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Magnesium Glycinate. First class for the parents take care of the nerves!

03 Mar 2017

When a child goes to the first class - it becomes a challenge for the whole family. After the holiday, the first call begins studying, and most children it is not given easily. Parents can not always cope with the emotions often lose patience when they see that their cute and clever kid does not shine at school, can not cope with simple tasks. But right now it is important to remain calm and to be a team.

The concern of parents about the study can cause not only to family quarrels, but also health problems. Particularly vulnerable to prolonged stress your nervous system and heart.

Why is difficult to learn first-grader

When the Six-Year goes to school, it faces several significant challenges. He falls into a new situation, a new team, his new teacher, new uniforms, new responsibilities. To each of these factors, the child must adapt, and this process requires daily physical and psychological resources. There are children who have the possibility to adapt initially higher, due to genetic factors. They often show good results in their studies since the early days. But most first-graders need about six months to regroup and learn with pleasure. There are children who are adapting longer, are more susceptible to criticism, more than worry about their failures, but in the future they learn well.

The second important point - this particular presentation and contact with the teacher. If the child is not interested, he disliked the teacher, or he is afraid of him, there is nothing to understand and remember the lessons he can not. At the elementary school children can not yet rely on friends, and the only person in the school, which can provide support - it is the teacher.

Determined efforts to be even a first grader is very difficult, so its study depends on how favorable conditions are created for him at school and at home.

How for parents of first-graders to cope with stress

Calm parents and willingness to always come to the aid are the best means to improve school performance. Do not be too demanding either to themselves or to the child. It is important to remember that to perceive and memorize new material because it is not difficult, he has less ability than other children, and in connection with the adaptation features. Although the fact that all the different abilities, too, we should not forget.

Children love to learn, but often in the primary grades, most students do not go to school because they are interesting, but because it is so necessary. We are able to not destroy the desire to learn new things, leaving the child with the opportunity to get involved in something one does not cause learning, even at the expense of other subjects.

Do not compare your child with other children, instead, compares it past and current successes. This will help to maintain objectivity, and reduce your anxiety.

Communicating with the teacher, pay attention not only on the weak side, but also the slightest progress first-grader. Suppose he did not fulfill the task in class, but he was able to correctly answer orally. It confuses the writing of letters, but can read it. Following the worst in the class, but perfectly remembers the verses. He does not understand the arithmetic, but best of all draws. The child needs to know that you are important to achieve it.

First class - a period of adjustment, not only for children but also for parents. Do not wait until the accumulated stress will result in migraine attacks and outbursts of anger. As soon as you feel that you maintain self-control more difficult, take medications that will help to adapt to psychological stress. Eltacin and Glycine (Magnesium Glycinate) while receiving support heart and nervous system, improves metabolism in nervous tissue and cells of the myocardium. You can buy glycine. Now you can take a punch and exercise infinite patience, without risking their health and well-being of the child.


Glycine Foods. How to improve the diet of schoolchildren in autumn

03 Mar 2017

How to feed the baby in the morning, that was satisfying and useful that provide student with a lunch, a dinner for the child better? Even experienced parents do not always have ready answers to these questions, and in fact the quality of the diet depends on the health and academic performance of the child in school.

In the fall of a rich choice of fresh vegetables and fruits, but even the presence of natural vitamins does not resolve the problem facing parents: to strengthen the health of the child before the upcoming cold weather.

What foods will help student to survive the fall

Eating only raw fruits and vegetables with a view to meet the demand for vitamins and minerals is not justified. Children's bodies better assimilate complex carbohydrates that have undergone heat treatment: boiled, stewed, baked fruit and vegetables. This allows you to get more energy, normalize intestinal function as heat treatment makes the cell walls of plants softer.

Protein foods should be easily digestible; to reduce the likelihood of rot proteins in the intestine, it is better to combine with vegetables. Dietary meat, eggs and cheese once or twice a week Fill beef to maintain normal hemoglobin levels.

