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Do not Be an Addict! How does Dependence arise?

29 Mar 2017

Speech today will focus on such a rare topic as receptors, about reducing or increasing their effectiveness.

In our issues, we often talk about increasing dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA, and how good it all is. Technically, there is no deception. The nervous system of high order is a completely different way of life and thought.

However, there is a downside! Have you ever wondered why we recommend taking either a course like piracetam and hyperzin, or occasionally, 1-2 times a week, things like DMAA, Phenibut? Organism is important rest and today you will understand why. You can buy Phenibut.

So, if we go down to the level of biochemistry, then our whole life is a pursuit of positive neurotransmitters and hormones. Most people get them with less acceptable work, cigarettes, alcohol and leave. Someone is fanatic in some kind of activity: sport, business, science, art, career. Someone takes drugs.

These are pieces on the surface of cells with which neurotransmitters interact. If a person bursts out from some upcoming event, then he develops dopamine, which is attached to the right receptors, providing an emotional experience.

Depending on the amount of the neurotransmitter, the receptors can first increase or decrease their activity, and then increase and decrease the number of receptors. First, the activity changes, and then a specific number of receptors.

For example, let us recall the previously voiced situation: work 5/2 and drink at the weekend, the person has 30 receptors on the cage and within 5 working days his impulse produces 5-7 molecules of dopamine, and when he swells at the weekend with a friend - then 12 -15. It turns out, he does not have a very good mood for 5 days and a good 1-2 days. In the second situation, the goal-oriented person, stable 9-11 molecules and jumps from 7 to 20, the mood is always better than normal. In the third, drug addiction - 4 molecules and waves at 50-70 before euphoria.

The most dangerous situation is the 3rd, slightly worse 1 and optimally - 2nd. Well, enough with children's examples, we turn to neurobiology.

Densitization of receptors
In the case of high jumps in any neurotransmitter, desensitization of the receptors or loss of sensitivity occurs with time. This explains the desire to increase the dosage of something. On the other hand, during the lifetime of "no drugs", this is much slower and the quality is, in general, useful, it helps to strive for more. You bought your first Lada - a lot of dopamine, then you got used to it and you want something better - let's say a 7-year-old unpretentious foreign car and so on. The body does not know that drugs artificially gives you a sports car for several hours, it reduces the sensitivity of receptors! As a result, a poor addict either increases the dosage or sits in a depression, because the peak of dopamine has been asleep the day before yesterday, and the sensitivity of the receptors is restored several weeks.

It is clear that the periodicity in reception for desensitization is necessary. The first techniques of almost any drugs are felt identically, then everything is much worse. But enough with the addicts!

As you probably already understood - loss of sensitivity of receptors - the process is useful and it motivates not to sit still, under normal conditions. By the way, if you get through the connection to a steep paid place - the sensitivity will fall almost like that of drug addicts, hence the inadequate behavior of majors.

Decreased receptor density
This process occurs after persistent desensitization and it is longer, according to different data, 2-3 months and the difference is palpable. The process adapts to the new reality, when there is a lot of dopamine, and sensitivity is reduced. For example, a drug addict regularly takes drugs and, at first, the sensitivity of receptors decreases, and then the receptors die. And normally he will feel himself only after a few months, when the activity begins to increase, and then the number of receptors.

Place of nootropics
It is logical that you asked the question: "So nootropics are like drugs, they also increase dopamine." And the answer is: Sugar also increases dopamine, the difference in the power of lifting! Nootropics are simply unable to act as much as narcotics, that's why they actually unrealistic to rely on, although, judging by the comments, many are desperately trying. This small increase is just felt in the form of brain activation, enlightenment, etc. And usually people direct this to something useful.

In fairness, it should be noted that long-term administration, in theory, can also lead to desaturization and a decrease in the density of acetylcholine and dopamine receptors, although not as strong as in the case of drugs, but there are also loopholes about them later.

How to feel the buzz again from a cup of coffee?)
Now you know the right answer with all the laws of biology: you need to increase the sensitivity and then the density of the receptors!

The quest for asceticism, as Steve Jobs said, "Stay hungry, stay foolish." For 4-8 weeks, forget about watching TV shows, drinking, cigarettes, games. Some, like me, always drink something to the brain. Do not worry - do not be stupefied) This is the way - the best! You can even in the literal sense of the day to starve and then the receptors will become aggravated, and that's all. After a day of hunger, a plate of simple pasta or omelette will seem to you a delicious dish from an expensive restaurant. Well, you understand the logic, breaks are needed)

Route 2: Small doses of antipsychotics. This is dangerous, but effective. Immediately turn off dopamine, it is not, dull and depressed, the body is shocked and urgently increases the sensitivity and density of the receptors, so that that small background of dopamine works with a higher efficiency. Danger in the condition itself and side effects, here you really dull by a certain percentage. This way is bad.

How else to "strengthen" the receptors
- Physical activity. So decided nature, that training not only increases dopamine and serotonin, but also improves their connection with receptors. Therefore, the specific pleasure of practicing is exactly the same or better as it was a few years ago. (So here are some good reviews)
There is evidence that obesity causes a decrease in the amount of D2 of the dopamine receptor by 23%.

Intellectual activity, similarly physical supports the brain in its tone.

Substances that potentiate receptors

- Fluoxetine is an antidepressant.

- Inositol

- Phenotropil

- CDP-Choline

- Bacopa Monier

- Caffeine. A recent study showed that caffeine is not something that increases dopamine itself, along with blocking adenosine, but increases the density of dopamine receptors.

For most people, it will be enough CDP - holin or bakop, if you really want something to drink.

Bottom Line:
Now you understand that a constant increase in neurotransmitters leads to a weakening of the activity of their receptors. But there is a feedback, an increase in receptor activity leads to a decrease in the production of neurotransmitters. What is the solution?

First, breaks and periodicity in the intake of any additives. Secondly, traditionally HLS. Third, lean on the sources of choline, inositol, and bakop. The intake of stimulants can be supplemented with caffeine, it will smooth out the increase in the same dopamine, increase the sensitivity of the receptors, and the effects will be stronger, which will reduce dosage and less load the nervous system.
Well, I would like the article to bring you practical benefits! Good luck and see you soon!


Afobazol - original anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medication

28 Mar 2017

Afobazol is a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics and has a novel mechanism of action: through a system of sigma receptors it is able to strengthen the protection of the natural anti-anxiety nerve cells ( "endogenous system anxiolysis'). Afobazol has a special clinical profile, different from all other anti-anxiety agents:

- Afobazol effect occurs in the first week of reception and stored after treatment;
- Afobazole does not cause daytime drowsiness, dependence and addiction, as well as "cancellation" syndrome;
- Afobazol possesses not only anti-anxiety, and an activating effect;
- Afobazole suitable for the treatment of sleep disorders associated with anxiety as well as premenstrual syndrome and "cancellation" syndrome in smoking cessation;
- Afobazol compatible with most other drugs somatotropic, does not react with ethanol.


Can I take Afobazol with soothing herbal preparations and glycine?

Afobazol does not interact with sedatives herbal and glycine, may therefore be taken together. However, during the combination therapy should consult with a physician.

What is the maximum duration of therapy Afobazole?

Afobazol does not accumulate in the body, it does not cause addiction and dependency that makes it possible to safely conduct prolonged courses of therapy. The duration of a course of medication is usually 2-4 weeks, if necessary, the duration of treatment can be extended to 3 months. Typically, course duration depends on the initial state, its changes during therapy, comorbidities, the presence of external stress factors. Upon completion of a course of therapy you should consult with your doctor to decide on the further tactics of treatment.

How often can I repeat courses of Afobazol? What do you need a break between courses?

Afobazol can be taken without interruption for 3 months. After stopping the treatment effect of the drug is maintained for 1-2 weeks. The duration of breaks between courses of treatment depend on your condition and is determined in each case by the attending physician based on the results of your assessment of the state.

Compatible whether alcohol Afobazol?

Simultaneous reception Afobazol and alcohol is not contraindicated. However, it should be remembered that alcohol can have an adverse effect on the central nervous system, including the presence of anxiety disorders. Furthermore, the use of high doses of alcohol is harmful to the organism and can exacerbate symptoms of various diseases.

