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Bromantane (Ladasten)

07 Feb 2017

Bromantane (Ladasten) - innovative drugs for the treatment of asthenic conditions of different origins caused by mental stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, various infectious and somatic diseases.

Bromantane main mechanisms of action are increased synthesis and release of dopamine, as well as improvement of impaired stress GABA reception


Eliminates daytime sleepiness, increases the activity, improves concentration and performance

Almost does not cause phenomena hyperstimulation (sleep disorders, anxiety, amplification)

Therapeutic effect Bromantane develops quickly - the first taking the drug

A balanced combination of psychostimulant and anxiolytic action component can effectively act on all of the major manifestations of asthenic syndrome (actually asthenia, anxiety and autonomic symptoms)

It does not cause-effect phenomena typical of stimulants associated with the depletion of neuronal catecholamine reserves.

Bromantane has not have behavioral toxicity that allows to recommend its use, including, and motorists

Bromantane acts quickly, comprehensively affects all manifestations of fatigue. This Ladasten does not cause excessive stimulation of addiction and dependence.

Efficiency Bromantane the treatment of asthenic conditions of different genesis proven in clinical studies, including randomized, placebo-controlled studies

Bromantane developed in the Research Institute of Pharmacology. VV Zakusov RAMS. Complex Bromantane comprehensive study was conducted in the period from 1980 to 2000-ies. After conducting clinical studies that proved Bromantane efficacy and safety in the treatment of asthenic disorders, in 2008, the drug has been registered for use in Russia.


Ladasten at Asthenia

07 Feb 2017

Asthenia (Greek -. Impotence, weakness) - a pathological condition, the main manifestations of which are characterized by increased exhaustion of mental functions (fatigue, tiredness, weakness). Actually asthenic manifestations, as a rule, accompanied by:

anxiety, irritability, emotional instability - manifestations of emotional stress
headaches, sweating, feeling disruptions of the heart and other manifestations of autonomic dysfunction
difficulty falling asleep, nighttime sleep surface, lack of a sense of cheerfulness after a night's sleep - sleep disturbances

Asthenic conditions may develop in any person. Its development may contribute to mental stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, various infectious and somatic diseases.

Asthenic violations are widespread and can be observed in virtually all diseases. Up to 25% of patients attending general practitioners, complain of long ustalost1,2, and 18.3% - on chronic ustalost3.

Treatment of asthenic disorders is a difficult problem. This is due to the fact that in asthenic disorders, fatigue, usually combined in anxiety, irritability and sleep disturbances. Therefore, when using typical drugs stimulating type of action in patients with asthenic states often have sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, autonomic disorders. When using tranquilizers enhanced weakness and drowsiness. The therapeutic effect of herbal remedies and nootropics develops slowly, but when chronic administration. Ladasten, unlike the above-mentioned drugs, act quickly, comprehensively affects all manifestations of fatigue. This Ladasten does not cause excessive stimulation of addiction and dependence.

Efficiency Ladasten the treatment of asthenic conditions of different genesis proven in clinical studies, including randomized, placebo-controlled studies.


Glutamic Acid for Myocardium

06 Feb 2017

Youth of heart can be extended

Cardiovascular problems in the elderly often result in coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Any of these diseases without proper treatment eventually leads to heart failure, the main symptom is shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, chronic nocturnal or early morning coughing, fatigue. Life expectancy at sick heart is sharply reduced, and severely affected its quality. But if the time to do preventive maintenance and carry out all the prescribing physician, the heart will be a long time to work without interruption.

Simple recommendations to strengthen infarction

Good, it strengthens the heart and blood vessels Nordic walking. This type of exercises recommended for older and impaired people, because they do not have a greater load on the body. Based on ski poles man can walk for a long time without getting tired, and the myocardium thus becoming stronger. Increased overall endurance, and potentially increase life expectancy.

Your diet should be enough protein and omega-3 and omega-6. Then the heart will always be able to work in full force, and the vessels will be exempt from the cholesterol. Keep track of your weight, since obesity in adulthood increases the burden on the heart, joints, and increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. You can try Mildronate.