Vegetable oils that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 are very popular and are considered almost a panacea. But forget about fats in animal diets student is not worth three or four times a week should be present butter, twice a week, salted lard 20-30 grams. A full range of fat helps to carry out the functions of the immune system, improves brain and peripheral nerves. Fat is very energy-intensive and improve thermoregulation in the cold.

What to give to a student for lunch?

Every day, try to give the baby with a meal of cottage cheese, eggs or lean meat (cheesecakes, pudding, scrambled eggs, meatballs), fresh apple or banana, grilled vegetables, bread and butter and homemade desserts with oil filling. It is convenient to take the cake, vegetables with meat in pita bread, fruit, sliced, sealed beverages.

What a dinner for the child better?

To wake up in the morning the child quickly, and in the evening was well fed and asleep, dinner should be nutritious and easily digestible simultaneously. To this end, suitable casserole with cheese and fruit, vegetable and fruit cake, porridge with butter, cream cheese and pasta - that is, carbohydrate dinner, preferably with the addition of milk fat. But if your child is not able to fully eat lunch at school, the meat dishes with vegetables should be included in the dinner. In this case, the last hearty meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime, and just before going to bed at night give the baby milk with a small bun or biscuits.

The child can help multivitamins, amino acids and organic acids?

The need for vitamins is partially covered by the food, but pediatricians recommend twice a year to take a course of multivitamins with minerals. This makes it possible to maintain a sufficient level of activity of biochemical processes in the growing organism, to fully develop and be sick less often.

School burden on the nervous system requires a high content in nerve tissues of the amino acid glycine. Therefore, students of all classes in the drug Glycine is recommended during the school year, which improves memory and attention, removes nervous tension, helps to adapt to new conditions.


What is the brain and how it works – Best Nootropic Stack

03 Mar 2017

The brain - the most important organ, which is responsible for the regulation of all vital functions of the body. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, speech, memory, too, depend on the functioning of the brain.

Central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord. Brain, in turn, consists of nerve cells - neurons, which are interconnected by synaptic connections. Thanks to these connections the brain controls vital functions of the body. The bodies of nerve cells forming the cortex or gray matter, and the processes of nerve cells - the nerve fibers - white substance. The cerebral cortex has convolutions and furrows, due to which its surface area increases significantly.

Mass brain of a newborn baby is about 300 g, while an adult - 1.1-1.9 kg.

Brains were divided into left and right hemisphere, each of which consists of four parts: the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital.

The right hemisphere is responsible for the left half of the body, and the left - for the right. Each of them has its own record of information occurs. The right hemisphere is responsible for creative, synthetic, emotional perception. The left hemisphere of the same stores verbal (verbal) memories. This brain logic, abstract constructions, analytical conclusions.

More look at the proportion of the cerebral hemispheres.
The occipital lobe is located in the rear part of the brain processes the incoming visual information and recreates all of the images that we see.

Temporal lobe - processes the information coming into the brain through the organs of hearing, and at the occipital lobes helps determine what we see. This part of the brain associated with memory: the right share, usually works with visual information, the left - with the verbal. Finally, the converted word in the left temporal lobe of speech sounds, and we understand that we are talking about.

Parietal lobe has two main functions. First, here it is processed all the information about the tactile and pain. Secondly, this area is associated with the analysis of visual data, helping to understand what we see. This fraction brain stores map of the body surface, so that each of touch information supplied in its own area for processing.

Frontal lobe controls the additional features that are inherent in the person's name. Often referred to as the organizing functions and treat them concentration, planning, reasoning and judgment - skills, aimed at the adoption of complex solutions and find a way out of the problems. The large area of the frontal lobe is reserved for sending signals to the muscles of the body, telling them to move when needed. Frontal lobe is associated with the limbic system and the control of human behavior in different situations. You can buy Semax.

One should not forget about such an important property of the brain, as plasticity. Plasticity (or neuroplasticity) - it is the brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of the experience gained. There are functional plasticity, which is the ability to pass the damaged area of the brain functions to other areas intact. And structural plasticity, when the brain is able to change its physical structure as a result of training.

