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Selank = Antidepressant + Nootropic

11 Jan 2017

Output by hybrid nootrop and anxiolytic or anti-anxiety medications. Yes, this is the mechanism of action of our agents today - Selank.

So, most likely, you will remember this as a nootropic drug Semax, which has a rather challenging slope Selank aimed at calming.

selank- Tuftsin

A Little more details
Let's start with this term as tuftsin - a peptide that is produced in the human spleen. In 1995, Russian scientists discovered a tuftsin property as removal of anxiety in animal experiments.
As with Semax problem of rapid decay of matter in the body when introduced "from outside" or short-term actions. simple and effective solution has been found - further add a chain of amino acids, which prolong the action tuftsin. According to the results obtained, that Selank - a modification tuftsin molecule.

How does Selank act

  • Expressed anxiolytic effects through the GABA system in the brain. Also prevents improve the level of anxiety neurotransmitters (norepinephrine) in the emotional centers of the brain, increasing the level of endogenous antidepressant here enkephalins (similar to endorphins) - those substances which are already produced in our body.
  • Accelerating the creation of the mRNA in the hippocampus. mRNA - the scheme, the plan for the synthesis of protein structures in the hippocampus. The hippocampus - a brain region, liability for memory and learning.
  • Improve memory.

At a high emotional stress, the effects surpass even Piracetam. This is not surprising, because we usually demonstrate intelligence, when we are not seething emotions, but only calm sanity.

  • Increases reduced level of serotonin. Serotonin - a hormone the pleasure of life, its low value is often associated with depression, Selank increases serotonin, if it is reduced.
  • Increased BDNF at 40% after 24 hours. BDNF - growth factor and nerve cell protection, which is now recognized by modern medicine. So what nerve cells uniquely restored, although some still argue with that.
  • Weakening of the side effects of benzodiazepines. Here Selank acts as a good assistant restorer when strong drugs begin to undermine the work of the body.

So Selank - a drop in the nose! It is important to drip mucosa of the nose, nasal passages and not as a means of any of the common cold. People often say that the medication "placebo", although they use it incorrectly, and this applies not only Selank or Semax, and other drugs.
Drip be 10 days, 3 drops in each nostril two times per day. It turns out 2 bottles. Repeat course possible depending on the condition.
You often ask how much effect persists after the course. So in the case of Selank, anxiolytic or anxiolytic properties are maintained for a few more months to six months after the course (Information taken from the official site Selank).

Effects of Selank

- Reducing anxiety and stress - the main feature of the drug. Less doubts and experiences.

- Improved mood expense of serotonin and enkephalins. As neurotrophic factor BDNF, at higher concentrations, thereby reducing depression.

- Increased efficiency due to the increased synthesis of dopamine.

- Nootropic effects. This may also include mRNA and the growth in the hippocampus, in simple terms: faster synthesized protein molecules, located in the department of brain neurons responsible for memory and learning.

What combine Selank
From the instructions: "Selank no influence on the effects of drugs which depress the central nervous system and stimulating - haloperidol, pentobarbital, hexobarbital, analeptics". That is not a drug enhances or reduces other substances that you have a stuffed! It works independently of other substances. Nevertheless, some points should be clarified, for example, eliminates many side effects hard tranquilizers like Phenazepam, but this is more information to doctors.

Bottom Line:

- Selank acts on intellectual-mental functions of the brain, in addition to the main anti-stress action.

- Powered by: preventing increase anxiety neurotransmitters epinephrine and norepinephrine, GABA work amplifies, increases serotonin, mRNA and BDNF in the hippocampus.

- The main effects: reduction of anxiety and stress, nootropic effects.

- Course of 10 days to 3 drops in each nostril two times per day.


Provitamin D3 (7-dehydrocholesterol)

11 Jan 2017

Description 7-dehydrocholesterol

Pharmacological group: provitamins
Molecular Formula C27H44O
Molar mass 384.638
7-dehydrocholesterol - zoosterols is operable in serum cholesterol as precursors in the skin and converted to vitamin D3, therefore, it acts as a pro-vitamin D3. The presence of this compound in the skin allows a person to produce vitamin D3 from the ultraviolet rays of sunlight through the intermediate isomer provitamin D3. It is also found in the milk of several species of mammals. In insects, it is a precursor of the hormone ecdysone required for their maturation. It was first discovered by Nobel laureate organic chemist Adolf Windaus.

