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Nootropic Supplements Biotredin (L-threonine and vitamin B6)

27 Jan 2017

How to cope with the load at the university and take all the time

Most of the load at the university many students incapacitate. The desire to do everything and learn creates tension, and this ultimately reduces the effectiveness of learning and reflected poorly on the state of the whole organism. Is it possible to fulfill all the requirements of high school, and not to risk the health? It depends on how well you distribute the forces.

Laziness or lack of ability?

The main reasons for which the student does not have time during the year, to absorb their course material - is missing for various reasons, occupation, health problems, a nervous breakdown as a result of resource load mismatch and student opportunities. You are highly assess their potential, but the study still did not catch on? Maybe you're just tired, and you need help. You can buy Biotredin.

If you feel that you have less to understand lectures, rarely take an active part in the seminars, you always want to sleep or, conversely, appeared insomnia - it speaks about nervous exhaustion. At high load, psychological and intellectual transmission of nerve impulses is slowed down as a protective mechanism for braking is activated, and the body takes time out. It may seem that you are simply lazy, or your abilities are not high enough. At some point, a simple rest stops to help and support needed medication to restore the original strength of the nervous system.

What can be learned in three days before the exam

If we are talking about emergency preparations for the session, all learn from scratch in a few days - an extremely difficult task, especially if the forces are exhausted academic year. In this case, to help complete summaries of where the information is presented in the form of diagrams and abstracts. Typically, these notes have experienced teachers, tutors, as the present so that information only after a thorough study of it. Another option-good synopsis classmate, but who will give my notes before the exam? If you do you prepare a textbook, then do not waste time writing notes or cheat sheets - all just take your precious time. Read the "diagonal" is ineffective: it is better to delve into a few key themes that will give a general understanding of the subject. So you will be able to answer questions, which is not specifically prepared, based on the logic, and the teacher will see that you are targeting, even if the answer were malfunctioning.

Is there a way to increase their potential?

If you feel that you have reached the limit of their strength, then you just need more support. Alarm signals from the nervous system can be headaches, forgetfulness, inattention, difficulty morning awakening and falling asleep at night, uncharacteristic you tongue-tied. To improve the functioning of the nervous system and the brain to activate the hidden resources to help drug Biotredin: a set of amino acids threonine and vitamin B6. With regular psychological and mental stress Biotredin prescribe a long course to improve memory and concentration, reduce stress. It is advisable to take Biotredin both during the school year, and in preparation for the session.


Semax at Ophthalmology - Glaucoma

27 Jan 2017


Blurred vision, disturbance of color vision, tunnel vision, and sometimes pain in the eyeball may indicate the development of glaucoma - severe eye disease. Glaucoma causes death of the retina, the optic nerve fibers and, further, to total blindness. To prevent this and help restore operability eye drops "Semax 0.1%" used intranasally or by endonozalnogo electrophoresis.

Prevention and treatment of glaucoma

Glaucoma - a disease associated with increased pressure within the eyeball - is one of the leading causes of blindness and disability-free. In Russia, from the disease affects more than a million people. Without timely and comprehensive treatment of glaucoma necessarily lead to complete loss of vision. This is due to the gradual increase of irreversible damage to cells of the retina and optic nerve conductive fibers.

What is glaucoma?

circular (concentric) contraction of the visual field on the periphery or, less often, the appearance of spots in front of the eye;
Reduced sharpness and clarity of vision;
Violations of color (especially green and red colors);
Pain in the eye and behind the eye (from mild to strong and weak pulse);
Blurred vision.

Consistently high pressure inside the eye is having a devastating effect on the retina and optic nerve atrophy. The defeat of the retina and the optic nerve caused by glaucoma, known as glaucomatous optic neuropathy.

Semax - an important component of complex therapy
Increased intraocular pressure (IOP) with the disease - not only the main feature, but the cause of complications in glaucoma. Elevated IOP Intraocular leads to disruption of blood flow, hypoxia and death of neurons and retinal nerve fiber membranes. Applied in glaucoma drugs reduce IOP and help maintain its normal level. However, the lack of normalization of IOP in glaucoma surgery may be the best solution.