Thus, plasticity allows the person not only to better adapt to the environment, but to coordinate the learning process, ie, consciously influence on the formation of useful new neural connections.

The main effect of Noopept
Nootropic (improves cognitive function)
Anxiolytic (reduces anxiety and irritability)
Vegetative-tropic (including, and normalization of sleep)


Glutamine supplement benefits for heart and blood vessels

03 Mar 2017

The work in the country for the benefit of heart and blood vessels

My favorite cottage - the perfect place to relax. Summer vacation is enjoyable for the citizens an opportunity to change their way of life and being in nature. But in many ways useful work on the ground for the residents of the city can be too tedious and unsafe. How much time and effort do you spend working at their summer cottage? Your physical capabilities may be limited by the resources of the cardiovascular system.

Vacationers like a piece of nature with all your heart, sometimes forgetting about his heart. They work in the heat, lift weights, digging by hand, not having this habit. The intensity and duration of physical labor is not commensurate with the real possibilities, and people at risk of becoming permanent patients cardiologist. At the age of 40 after years of intense physical activity without prior preparation can lead to heart attack and stroke. And it is the young and generally healthy people. What can we say about those who are over 60? Any physical work requires safety.

Here are a few rules that will help to organize your chalet efforts and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Always before work on the site do the workout. Simple exercises will prepare the heart to stress and activates the autonomic regulation. So you reduce the likelihood of an attack of tachycardia, warn dizziness, shortness of breath.

Make several approaches with short pauses to rest. Frequent outages better help restore power.

Drink water during operation to maintain a constant blood volume. When you sweat heavily, then the moisture goes along with electrolytes, so in hot weather is better to drink mineral water.

On hot days, poured cold water on the legs to the knees. This will facilitate the work of the heart pumping blood and is effective for the prevention of varicose veins.

Always wear a hat when working in the sun. Try not to operate with air temperature above 30 degrees.

If you have a headache or feel dizzy, it is better to postpone the work. Measure blood pressure, call a doctor, take medication. The holiday season frequent heart attacks and strokes from overwork. If you have a burning pain in the chest, severe headache and weakness - immediately call an ambulance.

Take the medicine to strengthen the heart and blood vessels all the holiday season. For this purpose, suitable preparations based on amino acids that improve energy metabolism in the myocardium. Necessary heart of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine are in preparation Eltacin, which improves oxygen uptake in the myocardium and helps to withstand the strenuous exercise.

Work in the country can really bring pleasure and not to harm health if you do not forget to take care of themselves.


Glutamic acid, Cystine, Glycine supplement from headache

03 Mar 2017

What helps a headache when vascular dystonia

Dystonia, usually accompanied by headaches during weather change or after exhaustion, the heat or the cold. Morning headaches are usually associated with cardiovascular manifestations of dystonia. If a person wakes up suddenly with a VSD, an alarm clock, or sharp jumps out of bed, it risks to make the whole day a throbbing pain or heaviness in the head. The challenge is to find the right medication in these cases can not please everyone. Even with the same diagnosis of the causes of headache in different people may be different and are determined by the clinical form of autonomic dysfunction. And in order to work on the symptom, you need to understand what causes it.

How do you treat a headache?

The most common drugs used for headache NSAIDs. Simple analginum works fine, if a headache with SARS, or fatigue. Also, many drugs helps to relieve spasms of smooth muscle: No-spa, papaverine. When tension headaches, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, these drugs are often very effective. But what about those who suffer from vascular dystonia?

Conventional "pills from the head" at VSD help badly. Even if you manage to relieve the pain for a while, she will soon be back again. After all, the cause - autonomic dysfunction - has not disappeared. Taking a pill analgin, you just choke the symptom, not a disorder affecting itself. What is the nature of your dystonia: cardiovascular, psychogenic, asthenovegetative? The next time the tablet can not work, and you will find a new, stronger pain medicine, take it more frequently and in greater numbers. This situation is familiar to many, but in so doing you harm your health.

With help from a headache with dystonia?

