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Nootropic Drug Cortexin – helps with dizziness, weakness and headaches

13 Jan 2017

Advantages: drug really helps

Disadvantages: injections a little painful

Because of the weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness and other discomforts in the spring, neurologist prescribed me Cortexin injections.

Cortexin has a complex effect on the body.

The main and most understandable - it's nootropic effect, improves brain function, improved memory, attention, concentration, as well as resistance to various stresses.

Due to the broad spectrum of action and indications for use are wide “Cortexin”:

- Cerebrovascular accident

- Delayed psychomotor and speech development in children

- Head injuries

- Reduced ability to learn

- cerebral palsy

- Different forms of memory, and thought disorder

- epilepsy

The drug is the Russian, it created the Military Medical academy of a name Kirov. Its development and testing has taken almost 30 years.

The drug is diluted with saline and administered intramuscularly.

“Cortexin” drug applicable to both children and adults. It has no contraindications. He has a positive effect on memory and concentration, as a consequence - it increases the ability to learn. But other than that, “Cortexin” strengthens the nerves and increases resistance to stress.

Usage time: 10 days - 1 course


Cytoflavin ampoules - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects

13 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: metabolic means


Synonyms: Cerebronorm.

Active substance: Inosine, Nicotinamide, Riboflavin, Succinic Acid.

Grouping name: Inosine + + Riboflavin Nicotinamide + Succinic acid Dosage form: solution for intravenous administration

Composition of Cytoflavin:

active substances: succinic acid - 100 g Nicotinamide - 10 g, Riboxin (inosine) - 20 g of riboflavin phosphate sodium (riboflavin) - 2 g;

Excipients: N-methylglucamine (meglumine) - 165 g Sodium hydroxide - 34 g Water for injection - up to 1.0 liters.

Description: clear liquid yellow. Cytoflavin

Pharmacotherapeutic group: metabolic means. ATC code: N07XX

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I67.4 Hypertensive encephalopathy;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

I69.3 The consequences of cerebral infarction;

R53 Malaise and fatigue.

Pharmacological properties of Cytoflavin

Pharmacological effects of CYTOFLAVIN are governed by the combined action of the ingredients, constituting it.

CYTOFLAVIN improves coronary and cerebral blood flow; activates metabolic processes in central nervous system; promotes recovery of consciousness, reflex alterations, and paresthesia; improves intellectual and mental functions. It also greatly reduces postanesthetic arousal time in postanesthetic clouding of consciousness.

Metabolic drug. Pharmacological effects are due to the combined action of members of the drug Cytoflavin components. Stimulates cellular respiration and energy production, improves the process of utilization of oxygen by tissues, restores the activity of enzymes, providing an antioxidant effect.

Preparation activates intracellular protein synthesis, promotes utilization of glucose, fatty acids and GABA in neurons resynthesis shunt Roberts.

Has a positive effect on the brain bioelectrical activity.

Citoflavin improves cerebral and coronary blood flow, stimulates metabolic processes in the central nervous system, reduces reflex disorders, helps to restore impaired sensitivity and intellectual-mental functions of the brain.

Positive effect on the parameters of the neurological status: reduces the severity of asthenic, cephalgic, vestibular-cerebellar, cochleovestibular syndrome, as well as eliminates the disorder in the emotional-volitional sphere (reduces anxiety, depression). Improves cognitive function and mnemonic quality of life.

Administration of CYTOFLAVIN within 12 hours after onset of cerebral stroke has beneficial effect on ischemic and necrotic lesions (diminution of lesion focus), normalizes neurologic status and significantly reduces the rate of disability in a long-term perspective.

Pharmacological properties of Cytoflavin


Pharmacological effects are caused by the combined action of a part of the drug cytoflavin components.

Cytoflavin intensifies the aerobic glycolysis, leading to the activation of glucose utilization and fatty acid β-oxidation, and also stimulates the synthesis of γ-aminobutyric acid in neurons.

Cytoflavin increases the stability of the membranes of nerve and glial cells to ischemia, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of proteins neurospecifical characterizing the level of degradation of the main structural components of the nervous tissue.