Effectively reduce IOP in glaucoma drops or surgery may be enough to slow down the death of retinal cells and prevent further progression of the disease. Pathological chain of destructive processes, running elevated IOP in the structures of the eye, can operate for a long time.

Therefore, when the disease is required to conduct a comprehensive treatment of glaucoma. The most important part of treatment is neuroprotection using preparation "Semax 0,1%", which ensures the recovery of vitality and healthy activity of damaged retinal cells and fibers forming a dense bundle of optic nerve.

Glaucoma treatment preparation Semax 0,1% may be carried out at home and does not require a hospital stay during the course.

Neuroprotection in glaucoma
"Semax 0,1%" is one of the most effective neuroprotective drugs and performs a neuroprotective treatment of glaucoma, due to its ability to naturally restore job peptide stage and ensure the survival of nervous tissue under conditions of hypoxia. "Semax 0,1%" is one of the most effective drugs for glaucoma for the prevention of its complications. That is why a drop of glaucoma is recommended to combine with the conduct of additional neuroprotective treatment, which will provide nutrition of nerve cells and fibers, as well as their regeneration.

The unique complex action Semax at glaucoma:
Increased survival and plasticity of neurons in the retina eyes, to ensure their normal function even under hypoxia;
Improvement of nerve impulses along the fibers of the optic nerve and the protection of their shells from damage;
Reducing the intensity of local inflammatory reaction, edema and removal of optic nerve fibers, and prevention of atrophic braking processes;
Restoration of functional activity of cells in the retina;
Improving and maintaining sharpness and contrast of view;
Improvement of color and an increase in the critical frequency fusion of light flashes;
Maintaining and expanding the peripheral and central field of vision;

Rules of admission and "Semax 0.1%" Dosage at glaucoma

Receive 20 days;
2 drops - in each nostril; 3 times per day.
The course of 4 bottles; 2-4 courses per year; - in a bottle contains 60 drops. Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.


Semax at Ophthalmology - Optic atrophy

27 Jan 2017

Optic atrophy

Atrophy of the optic nerve - a common cause of vision loss. The first signs of disruption of the nerve fibers in the eye are reduced visual acuity, visual field constriction and partial color-loss caused by the disease. Effectively deal with the manifestation of atrophy and, moreover, helps to stop its development "Semax 0,1%" course of medication.

The destruction of the conductive path
Optic atrophy

Optic atrophy - is the result of death of optic nerve fibers conductive and damage their shells. The consequences of this process is the rapid loss of vision due to impaired ability of the optic nerve to conduct impulses.

How is the atrophy of the optic nerve?
The problem arises when the individual groups of fibers that form a beam in the form of optic nerve, become impassable for nerve impulses due to damage and disruption of the structure.

The destruction of the conductive path
Optic atrophy

The main manifestations of atrophy of the optic nerve:

Narrowing the field of view;
Loss of sight, which can feel like a spot or a plurality of dark spots of various sizes, which are stored at about the same place when you look at any surface or image;
Reduced visual acuity in one or both eyes (if struck by both optic nerve);
Restored function and pulse conduction in damaged optic nerve fibers
Violation of color - affected eye can see colors more dull, notably in relation to the red and green colors.

The problem occurs because of inflammation, circulatory disorders of the optic nerve, glaucoma (elevated intraocular pressure), as well as after poisoning with methyl alcohol and other toxins, as a result of many hereditary diseases. Optic nerve atrophy in children and adults are also able to "descend" on the nerve after injury, and brain tumors (pituitary adenoma, traumatic brain injury, and others.).
Field of view - space, visible an eye at a fixed gaze and the fixed head.

