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Guidelines for the use of growth hormone for athletes. Part 2

02 Jun 2017

On the recovery and measurement of somatropin

So, you have a bottle of human growth hormone in the form of a lyophilized powder. The amount of this powder should be indicated somewhere on the label of the vial. It will be indicated either in units (IU) or in milligrams (mg). If it is indicated in milligrams, the most commonly used is the conversion: 1 mg = ~ 3IU (or more accurately 1 mg = 2.7IU). We will use 1 mg = 3IU in our manual, as manufacturers usually refer to this standard.

Here's what we need to do with this freeze-dried powder: add bacteriostatic water (BW), sterile water, or even liquid vitamin B12 and prepare for injection.

What we decided to use it should depend on how quickly we use the GR. Bacteriostatic water is based on sterile water with the addition of 0.9% benzyl alcohol, and this alcohol contains something from growing in water, which makes it safe for injections for a long period of time, up to three weeks. If the amount of GH in our vial is enough, for a course of several weeks at the desired daily dose, BW will be a wise choice. For general use in bodybuilding (2-5 IU per day) and the more commonly used bubble size (10 IU), it is actually not so critical which of the above listed ingredients you will use ... the bottle will be used long before the appearance of bacteria or Before anything starts to grow in our restored human growth hormone. This is a personal opinion that goes beyond the considerations listed above.

About restoration

1) Take a swab with alcohol and wipe the stopper from the bottle with a human growth hormone and a bottle of diluent (BW, sterile water, B12).

2) Take a 3CC syringe with 23 or 25 needles ("1" or "1.5") and select the amount of preferred diluent. This amount is not critical, except that you have to make sure that you know which quantity you used. The best way is to choose a quantity that will make it easier to measure the final product.

EXAMPLE Using 1 ml (CC) per 10 IU of human growth hormone would mean that every 10th mark of the U100 of the insulin syringe would be 1 IU GH.

2 ml (CC) added a 10M I bottle of human growth hormone - somatropin - will mean that the 20th mark on the U100 syringe will be 1 IU GH.

3 ml (CC) added a 10M I bottle of human growth hormone - somatropin - will mean that the 30th mark on the U100 syringe will be 1 IU GH.

3.) Take this syringe with a diluent and insert it into a tube of lyophilized powder, and guide it so that the needle touches the side of the vial, and this will prevent the diluent from directly entering the lyophilized powder. Do it slowly and calmly.

4) After all the diluents have been added to the vial of the human growth hormone, gently stir the vial (I do not agitate vigorously to shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder dissolves and you get a clear liquid. Somatotropin is now ready for use. Store reconstituted human growth hormone in the refrigerator. If you used BW for recovery, it will be good for three weeks. If you used sterile water, it will be fit for about 5 days.


Once you have successfully restored your human growth hormone - growth hormone - you should know how to measure the desired amount of injection. You use a U100 insulin syringe, for hGH injection.

Here's a way to determine the amount needed for an injection. Since you know the amount of IU in the vial with the somatotropin, and you also know how much water you diluted it, we simply proceed as follows:

You need to know the following in order to do everything right:

1 ml = 1 CC = 100 IU

Therefore, we take our number of human growth hormone IU on the label of dry lyophilized powder (most often 10 IU for all US users of Jintropin), and divide it by the amount of diluent that we used.


We used 1cc (ml) of water. We have a 10 IU bottle of human growth hormone - somatropin.

From our formula above we know that 1cc = 100 IU, so we need 100 IU of water.

Now divide 100 IU (the amount of our water) into 10 IU (the amount of our human growth hormone).

100 IU / 10 IU = 10

This number 10 perfectly corresponds to the marking on the U100 insulin syringe. In our example, every 10 sign on our syringe will equal 1 IU of somatotropin. Want to inject 2 IU of growth hormone into the syringe? Drive to 20 on the syringe.

Here, it seems, that's all. So, to sum up, just remember:

1.) How much actual human growth hormone - growth hormone - you use (read on the vial of the vial)

2.) How much water (diluent) you use to add to the actual human growth hormone.

3.) Divide the amount of water in units by the amount of GH of growth hormone (in units).

4) This result will be equal to the measurement on the U100 insulin syringe per unit GR - somatropin.

5.) Multiply the number that you got in the fourth step by the number of units you want to enter. This number is tied to the mark on the syringe.

Now that we have a common understanding of what human growth hormone is - somatotropin, how it works, and how to restore it and measure it, let's look at some patterns of using this hormone in the best possible way.