Try not to stay the night at the TV and go to bed on time. The heart is particularly sensitive to a lack of nighttime sleep and recovery mechanisms to age worse work. To the body time to rest and to make all the repairs, after 60 years, doctors recommend to go to bed no later than 23-00.

Plan your physical activity in the middle of the day or night. At this time, the balance of the autonomic nervous system has a stable work of the heart, blood pressure is less than the probability of jumps.

Try less often and in smaller quantities to consume alcohol, as ethanol has toxic effects on the myocardium and blood vessels, impedes the regeneration of tissues. Data that moderate alcohol consumption is the prevention of heart disease, this is not confirmed.

Regular use of sedatives helps maintain good blood circulation in myocardium, prevents the toxic effects of catecholamines on the heart, reduces the likelihood of hypertension. A drug that is right for you, must appoint a physician.

Take amino acids that strengthen the heart muscle, increase endurance: cystine, glutamic acid, glycine. Normally, they are produced by the body, but with age, the activity of this process is greatly reduced, and the heart needs regular admission outside of amino acids. Eltacin drug contains essential amino acids in the heart of the form in which they can easily and quickly be used by the myocardium. Regular intake Eltacin is the prevention of heart failure, and helps to significantly prolong an active life in old age.


Cure for a headache

05 Feb 2017

Why there is a headache before the rain?

Fall for many - the season of headaches and poor health. When dry and warm weather is replaced by rainy and cool, sensitive people lose the ability to be active and suffer from migraine attacks. In order to know how to help themselves at this time, you need to understand the causes of this disease.

The characteristic symptoms of migraine with vascular dystonia

As a rule, before the rain headache in people with hypotension, and at the time of attack, blood pressure can be increased by 10-20 mm Hg, to levels commonly accepted norms. The characteristic symptoms of migraine are pale and reduced temperature of the skin on the face, the development of pain on one side of the head, the expansion of the pupil on the side of pain, tension in your neck and upper back, heart palpitations, nausea, and vomiting. During the attack, and after several hours, there is a decline in cognitive function. You can try Semax.

Why the headache occurs

Migraine with autonomic dysfunction is often triggered by a fall in atmospheric pressure, which depends on the exchange of blood gases. When vascular dystonia is characterized by mitochondrial failure: reduced activity of mitochondria, organelles that produce energy and are responsible for the metabolism. By reducing the activity of removing oxidation products, they accumulate in the body and disrupt the natural processes within. Therefore, for the prevention of headaches in the vegetative-vascular dystonia are effective antioxidants.

Vascular insufficiency - second predisposing factor for the development of migraine. On CT of the brain in the study of people with frequent migraine attacks detected areas of reduced brain tissue density, which indicates impaired blood circulation and the development of edema. Doppler ultrasound at the beginning of a migraine attack often shows increased tone of the carotid arteries, and at the height of the attack and shortly after - reduction of cerebral vascular tone, the violation of the venous outflow of blood.

Migraine attacks usually preceded by provoking factor - stress, missed meals, physical exhaustion, alcohol, hypothermia, inadequate or excessive sleep.

What helps migraine

Efficiency means of a headache depends on the timeliness of its reception. Antispasmodics and analgesics are effective in the very beginning of a migraine attack, when the tone of brain vessels increases, straining muscles of the upper back, neck and head area. At this time, the pain is still weak, there is a heaviness in the head, or local pressure, but may manifest cognitive impairment.

At the height of the attack it has a good effect ordinary aspirin in combination with caffeine. Aspirin improves blood rheology and stops conducting pain impulses, and caffeine tones up vessels and increases metabolism. Such exposure helps to improve blood circulation in the brain and lead oxidation products, relieves swelling.

For the prevention of migraine agents are used, improves metabolic processes in the brain tissue and restoring normal mechanism of vascular regulation. The drug of choice from headaches at change of weather when dystonia is Eltacin, the preparation of amino acids - glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. Eltacin components are natural to the body, they are involved in the production of endogenous glutathione - a strong natural antioxidant. The drug activates the production of energy in the mitochondria, which helps compensate for failure in the mitochondrial autonomic dysfunction.