Semax up for the shortage of peptides
The bodies are part of the brain made at the periphery, and a full function and regenerative ability of neurons as well as in the brain, ensures proper operation of neuropeptides Tip. Studies show that the process of atrophy of the optic nerve affect the lack of regulatory peptides in the nervous system. Therefore, treatment of the optic nerve, is to stimulate the development and reconstruction of connections between neurons, maintaining their viability and activity in the lack of oxygen conditions, protection from the effects of trauma and other negative external influences is provided by regulatory neuropeptides.

Neuropeptide Semax 0,1% helps to restore the previous level of disturbance due to trauma or disease processes in the nervous tissue of organs of vision.

When the optic nerve atrophy treatment preparation "Semax 0,1%" not only provides an interrupt further development of atrophic changes, but also to reduce the already emerged symptoms, it helps to restore deeply damaged, but also to preserve the viability of neurons and nerve fibers. Without appropriate treatment of such neurons derived neurotrophic doomed. However, timely treatment can not only keep their viability, but also their functional activity and thus partially or completely restore acuity and field of view. Recommended frequency of treatment courses - repeating every three to six months.

The combined effects of Semax
Treatment of optic nerve preparation "Semax 0,1%" is characterized by the complex action. In addition to restoring the full functioning of the nervous tissue, there is a reversal has occurred atrophy symptoms. This combination of effects contributes to a more fulfilling and active restoration of the optic nerve.

Atrophy - Reduced weight and organ or tissue volume, accompanied by a weakening or termination of their functions; Power is based on a tissue disorders leading to the gradual replacement of normal tissue elements by fibrous tissue.

Result of Semax action
In the treatment of optic nerve atrophy preparation "Semax 0,1%" provides the following effects:

Increased plasticity of nerve cells and their survival, to provide conditions for the normal functioning of neurons even under hypoxic conditions;
The weakening of the local inflammatory reaction and edema, which prevents the further course of the process, damaging the optic nerve;
Launch of regenerative processes and improve the conduction of impulses along the fibers of the optic nerve;
Restoring normal operation of retinal neurons eyes;
Improvement or recovery of visual acuity;
Improvement of color;
Increasing the contrast sensitivity and the critical frequency fusion of light flashes;
Expansion and restoration of the field of view, reducing the deposition of the central and paracentral visual field.

Thus, the regenerative influence "Semax 0,1%" to the optic nerve atrophy treatment and prevention is an important and effective component of a comprehensive treatment of the disease.

Rules of admission and "Semax 0.1%" Dosage at Atrophy of the optic nerve

Receive 20 days;
2 drops - in each nostril; 3 times per day.
The course of 4 bottles; 2-4 courses per year; - in a bottle contains 60 drops. Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.


Semax at ADHD

27 Jan 2017

Attention deficit and hyperactivity

Restless, restless and inattentive child in school - is a serious problem both the child and the parents and teachers. These children are distracted by other activities, preventing lead the lesson, conflict, quarrelsome children in the community and at home. All these manifestations are the syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Reduce the symptoms of this, the child will adapt the application neurometabolic preparation "Semax 0,1%."

Children's problems
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children
Adaptation of children to learning and concentration difficulties
attention these days are becoming more acute problem for parents and teachers, as well as the students themselves.

Attention Deficit Disorder in children is usually associated with hyperactivity, so the experts call it for short - ADHD. This condition is characterized by two main criteria:

Permanent carelessness
Hyperactivity and impulsive behavior

In his intellectual development of children with ADHD are not inferior to their peers, but, for example, going to school and being in a team requires the ability to concentrate. Symptoms of ADHD in children manifests itself in the early pre-school years.

Adaptation - the process of adaptation to changing environmental conditions. It has great significance for the body, allowing you to carry large and abrupt changes in the environment and to actively rebuild their physiological functions.

Hyperactivity - A condition in which the activity and excitability of higher than normal person. More common in children and adolescents, as caused by emotions.

Does your child have ADHD?
Parents can console themselves with the fact that mobility and tend to all the children of disobedience. But if the situation when teachers, educators, parents can not agree with the child, become a system, then the problem is.

From attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects up to 18% of children. In boys, the problem occurs in about 2-3 times more often than girls. It is important to remember that ADHD - is a behavioral disorder, which often is reversible and normalized with adequate treatment, as well as the child grows.

