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Noopept for sale - Plain water improves mental ability

01 Mar 2017

A recent study showed that water can stimulate several aspects of human mental activity.

During the experiment, one group of volunteers carried out the test items on the cognitive functions of the brain after drank three cups (775 ml) of drinking water and the other group members to meet the challenges did not drink anything. It turned out that quench the thirst coped with the test better than those who did not get water.

According to published in the journal «Frontiers in Human Science» results, quenching thirst frees up additional resources of attention, which leads to some increase brain performance.

However, as it turns out, is not always water has beneficial effects on brain activity, in some cases, providing the exact opposite effect, worsening of brain activity. "Perhaps when a person drinks water, it improves performance of some tasks and makes it difficult to find solutions to other, the same thing - if you refrain from water", - says one of the researchers Caroline Edmonds, school psychology fellow at the University of East London.

Noopept for sale - nootrop innovation, developed by Russian scientists, helps the brain to better adapt to the damaging effects and other adverse factors, worsening memory, attention and learning ability. Action Noopept physiological for the body, because based on the formation of the active compound with a complex called cyclo-prolyl-glycine is present in our brain. That this substance is also called "peptide memory."

In an interview with "LiveScience" Edmonds said: "Thirst, in some cases, increases mental activity, as the hormone vasopressin, is responsible for the feeling of thirst, is also associated with attention and arousal processes of mental activity."

Conducted earlier experiments have shown that dehydration reduces the productivity and efficiency of the brain, and studies conducted on children, revealed that water consumption can improve memory.

Also recently, scientists have discovered that the lack of water significantly impairs the speed of reaction of the person when the volunteers are not allowed to drink, they reacted by an average of 14% slower.

By the way, if you are looking to using water to improve brain function, do not drink too much of it: possible water intoxication when excess water washed from human blood sodium.


Noopept Buy – 10 ways to improve memory

01 Mar 2017

In life, always something happens: it is necessary to do everything and not forget anything. It can be difficult, and even harder to find the time to read about improving memory books, so here are some short tips from Kevin Daum - columnist, marketer, best-selling author.

1. Create a routine
We always remember where to get keys or sunglasses, because all the time we put them in the same place. Sometimes, when you "knock down the program," and put them in another place to find them can cost big deal. The same thing happens with important information. Put what is useful to you in a special folder and e-mail on the desktop, and you'll always know where to find them.

2. Break the routine
Every day you carry the keys in the right pocket? Break the system, put into the left! In the morning, when you go, your pattern of behavior change slightly. Try to go to work, or a new way to meet friends, not where Think for five consecutive years. This is a good exercise for the creation of new ideas and a great way to break the mechanical procedure.

3. Eat more useful food

Eat more useful food there are a set of products that actually enhance the brain - that is all that is full of vitamins and specific antioxidants. Add in the diet of green tea, blueberries, salmon, cabbage (including color and broccoli), dark chocolate, turmeric. Experts say that a glass of red wine - is also very good for the memory. You can read a book on the topic of food "for the brain."

4. Sleep More
Good sleep - a clear head and fresh ideas. The less you sleep, the more load the its memory, and as a result - are starting to forget. To keep the brain in a state of "full readiness", the body must be relaxed. Do not forget take Noopept for better results.

5. Cultivate your intellect
The brain will work better if you teach him to continuous operation: solve problems, puzzles, learn languages. In the end, "practice" can be, and at the party - try to remember the names of the first time.

6. Draw history
Names and numbers that are stored on their own hard, even harder to remember out of context. We received new information? Tie it to anything with which it is associated in the first place. Let this be a special environment: background, detail. Next, determine the order of events, which reproduce in the mind to remember the answer. Suppose you need to remember the number 96-32-45. May 9 - a sofa, 6 - pole, 3 - throne 2 - janitor, 4 - stroke, 5 - the heel. Draw a story: a sofa located on a long pole, - a throne for the janitor, who was drunk as hell and scratching his heel. The funnier, vulgar and absurd history, the less likely to forget it.

7. Record
Today, the problems from the device is no longer: computer, tablet, phone - anywhere you can take notes and keep records. But to truly convey information to the brain can only handle. The very fact that you are writing, reproduces the text more clearly in the head, and the problem of its restoration is lost.