Hello, whether the application may Afobazol with birth control pills?

Interactions Afobazol and oral contraceptives have been identified, the combined use is not contraindicated.

After some time it is possible to plan pregnancy after discontinuation of the drug?

Afobazol quickly excreted from the body. At the same time, after the cancellation of any drug to make sure that the symptoms of the condition, because of which the drug was administered, and have completed the need to continue treatment with this or some other drug. Therefore, we recommend to plan pregnancy not earlier than 2 weeks after discontinuation of the drug.

Tell me, is it possible to take Afobazole during pregnancy? Thank you in advance

During pregnancy contraindicated use of many drugs, including Afobazol. Despite the fact that, according to experimental research Afobazol no negative impact on fetal development in animals, in pregnant women Afobazol effects are not well understood.

Hello, is it possible to take Afobazol while driving?

Afobazol no sedative action and does not cause deterioration of concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, so it can be taken by people to drive vehicles whose activities require increased attention and quick response.

Limes can use the drug in children?

According to the approved instructions Afobazol is not applicable for children under 18 years of age, because special studies in this category of persons was carried out.

Hello, is it possible to take afobazol while taking antidepressants?

The simultaneous use of antidepressants and Afobazol not contraindicated.

A drug may help at first hand?

Afobazol The drug reduces the severity of anxiety disorders of various origins. The therapeutic effect is not immediately, but gradually. And although the first improvement can be felt quite quickly, a significant effect is on 5-7y days of treatment. The optimal duration of treatment course - 2-4 weeks, if necessary, receive Afobazol can be extended to 3 months.

Can I take Afobazol during lactation?

Due to the lack of clinical data on the use of Afobazol during breast-feeding should not take the drug during lactation. If necessary, it should consider the reception of termination of breastfeeding.

What side effects can cause Afobazol?

Side effects Afobazol include: allergic reactions, in rare cases, described the occurrence of headache that usually resolves on its own and does not require discontinuation of therapy.

In some cases, the use of contraindicated Afobazol?

Admission Afobazol contraindicated if you are hypersensitive drug during pregnancy, lactation and children under the age of 18 years.


Betaserc (Betahistine) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

26 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Alvert, Balanse, Betagam, Beta-Histina Bluepharma, Betahistina, Betaistina ratiopharm, Betaserc, Betavert, BHT, Histavert, Histigo, Invert, Meni, Neuvert, Serc, Urutal, Vernil, Vertin, Vertix, Acuver, Agiserc, Alfinor, Antivom, Asniton, Avertin, Bestin, Betabare, Betabere, Betabire, Betagan, Betagen, Betahistin Actavis, Betahistin Arcana, Betahistin Mylan, Betahistin Nucleus, Betahistin Orifarm, Betahistin PharmaS, Betahistin ratiopharm, Betahistin Pliva, Beta-Histina Actavis, Beta-Histina Generis, Beta-Histina Germed, Betahistina MK, Beta-Histina Mylan, Betahistina, Betahistine - Sunve Pharm, Betahistine - Tiange Pharm, Betahistine 2 HCl Accord, Betahistine 2HCl A, Betahistine 2HCl Abbott, Betahistine 2HCl Biogened, Betahistine 2HCl DOC Generici, Betahistine 2HCl GenRx, Betahistine 2HCl Mylan, Betahistine 2HCl PCH, Betahistine 2HCl Wise, Betahistine Actavis, Bétahistine Actavis, Betahistine Apotex, Bétahistine Arrow, Bétahistine Biogaran, Bétahistine Biphar, Bétahistine Bouchara Recordati, Betahistine diHCL Actavis, Betahistine diHCl Apotex, Betahistine diHCL CF, Betahistine Dihydrochloride, Betahistine Dihydrochloride-Generics, Bétahistine EG, Betahistine Merck, Betahistine Mylan, Bétahistine Mylan, Betahistine PLIVA, Bétahistine Qualimed, Bétahistine Ranbaxy, Bétahistine Ratiopharm, Bétahistine RPG, Bétahistine Sandoz, Betahistine Teva, Bétahistine Teva, Betahistine Walmark, Bétahistine Winthrop, Bétahistine Zydus, Betahistine.2HCl Disphar, Betahistine.2HCl Sandoz, Betahistine.2HCl US Pharmacia, Betahistine, Betahistine-IPS, Betahistin-Mepha, Betahistin-ratiopharm, Betaistina Actavis, Betaistina Angenerico, Betaistina DOC, Betaistina Mylan, Betajuna, Betakele, Betakile, Betakole, Betakule, Betalan, Betalane, Betalase, Betalene, Betalese, Betalose, Betalune, Betaluse, Betanil Forte, Betarevin, Betareze, Betarive, Betarove, Betaruve, Betaserc, Beta-Synto, Betavert N, Betistine, Bhistine, Blestar, Blestar forte, By-Vertin, Clensan, Divetrin, Dizynil, Doc Betahi, Docbetahi, Ecycle, Elven, Fidium, Fortamid, Histigen, Histimerck, K.U.N., Ketozine, Labirin, Lavistina, Lectil, Marbeta, Menaril, Meniex, Merison, Meterlon, Microser, Microserc, Neatin, Nilasen, Nisulin, Nodizy, Normini, Novo-Betahistine, Polvertic, Rislon, Riva, Ronistina, Serc, Sincrover, Slonlin, Teva-Betahistine, Tiniril, Travelmin, Undizz, Urutal, Vasomotal, Vasoserc Fort, Vasoserc, Vasoserc-BID, Verdiz, Vergo, Verhist, Verist, Vertigen, Vertigon, Vertimed, Vertisan, Vertiserc, Vertix, Verum, Vestibo, Visep, Xi Qi Ting, Zenostig, Zevert, Aequamen, Aequamen forte, Ankumin, Behistin, Besutin, Betadine, Betahis, Betahistane, Betahistin AL, Betahistin STADA, Betahistine-Eurogenerics, Betahistin-ratiopharm, Betavert, Bymeniere, Darvon, Deanosart, Extovyl, Histigo, Meniace, Menietol, Menitazine, Meris, Merislon, Merlin, Mertigo, Meslon, Mesytol, Metahislon, Mitapop, Noverty, Novirex, Papaverian, Remark, Ribrain, Vastigo, Vercure, Versilon, Vertex, Vertilate, Windpin, Merislon, Suzutolon.

Active substance: Betahistine dihydrochloride.

Betahistine dihydrochloride (brand names Veserc, Serc, Hiserk, Betaserc, Vergo) is an anti-vertigo drug. It is commonly prescribed for balance disorders or to alleviate vertigo symptoms associated with Ménière's disease.

Betahistine chemically is 2-[2-(methylamino)ethyl]pyridine, and is formulated as the dihydrochloride salt. Its structure closely resembles that of phenethylamine and histamine.

Betahistine has a very strong affinity as an antagonist for histamine H3 receptors and a weak affinity as an agonist for histamine H1 receptors

Betahistine has two mechanisms of action. Primarily, it a full agonist on the H1 receptors located on blood vessels in the inner ear. This gives rise to local vasodilation and increased permeability, which helps to reverse the underlying problem of endolymphatic hydrops.

More importantly, betahistine has a powerful antagonistic effects at H3 receptors, thereby increasing the levels of neurotransmitters histamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and GABA released from the nerve endings. The increased amounts of histamine released from histaminergic nerve endings can stimulate receptors. This stimulation explains the potent vasodilatory effects of betahistine in the inner ear, that are well documented.

Betahistine seems to dilate the blood vessels within the inner ear which can relieve pressure from excess fluid and act on the smooth muscle.

It is postulated that betahistine's increase in the level of serotonin in the brainstem inhibits the activity of vestibular nuclei.

ATC - N07CA01 Betahistine.

Pharmacological group - Angioprotectors and proofreaders of microcirculation; Gistaminomimetcs.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

G45.0 syndrome vertebrobasilar arterial system;

G46 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases;

G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified;

H81.0 Meniere’s Disease;

H81.9 Violation of vestibular function, unspecified;

H83.9 disease of the inner ear, unspecified;

H91 Other hearing loss;

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I69 Effects of cerebrovascular diseases;

T90.5 Effects of intracranial injury;

Z100 * Chapter XXII Surgical Practice.