Behavioral disorders - Violation of social behavior, often observed in children and adolescents, as well as, as a variant of pathology in patients suffering from neuropsychiatric diseases.

Signs of concentration in children:
The child is constantly forgets or loses things;
Forgetfulness, which deals with the important daily tasks, such as school homework;
It seems that the child can not or does not want to listen to a job or to cope with it;
Rapid loss of interest in any occupation, frequent switching of attention;
Problems with self-organization, the inability to complete a tedious job, or requires more time.

Symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsiveness:
With ADHD kids can not sit in one place for a long time, especially in a quiet, calm atmosphere;
Excessive talkativeness and mobility, even in a situation where the child is asked to sit quietly or silently;
The inability and unwillingness to wait for their turn;
Action without reflection;
Link to interfere with the conversation, interrupt the interlocutor;
Decreased or absent sense of danger.

Study without problems
To the school does not become heavy daily challenge for the child, the parents of understanding is not enough. Help is needed the child's nervous system, which is experiencing considerable congestion in the period of study. Objective to help children to improve memory and attention in ADHD medication, have neuroprotective.

Parents wary of any drugs when it comes to children's health. Therefore, the appearance of a unique composition and safety profile of the drug Semax has become a possible solution for the treatment of attention deficit disorder in children.

"Semax 0.1%" has a regulatory action, establishing transmission of signals between neurons. This tool is ideal for students to improve memory and reduce the manifestations of ADHD. Product form in the form of nose drops makes its use very comfortable for children.

The drug is unique for its high levels of safety and convenient method of application. A possible side effect is a mild irritant effect on the nasal mucosa.

Included in the "Semax 0,1%" amino acid naturally "embedded" in the metabolism. With this the probability of side reactions and allergies minimized. Use of the preparation course provides a significant improvement in memory in children, improves care and helps them to better endure the mental and psychological stress. "Semax 0,1%" increases the activity of the brain, increases concentration, improves memory, thus allowing easier to absorb new knowledge.

ADHD and difficulties at school
The manifestations of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children are a source of serious difficulties, such as poor social adaptation and discipline problems or poor performance in school. Since it is the school years have a significant impact on the formation of the child's personality, difficulties in this period can be a source of deep and complex internal conflicts that persist for life.

Study at school is always associated with an increase in the load on the central nervous system. Even in junior high, this can lead to changes of behavior, disobedience, stubbornness, negativism, and even slowing the development of mental and speech disorders and neurotic Tip.

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children may begin to manifest itself in the period of adaptation to the school, that is, at the beginning of training in the first or preparatory class, after the transition to a new school after the holidays, and so on.

Rules of admission and "Semax 0.1%" Dosage at ADHD

Receive 20 days;
2 drops - in each nostril; 2 times per day.
The course of 3 bottles; 2-3 courses per year; Recommended: August, December, April- in a bottle contains 60 drops. Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.


Glycine Depression

26 Jan 2017

How to help the student to go to bed on time?

Enough sleep for a student - is the foundation for success. During sleep, there is a processing of information that has been received during the day, as well as the process of resource recovery of the nervous system. But the big mental and emotional stress can lead to the development of sleep disorders in the child, and he just can not fall asleep on time. In the morning, so hard to get to school. Is there a way out of this vicious circle?

Volume curriculum requires more time to study and observe a healthy regime of the day is almost impossible. However, the health of students, both junior and senior classes - it is the responsibility of parents. Help your child maintain good sleep is quite in your power.

Distribute the load evenly throughout the week
Often, in addition to the main school hours children attend extra - with the same interests. To develop talent in a music school or in-depth study English prestige. However, this significantly increases the load on the nervous system pupil.

Try to agree on a schedule additional training so that they do not coincide with the most intense school days. Homework for these activities, too, is best done in several stages, evenly distributing the load throughout the week. Plan the implementation of the homework on one of the output (better on Saturday), and one day leave from the free lessons and let the child relax. This day is better to spend active outdoors.