8. Be creative
Compose poems or songs, to record events in memory. It's really powerful tools. For example, there is a known mnemonic phrase to remember the number π - «How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics», where the number of letters in each word corresponds to its figures. And in Russian: "How do I want and wish to get drunk devils after these stupid reports suggestive of severe depression." But in general, of his own phrases are always better remembered.

9. hung up on an important
To transfer facts from short-term memory into long-term (the problem of all students), it is necessary to fix the important and focus on it for a count of 8 alligators (rabbits, lions, monkeys). According to science, it seems to us, difficult process requires only 8 seconds.

10. Exercise
Since childhood, the familiar "mens sana in corpore sano" has not been canceled. So you make the brain work better and faster than doubled. Lyricist came up with 18 ideas for new columns, making 10-kilometer run, and all the 18 well-remembered.

11. Noopept Buy

Noopept Buy has vegetative normalizing effect, ie reduces the headaches, dizziness, palpitations, helps normalize sleep and get rid of irritability and emotional lability.


Noopept Nootropic supplement

28 Feb 2017

Neuroprotective drugs, or as they are called, nootropics (from the Greek noos-mind and tropos-turn directions.) - Are drugs that selectively improving brain function and increasing it to various damaging factors stability. Russian scientists have for decades studied the properties of the brain, then developed and patented an innovative drug in this group - Noopept.

Noopept tablets

Noopept - a unique nootropic drug is a peptide structure, which affects memory 3 stages: initial processing, storage and retrieval (playback). In addition, Noopept has neuroprotective properties, protecting the brain from harmful influences and restores its function after injuries. Noopept have confirmed the presence of vegetative-normalizing action, that is, the ability to reduce the headaches, dizziness, palpitations and meteozavisimosti in autonomic-vascular disorders.

Noopept has
Vegetative-stabilizing, anxiolytic and antiastenicheskim action;
Complex effect on the rheological properties of blood;
Prove the effectiveness and safety in the cognitive disorders of different genesis (vascular and traumatic), including: compared with piracetam;
The development of high-grade nootropic action already 2-3y week of therapy;
The lack of psychostimulant action;
A favorable safety profile and a wide therapeutic window.

Violations of memory, attention and other cognitive functions, and emotionally labile disorder (including elderly patients) when:

consequences of traumatic brain injury;
commotion syndrome;
cerebral vascular disease (encephalopathy different genesis);
asthenic disorders;
other conditions with symptoms of decline of intellectual efficiency.

It has proven efficacy and a favorable safety profile with cognitive disorders of different genesis (vascular and traumatic), including: compared with piracetam.

Noopept - Preparations for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system.
INN Chemical name: ethyl ester of N-phenylacetyl - L- prolylglycine


Next - painkiller

27 Feb 2017

NEXT - a modern combination analgesic broad spectrum permitted for OTC.

next, next painkiller

The combination of the two components - ibuprofen and paracetamol - has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Due to the rapid and directed action NEXT able to cope with the pain as soon as possible. The components of the drug affect the two main mechanisms of formation of pain - peripheral and central. The complementary action of analgesics as part of NEXT preparation allows to use it in many different kinds of pain.

NEXT - a new broad-spectrum analgesic, with a pronounced analgesic effect.

NEXT - capable of quick release from the pain - so you can feel the life to the fullest!

The official name - NEXT
Category - analgesic and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
INN - ibuprofen + paracetamol

Indications for Next painkiller

Headache (including migraine)




Back pain


Articular pain

Pain for bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures

Post-traumatic and post-operative pain

Feverish states (including the flu and colds)

Dosing and Administration of Next Painkiller

Inside, after a meal.

Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose - 3 tablets.

Children older than 12 years (body weight more than 40 kg): 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Duration of treatment is not more than 3 days as antipyretic and not more than 5 days - as an analgesic.

Continuation of treatment is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

The packaging NEXT read the phrase "combined analgesic", what does it mean?

The composition of the two active ingredients (component) NEXT drug enters, has a pronounced analgesic effect, but differ in their mechanism of action. Paracetamol has a central analgesic action, while Ibuprofen - predominantly peripheral analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Combination analgesics with two different modes of action provides a different effect on the pathogenesis (blocks formation), pain, allowing for greater efficiency and thus improve the safety profile (by reducing the dose of paracetamol, compared to monotherapy).

At the pharmacy I was offered instead to try a new analgesic Nurofen NEXT What is the difference between them?