Cytoflavin improves coronary and cerebral blood flow, activates metabolic processes in the central nervous system, restores impaired consciousness, promotes regression of neurological symptoms and improving cognitive functions of the brain. It has a rapid awakening effect in postanesthetic oppression of consciousness.

In applying the drug Cytoflavin in the first 12 hours after the onset of stroke observed beneficial for ischemic and necrotic processes in the affected area (reduction of the hearth), recovery of neurological status and reduction of disability in a remote period.


With intravenous infusion at a rate of about 2 ml / min (in terms of undiluted Cytoflavin) succinic acid and inosine are utilized almost instantly and are not detected in the blood plasma.

Succinic acid: peak concentration is determined within the first minute after administration to a further rapid decrease in cumulative and without returning it to the level of background values as a result of enzymatic breakdown to carbon dioxide and water. Inosine is metabolized in the liver to form inosine monophosphate, followed by its oxidation to uric acid. In small quantities excreted by the kidneys. Please pay attention to Renisamin.

Nicotinamide is rapidly distributed in all tissues, crosses the placenta and breast milk, is metabolized in the liver with the formation of N-methylnicotinamide, excreted by the kidneys. plasma half-life period of about 1.3 hours, the equilibrium distribution of volume - about 60 liters, total clearance - about 0.6 L / min.

Riboflavin is unevenly distributed: the highest number in the myocardium, liver and kidneys. plasma half-life period of about 2 hours and the equilibrium distribution of volume - about 40 liters, total clearance - about 0.3 L / min. It penetrates through the placenta and breast milk. Communication with plasma proteins - 60%. Excreted by the kidneys, partly in the form of metabolites; in high doses - preferably in an unmodified form.

Indications for Cytoflavin

In adults in the treatment of:

- Cerebral infarction;

- The effects of cerebrovascular disease (cerebral infarction, cerebral atherosclerosis);

- Toxic and hypoxic encephalopathy in acute and chronic poisoning, endotoxemia, postanesthetic oppression of consciousness, as well as for the prevention and treatment of hypoxic encephalopathy during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.

In children (including preterm gestation 28-36 weeks) in combination therapy in the neonatal period:

- Cerebral ischaemia.

Contraindications for Cytoflavin

Hypersensitivity of the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation.

Not assigned patients (except for the neonatal period), are in critical condition, to stabilize the central hemodynamics and / or reducing the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood below 60 mm Hg. Art.


When nephrolithiasis, gout, hyperuricemia. If you have one of these diseases, before taking Cytoflavin medication should consult a physician.

Cytoflavin - Dosage and Administration


Cytoflavin used only intravenously at a dilution of 100-200 ml of 5-10% dextrose or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The speed of 4.3 ml / min.

1. When the brain infarct drug administered as early as possible from the onset of the disease in a volume of 10 ml for administration at intervals of 8-12 hours within 10 Dnei.pri severe form of the disease course of a single dose is increased to 20 ml.

2. If the consequences of cerebrovascular diseases (cerebral infarction, cerebral arteriosclerosis) the drug is administered in a volume of 10 ml per administration once daily for 10 days.

3. hypoxic encephalopathy and toxic drug is administered in a volume of 10 ml for administration twice a day every 8-12 hours for 5 days. In a coma - in the amount of 20 ml for an introduction to the dilution to 200 ml of dextrose solution. When postanesthetic oppression of consciousness - once in the same doses. In the treatment of hypoxic encephalopathy with cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass is administered 20 ml of the drug dilution in 200 ml of 5% dextrose solution for 3 days prior to surgery, the day of the operation, within 3 days after surgery.

In children (including premature) in the neonatal period with cerebral ischemia Cytoflavin daily dose of drug was 2 ml / kg. The calculated daily dose administered intravenously (slowly) after dilution in 5% or 10% dextrose solution (in a ratio of at least 1: 5). Time first introduction - the first 12 hours after birth; the optimal time to begin therapy are the first 2 hours of life. Recommended prepared solution administered by an infusion pump at a rate of 1 to 4 ml / hr, ensuring uniform delivery of the drug into the blood stream throughout the day, depending on the calculated volume daily solutions basic therapy, the patient's hemodynamic status indicators and acid-base status. The course of treatment an average of 5 days.