Provitamin D3 in humans
Skin is composed of two main layers: the inner layer called the dermis, which consists primarily of connective tissue and an outer thin epidermis. The thickness of the epidermis is between 0.08 mm to 0.6 mm (0.003 to 0.024 inches). The epidermis consists of five layers: the stratum corneum, the transparent layer, the granular layer, basal layer and papillary layer, in order from outside to inside. The highest concentration of 7-dehydrocholesterol are in the epidermal layer of the skin, particularly the basal and papillary layers.

Solar radiation and synthesis of provitamin D3
Synthesis of provitamin D3 in the skin occurs by UV radiation, which effectively penetrates only through the epidermal layer of the skin. 7-dehydrocholesterol most effectively absorbs ultraviolet light at wavelengths between 290 and 320 nm, thus, production of vitamin D3 occurs only at these wavelengths. The two most important factors that control the generation of pro-vitamin D3 - is the amount (intensity) and quality (appropriate wavelength) UV radiation. Another important factor - the number of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin. Under normal conditions, the basal and in the papillary layers of human skin is a sufficient amount of 7-dehydrocholesterol (about 25-50 mg / cm2 skin).


Depression and Neurosis at School

11 Jan 2017

Every parent knows that the school - this is a new stage in the life of their child. For each child is new friends, new experience, new knowledge, new people and a new schedule. All this is not always very easy to carry the child's body. Especially when it comes to his inner awareness of what is happening. These factors affect the development of the school neurosis and depression.

Depression and Neurosis  at School

Depression and neurosis of school-age children - is a protest against the innovations of their body. Almost every child is facing some problems in the first year of study. It is very hard to get used to everything new. A large number of doctors and scientists say that neurosis and depression in these children is due to the fact that they are born with mental disabilities.

To confirm or refute the various studies have been carried out this version. The results showed that there are three main types of children with inherent depression and neurosis. The first group includes children who clearly have mental disabilities. They behave inappropriately around. They can not be calm. Neither parents nor teachers can not "reach out" to the state of the child. He does what he wants. Moreover, neither their advantage. They are always aggressive and very bad study.

The second group included smart students. These children learn well, but very often tired and perceive all the words to heart. This knocks them out of the rut, and they are of the quiet and cool kids turn into beasts. They become depressed and lose interest in everything that happens around them. These children are all their experiences within himself. They do not share their problems with anyone.

The children of the third group is very successful students. They are very well behaved in class and "grasp on the fly" all the new information. However, they are always afraid of something. They are afraid of teachers, classmates, their responses. They simply do not believe in yourself. Each word may make them "strong emotions", which are expressed with tears. Their fears are reduced to the fact that they do not want on the interval attend school lessons.

Despite differences in the three groups, they have the only similarity. All of them governs fear. Moreover, the fear of everything. This fear is even at an early age. Every parent can see how their child is afraid to go to the other kids in the yard, in the garden, sandbox, etc. Also, the child may be afraid to sleep alone in a room or afraid of the dark. All this points to the fact that he was haunted by fears. They change their child's behavior at school. They cause the child to feel nervous and depressed.

There are various types of fear, but the worst is the internal chronic fear. School-age children who have this kind of fear, prone to depression and neurosis significantly more. This fear of "nibbles" them from within. Although they did not show. The worst of this fear nothing. Parents can not help your child does, just because of the fact that they do not see his emotions. Such children carefully hide their problems.

If still you feel or notice something wrong, contact your school counselor. Always best to deal with the problem at its source. Many of you think that this child's condition is temporary and it will pass soon. But this is not the case. Soon your child will look for a huge amount of excuses just to avoid going to school. You, of course, will resist. The child will be more nervous and depressed. You will not be able to control it for long. The child grows up, and then, going to school in the morning, he was up to it will not be as high. And you can not have anything to do. Depression and neurosis should be treated at an early age, by Selank, Phenibut, Afobazol.

