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Cortexin injections – cool drug

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: improves memory and thinking. Speech moved just a few weeks.

My eldest daughter phonetic-phonemic speech-impaired and speech-impaired overall. I tried as best she could, but she could not even repeat after me. To doctors treated of 18 months.

In 3 years I spoke some words consisting of vowels. The pronunciation was terrible.

By speech therapist went and still go, but progress has been very, very, very slow. Spoke set of words. Each word is accumulating for a long time. I knew alphabet and numbers, but to 5.5 years she did not read, did not think that she could not describe the picture.

Passed course Cortexin + Speech. After 4-5 weeks, we have seen improvements:

  • improves memory (before the course could not remember two lines, after a course remember the whole fable).
  • Began to focus better and think logically
  • From the set of words to sentences passed
  • Start reading
  • Start count

And all this for 4-5 weeks

Of course all the results with the help of a speech therapist and speech pathologists.

I highly recommend


Cortexin injections – Miracle drug!

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: normalizes brain development in infants

Disadvantages: painful injections

I have a child born through "caesarean section", there were no complications during the operation, but being born in this way, we will automatically become registered to a neurologist. Did cerebral ultrasound proved that the liquid there is going to a little more than the norm. But as I told the doctor that treated sure, though a little more than the norm, it is a safety net that the liquid not increased. The doctor prescribed us to be injected “Cortexin”.

Cortexin to improve brain blood circulation, doctors are very praised drugs “Cortexin” and very recommended it to be injected. We completed the full course of treatment, and I wondered what changes began to occur, we have gone absolutely normal physical and mental development, and the result was noticeable immediately after the treatment.

“Cortexin” helped us by improving circulation it resolves the accumulated liquid. Child leveled in its development, and in the future no more deviations were not, we are now developing by age. When injected “Cortexin” baby was five months old, he is now seven years old. In general it can be periodically injections to improve brain activity for both adults and children.


Cortexin injections – Effective and safe drug

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective drug

Assigned Cortexin us at the age of seven months. Scary course such medications chop, the more all the time all the side effects scare, but it was worse than that for which we pricked the drug for us. So we immediately bought it and began to be treated. Everything went fine, pricked on Novocain, I later learned that this is wrong, knew from a doctor who is familiar with the creators “Cortexin”, stabbing it should be on the water so as Novocain blocks the action of amino acids, not completely of course, but still.

Perhaps the kiddies would certainly be very painful without Novocain as medicine is painful.

We had serious problems, several treatments and everything behind. Of course we are not alone “Cortexin” pricked. There are a number of other medicines. “Cortexin” really effective drug. “Cortexin” improves brain function, as it feeds. This helps to memory and learning processes. It helps to concentrate.


Cortexin – helped with the mental and speech development delay

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: new syllables, the activity, the child has become a little more socialized

Disadvantages: high price, will have to do injections

Cortexin - a popular nootropic drug of a new generation. The application form - ampoules for injections. The vial contains a dry matter “Cortexin”, which must be diluted with Novocain or ledokain - and then make a shot. Cortexin registered my son has one and a half years when he has not started to say - not one word, even banal "give" or "Mom". Then I was scared of injections purpose such a tiny kid, and I got acquainted in a network with all the information about this drug.

As a result, having read both positive and negative opinions, I realized – “Cortexin” useful and effective, and at the same time safe drug. And the fact that the form used in the injections - it is absorbed best when administered intramuscularly.

The result of applying Cortexin - the child did not become binding syllables in words, but syllables began to use a lot more. There were more meaningful emotional response behavior. I began to notice the world around actively - if they were not noticed pet after “Cortexin” course began to make attempts to pat the cat home. But the minuses - the child became more active - sometimes aimlessly ran, jumped.

The drug is not bad, definitely worth to try - do not be afraid of its injectable form themselves injections are not painful! And the effect of them really seen !!


Cortexin vials - Thanks to its son spoke!

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: Help the child fall into talk!

Disadvantages: High price! Pity the child stabbing pricks!

Cortexin injections - we appointed a neurologist, when his son was 2 years old. The child was born prematurely (at 32 weeks), and registered at the neurologist we were at birth. Sit, crawl and walk started later than our peers. And the speech had the same problem. In 2 years in the lexicon it was just mom, dad, grandmother, Nana (necessary) and about 10 onomatopoeia. Reported a rate of 10 shots. He cried, of course. The results appeared. 3-4 weeks later. At first he began to repeat the words heard - for us, watching TV, when I read his book. Repetitive and began to actively use them in speech.

He said more and more. When read him poetry, he last word in the lines for me to negotiate. There were phrases of 3-4 words. True, without excuses, but all the same! So gradually to 2.5 years in our vocabulary has increased up to 150 words. I specifically recorded that the next reception "report" to a neurologist and a speech therapist. In 2.8 the son went into the garden and began to talk incessantly. Of course, there in his speech unintelligible words, and sometimes his grandmother does not understand, it is necessary that I translated. But I think it's a matter of time. Speech said that the important thing is that there were phrases and the child can engage in dialogue with peers and adults, and eventually there will be sounds.