Attempts to get rid of the symptoms without an integrated approach to the problem of VSD are ineffective, so essential medicines that would affect the very cause of the IRR. Acute pain can drown painkiller, but it is unnecessary to forget about the tools that will help you forget about the attacks for a long time, tools to improve the exchange created from amino acids the body related to nerve tissue and myocardium. Preparations Eltacin and glycine are the main treatment for VSD. Applying them at the same time, you are gently and naturally relieves symptoms of vascular dystonia, improving overall health. Eltacin consists of glutamic acid, cystine, glycine - amino acids that are normally synthesized in the body continuously. When the autonomic dysfunction of this mechanism is disrupted, and the flow of external amino acids can provide the processes of regeneration and oxidation. Glycine is an amino acid primary protective for the nervous system.

Glycine intake with Eltacin recommended in the case of regular headaches at VSD, especially in conditions of chronic stress and fatigue at work.


Eltacin supplement against Hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart disease

03 Mar 2017

Eltacin in the fight for quality of life

Hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart disease - disease, dangerous in themselves. If they are complicated by symptoms of heart failure (weakness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, swelling in violation of the blood supply are inevitable), increases the threat to life, dramatically decreases the quality.

Eltacin comprises amino acids specific to each body. They allow him to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of heart failure, correct it mildly. As a regulator of metabolism, the drug helps the body to normalize the redox processes, more efficient use of oxygen tissue, helps produce a greater amount of energy necessary for the operation of the heart.

This Eltacin can significantly increase myocardial contractile capacity (including, and smoking), to cope with the "interruption" of the heart, improve endurance during exercise, to improve the quality of life in patients with heart failure.

The drug is not toxic, is not hypersensitive to the components apart, contraindications to use. Sublingual Eltacin intake (1 tablet 3 times a day) on the basis of conventional therapy, is able not only to significantly alleviate the condition of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, but also makes it possible to gradually reduce the dose of cardiac drugs. Talk to your doctor. Perhaps Eltacin - exactly the medicine that you have been waiting for.

The drug may be useful for people not suffering from chronic heart disease. Stress, in particular, that (anywhere from it you will not get!) Abounds in our lives, is able to apply a crushing blow to the cardiovascular system. You can also like Chitomur.

Psycho-emotional arousal is good only in moderation. When the voltage is "off scale" all conceivable limits, even in a healthy person's heart "jumps out of my chest" - appear shortness of breath, weakness, palpitations. By the way, doctors suggest: multiply increasing during summer the number of complaints of patients with symptoms of heart failure, not accidental. Changing climatic zone, sharp fluctuations in temperature and especially heat - serious stress to the cardiovascular system with all the ensuing consequences. Put under the tongue 3 times a day for Eltacin tablet, you can support the heart muscle, blood vessels help to survive in a difficult situation.


Nootropic Stack - Glycine and Biotredin

03 Mar 2017

How to feel at 20: simple guidelines

Age after age 30 the most fruitful. You already have some experience with this energetic and full of ideas, you know how to voice their wishes and know the value of his time. You have just started to enjoy with the way your life is suddenly having trouble where before there were no problems. Increasingly it rolls fatigue and brain refuses to work in full force. Rest does not help completely, and come the first thought of the age. "But this is ridiculous: I'm only 35 years old!"

If you did not pay attention to their health with youth, then after thirty currently give to know the first signs of aging. Shortness of breath, fatigue, decreased memory and attention, low resistance to stress. This is the age of occurrence of chronic diseases and the first disappointments in their abilities. You can buy Biotredin.

At a measured pace of life, all these changes can be practically invisible. But very few people gets carefree life in the prime of life: this is the active operation and overload, overtime and travel, searching for a better job. Total half-year of this life, and compensatory possibilities of the organism are plummeting. This significantly affects the appearance and health.

Overtime and night shifts fully accrue and women on maternity leave, which, according to many, just relax at home with a child. But in the first two or three years after the birth of a child a woman is perhaps the most heavy load for a lifetime. Sometimes the stress of young mothers reinforce the need to work with the child in her arms. Therefore, even if a woman has always looked younger than his years, two years of the decree it suddenly catches up with his chronological age.