Cytoflavin Side effect

According to the World Health Organization, undesirable effects are classified according to their rate of development as follows:

- Very frequent (> 1/10);

- Frequent (> 1/100 - <1/10);

- Infrequent (> 1/1000 - <1/100);

- Rare (> 1/10000 - <1/1000);

- Very rare (<1/10000);

- Frequency not known (frequency can not be estimated from available data).

Violations of the immune system: very rarely - hypersensitivity reactions, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.

Disorders of the nervous system: very rarely - headache, dizziness, paraesthesia, tremor.

Mental disorders: very rarely - psychomotor agitation (restlessness, increased physical activity).

Violations of the heart: rarely - tachycardia, short-term pain and discomfort in the chest, feeling of increased frequency or enhance heart rate.

Violations of the vessels: very rare - increase or decrease in blood pressure, redness or paleness of skin of varying severity. Disorders of the respiratory system: very rarely - shortness of breath, shortness of breath, asthma, sore throat, dry cough, hoarseness, paresthesia in the nose, dysosmia.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: rarely - bitter, dry, metallic taste in the mouth, short-term pain and discomfort in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting.

Disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: very rarely - itching, rash, swelling of the face, urticaria.

Violations of the metabolic: very rarely - transient hypoglycemia, hyperuricemia, gout exacerbation. In children (including preterm) in the neonatal period may develop alkalosis.

General disorders and administration site at: rarely - chills, hot flashes, fatigue, fever, sweating, pain and redness along the vein. In order to avoid undesirable effects it is recommended to comply with the dosing regimen and the rate of drug administration.

If any of the undesirable effects mentioned in the instructions are compounded or you notice any other unwanted effects not mentioned in the instructions, inform your doctor.


No cases of overdose were observed. In case of overdose symptomatic therapy.

Cytoflavin Interaction with other drugs

Succinic acid, inosine, nicotinamide compatible with other drugs.

Riboflavin reduces the activity of doxycycline, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, erythromycin and lincomycin. Incompatible with streptomycin. Chlorpromazine, imipramine, amitriptyline due to blockade flavinokinazy violate inclusion in flavinadeninmononukleotid riboflavin and flavin adenine dinucleotide and increase its excretion in the urine.

Thyroid hormones accelerate metabolism riboflavin. Reduce and prevents side effects of chloramphenicol (impaired hematopoiesis, optic neuritis). Compatible with drugs that stimulate hematopoiesis, antigipoksantami, anabolic steroids.

Special instructions for Cytoflavin

Introduction newborn drug (premature) children to carry out under the control of acid-base balance of capillary blood at least 2 times a day (both before and during therapy). If possible, the serum concentration of lactate and glucose should be monitored.

The rate of administration containing cytoflavin solution should be reduced or temporarily discontinue infusion of newborns (preterm) children:

- Are on mechanical ventilation, when the signs of the mixed (respiratory-metabolic) alkalosis, threatening the development of cerebral blood flow;

- When a stored spontaneous breathing and respiratory support by continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or receiving a mixture of air and oxygen through a mask when a laboratory signs of metabolic alkalosis, threatening the appearance or increased frequency of episodes of apnea.

Patients treated diabetes be under the control of blood glucose index.

Perhaps the intense staining of urine yellow.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles Cytoflavin arrangements will not affect the ability to drive.


Influenza Research Institute recommends Cycloferon

12 Jan 2017

Influenza Research Institute recommends the drug Cycloferon with proven efficacy

Russian medicine is constantly evolving. On the basis of new discoveries are medications that can better and faster to deliver us from the flu and SARS.

Special contribution to the search for new drugs for the treatment and prevention of influenza and acute respiratory disease contributes Research Institute of Influenza, Russian Ministry of Health. This highly professional research team, which includes the leading Russian experts in the field of virology, knows how long and difficult path of drug from idea to realization.

Almost 20 years ago, a unique molecule has been discovered by scientists, able to destroy viruses, including influenza and acute respiratory disease, without causing harm to the body. This discovery was the basis for the creation of a drug Cycloferon that since the establishment had to prove its efficacy and safety in one of the most demanding scientific fields - in the Russian Research Institute of Influenza. You can try Renisamin.