Remember, never send children to their fears. If you are afraid of something, never show it in his presence. Very often, the child begins to be afraid of what you are afraid of. That you are the people who attain to the level at which your child. That you are responsible for his normal state of mind. To make sure your child is not suffering from neurosis and depression, always be on the alert. It all depends on your attention and great love.


Betaserc - instructions for use, how to apply in the cervical osteochondrosis, analogs, reviews

11 Jan 2017

Betaserc is a synthetic analogue of histamine, which acts on the H1 and H3 receptors of the inner ear and brain vestibular nuclei. Due to the activation of histamine receptors drug improves blood flow and lymph circulation in the inner ear structures and normalizes the vestibular apparatus. Therefore Betaserc used to remove vestibular vertigo, tinnitus, and to improve the hearing if it is reduced. In addition, the drug is used in Meniere's disease and vertigo, as well as for the relief of dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting caused by various diseases and syndromes (eg, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, encephalopathy after injury, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, vertigo after neurosurgical operations).

The composition and the form of Betaserc
Currently Betaserc medicament manufactured in a single dosage form - a tablet for oral administration. As the active ingredient tablets contain Betaserc betahistine (betahistine dihydrochloride) in three doses - 8 mg, 16 mg and 24 mg. That is, one tablet may contain Betaserc 8 mg, 16 mg or 24 mg of active substance.


In common parlance to refer Betaserc in various dosages using short names "Betaserc 8", "Betaserc 16" and " Betaserc 24" where the drug is added to the name of a figure that reflects the content of the active substance in the tablet.
Tablets Betaserc all three dosages as auxiliary components comprise the same material as follows: colloidal silica; Mannitol; Microcrystalline cellulose; Citric acid monohydrate; Talc.

Betaserc tablets 8 mg released in packs of 30, 60 and 180 units, Betaserc 16 mg - 30, 60 and 105 units, and Betaserc 24 mg - 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100 and 120 units.
Betaserc Tablets 8 mg are white and have a circular shape with flat sides and beveled edges. On one side of the tablet is engraved "256" on the other of the inverted triangle icon and the letter "S" under each other.
Betaserc Tablets 16 mg and 24 mg are white and have a round biconvex shape with bevelled edges and scored on one side. At the 16 mg tablets on both sides there is a risk engraved "267" on the other side of the tablet icons - inverted triangle and "the S", located under each other. At the 24 mg tablets on both sides there is a risk engraved "289" on the other side of the tablet icons - inverted triangle and "the S", located under each other.

Cervical Betaserc
Since Betaserc used to eliminate dizziness, headaches, nausea and instability provoked by cervical osteochondrosis, it is often some types of medication that are used with this purpose is called "cervical" Betaserc. But due to the fact that in osteochondrosis can use the drug in different doses - and 8 mg and 16 mg and 24 mg, then any kind may be "neck" Betaserc. That is, it should be remembered that Betaserc any variety can be a "neck", and its name is similar to the use of the drug in osteochondrosis.


Therapeutic action of Betaserc

The main pharmacological effect Betaserc - the improvement of blood microcirculation and lymph flow in the structures of the inner ear and vestibular nuclei of the brain, provides the impact on histamine receptors H1 and H3 types. Influenced Betaserc in the brain tissue of the inner ear, and increased the number of produced and released by a biologically active substance histamine, which provides expansion of capillaries and improve blood microcirculation and lymph flow in the brain and cochlear area (inner ear tissue).
In addition, normalization of Betahistine accelerates the restoration of the vestibular apparatus neurectomy after surgery (removal of the nerve), facilitating the process of the brain's level of compensation. The period of recovery of vestibular function in humans after neurectomy when applying Betaserc proceeds much faster.
Also Betaserc inhibits arousal in the vestibular nuclei - brain regions that regulate the work of the vestibular apparatus. Through this inhibition Betaserc effective for the treatment of various diseases of the vestibular apparatus (eg, vertigo, Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, etc.).
Clinically Betaserc quickly relieves attacks of vestibular vertigo, reduces the intensity of the noise in the ears and hearing improves, if it has been reduced. In addition, regular use of the drug reduces the frequency and intensity of attacks of dizziness, headaches and tinnitus. Improving the condition appear immediately after taking the first tablets Betaserc, but lasting effect is achieved only after 2 weeks of use of the drug. The best results are seen with chronic administration Betaserc (more than 4 weeks). Moreover, after a long course of therapy effect of the medication remains for several months, and even more enhanced.

