue, depression, intellectual-mental disorders).

Contraindications for Phenylpiracetam

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Precautions should be prescribed to patients with severe organic liver and kidney failure, severe hypertension, with advanced atherosclerosis, patients who have had previous panic attacks, acute psychotic state, accompanied by psychomotor agitation (as possibly worsening anxiety, panic, hallucinations and delirium) in patients prone to allergic reactions to nootropics pyrrolidone groups.


Phenylpiracetam - known neuroprotective drugs. Title its active component coincides with the trade name. It is located in the same group with piracetam. This tool is characterized by the ability to work on complex state of mind, the cognitive functions of humans. This is because Phenylpiracetam considerably improves metabolism in the brain: restored circulation, enhanced cleavage of glucose, which increases the amount of energy of the nerve cells. In addition, under the influence of this drug increases the concentration of the regulators of the nervous system such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. Phenylpiracetam Treatment reduces the body's readiness to seizures, increases pain tolerance. It improves mood, human performance. At the cardiovascular system and respiratory Phenylpiracetam not affected. During the use of this drug improves vision, blood flow to the extremities, ability to tolerate stress. medicines described the ability to maintain health by activating the immune system. For the first reception of this tool shows its beneficial effects on the human body.

As with any other medicinal product reviews about Phenylpiracetam range from the positive to the complete neglect. Interesting and revealing can be called such reports:

- He began to take Phenylpiracetam 200 mg in the morning. Terrific, I wanted to work! It was interesting, there was the inspiration to do something from which previously turn up his nose.

- We have to work a programmer Phenylpiracetam drink, that they might deliver the project. Well, I notice that he seems to think quickly and be more productive. But the emotions that "burned" - as a cyborg sits and works ...
- Nothing is easier to work with him. Only appeared irritability and insomnia happens. And my husband is sleeping well, despite Phenylpiracetam. A fifteen-year son gave - in general no effects.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that Phenylpiracetam - effective means. However, his admission should consult with your doctor to foresee and avoid the adverse effects of the drug, such as insomnia. Even if you become a better feel, taking Phenylpiracetam yourself - this improvement can result in health problems. So be sure, even after the fact, and consult with a specialist about the use of the drug, and the reasons that led you to drink it.


Pantocrine tablets, solution - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects

16 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: General tonic and adaptogens.

Active substance: Pantocrine (Deer antlers extract).

Country of manufacturer: Russia.

ATC A13A Tonics.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F06.6 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder;

F48.0 Neurasthenia;

F48.9 Neurotic disorder, unspecified;

I10 Essential (primary) hypertension;

I15 Secondary hypertension;

I15.0 Renovascular hypertension;

R53 Malaise and fatigue;

Z73.0 Overwork.

Composition, structure and packing

Tablets without risks, white with grayish-yellowish tinge; allowed blotches of gray and yellowish.

Excipients: MCC (Microcrystalline cellulose), stearic acid, sugar.

Pharmacological action

Adaptogenic agent. Has a stimulatory effect on the CNS and cardiovascular system, increases the skeletal muscle tone, intestinal motor activity. Contains phospholipids and trace elements, increases efficiency and normalizes blood pressure in hypotension, stimulates the activity of the digestive tract.


Tablets are taken inside. 1–2 tablets 2–3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment - 3–4 weeks. The re-treatment is possible in consultation with your doctor.

Solution is taken orally 25–40 drops 30 minutes before meals 2–3 times a day for 3–4 weeks. Repeated treatments may be 5–7 days after consultation with the doctor.

Drug Interactions

Should not be administered with anticoagulants, calcium salts and agents that stimulate peristalsis.

Side effects

Possible: allergic reactions (itching), increased blood pressure, headache.


Fatigue, neurasthenia, neurosis;

Asthenic conditions after acute infectious diseases;

Hypotension (as part of combination therapy);

As a tonic and stimulant at elevated physical and mental stress.


Hypersensitivity to the drug;


Marked atherosclerosis;

Organic heart disease, angina pectoris;

Irritability, sleep disorders;

Hypercoagulable states;

Jade (Severe);


Malignant neoplasms;


During breastfeeding;

Children up to age 12 years.


Mexidol (Emoxypine Succinate) - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Review

16 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: Antihypoxants and antioxidants.

Synonyms: Medomexi, Mexidant, Mexicor, Mexipridol, Mexiprim, Mexifin, Metostabil, Neurox, Cerecard.

Active substance: Emoxypine Succinate (Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine Succinate).

Emoxypine (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine), also known as Mexidol or Mexifin when used as the succinate salt, is an antioxidant manufactured in Russia by Pharmasoft Pharmaceuticals. Its chemical structure resembles that of pyridoxine (a type of vitamin B6). It is not approved for any medical use in the United States or Europe.

Mexidol - innovative, original domestic product, which has a powerful anti-ischemic effect.

"Mexidol synthesized at the Institute of Biochemical Physics. NM Emanuel Academy of Sciences (RAS IBCP) in the mid 80s. He studied at the Institute of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences. For the development and introduction into clinical practice Mexidol group of experts in 2003 awarded the prize of the Russian Government.

Order of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation ¹432 from December 31, 1996 Mexidol was allowed to clinical application, registration certificate number 96/432 / 3.Blagodarya their mechanisms of action Mexidol has a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects to be implemented, at least on two levels - neuronal and vascular . It has a powerful anti-ischemic, neuroprotective, antihypoxic, nootropic, Wegetotropona, antistress, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and other actions.

Mexidol used in the treatment of urgent conditions, such as acute ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, acute purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity (acute pancreatitis, peritonitis).

Mexidol Development History

Among the undoubted achievements of Russian science should include the development and introduction into clinical practice of synthetic and natural antioxidants. Notable among these is the drug "Mexidol", which is a domestic original drug of a new type, like the spectrum of pharmacological effects and mechanism of action.

Priority research work on the study of biologically active free radical molecules were initiated in 60-ies of the last century.

In the early 1980s in the Research Institute of Pharmacology RAMS was synthesized Mexidol - succinate 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine, and identified its pharmacological effects, studied the mechanism of action, performed pre-clinical studies on toxicology and pharmacokinetics, defined trade sign "Mexidol", carried out registration of the drug in the USSR Ministry of health, conducted the first clinical trials and the introduction of the drug into medical practice.

The presence in the structure Mexidol succinate is crucial for the manifestation of the pharmacological effects of the drug, as succinate functionally significant for many processes occurring in the organism and, in particular, is a substrate for enhancing energy metabolism in cells.

Mexidol is a drug with a multicomponent spectrum of pharmacological effects and multifactorial mechanism of action. The most important components of the mechanism of action Mexidol are its antioxidant and membrane effect, the ability to modulate the functioning of membrane-bound receptors and enzymes to restore neurotransmitter balance. Action Mexidol directed primarily on the processes of free radical oxidation. On the one hand, it inhibits lipid peroxidation (LPO), and on the other - increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Along with this, it has hypolipidemic effect.

Due to its mechanism of action, Mexidol has a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects, implemented at least at two levels - the vascular and neuronal. He has neuroprotective, antihypoxic, anti-ischemic, nootropic, Wegetotropona, antistress, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, anti-alcoholic, cardioprotective, anti-atherogenic, geroprotective and other activities. Influenced Mexidol an improvement in cerebral circulation and microcirculation.

It should be emphasized that the agent has the most pronounced effect in the treatment of various diseases proceeding with neurodegeneration, and especially of acute and chronic cerebral circulatory disorders, including stroke. Widespread use Mexidol in clinical and ambulatory practice in the treatment of acute stroke and chronic cerebral circulatory disorders has shown that he is one of the most effective drugs used in the treatment of these pathologies.

Mexidol – General Information

Cardiovascular, in particular cerebrovascular, disease acquired in the last decades of the epidemic. For many years, they are the leading cause of death in many developed countries, including Russia, and they account for 60% of total mortality.

Of all the individual risk factors for cardiovascular complications the most powerful impact on longevity has hypertension (AH), which is closely associated with different types of brain stroke (hemorrhagic, ischemic).

In Russia, the incidence of stroke and mortality remain among the highest in the world; each year more than 400 000 cases, in which the mortality rate during the first month of the disease is 35%.

Preventing the development and progression of cerebral suck-REMOTE violations, as well as improving the quality of life of patients suffering from them are among the key problems of cardiology, neurology and therapy. In this regard, it is important to search for new directions of the impact on the various links in the pathogenesis of ischemic brain damage, as well as the expansion of the ideas about the mechanisms of action of already known drugs.

In this regard, a great scientific and practical interest is the drug Mexidol (2 - ethyl - 6 - methyl - 3 - hydroxypyridine succinate) with a multicomponent spectrum of pharmacological effects and multifactorial mechanism of action. Mexidol, precisely in conditions of ischemic brain damage, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, exerting a positive effect on the process of energy production in the cell: reducing the production of free radicals and restoring the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Meksidol activates intracellular synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, enzymatic processes Krebs cycle promotes glucose utilization, ATP synthesis and intracellular accumulation, reduced synthesis of which in ischemia and hypoxia is the trigger pathological changes in brain cells.

Mexidol Tablets, film-coated
Indications for use:
The consequences of stroke, including after transient ischemic attacks, in phase subcompensation as prevention courses;
Mild traumatic brain injury, the effects of traumatic brain injury
Encephalopathy of various origins (dyscirculatory, dysmetabolic, post-traumatic, mixed);
The syndrome of vegetative dystonia;
Mild cognitive impairment atherosclerotic;
Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like states;
Coronary heart disease in the complex therapy;
Relief of withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism with a predominance of neurosis and vegetative-vascular disorders, postabstinentnom disorder;
Status after acute intoxication antipsychotics;
Asthenic conditions, as well as for the prevention of systemic diseases under the influence of extreme factors and loads;
Exposure to extreme (stress) factors.

Mexidol Solution for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection
Indications for use:
acute cerebrovascular accident;
traumatic brain injury, the effects of traumatic brain injury;
vegetative dystonia syndrome;
mild cognitive disorders of atherosclerotic;
anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like states;
acute myocardial infarction (the first day) in the complex therapy;
Primary open-angle glaucoma of different stages in the complex therapy;
relief of abstinence syndrome in alcoholism with a predominance of neurosis and vegetative-vascular disorders;
acute intoxication antipsychotics;
acute purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity processes (acute necrotizing pancreatitis, peritonitis) in the complex therapy.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F10.3 abstinence;

F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecified;

F48 Other neurotic disorders;

G90 Disorders of autonomic [autonomous] nervous system;

G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified;

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

K65.0 Acute peritonitis;

K85 Acute pancreatitis;

T43.3 Poisoning and antipsychotic neuroleptic drugs.

Pharmacological action

Antioxidant preparation. Has antihypoxia, membranoprotective, nootropic, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic effects, increases the body’s resistance to stress. The drug increases the body’s resistance to the effects of major damaging factors to oxygen dependent pathological conditions (shock, hypoxia and ischemia, cerebrovascular accident, alcohol intoxication and antipsychotics/neuroleptics/).

Mexidol improves cerebral metabolism and blood flow to the brain, improves microcirculation and blood rheology, reduces platelet aggregation. Stabilizes the membrane structure of red blood cells (erythrocytes and platelets) during hemolysis. Has hypolipidemic effect, reduces total cholesterol and LDL.

Reduces enzymatic toxemia and endogenous intoxication in acute pancreatitis.

