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Amino Acid Glutamin for adaptation

08 Feb 2017

Why is it so difficult to start work after the holidays

Work is quite difficult in the usual way immediately after the holidays. But often it is in the first days after the release of the office you will find yourself as much as possible involved in the solution of urgent problems: yet, after all you have been waiting for, accumulated a lot of cases. Are you still relaxed, but try to meet the requirements of the working environment, and can not in any way involved in the process.

Adaptation to work after a long holiday - it is natural, and there is no sense to blame themselves for the fact that you find it difficult to work the first few days. The body always needs time to adapt to new conditions or to return to the usual action after a long break. Biorhythms are rebuilt at all differently. There are people who get it quickly, and there are those who perceive any change as stress, unsettling. As a rule, this is due to personal characteristics, and first of all the features of the nervous system.

Poor adaptability inherent in people with impaired autonomic regulation, those who suffer from vascular dystonia. Autonomic dysfunction in a period of adjustment after the holidays can be manifested by drowsiness, inattention, lack of motivation, headaches, severe anxiety, bouts of palpitations, sweating, fever. Return to a normal rhythm of work as soon as possible in this case to help action against IRR. Mode of the day, a good rest at night, tempering and morning exercise, multivitamins, drinking regime - a common recommendation of doctors to improve the adaptive capacity of the organism. But in order to make it work, you need to adhere to them on a regular basis. You can also like Bonomarlot.

Today, there is a drug that helps to improve the body's ability to adapt and reduce the severity of symptoms VSD - Eltacin. The preparation consists of the amino acids that are essential for the synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione: glutamic acid, glycine, cystine. Admission Eltacin gently helps establish the natural mechanisms that are responsible for the rapid restructuring of reactions depending on the conditions. This is an effective adaptogen, which is a remedy for the IRR.

Take Eltacin recommend long-term: to go to work in good shape, it is desirable to start reception Eltacin before leaving on vacation. But you can start treatment at any time: it will provide you with the necessary support in the most difficult period of adjustment.


Home kit of medicines for the whole family

08 Feb 2017

The medicine box in every home, but often at the right moment there is not exactly that of the drug that is needed. In fact, a first aid kit can be very compact, but at the same time accommodate all that you'll need.

Medications essentials

When the need to provide assistance quickly, the value of the home kits can not be overstated. For drugs for first aid include local antiseptic agents (hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol), Burns, painkillers and anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (for adults and children separately), a medicine to relieve allergic edema, nitroglycerin for relief of angina pectoris. This includes bandages, cotton wool, adhesive tape, sterile antiseptic dressings in batches. You can try Bonomarlot.

Means for treatment of the common cold

With a cold and SARS, you can help yourself by having on hand a minimum set of drugs for the common cold and sore throat. But in cases of suspected flu, be sure to consult a doctor.

Vasoconstrictive nose drops (separately for adult and child), eye drops with antiseptic, antiseptic throat, gargle, expectorant for coughs (syrup plantain). It is also useful to have a home nebulizer.

Funds from digestive disorders and intoxications

Activated carbon and suspensions for removing toxins, saline solution for the preparation of a drink with vomiting and diarrhea (Regidron), heartburn remedy, antidiarrhoeal.

From a hangover and a toxicosis of pregnant women is very good Limontar: the preparation of succinic and citric acid, which activates the metabolism and accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body. He also has a tonic effect.

Calming and sleeping pills

Keep your home medicine cabinet sedatives may be unsafe: these drugs that in overdose can depress the respiratory center and heart activity. Yet the need for such preparation there is often. Therefore, the perfect solution for the home kit is Glycine.

It contains glycine amino acid of the same name, which normalises metabolic processes in the nervous system and activates the safety braking. Glycine is prescribed for insomnia, increased anxiety, high psycho-emotional stress. It is absolutely safe drug, which even children can be taken and pregnant.

Means for strengthening the cardiovascular system

Status of the heart and blood vessels - is the main criterion of a long and active life. Therefore, in a home medicine cabinet have to be means for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Eltacin - a drug which is composed of three amino acids: glutamic acid, glycine, cystine. Eltacin naturally improves metabolism in the heart muscle, helping the heart to receive the necessary energy at high physical exertion. Eltacin prescribed for the prevention of heart diseases, vascular dystonia, used in treatment of heart failure.