Schemes of use of human growth hormone - somatropin

There are many different approaches to the use of human growth hormone. The right approach in your particular situation will depend on your goals. For many, somatotropin is generally an additive that helps maintain a low percentage of fat and reasonable levels of muscle mass in the body. For others who have reached their genetic growth potential, human growth hormone - somatropin - is an additive that can help in continuing the growth that you are missing because of the genetic factor. Also for someone it is an additive that is used for general health and healing injuries. Let's look at each of these species in relation to a reasonable program of using somatotropin.

For bodybuilders, human growth hormone (and IGF-1, which is the result of its use) is the only substance that can actually begin hyperplasia, which works in the interests of bodybuilding, namely, it creates new muscle cells. While the use of anabolic steroids can lead to hypertrophy (an increase in existing muscle cells), steroids do not allow the creation and maturation of more muscle cells, and human growth hormone-somatotropin-can. GH also increases protein synthesis, which can cause hypertrophy. Human growth hormone also strengthens and treats connective tissues, cartilage and tendons. Such advantages from the use of GR make it attractive for athletes in all sports, and in bodybuilding in particular.

To begin with, it should be noted, for the vast majority of users of human growth hormone - somatropin, the results do not appear quickly and do not have an epochal character. If your goal of using somatropin is a sharp muscle gain for several weeks, gaining 9 kg of muscle mass in a few months, or healing miraculously for several injections ... you will probably be very disappointed. Human growth hormone does some incredible things, but it should be seen as a long-term task. The reasonable duration of the cycle of taking somatotropin will be 20-30 weeks. Although you can always find one or two people who will achieve great success in a short period of time, most of us should consider using it in the long run in order to get decent results.

As mentioned in the introduction of our article on human growth hormone somatropin, one of its main roles is in the process of growth through the influence on the liver, muscle cells, and other tissues, which in turn activates the release of IGF-1. This process is cumulative in nature, and you will have to spend some time using exogenous GR to reach your IGF-1 level in order to create conditions favorable for optimal growth. Although it is true that the human growth hormone begins to supply nutrients to the muscles, and begins mobilizing fat after the first injection, the results will only be visible after a few weeks (up to 12) of its use.


Guidelines for the use of growth hormone for athletes. Part 1

01 Jun 2017

The basic guide to the use of human growth hormone is somatotropin.

The purpose of this article is to give you a good basic knowledge of the human growth hormone - somatropin and its competent use. Of course, it does not disclose all the nuances about the benefits of using samotropin, but at least this article should provide you with a solid enough knowledge to enable you to create your own cycle of use without problems. I do not want to provide you with a complex scientific report or technical background. I write this article from the point of view of the veteran of the seven-year use of human growth hormone - somatropin and an athlete using it as one of the tools to achieve his goals. I injected into my body tens of thousands of IU of human growth hormone - somatropin, carefully monitoring it and conducting tests and experiments on myself. So after this little foreword, let's look at this hormone called Human Growth Hormone - Somatotropin.

Not so many hormones that in recent years have caused more excitement and sensation than the human growth hormone somatropin. After numerous statements about the incredible loss of fat and the increase in muscle mass to fabulous levels that can not be explained in terms of genetics, human growth hormone - somatotropin - has been touted as a panacea for all bodybuilding problems. Depending on what kind of statistics you trust, you can see that 80% of professional athletes experiment with using or actively use human growth hormone as an addition to their training program.

What is human growth hormone - growth hormone?
Human growth hormone (somatotropin - also referred to as hGH, human growth hormone - somatotropin - or GH-growth hormone (somatotropin) is created by the pituitary gland in the basic form consisting of a chain of 191 amino acids .While we are young, human growth hormone is for the most part responsible for the correct The growth of bones, muscles and other tissues.If there is too little of this hormone in a body, a person can remain a dwarf if too much, a person can become a giant and / or suffer from abnormal growth deformations .When we become adults, the hormone the remaining human - growth hormone is responsible for the preservation of muscles, supports a healthy immune system, regulates aspects of our metabolic function related to increase fat metabolism and healthy body composition later in life, and maintains, and restores our skin and other tissues.

Our levels of human growth hormone - growth hormone - peak during adolescence and then begin to decline sharply, starting at 30 years of age. And to our 60 years, the daily secretion of human growth hormone - somatotropin may be only 10% of the amount which is produced in our body in youth. Many indicators of health in the elderly suffer just from this reduction of human growth hormone - somatropin. Here are some of the results of such processes:

• Increase the amount of fat;

• Decreased muscle mass;

• Deterioration of the texture of the skin, as a result of which it loses its former youthful appearance;

• Decreased bone strength, the onset of osteoporosis;

• Decreased brain function, loss of intelligence with age;

• Decreased sex drive;

• Decrease in the general physical and mental state;

• Sleep disorder, decreased sleep quality;

• Depression and fatigue.