On the basis of the Influenza Research Institute conducted multiple clinical trials. And every time Cycloferon showed high positive results. It is experimentally proved that the use of Cycloferon helps to reduce the level of incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections, reduce the period of recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Influenza Research Institute recommends Cycloferon
February 18, 2014 Influenza Research Institute called on all physicians, pediatricians, general practitioners, infectious disease with a letter in which it was reported that Cycloferon (Tablet) is proven effective and safe drug is indicated for adults and children over 4 years for the treatment and prevention of influenza and acute respiratory disease. During an unstable epidemic situation Cycloferon (Table.) Reduces the incidence of acute respiratory diseases 2.9 times.

Expert Opinion about Cycloferon
When asked which of the low-cost domestic products can be used in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections, responsible doctor of medical sciences, professor, leading researcher of the department of clinical respiratory infections in children FGBI "Influenza Research Institute" Russian Ministry of Health.

- Russian research centers constantly are testing and studying the action of new drugs. Clinical studies of the effectiveness of drugs in Russia are at a high level. Such tests are carried out in accordance with the rules of the quality of clinical trials in the Russian Federation, the European regulations on the GCP and the Declaration of Helsinki. Particular attention among the recent developments deserves akridone acetate meglumine (active ingredient of the drug Cycloferon preparation), - the expert continues. - Received to date data on the effect of the drug, created through akridon acetate, whose clinical efficacy has been proven in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory diseases, allow for many years of its use in the treatment of viral diseases of various origins, including influenza and acute respiratory disease.


Cycloferon at Treatment of Influenza and SARS

12 Jan 2017

Treatment of influenza and SARS

Every day, bacteria and viruses attack our bodies. And if the bacteria immune system manages to cope and to prevent progression of the disease, the virus of the case is much more complicated. They get into our body's cells, turning them into their "laboratory" for the production of new viral progeny. Processes that launches a viral infection that can have a negative impact on any living organism!

What is influenza virus or look through a microscope
Virus (including influenza) - is an intracellular parasite. He was not able to lead a full life outside the cell "master". Whether animal or human. According to their structure, viruses - it is packed into the shell genetic information. Once in the living organism, they introduce their DNA in healthy cells, which begin to "work on the virus" producing viral progeny.

The types of influenza viruses
Many people mistakenly call the word "flu" any acute respiratory disease, or SARS, but in fact in addition to the flu are common today, and other infections related to the class of SARS. Scientists are actively studying the flu virus, highlighting several subtypes, which are especially dangerous for people in terms of the epidemic.

Influenza virus type A - affects humans and certain animals (pigs, ferrets, horses, birds). It is this type of epidemic and pandemic of moderate to severe.

Influenza virus type B - is found only in humans, mostly in children. This type does not cause epidemics and pandemics, mostly local outbreaks of disease.

Influenza virus type C - practically not been studied to date. It is known that it is as well as type B virus, it infects only human and causes severe disease severity. Symptoms usually appear poorly or do not appear at all. Susceptible to infection in children mainly due to weakened immunity. Most often this type of virus outbreaks coincide with epidemics caused by type A. Please pay attention to Chitomur.

Scientists have recovered more than 200 types of viruses - SARS agents. Influenza can occur in different ways and cause complications. Experts distinguish between two kinds of complications manifested by the lungs (pulmonary) and manifested by other bodies. If the first dangerous pneumonia and rhinitis, the second type of complications can cause a number of serious diseases, up to toxic and allergic shock. Therefore, the flu or SARS should not be allowed to take their course. Treatment of these diseases is necessary to begin with the very first appearance of symptoms.

The first signs of alarm
The symptoms of influenza are known to everyone. Typically, the disease begins suddenly with a sharp rise in temperature. Most often on the second day of illness there is a dry exhausting cough, runny nose may begin. Flu is always accompanied by pain in muscles and joints, and severe headache.

Complications of influenza
Influenza can occur in different ways and cause complications. Experts distinguish between two kinds of complications manifested by the upper and lower airways, and manifested by the other organs. If the first dangerous pneumonia and rhinitis, the second kind of complications can cause a number of serious diseases, up to toxic and allergic shock. Therefore, the flu should not be allowed to take their course. Treatment of this disease should be started with the appearance of the very first signs.