Cerebrolysin at Stroke

04 Feb 2017

What is Stroke?

A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is suddenly interrupted (ischemic stroke - about 80% of cases) or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spilling blood into the spaces surrounding brain cells (hemorrhagic stroke - about 20% of cases). Shortages of oxygen and nutrients lead to the brain cells death. Although stroke is a disorder of the brain, it can affect the entire body. A common disability that results from stroke is complete paralysis on one side of the body, called hemiplegia. A related disability that is not as debilitating as paralysis is one-sided weakness or hemiparesis.

Stroke may cause problems with thinking, awareness, attention, learning, judgment, and memory; sudden trouble with walking, dizziness, or loss of balance or coordination; or sudden severe headache with no known cause.

Stroke survivors often have problems understanding or forming speech.

A stroke can lead to emotional problems.

Stroke patients may have difficulty controlling their emotions or may express inappropriate emotions.

Many stroke patients experience depression. Stroke survivors may also have numbness or strange sensations.

There are three treatment stages for stroke: prevention, therapy immediately after the stroke, and post-stroke rehabilitation. Therapies to prevent a first or recurrent stroke are based on treating an individual's underlying risk factors for stroke, such as hypertension, atrial fibrillation, or diabetes. Acute stroke therapies try to stop a stroke while it is happening by quickly dissolving the blood clot causing an ischemic stroke or by stopping the bleeding of a hemorrhagic stroke. Post-stroke rehabilitation helps individuals overcome impairments and disabilities that result from brain tissue damage.

Cerebrolysin belongs to agents with neuroprotection and neurorecovery functions used in the acute phase and post-stroke rehabilitation and it is recommended that its administration should be initiated as early as possible, usually within a few hours post-stroke. Beneficial results were shown in many studies.

Cerebrolysin - Clinical efficacy and patient benefits

Treatment of stroke with Cerebrolysin helps to regain independence. Its efficacy has been proven in 36 double-blind-studies and trials with more than 5.000 patients.

Below please find the most important studies of the last years and their key results.

Cerebrolysin improves motor functions and activities of daily living.

Cerebrolysin accelerates recovery pattern in cognitive, motor and ADL domains.

Faster recovery for patients treated with standard therapy (rtPA) combined with Cerebrolysin.

Cerebrolysin decreases mortality rate.

Cerebrolysin Dosage recommendation Stroke

Cerebrolysin belongs to agents used in post-stroke rehabilitation and it is recommended that its administration should be initiated as early as possible, usually within a few hours post-stroke. The recommended dosage range is between 20 and 50 ml per day. For the treatment of stroke Cerebrolysin should be used as an add-on treatment to standard intervention.

Disorder - Stroke

Daily dosage 20 - 50 ml of Cerebrolysin

Initiation of treatment as soon as possible

Duration of treatment - 10 - 21 days


IV infusion - 10ml - 50ml of Cerebrolysin, diluted to at least 100ml, total volume with Saline, Ringer solution or 5% glucose solution. Infuse within 15 minutes.

To guarantee sterility, always use disposable one-way infusion sets and cannulas!

Do not store the infusion solution, start the infusion as quickly as possibe after dilution!

Cerebrolysin should not be mixed with balanced amino acid solutions, vitamins and cardiovascular medicinal products.


Special precautions to guarantee sterility must be taken during dilution and administration of Cerebrolysin:

Remove solution from ampoules immediately before use

Do not leave an open ampoule on the treatment table

Always use only disposable one-way IV infusions sets and cannulas

When Cerebrolysin is administered via a long-term IV catheter, the catheter has to be rinsed before and after the application with physiological sodium chloride solution.



03 Feb 2017

Somnology Dr. Doping tells about daytime sleepiness, narcolepsy, and the role of the hypothalamus in the alternation of phases of sleep.