The mechanism of action is due to its Mexidol hypoxic, and membranoprotective antioxidant action. The drug inhibits lipid peroxidation, increases the activity of superoxide dismutase, increases the ratio of “lipid-protein”, reduces the viscosity of the membrane and increases its fluidity. Mexidol modulates the activity of membrane enzymes (calcium-independent phosphodiesterase, adenylate cyclase, acetylcholinesterase) receptor complexes (benzodiazepine, GABA, acetylcholine) that enhances their ability to bind to ligands, contributes to maintaining the structural and functional organization of biological membranes, transport of neurotransmitters and improve synaptic transmission. Mexidol increases the content of dopamine in the brain. Compensatory activity causes increased aerobic glycolysis and decreased inhibition of oxidative processes in the Krebs cycle under hypoxic conditions, with increasing content of ATP and creatine phosphate and the activation energy synthesizing mitochondrial function, stabilization of cell membranes.

Mexidol normalises metabolic processes in the ischemic myocardium reduces the zone of necrosis, and restores the electrical activity and improves myocardial contractility and coronary blood flow increases in the zone of ischemia, reperfusion syndrome reduces effects in acute coronary insufficiency. Enhances anti-anginal activity of nitro-drugs. Mexidol promotes preservation of retinal ganglion cells and optic nerve fibers in progressive neuropathy, which is caused by chronic ischemia and hypoxia. Improves the functional activity of the retina and optic nerve, increasing visual acuity.



When administered in doses Mexidol 400–500 mg C max in plasma is 3.5–4.0 mg/ml and is reached within 0.45–0.5 h


After the/m of the drug is determined in plasma for 4 hours average retention time of the drug in the body is 0.7–1.3 hours


Excreted in the urine mainly in the form of glucuronic conjugated in small quantities - unchanged.

Mexidol Dosage

Mexidol introduced IV or IM (bolus or infusion). For solution for infusion should be diluted in 0.9% solution of sodium chloride.

Mexidol jet injected slowly over 5–7 minutes, drip - at a speed of 40–60 drops/min. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1200 mg.

In acute cerebral circulatory disorders Mexidol used in the first 10–14 days IV drip 200–500 mg 2–4 times/day, then - IM 200–250 mg 2–3 times/day for 2 weeks.

With traumatic brain injury, and the consequences of traumatic brain injury Mexidol used for 10–15 days IV drip 200–500 mg 2–4 times/day.

When vascular encephalopathy in a phase of decompensation Mexidol used in IV bolus or infusion at a dose of 200–500 mg 1–2 times/day for 14 days, then - IM at 100–250 mg/day for 2 consecutive weeks.

To conduct foreign exchange prevention vascular encephalopathy Mexidol appoint IM at a dose of 200–250 mg 2 times/day for 10–14 days.

In mild cognitive impairment in elderly patients and in anxiety disorders Mexidol appoint IM at a dose of 100–300 mg/day for 14–30 days.

In acute myocardial infarction in the complex therapy Mexidol introduced IV or IM for 14 days, on the background of traditional therapy of myocardial infarction, including nitrates, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, thrombolytics, anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents, as well as symptomatic agents indicated.

In the first 5 days, to achieve maximum effect, the drug is desirable to introduce IV, in the next 9 Mexidol day may be administered IM.

IV the drug produced by drip infusion, slowly (to avoid side effects) of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose (glucose) in the amount of 100–150 ml for 30–90 minutes. If necessary, may slow bolus formulation of at least 5 min.

Introduction of the preparation (IV or IM) is carried out three times/day at every 8 hours daily therapeutic dose of 9.6 mg/kg body weight/day, a single dose - 3.2 mg/kg body weight. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 800 mg, single - 250 mg.

At various stages of open-angle glaucoma in the complex therapy Mexidol administered IM at 100–300 mg/day 1–3 times/day for 14 days.

When alcohol withdrawal syndrome Mexidol administered at a dose of 200–500 mg IV drip or IM 2–3 times/day for 5–7 days.

Acute intoxication antipsychotics Mexidol introduced IV at a dose of 200–500 mg/day for 7–14 days.

In acute purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity (acute necrotizing pancreatitis, peritonitis) Mexidol appointed in the first night in the preoperative and postoperative period. Dose depends on the type and severity of the disease, the distribution process, the clinical course options. Removal of the drug should be made gradually, only after sustained positive clinical and laboratory effects.

In acute edematous (interstitial) pancreatitis Mexidol appoint 200–500 mg 3 times/day/drip (isotonic sodium chloride) and IM.

When necrotizing pancreatitis mild Mexidol appoint 100–200 mg 3 times/day IV drip (isotonic sodium chloride) and IM.

When necrotizing pancreatitis of moderate severity - 200 mg 3 times/day IV drip (in isotonic sodium chloride solution).

When necrotizing pancreatitis severe course - a dose of 800 mg on the first day, with a twofold mode of administration, then - 200–500 mg 2 times/day with a gradual decrease in the daily dose.

When extremely severe necrotizing pancreatitis starting dose is 800 mg/day to cupping manifestations pancreatogenic shock when stabilization - 300–500 mg 2 times/day IV drip (0.9% sodium chloride) with a gradual decrease in the daily dose.

Mexidol Drug Interactions

In a joint application Mexidol enhances the action of benzodiazepine derivatives anxiolytics, antiparkinsonian (levodopa) and anticonvulsants (carbamazepine) funds.

Mexidol reduces the toxic effects of ethanol.

Mexidol Side effects

From the digestive system: nausea, dry mouth.

Other: allergic reactions, drowsiness.

Mexidol - reviews of doctors.
Mexidol- one of the most successful domestic products. He proved to be excellent in treatment of stroke, it is administered intravenously at the same time in high enough doses . Mexidol application processes in chronic disorders of blood circulation in the brain also proves its efficiency: decrease dizziness, improves memory and speech disorders. Proven effect mexidol when abstinence situations: it removes cravings with dependencies, and even while reducing anxiety, improving the quality of life of these patients. They love him to appoint and opticians. I have no personal experience in applying it in pediatrics, but in "attending physician", which I love very much, publishes information about its effectiveness in the treatment of lesions of the nervous system in children during the first months of life, as well as in treatment of infertility. Safety, minimal side effects and high efficiency make it possible to prescribe it in other situations, but only on doctor's advice, and he is released from the network of pharmacies by prescription only.

Mexidol improve psycho-emotional state, memory, motor activity, regulate cerebral hemodynamics, reduces the level of cholesterol has a positive effect on the rheological properties of blood, which improves the quality of life and physical adaptation helps stroke patients. neurorehabilitation The problem is a very important and complex. With regenerative treatment of these patients used a variety of drugs.
Ischemic stroke develops most often in people of older age groups, usually with complex somatic diseases, so treatment approach must be complex.


Ladasten (Bromantane) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects

16 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: General tonic and adaptogens.

Synonyms: Bromantane.

Active substance: Adamanthylbromphenylamine.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F06.6 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder;

F48.0 Neurasthenia;

Z54 recovery period.

Each tablet contains:
Active substance: bromantane (adamantilfenilamin) - 0.05 g and 0.10 g.

Ladasten is adamantane derivatives, a positive impact on the performance of physical and mental performance. The spectrum of action of the drug combination of activating, anxiolytic, immunostimulant actions and elements actoprotective activity. Ladasten has no hypnotic-sedative and muscle relaxant properties, the drug has no addictive potential. In its application, unlike a typical action of psychostimulants, almost no effects develop hyperstimulation and aftereffect of depletion functionality of the organism.

Therapeutic action of Ladasten
Ladasten in patients with asthenia and anxiety-asthenic disorders manifested from the first day of its application in the form of a distinct reduction asthenic symptoms, indicators of emotional stress, somatovegetativnyh manifestations; medication helps to restore the activity and increase endurance.

Ladastena mechanism of action associated with increased release of dopamine from presynaptic terminals, blockade of its re-uptake and biosynthesis enhancement caused gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, as well as its modulatory effect on the GABA-benzodiazepine-hlorionoformny retseptor complex, eliminating decrease benzodiazepine reception, growing under stress . Ladasten enhances GABA-ergic mediation, reducing the expression of the gene controlling the synthesis of GABA transporter, carrying the reuptake of the neurotransmitter.
Ladasten toxic (LD50 in rats is greater than 10,000 mg / kg, and more than 100 times greater than the effective dose).

Ladasten Dosage

Ladasten taken orally with or without food.

Single dose - 50–100 mg daily dose is 100–200 mg in 2 divided doses.

The drug should not be used after 16 hours duration of a course of the drug is 2–4 weeks.

Ladasten Side effects

CNS: manifestations may occur excessive activation and sleep disorders.

Other: allergic reactions (when individual hypersensitivity to the drug).

Indications for Ladasten

Asthenic conditions of various origins, including somatic diseases and after infectious diseases;



Pregnancy ;


Children up to age 18;

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Ladasten Reviews

A particularly interesting point is the impact on gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase. The well-known fact that long-term use of MAOIs or IOZNoradrenalina leads to a compensatory reduction of the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase. The clinical significance of apparently do not really know, but we can assume that it leads to a decrease in the level of catecholamines may in part defining and therapeutic resistance, relapse, or something else not quite desirable. Now we have the opportunity to even be barrier this process.
From this perspective, it is interesting to look at ladasten effect in combination with SNRIs, particularly in Ixelles, the most selective inhibitor of norepinephrine.
For the remaining ladasten effects (effects on emissions and the capture of dopamine), I set very skeptical, because it is not addictive, therefore does not affect the release and reuptake of dopamine. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) selective IOZD has addictive potential (despite the fact that the release of dopamine is not affected).

I think it is necessary to quickly jump to a dose of Ladasten 200mg / day. At the lower dose, it really is rather weak. Do not wait for effect immediately. It develops slowly, the end of 2-3 weeks. Something similar to Fenotropil but not noben. Unlike phenotropil have ladasten effect persists after a month of reception, and is held. Apparently this is due to the fact that it operates on is the lowest (baseline) link tolerance mechanisms - as an inducer of gene expression rather than the neurochemical processes are severely affected by the negative feedback. One of the mechanisms of the latter, by the way, is the reduction of the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase gene.

I tried to drink 100mg of Ladasten.
Invigorates. The effect resembles the classic stimulants - especially at the beginning of the day, it's nice, elation, but with increased distractibility.
Not a bad drug, but for emergencies.


Metaprot pills - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Review

16 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: General tonic and adaptogens.

Synonyms: Bimethyl, Bimactor.

Active substance: Ethylthiobenzymidazole hydrobromide.

ATC A13A Tonics.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

E63 Physical and mental overload;

F06.6 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder;

F48.0 Neurasthenia;

G03.9 Meningitis, unspecified;

G04.9 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

R41.8.0 Disorders Intellectual amnesic;

R53 Malaise and fatigue;

S06 intracranial injury;

T65.9 Toxic effect of unspecified substance;

T67 Effects of heat and light;

T90.9 Consequences unspecified head injury;

Z54 recovery period;

Z54.0 recovery period after surgery;

Z73.0 Overwork;

Z73.6 Restrictions on activity, caused by reduced disability.

Pharmacological action

Metaprot (Bimethyl) Drug with adaptogenic action. Metaprot has nootropic, antihypoxic, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity.

The mechanism of Metaprot action is to activate the synthesis of RNA and then proteins, including enzyme and related to the immune system. The activation of enzymes of gluconeogenesis synthesis that provide recycling of lactate (a factor limiting performance) and resynthesis carbohydrate - a source of intense energy at loads, which leads to an increased physical performance. Increased synthesis of mitochondrial enzymes and structural proteins of the mitochondrial energy production and provides an increase in the maintenance of a high degree of conjugation of oxidation and phosphorylation. Sustaining a high level of ATP synthesis in oxygen deficiency contributes expressed antihypoxic and antiischemic activity.