At the first sign of illness, seek medical advice
Symptoms caused by viral infection is different, and the clinical picture of the disease is able to confuse even a person with medical training. At this stage it is very important not to succumb to self-medicate and do not listen to questionable advice. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

An experienced doctor knows that in the treatment of influenza and SARS requires "smart" drug that can not only recognize and overcome the virus but also to increase antiviral immunity.

Smart medicine against influenza viruses (including influenza H1N1)
So clever medicine is Cycloferon. Cycloferon effective against herpes viruses, influenza and other pathogens of acute respiratory diseases.

Cycloferon has a direct antiviral effect (fights against the virus itself, inhibiting its reproduction) and stimulates the natural protective factors of the organism, thereby "triggering" its own human immune system, which is also struggling with the virus. That is, treatment of viral infection occurs in two ways.

Application of Cycloferon helps to reduce the period of the disease, reduce the risk of complications. Cycloferon also possesses anti-inflammatory action. This ensures maximum protection of the body of the flu.

Cycloferon has no effect on the liver rapidly excreted, it does not reduce the therapeutic effect even with frequent use. The drug is approved for use in adults and children 4 years of age.

Cycloferon in pediatrics
Children's Hospital. Little patients. Tense faces of parents. Ah, how often many of us have to go to a medical institution. The child is sick again. For the second time in a month! Sore neck, high fever, runny nose and cough. And the pediatrician says to himself, "often ill child."

Often ill child - it is not a diagnosis
Short in the medical community such children are called FIC. Just let us pacify the parents who have heard in the address of your child such a formulation. Often ill child - it is not a diagnosis! This notional group of children exposed to frequent acute respiratory infections (ARI), arising due to various abnormalities in the body's systems, child. These children make up more than 15%, and during the rise of incidence - up to 75% of the total child population.

The common cold or acute respiratory disease - an infectious disease
ARI - a broad group of infectious respiratory diseases that have similar symptoms and the development process. ARI includes infections caused by viruses and bacteria. The main pathogens of acute respiratory infections and recurrent outbreaks are different viruses, which "settle" in certain parts of the respiratory tract. This helps reduce local immunity in their divisions and, as a consequence, secondary bacterial infection. The spectrum of viral pathogens of ARI is diverse and includes influenza and parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, rhino-, coronary, enteroviruses.

Frequent and, especially, hard occurring ARI is likely to disrupt the development of the child in various organs and systems. Repeatedly carried ARI lead to a significant reduction in own immunity. Most children FIC group suffer from an average of 6 to 12 times a year. Russian scientists have proved that many viruses inhibit the reaction of the immune response, which leads to serious bacterial complications of viral re-infection. In other words, each subsequent disease occurs with more complications than the previous one.

The dangerous part of SARS
Because of the constant illnesses children are rarely in the open air. This, in turn, leads to the development of background illnesses. Notice the lag in physical development. The constant use of various drugs contributes to the development of allergies, reducing the quality of life of these children.

Each of us have friends who, complaining of their poor health, always saying: "As a child, often ill." In part, such a statement is justified. Transferred in childhood complications of influenza period may affect the further development of organs and body systems. The most vulnerable to acute respiratory respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system.

The basic principle in the treatment of young patients "do no harm!"
The body of the child as a fragile flower. Any ill-considered action can significantly complicate the situation. Therefore, in the treatment of sickly children, doctors around the world adhere to the principle of "do no harm!" Cure for colds and flu great variety, but some bring only temporary relief, removing the symptoms of the disease, some cause allergic reactions. There are drugs that after prolonged use and addictive virus is no longer valid.

How to treat flu in children
But without medication can not do. How to determine which of them are really necessary?
The secret is simple: the lower age limit use of the drug, the safer it is to use.

These "peaceful" preparations include Cycloferon. The drug is the stimulation of the body's natural protective factors - figuratively speaking, starts production of its own mechanism of antiviral immunity. Cycloferon, release tablet form, approved for use in the treatment and prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in children from 4 years. He has a broad anti-viral and anti-inflammatory action, which ensures maximum protection of the child's body. Within 2 hours after taking the drug begins to develop its own interferon.