Hypersomnia - the Greek word, which means daytime sleepiness. The prefix hyper- means 'excess, excess' and somnus - 'a dream'. Over-sleep, excessive inclination to sleep onset in conditions that are not conducive to this - it is the definition of a day of excessive sleepiness, because at night it is okay, at night we have to spend some time in a dream, and when we feel the inclination to sleep onset, that usually give in to this desire, get enough sleep and feel refreshed in the morning and full of energy.

To improve your sleep – Selank, Afobazole, Picamilon.

Why is the wrong time to sleep we may experience drowsiness (most call it a day)? This may be due either to social causes, when a person artificially deprived of sleep, in order to achieve any benefits for himself and the causes of health - some disorders that cause sleep disorders. Because of this, people do not allow to perform the function of restoring sleep and daytime sleepiness gets later as a consequence of sleep lack.

How can we assess this person has excessive sleepiness or not? The easiest way to do it in appearance. If we see a child who is naughty, t eyes, crying, we can assume that he wants to sleep. For the adult equivalent of sleepiness is the involuntary closing of the eyes, can even be automatic disconnection of speech, relaxed posture - all equivalents readiness for sleep onset.

There are more accurate methods that make it possible to evaluate, have this person or not excessive sleepiness. used some of the most popular questionnaires that evaluate sleepiness in the world: there are Carolingian Sleepiness Scale, Stanford has. The most popular scale evaluation of sleepiness is a so-called Epford scale, which was developed in a hospital Epford in Melbourne (Australia), it enjoys the majority of experts who are working in this direction.

According to this scale, the subject is asked to answer a few questions about whether he feels sleepy in standard situations: driving a car while riding, driving a car in traffic, waiting for someone during a meal, during a conversation with someone. But it should be a very strong sleepiness. If the subject is gaining a certain amount of points on this scale, it is mild, moderate or severe degree of sleepiness. The scale proved to be very convenient for selection for further studies of people who have a real sleepy, and not think about how they feel weak because they want to sleep.

There are more accurate methods for the objective evaluation of sleepiness. in lighting conditions Measurement method pupil width fluctuations slit lamp - the most accurate method of assessing sleepiness - called coreometry. It is based on the fact that the more a person wants to sleep, the more it activates the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation, recovery of the body. Just activation can be caught with the help of this test, the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, observing the change in pupil diameter. When illuminated by a slit lamp begins pupillary cycle, when the pupil expands and narrows. The more of these waves changes in pupil diameter, the more a person drowsy. This test is used to select the hazardous occupations of people who can not currently in the service or work: they clearly expressed drowsiness, they can make mistakes.

In medical practice, use a different, more sophisticated test called "multiple sleep latency test" - a variant of polysomnography. sleep study, which is not done in the night and in the daytime. Man put to bed several times during the day - this is usually five times at intervals of two hours - and watch how quickly he falls asleep. Then five episodes averaged and estimated time to fall asleep. It was found that in people who have severe sleep disorders, resulting in a violation of the waking day. In people who have a particular disease, accompanied by daytime sleepiness, sleep time greatly reduced. For example, a healthy young person can remain for 20 minutes during the day in bed and unable to sleep. And the person with the disease, which is called narcolepsy, sleep less than 8 minutes, then he has a great sleep pressure all the time he would not mind to sleep, do not mind to go to sleep.

The probability of occurrence of drowsiness at any given time of the day is determined by several models that are associated with an explanation of why sleep comes at the same time, and ends in another. The most common is the model of the two processes, which suggests that the probability of the onset of sleep at any time - at night, in the afternoon, in the morning, in the evening - is determined by the interaction of two key mechanisms in the human brain.

One mechanism - circadian, circadian - a change in brain activity for 24 hours. In the morning we are not very active, walk around for dinner in the evening more and more tired, and so it goes on every day. It is one component, chronobiological and the second component - the time that we do not sleep. The more we do not sleep, the more pressure builds up sleep and the more we want to sleep - it usually comes at the end of the period of daylight in the evening. When the pressure is great and sleep our day daily activity has passed its peak and is declining as these two processes are added together, the man goes to sleep - usually in the evening.