The introduction of an additional amount of human growth hormone, which began to be used in the last 30 years, can change or improve these indicators in most people involved in hormone therapy. That's why you often hear about somatropin, they say, as a "fountain of youth" and other similar things. Its use can give a higher quality of life to those who are aging.

How a human growth hormone - is somatotropin produced in the body?
Human growth hormone - somatotropin - is secreted in the pituitary gland during pulsations, usually following a circadian rhythm. There are various ways to stimulate the secretion of human growth hormone, but the most powerful of them are short duration high intensity exercises and sleep. During the first few hours of sleep (the deep sleep stage - about 2 hours from the moment you fell asleep), somatostatin is turned off and the GGRH is turned on, and pulses of hGH-self-titanium are sent.

Growth hormone releasing hormone (GGRH) is produced by the hypothalamus and stimulates the secretion of human growth hormone-somatotropin, and HGH-somatotropin and IGF-1 create negative feedback, which means that their levels are high; This inhibits the production of GGRH, which, in turn, stops the production of more somatropin.

Somatostatin (CC), secreted by the hypothalamus, as well as other tissues, inhibits the secretion of human growth hormone - somatotropin - somatostatin responds to PGR and other stimulating factors such as low blood glucose concentration. High levels of IGF-1 also stimulate the secretion of somatostatin.

Ghrelin is a peptide hormone secreted in the stomach. Ghrelin binds to receptors on somatotrophic glands and actively stimulates the secretion of growth hormone. Ghrelin, as a stimulant for enhancing the secretory receptor of the hormone, actively stimulates the secretion of growth hormone. The ghrelin signal integrates with growth hormone-releasing hormone and somatostatin signals to monitor the timing and extent of growth hormone secretion.

After human growth hormone - somatotropin - is released, it has a very short period of life. It is usually metabolized and acts for half an hour. During this half an hour, it passes through the liver and other tissues and induces them to secrete a polypeptide hormone called Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1).

How does the human growth hormone act?
As mentioned above, human growth hormone - somatotropin - does not last long, but for a short half-hour or so of the pituitary gland, it manifests itself through direct and indirect effects.

The direct consequences that are the result of the action of human growth hormone is the connection with the receptors of the target cells. Fat cells (adipocytes), as well as myocytes (muscle cells) have somatotropin receptors. On fat cells, human growth hormone - somatotropin - stimulates them to cleave triglycerides and inhibits the ability of fat cells to capture circulating lipids.

When human growth hormone - somatotropin - is sent to the liver, one of the results of its passage through the liver is the secretion by the liver of IGF-1. When IGF-1 is secreted, it stimulates the proliferation of chondrocytes (cartilage cells), which leads to bone growth. It also plays a role in stimulating the proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts (the precursor of skeletal muscle fibers). IGF-1 also stimulates amino acid uptake and protein synthesis in muscles and other tissues. Other tissues (muscles, etc.) also acted with the participation of human growth hormone - also causing the release of IGF-1.

Somatotropin stimulates protein anabolism in many tissues. This leads to an increase in protein synthesis, a decrease in protein oxidation and an increase in the absorption of amino acids. As mentioned above, human growth hormone-somatotropin-increases the percentage of fat intake by stimulating the disintegration of triglycerides and the oxidation of fat cells (adipocytes).

Human growth hormone - can affect the function of other hormones, it can also suppress the function of insulin, stimulate glucose uptake in tissues and increase the synthesis of glucose in the liver, although the administration of human growth hormone - growth hormone - actually stimulates insulin secretion and can create a state of hyperinsulinemia. This combination can lead to a decrease in sensitivity to insulin, which in turn can lead to hyperglycemia. Somatotropin - may in some quantities have a small inhibitory effect on the function of our thyroid hormones (and in fact it happens the other way around), although this effect varies from person to person. The vast majority of users do not need to worry about this at all. Others who wish to disperse their metabolism or increase some of the functions of human growth hormone may wish to consider a cycle of taking this drug, at low doses for the thyroid gland. We will offer several such strategies later in this article.

Thus, we see a hormone that can help with the maintenance and healing of most body systems, can create new cartilages, bones, and muscle cells, can help with protein absorption, reduce protein oxidation, and can accelerate the rate of fat utilization. Thus, we have an exciting question about the use of human growth hormone - growth hormone. How can we apply it in our interests? Let's look at some of the reception schemes.

How can I increase my level of somatropin?
There are several ways to increase the endogenous production of human growth hormone - somatotropin. For the most part, with their help, we will not be able to obtain a significant increase in the amount of growth hormone that is necessary to obtain all the benefits mentioned above in full, but for some people (those who are still young) they will prove to be quite useful.

By adding several grams of arginine and glutamine to our daily volume of sports nutrition, we can increase our levels of human growth hormone. If we are very young or we only need a modest jump in productivity, such a trick is quite acceptable. Short duration, high intensity exercise (I think, a heavy leg training will be enough), will force our bodies to release a significant amount of somatropin.