Enhances the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes and has a pronounced antioxidant activity. Increases resistance to extreme factors - physical activity, stress, hypoxia, hyperthermia. Increases efficiency during exercise.

Has a pronounced effect antiasthenic, accelerates recovery after extreme impacts.

The maximum effect is achieved within 1–2 hours after ingestion, duration - 4–6 hours Against course taking effect usually increases during the first 3–5 days, then stably maintained at the current level.


After oral administration is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After a single dose detected in the blood after 30 minutes. At long course continuous reception, especially in high doses, can be marked tendency to accumulation of the drug with an increase in its concentration in the blood by 10–12 day use.

Actively metabolized in the liver.

Metaprot Dosage

The drug is administered by mouth, after eating.

Adults appoint 250 mg 2 times/day. If necessary, the daily dose is increased to 750 mg (500 mg in the morning and 250 mg - in the afternoon), and patients with a body weight above 80 kg - 1 g (500 mg, 2 times/day).

The course of treatment - 5 days with 2-day intervals between them in order to avoid accumulation of the drug. Number of treatments depends on the effect and an average of 2–3 (rarely 1 or 4–6) courses.

To improve efficiency in extreme conditions take medication for 40–60 min before the forthcoming activity at a dose of 500–750 mg. With continued work readmission produce through 68 hours at a dose of 250 mg. The maximum daily dose - 1.5 g, and the next day - 1 year

To maintain a high level of efficiency for a long time (several weeks) and to activate adaptive processes the drug is prescribed by the scheme: 5-day course of a 2-day intervals at a dose of 250 mg 2 times/day.

Metaprot Overdose

Symptoms: irritability, sleep at night.

Treatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, if necessary - symptomatic therapy.

Metaprot Drug Interactions

Inhibitors of microsomal liver enzymes CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2D6, CYP3A4 (for example, cimetidine) may increase the drug concentration in blood.

Metaprot enhances the positive effects of metabolic drugs (including inosine), neuroprotective drugs (including Piracetam) antihypoxic funds (including trimetazidine), potassium and magnesium aspartate, glutamic acid, vitamins (in t. including α-tocopherol), as well as antianginal agents (nitrates, beta-blockers).

Metaprot Side effects

From the digestive system: discomfort in the stomach and liver, rarely - nausea, vomiting.

Allergic reaction: facial flushing, rhinitis.

CNS: headache.

Metaprot Inications

Improving and restoring health, including under extreme conditions (heavy exercise, hypoxia, overheating);

Adaptation to a variety of extreme factors;

Asthenic disorders of different nature (in neurasthenia, somatic diseases, after serious infections and intoxications, in pre-and postoperative period in surgical interventions);

In the complex therapy of craniocerebral trauma, meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral circulatory disorders, cognitive disorders.

Contraindications for Metaprot


Expressed human liver;




Ischemic heart disease;


Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, malabsorption of glucose-galactose;



Children’s age;

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Metaprot Review

Metaprot (formerly known as Bimethyl, Bemaktor). In the USSR, it was inaccessible ordinary mortals. Initially, it was used exclusively military in the 80 years, and only after the collapse of the USSR Bimethyl became available in retail sales. The essence of the formulation is that in an emergency it increases concentration, performance and most importantly allows you to not reduce performance under anaerobic loads eliminating lactate. With the general lack of stamina oxygen, not only did not fall, but even increased. Prep improves mental and physical performance, especially against the background of decline, weaken the feeling of tiredness, drowsiness. At reception people are able to perform longer and better mental and physical work, they have a sense of self-confidence, increases motor activity and speech. Beneficial effect on protein synthesis. The network has infa that the Rev. registered our summer Olympic team since gives a significant head start without steroid reaction when tests. familiar nickname, found a MS to combat that took the master using Bimethyl and other similar products for faster recovery.

Now the main thing, the main effect of the drug, it is a psychological, not for nothing that it belongs to the group of adaptogens. All the days go very quiet, you do not alarming, but it does not mean that you like stoned, in his world, and removed from what is happening, on the contrary, everything is very clear, very clear and understandable. Are you absolutely sure that you need to do now, no doubt. The problems are not perceived as "Aaa fucked up", but as a problem to be solved and you it is quite coolly disassembled into constituent elements. Full confidence in their abilities, but under the full control of the mind, is keenly aware of all the consequences of every action. There is no fear of making a mistake, because the result is not alarming, well, as I said - no doubt. During the three weeks of taking the drug a few times firmly in conflict with the boss, because It gets fuck on the political dimension of the relationship and compromise, ie any concession on your part. There you are, and what is not comfortable for you to be removed here and now. Ideas are not hatched a long time analyzing the pros and cons, and you act clearly and sharply. Answers are born in the mind of their own accord, but it is not stream of consciousness like a drug, and it's your decisions that you choose. What pleased, there is amorphous, ie, all emotions are present as before, but the effect of negative emotions does not last more than 5 minutes, keeping the positive emotions all day. All taxiing are also under the adrenaline rush but with a delay. Rage drove much later, when the external stimulus to the point is not eliminated, the sooner that allows to be more reserved and not cut straight from the shoulder. Seek their own, then the effect fades and there is no feeling of emptiness and rage, as it happens after conflicts - within just a stillness and peace. Emotionally very stable state. Monotonous work is not tired, a new job and new challenges will realize highly motivated. All the time alone with a purr some songs. Very strong sense of motivation and charged to the result. My wife also felt the full control of the situation, she had to work with people that sometimes exhausting, yet was on the course said: "Close to bomb rips though, I do not care, because this to me is not currently true I do my. business, confident that he was right and make the right decisions. "

now my comments – the Metaprot preparation, the original, proven, high-quality, and therefore decided to this characteristic, to allow him to save me from the disruptions in severe psychological situation:

... The effect of calm and composure comes pretty quickly
... At the same time evaporating and internal tremor tremor
... Emotional component almost extinguished in the bud
... No haziness
... Ordinary ordinary day outside
... Cold-blooded hits
... Logic without confusion

N.B .: This drug Metaprot!!! - It crutches !!!,
man himself must control myself ... but anything can happen, to have in reserve is salvation possible.

This bemithyl in intense periods of work and life ... did not read before, though about antidepressants know something.
Of course, only as a "fire hydrant".
Are similar psychological effects, though not so soon and not so bright, I manage to achieve yoga and meditation. Gradually. I understand that not everyone (especially in big cities) it is possible to give it time. However, it is worth it, this is my opinion. If we carry on not only "self-efficacy", but also on the content of life as a whole, its quality, good feelings of fullness, joy and creativity - not only within, but without this in any way.


Enerion (Sulbutiamine) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects

16 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: General tonic and adaptogens.

Synonyms: Acralion, Arcalion, Arcatamin, Arnion, Enerion, Megastene, Pymeacolion, Sulbutiamina Colmed, Sulbutiamina La Santé, Surmenalit.

Active substance: Sulbutiamine.

ATC A11DA02 Sulbutiamin.

Sulbutiamine (brand name: Arcalion) is a synthetic derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1). As a dimer of two modified thiamine molecules, it is a lipophilic compound that crosses the blood–brain barrier more readily than thiamine and increases the levels of thiamine and thiamine phosphate esters in the brain. Sulbutiamine was discovered in Japan in an effort to develop more useful thiamine derivatives since it was hoped that increasing the lipophilicity of thiamine would result in better pharmacokinetic properties. You can buy Enerion.

Although its clinical efficacy is uncertain, it is the only compound used to treat asthenia that is known to selectively target the areas that are involved in the condition. In addition to its use as a treatment for chronic fatigue, sulbutiamine may improve memory, reduce psycho-behavioural inhibition, and improve erectile dysfunction. At therapeutic dosages, it has few reported adverse effects. It is available for over-the-counter sale as a nutritional supplement.

Composition, structure and packing

Tablets, coated orange, round, biconvex, allowed minor surface irregularities (in degree gloss) staining and the presence of minor inclusions.

Excipients: Corn starch - 12 mg Dried starch paste - 40 mg of glucose (dextrose) Anhydrous - 20 mg lactose monohydrate - 65.5 mg Magnesium stearate - 3.5 mg Talc - 9 mg.

Cover structure: sodium bicarbonate - 0.603 mg, sodium carboxymethylcellulose 0.556 mg, white beeswax - 0.201 mg, titanium dioxide (E171) - 8.43 mg of ethyl cellulose - 0.485 mg sunset yellow FCF (E110) - 3 mg, glycerol monooleate - 0.242 mg, polysorbate 80 - 0.302 mg, povidone - 0.692 mg, sucrose - 106,956 mg colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil 130), 28.21 mg of talc.

Pharmacological action

Synthetic compound similar in structure to the thiamine. Sulbutiamine molecule has an open thiazole ring, an additional disulfide bond and lipophilic ester. Thanks to this modification is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and readily crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Unlike thiamine, can accumulate in the cells of the reticular formation, dentate gyrus and hippocampus, as well as in cells and Purkinje fibers glomerul granular layer of the cerebellar cortex.

At a reception Enerion improved coordination of movements and increases resistance to physical stress, boosts stability of the cerebral cortex to repetitive hypoxia.



After ingestion sulbutiamin rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, C max in plasma is reached after 1–2 hours


T 1/2 is about 5 hours excreted in the urine.

Enerion Dosage

Adult drug administered in a daily dose of 400–600 mg (2–3 tablets.) In 2 divided doses.

The tablets should be taken orally during breakfast and at lunch time.

The duration of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks.


Symptoms: excited state with symptoms of euphoria and tremor of the limbs.

Treatment: The symptoms quickly disappear on their own and do not require special treatment.

Enerion Side effects

CNS: tremor, headache, agitation, malaise.

From the digestive system: dyspepsia.

Allergic reactions: possible cutaneous manifestations.

Indications for Enerion

Symptomatic treatment of functional asthenia. Sulbutiamine is indicated for the treatment of asthenia. Asthenia is a condition of chronic fatigue that is cerebral rather than neuromuscular in origin.

Enerion is not recommended in patients with Enerion lactase deficiency, galactosemia or syndrome glucose/galactose malabsorption due to the fact that the substance is formulated with lactose monohydrate.


Noopept – Instructions, Side Effects, Review

16 Jan 2017

Trade name of the drug: Noopept

Chemical name: ethyl N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine

Pharmacotherapeutic group: nootropic agent.

Pharmachologic effect of Noopept
Noopept has nootropic and neuroprotective properties. It improves learning ability and memory, working on all phases of processing: the initial processing of information, consolidation, extraction. Prevents the development of amnesia induced by electric shock, blockade of central cholinergic structures glutamatergic receptor systems, deprivation of paradoxical sleep phase.
Neuroprotective (protective) action Noopept is to increase the stability of brain tissue to damaging influences (trauma, hypoxia, electroconvulsive, toxic) and the weakening of the degree of damage to brain neurons. The drug chamber to reduce the volume of thrombotic stroke models and prevents neuronal death in the tissue culture of cerebral cortex and cerebellum, subjected to the action of neurotoxic glutamate concentrations, free-radical oxygen.

