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Nootropic Drug Cortexin – Excellent drug at a delay of motor development in children up to a year!

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: The child becomes active

Neurologist prescribed drug Cortexin to us, the child was 5 months, the diagnosis of motor development delay, is not turned over on his stomach did not want to lie. Of course for a long time doubted whether or not to give injections, small kid, it was a pity, but we decided not regret it.

We made in conjunction with massage. Injections done in the morning because the drug activates, excites, after injections child not only began turn over, but also attempts to sit. a couple of months again repeated massage and a year we have removed the diagnosis, went to 11 months. I recommend it, do not hesitate if you have appointed this drug!


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - helped, neurologist appointed

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: Helps

Disadvantages: Expensive

The child, 3 years

He says not very good. Clearly says sounds, but the bad building sentences.

The neurologist appointed Cortexin course of 10 days, 8 mg. Injections quite painful.

It helped. Definitely. A shift in the construction of phrases, began to try to hold a pencil properly, become more attentive.

The drug is expensive.

Many people are afraid of these drugs, but do not do it. They are helping.


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - our baby ran himself

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: good result

Disadvantages: high price

When it's time to walk the legs, we are faced with the problem of walking but tiptoes. Massage and medication helped get a full stack, a neurologist prescribe injections Cortexin. Breeding of "Novocaine". It costs us not cheap and it is a minus.

Injections were not so painless. The effect was visible immediately! We put them 10 days. After the injections we went immediately. He dropped from the support and ran, it was fortunate for us. Who is diagnosed with delayed speech development, again attributed "Cortexin" 8 days of 5 ml. This time it cost us even more, but we hope it is very strong. Therefore, the actual ready to give any money for treatment our baby.


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - Good drug, really helps

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: Effective drug, really helps.

At my child's speech delay. He is 4.6 years. He walks into a regular kindergarten. But the educator him complain that wants nothing to do, sculpt, paint. By itself, the child developed. We have registered Cortexin diluted with 2 ml of Novocain.

Prick completely painless. I want to say that this drug is very, very happy. Of course the child crying at the sight of injection, but it was worth it. Somewhere at the end of the course, my son became so easy to remember all the colors, even their colors, repeat all. No allergic reactions.

Sleep is also no problem. The child was very hyperactive, it was impossible for a minute left unattended. And now became quiet, will not run at breakneck speed, the clock can watch cartoons and comments on them. Recently I came to him in kindergarten and the first time he praised, he did applique and a very neat and beautiful. Teachers themselves were in great surprise. I am very glad to try this drug. After half a year must also pierce. Hoping for the best.


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - best preparation

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: no side effects

Disadvantages: high price

My children were born prematurely, hence is the first year we are actively injected to reduce the consequences. Cortexin - probably the best preparation that we went. And the effect was very good. Injected courses for 10 days. After the first year the kids have started to turn over, sit after the second. No side effects.


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - Good drug, effective

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: Effective

Disadvantages: Painful injections

neurologist appointed us Cortexin because the child is poorly developed fine motor skills, movement and clumsy dyslalia (violation of audio-pronunciation). We had intracranial pressure due to fetal hypoxia.

We have done only 10 injections intra-muscularly. The child was crying, painful injections. The doctor said that in three months you need to repeat the course.

Son become more active and attentive. Much has been obtained, and improved memory. Of course at the same time with him on occupancy, we do massage and attend speech therapy, speech pathologists.

I regret that I have not started before stretched treat. We are 5 years hopefully have time to catch up with their peers in school.


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - I feel better

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: improved brain activity

the younger son of 3.5 years, he said only a few words, neurologist prescribed Cortexin, he was actively trying to speak more clearly, though so far only made 4 injection.

I had a haze in my head, like a reaction to the change of weather, but always, I decided to give injections to himself, but did not like it 2.5 ml and 5 ml, the effect occurred immediately after injection, I well the uptake brains, as if I woke up! Administer the drug hurt if abruptly when you do not feel slow.


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - good drug

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: helps, available in many pharmacies.

Disadvantages: expensive , take only on prescription.

In 10 months at a reception at the neurologist's daughter was diagnosed with "pyramidal insufficiency in the legs." Legs weak, she even stand not really know how to have the support, not to walk, but still got up on tiptoe. We have appointed a massage, electrophoresis and injections Cortexin.

Probably helped us all together, but by 11 months daughter began to go by the handles, crawl, sit down and get up itself in the support, it was visible progress. No side effect.


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - Helped my child

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: Helped the baby turn over

In 4 months we came to the reception to the neurologist. Son rarely turned over and refused to stand on legs. In combination with massage and electrophoresis, we have appointed 10-day course in Cortexin injections with novocaine. Cortexin diluted with novocaine. Before the first injection, we did test for procaine, allergies are not followed.

Of course the child was crying, but no more than 30 seconds. Somewhere in the half of the course was the baby to roll briskly, making a confident reliance on the legs. I am very happy with the drug.

Usage time: 10 days


Nootropic Drug Cortexin - immediately helped

17 Jan 2017

Advantages: immediately helped

Disadvantages: relatively high price, painful

Cortexin is used as a nootropic drug. Cortexin prescribed to children and adults. When my daughter was 10 years old, Cortexin appointed a neurologist as a child there were complaints of a headache. The doctor immediately warned that the price for this product is quite high, but constant headache - just indications for “Cortexin”. It is a 10 ml vial with the powder inside.

Instructions states that the contents of both vials can be diluted in water for injection and saline and 0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine). We stopped at the Analgesic, as a painful injection. And you can take a smaller syringe, insulin. Headache was held immediately and will not be returned. “Cortexin” neurologist no longer assigns.

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