Betaserc (Betahistine) Composition, structure and packing

Tablets are white, or almost white, round, biconvex, with beveled edges, with a mark on one side and engraved “289” (“267”, “289”) on both sides of the risks and the “S” icon on the “∇” on the other side of the tablet;

Betaserc (Betahistine) Pharmacological action

Synthetic analogue of histamine. Agonist of histamine H 1 receptor vessels of the inner ear and an antagonist of histamine H 3 receptors vestibular nuclei of the CNS. According to preclinical studies by relaxing the sphincter pre-capillar vessels of the inner ear improves blood circulation in the inner ear vascular shelf.

Dose-dependently reduces the generation of action potentials in neurons of the lateral and medial vestibular nuclei. Accelerates the recovery of vestibular function after unilateral vestibular neurectomy, faster and easier central vestibular compensation (due to antagonism with histamine H 3 receptors). Eases symptoms of Meniere’s syndrome and vertigo.

Betaserc (Betahistine)Pharmacokinetics

When oral betahistine is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After absorption, the drug is rapidly and almost completely metabolized to form the inactive metabolite 2-pyridylacetic acid.

Upon receiving the drug at a dose of about 8–48 mg of 85% of the initial dose is found in the urine as a 2-pyridylacetic acid. Excretion of betahistine kidneys or through the intestines slightly. The elimination rate remains constant at 8–48 mg oral preparation, indicating linearity betahistine pharmacokinetics, and suggests that the metabolic pathway is involved remains unsaturated. Upon receiving the food preparation the maximum concentration of drug in the blood is lower than in the fasting state. However, the total absorption of betahistine same in both cases, indicating that ingestion of only slows down the absorption of betahistine.

Betaserc (Betahistine) Dosage

The drug is prescribed inside while eating. The dose should be individualized depending on the response to treatment.

Adult dose is 24–48 mg/day. Betaserk 8 mg Betaserk 16 mg Betaserk 24 mg

Dose/multiplicity of reception Table 1–2. 3 times/day 1/2–1 tab. 3 times/day 1 tab. 2 times/day

16 mg tablet 24 mg tablet can be divided into two equal parts. To do this, place the tablet on a hard surface Valium up and push it with your thumb.

Improvement sometimes observed only after a few weeks of treatment, and a stable therapeutic effect - after several months of treatment. There is evidence that use of the drug early in the disease prevents its progression and/or hearing loss at a later stage.

Despite limited data from clinical studies, extensive post-marketing experience suggests that dose adjustment in elderly patients is not required.

Special clinical studies in patients with renal and/or hepatic impairment have not been conducted, but postmarketing experience suggests that dose adjustment in these patients is not required.

Betaserc (Betahistine) Overdose

There are several known cases of overdose.

Symptoms: slight and moderate nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain were observed in some patients after taking the drug at doses up to 640 mg. More serious complications (convulsions, cardiopulmonary complications) were observed at the deliberate acceptance of betahistine in high doses, especially in combination with other drugs overdose.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

Betaserc (Betahistine) Drug Interactions

Studies in vivo, aimed at studying the interactions with other drugs have not been conducted.

Based on in vitro, can assume the absence of inhibiting the cytochrome P450 isozymes in vivo.

Betahistine is an analogue of histamine blockers interaction Betahistine H 1 histamine receptors could theoretically affect the effectiveness of one of these drugs.

The patient should inform the doctor about taking any medicines now or in the recent past.

Betaserc (Betahistine) at Pregnancy and lactation

Available data on the use of betahistine in pregnant women is not enough. The potential risk for humans is unknown. Betahistine not be used during pregnancy except absolutely necessary.

It is not known whether betahistine with breast milk. Should not be prescribed the drug during breastfeeding. The question of appointing a drug Betaserc mother should be taken only after comparing the benefits of breastfeeding to the potential risk to the infant.

Betaserc (Betahistine) Side effects

From the digestive system: often (from ≥ 1/100 to <1/10) - nausea and dyspepsia.

The nervous system: common (≥ from 1/100 to <1/10) - headache. The incidence of headache patients treated betahistine was similar to the frequency of cases in the group of patients receiving placebo.

In addition to these effects identified in clinical trials, post-marketing use in the process and in the scientific literature reported the following adverse effects. Insufficient data are available to estimate their frequency.

From the digestive system: moderately expressed vomiting, gastro-intestinal pain, bloating. Typically, these effects usually disappear after dosing with food or after a dose reduction.

Allergic reactions: hypersensitivity reactions, including angioneurotic edema, urticaria, pruritus, rash, anaphylactic reaction.

Betaserc (Betahistine) Indications

Meniere’s syndrome, characterized by the following symptoms:

Dizziness (accompanied by nausea, vomiting);

Hearing loss (deafness);


Symptomatic treatment of vestibular vertigo (vertigo).

Betaserc (Betahistine) Contraindications


Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Betaserk not recommended for use in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy.

With caution and under close medical supervision should be administered to patients with Betaserk bronchial asthma, gastric ulcer and/or duodenal ulcer.

Betaserc (Betahistine) Cautions

Precautions should be prescribed to patients with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer history. In the period of the drug, patients with pheochromocytoma and asthma should be under medical supervision.

Risk on tablets 24 mg tablets intended for breaking to facilitate swallowing and is not intended to divide it into 2 equal doses.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

It is believed that the effect of betahistine on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms is absent or negligible, because in clinical trials involving the use of betahistine, effects, potentially influencing this ability has been detected.

Betaserc (Betahistine) Reviews

Ben, 35 years, Tablets from vertigo Betaserc - Effective with dizziness and noise in my head.

Efficient, Betaserc high-quality drug.

This is the original drug. The best of our betahistine, is nothing much. For those who suffer from dizziness, noise in my head, or someone just storm from side to side, it's a godsend.

Usually these symptoms indicate cerebro-sclerosis or just on the cerebral circulation. You can also try it on drink headaches.

Tablets gives very well help in the first week of admission, but the rate should be brought to a victorious conclusion. Duration of treatment establishes a physician, I believe that the time frame is - from one month to six months. The course may be repeated one or two times a year. And someone is enough for one course, everything depends on the disease.

Also, the dosage is adjusted individually. Very often, this drug is prescribed neuroscientists, but we therapists and paramedics often use a good drug.

In general, if you or your loved ones dizziness, buzzing in the ears, headaches and loss of coordination - consult with your doctor about this medication.

Marine, 33 years , Tablets from vertigo Betaserc - good preparation from vertigo

good help for dizziness, tinnitus, and also serves for prevention

My mother suffers from hypertension for over 20 years and constantly drink tablets, 2 times a year she goes drip, injections, in general, lies in a hospital. The aggravation of hypertensive crisis she is usually in the spring, now just has already begun spring, and the pressure she jumps up to 180 mm. Hg. Art. The doctor has appointed her:
-Cytoflavin 10 ml 0,9% NACI solution
-Piracetam 20% 5 ml / jet (we introduce 2 vials since she appointed 10 mL)
- Vitamin B12 / m ą10
-Betaserc 1 tablet 2 times a day 3 months
After applying betaserc she disappeared headache, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, and during the crisis she has always had a headache, flashed "before the eyes of flies," was the general weakness, nausea.

The drugs are effective after a few months of taking, as it helps with hearing loss. A good drug. Tablets are generally produced by 24 mg.


Noben (Idebenon) pills - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

26 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Amizal, Cerestabon, Geniceral, Idecortex, Idesole, Lucebanol, Mnesis, Nemocebral, Pavertrin, Revize, Ulcourona.

Active substance: Idebenone.

ATC - N06BX13 Idebenone

Pharmacological group – Nootropics.

Idebenone (trade names Catena, Raxone, Sovrima, among others) is a drug that was initially developed by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive defects.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F03 Dementia, unspecified;

F06.6 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder;

F28 Other inorganic psychotic disorders;

F32 Depressive episode;

F48.0 Neurasthenia;

F90.0 disturbance of activity and attention;

G46 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases;

H93.1 Tinnitus (subjective);

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

R41.3.0 * Reduced memory;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

R51 Headache;

R53 Malaise and fatigue;

R54 Senility.