The composition includes Ibuprofen Nurofen - it relates to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect mainly in peripheral tissues - by blocking the enzymes cyclooxygenase 1 and 2. NEXT is a combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol. Paracetamol affects the central component of the formation of pain - because It does not act in the peripheral tissues and the central nervous system. The combination of two analgesics with different mechanism of action allows for faster and more pronounced clinical effect.

Can NEXT drug addictive?

The results of these studies the efficacy and safety of the drug component - paracetamol and ibuprofen - indicate a lack of tolerance and dependence in their application, even in the case of long-term use. In addition, please note that, according to the medical application instruction, the maximum duration of the reception NEXT preparation is no more than 3 days as antipyretic and not more than 5 days - as an analgesic. Longer treatment is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

NEXT How the drug is effective for headache?

Due to the presence of the two drug substances analgesic acting on various links of the pathogenesis of pain, including headache NEXT can be effectively used for headache various genesis. Directed, complementary action of the two components has a rapid therapeutic effect and a pronounced analgesic action.

The instructions to the drug NEXT in the testimony given to the use of "headache (including migraine)." And what is the difference?

Headache can be due to various reasons, there are currently more than 100 types of headaches. Headache may be the leading symptom in more than 45 different diseases. This migraine is a self-diagnosis, due to the nature of its development mechanisms (in particular, the participation of neurogenic and vascular factors) and the serious impact on the overall well-being and even the quality of life of patients. Treatment of migraine headaches require an integrated approach, with the preparations of paracetamol and NSAIDs, are usually the first step in migraine therapy.

Can I use the NEXT during pregnancy?

Studies on the effect of NEXT on the drug during pregnancy has not been. The use of paracetamol during pregnancy is permitted with care by a physician. Ibuprofen is contraindicated in the III trimester of pregnancy, and can be used with caution in I and II trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, use of the drug is contraindicated during NEXT III trimester of pregnancy; if necessary, use of the drug in the I and II trimester of pregnancy should be careful - the application can only be prescribed by a doctor in cases where the potential benefits outweigh the possible risk.


Cerebramin tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

26 Feb 2017

Active substance: Nucleoprotein complex isolated from the cerebral cortex of cattle.

ATC - V81FC Group: Other drugs

Pharmacological group - Nootropics; Supplements - proteins, amino acids and their derivatives.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F07.2 Postcontusion syndrome;

F81 Specific developmental disorders of learning skills;

I60-I69 Cerebrovascular diseases;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

S06 intracranial injury;

T90.5 Effects of intracranial injury.

Cerebramin Composition, structure and packing

Coated tablet contains nucleoprotein complex isolated from the cerebral cortex of cattle.

Cerebramin Pharmacological action

Cerebramin has biocontrol effect on brain cells. Cerebramin has cerebroprotective, metabolic, anticonvulsant activity. Stabilizes the brain bioelectrical activity, increases the integrative function.

Cerebramin Dosage

Inside, for 10–15 minutes before eating 0.01–0.02 g 2–3 times a day for 10–15 days (repeat the course in 3–6 months).

Cerebramin Overdose

Currently, the cases of drug overdose have been reported.

Cerebramin Drug Interactions

Simultaneous use of Cerebramin with antidepressants may intensify their actions.

Cerebramin at Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated in pregnancy. Precautions: drug administered in lactation.

Cerebramin Side effects

Allergic reactions, increased blood pressure (with concomitant hypertension).

Cerebramin Indications

Disruption of brain function in various forms of disorders of cerebral circulation, reduced intellectual-mental functions and mental health consequences of traumatic brain injury.

Cerebramin Contraindications

Pronounced renal dysfunction;

Status epilepticus;



Precautions: drug administered in lactation.

Cerebramin Cautions

Precautions should be prescribed the drug for allergic diathesis, epilepsy.

Cerebramin Reviews

Helen, 37 years, Cerebramin effective neuroprotective drugs.
The effect of the drug is not immediately noticeable. Action had delayed. The drug is first accumulated in the tissues of the brain, it carries in its work and in the time we see the result, usually about two weeks later, after the course.

This is what happened after the drug my daughter. At first I did not see any effect, but after about two or three weeks the child began to actively repeat after adult words, phrases. Cerebramin gave impetus to the active speech.

My second experience with the drug - in combination therapy after suffering a stroke. I can not say exactly what action has made it Cerebramin because many drugs have been assigned. But at the end of treatment. Pope's condition improved markedly. He earned the arm and leg, and he became more coherent and clear talk.