Another option is to inject various associated hormones or peptides. There are many available, such as GGRS (and all its analogues) and the like. When administered in the body at doses of 100 mcg per day, the promised increase in the level of human growth hormone - somatropin. At this stage of the game, there are no significant advantages to its value over GR, but if we try to promote some of the other forms of human growth hormone in addition to the basic form, or we do not have any hope of getting a prescription for growth hormone (or other means of access), it can be Decision in this action plan. Besides these ways, what is left for us? To deal with this, we must introduce exogenous GR.


Recombinant human growth hormone for injection

31 May 2017

The drug Jintropin is a genetic engineering somatotropic hormone. Stimulates skeletal and somatic growth, and also has a pronounced effect on metabolic processes. Stimulates the growth of the bones of the skeleton, affecting the plate epiphysis tubular bones, bone metabolism. Promotes the normalization of body structure by increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat. In patients with growth hormone deficiency and osteoporosis, substitution therapy results in normalization of mineral composition and bone density. Increases the number and size of cells of muscles, liver, thymus gland, gonads, adrenals, thyroid gland. Stimulates the transport of amino acids into the cell and the synthesis of proteins, reduces the level of cholesterol, affecting the profile of lipids and lipoproteins. Suppress the release of insulin. Promotes the retention of sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Increases body weight, muscle activity and physical endurance.

Absorption of somatropin after subcutaneous administration is 80%, the maximum concentration in the blood plasma is achieved in 3-6 hours. Penetrates into well-perfused organs. Metabolized in the kidney and liver. The volume of distribution of somatropin is 0.49-2.11 l / kg. It is excreted by the kidneys and with bile (including 0.1% unchanged). The half-life after subcutaneous administration is 3-5 hours.


To drink or not to drink? That is the question

30 May 2017

Dr. Doping told whether the "Drinkday" is really only the first step towards the disease and why authoritarian parents with the slogan "do it all themselves" can cause the future alcoholism of their children.

"Attention, a question! How does a Russian person relieve stress? Well, yes, yes, he misses a glass, then another glass. A whole layer of culture is built, which began with the fact that "Russian heroes were drinking honey". But "heroes are not you" and before our very eyes the curve of alcoholism is growing ever faster. And more and more myths are born of this primordially Russian evil.

My friend, a successful businessman, regularly says: "Well, let's have a bun and she'll fix it herself." Or: "It is necessary to drink, thoughts will run happier". In Russia "drinking determines consciousness." This is an axiom. And even the word "alcoholism" causes laughter, but in vain. This is a chronic disease. Dependence, get rid of which by effort of will is simply unreal. In addition to the pathological craving for alcohol, it is characterized by the need to take the substance in addition to ease the condition. But why does such an addiction arise?

The theory of transactional analysis asserts that every person has a parental status, an adult and a child. "Parental" status often depresses "childish", a person is uncomfortable when he wants, but can not get acquainted or chat with someone. Some people, for example, can not enter into communication without drinking alcohol. Alcohol is used as a means of removing "parental" control.

Why, after drinking, a person often wants a "feat": to sing, to perform certain actions, which he would never have done in a sober way? The first thing that alcohol does is remove the inner critic. How many times have we seen a drunken man behave like a big child. His emotions are disinhibited, he allows himself what he can not do sober.

To cope with sober you can with Meldonium and Phenylpiracetam.

Often, those who could not take off the parental pressure, whose personality it suppressed, come to this bait. In this case, the authoritarian parent can become the cause of alcoholism in the future. Complicated relationships in the family are the cause of addiction. And in a family where alcohol is the norm, the likelihood of raising an alcoholic is higher. Often I speak about this strict parents-businessmen who bring up their children in an atmosphere of "do it yourself".

But this is not the worst evil. Strongly worse, when in the morning after "abuse" pulls to improve health. Every self-respecting boss has at least a small mini-bar. And it is not surprising, because since the evening of the event, after which the buffet. And, they say, we know: "Nedopoy worse than drinking."

One of the former colleagues, did not communicate with journalists and visitors in the morning, if not "corrected" health. But if there is a need to become drunk, then the dependence has already formed. The notion that it is necessary to "take a little bit" to feel good and go to work is not a healthy lifestyle advice, it is a serious misconception.

It happens, of course, that this is vital, when there is no other way to relieve the terrible metabolic disorders. But this is when the person is on the verge. In other cases, in healthy people who do not have a disruption in the functioning of internal organs, there is no such need.

And what happens at the end of the week? All the channels that connect us to the outside world are called Friday. "Drinkday", "drunkard", "on the night from Friday to Monday". The network teems with pictures depicting the "separation" of office plankton "on Fridays. It is often asked if a person does not drink by drinking, but drinks, for example, on Fridays, is there a chance to become an alcoholic? There is.