Indications for Betaserc
Betaserc indicated for use in the following conditions or diseases: Treatment and prevention of vestibular vertigo (vertigo) caused by various diseases and conditions, such as vertebrobasilar insufficiency, traumatic encephalopathy, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, vertigo after neurosurgical operations; Disease and Meniere's syndrome; Various syndromes manifested by dizziness, headache, tinnitus, hearing impairment, nausea and vomiting.

Betaserc - instructions for use

Betaserc 8, Betaserc 16 and Betaserc 24 - application of the general rules
The tablets should be taken orally with meals, swallowing them whole and washed down with a small amount of still water (just half a glass). 8 mg tablets should be swallowed whole without breaking, not bite and grinding in other ways. A tablet dosages of 16 mg and 24 mg could be divided in half, if necessary. For this tablet is placed on a flat surface and pressed against the notch up her thumb on one side so that it broke in half.
In various diseases and conditions Betaserc take under identical dosages which are 24 - 48 mg per day. The total daily dose is divided into three times and take in about equal intervals. Embodiments Betaserc receiving different dosages are shown in table.

Betaserc 8mg - Take 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day;

Betaserc 16mg - Take 1/2 - 1 tablet 3 times a day;

Betaserc 24 mg - Take 1 tablet 2 times a day.

The dosage selected individually depending on the reaction of the human body for medical treatment, since a minimum. That is, the first person to recommend or take 1 tablet Betaserc 8 mg or 1/2 tablet Betaserc 16 mg 3 times a day, which is 24 mg per day (lowest dose). If this dose is ineffective, it is possible to increase the total daily dose of 8 mg per day, bringing it to 32 mg, and take the medication according to the following scheme:

  • In the morning take 2 tablets Betaserc 8 mg or 1 tablet Betaserc 16 mg;
  • At lunchtime and in the evening take 1 tablet Betaserc 8 mg, or 1/2 tablet Betaserc 16 mg.

Accordingly, if the dosage of 32 mg per day is effective enough, it is increased by 8 mg, leading to 40 mg per day. This medication should be taken as follows:

  • In the morning and in the afternoon take 2 tablets Betaserc 8 mg or 1 tablet Betaserc 16 mg;
  • In the evening take 1 tablet Betaserc 8 mg, or 1/2 tablet Betaserc 16 mg.

And in case of failure, and this dosage, it increased another 8 mg, leading to a maximum - 48 mg per day, which can take any of the following manner:

  • Take either 2 tablets Betaserc 8 mg or 1 tablet Betaserc 16 mg three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening);
  • Take 1 tablet Betaserc 24 mg twice a day.

Basically, in a single day can be taken Betaserc and 8 mg and 16 mg and 24 mg, while respecting the dosage. That is, in the morning, you can take one tablet 16 mg Betaserc for dinner - 2 tablets Betaserc 8 mg, and in the evening - half a tablet of Betaserc 24 mg. Duration of treatment Betaserc varied, ranging from 2 weeks to several months and it is determined by the speed of improvement of the human condition.
Long-term use of the drug it is possible and justified, because Betaserc not appear to have any adverse effects on various organs and tissues of the body, and is not addictive.
The dosage of the drug is not necessary to reduce the application in the elderly (over 65 years), as well as those suffering from hepatic or renal insufficiency. Special studies on these issues are not made, but the long experience of the drug allowed to come to these conclusions about the possibility to apply Betaserc in conventional dosage in the elderly and those suffering from renal or hepatic insufficiency.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding
There are no reliable and accurate data on the safety Betaserc to the fetus, and pregnancy is not. Moreover, unknown even to the potential risks to the fetus, and pregnancy. It should therefore refrain from the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
However, if there is an urgent need to use Betaserc in pregnant women, when the potential benefits outweigh the possible risks of all, it can be done, but in minimal doses and for the shortest possible period of time.
In addition, women who took Betaserc and did not know about her pregnancy, should not necessarily have an abortion, because the probability of the birth of a normal, healthy child is high. In such a situation, do not miss the screening ultrasound (12, 22 weeks of pregnancy), during which detect abnormalities in fetal development.
If US data is due to an irregularity is found, then the pregnancy is normal and the drug did not have any negative effects on the fetus. If necessary Betaserc for woman nursing an infant feeding, the baby should be converted to artificial milk formula, because it is not known whether and how much the drug in human milk is released.