It should also be noted that doctors do not recommend combining any other employment with the school the first two or three years of study.

The busy your child when he has in his hands a tablet?
Tablet or computer helps the student in school. But this device also allows you to play, and communicate in social networks. In turn, activity in social networks and electronic games can cause sleep disorders, for two reasons: the child plays or talks late into the night, then it's hard to fall asleep, or his nervous system is too excited, and gets off the sleep mode.

Often both factors are present simultaneously. In this case, you must not simply prohibit the playing of the game, but to try to replace them with something more interesting, which also causes strong emotions, but is connected with the material world. The emergence of excessive enthusiasm computer game may be associated with severe anxiety, which causes better find a specialist.

Be a positive example for the children. No matter how much you may try to explain and persuade, the child will be deaf to him, if he sees that the parents are also passionate about games and social networks.

Arrange for your child the correct diet
Simple light breakfast must be present always, and always as a child in school should have lunch and dinner. If the school organizes dinners, it can not hurt to bring along an extra snack. Make sure that it has always been a sweet fruit, biscuits or cereal snacks - anything that will give a quick energy supply in the form of glucose portion. However, it is important that the main part of the meal was rich in proteins, as to complete the work of the nervous system needs constant replenishment of amino acids.

The last meal should not be too late. If you want your child to go to bed at 22-00, then dinner should be no later than 20-00. But often children are asked to eat and at bedtime. In this case, you can give a glass of milk, yogurt or biscuits with herbal tea (eg mint), a baked apple. Glucose quickly gets into the blood and satisfy your hunger.

Glycine will adjust sleep under heavy loads

To protect student nervous system should be treated comprehensively. In addition to the regime and diet, and sleep disorders it is necessary to further support.

Amino acids that are the building blocks for all body tissues, especially the brain are urgently needed, as the metabolic activity is highest. Glycine - amino acid, which can be formed in the brain tissue, - protects the nervous system overload, calming effect, it is a structural component of nervous tissue. But at high psycho-emotional stresses the need for glycine increased tenfold, and the amino acids of its own production is insufficient. This leads to a violation of attention, memory, emotional state of deterioration, sleep disorders. This modern school students often find themselves in such conditions.
Today there is the amino acid Glycine and a medicament. Medicament Glycine has no age restrictions, since it related to the body component. For the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders in schoolchildren recommend regular intake Glycine courses.

Remember, however, that along with the glycine intake should consult with a specialist: a sleep disorder in a child can be caused by a serious illness - depression, so always requires careful diagnosis.


Cognitive Enhancers Biotredin (L-threonine and vitamin B6)

26 Jan 2017

The energy and quality of life due to metabolites

Health - this is what allows us to be proactive in full and live longer. Doctors distinguish the concept of "quality of life", which determines how a person can be satisfied with life in accordance with their physical abilities. Important in maintaining health are the amino acids, the lack of which especially affects the brain work.

The role of amino acids in the organism

The amino acids we need on a daily basis to build structural proteins, enzymes, and provision of biological processes. Most of them are synthesized intracellularly, we obtain with other food. Amino acids regulate many processes that provide the vital activity and are responsible for cell renewal.

In the process of renovation in the body affects the speed in the first life, but also important heredity and the source of health. The highest rate of exchange and regeneration in brain cortex as the cells are more vulnerable to a lack of energy. Thus power requirements and capabilities are different among individuals.

Amino acids for brain

Regularly maintain the activity of brain functions without enough amino acids can not be. So if you complain about the memory, fatigue during mental work, irritability, difficulty in understanding the educational material - you have a deficiency in amino acids that support these processes.

In order to provide sufficient energy neurons and are required to prevent overload and its amino acid glycine precursor threonine. Catalyze the effect of these amino acids is capable of vitamin B6. These amino acids are able to increase productivity and enable a protective inhibition under emotional stress.