Medications for nervous system support

Always maintain a clear mind, poise, a good memory and attention can be difficult. Continuous hard work can adversely affect the nervous system, and as a result you will be a long time to recover or lose health. Therefore, in the home medicine cabinet should be a preparation to support the nervous system, which can be drunk courses or extra, in case of stress. For this purpose, suitable Biotredin. It improves the metabolism of the nervous tissue, improves memory and attention, improves mental performance, reduces psychological stress.

In addition to the above, your personal first aid kit can be supplemented with special drugs, depending on the state of your health. Decide with them will help your doctor.


Biotredin (Threonine) - Awakebrain - Modern approach to the treatment of alcoholism

08 Feb 2017

Can I quit drinking in one day, and stay sober in the future? As practice shows, alcoholism cure yourself at home is unlikely. First of all, because you need to recover completely exclude the possibility of the use of alcohol, and in the familiar surroundings of this difficult to achieve. Another important condition is the desire of the patient to be healthy: no treatment, there is no secret, and to achieve a positive result should be a lot of work on the part of the patient and his relatives.

Alcoholism treatment is carried out in public or private drug treatment clinics, and therapy program may be different, but there are basic principles on which this process is based.

Diagnosis of alcoholism
Evaluation of the patient's condition allows you to select the right approach to treatment. The first thing to evaluate in a sober or drunk, he got to the hospital, whether in need of detoxification, if agreed to treatment. Private agreement - a basic condition for admission to hospital.

With long-term and regular use of alcohol affects the internal organs, develop alcoholic degeneration of the liver and kidneys, cardiomyopathy, encephalopathy, vascular damage, pancreatitis, diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Conclusions about the extent of the defeat of all organs will help to create an individual treatment plan.

Principles of treatment of alcohol dependence
Adherence and hospital rules should exclude any possibility to use alcohol, even in small quantities. As a rule, breach of the causes of early discharge.

Alcohol dependence develops on biochemical and psychological levels, so if you take into account the treatment of both of these managers.

Psychotherapy involves alcoholism coding, cognitive-behavioral therapy. To increase the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic methods alternated personalized welcome by a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychiatrist, group forms of work. Psychotherapeutic group for the dependent may be homogeneous or consist of patients with alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling. In each case, you can implement certain therapeutic problem.

Drugs to reduce the craving for alcohol, causing an aversion to alcohol, administered during the entire course of treatment. This helps to get accustomed to abstinence and to adjust the metabolism of neurotransmitters. Without the use of such drugs to cope with alcoholism is much more difficult, since the patient's own will is not enough to abstinence and self-recovery of the biochemical processes going on for a long time. Easy to use and safe even in the presence of several chronic diseases drug Biotredin. It consists of the amino acids threonine and vitamin B6, and within 15 minutes after receiving its effect becomes noticeable. Biotredin increases the amount of acetaldehyde in the blood that helps to abstain from alcohol, as well as having a positive effect on nerve cells, helping to reduce the appearance of alcoholic encephalopathy and polyneuropathy.

Physical therapy and medicine to improve the overall state of repair of tissue after the toxic effects of alcohol accelerate recovery and improve the therapeutic effect of the above-described methods for the treatment of alcoholism.


Bromantane (Ladasten) – FAQS

08 Feb 2017

What is the recommended duration of Ladasten treatment?

The recommended course of treatment 2 - 4 weeks.

Is it possible to assign Ladasten people who drive a car and / or working with machinery?

Yes, you can. Ladasten not adversely affect the reaction rate and other indicators characterizing the activity of the operator.

Is it possible to develop an addiction to Ladasten?

According to experimental and clinical studies, Ladasten not cause addiction and dependence.

How Ladasten affect the blood pressure?

According to studies, Ladasten no significant effect on blood pressure.

How often can I repeat the treatment Ladasten?

As a rule, one course of treatment Ladasten is sufficient for complete reduction of fatigue. However Ladasten treatment can be repeated, if the doctor considers it appropriate. There are no time limits on the duration of the course or the intervals between them, no.

Why not recommend taking Ladasten after 16 hours of the day?

Ladasten has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and its reception in the afternoon may be accompanied by the emergence or strengthening of the existing difficulties of falling asleep.

Why Ladasten contraindicated for use in children, pregnant and lactating women?

In experimental studies Ladasten has been shown that the drug has no negative influence on the generative function of animals and on the growth and development of their offspring. However, clinical studies have not been conducted and there are no relevant clinical data to recommend the use of Ladasten in children, pregnant and lactating women.

