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Vitamin B12 - miracle remedy for hair!

15 Jan 2017

Advantages: Improves the condition of hair, reduced loss

I am in the second maternity leave consecutive and breastfeed 5 years without interruption. This greatly affected the general state of my health, and especially on the hair. They have become dim, brittle and increased loss significantly more than the norm. My doctor friend suggested to me a wonderful recipe.

It turns out the vitamins B are vital for the health and beauty of our hair. If they are lacking in processed foods, it is possible to apply them outwardly.

Thus as a result of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 in the body can cause itching, and dryness on the scalp dandruff, and as a result leads to excessive hair loss.

To resolve this problem, I made the following mask. I bought in a pharmacy in ampoules these vitamins, mix them with my balm and hair after washing is applied to the hair at night, in the morning wash off.

The result is stunning, a few hair treatments are beginning to return to life, disappears dandruff, itching and loss is noticeably reduced. these masks do regularly 2 times per week.

I received the result: Hair noticeably brightened, appeared healthy glow, split ends is gone, hair loss decreased markedly.

Duration of use: 2 months


Vitamin B12 - helped improve memory

15 Jan 2017

Advantages: A stunning effect, hair grows fast, easy to use, a cheap cost

The vitamins B responsible for hair growth, as well as make them shiny, strong and prevents hair loss. In particular, vitamins B12 and B6 accelerate hair growth. These vitamins are particularly effective in combination with each other.

The scheme applying the following:

After washing the hair rub into the scalp 2 capsules of vitamin B6 and 2 ampoules of B12. Apply when wet hair. Do not flush.

Apply on the scalp because it is necessary that the hair follicles on the line fed with vitamins! You can buy - Cyanocobalamin injection.

I note that these vitamins are quite greasy they like water! On the contrary, I noticed that my hair started to become less greasy!

I open the ampoule and mix the vitamins in a cup.

Duration of use: 3 weeks


Cyanocobalamin injection - replenishment of vitamin

15 Jan 2017

Advantages: replenishment of vitamin

Disadvantages: painful injections

Vitamins are important in our lives, it is undeniable. Many vitamins we get food, and some others - in the form of dietary supplements or, in cases of emergency, in the form of injections. Vitamin B12 - is a unique vitamin supplement. Humans and animals are not able to produce it, get it in a natural way only from eating animal products. Also, this vitamin is produced by a special kind of bacteria, but sometimes, for various diseases develop its broken.

This vitamin has a comprehensive positive impact on the body - prevents the development of neurological disorders, strengthens the musculoskeletal tissue and the cardiovascular system, etc. In addition, it is essential for the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract... After all, the lack of this vitamin leads to malabsorption of nutrients. That is why, in my particular case specifically, the vitamin and found himself discharged. Not for me, but for the cat. But the essence is the same as that in the appointment of the drug to many people - the injection of vitamin B12 are intended to stabilize the digestive tract.

You can use this vitamin in the form of capsules or tablets, however, about the use of vitamin, I would argue with the physician did not, because I do not have medical training. Dosage and duration of the course is chosen individually.

A solution of vitamin B12 has a characteristic bright crimson color. Puts these injections intramuscularly. Injections of B12 have been appointed veterinarian, fortunately, only three days, and this little cat has gone through a course quite heroically. Treatment continue on, hoping that the aggravation of problems with the digestive tract will not be back soon.

Duration of use: 3 days


Vitamin B12 injection - helped, improves blood condition

15 Jan 2017

Advantages: improves blood condition

Disadvantages: painful injections

Vitamin B12 injections to me more than once in a lifetime.

I stabbed him in connection with the problems on the musculoskeletal system. appointed course of this vitamin for three weeks, but the shots did not every day. It was still very painful.

This vitamin is essential for the full process of formation of red blood cells.

I wanted to become a vegan, I was advised to pierce B12 to avoid neurological disorders. The disorder has gone because of the lack of essential amino acids and B12 deficiency.


Vitamin B12 - helps in the treatment of viral stomatitis in children!

15 Jan 2017

Advantages: cheap, effective

We faced recently with a throat disease was 3 days 39.5 pediatrician said that the temperature is very red throat of the child. doctor prescribed Vitamin B12 in the form of liquid for injection by 2 drops in the mouth four times a day.