Who needs extra amino acids

Receiving amino administered as a formulation with increased mental and emotional stress, and in those cases when the load does not match the individual features. The additional support needs students during the session and in a particularly intense period of study, accountants, executives, teachers, doctors, working pensioners, children with learning difficulties, pupils of senior classes, adults who are learning a foreign language, or are driving courses, etc.

The optimum ratio of threonine and vitamin B6 is present in Biotredin formulation that improves intellectual activity, improves memory, reduces emotional stress. When severe stress and a particularly high rate of demand for glycine supplement drug Glycine. Both drugs are designed for long-term use because they consist of the most natural for the body components are approved for pediatric use.


Limontar Succinic Acid

26 Jan 2017

Does the flu is dangerous during pregnancy?

During the influenza epidemic, pregnant women are among the most vulnerable: they are easier to catch, they have complicated influenza occurs, the consequences of the disease may be unfavorable. The immune system is suppressed virtually the entire pregnancy, it is a necessary condition for successful childbearing. But this exposes the mother and child risk during seasonal epidemics.

Why the immune system of pregnant women are often unable to cope with viral load?

The embryo is genetically half heterogenous woman's body. In order for him to attach to the uterine wall and was not attacked by the immune cells, the immune system of women after fertilization reduces their activity. This evolutionary adaptation helps continue the family line, but makes the body vulnerable to infections pregnant. Therefore, the flu during pregnancy may occur more complex, with negative consequences for both mother and fetus.

The risk of pregnancy complications in influenza is associated with impaired blood circulation in the placenta and in the first trimester - the risk of miscarriage. Hypoxia can cause fetal malformations, the predisposition of the child in the future to chronic diseases, congenital deficiency of immunity. To understand whether the harm to the fetus has been dealt with influenza mother, doctors generally recommend a "triple test" and an additional ultrasound.

How is flu in pregnant

Flu during pregnancy - it is always a lottery. A child will not necessarily damage even at high temperature and complications. But conversely, if the mother suffered a disease easily, it does not rule out harm to the fetus. Therefore, when planning pregnancy is recommended to be vaccinated against influenza. You can also like Semax.

If you are already ill, do not panic and take medicine against influenza at its discretion. In any case, a pregnant influenza physician should treat, and it can only designate a safe and effective drugs. In severe influenza hospitalized woman: it will help to monitor its condition, and the condition of the fetus, and help on time.

To reduce the negative consequences of SARS or influenza during pregnancy will receive citric and succinic acids. This organic acid that activate cellular respiration, and helps prevent fetal hypoxia. For the prevention of pregnancy complications, and as adjunctive therapy, citric and succinic acid is prescribed as a drug Limontar. This medicine reduces the negative impact on the body of the woman and the fetus. Limontar recommend taking along with baking soda or drinking alkaline mineral water. The drug is available without prescription, but during pregnancy any medication can be taken only on prescription.

Thus, the full answer to the question "how much you can drink without harm" is not, as a toxic effect of alcohol in each case depends on heredity, sharing features, the original state of health. In order not to hurt yourself, we recommend you stick to the lower threshold of acceptable standards.


Semax Stroke Recovery

26 Jan 2017

Recovery after stroke

Return survived a stroke patient to the active life allows clever use of a variety of recovery techniques, not the least of which belongs to the drug therapy. high therapeutic efficacy showed "Semax 0,1%" At a later stage of the treatment of stroke damage. Its action is aimed at the resumption of the functioning of the nervous tissue of the brain, normalizing the autonomic centers and restoration of emotional activity.

Recovering from a stroke in the late period
Stroke recovery

Events recovery after stroke, performed 6 months later after it is considered to be a late recovery period.

If the treatment of stroke and recovery after it in the early period were started on time and carried out to the fullest extent, and then supplemented by activities in the late recovery period, the patient's chances of returning to active life will be high. This is a complex task, which includes a set of different measures, which include: neuroprotection, physiotherapy, physical therapy, speech therapy assistance, psychologist and certainly close friends and relatives. All this allows us to go a long way to recover after a stroke and return to normal life.