Noben (Idebenon) Composition, structure and packing

Yellow capsules, the contents of capsules - granulate containing granules and powder of yellow or orange-yellow with orange and white highlights.

Excipients: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, potato starch, low molecular weight povidone, magnesium stearate.

Noben (Idebenon) Pharmacological action

Nootropic drug. Improves metabolic processes in the brain by activating the synthesis of glucose and ATP, improving blood flow and tissue oxygenation of the brain contributes to the removal of lactate. Has antioxidant properties, slows lipid peroxidation and thereby prevents neuronal membranes and mitochondria from damage. You can buy Noben.

Also has psychoactive effect and neuroprotective properties. From the first days of taking the drug is anti-astđenic, psychostimulant and antidepressant action. Nootropic action manifests itself, usually after 20–25 days of therapy.



After oral dose idebenone is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, C max in plasma observed after 4 h after administration.


Penetrate the BBB in significant quantities and distributed in the tissues of the brain. Not accumulates even after prolonged use.


Excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Noben (Idebenon) Dosage

The recommended dose is 30 mg (1 tablet) 2–3 times/day. Duration of treatment - 1.5–2 months depending on the severity of symptoms courses repeated 2–3 times a year.

Capsules taken after meals, the latter method - up to 17 hrs.

Noben (Idebenon) Overdose

Symptoms: increased severity of side effects.

Treatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, if necessary, symptomatic therapy.

Noben (Idebenon) Drug Interactions

Prescribed drug interaction Noben not described.

Noben (Idebenon) at Pregnancy and lactation

With careful use of medication during pregnancy and lactation.

Noben (Idebenon) Side effects

CNS: violation of sleep, mental agitation, headache.

Other: allergic reactions, dyspepsia.

Noben (Idebenon) Indications

Psycho-organic syndrome, cerebral blood flow and age involutional changes in the brain;

Cerebroasthenic vascular disorder, traumatic, psychogenic (neurasthenia) and combined etiology, manifested as impaired memory and/or attention, intellectual productivity and reduce overall activity, emotional lability, asthenia, asthenic-depressive and moderately severe depression, headache, dizziness, tinnitus.

Noben (Idebenon) Contraindications

Chronic renal failure;

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Noben (Idebenon) Cautions

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

Should not be taken during transport drivers and others whose profession requires quick mental and motor responses.

Noben (Idebenon) Reviews

Clair, 21 years, "Noben" - A very good stimulant for the brain
Effective medicine
Five years ago, my life has really changed dramatically. All in a pile - marriage, a new job, and admission to the university. At first, everything as it happened on the emotions and everything is easy to give, but two years later came the terrible feeling of fatigue. Dizziness, memory loss, and even some sort of melancholy in bulk. I went to the reception to the therapist, it is recommended to consult a neurologist. It turned chronic fatigue syndrome. And I had not guessed? Work and Study plus plus household chores. I think I overestimated its capabilities). Treatment was surprisingly not difficult. Propyl Nobena course and felt much better. Vertigo stopped, the blues receded and memory, by the way, has improved markedly. So if someone like symptoms, and go to the doctor once, you know, there is such a drug Noben. Its properties and descriptions, I will not describe here can search in google and read. I can only say that it is suitable for all age categories, it improves brain function, feeding it with oxygen. I'm his classmates introduced himself and his mother. I wish you all good luck and do not be depressed (you know, the blues have a cure!).

Olga, 27 years, "Noben" - I became more active, fatigue disappeared, became much better to remember.
Gone fatigue, better start to remember something, respond faster

After my neurologist complaints residual peculiar shape of the object when it is offset to the left, he had some tests and sent me for an MRI of the brain. Well, after description he appointed me Mexidol, Tenoten and Noben:
All these 3 drugs at the same time I applied, but still convinced that each act on a specific problem: fatigue, forgetfulness, stress, depression, and other things that I have found a doctor after a fairly long dialogue before prescribing medications.

I think that helped me Noben improve memory, I became more actively something to do as well as much faster to respond to these problems (there was a time when I began to do some things a little more slowly than before, and this impacted on an incomprehensible fatigue).
In common with many primary and secondary issues I handled, and what is required to this drug Noben.


Encephabol (Pyritinol) - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

25 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Bonifen, Encefabol, Encepan, Encephabol, Fitina, Piritinol L.CH., Acon, Ai Nao Xing, An Jie De Xin, Bonitrop, Cerbon–6, Encefabol 600 MD, Encefabol Forte, Encefabol, Encephabol, Encephabol forte, Enerbol, Italram, Ling Bo Kang, Memonol, Piritinol Diclorhidrato Mintlab, Piritinol, Pyrithioxin, Pyritil, Pyritinol - New Asiatic Pharm, Pyritinol New Asiatic Pharm, Pyritinol-Hua Nan Pharm, Tian Shu Qing, Xin Te, Yi Shou, Ying Luo En.

Active substance: Pyritinol.

ATC - N06BX02 Pyritinol.

Pharmacological group - Nootropics.

Pyritinol also called pyridoxine disulfide or pyrithioxine (European drug names Encephabol, Encefabol, Cerbon 6) is a semi-synthetic water-soluble analog of vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl).

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F01 Vascular dementia;

F03 Dementia, unspecified;

F79 Mental retardation, unspecified;

F90.0 disturbance of activity and attention;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

R41.0 disorientation unspecified;

R41.3.0 * Reduced memory;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

S06 intracranial injury;

T90.5 Effects of intracranial injury.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Composition, structure and packing

- Encephabol (Pyritinol) Tablets, coated yellow, shiny, round, biconcave. The cross section showed two layers.

Excipients: sodium carmellose 7000 - 1.6 mg magnesium stearate - 3.2 mg colloidal silicon dioxide - 4.8 mg, carboxymethyl sodium - 6.4 mg lactose monohydrate - 19.8 mg, cellulose powder - 24.2 mg, quinoline yellow dye 70% - 30 mcg wax mountain glycol - 80 mcg, gelatin - 800 mcg, acacia gum - 1.7 mg, wheat flour - 8.2 mg titanium dioxide - 9.0 mg, kaolin - 14.2 mg, talc - 14.3 mg, sucrose - 121.69 mg.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Oral suspension milky white, viscous, with a fragrant smell.

Excipients: Sodium saccharine dihydrate - 1.1 mg methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 3.25 mg propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 1.75 mg of citric acid monohydrate - 5 mg Potassium sorbate - 6.75 mg Povidone - 50 mg colloidal silicon dioxide - 50 mg Hydroxyethylcellulose - 60 mg, glycerol 85% - 250 mg, 70% sorbitol solution - 750 mg, the essence of natural special - 10 mg, a cocktail of natural essences - 2.5 mg, purified water - 4029.15 mg.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Pharmacological action

Nootropic drug. Increases pathologically decreased metabolism in the brain tissue that is caused by increasing the capture and utilization of glucose increases the metabolism of nucleic acids and the release of acetylcholine at synapses of the nerve cells, improve cholinergic transmission in the nervous tissue.

Pyritinol helps to stabilize the structure of cell membranes of neurons and their function through the inhibition of lysosomal enzymes, preventing the formation of these free radicals.

Encephabol improves the rheological properties of the blood, erythrocytes increase ductility by increasing the content of ATP in the membrane, which leads to a reduction in blood viscosity and improving blood flow.

Improves blood flow in the ischemic areas of the brain, increasing their oxygenation intensifies glucose metabolism in primary ischemic brain regions. As a result of improved performance memory and restores the metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, which contributes to the full functioning of its cells.


Absorption and distribution

After taking the drug orally Pyritinol rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is 85% on average (76–93%). After taking the drug orally at a dose of 100 mg C max Pyritinol plasma achieved in 30–60 min.

Plasma protein binding is 20–40%. Pyritinol and its metabolites penetrate the BBB, metabolites accumulate predominantly in the gray matter of the brain. Repeated dose accumulation is observed.