Noopept has an antioxidant effect, an antagonistic effect on the excess calcium effects, improves the rheological properties of blood, possessing anti-aggregation, fibrinolytic, anticoagulant properties.
Nootropic drug effect is associated with the formation of cyclo-prolylglycine similar in structure to endogenous cyclic dipeptide possessing anti-amnestic activity, and the presence of choline positive action.
Noopept transcallosal increases the amplitude of the response, facilitating associative links between the hemispheres of the brain at the level of cortical structures.

It helps restore memory and other cognitive functions, disturbed as a result of the damaging effects - brain trauma, local and global ischemia, prenatal damage (alcohol, hypoxia).
The therapeutic effect of the drug in patients with organic disorder of the central nervous system is manifested starting with 5-7 days of treatment. First implemented in the existing spectrum of activity Noopept anxiolytic and stimulating light effects, manifested in the reduction or disappearance of anxiety, irritability, affective lability, sleep disorders. After 14-20 days of therapy revealed a positive effect of the drug on cognitive function, attention and memory options.

Noopept has vegetative normalizing effect, reduces headaches, orthostatic disorders, tachycardia.

When you remove the drug is observed withdrawal.

It does not have a damaging effect on the internal organs; It does not lead to a change in the cellular composition of the blood and biochemical parameters of blood and urine; has no immunotoxic, teratogenic, does not exhibit mutagenic properties.

Ethyl N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine, absorbing in the gastro-intestinal tract unaltered enters the systemic circulation, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, the brain is determined in large concentrations than in the blood. Time to maximum concentration is on average 15 minutes. The half-life of blood plasma -. 0.38 h partly preserved in unchanged form, is partially metabolized to form a phenyl-acetic acid, phenyl-atsetilprolin and cyclo-prolylglycine. It has a high relative bioavailability (99.7%), not accumulates in the body, it does not cause drug dependence.

The rhythm of modern life requires processing huge amounts of information that creates a substantial burden on the brain. Our body - a product of evolution, rather than a biological analogue of a computer, so the brain can not sustain high activity 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. How can we use science to protect your brain from overloading and simultaneously improve its function? After all, no matter how great was the desire to unwind and relax, often we are faced with very different objectives: to increase the pace of implementation of the work, pass the session, learn a foreign language.

About mental problems
The range of conditions in which there are violations of basic cognitive functions (attention, memory, the ability to analyze the situation and decision-making, spatial orientation) is very broad. It includes cognitive deficits in stroke and chronic cerebrovascular disease, brain injury, cerebral lesions of various chronic neurodegenerative nature neuroinfections, posthypoxic encephalopathy, chronic alcoholism, mental retardation in children. The prevalence of cognitive pathology, as well as the diversity of its individual manifestations in different people dictate the need to expand the arsenal of substances, normalizes impaired cognitive function. Lack of mnemonic functions that occurs on a background of neurotrauma, stroke, senile vascular disorders and neurodegenerative nature occurs on the background of pronounced structural changes in the brain tissue. For the treatment of these conditions it is advisable to use products that combine with neuroprotective nootropic activity. However, most of neuroprotective substances currently used in medical practice (antioxidants, calcium channel antagonists), devoid of a direct positive effect on mnemonic function. Cerebral vasodilators, which are also widely used, cause the effect of "robbing" brain tissue expressed by general hemodynamic changes, which may lead to a deterioration of cognitive activity, especially in the elderly.

Noopept - innovative drug dipeptide structure, with extensive nootropic and neuroprotective properties.

The main effect Noopept established in clinical trials
Nootropic (improves cognitive function)
Anxiolytic (reduces anxiety and irritability)
Wegetotropona (including, and normalization of sleep)

Nootropic action

effect on specific binding sites in the cerebral cortex
education cyclo-prolilglicin similar in structure to endogenous cyclic dipeptide possessing antiamnestic activity
availability choline positive action
increase in brain concentrations of neurotrophic factors (NGF, BDNF)

Therapeutic effect:
improves memory, operating at all phases: the initial information processing, storage and playback
It helps to restore memory and other cognitive functions, disturbed as a result of damaging effects (neurotrauma, local or global ischemia)
It facilitates learning processes, improves concentration, stimulates intellectual activity

the weakening of the neurotoxic effect of glutamate
opposition to the accumulation of intracellular calcium
reduce the formation of free radicals
It has anti-inflammatory effect. Therapeutic:
increases the resistance of brain tissue to damaging influences (neurotrauma, hypoxia, electroconvulsive, toxic)
weakens the degree of damage to the neurons in the brain

Nootropic - impact on the ability to learn; Memory (acting on all phases: initial processing of information, consolidation and retrieval); facilitation of synaptic transmission at the level of the cerebral cortex
Antiamnestic neuroprotective - improving the stability of brain tissue to damaging influences
Anxiolytic - reducing feelings of anxiety, emotional tension
choline positive
The antithrombotic (anticoagulant effect without having an antiplatelet action)

Violations of memory, attention and other cognitive functions, and emotionally labile disorder (including elderly patients) when:

consequences of traumatic brain injury
commotion syndrome
cerebral vascular disease (encephalopathy different genesis)
asthenic disorders
other conditions with symptoms of decline of intellectual activity

Noopept applied inside after eating. Treatment starts with the drug in a dose of 20 mg, 10 mg distributed into two doses during the day (morning and afternoon). In case of insufficient efficacy and good tolerability of the drug dose NOOPEPTA increased to 30 mg, 10 mg distributed on three stages throughout the day. Like most nootropics, it is not recommended to take Noopept later than 18 hours. The duration of a course of treatment is 1.5 - 3 months. Repeated treatment may be carried out after 1 month if necessary.


Not applicable Noopept interaction with alcohol, drugs and antihypertensive drugs and drugs stimulating effect.

Innovative nootrop of peptide structure:

- For the first time high resistance to intestinal neuropeptide preparation of enzymes and possibility of oral

- In the body forms an active metabolite that is identical to the endogenous dipeptide with nootropic activity

- Metabolized, bypassing the liver, with the formation of endogenous metabolites

- Very low effective doses (20 mg / day)

A wide spectrum of therapeutic action: nootropic, neuroprotective, anxiolytic, vegetostabiliziruyuschy et al.
The effectiveness of piracetam Noopept exceeds that found in clinical studies in patients with vascular cognitive impairment and post-traumatic genesis
It has a more pronounced compared with piracetam, anti-astenic, anti-anxiety effects and helps normalize sleep
The favorable safety: the incidence of side effects when taking Noopept twice lower than when receiving piracetam
Sold in pharmacies without a prescription

Noopept – a new Era of Nootrops

Specifically, in order to protect the brain from a variety of acting on it unfavorable factors and to avoid "overheating", designed drugs called nootropics. Nootropics (Greek noos - thinking mind;. Tropos - direction) have a specific positive impact on higher integrative brain function, resulting in the improvement of mental activity, stimulation of cognitive function, learning and memory, enhance brain resistance to damaging factors, including extreme pressure and hypoxia.

Noopept - nootrop innovation, developed by Russian scientists, helps the brain to better adapt to the damaging effects and other adverse factors, worsening memory, attention and learning ability. Action Noopept physiological for the body, because based on the formation of the active compound with a complex called cyclo-prolilglicin, that is present in our brain. That this substance is also called "peptide memory."

The drug also has a vegetative-normalizing effect, ie reduces the headaches, dizziness, palpitations, helps normalize sleep and get rid of irritability and emotional lability.

Noopept action mechanism is aimed at all the main memory cells - primary processing, storage and retrieval of information. But do not be surprised if the doctor will prescribe Noopept someone from your family: the drug helps improve brain function due to deterioration of blood supply in the elderly, as well as cope with the effects of traumatic brain injury and stroke, asthenic disorders and autonomic disorders.

Official indications for use:
Violations of memory, attention and other cognitive functions, and emotionally labile disorder, including elderly patients, with:

  • the consequences of traumatic brain injury
  • commotion syndrome
  • cerebral vascular disease (encephalopathy different genesis)
  • asthenic disorders
  • other conditions with signs of reducing intellectual productivity
Formal contraindications to the use of:
Pregnancy, lactation. Age up to 18 years. Hypersensitivity to the drug. Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption. Expressed human liver and kidneys.

Scheme of Noopept application is simple and easy: 1 tablet (10 mg) x 2 times a day (morning and afternoon). It is important to emphasize that to achieve the full effect of taking the drug should be carried out a course (of at least 1.5 months = 2 packages), since restoration "work" for the brain will take some time Noopept like "teaches" the brain to work in the new regime.

It is important that the end of the reception Noopept does not require a gradual reduction of the dosage: the drug simply canceled - and all. Noopept not enter into interactions with alcohol, drugs and antihypertensive agents, agents stimulating effect.

"Remembrance - it is the means by which we will record and store information about past events in order to take advantage of it in the present."

Among the things and events that we remember, are stored not only our knowledge (acquired in school, college), but personal memories (a first date, wedding, birth of children), as well as our habits and skills. To achieve this, we need to code or process, the information that we want to remember, and to lay it in storage, and then retrieve the memories or skills in response to a stimulus or a key command. That is, there are three main mechanisms of memory: storing (or coding), storage and playback (or extract). If you breach any of these stages, memory loss will occur.

For the duration of securing and preserving the memory of the material is divided into short-term, rapid and long-term.

Short-term memory is characterized by very short persistence of perceived information, the amount of memory in each individual. It characterizes the natural person's memory and remains, as a rule, throughout their lives. The volume of short-term memory is primarily characterized by the ability to mechanically, ie. E. Without the use of special techniques, to memorize information perceived. The value of short-term memory is great: it is it allows you to immediately weed out irrelevant information and keep potentially useful. Short-term memory can be compared with racks in a large library: books that are taken from them, then put back depending on immediate needs. Long-term memory is more like a museum: there are certain elements selected from short-term memory, divided into a plurality of columns, and then stored more or less long time. But it should be noted that the short-term memory is not possible without the normal functioning of the long-term.

Memory allows you to store current information needed to perform a particular action; Storage duration determined by the time the present action. When transferring information from short-term memory in the operational happens its selection on criteria defined by the specific task that person decides.

Long-term memory is able to store information for a long, practically unlimited period of time (this period is limited only by the time a person's life). The information which has appeared in the long-term memory storage can be played any number of times a person, without forgetting it. Moreover, repeated and systematic use (reproduction) of this information only strengthens its traces in the long-term memory. Long-term memory allows a person's ability to recall at any time that he needs. When using long-term memory to recall often require thought and effort of will.

Good memory - the dream of many and are often the basis for success in life. It is the memory of a particular distinctive feature of the human brain allows a person to learn and improve. The accumulated experience in the memory helps to find the correct solution to the problem in a given situation.

But not always enough just to have a good memory, it is important to use it and be able to train properly for effective memorization there are so-called laws of memory.

Memory Laws
Interest Lae: Act easier to remember interesting interpretation: the more aware of memorized information, the better it will be remembered
Installation law: if a man gave himself the installation remember information, memorization is easier to happen
The law of action: information, participating in activities (ie, if in practice the use of the knowledge takes place) is best remembered
The law context: when associating information with familiar concepts of new absorbed better
Deceleration law: the study of similar concepts observed effect of "overlap" old new information
Act optimal length series: length number memorized for better memorization should not greatly exceed the volume of short-term memory
Kray Law: best remembered information provided at the beginning and at the end
The law of repetition: it is best to remember information that was repeated several times
The law of incompleteness: best remembered uncompleted actions, tasks, unsaid phrases, etc.