What actoprotective Activity?

Actoprotectors - are drugs that increase the efficiency in the complicated conditions (elevated and / or low temperature, high content of carbon dioxide, oxygen deficiency, etc.).


Selank Peptide Nasal Drops

07 Feb 2017

The intranasal route of administration of drugs that enhance brain function, more effective than others.

For drugs with instillation into the nose along the olfactory nerves can be transported directly into the brain tissue. What kind of drugs? These polypeptides include - a compound consisting of several amino acids.

Selank relates to polypeptides of the group, so it is a matter of minutes through the olfactory nerves to the brain, which determines the speed of its therapeutic effect.

Selank - it's speed, simplicity and high efficiency of treatment.

The intranasal route of administration Selanc provides tremendous advantages over drugs preparty in the form of injections or tablets - because their performance is substantially limited protective barriers of the body, such as the blood-brain barrier, whose mission - to prevent the aggressive compounds to the brain cells. A medicine for the body - is a kind of "aggressors" and the majority of them does not reach the brain, and, if they enter the brain, but only in small quantities.

It is also worth considering that the intranasal administration does not cause any discomfort to the patient and does not require special procedures for which the necessary qualified staff.

Within a few minutes after being hit Selank on the nasal mucosa, it begins to act in helping brain cells. it is very important to recover quickly, and every man return to his usual activities, which helps Selank.


Selank Peptide

07 Feb 2017

What is Selank?

Selank - a product of the Russian pharmaceutical, synthetic neuropeptide similar in structure to the natural bioregulators of the brain. The only peptide used in medicine tranquilizer. It has no analogues in the world, not only on the structure and functional activity, but also on the release form.

It has a unique, different from all other tranquilizing drugs acting on the central nervous system (CNS), combining the properties of anxiolytic properties with antidepressant effect and anti-asthenic action and nootropic agents.

Security of Selank peptide
The main difference Selank from a variety of popular drugs like profile - it does not treat the symptoms of the disease and eliminate its causes at the biochemical level. Its molecule is responsible for the optimization of the human nervous system, restoring balance in those areas of the brain that are responsible for our emotions, including the development of conditions such as anxiety and depression.

In fact, it runs in our bodies the processes which should it occur in a healthy condition, enhances adaptation to the adverse effects, "sets up" re-work of nerve cells hit by stress and exhausting rhythm of life.

The drug has a high degree of security and does not cause any significant side effects, and such phenomena as drug dependency and addiction.

Selank anti-depressive peptide

Depressive and depressed mood interfere with normal work activities, and outstanding work even more lowers mood and self-esteem, narrow and vital interests. Selank thus reducing depression levels, increase the interest in life, encourage efficiency and optimize the activities of the emotional centers of the brain.

Selank against stress
Selank restarts reduction reactions in the body that have been reduced or discontinued under stress, because stress factors can not always be eliminated. If unable to properly relax resort to the means of a short-term effect, such as alcohol, coffee, but it does not help to cope with stress and worsen its consequences. Therefore, the output can become the "Selank".

Selank against anxiety
Anxiety - an integral part of our lives, and there is a reaction to the stresses of everyday life. In a healthy person the feeling of anxiety is a temporary sensation. Anxiety can contribute to the emergence of fear, for example, before an exam.

Also, a number of people have unwarranted excitement with the feeling of inner tension. In addition, can manifest restlessness, fidgeting, rubbing fingers, biting lips and nails. No action can develop a whole range of diseases, within the group of "anxiety disorders".

Selank against fatigue
Modern life dictates a rapid rhythm, a large flow of necessary information and the lack of time to make decisions. In the cities of fatigue symptoms occur in 80% of the active population: fatigue, weakness, constant fatigue. Selank optimizes higher brain functions, including thinking, memory and attention.


Eltacin at Orthostatic Collapse

07 Feb 2017

Orthostatic hypotension in adolescents

Why teen faints? The reasons for this may be a few, but if your baby is healthy, then it's probably - orthostatic collapse. Its cause - drop in blood pressure and a sharp outflow of blood from the brain, and disconnection of consciousness at the same time is a defensive reaction.

Orthostatic collapse - a loss of consciousness immediately after the adoption of the vertical position of the body: if you stand from a prone position, or even sitting in full view. If it happens in the morning, due to the vagal effect on vascular tone and heart rate, which is characteristic of the sleep state. Adolescents also fainted due to the physiological characteristics of the age.