Based on clinical studies, Cycloferon occupies a firm place in the recommendations of infectious disease and pediatricians and is used not only for treatment but also for prevention of SARS and influenza.
Results of the study the effectiveness of the drug Cycloferon in pediatrics for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections
In a clinical study, devoted to the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in children attended 122 children from 4 to 14 years.

Results - Cycloferon shortens:
febrile reaction in 2.0 times
rhinitis and pharyngitis 2.0 times
cough 1.5 times
wheezing in the lungs by 1.7 times

As the results of studies of children Cycloferon 2 times reduces periods of elevated temperature, the manifestations rhinitis and pharyngitis and 1.5 times - the period of existence of cough (3). The results indicate that Cycloferon effective in reducing the incidence and severity of symptoms of influenza and SARS, preventing development and reducing the severity of complications.

The results of clinical studies on the use of Cycloferon (tablets) for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in children have shown that Cycloferon contributes to a marked reduction in incidence among children

Influence Cycloferon to reduce the incidence of influenza and SARS young patients it has been experimentally proven in clinical studies to increase the natural resistance (resistance to the virus) children for the prevention of influenza and SARS. The study involved 17,520 children aged 4 to 16 years. The results showed that the application of Cycloferon incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection of young children has decreased by 2.9 times, and older - 7.2 times.


Adaptogenics - General information

12 Jan 2017

The spectrum of activity includes primarily a tonic effect, which develops gradually and results in an increase of tone and functioning of the body. At the heart tonic effect is the activation of metabolic, endocrine and autonomic regulation. Tonic effect was accompanied by increased appetite, increased tone of hollow organs, glands secretion of the digestive tract. In addition to these effects, there is recovery of reduced vascular tone, a slight increase in blood pressure and heart function. In addition to a tonic effect for this group of drugs is characterized not pronounced psychostimulant effect.

Psychosocial stimulation appears to improve performance (physical and mental), reducing the signs of fatigue and exhaustion. This effect is accompanied by signs of excitation including euphoria. It should be noted that the appearance and tonic and psychostimulant effects in the range of physiological norm. Adaptogens have low toxicity and are generally well tolerated. It should be understood that adaptogens are prophylactic agents, i.e. their effect is seen with long-term systemic use.


Cytoflavin tablets

Enerion (Sulbutiamine) tablets

Hypoxen (Polydihydroxyphenylenethiosulfonate sodium) pills

Ladasten tablets

Metaprot pills

Mexidol (Emoxypine Succinate) ampoules

Mexidol (Emoxypine Succinate) tablets

Mildronate (Meldonium) pills, ampoules

Pantocrine tablets, solution

Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam) tablets

Riboxine (Inosine) ampoules


Cycloferon Universal Antiviral Preparation

12 Jan 2017

Can I crush and grind Cycloferon (tablet)?

Cycloferon (tab) are covered with a special enteric coating which protects the contents of the pills from the acidic environment of the stomach. Violation of the shell leads to destruction of the integrity of the active ingredient in the stomach and reduce the therapeutic effect. Therefore Cycloferon (Tablet) is not recommended to grind (chew).

Why Cycloferon (tab) is allowed only for children from 4 years?
Application Cycloferon (tab) in children 4 years of age due to the physiological characteristics of the child's development: the imperfection of the act of swallowing. At the 4th year of the children, as a rule, can swallow the tablet whole.

How to take Cycloferon (tab) for the prevention of influenza in adults?
For the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in adults tablets Cycloferon take 4 tablets in the prevention 1,2,4,6,8,11,14,17,21,23 day.

What is emergency prevention?
Start taking the medication for the purpose of prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection after contact with the ailing person or at the first signs of the disease called "emergency prevention". You can also like Vladonix.

What if I violate the receiving scheme Cycloferon (tablet)?
There are two options. First option: You have broken the reception circuit, do not take a break between meals, ie took Cycloferon (tablet), 2 or 3 consecutive days. In this case, a break in the reception of the drug in two or three days respectively and then continue taking Cycloferon (Tablet) scheme in a day. The second option: you forgot to take the drug, thereby missing the reception. In this case, you are taking Cycloferon (tab) the next day and continue treatment under the scheme through the day.