Depending on the individual characteristics, the withdrawal syndrome may or may not form, but the probability is very high. The speed of its formation is also different. From two to three years to five eight. The longer a disease is formed, the less likely to be cured. Therefore, the habit of "yesterday was Wednesday, today is Monday" is better to forget. Otherwise, the next stage begins.

At the first stage of treatment from alcoholism, motivation is extremely important. When the patient addresses to the doctor from her and the conversation begins. Determine, for example, the losses that a patient will incur if he stops "abusing". And often in the example are films, and even cartoons. Funny, but even "Well, wait, for example." After all, a whole cultural layer was built on this in its time.

Often people simply do not realize the seriousness of the problem. Both I and my colleagues often hear "alcoholism is after all when drunken, foul-smelling people are lying around there." Lack of understanding is such protection. If a person realized what he was doing, he would not kill himself.

Often, relatives or friends - are co-dependent on the alcoholic, it is more difficult for them to help than the most dependent on the psychoactive substance. "She is cutting me, because I drink, or I drink, because she is sawing me." In this case, it is better to come to the party together.

It is important to remember that any person can be cured. Even if it is already at the third stage of alcoholism, when internal organs suffer, and stops taking alcohol, then gradually the recovery does happen. The truth is that it will take 5-8 years.

But if you are accustomed to pour with joy, with grief, after a quarrel, "stress relieve", with boredom, etc., then for any trifling occasion the habit can return. Therefore, counting on "magic" injections and pills is meaningless. We must seriously work with the brain. And this can only be done with a doctor.


How to stimulate the release of growth hormone fast

29 May 2017

Growth hormone is anabolic (enhances the synthesis of muscle fibers) and anti-catabolic (reduces metabolic destruction of muscle fibers) hormone.

In addition, he is able to increase the length of the body (provided that the bone growth zones are open - which is typical for the age group up to 20-25 years), strengthen ligaments and tendons, increase blood glucose levels in low-carbohydrate conditions (from adipose tissue) , Reduce this excess fat, strengthen the immune system, rejuvenate the body. You can buy Semax.

Growth hormone has rhythmic patterns of its secretion. Knowing these features, it is possible to stimulate the release of this hormone naturally.

First. The greatest increase in growth hormone is observed at night during sleep, especially in the time interval from twelve to three (therefore, from the point of view of hormonal secretion, it is especially recommended to sleep during this period of night).

The second. A significant increase in growth hormone is found during sleep (regardless of the time of sleep - be it at night or in the afternoon).

Third. As soon as a person falls asleep, the growth of production of this hormone is fixed.

Fourth. During sleep, the greatest release of growth hormone is observed in the first 2 hours.

On the basis of the second, third and fourth thesis, we can conclude that the recommendation to sleep at least 2 times a day has a serious biological justification. Daytime sleep (1-2 hours) leads to a marked increase in the secretion of growth hormone. The more once a day you sleep, the higher the hormonal background.

Fifth. Myth is the opinion that at night the muscles are destroyed allegedly due to catabolism. This myth gave birth to the following fiction about the need for a night snack. In fact, at night, the secretion of growth hormone at a height, which increases muscle anabolism (as well as body length growth in young years). At the same time, under the influence of the secretion of growth hormone, the main energy exchange is carried out at the expense of fats, and not carbohydrates and proteins (as in the day). Therefore, nocturnal catabolism is observed only in adipose tissue, but not muscular. At night, muscles feed on fatty acids from fat stores that do not allow muscle fibers to break down, and no night snack is needed for this. For the same reason, there is not much point in snacks before going to bed. This need has been established in the minds of athletes thanks to marketers who have untwisted casein protein. Moreover, food before bedtime, as a rule, prevents timely sleep and a good sleep.

The sixth. Growth hormone is stimulated by protein nutrition. The more proteins, the higher the production of the hormone. The secretion of growth hormone is higher the faster the protein products enter the blood. We are talking about the so-called fast proteins - powdered proteins, boiled egg whites, lean fish, low-fat cottage cheese, skim milk. The production of growth hormone is inhibited, the more in the diet of fast carbohydrates (confectionery, sweets, fresh white bread, etc.) and saturated fatty acids (bad fats). Therefore, do not use fast carbohydrates and fatty foods before bedtime, when a surge of this hormone is expected. This is what is known to date reliably. However, the influence of nutrition on the production of growth hormone also has conflicting facts. In particular, according to one scientific study, the daily secretion of growth hormone is lower with rare meals (2-3 times a day) compared with frequent fractional meals. According to other scientists, a long period between meals (we are talking about periodic starvation) is a powerful stimulant for the release of growth hormone. In general, this issue remains open.