Why do people fall asleep during the day? For example, if it is not slept the night and sleep he pressure overnight not decreased and remains at a significant level. Therefore, people have to get up in the morning to work, not having slept their required 8 hours. When the peak of brain activity, which is determined chronobiological mechanism passes a certain point, is winding down, the pressure of sleep makes a person ahead of time to go to sleep. If he does something more: lie down, turn off the lights, close your eyes, it really can be very easy to fall asleep, because in the evening and in the morning he had not slept. This is the simplest explanation.

There are more complex explanation: two sleep management mechanism imposed other brain activity cycles that are important, because, when they began to watch multiple test sleep latency, it turned out that is not so simple, and there is not one only peak frequency of sleep, in the evening, and there even the peak of sleep during the daytime, in the region of 15:30. In the afternoon, in the majority of healthy young people observed the acceleration of time to fall asleep, because there is still a high-speed mechanisms, which have a period of at 24 hours and 12 hours and a half days.

Moreover, suppose another mechanism ninety minute changes in brain activity, which is manifested as night sleep stage changes. We know that the stages of sleep are repeated every half hour - it is called the period of sleep. This is normal, but nobody knows what it actually needs. This hour and a half repeat, most likely takes place in the daytime and also applied to the rest of the rhythms of brain activity, and so we can feel sleepy at certain times during the day, even if we slept. Half an hour later we are it probably will not feel like they know many of the students who sit on uninteresting lectures. They were surprised to find themselves sleeping, and sleep they no longer want in 15 minutes.

What is the most common cause of daytime sleepiness in the general population? The most common cause - the so-called insufficient amount of sleep syndrome, also called the Edison effect. It is to blame Thomas Alva Edison - the famous inventor who perfected the famous light bulb filament to such an extent that it could produce a pipelined manner. Thomas Edison has allowed man to turn night into day, and the person has had an opportunity to take your time on sleep in favor of some other things: entertainment, additional work. Thus, people were able to artificially limit yourself in a dream. As a result, it leads in a sufficiently large part of the population - its size is estimated at 5% - for the subsequent development of sleepiness during the day. If we make a daily test to fall asleep for such people, they go to sleep earlier than expected. Not 15, as expected, on average, and in 10 minutes because they have a fairly short time of sleep, which they carried out their own fault. This reason conditionally health, but rather a social cause.

There are medical reasons that cause drowsiness, and usually it's all kinds of sleep disorders. This insomnia when a person is not getting enough sleep for various reasons - reasons often psychogenic. There is a problem of snoring and sleep apnea, breathing during sleep delay. Because of this, people always waking up, emerging from a deep sleep in the surface and also can not get their normal deep sleep. No matter how much sleep, he feels the desire to sleep during the day because it lacks. These disorders are considered a single group of sleep disorders.

And in the group treated hypersomnia disorders, mainly a manifestation of which is excessive sleepiness. The most famous of these diseases - narcolepsy (νάρκη - this 'confluence, stupor, off consciousness' and λῆψις - 'attack'). This disease is quite rare: per 100 000 people accounting for up to five cases, but these patients are found. And this is their main problem: they always do not mind to sleep. Drowsiness have intensified in the afternoon, and they are unable to function effectively because begin to fall asleep during the monotonous activity.

In addition, when another important manifestation of narcolepsy is a loss of muscle tone while experiencing strong emotions. When we say that during laughter under-bending knees, is a figurative expression. But in people with narcolepsy under-bending they do, because they incorrectly regulated alternating phases of sleep. There main stage of slow wave sleep - the body is restored physically and is the phase of REM sleep, when the body recovers more mental functions, we have dreams and dreams. And when REM sleep occurs at the wrong time, for example during wakefulness on the background of emotions, then, that we would not have experienced the content of our dreams, do not jump, do not fly in dreams and reality, nature is conceived at this time to turn off our muscle tone. If narcolepsy is so dramatically different muscle tone, when people laugh. This rare disease is amazing.