"Semax 0,1%" restores nerve tissue
Neuropeptide "Semax 0,1%" effective in the late period of recovery after a stroke due to the following properties:

It helps restore speech, memory, attention, improvement of cognitive functions;
Increases neuronal survival and normalization of the nervous tissue;
It enhances the adaptive capacity of the nervous system;
Normalizes the autonomic centers;
It prevents the development of depression after stroke;
Provides recovery of the cycle sleep / wake.

Another advantage of "Semax 0,1%" - is ease of use. The dosage form in the form of nasal drops, great for regular self-use by the patient or his relatives after a stroke.

Recovery must be consistent and comprehensive
The better functional recovery took place in the first 3-6 months, the greater the chances for a full return to normal in their later rehabilitation period. During the second half of the year and then there is a further sharpening of the restored skills, the ability to self-service, speech, expands the scope of motor abilities. You can buy Semax.

Important functions of the brain, for example, speech, and recovered gradually at different speeds. In the first 6 months of activity of reparative processes in the nervous system is maximal. For example, the speech recovery after stroke is able to happen after 5-6 months of rehabilitation, provided that the medical rehabilitation program was carried out, and speech therapy sessions were carried out with regularity courses and at least 2-3 times a week. Six months after stroke recovery continues, but at a slower rate. The maximum improvement in motor skills and other functions, can take several years.

Rehabilitation after a stroke event held courses at intervals of 1-2 months. They are sure to include:

Drug therapy (neuroprotective, antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants and others);

Therapeutic exercise and daily physical activity (walking outdoors);

Physiotherapy (water treatments, massages, myostimulation).

Not only recover, but also to avoid recurrent stroke

When stroke recovery is not yet a final victory over the disease: unfortunately, the Statistics vascular accident is almost never a single. The risk of recurrent stroke is especially high during the 12 months after the first case of circulatory disorders. It is important to not only win a stroke, but also prevent the recurrence of the disease after a stroke recovery must have another goal - to prevent recurrent vascular accident.

Therefore, late recovery period should include the following measures:

Control and correction level of derivatives of cholesterol (atherosclerosis and lipid balance disorders);

blood pressure control and correction of its level;

Prevent high risk of blood clots;

Protection of new nerve tissue damage, improved metabolism in neurons, increase their resistance to stress factors (neuroprotection).

This is done by a specialist (therapist, cardiologist, neurologist) and under the supervision and with the help of prescription drugs, changes in diet and lifestyle.

Neuroprotective drugs rates to be applied after a stroke several times a year.

Unique neuroprotective "Semax 0,1%" with a protective effect on the nervous system replaces the means of several pharmacological groups. It enhances the protection of nerve cells from the destructive effects, provides functional recovery of neurons. The drug helps to ensure the recovery and versatile and reliable secondary stroke prevention.

Rules of admission and "Semax 0.1%" Dosage at Stroke Recovery
Receive 14 days;
4 drops - in each nostril; 3 times per day.
Course 5 bottles - in a bottle contains 60 drops; repeat the course in 3-6 months. Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.


Glycine Sleep

25 Jan 2017

Child does not sleep at night when you need to see a doctor?

Why your baby does not sleep well, and whether it is possible to somehow fix it? This task helps maintain the health of adults and children, and most importantly - peace in the family. The care and attention of parents in such cases often need child more than medication.

Quiet and sturdy children's sleep begins in the afternoon. If during the day the child was a lot of emotion, it is likely that the night does not give rest to parents and not nap himself: it simply overexcited nervous system and inhibitory processes to run hard. Poor baby sleep may be due to overeating, a fatty meal, a large amount of carbohydrate and fermentation in the gut. But sometimes insomnia in the child - it is one of the symptoms of the disease, which is just more noticeable on the background of other features.
Symptoms that may indicate that a child is sick:
The lack of normal sleep and the temperature at night or during the day, tight stomach, pose on his side or on his stomach with his legs pulled up
Skin discoloration, rash, temperatures above 37 ° C
The situation in the side with his head thrown back, crying, vomiting, tense neck muscles
Lack of appetite, weakness, indifference to favorite toys
Severe anxiety, fearfulness, aggression towards self or others, tantrums
Sudden changes in behavior and mood, sweating, heart rate above 120 beats per minute for a child up to 2 years, or more than 100 beats per minute in children under 6 years
Complaints of pain in any part of the body