Causes of memory loss

Violation of memory - a serious disease, which has its symptoms and methods of treatment. According to statistics, memory problems are concerned almost every fourth inhabitant of the Earth. The causes of memory problems are many, one of them (but not only!) Is the natural aging process, which provokes benign senile forgetfulness ". But we must not think that memory impairment - the inheritance only older people, even very young people may be faced with memory disorders.

The causes of memory impairment may be:
Stressful situations, prolonged depression, long-term concern. The more you are worried and nervous, the weaker becomes your memory. This is especially true of the older generation, who because of their age often begin to worry about trifles
Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue. Get enough sleep (at least 7-8 hours) is an integral part of the human life cycle, it is during sleep the brain sorts and stores the resulting information for the entire day. Frequent lack of sleep, and as a consequence of chronic fatigue leads to distraction, irritability and memory impairment
Bad habits: regular consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Abusing alcohol, you not only reduce your memory, but also are contributing to reduction of the intellect and the subsequent development of dementia. Initially, memory impairment can occur sporadically, you stop to remember what is happening at the time of alcohol consumption. Gradually, the memory begins to deteriorate still more, a slowing of thought processes and reduces the speed of perception. Smoking also weakens the function of memory, especially short-term, at the same time affecting verbal and visual memory
Deficiency of certain vitamins (C, E, B6, B12, etc.), amino acid and nicotinic folic shortage. All these elements are necessary for the body to full activity of the central nervous system. Their insufficient damages brain cells, which means that the whole work suffers brain
The use of stimulants. Once upon a time, in order to "whip up" the brain, for example during the preparation for the exam, it was popular to mix the "horse" dose of coffee with "soda". Now almost every corner you can see the energy and tonics. This incentive may give a small short-term effect, but the consequences for the organism, especially with regular use, can be very sad
Metabolic disorders, diseases of internal organs (kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.), infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis)
Head injuries - concussion, bruising and hemorrhage (stroke) will sooner or later lead to problems with memory
Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including increased blood pressure accompanied by a deterioration of brain perfusion. This is - one of the most common causes of memory impairment in the elderly.

What is the brain and how it works

The brain - the most important organ, which is responsible for the regulation of all vital functions of the body. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, speech, memory, too, depend on the functioning of the brain.

Central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord. Brain, in turn, consists of nerve cells - neurons, which are interconnected by synaptic connections. Thanks to these connections the brain controls vital functions of the body. The bodies of nerve cells forming the cortex or gray matter, and the processes of nerve cells - the nerve fibers - white substance. The cerebral cortex has convolutions and furrows, due to which its surface area increases significantly.

Mass brain of a newborn baby is about 300 g, while an adult - 1.1-1.9 kg.

Brains were divided into left and right hemisphere, each of which consists of four parts: the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital.

The right hemisphere is responsible for the left half of the body, and the left - for the right. Each of them has its own record of information occurs. The right hemisphere is responsible for creative, synthetic, emotional perception. The left hemisphere of the same stores verbal (verbal) memories. This brain logic, abstract constructions, analytical conclusions.

More look at the proportion of the cerebral hemispheres.
The occipital lobe is located in the rear part of the brain processes the incoming visual information and recreates all of the images that we see.

Temporal lobe - processes the information coming into the brain through the organs of hearing, and at the occipital lobes helps determine what we see. This part of the brain associated with memory: the right share, usually works with visual information, the left - with the verbal. Finally, the converted word in the left temporal lobe of speech sounds, and we understand that we are talking about.

Parietal lobe has two main functions. First, here it is processed all the information about the tactile and pain. Secondly, this area is associated with the analysis of visual data, helping to understand what we see. This fraction brain stores map of the body surface, so that each of touch information supplied in its own area for processing.

Frontal lobe controls the additional features that are inherent in the person's name. Often referred to as the organizing functions and treat them concentration, planning, reasoning and judgment - skills, aimed at the adoption of complex solutions and find a way out of the problems. The large area of the frontal lobe is reserved for sending signals to the muscles of the body, telling them to move when needed. Frontal lobe is associated with the limbic system and the control of human behavior in different situations.

One should not forget about such an important property of the brain, as plasticity. Plasticity (or neuroplasticity) - it is the brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of the experience gained. There are functional plasticity, which is the ability to pass the damaged area of the brain functions to other areas intact. And structural plasticity, when the brain is able to change its physical structure as a result of training.

Thus, plasticity allows the person not only to better adapt to the environment, but to coordinate the learning process, ie, consciously influence on the formation of useful new neural connections.

FAQ about Noopept

Q. Can I take Noopept if I have meteopathy?
A. You can use Noopept to improve memory, reduce anxiety, normalization of sleep and increase resistance to external factors that can contribute to reducing the manifestations meteopathy and better tolerability weather changes your body.

Q.C an I get used to Noopept if I take it for long?
A. Studies have found that Noopept not cause drug dependency (it can not be used) and withdrawal (reception can be stopped at any time).

Q. Can I use Noopept after mixed stroke, and if there were epileptic seizures?
A. Noopept indicated for the treatment of vascular cerebral insufficiency, including patients after stroke. Data on adverse effects on Noopept epilepsy absent and the clinical experience of its good tolerability and efficacy in these patients.

Q. Is it possible to use of the drug during pregnancy or lactation?
A. During the experimental data set Noopept lack of teratogenic, mutagenic and immunotoxic properties. However Noopept not been studied in women during pregnancy and lactation, so it is not indicated for use in these cases.

Q. Can I use Noopept children to improve learning?
A. Noopept registered for use in people older than 18 years, given the low level of toxicity of a number of studies is planned, which would allow to register Noopept children.

Q. What is neuroprotection action of Noopept?
A. Neuroprotective (protective) action Noopept is to increase the stability of brain tissue to damaging influences (trauma, hypoxia, electroconvulsive, toxic effects, and others.) And a decrease in the degree of damage to the neurons in the brain.

Q. Can Noopept used in vegetative-vascular dystonia?
A. Noopept has vegetative normalizing effect, reduces headaches, orthostatic disorders, tachycardia, and can be used for memory impairment in patients with vascular dystonia.

Q. Can Noopept taken with the use of alcoholic beverages, if necessary?
A. The use of alcohol does not influence the effects and Noopept metabolism in the body, together with the neuroprotective properties Noopept increase resistance to brain tissue damaging action of toxic substances, including alcohol.

Q. How often can I repeat the treatment Noopept?
A. The duration of the Noopept depends on the nature of the disease, it is usually recommended course of 1.5-3 months, which may be repeated after a month's break.

Q. For What cognitive function influence Noopept?
A. Application Noopept improves cognitive functions such as memory, language, gnosis (the perception and processing of information), praxis (use of motor skills).

Q. Can Noopept cause headaches?
A. Noopept has vegetative-normalizing action, which leads to a decrease in headaches resulting from autonomic dysfunction.

Q. Can Noopept raise arterial blood pressure?
A. When receiving Noopept in patients with hypertension, mostly of III degree, and receiving inadequate antihypertensive drugs can be observed rise in blood pressure.

Q. The chemical name of the active substance is present glycine. What is the difference noopept from glycine product, he is better than?
A. Noopept has a peptide structure - composed of amino acids and glycine, along with in the Noopept includes the amino acid proline, together they form the human body connection cyclo-prolylglycine, has a pronounced effect on memory function. Also unlike Noopept glycine has vegetative normalizing effect (reduces headaches, orthostatic disorders, tachycardia), and administered orally, whereas glycine and digested in the intestine is not absorbed.

Q. Can we take together Noopept other psychotropic drugs?
A. Noopept has no drug interactions and is compatible with other centrally acting drugs.


Afobazole – General Information

16 Jan 2017

Trade name of the drug: Afobazole, faʙomotizol

For whom created Afobazole?

Many of us are familiar stressors that surround us every day:

Problems at work;
Traffic jams;
Economic crisis;
Household complexity;
Financial difficulties;
Bad neighbors;
conflict surrounding;
Turmoil in the family;
Negative news.

Our nervous system is trying to cope with the impact of stressors as long as it has the resources.

Under conditions when stressors are long lasting, protective mechanisms of the nervous system may be depleted, in which case it can not react to stress: in nerve cells occurs physiological inhibition and excitation processes begin to prevail. This is manifested by increased irritability, nervousness, anxiety and tension. Being able to unwarranted anxiety, the person becomes unable to adequately assess the significance of stress factors, often losing control of emotions or experiences emotional exhaustion, decreased performance. Over time, against the background of such psycho-emotional disorders can develop diseases of internal organs (including the heart and lungs, stomach and intestines), and disorders of the immune system.

When the impact of stressors become too severe

there is a risk to break close to the people to lose interest in hobbies and favorite work, which contributes to a stressful condition and prevents a person to feel happy.

It is in such situations, when there is no strength to resist stress, come to the aid Afobazole that not only eliminates the symptoms of anxiety and stress, but also helps to restore the normal functioning of nerve cells - to the natural flow of the braking process. Eliminating anxiety, irritability, anxiety and tension, Afobazole helps regain emotional control, self-confidence to enjoy life in full force and be happy!

How does Afobazole act?

Afobazole restores nerve cells and protects against the devastating effects of stress.

Resources nerve cells are depleted, and the structure of the membrane receptors is disrupted, resulting receptors fail to respond to inhibitory signals.

This leads to an increase in symptoms: anxiety, stress, irritability, anxiety and other - even with a decrease in the action of stress factor.

The innovative original formula
The unique formula Afobazole: fabomotizole repairs ("repairs") receptors of nerve cells and protects cells from damage, including under stress, restoring their performance.
Due to this the nervous system can operate normally even in conditions of prolonged stress.

Afobazole investigated in various fields of medicine: Cardiology, Dermatology, Neurology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Psychiatry.

The unique formula Afobazole (INN fabomotizole) regenerates ("repairing") receptors of nerve cells and protects cells from damage, including under stress, so that they can once again do their job correctly.

As a result of receiving Afobazole: disappear anxiety, tension, irritability, anxiety, appear stronger and more confident, informed decisions and actions, improving the emotional background.

The unique formula Afobazole (INN fabomotizole) * works through the natural physiological mechanisms of recovery of nerve cells, without affecting the sharpness and speed of response of the nervous system, without the effect of "sleeping".

Afobazole does not causes: daytime sleepiness; reducing memory and concentration; miorelaxation; addiction; dependence; withdrawal.

Afobazole can be taken by drivers; people working on the complex mechanisms; wherever saving concentration required.

Stress and the reaction of the body
Stress - a set of reactions of the organism, which is designed to adapt to changing environmental factors.

Stress is the set of reactions aimed at adapting to changing environmental factors. These factors are stressors, and the reaction of the body - stress reactivity. Not many know that the human body is able to experience two types of stress. They provoke positive and negative factors. Stress has a negative effect on the body, as well as the very reaction to it, is called distress, while the positive impact of stress - eustress. In the continuation of the article, we will use the term "stress", we will keep in mind the distress.

The human body has the ability to instantly react to stressors readiness to "fight or flee" (active reaction) or freeze (passive reaction). Activation of the body under stress manifests increased work of the adrenal, thyroid and parathyroid gland and the hypothalamus, pituitary and other parts of the brain. There is increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and force of contraction, is released in the stomach hydrochloric acid, increases the level of cholesterol and glucose in blood, breathing quickens and muscles tense. Obviously, if acute stress these changes help the body to "fight or flight", that with prolonged exposure to stress may lead to overload and exhaustion of the body's resources. Constant stress can cause disruption of the endocrine and immune systems, cause a malfunction of the heart, respiratory and digestion, provoke an aggravation of skin diseases. That is why it is so important to be able to withstand stress, learn to control your body's response and time to deal with the negative effects of stress.