Does it make sense to take Cycloferon (tab) when it was sick for several days?
Of course, any antiviral drug, in particular Cycloferon (tablet), the most effective in the first hours and even in the early days of the disease. However, it makes sense to start taking Cycloferon (Tablet), even if the disease lasts for several days. In this case, Cycloferon (tab) will shorten the period of illness and reduce the risk of complications and reduce their severity.

How often can I take Cycloferon (tablet)?
Cycloferon (Tab) is not addictive either from viruses or from the human body, so it can be taken as needed. Ditto for Cycloferon known aftereffect, ie, after a course of the drug is maintained to protect the body within a week. However, it should be remembered that Cycloferon (Table) - a drug, so for his admission must be the base. Before applying Cycloferon (table) please consult your doctor.


Dimephosphone oral solution 15% - General Information

12 Jan 2017

Dimephosphon, Dimephosphone

Pharmacological group:

  • Regulators of water and electrolyte balance and acid-base balance;
  • Antihipoxants and antioxidants;
  • Antiseptics and disinfectants.

Active substance: Dimethyloxobuthylphosphonilmethylate (Dimephosphon, Dimephosphone)

Country of manufacturer: Russia.

ATC V03AX Therapeutic drugs other V03AX.

Pharmacological group: Regulators of water and electrolyte balance and acid-base balance; Antihipoxants and antioxidants; Antiseptics and disinfectants.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

E87.2 Acidosis;

G35 Multiple Sclerosis;

G43 Migraine;

G45 Transient transient cerebral ischemic attacks [ attack ] and related syndromes;

G90 Disorders of autonomic [ autonomous ] nervous system;

H81.0 Meniere’s Disease;

I10 Essential (primary ) hypertension;

I15 Secondary hypertension;

I27 Other forms of pulmonary heart disease;

I61 intracerebral hemorrhage;

I63 Cerebral infarction;

I67 Other cerebrovascular diseases;

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

I69 Effects of cerebrovascular diseases;

J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis;

J44 Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;

J45 Asthma;

J96 Respiratory failure, not elsewhere classified;

J98.9 Respiratory disorders, unspecified;

K13.7 Other and unspecified lesions of oral mucosa;

L08.9 Local infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified;

L20 Atopic Dermatitis;

L21 Seborrheic dermatitis;

L30.9 Dermatitis unspecified;

L70 Acne;

L71 Rosacea;

L98.9 Cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified;

M42 Osteochondrosis;

S06 intracranial injury;

T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body region;

T78.4 Allergy unspecified;

Z100 * Chapter XXII Surgical Practice.

Composition, structure and packing

Colorless or yellowish clear liquid with a peculiar odor and bitter taste, pH 2,0–4,0. Easily soluble in water.

Solution for oral and topical use.

Pharmacological action

Antiatsidemic means. Normalizes AAR when acidosis various etiologies - due to the activation of metabolic mechanisms of its regulation (especially kidney and lung), blood flow and strengthen intraorganic tissue metabolism. Has vasodilating effect on the brain vessels, nootropic, anti-depressant, anti, anti-ischemic, stress protective, and mnemotropnoe antiamnesic, antiallergic, membrane stabilizing, immunomodulatory, Antihypoxanth, antimutagenic and radioprotective effect, inhibits platelet aggregation, stimulates tissue regeneration. Dose-dependently reduces the intensity of lipid peroxidation, inhibits spontaneous and ADP-induced aggregation of platelets increases antioxidant activity and reduces the content of lipid peroxidation products. Improves cerebral blood circulation, normalizes the tone of cerebral blood vessels and blood circulation in the brain, improves venous outflow.

Neurotrophic activity and cerebroprotective properties are due to the influence on the mechanisms of brain protection neurometabolic (normalizes carbohydrate and energy metabolism, prevents lipid peroxidation, increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the brain tissue). In traumatic brain injury has a beneficial effect on its metabolism and electrical activity, eliminates vasomotor cephalalgia, reduces oxygen consumption by the brain tissues, heart and respiratory failure of central origin, promotes regression of focal hemispheric and stem symptoms.

Eliminates allergic inflammation, particularly in the development of intolerance reactions leuko-triene-dependent sulfites, reduces the severity of the manifestations of atopic asthma and atopic dermatitis. You can also like Cerluten.