Metabolism and excretion

Pyritinol rapidly biotransformed to form the next major metabolites: 2-methyl–3-hydroxy–4-hydroxymethyl–5-methyl-mercapto-methyl-pyridine and 2-methyl–3-hydroxy–4-hydroxymethyl–5-methyl-sulfonyl-methyl-pyridine. Conjugated metabolites are excreted primarily by the kidneys. The total urinary excretion within 24 h of 72.4–74.2%, with most of the dose was excreted within the first 4 h after administration. Through the intestine displayed only 5%. T 1/2 is about 2.5 hours

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations

If the kidney function toxic concentrations are not achieved.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Dosage

Dosing regimen set individually, depending on the severity of the condition and the effectiveness of therapy.

For the average adult dose is 600 mg/day (2 tabs., Or 10 ml of the suspension 3 times/day).

Newborn Encephabol prescribed with 3 days after birth, 20 mg (1 ml suspension) per day during the month, the drug should be given in the morning. Children aged 2 months to increase the dose of 20 mg (1 mL) each week as long as the daily dose not reach 100 mg (5 ml of suspension).

Children aged 1 to 7 years is prescribed in a daily dose of 50 mg to 300 mg depending on the indication (2.5–5 ml suspension for 1–3 times/day).

For children older than 7 years of daily dose ranges from 50 mg to 600 mg (for 2.5–10 or 1–2 ml of the suspension tab. 1–3 times/day).

Should take the drug during or after meals. Sleep disturbances last daily dose should not be taken in the evening or at night. Note that in 1 teaspoon - 5 ml of suspension.

The duration of treatment depends on the clinical picture of the disease. In acute conditions and appointment of the drug in high doses noticeable therapeutic effect is achieved within a few hours or days.

In chronic diseases (including the effects of traumatic brain injury or dementia) conspicuous therapeutic success achieved after 2–4 weeks of treatment. Optimal and sustainable effect is usually 6–12 weeks. Duration of treatment for chronic diseases should be at least 8 weeks.

In infants at high risk for perinatal pathology average duration of treatment is 6 months, with 3 months you should check whether the indications for further treatment.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Overdose

Symptoms: increased side effects.

Treatment: gastric lavage, the appointment of activated charcoal. If necessary, symptomatic therapy.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Drug Interactions

With simultaneous application Encephabol can potentiate the side effects of penicillamine, sulfasalazine, gold and drugs.

Clinically significant interaction Encephabol with other drugs is not established.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) at Pregnancy and lactation

If necessary, use during pregnancy or Encephabol lactation (breastfeeding) should be related to the anticipated benefit to the mother and the potential risk to the fetus or infant.

Pyritinol crosses the placental barrier in small amounts excreted in breast milk.

In experimental studies have established the presence of a teratogenic or embryotoxic effect Pyritinol.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Side effects

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rarely - loss of appetite, changes in taste sensitivity, abnormal liver function (increase in transaminases, cholestasis).

CNS: possible sleep disorders, rarely - increased irritability, headache, dizziness, fatigue.

Other: allergic reactions of varying severity, usually manifested as a rash on the skin or mucous membranes, itching, fever.

Using the drug on the testimony at the recommended doses development of side effects is unlikely.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Indications

Symptomatic treatment of dementia syndrome (including primary degenerative dementia, vascular dementia, and mixed forms), accompanied by impaired memory, thinking, ability to concentrate, fatigue, lack of motivation and intentions, affective disorders;

Primary degenerative dementia, vascular dementia, and mixed forms;

Symptomatic treatment of chronic disorders of mental capacity;

Traumatic encephalopathy;

Cerebral arteriosclerosis;

The consequences of encephalitis;

Mental retardation;

Cerebroasthenic syndrome in children;

Encephalopathy in children.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Contraindications

Absolute contraindications

Hypersensitivity to Pyritinol.

Relative contraindications

Kidney disease in history;

Expressed human liver;

Pronounced changes in peripheral blood;

Acute autoimmune diseases (including systemic lupus erythematosus);

Myasthenia gravis;


Encephabol (Pyritinol) Cautions

In patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic diseases of the joints occurs hypersensitivity to compounds which include the SH-group, including to Pyritinol. These patients have a high risk of hypersensitivity reactions, immunopathological reactions, as well as violations of taste sensitivity and liver function. During the treatment of this category of patients requires systematic monitoring of common blood, urine, liver function, immunological parameters.

Suspension should not be administered to patients with Encephabol fructose intolerance, as the substance is formulated Sorbolo.

Hypersensitivity reactions to the drug may occur in patients with hypersensitivity to D-penicillamine, as the latter is similar to the chemical structure Pyritinol (thiol groups).

Use in Pediatrics

Not recommended to prescribe a drug in the evening and at night, children with increased excitability.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

When using Encephabol indicated, as a rule, there are no restrictions for those activities that require attention, rapid psychomotor reactions. However, given the likelihood of individual differences in response of individual patients to the drug at the beginning of treatment and dose increase should be considered the possibility of breaking the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Encephabol (Pyritinol) Reviews

Kate, 37 years, Encephabol - Improves memory, clears headaches, soothes.It nootropic medicine. Encephabol well tolerated, improves memory and its concentration, motor skills, the child becomes calmer, reduced or completely pass headaches.
Encephabol prescribed for condition after stroke, in anxiety disorders, with fatigue encephabol well appointed.

The price of this drug to 400 rubles, but we were given free encephabol as son undergoing rehabilitation at a rehabilitation center.

Encephabol happens both in tablets, suspensions and the son encephabol discharged tablets.

But do not take not a solution, it helps to develop a child, he became calmer, and less head aches, not crazy.

Nadya, 31 years, My daughter was prescribed Encephabol due to speech delay. At the age of 2 g. 7 months. was about 10 simple words. Pills month dose - 2.5 ml x 2 times per day. A little over a month since the beginning of reception of a preparation and daughter clear progress. Surprising every day new words, although some of them are hard to recognize, but because until then refused to speak at all. I am pleased!


Anxioytic Selank Peptide against Anxiety

24 Mar 2017


Anxiety is an integral part of our lives and usually occurs as a temporary reaction to the stresses of everyday life. This is an unpleasant emotional experience in which a person experiences discomfort from uncertain prospects.

anxiety selank peptide

Normal anxiety helps a person to prepare for unpleasant or dangerous situation for him, due to external factors. In a healthy person the feeling of anxiety is a temporary sensation.

Its duration depends on the duration of the traumatic situation. Since the emotional state of anxiety, mood changes that parallel the activation of the autonomic functions: increased blood pressure, pulse and change color, increased sweating, etc.

In some cases, anxiety may contribute to the emergence of fear - a state of waiting momentary concrete risk: for example, fear of exams, fear of death in the case of serious illness or performing hazardous tasks.

Also frequent cases of normal anxiety caused by specific reasons, a number of people have long baseless undefined excitement, danger feeling of inner tension, fearful expectations is not associated with a real threat.

For complacency patients have all the time to do something. It is typical for these restlessness, fidgeting, accelerated rhythm of speech, the constant rubbing of fingers, biting lips, nails. Often it is combined with restlessness and autonomic reactions. Similarly, developing pathological anxiety that underlies a number of diseases, which are combined into a group of "anxiety disorders".

The complexity of the current anxiety disorder involves serious rationale for the choice of the drug, which must meet the following requirements: efficacy, safety and tolerability, minimal drug interactions, rapid onset of action, the ability to cancel without incurring "withdrawal", the ability to use as a prophylaxis of anxiety.

That drug, effective for anxiety, anti-anxiety medications is a peptide - anxiolytic – Selank peptide.

It contributes to the early elimination of the imbalance of regulatory systems in the brain that causes the formation of feelings of anxiety, fear and anxiety and allows thereby to cure anxiety.

Due to medicine Selank:

reduced levels of stress, fear, inner and inner tension;
decreases the level of depression;
optimized operations emotional centers of the brain;
improved behavior;
It improves memory thanks to the influence on all stages of the formation of the memory trace (storage, processing / structuring, reproduction of information (!);
improves concentration;
increased tolerance to stressful situations, especially when changing the environment community;
stimulated performance, including thin;
improved sleep;
It normalizes the autonomic centers.