Seventh. The synthesis of growth hormone is enhanced by training with weights. In principle, any intensive physical work - sprinting, fast cycling, swimming, etc. - can increase the release of this hormone. If we talk about bodybuilding, then the so-called anaerobic training (heavy weights for 8-12 repetitions) surpasses the aerobic power (relatively light weights by 15 and higher repetitions) and pure power (maximum and submaximal weights by 1-5 repetitions) to stimulate the release of the hormone Growth. On the contrary, strength training best activates the production of testosterone, the most important anabolic hormone. One should not forget that prolonged training inhibits the secretion of any anabolic hormones, including growth hormone. Therefore, do not exercise for more than an hour, especially if you have a lower level of this hormone.

The eighth. The secretion of growth hormone depends on age. At the age of 20-25 years it is maximal. Then there is a gradual decrease in the secretion of this hormone. The lowered level of growth hormone in middle and older age is one of the reasons for the appearance of excess weight and the gradual degeneration of muscle fibers. For the same reason, to fight excess weight and to grow muscle is more difficult than the older person.

Conclusion. Sleep, nutrition and exercise are the most important factors in the active secretion of growth hormone. The raised hormonal background is a pledge of a muscle anabolism and absence of muscular catabolism.


Pharmacological Properties of Jintropin rhGH

27 May 2017

Nine major pharmacological properties of Gentropine:

• Anabolic action - causes muscle growth.
• Anticatabolic action - inhibits their destruction.
• Reduces the fatty layer.
• Optimizes the use of energy by the body.
• Has a rejuvenating effect.
• Stimulates the regeneration of cells of internal organs.
• Increases the level of glucose in the blood.
• Strengthens immunity.
• Accelerates wound healing and recovery from fractures.


Original Jintropin rhGH for people

26 May 2017

Seven pleasant things that are felt in the first two weeks from the beginning of reception of a somatotropin:

• Strong pumping and fullness of muscles.• Slight fluid retention in the body.
• Improvement of general well-being and cheerfulness during the day.
• Significant acceleration of recovery after training.
• Improve the quality and decrease the duration of sleep.
• Significant increase in force indicators.
• Old clothes will become tight! :)


Cavinton forte (Vinpocetine) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

25 May 2017

Synonyms: Intelectol

Active substance: Vinpocetine.

Vinpocetine (brand names: Cavinton, Intelectol; chemical name: ethyl apovincaminate) is a synthetic derivative of the vinca alkaloid vincamine (sometimes described as "a synthetic ethyl ester of apovincamine"), an extract from the lesser periwinkle plant. You can buy Cavinton forte.

Vinpocetine is not FDA approved in the United States for therapeutic use.

Vinpocetine has been reported to have cerebral blood-flow enhancing and neuroprotective effects, and has been used as a drug in Eastern Europe for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders and age-related memory impairment.

ATC - N06BX18 Vinpocetine.

Pharmacological group - Cerebrovascular correctors; Nootropics.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F01 Vascular dementia;

G45 Transient transient cerebral ischemic attacks [ attack ] and related syndromes;

G45.0 syndrome vertebrobasilar arterial system;

G46 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases;

G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified;

H31.9 Disorders of choroid, unspecified;

H35.9 Retinal disease, unspecified;

H81.0 Meniere’s Disease;

H91 Other hearing loss;

H93.1 Tinnitus (subjective);

I63 Cerebral infarction;

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I67.4 Hypertensive encephalopathy;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

I69 Effects of cerebrovascular diseases;

T90.5 Effects of intracranial injury

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Composition, structure and packing

Tablets are round, flat, white, or almost white, with a facet, with the inscription “10 mg” on one side and scored - on the other.

Other ingredients: magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, lactose monohydrate, maize starch.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Pharmacological action

The drug, which improves cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolism. Improves brain metabolism, increasing consumption of glucose and oxygen to the tissues of the brain. Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia, enhancing the transport of glucose to the brain through the BBB; takes the process of breakdown of glucose for energy more economical aerobic way; selectively blocks Ca 2 +-dependent phosphodiesterase, increases the levels of cAMP and cGMP in the brain. Increases the concentration of ATP and the ATP/AMP in brain tissue, strengthens the exchange of norepinephrine and serotonin brain, stimulates the ascending branch of the noradrenergic system, has an antioxidant effect.

Reduces platelet aggregation and increased blood viscosity, increases the ability of red blood cells deform and blocks recycling erythrocytes adenosine; enhances oxygen release erythrocytes. Enhances the neuroprotective effects of adenosine.