Now its development is associated with damage to the specific development of neurons in the hypothalamus. These neurons should produce a chemical called hypocretin (or orexin) of the exciting nature, which is responsible for the correct sequence of phases of sleep. Narcolepsy is a classic model of hypersomnia. There are hypersomnia secondary character that develops against the backdrop of various diseases. For example, we know that elderly people do not sleep off in the daytime. It turns out that for some age diseases, Parkinson's disease actually affects those parts of the brain that stimulate the cerebral cortex. When this stimulation is not enough, these people are not averse to once again sleep. Boxers have the term "post-traumatic hypersomnia," when they get a lot of micro-concussion that are not even accompanied by a knockdown. They die of the neurons that have aphrodisiac effects, and they also at dusk career are prone to excessive sleep.

There are a lot of other diseases, such as stroke, which can also be accompanied by excessive sleepiness. But in most real life, we do not meet with the disease called hypersomnia, and with a change in lifestyle. When people were able to take away from the dream time and add it to entertainment or work - is insufficient sleep syndrome, or the Edison effect.


Spinal Cord

02 Feb 2017

Psycologist Dr. Doping tells about the work of the muscles, spinal ganglia and the role of the gray matter in the processing of information

How does the spinal cord? What functions are performed by the horns of the spinal cord? Why does a person ceases to feel the sensory input?

Any shift of vertebrae - this is quite a dangerous thing, because there is always a risk that the vertebrae press down the fibers of the spinal nerves. Then human interaction broken spinal cord segment with the "floor" of the body: not go sensory input, motor or autonomic team. For example, our thoracic segments and manage the state of the stomach. If you shift the vertebrae, then the stomach is the wrong signal, stands out too much gastric acid, and hence gastritis and ulcers. Doctors are beginning to heal from this, and the reason is in the back.

To improve brain function use Phenotropil, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin and Cogitum.

The cross section of the spinal cord - oval structure, almost round, and the peripheral portion of the cut takes the white matter of the spinal cord and the central part - the so-called gray matter of the spinal cord. The gray matter has a butterfly shape, in which the three wings. These wings are called the horns of the spinal cord gray matter. One horn pointed forward, the other - on the side, the third - before. Rear - dorsal, lateral - lateral, anterior - ventral.

The gray matter of the brain, including the spinal cord gray matter - are nerve cells and their dendrites, that is, the area which receives the information and processes it. We think we just gray matter. Front, side and posterior horns of the spinal gray matter of the brain process different information flows. Separating the functions of the spinal cord horns corresponds to the three main objectives, which solves the spinal cord: the analysis of sensor signals, control the internal organs and muscle control.


Psychology of Suicidal Behavior

02 Feb 2017

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about biopsychosocial phenomenon of suicide, and anomie syndrome Young Werther.

The problem of suicide was always interesting to mankind. Once a person has realized that he is alive, he lives, and he realized that he might die, die at a certain point in his evolution man began to understand that there are times when he can get away from the life of their own. The phenomenon of suicide (the word means 'suicide') attracted the attention of mankind, probably for centuries. To date suicidology - the science that studies the phenomenon of suicide - is an interdisciplinary science that uses methods, theory, technology is very different sciences - paradoxically, not only because of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychology, but also a large amount of data from the culture, art: a lot of writers, artists dedicated their works to this topic. But if we are talking about a scientific subject, the relevance of studying suicide undeniable.

Annually in the world commit suicide about one million people. And, according to various sources, the statistics are very difficult - not all of it entirely published, more than twenty million make a suicide attempt. Suicide ranks first among the causes of violent death, and suicide is twice more than the killings. The question arises: who commits suicide? Everyday view says that only a madman can do it. But it is very difficult from a scientific point of view. Mentally ill people are only in 20% of cases commit suicide; 65% - it is patients who have been diagnosed after examination of borderline mental disorder: neurotic state, depression, some anomalies of character. And 15% of the note - it's mentally healthy people, the so-called conventional norm.