Everyone wants to stay young as long as possible, but few who are able to sacrifice for the sake of peace. In fact, a lot of work would be required: you just need to know where to put their forces.

Twice a week, take time to physical training. There is no fundamental difference whether you practice yoga or fitness. Main teach your body new movements and loads. For example, stay young well help dancing. This is useful for physical health, prevents age-related changes in the joints. The pulses that arrive from the muscles to the brain, improve cognitive function.

Do not miss a night's sleep. Lack of sleep at night be sure to be reflected on the exterior, and on health. You simply deprives the body of opportunity to restore its resources. Inattention, irritability - is only a small part of the damage. First of all, you run the risk of heart health. Daytime sleep does not replace sleep at night.

Take time to meet friends, favorite things. These are the main two components that determine the enjoyment of life. A happy man - always young in body and soul.

Take amino acids for rejuvenation. Energy production in the tissues can be improved by amino acids and their metabolites. Even if you do not get to follow the steps above, you can significantly prolong youth with the help of amino acids.

Return their intellectual capacity and help the brain to work at full capacity to help the amino acid threonine in combination with vitamin B6. These materials are part Biotredin drug.

Improve the nutrition of the heart muscle and slow down the aging of the heart can help glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. These amino acids in an optimum form for learning contained in Eltacin. It is especially important to regularly take Eltatcin in sports.

The amino acid glycine is indispensable if you have small children, as well as chronic stress at work. It is a natural ingredient that is needed in a large number of the nervous system during heavy load. The drug contains the amino acid glycine is in the form in which it is as well as possible fulfill its protective function.


Nootropicos – Biotredin

03 Mar 2017

Effective ways to improve brain function during the session

Exams are in full swing, and you are absolutely exhausted? How to improve brain function, when it seems that all the reserves have been exhausted? Do not despair! There are effective science-based ways to get a little smarter in the short term.

Drink more water. The blood supply to the brain is highly dependent on the physical properties of the blood. In hot weather, stuffy room in the body rapidly loses moisture, which leads to the fact that the blood becomes viscous. Viscous blood can not deliver oxygen to the brain cells the right amount, and take products of metabolism. She just can not get into the smallest capillaries. As a result, the brain loses its capacity, and you feel tired.

Do not overeat. Calories and abundant food takes a long time to digest, and this whole period of the stomach, intestines and digestive glands are intensively supplied with blood. For the active work of the brain just does not have enough resources, and you will be sleepy. Choose light meals and eat small meals in between studying.

Protein and omega-3 will strengthen the neural connections. You will be easier to remember the material and organize it if the body is enough amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. These elements are part of the cell structure, and intense brain activity is always consumed in large quantities. The sources of easily digestible protein - eggs, fish, seafood, grains, poultry. Useful fatty acids are found in nuts and seeds, oily fish, vegetable oil and butter, lard. These products, rather than sugar, are particularly useful for the brain during the session.

Go to bed no later than 23-00. Night sleep is very important in preparing for the exams, because at this time is the processing of all information received during the day. If, instead of sleep you will learn, you spend a lot of effort, but the result will be spectacular. In the period from 24-00 to 4-00 in the brain produced substances that stimulate the formation of neural connections and increase its capacity.

Forget about energy. Energy drinks, including coffee, contribute to the release of latent resources, and you feel more energetic. But after a short period of time this takes effect, and energy reserves do not have time to recover. Thus, you lose the ability to consistently absorb training material that does not contribute to the rapid preparation for the exam. Coffee, strong sweet tea in large quantities are no longer willing, but the drain on the nervous system, and you lose time in vain attempts to squeeze the maximum out of yourself. In what condition you will get a result on the exam?