Selank is the drug of choice for socially active patients who want to preserve their way of life and full operability while minimizing the negative effects experienced by stress and related anxiety disorders.

Selank Dosage at treatment of Anxiety

Rules of admission "Selank"

The daily dosage of Selank - Reception 14 days;

Duration of reception - 3 drops in each nostril 2 times a day;

The amount of the drug on the course - The course of 4 bottles; 2-3 courses per year.


- In the vial contains 60 drops

- Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.


Sermion (Nicergoline) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

23 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Acerine, Adavin, Albotyl, Bieluzon S, Bolinon, Ceborin, Ceramon, Cereline, Cergodun, Cergoline, Chen Rang, Cholergol, Circulat, Ergobel, Ergotop, Eshinole, Fitergol (veterinary use), Fulutong, Ibunein, Jin Yi Xin, Kai Er, Lestmart N, Lexilin, Marileon N, Marion, Meilisu, Micermion, Nergolin, Nicer, Nicerbium, Nicergin, Nicergobeta, Nicergolin Towa Yakuhin, Nicergolin, Nicergolina Angenerico, Nicergolina EG, Nicergolina LPH, Nicergolina Sandoz, Nicergolin-CT, Nicergoline Biogaran, Nicergoline EG, Nicergoline Mylan, Nicergoline Ranbaxy, Nicergoline Teva, Nicergoline-SaiKe Pharm, Nicergolin-neuraxpharm, Nicerin, Nicerium, Nicerium uno, Nicerline, Niclostin, Nigoline, Nilogrin, Nixo, Qualigoline, Sawachion, Selphamin, Sermion Bb Farma, Sermion Programmi Sanitari, Sermion, Serolin, Seromin, Shi Nuo Da, Sinergolin, Sinja, Socwarl N, Varson, Vasogoline S, Wincl N, Ya Run Ji.

Active substance: Nicergoline.

ATC - C04AE02 Nicergoline.

Pharmacological group – Alpha-blockers; Cerebrovascular correctors.

Nicergoline (INN, marketed under the trade name Sermion) is an ergot derivative used to treat senile dementia and other disorders with vascular origins. It decreases vascular resistance and increases arterial blood flow in the brain, improving the utilization of oxygen and glucose by brain cells. It has similar vasoactive properties in other areas of the body, particularly the lungs.

It is used for vascular disorders such as cerebral thrombosis and atherosclerosis, arterial blockages in the limbs, Raynaud's disease, vascular migraines, and retinopathy. You can buy Sermion.

Nicergoline has been registered in over fifty countries and has been used for more than three decades for the treatment of cognitive, affective, and behavioral disorders of older people.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F01 Vascular dementia;

G44.1 Vascular headache, not elsewhere classified;

G45 Transient transient cerebral ischemic attacks [ attack ] and related syndromes;

G46 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases;

G93.9 defeat brain, unspecified;

I10 Essential (primary ) hypertension;

I15 Secondary hypertension;

I63 Cerebral infarction;

I66.9 Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified cerebral artery;

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I73.0 Raynaud’s syndrome;

I73.8 Other specified peripheral vascular disease;

I73.9 peripheral vascular disease, unspecified.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Composition, structure and packing

Tablets, coated orange, round, convex.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Pharmacological action

Drug improving cerebral and peripheral circulation, alpha-blocker. Nicergoline - derivative ergoline improves metabolic and hemodynamic processes in the brain. Reduces platelet aggregation and improves the rheological parameters of blood, increases the rate of blood flow in the upper and lower extremities. Has alpha 1-adrenoceptor blocking action that causes blood flow improvement. Has a direct effect on cerebral neurotransmitter systems - noradrenrergic, dopaminergic and atsetilholinergic. Against the background of the drug increases the activity of dopaminergic and noradrenergic atsetilholinergic cerebral systems that helps to optimize cognitive processes. As a result, long-term therapy Nicergoline observed sustained improvements in cognitive function and decrease the severity of behavioral disturbances associated with dementia.



After ingestion, nicergoline rapidly and almost completely absorbed.

Food intake or dosage form do not significantly affect the extent and rate of absorption of nicergoline. Pharmacokinetics nicergoline when used in doses up to 60 mg is linear and does not vary depending on the age of the patient.

Distribution and metabolism

Nicergoline active (> 90%) binds to plasma proteins, and its degree of affinity for the α-acid glycoprotein more than a serum albumin. It is shown that nicergoline and its metabolites can be distributed in the blood cells.

Major metabolites nicergoline: 1,6-dimethyl–8β-hydroxymethyl–10α-metoksiergolin (MMDL, hydrolysis product) and 6-methyl–8β-hydroxymethyl–10α-metoksiergolin (MDL, demethylation by the action of a product isozyme CYP2D6).

Ratio of AUC values for MMDL and MDL ingestion and/introduction Nicergoline indicates pronounced metabolism in the “first pass” through the liver. After receiving 30 mg of nicergoline inside C max MMDL (21 ± 14 ng/ml) MDL (41 ± 14 ng/ml) were achieved after approximately 1 and 4 hours, respectively, and then decreased with the concentration of MDL T 1/2 13–20 hr studies confirm the absence of accumulation of other metabolites (including MMDL) in the blood.


Nicergoline is displayed in the form of metabolites, mainly in the urine (approx. 80% of the total dose) in a small amount (10–20%) - from the feces.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations

In patients with severe renal impairment showed a significant decrease in the degree of removal of metabolic products with urine compared with patients with normal renal function.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Dosage

The drug is prescribed inside.

In chronic cerebral circulatory disorders, vascular cognitive impairment, post-stroke states Sermion appoint 10 mg 3 times/day. The therapeutic effect of the drug develops gradually and course of treatment should be at least 3 months.

Vascular dementia appoint 30 mg 2 times/day. In this case the patient is recommended every 6 months to consult with your doctor about whether to continue therapy.

In acute cerebral circulatory disorders, ischemic stroke due to atherosclerosis, thrombosis and embolism of cerebral vessels, transient ischemic attack (transient ischemic attack, cerebral hypertensive crises) is preferable to start treatment with parenteral administration of nicergoline, then continue taking the drug inside.

When peripheral blood flow disorders Sermion appoint 10 mg 3 times/day for a long time (several months).

Patients with impaired renal function (serum creatinine content of> 2 mg/dL) Sermion recommended for lower therapeutic doses.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Overdose

Symptoms: transient marked reduction in blood pressure.

Treatment: special treatment is usually not required, a patient for a few minutes is sufficient to take a horizontal position. In exceptional cases, the sudden circulatory disorders of the brain and heart recommend the introduction of sympathomimetic funds under constant control of blood pressure.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Drug Interactions

With simultaneous use may increase the effects Sermion antihypertensives.

Nicergoline metabolized by the action of isoenzyme CYP2D6, so we can not exclude the possibility of interaction sermion with drugs that are metabolized with the participation of the same enzyme.

With simultaneous use of nicergoline with acetylsalicylic acid may increase bleeding time.

Sermion (Nicergoline) at Pregnancy and lactation

In the absence of specific studies in pregnancy Sermion should be used only on strict conditions and under the direct supervision of a physician.

While taking the drug should abandon breastfeeding because nicergoline and its metabolites are excreted in breast milk.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Side effects

With the cardiovascular system: rarely - marked reduction in blood pressure (mainly after parenteral administration), dizziness, sensation of heat.

The nervous system: rarely - drowsiness or insomnia.

From a metabolism: may increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood, and this effect was not dose-dependent and duration of therapy.

Other: rarely - dyspepsia, skin rashes.

Side effects are usually easy or moderately expressed.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Indications

Acute and chronic cerebral metabolic and vascular disorders (due to atherosclerosis, hypertension, thrombosis or cerebral embolism, including acute transient ischemic attack, vascular dementia, and headache caused by vasospasm);

Acute and chronic peripheral metabolic and vascular disorders (organic and functional limb arteriopathy, Raynaud’s disease, symptoms caused by disturbance of peripheral blood flow).