In the complex with vitamins, pancreatic enzymes and kolestiramin in children with hereditary entero-oksaluric syndrome slows the progression of the disease.

When applied topically, has an antiseptic effect, increases the protective function of the skin and mucous membranes.


After a single oral absorbed adequately. Time to reach C max - 2–2.5 hours Easily penetrates the blood-tissue barriers and distributed to various organs and tissues. The greatest concentrations are in the spleen, brain and erythrocytes.


Inside (students should drink milk, fruit juice, sweet tea, has a bitter taste), 30–50 mg/kg 1–4 times/day: violations of cerebral circulation and Meniere’s syndrome - within 1–4 weeks., During planned neurosurgical operations - 5 days before and 10–14 days after the operation, when TBI - 3–8 weeks., with autonomic dysfunction, respiratory diseases, acidosis, atopic asthma (in children) - 2–4 weeks., for the prevention of exacerbation hay fever - 3 weeks. before the expected seasonal deterioration and during flowering plant allergen.

Topically applied in infectious and inflammatory and allergic diseases of the skin and mucous membranes - in the form of bandages, turundae and lotions with a solution daily for 3–14 days for the prevention of radiation mucositis - gauze, moistened with a solution, fit the projection beams of radiation for 20 min before the exposure dose.

IV: jet injected 1–4 times/day for 7–10 days. Dose is determinated individually.

Drug Interactions

Enhances the antiplatelet effect of aspirin.

Side effects

If ingestion: possible - nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea.

At the beginning of treatment: drowsiness.


Acidosis with pneumonia, chronic nonspecific lung diseases, SARS, diabetes and postoperative; bronhospastic variant of bronchial obstruction (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, including atopic asthma in children), subcompensated hypertension in the pulmonary circulation, hay fever in children, transient ischemic attack, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (initial manifestations, consequences of previous stroke), encephalopathy (including on the background of hypertension and neuro dystonia), myelopathy, radiculopathy; neurosurgical operative trauma of the brain and spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury (concussion and brain contusion), and Meniere’s syndrome, autonomic lability. Atopic dermatitis, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes: acne, erysipelas, purulent-inflammatory complications in places out of the spokes Ilizarov apparatus, diseases of ENT and dental, mucositis during radiation therapy of malignant tumors, infected wounds, sores, rickets disease in children, hereditary entero-oksaluric syndrome.


Chronic renal failure and moderate to severe epilepsy, hypersensitivity to Dimephosphon.


When the sleepiness refrain from driving vehicles and occupation, requiring special attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Actovegin injection - helped, removing jamming

12 Jan 2017

Advantages: no side effects

Disadvantages: painful injections

I was appointed Actovegin removing jamming. A few days ago I sat down and could not straighten up. The pain is terrible. They called an ambulance for me - doctors pricked Analgesic and recommend how will just go to neurologist. I lie down for a few days at home, improvements were very slow. The pain is aggravated by sitting and in the cold.

The neurologist appointed me “Actovegin”. I was injections for 3 days. The pain gradually went away, back working as it should. 


Actovegin injection - effective, drug for pregnant

12 Jan 2017

Advantages: It is an effective drug for pregnant!

Disadvantages: high price!

At 30 weeks of gestation to me have a tendency to oligohydramnios and said that 2 weeks weight gain baby just 100g! In the period behind almost 2 weeks! Sent to the hospital, where Actovegin prescribed intravenously (5 vials). It so happened that after injection 3 ampoules I was assigned to ultrasound (32 weeks), which reported that in 10 days the baby added 600gr !!!

The price is high, but it is better to invest now than later!


Actovegin injection - brought me back to a normal life

12 Jan 2017

Advantages: Efficient, inexpensive drug

In 2013, I took a course of treatment I was appointed Actovegin.

Droppers with Actovegin were assigned to a course of ten days, a solution for injection.

The vial Actovegin opened and the contents picked up a syringe and injected into a solution for intravenous lines, and after that I injected it intravenously.

I believe that "Actovegin" helped me recuperate. The state of health was much better, the mood was always on top, there was a surge of strength, like a second wind. I recommend “Actovegin”.

Time of use: once

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