The drug Cerebramin recommend, because in my experience, I have noticed a real result from its use.

Jane, 30 years, Effective drug in neurology.

Advantages: There are about 6 months old, does not cause hyperactivity gain, normalize sleep, improves cerebral blood circulation, improves memory.

Hello! Cerebramin child neurologist prescribed. Baby I have a hyperactive delayed speech development. Prior to that used Cortexin and were very pleased with its effect, but the doctor said that the drugs are better for alternating, so there was no "addiction" (Reducing the effectiveness of the drug).
The child became less harmful
Hyperactivity occurred no amplification (some nootropics such an effect can be, especially if high dose).
Improved mood baby
Dream of falling asleep and remained the same (although, I hoped that he would fall asleep faster).


Meldonium Siede Effects. Stroke - the second most killer of people in Russia

26 Feb 2017

Stroke is the second most "killer" of people around the world. Today in Russia, among the causes of death is the second stroke after myocardial infarction, and on this indicator Russia ahead of European countries.

"Stroke is on the first place in mortality in modern Russia, ranking first among the reasons for the reduction of life expectancy. Statistics states: at a stroke 30-day mortality rate is more than 30% ", - such data is held in Moscow press conference," The creators Mildronate against rumors and speculation, "voiced MD, Professor, Head. the Department of outpatient therapy, Russian State Medical University Medical Faculty them. Pirogov Irina Ivanovna Chukaeva. Actualizing the problem, the professor pointed out that, according to statistics, of the patients who survived a stroke, 30% are unable to walk on their own, 30% require constant care, and only 20% of the survivors can return to work. In addition, stroke recurrence occurs in one in five over the next 5 years.

"The problem of stroke in Russia is very serious, and the search for medicinal aid techniques in the framework of the basic treatment of stroke seems urgent problem of neurology - confirmed MD, professor, Academy of Natural Sciences, Head. Department of Neurology, Russian State Medical University. Pirogov, honored doctor of the Russian Federation Anatoly Fedin. - Unfortunately, our country is "the leader" in terms of mortality from stroke. At the same time, it is worth noting that there have been positive changes made possible by the current country program for the fight against strokes "in the past five years. According to the doctor, in the five years of the program, there was also a positive statistic, indicating a decrease in morbidity and mortality.

Undoubtedly, an important point of the program, in general, designed to ensure that the equipment, the services of specialists and drug assistance became available to a larger number of patients are also high-quality, affordable and effective medicines. One - cytoprotective means Mildronate.

The studies revealed a positive result from the inclusion Mildronats drug (meldonium) in complex drug therapy in patients with stroke, which resulted in reducing neurological deficit, raising the level of motor and activities of daily living.

"Mildronats (meldonium) has cardioprotective and neuroprotective action - that is, to protect the heart and brain of the patient's head, - says AI Fedin, noting that in the instructions for use of the drug in the second place there are acute (stroke) and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. - Why talk about the neuroprotective effect of the drug? The fact that in cerebrovascular disorders - both acute and chronic - the so-called developing ischemic cascade, the cascade is a chain of adverse reactions. And break these reactions or influence on them - and is one of the challenges facing physicians. And then the therapeutic value of the drug Mildronats very great - thanks to it is possible to protect the brain and other organs from the damaging effects of free radicals generated during the cascade. "

To date, in respect of the preparation Mildronats accumulated huge evidence base. He published more than 150 scientific papers - the results of clinical trials, including multicentre trials, and with a large sample of patients. These studies were conducted Mildronate in accordance with the standards of Good Clinical Practice, therefore, have a high degree of evidence.

The professor stressed that among the drugs for the basic therapy in patients with stroke draw attention medicines with multifactorial influence, the use of which allows you to not only have an impact on the various links in the pathogenesis, but also to reduce the pill burden. Such drugs include, in particular, Mildronate. Mildronate effectiveness has been proven in hundreds of studies - a "help" the drug included in the complex therapy, which includes other medicines. "For us - practitioners - very important is the fact that a drug that we prescribe to their patients, has an extensive evidence base. Mildronat well studied in different groups of patients with different diagnoses. " Examples AI Fedin mentions studies on patients with minor stroke, a study on the use of the drug in chronic ischemia studies in patients in the postoperative period, studies of patients with brain injuries, as well as various studies of older people, including a study on the impact of the application of mildronat falling health, activities of daily living and cognitive impairment iissledovaniya aimed at studying the efficacy of preparatau patients with acute ischemic stroke. The professor stressed that all studies have shown that Mildronat has a positive effect - in patients receiving preparatv addition to the basic treatment of ischemic stroke, a statistically significant reduction in neurological deficit. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on cognitive function (memory, attention, mental performance), provides neuroprotection and reducing action.