Sermion (Nicergoline) Contraindications

Recent acute myocardial infarction;

Severe bleeding;


Violation of orthostatic regulation;

Lack of sucrase/isomaltase, intolerance fructose, glucose-galactose malabsorption;

Age 18 years;


Lactation (breastfeeding);

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Caution should be used for hyperuricemia or gout history and/or in combination with drugs that disrupt metabolism and/or excretion of uric acid.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Cautions

At therapeutic doses, Sermion, usually does not affect the blood pressure, however, in patients with hypertension, it may cause a gradual reduction in blood pressure.

The drug acts slowly, so it should be taken for a long time, and the physician should periodically (at least every 6 months) to evaluate the effect of treatment and if it should be continued.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

Despite the fact that Sermion improves concentration, the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and use machines has never been studied. Given the nature of the underlying disease, caution should be exercised in patients with potentially hazardous activities.

Sermion (Nicergoline) Reviews

Samantha, 27 years, Sermion - drug accelerated speech development in the child.

It stimulates mental activity, improves cerebral blood circulation

I want to share with you the effect of the use of the drug Sermion assigned to my child neurologist.
At the time of Sirmione little son was 1 year and 10 months. We turned to the neurologist with the following problem. The child is a lot of walking on tiptoe. When reminded him walking on heels, baby takes a few steps stepping on heels, and then again rising on tiptoes. The neurologist said that it is a consequence of the strong tone of the leg muscles and high intracranial pressure. It certainly should be treated, because it may progress and interfere with normal physical and mental development of the child.
The neurologist appointed us two drugs: Sirdalud and Sermion (5 mg).
About Sirdalud I wrote a review here.

It is the turn to share feedback about Sirmion.

During the month, in which he took the medicine, the child began to repeat almost behind us all the words. There has been a rapid speech development. Progress, of course, everyone noticed. Every day a child repeats more and more new words. At the next reception at the neurologist, I have shared with the doctor's son success. The doctor said that this was due to the adoption of stimulant. As I understand it, it was just about Sirmion.
Unfortunately, our main problem - walking on tiptoes son has not disappeared, and we will continue treatment, but other drugs.
Of course, Sermion - is a serious drug.
But I was pleased with the effect resulting from the reception of Sirmione my child.

Nasty, 33 years, Sermion - Improves cerebral and peripheral circulation, is an alpha-blocker

Quick effect really helps

Agree "Sermion" intended neurologist in combination with other drugs after an MRI revealed on several hernias and protrusions in the lumbar spine, and after my complaints about persistent headaches, and pain in the back and legs. The drug is given the result immediately after a couple of days.
"Sermion" - a drug that improves cerebral and peripheral circulation. Also it is an alpha-blocker.
"Sermion" improves hemodynamic and metabolic processes in the brain, reducing platelet aggregation, and improve blood rheology. "Sermion" also increases the rate of blood flow in the upper and lower limbs, has alpha1-adrenoceptor blocking action.

Pain in the back and in the legs disappeared. Ceased headache. I feel much better. Now I can safely walk with a child in the street and even run after him. And before I could not even properly go to the gym because of the terrible pain.
The general condition improved, no longer have to worry and get nervous over nothing.
By appointment of the neurologist I accept "Sermion" 3 times a day for 3 weeks. In combination with other drugs, "Sermion" give an excellent result. After further examination and clarification of diagnosis combined with medication will be prescribed as physiotherapy and massage (which I'm really looking forward to). As I understood neurological diseases quickly and simply can not be cured. I wish everyone good health!


Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

22 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Anvifen, Fenibut, PhGABA, Noofen.

Active substance: Aminophenylbutyric acid (4-Amino–3-phenylbutyric acid).

ATC - N05BX Other anxiolytics.

Pharmacological group - Nootropics; Anxiolytics.

Phenibut (fenibut, phenybut; brand names Noofen and Citrocard), contracted from β-phenyl-γ-aminobutyric acid (β-phenyl-GABA), is a central depressant and analog of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), or a GABA analogue. The addition of a phenyl ring allows phenibut to cross the blood–brain barrier. Phenibut was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, and has since been used there as a pharmaceutical drug to treat a wide range of ailments, including posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, asthenia, insomnia, alcoholism, stuttering, and vestibular disorders, among other conditions. In some other parts of the world, phenibut is not approved for clinical use, and is instead sold as a nutritional supplement. It has been reported by some researchers to possess nootropic actions for its ability to improve neurological functions, medical citation needed] but others have not observed these effects. It is generally accepted that phenibut has anxiolytic effects in both animal models and in humans.

Phenibut is a close structural analogue of GABA, as well as of baclofen (β-(4-chlorophenyl)-GABA), pregabalin (β-isobutyl-GABA), and GABOB (β-hydroxy-GABA). Phenibut is believed to act as a selective GABAB receptor agonist; studies are conflicting as to whether phenibut also acts as a GABAA receptor agonist. More recently, phenibut has been found to act preferentially as a blocker of α2δ subunit-containing voltage-gated calcium channels, similarly to gabapentin and pregabalin. As such, by definition, phenibut is a gabapentinoid.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F40.2 Specific (isolated) phobias;

F41 Other anxiety disorders;

F41.1 Generalized anxiety disorder;

F48 Other neurotic disorders;

F51.0 Insomnia inorganic etiology;

F95 Tics;

F98.5 Stuttering [ hesitation ];

G47.0 Disorders sleep and maintaining sleep [ insomnia ];

H81.0 Meniere’s Disease;

H81.9 Violation of vestibular function, unspecified;

R53 Malaise and fatigue;

T75.3 Motion sickness motion;

Z100 * Chapter XXII Surgical Practice.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Composition, structure and packing

Tablets are white or white with a slightly yellowish tint flat cylindrical form.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Pharmacological action

Nootropic agent is gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride. Facilitates the GABA-mediated neurotransmission in the CNS (direct effects on GABA-receptors) also has anxiolytic, psychostimulant, antiplatelet action and antioxidant.

Improves the functional state of the brain due to the normalization of tissue metabolism and effects on cerebral blood flow (increases the volume and the linear velocity of cerebral blood flow, reduces the tone of cerebral blood vessels, improves microcirculation, has antiplatelet effect). Contributes to the reduction or disappearance of feelings of anxiety, tension, anxiety and fear, normalizes sleep, has some anticonvulsant effect.

No effect on cholinergic and adrenergic receptors.

Lengthens and shortens the latency period duration and severity of nystagmus.

Reduces the appearance of fatigue and vaso-vegetative symptoms (including headache, a feeling of heaviness in the head, sleep disturbances, irritability, emotional lability), enhances mental performance.

Improves mental performance (attention, memory, speed and accuracy of sensory-motor reactions).

In exchange reception improves physical and mental performance, improves memory, normalizes sleep, improves the condition of patients with motor and speech disorders. Patients asthenia from the first days of therapy improves health, increases the interest and initiative (motivation activities) without sedation and arousal. When applied after severe head injury increases the number of mitochondria in perifocal areas and improves the course of bioenergetic processes in the brain.

When neurogenic lesions of the heart and stomach normalizes lipid peroxidation. In the elderly does not cause congestion and excessive lethargy, relaxing aftereffect often absent. Improves microcirculation in the tissues of the eye, reduces the inhibitory effect of ethanol on the CNS. Low toxicity.


High absorption, penetrates well into all tissues of the body and through the BBB (brain tissue penetrates about 0.1% of the administered dose, and in the young and the elderly are much more). Evenly distributed in the liver and kidneys. Metabolized in the liver - 80–95%, pharmacologically inactive metabolites. Not accumulates. After 3 hours, the kidneys begins to stand, the concentration in the brain tissue is not reduced and it is found in the brain for an additional 6 hours About 5% is excreted by the kidneys unchanged, partly - in the bile.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Dosage

Phenibut used inside after eating 2–3-week course. Adult drug administered 250–500 mg 3 times a day. If necessary, the daily dose is subsequently increased up to 2500 mg. Children from 2 to 8 years Phenibut appoint 50–100 mg, from 8 to 14 years - 250 mg 3 times a day. A single maximum dose in adults is 750 mg, in patients older than 60 years - 500 mg for children up to 8 years, 150 mg, 8 to 14 years - 250 mg.

For relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome Phenibut appointed in the first days of treatment on day 250–500 mg 3 times a day and 750 mg at night, with a gradual decrease to the usual daily dose for adults.

For the treatment of vertigo in vestibular dysfunction and Meniere’s disease Phenibut prescribed to 250 mg 3 times a day for 14 days.

For the prevention of motion sickness Phenibut take a dose of 250–500 mg once daily for 1 hour before starting pitching, or at the first light motion sickness. Antiseasick Phenibut effect increases with increasing dose. Upon the occurrence of pronounced symptoms of motion sickness (vomiting, etc.) into a destination of Phenibut ineffective even at doses of 750–1000 mg.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Overdose

Phenibut well tolerated by patients, in case of overdose is not observed serious side effects requiring discontinuation of the drug.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Drug Interactions

Extends and enhances the action of sleeping pills, narcotic analgesics, antiepileptics, antipsychotics and anti-Parkinsonian agents.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) at Pregnancy and lactation

With caution used in pregnancy, during lactation.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Side effects

CNS: increased irritability, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, headache, drowsiness.

From the digestive system: nausea (at first receptions).

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Indications

Asthenia and anxiety and neuroticism, anxiety, fear, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychopathy. Stuttering and tics in children, enuresis. Retention on the background of myelodysplasia. Insomnia and nightmares in the elderly. Prevention of anxiety arising prior to surgery and painful diagnostic studies (premedication).

Meniere’s disease, vertigo associated with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus of various origins (including at otogenny labyrinthitis, vascular and traumatic disorders), prevention of motion sickness when kinetosis.

Primary open -angle glaucoma (in combination therapy).

As adjunctive therapy in the treatment of alcoholism (for relief and psychopathological disorders in somatovegetativnyh withdrawal syndrome).

Treatment predeliric and delirious states in alcoholism (in combination with conventional means of detoxication).

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to Phenibutum.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Cautions

C wary of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver failure.

With prolonged use is necessary to monitor liver function and peripheral blood picture.

Ineffective when expressed phenomena of motion sickness (including uncontrollable vomiting, dizziness).

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

During the period of treatment should refrain from potentially hazardous activities that require attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) Reviews

Helga, 27 years, Nootropics Phenibut - To become a better memory.
It applies to the nootropics and tranquilizers, but since I had to buy without a prescription, the effect of tranquilizers components is very easy, there is no hypnotic effect. Only light calming effect.

What I liked this medication?

Improves cerebral circulation.
It improves memory.
Eliminates irritability.
Reduces sexual arousal.
It improves quality of sleep.

I prescribe this course, in this case one month. I am very pleased. My son almost lost nervousness, irritability ...
The drug he takes this in conjunction with pikamilon and glycine. But these drugs son and previously subscribed to, so I have something to compare ...

Irene, 37 years, Nootropics Phenibut - saves me from stress and depression.
Causes of stress and depression are different. The first time I was faced with a similar condition when I died folder. First, a long time crying, and then went into a deep depression. And time, as though, refused to treat me. I was not happy with the little daughter, irritated beloved husband ... I understand that with this condition it is necessary to do something. It suffered not only I, but all my relatives.
I make myself an appointment with a neurologist. Doctor in our out-patient department - an experienced woman, and, obviously, a lot to see. Inspections and questioning me, she immediately appointed Phenibut.
The medicine tablets. Not bitter, and sour taste.
I accept this remedy for a month, but already on the second day of admission was relieved. Out lump from his throat, adjusting sleep, irritability disappeared.
This medication really helped me. I think that it helps in other situations, such as if the difficult situation, and you need peace of mind and clarity of mind. Therefore box of phenibut I have always with you.


Toothache pain killer – Next painkiller for toothache

21 Mar 2017


Toothache or odontalgiya, it is a signal of our body that with oral is not all right. Soreness can occur suddenly and vary in intensity. Sometimes odontalgiya is so strong that without the help of medication for toothache can neither eat nor sleep, nor work. Therefore, the appearance of the unpleasant symptoms you need to turn to the dentist as soon as possible.

Toothache pain killer, best painkiller

What causes toothache

The appearance odontalgii often cause various dental diseases such as caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, as well as other changes, for example, exposure of dentin, cracks in the teeth, gums or tooth trauma during treatment. But there are times when the appearance of pain is the result of trigeminal neuralgia, sinus inflammation, cluster headaches, acute otitis media, and others. To suspect the true cause of a toothache can be by its nature.

Tooth decay is the gradual destruction of the tooth enamel to root. The pain in these cases may be of a periodic nature and appear as a reaction to cold, hot, acidic foods. If time does not cure tooth odontalgiya can disturb at every meal or to accompany the person all the time, indicating that it is necessary to take urgent measures in addition to use painkillers.

Periodontitis occurs due to inflammation of the tissues of the tooth apex and is characterized by constant aching and throbbing pain. Suspected periodontitis may also be in such obvious signs like swelling of the gums and loosening of teeth.

Pulpitis is the result of inflammation of the "flesh" of the tooth due to the penetration of pathogens through a crack in the enamel, or cavities. The pain may be of a different character from acute paroxysmal to constant nagging that is usually worse at night.

Exposure of the dentine, t. E. A yellowish layer under the enamel in the tooth neck area accompanied by bouts odontalgii in the use of cold or sweet foods, as well as inhalation of icy air.
Gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis, are inflammatory in nature and apart from dental pain accompanied by bleeding gums.

The drug for toothache
Unfortunately, when a toothache is not always possible for several hours to be in the dentist chair. Odontalgiya may be surprised in any situation, to break all the plans and significant impact on health. In order to temporarily relieve the state of waiting for doctor's reception, you can take the medicine for a toothache - analgesic drug a wide range of NEXT. This combined analgesic, which thanks to its member components - paracetamol and ibuprofen - affects various mechanisms of pain. That is why the remedy for toothache NEXT has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Thus, the modern drug toothache NEXT helps to quickly cope with odontalgiey different origin and to return to the habitual rhythm of life!


Deducing from Hard Drinking by Using Succinic acid and Citric Acid

20 Mar 2017

A method of removing from binge using succinic acid and citric acid

Fast display of binge alcoholism is difficult at home. The fact is that during the many days of alcohol intoxication person can not adequately assess their condition and its danger. He continues to freshen the nip in the morning to relieve the symptoms, and then again drinking to unconsciousness. The body suffers from alcohol, and at the same time it requires: an extreme degree of dependence. Yet there is a medical way to speed up the elimination of toxins from the blood and restore normal metabolism, without resorting to a doctor.

Toxic effect of succinic acid and citric acid

When consumed too much alcohol, it may not be completely processed, and blood accumulates its intermediate metabolite - acetaldehyde. This is a strong poison that poisons the body and causes severe hangover symptoms. Succinic acid activates the Krebs cycle and cellular respiration. As a result, cells receive more oxygen and metabolic rate increases, thus accelerating the process of disintegration of acetaldehyde that helps to cope with the toxic effects of alcohol. Thus, the reception of succinic acid at a drinking bout helps to break the vicious circle - the need for sober - and stimulates the restoration of normal metabolism. Citric acid is also able to enhance the metabolic activity and facilitate the unpleasant side effects of alcohol. The maximum effect of the succinic acid and citric acid have a joint application.

Limontar - a modern medication for the withdrawal of the binge

Today there is a drug that contains succinic, and citric acid, wherein the maximum effective ratio. Limontar created by Russian scientists to solve the problems associated with alcohol use. He has already proven itself as an effective and safe medicine that helps to return to normal metabolism in the body and feel better the next morning after alcohol abuse.

For removal of binge Limontar appoint 1 tablet 3-4 times a day, course duration from 4 to 10 days. The drug does not have any burden on the liver, is completely decomposed to water and carbon dioxide, and therefore can be used safely. The patient may be much better before you finish the course of treatment, but it is not necessary to interrupt the medication in advance. other drugs, the purpose of which should be discussed with your doctor can be added if necessary in the scheme.

If in a few days you can not withdraw the patient from binge alone, there is no positive dynamics, or it becomes worse, you should seek medical attention immediately. Taking into account the different initial state of health, in some cases, removal of the binge is possible only in a hospital setting.

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