As soon as the main health problem of the child to be eliminated, he will return to healthy sleep. Often in parallel with the main treatment pediatricians prescribe Glycine: it improves the condition of the child from the first days of treatment, makes it easier to fall asleep at night. The amino acid glycine - a universal adaptogen that improves energy production and strengthens the nervous system of the child.
If a cause for concern for the health of the child you do not find something to improve his sleep help mode of the day, foods containing tryptophan (milk, cheese, broccoli, banana, durum wheat pasta, cereals, green vegetables, butter), and also welcome glycine.

Glycine sleep drug is safe for children of all ages, and can be used for a long time. The amino acid glycine in a formulation similar to that synthesized in the body and begins to act after a few minutes after administration. To improve Glycine sleep is recommended to take 20 minutes before bedtime. Glycine helps improve a child's sleep, reduces the excitability of the nervous system, improves mood.


Glycine Benefits at Ischemic Stroke

25 Jan 2017

What is an ischemic stroke?

Ischemic stroke - is acute impairment of blood flow to a specific area of the brain, resulting in the ischemic focus fabric die. A stroke can cause death in the first day, the risk of life remains high during the first year after the event.

The consequences of a stroke depend on the location of the zone of ischemia and its reduction. speech disorders, memory loss, movement disorders and stroke, post stroke pain, impaired perception of temperature, vision, hearing, remain with a person for life. Partially dead neurons function take on other areas of the brain. Activate this process can be a regular at the correctional work. Recovering from a stroke - hard work, its success largely depends on the physical form of the original patient and the methods that are used for this purpose doctors. Therefore, the most effective method of combating stroke neurologists believe prevention.

Causes of ischemic stroke
Up to 80% of strokes are a result of cerebral ischemia. Ischemic stroke develops mainly in adult and elderly and often a result of atherosclerosis or heart disease in which blood clots can form. Regular consumption of alcohol, unhealthy diet, lack of rest reinforce age-related changes in blood vessels and contribute to their stenosis. Aggravates the background is non-smoking and diabetes. Please pay attention to Glycine.

An important risk factor for stroke is psychological stress. Chronic or acute stress violates the blood rheological quality, contributes to a violation of the fatty acid metabolism, reduces the elasticity of blood vessels, stimulates the blood pressure drops and the capillary spasms.

For the development of persistent brain ischemia sufficiently reduce blood flow by 50-60%, it is not always complete occlusion of the vessel. Such conditions may occur when a sharp decrease in pressure under moderate stress on the background of atherosclerosis, physical fatigue, trauma, severe stress in a healthy person.

Prevention of stroke
A healthy lifestyle, good nutrition and adequate rest are the main points of prevention of ischemic stroke. An important role in the diet given to the quality of fat in the diet, most of them should occupy the polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve the condition of the vessel walls in atherosclerosis.

If you smoke, you increase the risk of ischemic stroke several times, this is true for both men and women. Large doses of alcohol can trigger a stroke at any age.

blood viscosity helps to regulate the drinking regime. After 40 years at a mass of 60-70 kilogram it is recommended to drink at least 1 liter of water per day (during intensive physical exercise in hot weather, at least 1.5 liters), to maintain the normal ratio of plasma and formed elements in blood. Too much water increases the load on the heart, so more than 2 liters are not recommended to drink a day. Also, after 60 years your doctor may prescribe aspirin to thin the blood, if there are no contraindications.

Withstand stress and reduce their destructive effect helps the amino acid glycine. Regular intake Glycine benefits that it has a sedative effect and improves the formation of energy in cells of the brain, which helps to experience psychological stress and inhibits pathological processes in temporary cerebral circulatory disorders.

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