Usage time: 10 days


Cortexin vials – treatment of breath-holding spell

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: Positively affects the nervous system and brain development.

Disadvantages: high price.

First I want to explain what a breath-holding spell. When a child is hit, he is going to hurt or wants to get something that he could not, he begins to cry hard and ends when the air in the lungs, he can not breathe, and continues a silent scream. Here is a respiratory arrest and have breath-holding spell. In most cases it takes no more than 20 seconds.

It is found in many children. Between the ages of 6 months and up to six years, it is considered the norm, of course, if these attacks are not more than once a week.

We treat such attacks to normal until we got to the hospital with laryngitis. Then the baby was 1.3 years, the first two days (he had a sore neck and had a fever) had been attacks on any occasion. Then we were sent to a neurologist. After discharge in six weeks, the neurologist has appointed us ten shots “Cortexin” treatment and the same “Actovegin” injections.

“Cortexin” sold as a powder to be diluted. To this end, I bought more and ampoules of sodium chloride.

The active substance Cortexin polypeptides brain cortex of cattle. Positive effect on brain development.

“Cortexin” refers to organic drugs cause harm not. Injections of painful, but pain relievers have a number of contraindications, so use them with “Cortexin” I do not advise.

The effect is positive but insignificant. In a review written that the injections have helped our conversation still does not want to talk. Attacks have become much less common, but it happens when there is an occasion.

I recommend as it did not cause harm, of hard to judge the effect.

Injections for our boy became like an army, they made him mentally stronger.


Cortexin vials – the effect is!

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: convenient packaging, ease of use, efficiency

Disadvantages: high price

At the regular admission neurologist has written us “Cortexin” injections of the drug.

We were 7.5 months, and unfortunately we could not crawl, do not sit or step on the feet. A child like and want, but unfortunately could not. The hands are weak, poorly kept head.

The drug is administered intramuscularly Cortexin previously dissolved in water for injection or sodium chloride solution. We dissolve sodium chloride.

After four shots, I noticed improvements. The child stood on all fours, but before the application did not even try. I began confidently hold back. The baby began to rely on the legs and even sit down on the legs.

No side effects I have not noticed. Of course any injection is stressful for the baby, but unfortunately in a different form, the preparation is not released and can not be replaced by anything injections.

Price Cortexin certainly not cheap, but it is really worth the money.

Drug Cortexin I am satisfied. The main thing is the result.


Cortexin vials – good result

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: helped, injections are not sick.

Disadvantages: expensive drug

The child lags pronunciation of certain sounds, that is, the baby does not say many words correctly. Neurologist our prescribed course of treatment, injections Cortexin for children 10 vials.

Every day baby told better and memorize more complex and new words, which successfully uses in everyday life. So I want to reassure other parents injections themselves are not sick, just a child psychologically afraid of them. The result is, we checked personally. If your child has an allergy to novocaine, you can replace it with saline. But on their own do not assign this treatment, see your doctor first.

It helped us. And I think you will be the result, if you are prescribed this drug.

Usage time: 10 days


Cortexin injections - helped to recover my little son!

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: Suffice it safe, to help my child.

I had a heavy birth, had numerous consequences. The son formed numerous cysts in the brain as well, was intracranial pressure. The regional hospital, one of the drugs that pricked my little boy was “Cortexin”.

Three months later, it was necessary to do ultrasound to see the result of the treatment over time. The result was excellent - there was one, very small cysts and intracranial pressure, quite a bit higher than normal. Child reappointed Cortexin course of ten days, with the analgesic.

I noticed, after the course of treatment, the child began to sleep better and cry less. In six months, it was necessary to do ultrasound again. We did and the result was excellent, no abnormalities, the baby is healthy. Our Fortunately, there was no limit.

The drug in the clinic were given to us free. I liked that it is safe, we did not have any adverse reactions, everything went smoothly and only with a positive result. Let all kids are healthy!

Usage time: 2 courses for ten days


Cortexin injections – effective drug

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: It is taken as an injection, the incidence of side effects

Son was diagnosed - perinatal central nervous system in 1 month. To be honest, from the other children my child is no different, the only manifestation of the problem - a slightly increased tone in the legs.

According to our doctor's advice instead held a treatment course Cortexin for 10 days at a time with a course of baby massage. I can say that the drug was well tolerated, no change deterioration and sleep behavior was not, shots also were normal, afraid the child was only to last. Divorce saline instead of Novocain that does not cause allergic reactions.

The effect of Cortexin there and it is good. In this case, the tone did not leave right away, but we crawled within a week after the last injection, all the skills and development was normal. In the year of diagnosis we took off.

I think Cortexin a good drug, but it is necessary to take only under strict indications.

Usage time: 10 days

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