Why teen faints

Often orthostatic collapse is a consequence not only a sharp decline in blood pressure, and reduce it to a critical level on the background of constant hypotension. In the period of active growth, many teens suffer from low blood pressure, because large vessels and the heart does not have time to grow as fast as the skeleton and muscles. Pumps up the blood from the lower extremities to the head at the same time difficult as to keep blood pressure constant. Sex hormones, to which the body of a teenager only adapts now, have a relaxing effect on the vascular wall, and it impairs the return of blood to the heart.

When autonomic dysfunction (IRR) dysregulation of vascular tone at the teenager often causes hypotension and orthostatic collapse. Dystonia strengthens the manifestation of all the above factors, and reduces the body's ability to adapt to them.

Orthostatic collapse should be treated, or grow?

Expectant position at regular fainting does not justify itself. Sooner or later, the teenager grows up and the regulation of all functions return to normal. But syncope significantly complicate the life of the child deprived of opportunities to play sports and be active. Poor circulation leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, which reflects poorly on the school. In the absence of long-term vascular dystonia treatment fixes corrupted mechanisms of regulation and further negative impact on the general health and the functioning of the brain. Please pay attention to Hepatamin.

Treatment orthostatic collapse includes physical therapy and taking medication that improves vegetative regulation. It is not recommended Intensive exercise, because after an unusually high tension may be overcompensation, which will lead to further reduction of blood pressure.

Improve metabolism in tissues and gently adjust the autonomic regulation makes prolonged use of the amino acid cystine, glycine, glutamic acid. During active growth amino acids support facilitates the body's adaptation to the new conditions. Cystine, glycine and glutamic acid are part of Eltacin drug, which is recommended from 12 years to correct vascular dystonia and facilitate the transition of adolescents.


Glutamine Benefits

07 Feb 2017

Why there was a lump in my throat, and how to get rid of it

Lump in the throat is usually felt as a foreign body, which prevents swallowing, talking. An analogue of this symptom is considered a strong tickling, burning sensation in the throat, and other unpleasant sensations in the esophagus and trachea. Typically, in a throat - this is a symptom of vascular dystonia, but sometimes a feeling of a foreign body may be evidence of organic disease: throat cancer, thyroid tumor, abscess, allergic edema, myocardial infarction. To exclude these diagnoses, you must undergo a medical examination as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms.

Dangerous or not dangerous lump in my throat?

Short-term feeling of a lump in the throat is usually not dangerous, though very unpleasant. If the symptom is associated with vascular dystonia, then your life is not in danger. Although at the time of the attack is difficult to believe it. You can try Hepatamin.

Lump in the throat is one of the symptoms of a panic attack, and is often accompanied by palpitations, sweating, weakness in the arms or legs, tinnitus, unreasonable fear. These symptoms pass quickly, but reserve the fear that all again.

Only coma feeling in the throat when VSD, with no other symptoms may occur against a background of strong fatigue, emotional stress, or momentarily remain for several days.

Dystonia is not a dangerous disease, but without treatment it does not pass. Long for VSD can lead to persistent violations in the internal organs, so doctors recommend starting treatment as early as possible.

How recommended by doctors from the lump in the throat?

Once the doctor determines the diagnosis of "vegetative dysfunction" it will be assigned to a complex treatment that will get rid of the lump in the throat, along with other symptoms of VSD.

Treatment includes correction of lifestyle, physical therapy and medication. The drug of choice for vascular dystonia - Eltacin. This is an effective modern medicine that acts directly on the cause of the VVD, and gently adjusts the processes of vegetative regulation. Eltacin consists of three amino acids, glycine, cystine, glutamic acid, which govern the formation of energy in cells and helps to cope with the disorder naturally. The product is suitable for long-term treatment, recommended 12 years.


How not to go crazy in the decree?

07 Feb 2017

There is no more strength to endure screaming children and whims. Catch elusive day trying to catch anything from their personal files. To accustom to the pot and sleep time. Asking not to throw food, not to throw the plants from the window sill is not put on Dad's shoes, is not from the cat bowl. There are no forces to separate squabbling children and to console the offended. Are you tired, but still trying to hold on.

No, you have, of course, many reasons to feel happy, but somehow during the day you want to cry, you have more and more often a headache. You feel the anxiety for no apparent reason. And it seems that something is wrong with the heart.