This vitamin promotes better healing of ulcers in stomatitis.

Keep after opening is necessary in the refrigerator, in the open you can view up to 3 days.

The main component of the solution Cyanocobalamin 0.5 mg per 1 mL of the solution.

Dripped baby's mouth - the baby moved normally, and swallowed everything. Retching and allergies are not caused.

In this drug so many different indications for use - this and various skin diseases, chronic anemia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure and polyneuritis and sciatica and neuralgia. In general, reading a lot, and it can be found in the instructions to the drug.

It is important to know that this drug there is an incompatibility with ascorbic acid. Therefore, in one solution can not use them.

Duration of use: 1 times


Cyanocobalamin injection - treats

15 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective, inexpensive.

Disadvantages: painful injections.

It is understood that the appointment of a doctor complex vitamins, is much more convenient to use the drug is as complex. But it happens. that there should be only one vitamin.

Sometimes you have to use vitamin B12. Introducing its accounts intramuscularly 1 time per day.

Nothing that cardboard packaging does not look presentable, but the effect of treatment is good.

The injection is quite painful, but it is possible endure, most importantly, that the drug treats.


Actovegin pills - Good drug, effective

14 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: high price, availability

I took courses of the drug Actovegin. First, when planning a pregnancy, a doctor appointed, and then during pregnancy. It so happens that being pregnant in the early stages, I did a laparoscopy. Nobody then could not even suggest that I am pregnant. And when it turned out that the doctor prescribed me this medicine to take courses during the entire pregnancy. I alternated with Curantylum.

To improve blood circulation to avoid the baby from hypoxia. Baby was born full-term and large. It certainly confused by the price of the drug. And not every pharmacy you can buy it. I specifically ordered.


Actovegin pills - good medicine to prevent hypoxia

14 Jan 2017

Advantages: Effective, safe

Disadvantages: Expensive

During pregnancy, I was raised tone. This is dangerous in that anoxia may begin in the child, hypoxia. In this regard, I have specified several drugs, one of which was “Actovegin”.

But after reading that Actovegin is a natural product (the main component is obtained from the blood of calves), and it improves the blood flow between the placenta and fetus, I still decided to accept it.

I took it for two months with a break of two weeks. The results showed the child does not hypoxia. No side effects.

A further positive effect is the fact that I have been headaches and neck pain that tortured me before.

Usage time: 2 months


Actovegin pills - Good effective drug

14 Jan 2017

Advantages: Excellent helps

Disadvantages: high price, there are contraindications.

This medicine is the first time in my life I began to take 12 years ago. At the time I was pregnant with their first child. this drug was prescribed to me, since I was oligohydramnios.

Oligohydramnios - reducing the amount of amniotic fluid during pregnancy below normal for this period. And my stomach was so small, neat. Oligohydramnios leads to fetal hypoxia, ie oxygen starvation.

The child was born is healthy, although the skull was slightly twisted, but it eventually clears.

11 years later, I became pregnant for the second time. At this time, the drug was prescribed to me just as planned.

After receiving Actovegin passed headaches. medicine expensive of course, but the effect is worth it.


Actovegin pills - Modern high-quality drug

14 Jan 2017

Advantages: Increases immunity, improves blood circulation of the fetus and the whole body and therefore the most beneficial effects on the fetus, heals all wounds.

Actovegin is a modern and quality product that has helped me to improve blood circulation and increase the oxygen supply to the ovaries. These drugs I appointed a gynecologist, reproductive system with reduced function of the ovaries. Dosage: 1 tablet 1 time per day from the 15th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle, and then start the cycle with ovulation stimulation. While taking this drug I have improved ovarian function, increased ovarian volume and the number of follicles.

Of course this drug is not cheap, but one bottle of 50 tablets, and this amount will be enough for 5 cycles, during which the expected results will come, but if he did not even come to any harm to the body the drug does not cause as completely natural. The manual was written that it is used in many other cases to improve brain circulation, head injuries, cirrhosis of the liver, burns. When receiving “Actovegin” any side effects I did not have.

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