Special Instructions for Betaserc
Do not use the drug for the treatment of children under the age of 18, since there are no reliable data on its safety and efficacy for this category of people.
Caution should be used Betaserc people suffering from asthma or stomach ulcers and / or duodenal ulcers at the current time, or have had these diseases in the past. In bronchial asthma during the entire period of application Betaserc person should be under medical supervision.

Overdose of Betaserc
Currently, a few cases of overdosage have been recorded that occur when taking more than 640 mg (corresponding to 80 tablets Betaserc 8, 40 and 15 tablets Betaserc more than 26 tablets Betaserc 24) of the drug. Symptoms of overdose include the following symptoms: Nausea; Vomiting; Headache; Redness of the skin; Dizziness; Tachycardia; Low blood pressure (hypotension); bronchospasm; Convulsions.
Cramps, bronchospasm, tachycardia and hypotension were reported only in cases of intentional overdose when Betaserc taken simultaneously with other medications. However, even in these cases, the person managed to save and return to normal life after the poisoning.
Treatment of overdoses is followed by gastric lavage technique sorbent (e.g. activated carbon, POLYSORB, Polyphepanum, Filtrum etc.). After that, being symptomatic therapy if necessary, aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs.

Interaction Betaserc with other drugs
Specific interaction studies with other medications Betaserc in terms of clinical application have been conducted. However, based on the long experience of the drug, doctors and scientists concluded that Betaserc no incompatibility with any drugs. This means that Betaserc may be used in combination with any other drug that requires the person. But it should be remembered that the simultaneous reception Betaserc with antihistamines (eg, Suprastin, Diazolin, Claritin, Fenistil, Aerius, Telfast, Zyrtec, Parlazin etc.) reduces the effectiveness of the latter.
Furthermore, experimental studies have revealed that Betaserc efficiency may decrease when used with drugs from the group of MAO inhibitors (e.g., selegiline etc.). Therefore, theoretically, be careful when applying Betaserc with MAO inhibitors.

Betaserc at osteochondrosis
In diseases of the cervical spine, such as low back pain, spondylosis and other, often have painful symptoms of dizziness, double vision, instability in the standing position, etc. Usually, this manifests symptoms when making movements in the cervical region, and it is caused by compression of the arteries that bring blood to the brain structures. Due to the compression of the artery occurs insufficiency of cerebral blood flow, which is manifested dizziness, double vision, unstable standing, unsteadiness of gait, ataxia, nausea or vomiting.
At the sharp turns of the head with osteochondrosis may appear in the so-called "push aside", in which a person feels the instability and may even fall. In such a situation, a person embraces a sense of disorientation in space, he can not clearly understand the true state of his body, and sometimes it is joined by nausea with vomiting. And true dizziness thus missing, but the person perceives its unstable position, disorientation in space in conjunction with nausea and accordingly it describes the status of the doctor as dizziness.
In the treatment of the above disorders (dizziness, unsteadiness, nausea, etc.), often observed in osteochondrosis, the most effective means is Betaserc or its synonyms. The drug improves blood flow to the brain, relieves irritation and excessive activity of neurons in the vestibular center and thereby eliminates dizziness, double vision, unstable posture, as well as nausea and vomiting caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
Betaserc can be used as for the occasional relief of acute attacks of vertigo, and courses for the prevention of such conditions. For the relief of acute, rapidly emerged dizziness caused by osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take 2 - 3 tablets Betaserc 16 (32 - 48 mg). The effect is very fast, dizziness passes, and the condition is normalized.
In addition, Betaserc indicated for the long course taking in order to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks of dizziness caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. In this case, taking Betaserc 16 mg 3 times a day, or 24 mg 2 times a day for 2 - 3 months. The drug does not have a sedative effect, does not affect the functioning of other organs and systems, and is therefore well tolerated and is perfect for long-term use.