Why does a woman on maternity leave often feels sick?

The depletion of the body's chronic stress often aggravates the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. If you once diagnosed, "dystonia" in the period of radical changes in the life of the decree you are likely to come across a full range of symptoms. Exacerbation or debut VVD also contributes to a complicated pregnancy, the birth process, hormonal changes before and after child birth. The moment when you realize that you need medical attention, you will cease to reproach myself for being weak and can start treatment.

How to start treatment of dystonia?

Before drugs and procedures will have to be effective, it will not prevent the effective use of a sedative. But conventional sedatives will not have the desired therapeutic action, and only temporarily mask the problem. The best means to remove the tension when vascular dystonia, is the amino acid glycine. Glycine is normally produced in the organism under stress but it is not enough, and the need for it increases significantly. In addition to rapid sedative effect of glycine helps to restore the nervous system and increase your resources and you get a long-term therapeutic effect. Glycine drug is absolutely safe for children and adults, and can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Is there a special cure for dystonia?

Treatment of vascular dystonia should be based on the means that will help establish a normal regulation and not simply remove the symptoms. Therefore, in addition to physiotherapy and psychotherapy, prescribed long-term use of amino acids and their metabolites. Amino acids - these are the structural elements of the body, which is always necessary for us in large numbers. Glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine to help establish the correct operation of the body at the cellular level: restore the energy of formation mechanisms in the mitochondria, help remove free radicals. When the VSD material as prescribed Eltacin drug.

Simultaneous reception Eltacin and Glycine is an optimal solution for the treatment of VSD during maternity leave.


Best Glutamine for Sport

07 Feb 2017

Proper training in swimming for the child

Teach techniques recommend swimming since six years: training in the pool to help the child to develop harmoniously, is the prevention of scoliosis, strengthen the nervous system. But there is the use of the training will be in the pool depends primarily on their organization.

The primary responsibility for the quality of the swimming training for the child lies with the parents. You need to select the pool to practice, coach, motivate the child on a regular basis to pay for services that were not absenteeism.

How to choose a coach and a swimming pool

Choosing a coach - this is the key point: the two children with the same data can reach very different results depending on the skills and methods of work of their mentors. It is important to understand the differences between the coach from the instructor: these professionals may be different education and qualification, which ultimately determines the quality of employment. Simply bathing in the pool, too, will benefit, but the work with a trainer will avoid many beginners mistakes and develop the correct swimming technique. To teach a child to swim in open water after the wrong training unqualified instructor then will not be easy.

Good sport can learn the art of swimming in the pool and municipal sports school and fitness club - professional trainer may well work in a commercial entity. In any case, you should carefully examine the qualifications of the expert. If you do not want to give the child to professional sports, it is not necessarily refuse to professionals sports schools. Training in swimming for children who are preparing for the big sports fans and differ only in the amount of time and the frequency of visits to the swimming pool. Training load in sport schools increased to 11-12 years, while, if you can not or do not want to go further, you can always leave the team, but with a child for life remain swimming skills.

Prerequisites for teaching swimming baby

Children learn to swim in a special children's pool. The water depth in the children's pool should be about 60 cm (to get the baby to the breast), water temperature - 30 degrees. These parameters allow the children to engage in a comfortable environment, which is important for learning to swim. Learning to swim in the adult pool right child can not, as in the initial stage it is important to rely on your feet and not use any swimming facilities. When a child can already swim confidently, he was transferred to the adult pool. A group of children should be no more than 12 people. In this case, each coach will be able to give enough attention. You can also like Ladasten.

How to reduce the risks of professional swimming lessons

It is important that developed several components of sporting success: physical characteristics of the child, coaching skills, lack of injuries, the ability to regularly engage in stable conditions.

Since 11 years, the coach will closely monitor how his players cope with the increased loads. The amount of time in the pool increases, the exercise becomes daily. Increasing the load falls on the period of active growth of the child, the heart at this time does not have time to grow as quickly. Too intense athletic training regimen can lead to heart failure, chronic otitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the kidneys, skin diseases. But if the parents interact with the coach, they can influence the process of training an athlete and to see the real potential of the child. To increase endurance with 12 sports doctors recommend drug best Glutamine - Eltacin. Amino acids, which are part of it, protect the heart from overload and help to achieve good results without risk to health.

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