Take safe solutions to improve the functioning of the brain. When you need to achieve the greatest good results in a short time, nerve cells need a special energy support. Speed up the metabolism and the formation of neural connections, you can use amino acids, and vitamin B6. The optimal form of these substances are combined in a formulation Biotredin: it consists of the amino acid threonine and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). This increases the potential energy makeup of the brain, and the faster and better you remember all the necessary information.


Biotredin - Action of vitamin B6 in combination with the amino acid threonine

03 Mar 2017

How many times have you had to give up on their own strength in the critical moment, when it was not possible to show all their abilities to maintain restraint. The manifestation of personal qualities often depends on the exchange of biologically active substances at the molecular level. Vitamin B6 and the amino acid threonine just refer to those molecules that help to keep themselves in the most difficult circumstances, making maximum use of all its capabilities.

The biological role of vitamin B6 and threonine

Benefits of Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is confirmed for the nervous system: it is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, stimulates cell respiration and accelerates the elimination of toxins. All this improves mood, helps to cope with stress, to treat insomnia, neurological disease in children and adults.

Threonine - is an essential amino acid which when the body reacts and decomposes to glycine and acetaldehyde, are also involved in activation of the Krebs cycle. Glycine is a neurotransmitter, activates processes of protective inhibition. In the presence of vitamin B6 all threonine conversion is much faster, and both substances potentiate the action of each other, so it is important to their simultaneous entry into the body. In this case, significantly increased the potential nervous system and stress.

Modern drug Biotredin

Neither vitamin B6 or threonine is not produced in the body, so they need regular dietary intake or in pharmaceuticals. How this can be achieved in the present conditions, and at the same time is it possible to maintain a sufficient concentration and pyridoxine, and threonine?

Biotredin The drug was designed specifically to solve this problem: it consists of vitamin B6 and L-threonine, which are here in an optimum ratio.

Action Biotredin on the body complex: improves metabolism in the brain, increasing the efficiency of thinking, improving attention, memory, thus helping to cope with the psychological stress by activating protective inhibition.

Acetaldehyde, which is produced by the metabolism of threonine, a marker of craving for alcohol, and its entry into the blood before receiving ethanol helps reduce the desire to consume alcohol. Therefore, the use in the treatment of alcoholism Biotredin helps to solve several problems at once: to reduce the craving for alcohol, to identify hidden cravings at the stage of remission, improve the general condition due to participation in the metabolism, reduce emotional stress and increase motivation for treatment.

Application Biotredin in pediatrics

Appointment Biotredin in adolescence helps to overcome the crisis and at the same time reduce the likelihood of deviant behavior. A key requirement of adolescence - to accept yourself and be accepted by their peers. But it is complicated by the high satisfaction of nervous tension, irritability, anxiety, caused by this age hormonal changes, psychological crisis, the relative lack of vitamins and amino acids. Optimize the biochemical processes in the body of a teenager helps reception complex of vitamin B6 and threonine.

Similar problems faced by the student body and the elementary school when the need for the active molecules more than the ability to obtain them, the stress of training slows metabolism in nervous tissue, which further reduces the possibility of adaptation. Biotredin solves the problem of a lack of energy, improves emotional state and makes it difficult to adapt to new conditions.

Appointment Biotredin neurological problems, mental retardation is also justified by its metabolic activity. Thus a regular intake of the drug has therapeutic effects not only in therapy but also helps to establish their own mechanisms for regulation, which will be supported in the future.


Meldonium Nootropic. Mildronat and carnitine: a new stage in the prevention of atherosclerosis

03 Mar 2017

Atherosclerosis can rightly be called one of the most common diseases of our time. The reasons for its development is very multifaceted: unbalanced diet to sedentary lifestyles. Numerous studies the causes of atherosclerosis secrete a number of possible catalysts for the formation in the blood vessels so-called "cholesterol" plaques, including increased intake of carnitine - an amino acid of B vitamins contained in a number of foods, including red meat, and is often used as a dietary food supplements.