Meldonium Usage. Why meldonium drew attention Anti-Doping Agency?

26 Feb 2017

Meldonium - metabolic means, normalizing the energy metabolism of cells exposed to hypoxia or ischemia. It supports energy metabolism of the heart and other organs.

This definition meldonium citing Wikipedia leads platform for social journalism.

Since 2012, the Russian Federation meldonium included in the list of vital and essential medicines. Not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the US. On January 1, 2016 it is in the current list of banned in the sport WADA substances.

Further, meldonium produces under the brand name "Mildronat" Latvian company "Grindeks". According to information on the company's website, the drug is registered or recorded in almost all former Soviet republics except Estonia and Turkmenistan, as well as in Bulgaria, Turkey, China and Vietnam. In Western countries, it is not licensed.

According to the manufacturer's promotional materials, "usually elevated body burden of lead to rapid loss of strength in the case of the use of body mildronata trained to withstand the load, use oxygen efficiently and quickly restore energy reserves to prepare for new stress."

This, obviously, and attracted the attention of WADA. All 2015 meldonium officially been under surveillance. This meant that detected in doping tests of athletes traces of the drug were not considered anti-doping rule violation, but the agency is systematically monitored the statistical regularities of its use. Those. WADA has full information about who and where he took meldonium. Who owns the information, owns the world!

The monitoring meldonium banned from January 1, 2016. According to the WADA Code to ban the drug or method it must meet any two of the three criteria: scientific evidence of actual or potential enhance sport performance, the actual or potential threat to athlete health and / or the "definition of WADA that the substance or method harms the spirit of sport."

So what criteria WADA meldonium become fit?

As reported, citing USA Today March 10, a source familiar with the situation, the reason for the ban was meldonium study, which funded the Partnership for Clean Competition - US Anti-Doping profit organization established National Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). According to the source, in March 2014 USADA received confidential information that athletes from Eastern Europe meldonium use to improve their results.

As you know, any research needed money. Typically, grants are distributed to these works - 80-100 thousand dollars. And here (attention!) Efforts combined ... US Anti-Doping Agency (the USADA), United States Olympic Committee, MLB baseball and American Football League NFL. A strange mix. The last two of these are generally outside of the Olympic sports. Moreover, they are generally outside the Code World Anti Doping Agency (WADA): Commercial League once identified, they have "all his" and no subordinate. At WADA has extraterritorial powers, World agency can dictate terms to the sports world. But the big American League, living in the immediate vicinity of the North American headquartered WADA in Montreal - no. And the organization is actually from different planets came together. For what? Learn meldonium!

The results were published in the journal Drug Testing and Analiysis in November 2015. There, in particular, said: "Using mildronate, which may based on the drug substance is confirmed by certain analytical data allowing to assess its prevalence in professional sports." Try to guess what meaning bears the phrase ...

That's what he thinks about the reasons for banning the creator meldonium: "I think that the prohibition meldonium - this lobby carnitine producers. This drug is the most common nutritional supplement used by athletes, bodybuilders. Our group, which at the time was developing meldonium unfortunately ascertained that carnitine - rather offensive tool, which can affect the development of atherosclerosis. " So that manufacturers do not want to lose your business and want your ban affect competitors or those who point to carnitine cons. Like this…

And so, I will summarize: The ban meldonium simply magnificent "doublet" by not amateurs in the sport and financial capital at the same time. After all, it is wonderful, on the one hand to "punish" mainly Russian athletes for alleged "dirty game" and on the other hand to make a "dirty tackle" a developer and manufacturer of effective sports medicine, which is taken in head to aim a blow at this effectively selling drug carnitine.

Best time to come up with such an attack, and it was impossible and "opponent" did not miss his chance, sums up the journalist.


Mildronate for Sale. Mildronate - medicine for the heart, exposed to overload

26 Feb 2017

Concealer Mildronate energy metabolism of cells is shown as in the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases, and the emotional and physical overload, and during the recovery period.