Increases cerebral blood flow, reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels without significant changes in indicators of the systemic circulation (blood pressure, cardiac output, heart rate, systemic vascular resistance). Not only has the effect of “steal”, but also enhances the blood circulation especially in ischemic areas brain with low perfusion.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Pharmacokinetics


After ingestion is rapidly absorbed. C max in plasma is reached after 1 h after administration. Absorption occurs mainly in the proximal gastrointestinal tract. When passing through the intestinal wall is not subjected to metabolism. C max in the tissues observed after 2–4 hours after ingestion. Bioavailability of 7%.


In repeated oral dose of 5 mg and 10 mg kinetics is linear.

Bound to plasma proteins at 66%. Crosses the placental barrier.

Metabolism and excretion

Clearance 66.7 l/h exceeds liver plasma volume (50 l/h) which indicates extrahepatic metabolism.

T 1/2 is 4.83 ± 1.29ch. Excreted in the urine and feces at a ratio of 3:2.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine)Dosage

The duration of treatment and dose are determined individually.

Average daily dose is 15–30 mg (5–10 mg 3 times/day). The initial daily dose is 15 mg. The maximum daily dose - 30 mg.

The therapeutic effect develops in about a week since the beginning of treatment. To achieve the full therapeutic effect requires three months.

Renal impairment and liver correct dosing regimen is not required, the lack of cumulation allows for longer courses of treatment.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Overdose

Currently, data on drug overdose Cavinton Forte limited.

Treatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Drug Interactions

Interaction is not observed, while the use of beta-blockers (hloranolol, pindolol) clopamide, glibenclamide, digoxin, acenocoumarol and hydrochlorothiazide, imipramine.

Simultaneous use of the drug methyldopa Cavinton Forte and sometimes caused some increased hypotensive effect, so the application of this combination requires regular monitoring of blood pressure.

Despite the lack of evidence supporting the possibility of interaction, caution is advised while appointing Cavinton Forte with centrally acting agents, antiarrhythmic drugs and anticoagulants.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) at Pregnancy and lactation

Cavintonum Forte is contraindicated during pregnancy because vinpocetine crosses the placental barrier. Thus its concentration in the placenta and fetal blood is lower than in the blood of pregnant. When taken in high doses may develop placental bleeding and spontaneous abortions, probably due to increased placental blood supply.

Within 1 h with breast milk allocated 0.25% of the dose of the drug. If necessary, use during lactation should stop breastfeeding.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Side effects

Cardio-vascular system: ECG changes (depression ST, prolongation of the interval QT); tachycardia, arrythmia (however, a causal relationship has not been proven as a natural population of these symptoms occur with the same frequency), the lability of blood pressure, feeling the tides.

CNS: sleep disorders (insomnia, hypersomnia), dizziness, headache, general weakness (these symptoms may be manifestations of the underlying disease), increased sweating.

From the digestive system: dry mouth, nausea, heartburn.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Indications

To reduce the severity of neurological and psychiatric symptoms in various forms of circulatory failure, brain (including status after ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke recovery stage, the effects of a stroke, transient ischemic attack, vascular dementia, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, cerebral arteriosclerosis, posttraumatic and hypertensive encephalopathy);

Chronic eye disease (lesions of the choroid and retina);

In ENT practice (for the treatment of hearing loss perceptual type, Meniere’s disease, idiopathic tinnitus).

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Contraindications

The acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke;

A severe form of coronary artery disease;

Severe arrhythmias;


Lactation (breastfeeding);

Children up to age 18;

Hypersensitivity to vinpocetine or other ingredients.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Cautions

Presence of a syndrome of prolonged QT interval, and concomitant use of drugs that cause prolongation of the interval QT, requires periodic monitoring of ECG. In the case of lactose intolerance should be aware that one tablet of the drug Cavinton Forte contains 83 mg of lactose monohydrate.

Use in Pediatrics

Cavinton Forte drug should not be prescribed to children and adolescents under the age of 18 years due to insufficient data on its use in these patients.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

Data on the effect of the drug Cavinton Forte’s ability to driving and operating mechanisms not.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Reviews

Samantha, 38 years, The preparation "Vinpocetine forte" - Checked personally - working!
Attention! Before application of drugs, consult with a specialist!
It works and it is important

Actually, it is always very cautious about medical drugs, and even more so to novelties, but in this case we are talking about a drug that works on our farm. the market for quite a long time and during that time managed to prove itself a good idea, as a means of improving brain metabolism. Indications for use of this drug is quite extensive - it's the recovery period after a stroke, sclerosis of cerebral vessels, vascular dementia, which undoubtedly is a very serious problem for the elderly! Especially when it comes to changes in the brain due to hypertensive disease or a brain injury. It uses medication and ophthalmologists, as it is one of the few drugs that improve the condition of small blood vessels in the retina of the eye, thus improving vision (including again in the elderly). of course, the drug there are contraindications and side effects, and therefore before placing them - should consult with your doctor. Here I just want to draw your attention to the drug, which is assigned to the relatives just because I believe in him and have the opportunity to see the effect it!
Overall Impression: Checked personally - working!