In particular, the role of carnitine in the development of atherosclerosis was examined in detail in a group of scientists led by Professor Stanley Hazen, published in the influential medical journals "Nature Medicine». According to the observations of scientists, often caused by atherosclerosis becomes carnitine contained in red meat. Carnitine entering the intestines is converted into trimethylamine, which is oxidized to the liver trimethylamine-oxide (TMAO), which plays an important role in facilitating the formation of the human atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessels.

Acute myocardial infarction: the possibility of applying Mildronate in treatment

Nevertheless, given that the carnitine is found in many foods required modern man (including, and dairy products) and plays an important role in fat metabolism as a coenzyme, contributing to oxidation and transport of fatty acids for use as an energy source, to exclude it from the diet seems irrational. However, it should take into account the potential negative impact of elevated concentrations of carnitine in the atherosclerosis process.

According to medical research, one of the ways of "neutralizing" the consequences of excessive consumption of carnitine and atherosclerosis risk is the use of the original drug Mildronate company "Grindeks".

"During the 4 Georgia Cardiology Congress, we touched on a very important issue. It is important not only how to treat cardiovascular disease, but Kach avoid them. At the heart of the development of coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke and diabetes are metabolic disorders in the body on the background of the presence of various atherosclerosis risk factors.

And why this process is so dangerous? Because the formation and growth of atherosclerotic plaque in the lumen of the vessel and its occlusion. The vessels can not, as before, to ensure adequate blood supply, which leads to the various clinical manifestations depending on the organ in which the problem. Repeated studies have shown that the fight against metabolic disorders is possible. A drug that affects the energy metabolism in the plant - the Mildronate – Meldonium Nootropic. It is similar to an existing substance in the body, it is harmless to the body. During cellular oxygen starvation, or ischemia Mildronate saving oxygen.

When there is a blockage of the blood vessels supplying the heart or other organ necessary or reborn vascular permeability or reduce the consumption of oxygen in the body. And it Mildronate to optimize the consumption of oxygen throughout the body. Mildronate – Meldonium nootropic the only drug that reduces the level of carnitine in the blood plasma.

American scientists have found that the development of atherosclerosis and its associated incidents of myocardial infarction, stroke and mortality directly correlated with the concentration of carnitine in the plasma of patients and increase trimethylamine oxide layer (TMAO), which is the final metabolite of carnitine lead to degradation of its intestinal microorganisms to trimethylamine and subsequent oxidation in the liver to TMAO. This are explained by the fact that the resulting blocks of carnitine trimetilamine-oxide macrophages capture excess amounts of cholesterol when its peak concentration in the blood. As a result, the formation of cholesterol deposits can occur even at low levels of average values in plasma cholesterol concentration. This sheds some light on the mechanism by which Mildronate significantly reduces plaque formation in the aorta in animals predisponce to atherosclerosis.

Note also that in the clinic and patients with diabetes type second severity of disease is directly correlated with the concentration of carnitine in the blood plasma of these patients. This indicates the need to review the use of carnitine or carnitine-containing products (for example - red meat), as conditions to degradation trimetilamine-oxide carnitine significantly increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

The only remedy in the world, which reduces the level of carnitine in humans is Mildronate. A pilot study on healthy people who take dietary trimethylamine, or its predecessors, has shown that Mildronate not only reduces the level of carnitine, but reduces the level of education and pro-atherogenic factor – trimetilamine-oxide. Thus, the use of Mildronate in order to reduce to safe levels of carnitine and trimetilamine-oxide pathogenetically justified and purposeful way of preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and possibly the second type of diabetes.

Consequently, Mildronate not only has unique cytoprotective properties in ischemic lesions of diverse etiology and localization, but also acts on the molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis formation.
Therefore, I can say with pride that Mildronate – Meldonium Nootropic is the only drug that regulates the level of carnitine in humans and thus can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, so you can safely say that the future of medicine Mildronate Nootropic.

Also, from personal experience I can say that the treatment is very effective in Mildronate coronary heart disease and heart failure. This is proven in double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled studies. Also, it is well known that diabetes - a terrible disease, which destroys the entire body. Mildronate has a positive effect on insulin resistance, which greatly improves the general condition and quality of life of the patient. "

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