Suicide - a topic that can be viewed in different ways. To begin with, it is a process. Independent departure from life - a process which is usually divided into two phases: pre-suicide and actual suicide. The first phase - a training phase in which we can see a man who soon will make such attempts, some factors that predispose him to commit this act. A suicidal phase incorporates the entire repertoire of the so-called suicidal activity, which includes thoughts and plan actions that will contribute to the maintenance of life, and these same actions. When we speak of explaining what a suicide, what a group of phenomena, which is connected with the decision to leave this life, we are faced with a variety of concepts. I will not repeat these concepts in a historical context. Let me just say only that at the moment almost all the scientists recognize that suicide - a biopsychosocial phenomenon, that is, there are biological factors, psychological and social.

To improve brain function use Semax, Phenylpiracetam, Cogitum and Picamilon.

Let's start with biological factors. They began to be studied relatively recently and are of considerable interest, because it has always been, particularly in the domestic psychiatry, suicide - a socio-psychological maladjustment in the conditions experienced by the classical definition of the conflict, which gives Ambrumova professor, founder of the national suicidology. This is absolutely correct definition, which speaks about the fact of the phenomenology, that is suicide. But it is not enough of said nature. Nevertheless, it consistently, and now, even on the basis of this definition, looking for biological predisposition of suicide. What can we say about it? Firstly, genetic factors. Indeed, there are genetic data, that the family first-degree relatives of a suicide 4 times more likely to commit suicide, that is most prone to this type of behavior. Twin studies: monozygotic twins is 20 times more likely to commit suicide, if one of the twins did, then the second, according to statistics, the risk increases 20 times. Di-zygotic twins, according to various estimates, up to 4% increased risk of suicidal behavior.

Biochemical factors found in patients who have attempted suicide, but survived. In the study of their biochemical finding increasing serotonin reuptake, especially in the frontal lobes of the brain. Interestingly, when neuropsychologist conducts neuropsychological testing of patients who committed suicide, he finds a certain deficit in the functions of the frontal lobes of the brain, that is the mentality of a suicide works a little differently. There suicide typology in its most general form. For example, patients who commit impulsive suicide - when faced with some major stress thrown out the window, or scratch themselves, scratching his hands very impulsively. It turns out that they have a deficit on neuropsychological tests, and it coincides with the data of functional MRI - deficit areas of the orbital frontal lobes of the brain. But in patients who are planning a long suicide deficit is the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex functions. What does this mean? The fact that the people as a result of their having the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex deficit can not find different solutions to their problems because of the damage to areas of the brain associated with the formation of rigidity. People get stuck in its negative state and can not find a solution. In contrast, healthy people who have these areas of the brain to keep, can find solutions.

Social factors that determine the nature of suicide, have been studied for a long time. The pioneer in this matter was the sociologist Emile Durkheim - one of the founders of the science of sociology. He connected with the public suicide. When it has certain characteristics, when the society is very contradictory, when there is some sensible rules, there is such a thing as anomie, that is being lost. Man gets lost, rootlessness in society and anomie leads him, in terms of Durkheim, suicide. On the one hand - a social stratum, social phenomenon. On the other hand, there are a number of social and psychological processes at the macro level, which is also determined suicide. As an example, here is usually the so-called Young Werther syndrome. After the publication of the book Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther" swept through Europe a series of suicides that were caused, are believed to be influenced by this book, because it was the fashion for young people were impressed by the spirit of Romanticism, which was then.

With regard to the prevention of suicidal behavior, it is unlikely now you can talk about it from the perspective of social factors. Social factors that directly affect the number of suicides, it is very difficult to identify. Prevention is likely to be carried out on the level of biological factors, that is, research should concentrate in finding the complex biological reasons, to these people at a very early level to identify and organize them in a special way on Wednesday. But this task is very distant future.

A much more simple task - is to work with people who are in unfavorable socio-psychological conditions, in terms of conflict, in which the mind is structured in a certain way, not yet sufficiently developed. Because we know from the media that teenage suicide - this is the central problem, because the immature psyche, which has an anti-suicidal and suicidal psychological factors are more prone to suicidal behavior. Teens at risk, they should be given attention - those who are in adverse social or socio-psychological conditions, in terms of what is called bullying - is baiting at school. Teenagers, who are prone to use drugs, are at risk, and these groups need to educate, socio-psychological and psychotherapeutic.