Does our behavior on our state?
You are probably familiar with the conventional wisdom that human behavior - is the result of his character, attitudes and outlook. However, this statement is wrong, and should not take it for granted, and to justify their own and others' actions.

Judge for yourself: if we act all his life in accordance with our well-established beliefs, how can we change their lives for the better? We often hear: "I have no aptitude for the exact sciences", "I'm shy since childhood", "Yes, I have a difficult character, and so what?". There are many similar statements that we face all the time. They convince us that this person prefers to live in accordance with the set of qualities that formed him as a child, at best - for life. As a result, most people do not even try to somehow change their lives, simply because they believe that they are what they are.

Psychologists at the expense of a different opinion. Many studies have confirmed that it is to you, our behavior and form the character traits, and not vice versa. Paul Ekman, who devoted his entire life to the study of emotion experimentally proved that if for some time, makes a face, which corresponds to a particular emotion, the man begins to master this emotion. Many of you have probably heard about the famous Stanford prison experiment, Zimbardo Philip. During it failed to prove that the people who play a role (in this case prisoners and guards) are really starting to "get used" to the image, without realizing it. They become aggressive if it meant the role or, on the contrary, passive. It does not matter what the man was up to this experiment. There are many other experiments showing that if a person starts to behave in a certain way (even if it does not fit his worldview), then after a while it begins and internally conform to this behavior.

As these studies relate to our lives? Consider the example of another experiment. Two psychologists McPeak and Mirels gave students the task of writing an essay where they need to praise ourselves. After some time, this group of students showed a higher level of self-esteem than those who did not write the work. This means that if you start to behave as a confident, cheerful, successful and energetic person, then after some time you feel that way.

You can start small. Just play the role of a happy man and smile. Instead of complaining about the problem, tell someone how good was your day. Pretend that you are nice to talk with someone you really dislike. According to psychology, you will soon notice the internal change - will be a positive look at life and feel much better. Test this theory you can, but you try yourself!

Question: What is the maximum duration of therapy afobazole?
Answer: Afobazole does not accumulate in the body, it does not cause addiction and dependence, which makes it possible to perform long-term courses of therapy. The duration of a course of medication is usually 2-4 weeks, if necessary, the duration of treatment can be extended to 3 months (on doctor's advice). Typically, course duration depends on the initial state, its changes during therapy, comorbidities, the presence of external stress factors.

Upon completion of a course of therapy you should consult with your doctor to decide on further tactics.

Q: How soon after the drug is possible to plan pregnancy?
Answer: Afobazole quickly excreted from the body. At the same time, after the cancellation of any drug to make sure that the symptoms of the condition, because of which the drug was administered, and have completed the need to continue treatment with this or some other drug. Therefore, we recommend to plan pregnancy not earlier than 2 weeks after discontinuation of the drug.

Q: Can I take Afobazole with soothing herbal preparations and glycine?
Answer: Afobazole does not interact with sedatives herbal and glycine, may therefore be taken together. Nevertheless, during the combination therapy should consult with a physician.

Q: How often can I repeat courses of Afobazole? What do you need a break between courses?
Answer: Afobazole can be taken without interruption for 3 months. After stopping the treatment effect of the drug is maintained for 1-2 weeks.
The duration of breaks between courses of treatment depend on your condition and is determined in each case by the attending physician based on the results of your assessment of the state.

Question: Is it possible to use Afobazole with birth control pills?
A: Interactions Afobazole and oral contraceptives have been identified, the combined use is not contraindicated.

Question: Do Afobazole Compatible with alcohol?
A: Simultaneous reception Afobazole and alcohol is not contraindicated.
However, it should be remembered that alcohol can have an adverse effect on the central nervous system, including the presence of anxiety disorders. Furthermore, the use of high doses of alcohol is harmful to the organism and can exacerbate symptoms of various diseases.

Q: Can I take Afobazole while driving?
Answer: Afobazole has no sedative action and does not cause deterioration of concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, so it can be taken by people to drive vehicles whose activities require increased attention and quick response.


Flucostat – General information

16 Jan 2017

Why take Flucostat?

Systemic effects

Unlike the local means of "thrush", produced in the form of creams, suppositories or vaginal capsules Flucostat acts inside the body and eliminates the Candida fungus not only from the surface of the vaginal mucosa, but throughout its thickness, including microfolds, and with external genital organs. Flucostat eliminate pathogens "thrush", and also other possible habitat of the fungus, for example, in the gut and oral cavity, employees often reservoirs Candida spp, -. thereby minimizing the risk of re-exacerbation of disease after treatment.


Due to its highly specific properties of the drug, "thrush" Flucostat operates solely on fungal cells, and does not suppress the vital activity of bacteria that are members of the normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract and the vagina. Receiving Flucostat does not lead to the development of dysbiosis.

Quick results

Fluconazole (the active ingredient of the drug Flucostat) can quickly eliminate the symptoms of acute uncomplicated "thrush", characteristic of him:

achievement of maximum concentrations within 2 hours after administration;
rapid relief of the state - the average time of the beginning of the disappearance of symptoms for 24 hours;
rapid resolution of symptoms of the disease - the average time of complete disappearance of symptoms is 2 days.

To eliminate the disease symptoms in the majority of women with acute "thrush" just enough to receive one capsule Flucostat 150 mg.


Flucostat Treatment is often more convenient and comfortable, in comparison with vaginal (local) agents against "thrush":

Unlike candles Flucostat can be used immediately at the first manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, "thrush";
Start treatment at any day of the menstrual cycle, including monthly.
Flucostat capsule can be taken at any time - day or night.
The drug can be taken regardless of dietary regime - fasting, during or after meals.
The drug is simple and easy enough to get the capsule out of the blister and swallow it, washed down with the required amount of water.

The favorable safety profile

Flucostat can be taken with any method of contraception. Unlike local medicines "thrush", with oil-based Flucostat not able to break the integrity of latex contraceptive (condom or diaphragm). It is also confirmed that no oral fluconazole lowers estradiol - a main component of oral hormonal contraceptives, and hence does not reduce their contraceptive properties.


Flucostat produced according to strict European EU GMP quality standards at the first Russian company included in the European EudraGMP data base.

Manufacturer Flucostat constantly improved and checks the quality of production and raw ingredients in accordance with the latest technological advances.

Bioequivalence Flucostat original fluconazole proved and confirmed by clinical studies.

Reliability Flucostat action checked a long history of its use, as well as the positive experience of the use of millions of women in Russia. Please pay attention to Bronhalamin.

Flucostat - modern antifungal broad-spectrum, highly active against Candida genus fungi, pathogens "thrush". The active substance is fluconazole Flucostat, thanks to which is achieved therapeutic results when using the drug.

Fluconazole is recognized throughout the world gynecologists "gold standard" in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis ("thrush"). Its efficacy and safety are proven by numerous studies conducted in various countries around the world. Currently, fluconazole is the only antifungal agent for oral administration, which is approved by WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention of sexually transmitted infections, USA) for the treatment of "thrush".

Manufacturer Flucostat company "Otisifarm" is constantly being improved and checks the quality of production and raw ingredients in accordance with the latest technological advances. The result of this was the acquisition in 2009 production site preparation Flucostat European certificate of GMP (certificate ¹ ZV / LV / 2009 / 001H), testifying to its compliance with international quality standards. The company "Otisifarm" is currently the only Russian company registered in the European database.

How does Flucostat acts?
The fungus genus of Candida, causing "thrush", is always present in their natural reservoirs: the oral cavity and pharynx, in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Each fungal cell is an independent organism, within which there is a chain of "building" process, aimed at its livelihood and implemented with the help of special enzymes.

Therapeutic effect Flucostat

Flucostat blocks one of these enzymes, hindering the "building" process within the fungal cell. Caught without the necessary components, a cell ceases to multiply, grow and eventually dies. Thus, Flucostat not only inhibits the growth and multiplication of fungal cells, but also leads to their death, thus eliminating the root cause of "thrush".

From inside the body Flucostat creates and maintains a high concentration of active substance in almost all tissues of the organism and environments, including any possible Flucostat reservoirs provides a therapeutic fluconazole concentrations not only in the walls of the vagina, but also in vaginal secretions. Created concentration of the drug from yeast several times higher than the concentration required to suppress the life and death of fungus Candida albicans cells. This achieves the reliability of the therapeutic effect and minimize the risk of recurrence, "thrush" Flucostat after treatment.

What is thrush?

"Thrush" - so in common parlance is called vaginal candidiasis - mucosal disease of the female reproductive organs due to overgrowth of yeast fungi genus Candida. "Thrush" is not a disease, sexually transmitted. Vaginal candidiasis in women can occur regardless of the presence or absence of sexual activity.

"Thrush" - a common disease and is familiar to almost every woman. According to some estimates, about 75% 1 of women suffer at least one episode of "thrush", and 50% of them stated at least one relapse (second episode).

Fungi of the genus Candida Natural reservoirs

This type of fungus present in the body most healthy people - on the skin, the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal (mouth, intestine) and urogenital tracts. Under normal circumstances, Candida does not manifest itself and "living in harmony" with other members of the normal microflora of the human body. For example, Candida fungi, are often part of the normal microflora in the vagina, and in small amounts they do not harm. However, under the influence of various unfavorable factors the delicate balance of microflora can be broken, thus triggering increased growth and reproduction of Candida. In turn, this may lead to the development of symptoms of vaginal candidiasis.

Symptoms of thrush
There are several signs of "thrush" in women. You may experience any one or more of them simultaneously.

Itching in the crotch area
Vaginal discharge
Burning and pain when urinating
Pain and discomfort during intimacy

It is important to remember that these signs of "thrush" in women as discharge and itching can be caused not only by vaginal candidiasis, but also a number of other sexual infections. The most commonly observed symptoms of the above for the following diseases: bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis ( "thrush"), trichomoniasis.
TEST FOR POSSIBLE cause of vaginal discharge
In order to establish the reasons for discharge, pass this test. However, remember that the results are only preliminary. Put the correct diagnosis, adequate therapy, to establish the duration of treatment and monitor its effectiveness may only doctor.

Causes of thrush and risk factors

The reasons why some adult women are more likely to develop vaginal candidiasis, to date not been fully explored. It is only important to understand that "thrush" - it is always a consequence of the disease, - a consequence of any external factors impacting on the body, or a consequence of the internal changes taking place in it.

Reducing the body's defenses
If your body is weak or you are constantly experiencing stress, this may adversely affect the state of the immune system that normally prevents the development of many infectious diseases. This means that your body is no longer able to so effectively with various pathogens, including pathogens, "thrush". Lowered immunity may contribute to chronic wasting disease (extensive burns, trauma, anemia, etc..), The deficit in the diet of protein, vitamins and several other states. In some cases, lower immunity and can certain medications, such as for example, steroids (hormones) or immunosuppressants, as well as several methods of treatment - radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Helping patients who have had an organ transplant or cancer patients, these medications at the same time increase the likelihood of their Candida infection.

"Thrush" in pregnancy there are two to three times more often than in the female population as a whole. It was from the onset of pregnancy, many women are faced with the problem of "thrush" for the first time. This is due to the fact that during the pregnancy hormone levels in a woman's body changes, which is reflected in the condition of the vaginal mucosa. These changes create ideal conditions for the growth and reproduction of Candida fungi in it and, therefore, contribute to the development of symptoms, "thrush".