Helen, 48 years, Vinpocetine - Excellent tool

The weather we have recently just going crazy: yesterday went in jackets, and now the heat, it's time to get sundresses. Such transformation is affecting the health, such vessels can not cope with. Result: the fog in my head. But to live and work as something you ought to. To bring awareness to normal use Vinpocetine.

I do not seriously ill, drink it all the time is not necessary. After a day of seeing the first results of the application: the mind becomes clear, head understands much better.

In general, I recommend. Harm did not notice - is easily transferred without any side effects.


Meldonium Sharapova. There is no evidence that meldonium positive effect on the results of athletes

24 May 2017

There is no evidence that which is part of this medicine Mildronat meldonium substance has a positive impact on the results of athletes, experts say. You can buy Meldonium.

As the founder of the system of testing for banned substances in sport and the first anti-doping laboratory in the United States Don Catlin, "the impact on the result meldonium athletes generally not proven." "This does not mean that meldonium does not increase the possibility of athletes. However, studies that could prove it, there is no "- he said. In his opinion, the lack of research and evidence base are an occasion to reflect on whether or not acted WADA correctly (WADA), introducing the drug in the list.


Painkiller Meds Pentalgin for Menstrual pain

23 May 2017

Menstrual pain

Many women during menstruation concerned about pain in the abdomen and / or lower back. Such a phenomenon in medicine is called dysmenorrhea. Pain may be almost imperceptible, does not deliver significant discomfort, and very strong, unbearable, do not pass even in a state of complete rest. Anyway, modern women can not afford such a forced and unpleasant "break" in the activity, because pain can permanently unsettle, making it difficult to work, relax and socialize with loved ones. Fortunately, there are modern means against menstrual pain, such as Pentalgin.

Painkiller Meds Pentalgin for Menstrual pain

What is menstrual pain?

Pelvic pain may occur either immediately before menses (several hours), and after the onset of menstruation. The pain may last from several hours to several days. However, it often radiates (spreads) to other areas: the front of the thighs, lower back, the vagina, the rectum.

Different menstrual cycles in the same woman may differ from each other: one - painless or with little discomfort, and another - with prolonged intense pain. More severe pain may occur after exposure to cold, an illness and stress.

Other symptoms of dysmenorrhea, which is often accompanied by pain in the abdomen, include:

nausea and vomiting;

headache, dizziness;

more frequent stools or changing its texture;

increase in body temperature to 37-38 ° C.

malaise, lethargy.

Why there is menstrual pain?

In the so-called primary dysmenorrhea pain during menstruation occur in apparently healthy women without gynecological diseases. This phenomenon is associated with increased uterine contractility under the action of the female sex hormones, as well as increased production of prostaglandins and irritating nociceptors enhancing spasm.

Also, there dysmenorrhea, which is caused by the pathology of the pelvic organs. So, menstrual cramps are often a symptom of gynecological diseases such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids, various inflammatory diseases, organ malformations (eg, bending or doubling of the uterus). That is why in case of pain during menstruation, especially strong and prolonged, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. Only a specialist will be able to establish the true cause of the ailment and prescribe the best treatment.

Pentalgin against menstrual pain

Regardless of the cause of dysmenorrhea, for the relief of pain shows the use of drugs affecting muscle spasm and / or the production of prostaglandins. The use of a combined preparation Pentalgin can simultaneously influence to several mechanisms of pain in dysmenorrhea. The structure consists of 5 tablets Pentalgin well-studied components: naproxen, paracetamol, Drotaverinum, pheniramine and caffeine.

Naproxen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It reduces the production of prostaglandins, thereby acting on one of the major causes of pain in the uterus. Naproxen is excreted from the body for a long period, thereby providing lasting analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Impact on second main mechanism of pain in dysmenorrhea - spasm - ensures that Drotaverinum. This antispasmodic well known and widely used in clinical practice for many years.
The inclusion of Pentalgin central analgesic paracetamol can influence the perception of pain in the brain and on his own antinociceptive suppression system of our body. An important feature is the rapid development of paracetamol analgesic effect - as a rule, within half an hour after taking the drug.
Turning pheniramine and caffeine in the combined preparation due to their ability to enhance the analgesic effect of analgesics, which allows to reduce the dose of the individual components and thus reduce the risk of dose-related side effects.

Thanks to the carefully thought-out structure, which ensures the impact of the drug to several mechanisms of pain, Pentalgin able to help with dysmenorrhea of different backgrounds. The components of the drug have not only a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effect that allows you to ease the condition in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

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