Citric Acid and Succinic acid drugs for a hangover

02 Feb 2017

Have a good Monday! How after the rest with alcohol to maintain vigor?

Weekend Camping promise to be fun. You took care of barbecues and snacks, as well as sufficient quantities of alcohol. And that will be on Monday, yet do not want to think, so as not to spoil the impression of the rest. But as you know, the best treatment - is prevention. A few simple rules will help to get away from alcohol storm and kick-start the work week.

Choose high-quality original alcohol

This rule will not only save a good impression about the rest, but in some cases will save from severe poisoning. In addition to the poor quality fakes, there are cases of replacing methyl ethyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol has a strong toxic effect on the body, and its use can lead to death. To distinguish the fake from the original by their appearance can be very difficult, so buy alcoholic drinks only in licensed outlets, major supermarkets, specialty stores. Check on the bottle tax stamps, be sure to take a check. Another criterion - price: good expensive brands of alcohol can be very cheap! And never buy booze with it, especially in unfamiliar person.

Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach

Intoxication comes quickly when you drink on an empty stomach, because of the fact that the liquid itself is not retained in the digestive tract. Alcohol absorbed into the blood stream almost immediately, already partly in the oral cavity. But if you had a good meal, this process slows down considerably, and the impact on the liver will not be as strong. Gradually getting into the blood, small amounts of alcohol are disposed at a uniform rate, and will not have a lack of alcohol dehydrogenase - the enzyme that helps to process alcohol. Fatty foods further slows the absorption of alcohol, further creating a film on the walls of the stomach.

How much beer or vodka you can drink at a time?

The amount of alcohol drunk decided to count units. One unit of alcohol - a 10 ml of pure alcohol: about as much healthy liver can process in an hour. A safe dose of pure alcohol for men - 2-3 units per day (depending on body weight) for women - 1-2 units. On average, one unit of alcohol - that's 30 grams of vodka, 150 ml of dry wine, 250 ml of light beer. In this case at least three days a week is necessary to fully cost without alcohol.

All that you drink over a specified norms will affect your health. Yet reduce the negative impact of alcohol on the body can be accelerated by its utilization, spurring metabolism.

Use modern drug of intoxication and hangover - Limontar

The correct solution before going on a picnic with friends to take with packaging Limontar drug. This is a simple way to reduce the toxic effects of alcohol in the process, and after the use of intoxicating beverages. You can also like Semax.

Limontar regulates metabolism and accelerates the process of formation of energy in cells by direct effect on the redox processes. In this case no additional burden on the liver, the drug does not have: a part of the body's natural for citric and succinic acid. Even if you have not calculated their rate of alcohol and drank more, you have the ability to quickly get in shape.

Limontar, as a remedy for hangover, will begin a new work week in a good mood and with a reserve force. The drug neutralizes the negative effects of alcohol abuse on a cellular level, helping to restore a normal electrolyte composition and remove toxins.

Of course, even a modern and effective drug hangover will not be able to solve all the problems that are associated with alcohol abuse. Remember that regular excess of normal amounts of alcohol leads to the development of alcohol dependence.


How to remove a hangover - Citric Acid and Succinic acid

02 Feb 2017

When alcohol is losing

Often we pursue "unforeseen" situations in which it is simply impossible to refuse a glass of champagne, and then, perhaps, from a glass of vodka and cognac. What to do (especially motorist) - drink a glass, leave the car and derail all of the planned business or give up? Worries and how you will feel the next day after the "serious" banquet: hardly "exhaust" is clean and bright head.

In any situation, the aid can come Limontar is capable of reducing the toxic effects of alcohol on the body. Please pay attention to Semax.

Studies have shown if you take a pill Limontara for 20 - 30 minutes before you drink a glass of champagne or a glass of vodka and one tablet after, there is a great chance after 60-80 minutes to have a blood alcohol level of less than 0.03%.

I wish that when protracted banquet "was morning without a hangover?" It is necessary to take advice and to take the period of intoxication 1-3 times (all there "sleep it off" will not help!) On a tablet Limontar.

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