Infection of the intestine

The yeast Candida species are quite common inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract. At 10-25% observed absolutely healthy asymptomatic carriage of fungi in the oral cavity, and have 65-80% - in the intestine. Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene, mushrooms from the bowel can infect the mucous membrane of the vagina. From the anus, they can enter the vagina, if after a bowel movement movements wiped from back to front, or during intimate hygiene water jet and hand movements will be directed to the same same way. Fungi from the gastrointestinal tract may be a factor contributing to relapse "thrush".

Usage of Antibiotics
Antibiotics - it's drugs, which suppress the vital activity of bacteria that are the cause of many infectious diseases. Most often they are used in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, cystitis and other diseases. However, besides suppressing life activity of pathogenic microorganisms, antibiotics also leads to the death of the bacteria which are part of the normal flora of the human body, including vaginal microflora. For example, antibiotics cause the death of lactobacilli that normally restrain excessive growth and reproduction of fungi in the genus Candida vagina. Being "without control", the mushrooms begin to behave aggressively and vigorously proliferate, causing the development of symptoms of "thrush".

When diabetes is marked high level of glucose (sugar), not only in the blood and urine, but also in the cells of the vaginal epithelium and mucous secretions. The increased sugar content contributes to a change in the pH of the vaginal secretion. The normal pH of vaginal secretion within the range of 3.8 to 4.2, i.e. It is acidic. In diabetes the pH of the vaginal secretion becomes more acidic, which favors excessive growth and reproduction of yeast fungi of the genus Candida. That's why women with diabetes are more prone to the development of "thrush". Please be aware that the risk of candidiasis is also increased in a number of other endocrine disorders (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, decreased ovarian function, and others.).

Damage to tissues of the vagina

Any damage to the external genitalia, resulting, for example, as a result of friction too tight or uncomfortable underwear, bath towel to use hard or during sexual intercourse, increase the risk of "thrush".

Among the other factors contributing to the development of the uro-genital candidiasis, it should be noted: frequent change of sexual partners, use of tampons, spermicidal foams, perfume soap, bath foam, intimate sprays and deodorants, overreliance vaginal showers and syringing, especially with the addition of chemicals . All of them are able to change the acidity of the vaginal secretions, and also cause damage to delicate tissues of the vagina.

Admission combined contraceptive

Combined contraceptives contain in their composition hormones - estrogen and progesterone, which change the level of its own hormones in a woman's body. High doses of progesterone in the blood can have a negative effect on the immune system, and increase estrogen levels - it leads to the accumulation in the cells of the vaginal mucosa of glycogen, which is a good breeding ground for fungi. Thus, the amount of Candida in the vagina is directly dependent on the level of these hormones. That is why oral contraceptives containing even minimal doses of hormones, increases the risk of "thrush" in adult women.

Symptoms "thrush" in women may increase the week before menstruation, which is also due to changes in estrogen levels. Thus, the hormonal changes that occur in women before menstruation, during menopause may also be a possible cause of the uro-genital candidiasis in some of them.

Prolonged wearing of close, tight-fitting clothes
Fungi of the genus Candida loves heat and moisture. Such conditions are created in the crotch with a constant wearing tight fitting underwear made of synthetic fabrics - nylon panties kombi-dress, tights and OE fabrics from which they are made, bad leak air and allow the skin to "breathe", creating a sort of "greenhouse effect". Fever stimulates sweating. However, due to the disturbed air moisture does not evaporate and remains on the skin surface. In addition, we should not forget that close underwear as a result of friction can cause the formation of micro traumas.

Forms of thrush

Uncomplicated form
It occurs in 95% of cases and usually occurs in women with normal immunity appears sharp and characterized by mild to moderately severe clinical signs of disease. This form of "thrush" characteristic, including for new-onset disease episode.
Episodic or infrequent exacerbations (at least 4 per year)
Mild to moderate symptoms
Against the background of normal immunity or absence of other co-morbidities

Complicated form
It is quite rare, characterized by frequent repeated exacerbations with severe signs of "thrush"; This form of the disease usually occurs in debilitated, malnourished women, diabetes mellitus, or general decline in immunity).
Recurrences are more than 4 episodes per year
Severe symptoms
Against the background of diabetes, exhaustion, reduced immunity during pregnancy.

How to treat thrush

And whether it is necessary to cure thrush infection?

The bad habit of many - to hide our heads in the sand and waving his hand to the disease, in the hope that it in any way be held by itself. Unfortunately, "thrush" does not pass on their own! Attempts to overcome the "yeast" by the frequent hygiene, cleaning the douches and bring only temporary relief, and the state of masking the symptoms. However, this is not an indication that the disease has passed, since it is not eliminated the main cause of the disease - a fungus Candida albicans, which is excessive multiplication and leads to the development of symptoms of vaginal candidiasis. Lull means "thrush" only temporarily receded, and its causative agent of hiding for a short time to remind about themselves with renewed vigor in the most unexpected moment. Without adequate treatment, aimed at eliminating the real cause of the disease, "thrush" is able to go into a chronic relapsing form, with frequent repeated exacerbations during the year. To cope with this form of the disease is much more complicated, it may take a lot of time and effort. To run the situation and avoid the development of complications must be confirmed as soon as possible presumptive diagnosis and start the right treatment, "thrush" in the first episode of the disease, as well as the occasional case of aggravation.

Stages of treatment "thrush" in women

1 True diagnosis
2 Selection of the optimal therapy agents capable of providing the full elimination of fungi of the genus Candida not only genital mucosa, but also in other places of their possible habitats in the body
3 Laboratory confirmation of the destruction of the pathogen and its absence after treatment
4 Compliance measures aimed at preventing a recurrence of the disease and maintaining a healthy balance of microflora in the intimate feminine.

Methods for the treatment of thrush

Folk remedies
"Thrush" is known since ancient times. Even then, she brought a little trouble not the fair sex. Since then, than just not trying to fight the disease unfortunate women. Some recipes "folk" medicine came before us. Some of them can be found in women's forums dedicated to discussing the issue and "thrush" treatment at home: douching decoction of the bark of oaks, chamomile flowers, marigold, garlic and other plants; use baking soda solution, intravaginal administration tampon with yogurt and many others. Treatment of "thrush" folk remedies based on the change in the pH of the vaginal environment and establishing therein conditions unfavorable to the growth and reproduction of fungal cells. In addition to the inconvenience of their preparation and application, for the most part, folk remedies for "thrush" in any way are active only at the time of direct use in the treatment of genital tract mucosa. They are not fixed and held on the surface of the vagina, and therefore does not have a prolonged action. Among other things operate traditional medicine only in the most superficial layers of the mucous membrane of the vagina, while the fungus causing "thrush" can reproduce not only on the surface but also in the deeper layers, and reside in other natural reservoirs - by oral mucosa or bowel canvases. Therefore, traditional medicines from "thrush", prepared by women at home, can only temporarily relieve the condition, reduce the severity of symptoms, but can not eliminate the cause of the disease, and, as a consequence, and to solve the problem. By the way, do not feel at all the recipes of traditional medicine, because many of them have for themselves no evidence that could confirm their effectiveness. You do not need to take risks and experiment. A more reasonable when the first symptoms of disease immediately consult a doctor and qualified medical care!

When set and confirm the diagnosis of "thrush", experts use special group of medicines called "antifungals". The very definition of the profile says their actions - have anti-fungal properties inhibit the growth, division, multiplication and cause the death of fungal cells, including fungi genus Candida, which cause "thrush". The active ingredient of such preparations are molecules designed and synthesized through advances in science, medicine and pharmacy. All of them have passed clinical trials and proven antifungal activity in vitro, and also confirmed the efficacy and safety in animal and human studies. A variety of antifungal drugs "thrush" differ from each other in the active agent, the breadth of the spectrum of antifungal activity, antifungal activity and strength of the release form. Many of them are included in clinical guidelines, both domestic and international, protocols and standards of care.

That they are guided by the doctors prescribed treatment. In some cases, a specialist may prescribe a combined preparation, which in addition to the anti-fungal components are present and other molecules. Typically, such agents are recommended for mixed pathology caused by bacterial and fungal flora.

By way of the use of antifungal drugs by women from "thrush" are divided into two major groups:
1) applied topically (local action of drugs) - are inserted vaginally;
2) used inside (systemic effects of drugs) - are taken orally.

Each group of products has its own characteristics, which will be discussed below. The main thing to remember, no matter what the drug was prescribed by a doctor, it should only purchase at the pharmacy. This guarantees the quality, and hence the success of the treatment.

The preparations of local action
The traditional form of the release of many gynecological drugs are vaginal suppositories. "Thrush" in this case is no exception. In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis is also quite common to use the funds introduced into the vagina - vaginal tablets, creams, ovules or candles from "thrush". Their advantages are: the action purely on location problems, a low level of systemic side effects on the body and a relatively good therapeutic results. However, in the process of melting under the effect of human body temperature, vaginal agents can not provide a uniform distribution of active substance throughout the mucosal surfaces. This creates an environment conducive to the preservation of reservoirs of infection, predisposing to relapse of the disease.

Also local drugs acting locally operate only on the mucosal surface and can not cope with a fungus that lives on not only the surface of the vaginal mucosa, but also in the deeper layers of it.

In addition, vaginal agents do not eliminate the fungal cells with the external female genitalia, referred to as the vulva (vaginal vestibule, large and small labia, perineal skin and pubic area). And even more so they can not have any effect on the fungi of the genus Candida, live on the mucous membranes of the mouth and intestines. Surviving fungi can be one of the possible causes of repeated "thrush" episodes .1

That is why often the treatment of "thrush" local action of the drug effect of their application is not sufficiently resistant and reliable results necessary to use combination therapy with simultaneous application immediately 3 funds: vaginal suppositories, tablets for oral administration and external anti-fungal cream. In addition, you should know about a number of possible purely technical inconveniences associated with the use of means of local action.



Treatment creams, vaginal tablets and candles against "thrush" is recommended only after the end of menstruation, while the main symptoms of the disease (the painful itching and burning sensation) or appear significantly worse just a few days before it starts. This is due to increased growth and reproduction of Candida species during the period of the cycle. Therefore it is better if treatment is initiated in these days, and the therapeutic effect of the drugs will be maintained and during menstruation.


The introduction of the drug into the vagina requires adherence to certain rules of personal hygiene (a minimum of hand washing before and after the installation of candles). For many women, vaginal self administration of the drug with an applicator or a finger is associated with unpleasant sensations and discomfort. Already being inside, candles against "thrush" can cause side effects such as a local irritant.

Under the influence of the human body temperature, the consistency of creams and suppositories from "thrush" often becomes a liquid. They may spread, smearing the bottom and / or linen. Given this fact, intravaginal agents are recommended for the night.

Intravaginal drug disposition implies the restriction of sexual activity, which can create a certain tension in the relationship with the partner.

Reducing the Effects of contraception
Oil-based creams and candles against "thrush" is able to damage the structure of latex barrier contraceptives (condoms and diaphragms) and, accordingly, reduce its contraceptive effect.

Incompatibility with a tampon
In the treatment of vaginal preparations of "thrush" is not desirable to simultaneously use tampons. Their surface is able to absorb part of the drug, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Duration of treatment
The course of treatment "thrush" candles and vaginal creams in most cases is quite long, averaging about one week. Therefore, the daily use of the drug should be remembered for a long period of time. Despite the long course of treatment, signs of "thrush" in women usually become significantly less visible in the first days of the start of the drug, so many refuse further use. This may cause a recurrent infection.

Preparations of systemic effects

They constitute a means for controlling "thrush" in the form of capsules or tablets, intended for ingestion. They are usually swallowed, drinking plenty of water.