At a press conference held in Moscow "creators Mildronate against rumors and speculation," leading national experts in the field of cardiology, neurology and sports medicine spoke about the use of the drug Mildronat sick, and discussed the need for the drug during the emotional and physical overload. At that time, as a Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head. the Department of outpatient therapy, Russian State Medical University Medical Faculty them. Pirogov Irina Ivanovna Chukaeva, MD, Professor, Head. Department of Therapy, Clinical Pharmacology and ambulance Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry Arkady L. Vertkin and MD, professor, Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head. Department of Neurology, Russian State Medical University. Anatoly Ivanovich Pirogov paid attention Fedin cardioprotective and neuroprotective properties of the drug and the wider evidence base, k.m.n., Assistant professor of medicine sportivnoy, Master of Sports Anastasia V. Mikhailov, as well as the creator of the drug Mildronate and Academician of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Professor Ivars Kalvins told about the research confirmed the need to take Mildronate in the recovery period and under physical overload.

"This group includes, for example, athletes, whose bodies are subjected to severe physical tests. Mildronate containing the active substance meldonium, helping them to avoid irreversible changes in the body - says I. Kalvins. - Among the young athletes to sudden death ten times more than the average for the population. 92% died of sudden death, died during training or competitions. In the US, every third day, and now every other day, a young man dies a sudden death on the playground. We must help them "" Mildronate -. It is primarily a quality, safe and effective medication, which is widespread in clinical practice in many countries of the world - about the creation in the 70 years of the twentieth century, the preparation described by its inventor Professor Ivar Kalvins. - The efficacy of high-grade confirmed by preclinical and clinical trials, which were held for over 30 years by researchers from the different countries in accordance with international standards of research. " Indications for use of the drug are ischemic heart disease (angina, myocardial infarction), congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy dyshormonal, acute and chronic circulatory disorders of the brain (stroke and cerebrovascular insufficiency). As experts point out that the drug is indicated for healthy people in the recovery period and at reduced performance and physical overexertion.

His words are confirmed by the head of the laboratory of sports cardiology VPO Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism A. Mikhailova. According to her, about 20% of the athletes are clear signs of over-voltage of the cardiovascular system and the need to apply Mildronat or other preparations containing meldonium.

"The signs of overstrain the cardiovascular system are about 20% of the athletes, especially in cyclic sports - she said. - Mildronate well in this regard, has a clear positive trend. And it shows not only these 20%, but also those who are prone to such problems with the body. Otherwise the cardiovascular system of these people can not cope with the increasing workload. No cardioprotection they can not do - suffer from heart. "

Mildronat occupies a special place among the group of medications cardiovascular drugs. This drug provides protection and energy supply bodies of different cells of the cardiovascular system. Terapevtive Mildronate effect of the drug due to its unique mechanism of action.
"The action of the drug on the heart Mildronat similar to the internal combustion engine principle - we feed the heart, fuel and air. And one must match. Otherwise, the engine stalls. Our heart is also the engine, but instead of fuels - fatty acids and sugars. And if there is a lack of oxygen, acid does not burn. So, you can restrict their flow. Otherwise, fats are activated to dissolve the cell membrane. This happens when people exceed certain limits, "- said Professor effect of the drug. "Everyone, including athletes, has rights, including - the right to live [a healthy life] and pursue a career. When it comes to overload, to help maintain health can Mildronat ", - said the academician, noting, however, that with the help of a drug Mildronat 'nobody will jump higher and run farther."
It should be noted that the effectiveness of Mildronate included into a complex therapy, which includes drugs and other mechanisms in hundreds of studies proved. According to Professor AI Fedin, to date, in respect of the preparation Mildronate accumulated huge evidence base: published more than 150 scientific papers - the results of clinical trials, including multicentre trials, and with a large sample of patients, conducted in different years in the EU, the CIS and Japan. Etiissledovaniya Mildronate preparation carried out in accordance with the standards of Good Clinical Practice, therefore, have a high degree of evidence.

It is advisable to recommend Mildronat as a cytoprotective agent for psycho-emotional and physical overload. as a protection of cells, in order to protect them from damage muscles and heart attacks in case of overload.


Mildronate Doping. Stress and overload - causes of accidents in the workplace

26 Feb 2017

April 28 is World Day for Safety and Protection. Experts point out that every year an increasing number of accidents in the workplace, which are the cause of stress and overload.

Note that the number of accidents at work caused by stress and congestion is increasing rapidly. "The state of health of workers indirectly affect the socio-economic conditions that occur on the job, the larger the amount of work is too rapid pace of work, long working hours without rest. This causes congestion and stress that negatively affect the health of the worker ", - experts say.

To file a complaint of pain in the heart of more young people seek medical attention. Up to 40 years, people do not think about their health - they are too much work, unhealthy eating, drinking alcohol, leading a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, the physical resources are exhausted. After 40 they begin acute health problems, manifested precisely when increasing the load - the heart needs more oxygen, but in vessels of atherosclerotic changes have occurred, so oxygen delivery difficult.

Unfortunately, we can not give up the unhealthy lifestyles and the rapid pace of life, and to give up the endless changes. Hence, stress is inevitable at the same time, stress can be controlled. The drug, which helps to cope with stress and congestion known - it Mildronate doping(Mildonium Doping). This drug helps to regulate the body's response to stress and to adapt to adverse conditions. Also, in terms of stress and physical and mental overload Mildronate gives the body an opportunity to make better use of resources and energy. " Eating Mildronate, a person actually trains the body and prepares it for survival in an extreme situation.


Meldonium Effects. Successfully completed clinical study Mildronate

26 Feb 2017

JSC «Grindeks» informs that the company has successfully completed a clinical study on the effect of the original product Mildronate tolerance of exercise in patients with angina.

International clinical study conducted company "Grindeks" in collaboration with scientists with a wealth of experience, scientific advisors and foreign contract organizations in accordance with 'good clinical practice »(ICH / GCP) and the requirements of the regulations of the European Union on I - IV phases of clinical trials.

A randomized, multinational, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted in 37 Mildronate research centers in Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine. During his studied Mildronate therapeutic effect on the treatment of angina. The total volume of «Grindeks» investments in research totaled $ 1.6 mln.

Director of Research and Development of JSC «Grindeks» Nilss Poritis: "Patient selection, collecting all data and documentation were conducted in accordance with the requirements of the study protocol and the international standards of" good clinical practice ". Progress in research centers are strictly controlled, and its quality was checked and it was repeatedly confirmed by the results of the audit, which took place in research centers and in the company of «Grindeks» ".
Director of the Institute of Organic Synthesis, inventor Mildronate, scientific consultant clinical trials Ivars Kalvins: "As the inventor of the drug, I have always been convinced of the therapeutic efficacy of Mildronate® that confirmed and clinical practice, and research for many years. The results of the just concluded an international clinical trial once more approve effectiveness and the high reliability Mildronate® in the treatment of angina in combination with standard therapy. "

Chairman of the Board of JSC "Grindeks" Janis Romanovskis "Mildronate medication is the main enterprise. I want to stress the importance of this product for Latvia - Mildronate repeatedly recognized as the most great Latvian product. Its efficacy in the treatment of heart disease and highly appreciated in professional circles - among physicians and pharmacists, and among patients in 14 countries. The results will contribute to sales and registration Mildronate medication to new markets. "

Chairman of the Board of JSC «Grindeks» Kirov Lipman: "Every year the Company invests sighted about 10% of the total turnover in research and development. This investment, which is impossible without the further growth of the pharmaceutical companies. Investments in research Mildronate unsuccessful. Positive results of clinical studies will support that "Grindeks" was able to take the next step - how Mildronate next generation to enter as soon as possible. "

According to the practice of clinical trials are now under development is the publication of the results of clinical trials Mildronate. The research results will be widely discussed in the scientific and medical community at various conferences and symposia.

Angina is one of the most common heart disease. For angina is characterized by a number of symptoms: heaviness and pain in the chest, tightness of breath, choking, insufficient oxygen supply of the heart. Often angina patient provokes a physical load. If you do not take measures for the prevention and treatment of angina pectoris attacks may occur more frequently, the symptoms become worse. Angina indicates serious problems with heart health and significantly affects quality of life.

About JSC "Grindeks"
JSC «Grindeks» is the leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States. The main activities are research, development, manufacture and sale of original products, generics and active pharmaceutical ingredients. «Grindeks» specializes in the heart and cardiovascular system, antineoplastic drugs and medications that affect the central nervous system.

The Group of «Grindeks» consists of four subsidiary companies in Latvia, Estonia and Russia; representatives and representative offices in 14 countries. The company's products are exported to over 40 countries and 96% of the total turnover. The main markets are the Baltic States, Russia and other CIS countries, as well as in Japan and America. The shares of JSC «Grindeks» shares are listed in the Official List «NASDAQ OMX Riga».

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