Tablet encapsulated drugs against "thrush" have a systemic effect. They operate from inside the body, creating a high concentration of active substances in many tissues and environments, including urinary tract organs. Due to the action of the system, they eliminate the fungi Candida spp. not only with the vaginal mucosa surface, but throughout its thickness, including microfolds, and with external genital bodies.2.

Furthermore, systemic medications eliminate pathogens "thrush", and other potential habitat of the fungus, for example, in the gut and oral cavity, employees often reservoirs Candida albicans. Thereby minimizing the risk of re-exacerbation of disease after lecheniya3.

With the help of some funds to cure an acute episode of "thrush", you can just once. Undoubtedly, it is very convenient. So modern drug is Flucostat. In most cases, uncomplicated acute forms of "thrush" is enough to receive one capsule 150 mg.


Quite often, after the doctor has confirmed the diagnosis of a woman "thrush", there is a question regarding the need for and feasibility of the treatment of the sexual partner. You should know - "thrush" is not a disease, sexually transmitted. Symptoms "thrush" may occur in a woman, regardless of the presence or absence of sexual activity. But can there be a "thrush" in men? And if so, how to be treated?

Experts do not exclude the possibility that the fungus of the genus Candida can be transmitted to the woman to the man during genital contact. In most cases, getting fungal cells on the penis of the partner does not lead to any consequences for men. Only in a few cases may develop Candida balanitis and / or balanoposthitis. However in women with recurrent "thrush" partner can be a source of regular reinfection.

It is also a certain risk of infection exists for oral-genital and anal-genital contact. In the first case, the source may be a fungal cell of oral mucosa, which is very susceptible to the fungus Candida is often because their natural reservoir. In the second case of the disease are the source of fungal cells from the intestinal mucosa - an ampoule of the rectum. Thus, a woman may pass the fungal infection to a sex partner or be infected by men.

Treatment of men set out in the following cases:

- For partners Women with recurrent "thrush", ie in the presence of 4 or more episodes of exacerbations during the calendar year
- In the presence of clinical symptoms of the disease (cheesy plaque on the glans penis, itching, burning).

How to treat pregnant women with "thrush"?
Pregnancy - one of the common causes that provoke the development of yeast infections in women. Moms, treatment of vaginal candidiasis usually shows outer dosage forms (ointments, gels, suppositories).

Thrush in pregnancy is dangerous for the health of not only women, but also the future baby. It is therefore important even at the planning stage both spouses conduct a full examination. If necessary, even before conception, pre-cure all diseases, including "thrush" which can affect the course of pregnancy, the formation of the fetus and the future health of your baby. This important control of cure by repeated tests. Flucostat - a tool that is suitable for both men and women. In most cases, to eliminate the symptoms of "thrush" enough reception 1-2 Flucostat 150 mg capsules.

Flucostat FAQ

Q. My first time there was a thrush, and I took a capsule Flucostat 150 mg. Flucostat help me or not?

A. Take Flucostat follows the established physician diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Currently, the following regimens are recommended for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis:
1.Odnokratny 150 mg Flucostat. It is recommended for the treatment of uncomplicated forms of the disease with mild to moderate symptoms - usually, this is the first episode of the disease caused or vulvovaginal candidiasis with rare exacerbations (no more than 3 exacerbations per year).
2.Dvukratny reception Flucostat 150 mg with an interval of 72 hours (on the 1st and 4th day). When vulvovaginal candidiasis with severe symptoms (intense itching, burning, swelling of the external genitalia).
3.Shema 3-fold application Flucostat (150 mg 1-4-7 days). It is recommended for recurrent yeast form, which is characterized by frequent repeated exacerbations (4 or more episodes per year). However, in recurrent form of the disease after the disappearance of symptoms of the disease designate another additional maintenance therapy (Flucostat 150 mg 1 time per week for up to 6 months).
The cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment scheme can qualified gynecologist. It is important to know that without the elimination of the predisposing factors of the disease, the treatment of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis may be ineffective.

Q. Please tell me Flucostat available on medical prescription?
A. Flucostat drug in pharmacies on prescription. But take Flucostat should be confirmed in the case of the doctor indications for administration of the drug specified in the instructions for use.

Q. Hello, please tell me whether you can take Flucostat during menstruation?
A. The advantage of receiving the drug inside Flucostat is the absence of inconvenience and discomfort, which is usually accompanied by vaginal treatment (Topical) means. Flucostat treatment can begin as soon as there were unpleasant symptoms "thrush", without waiting for the end of menstruation. Take it possible at any time - day or night, regardless of the meal - on an empty stomach or after a meal.

Q. Does Flucostat impact on liver function?
A. According to the instructions for medical use of the drug Flucostat, abnormal liver function (jaundice, hepatitis) refers to a rare side effect of the digestive system. To verify possible contraindications for receiving medication Flucostat you must consult your doctor.

Q. Please tell me, if a man candida balanitis whether to accept or Flucostat it only for women?
A. Indications for Flucostat a man, in case of urogenital candidiasis ( "thrush") he or his partner are:
- The presence of a man signs of Candida balanitis, manifested by white plaque and redness on the penis.
- The presence of his sexual partner recurrent form of vulvovaginal candidiasis ( "thrush" the vagina and external genitalia with a frequency of exacerbation of the mucous membrane - 4 or more times per year).
In the cases listed above administered single dose of 150 mg Flucostat.
Take the drug Flucostat should be confirmed in the case of a doctor diagnosis of urogenital candidiasis.

Q. You can drink alcohol during treatment Flucostat?
A. The effects of alcohol on the efficacy and safety of Flucostat not been assessed, in order to avoid adverse effects on the liver function of alcohol is not recommended during the entire treatment period Flucostat and for 3 days after the last dose Flucostat.

Q. The doctor has diagnosed "thrush" and appointed a vaginal suppositories. Can I replace the candle on Flucostat?
A. For the treatment of thrush (vulvovaginal candidiasis) is used antifungal drugs for systemic and local (candles, intravaginal tablets, creams) therapy. Candles and other dosage forms for intravaginal administration containing antifungal agents are widely used in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis. However, this treatment has several drawbacks. Candles are unevenly distributed throughout the vaginal mucosa and do not eliminate the causative agent from the external genitalia. Also candles and creams have a therapeutic effect only on the surface of the vaginal mucosa, do not affect the mushrooms, located in the deeper layers, and, moreover, have no effect on fungi, localized in the intestine. Thus, after the topical treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis can be stored reservoirs of infection. The need for long-term treatment (7-10 days), and the inconvenience of using drugs for the topical treatment often causes patients to interrupt treatment. All this increases the risk of recurrence of the disease in their use. In contrast to the local media - reception system Flucostat deprived of all these shortcomings.
The drug is a modern Flucostat antifungal drug for systemic use. Flucostat has high activity against fungi of the genus Candida - Candida pathogens vulvaginita. Within 2 hours after receiving a single 150 mg Flucostat capable of producing high concentrations in the tissues of the vagina, sufficient to eliminate fungi. Thus Flucostat retains its activity for at least 72 hours after administration and is effective not only in the mucosa of the vagina, but also eliminates the fungi of the intestine and the oral cavity.
For the selection of optimal regimens recommend that you re-apply to the doctor. Take the drug Flucostat should be confirmed in the case of a doctor diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Q. You can take during pregnancy Flucostat?
A. Use of the drug in pregnant Flucostat not recommended, except in severe or life-threatening fungal infections, or if the intended effect of the drug is greater than the potential risk to the fetus. When vulvovaginal candidiasis ("thrush") in pregnant women is usually prescribed antifungals local action (for example, vaginal suppositories). We recommend you consult a gynecologist.

Q. Flucostat and fluconazole - one and the same?
A. And Flucostat and Fluconazole is a drug which is an active ingredient fluconazole. The differences between the drugs may be caused by the quality of the substance from which they are made; the list of ingredients and the quality of support that affect the stability and duration of activity of the main active ingredient; quality control level set on the enterprise-manufacturer; Having our own clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of the drug and other factors.

Flucostat is the first drug on the basis of fluconazole domestic production, appeared in the Russian pharmaceutical market. "Pharmstandard" is responsible for the quality and effectiveness of the drug Flucostat. At its production uses only quality European substance. In addition, Flucostat production is carried out in strict accordance with the European GMP quality standard (certified ¹ZV / LV / 2009 / 001H). The presence of the production line of the European GMP certificate testifies to its standards in accordance with the globally recognized quality standard. "Pharmstandard" The company is currently the only Russian company registered in the European database. Flucostat Efficiency confirmed by clinical studies conducted in various leading scientific institutions of the country.

Q. Hello, whether combined oral contraceptives be the cause of "thrush infection"?
A. Indeed, the use of oral contraceptives increases the risk of acute and vulvovaginal candidiasis ( "thrush"). This is due to the fact that the hormones contained in these preparations contribute to the accumulation of glycogen in the cells of the vaginal mucosa. Glycogen, in turn, is a rich nutrient substrate for mushrooms of the genus Candida, agents of vulvovaginal candidiasis.
If you have recurrent form of vulvovaginal candidiasis (4 or more exacerbations per year) and the simultaneous administration of oral contraceptives measures reduce the frequency of recurrence of the disease may include:
1. The use of modern oral hormonal contraceptives with a low content of sex hormones;
2. The use of effective treatments and prevention of recurrence of vulvovaginal candidiasis. When recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis form (the frequency of exacerbations of the disease, and more than 4 per year) for the treatment of acute drug prescribed reception Flucostat 150 mg 1 time per day with an interval of 72 hours (1, 4 and 7 night)
However, in recurrent form of the disease after the disappearance of symptoms of the disease designate another long course of preventive therapy (Flucostat 150 mg 1 time per week for up to 6 months), which allows to prevent acute vulvovaginal candidiasis with high efficiency.
In the case of the onset of symptoms of vulvovaginal candidiasis in patients receiving oral contraceptives should consult your obstetrician-gynecologist for the selection of the drug with less estrogen component.
Take the drug Flucostat should be confirmed in the case of a doctor diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Q. Tell me, please, when it is the effect of the action Flucostat?
A. Efficiency Flucostat in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis ( "thrush"), including the time of appearance of clinical effect, largely depend on the severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient, the sensitivity of the infectious agent to the drug (resistance of Candida fungi to Flucostat quite rare) . On average, the reduction of symptoms of vulvovaginal candidiasis ( "thrush") can be expected within 2 days after receiving Flucostat drug.
Take Flucostat should be confirmed with a physician diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis. In other inflammatory diseases of the vagina the drug may be ineffective.
In the case of clinical efficacy (eliminate the symptoms of thrush) renting repeated analyzes is not mandatory.

Q. When "thrush" can have sex? Whether it is dangerous for me and my partner?
A. Having sex is not forbidden, but not recommended for "thrush". This is due to the fact that during intercourse to vaginal mucosa appear microcracks that may lead to increased symptoms or exacerbation of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Despite the fact that "thrush" is not a disease, sexually transmitted diseases, however, there is a slight risk of infection during sexual intercourse. Therefore, if you decide to be sexually active during the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, it is necessary to minimize the trauma of vaginal mucosa (including the use of lubricants) as well as the use of condoms. Also, if you have recurrent form of vulvovaginal candidiasis (the frequency of exacerbations and more than 4 times a year), the treatment should receive, and your sexual partner. In this form of the disease higher risk of sexual transmission of Candida ( "thrush" agents), and, as a consequence of infection recurrence after the treatment.



16 Jan 2017

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