Side effects of Betaserc
Tablets Betaserc different dosages may provoke the development of the following side effects: Nausea; Vomiting; Dyspepsia (belching, flatulence, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, etc.); Abdominal pain in the stomach and intestines; The feeling of heaviness in the stomach; Headache; Allergic reactions (angioedema, urticaria, rash, pruritus, anaphylactic reaction).
Abdominal pain and dyspepsia are transient, ie, quickly go through some time after the beginning of the drug. If these side effects have not been within 2 weeks of Betaserc it is necessary to reduce the dosage or exclusively take tablets with food.

Contraindications for Betaserc
Tablets Betaserc all three doses are contraindicated for use in the presence of a person of the following diseases or conditions: Individual hypersensitivity, intolerance or allergic reactions to any component of the drug; pheochromocytoma; The period of acute gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer; During pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Precautions should use the drug in the presence of a person has asthma or transferred in the past gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer. These diseases are not absolute contraindications, but if any condition of the person should be kept under close supervision by a doctor during the entire period of application Betaserc.

Betaserc - analogues
Any drug in the pharmaceutical market are drugs, analogs, which are divided into two varieties - are synonymous and, in fact, analogs. Synonyms are drugs that contain the same active ingredients. That is, in the case of Betaserc, it will be synonymous medicines containing as active ingredient betahistine. The analogs are drugs that have the most similar spectrum of therapeutic activity, but contain different active ingredients. With reference to Betaserc this means that its analogs are agents which improve the cerebral circulation.

So synonymous Betaserc are the following drugs: Asniton tablets; Betaver tablets; Betahistine tablets; Betatsentrin tablets; Vazoserk tablets; Vertran tablets; Vestibo tablets; Vestikap capsule; Denoize tablets; Micrograins tablets and drops for oral administration; Tagista tablets.
By Betaserc analogs include the following drugs: stugeron tablets; Cinnarizine tablets.

Reviews about Betaserc
The vast majority of reviews Betaserc (over 90%) are positive, due to the high efficiency of the preparation and rapid improvement. Betaserc effectively eliminates dizziness, ringing in the ears and head, as well as feeling "storm" from side to side in people suffering from diseases of the brain vessels. The review indicated that the painful symptoms pass quickly, in just a few days after the start of Betaserc, but for stable and long-term effects need to drink the drug for 1 - 3 months. After a course of the drug people have commented that they cease to be afraid of falling in the street or at home, and, accordingly, can safely go to work, to shops, to stay in the apartment without supervision, etc.
Also in the review notes that Betaserc effectively relieves vertigo, tinnitus, and unsteady gait with hypertension or cerebrovascular disorders (including post-stroke). The feedback regarding the use of the drug for diseases of the data indicates that overall health is normalized, it disappears constant sense of danger associated with the possibility of falling, etc.
Many positive responses observed Betaserc disadvantages to which people carry high costs and pain in the stomach, arising during treatment. However, these shortcomings are well tolerated outs generally good preparation.
Negative reviews about Betaserc literally unit and they are due, as a rule, the absence of expected therapeutic effect or development of allergic reactions. The negative review as the basis for this impression of the preparation indicated the lack of effect on people who counted. That is, people hoped that Betaserc completely and permanently eliminate the dizziness and the drug only reduces the severity and frequency of this unpleasant condition.

Betaserc in osteochondrosis - reviews
Most of the comments on the application of Betaserc osteochondrosis positive, due to the high efficiency of the drug in the elimination of vertigo and tinnitus. As in osteochondrosis can often squeezes blood vessels feeding the brain, then, respectively, in this case the person will have trouble dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, etc. Betaserc improves cerebral blood circulation and rapidly eliminates these symptoms, normalizing the status and well-being.
The review indicated that as a symptomatic drug Betaserc simply magnificent, as fine relieves dizziness and tinnitus, but, unfortunately, does not treat the cause of these symptoms. Therefore, in order to effect Betaserc osteochondrosis maintained for a long time, you must also use drugs or carry out procedures aimed at improving the state of the spinal tissues.
Negative feedback on the application of Betaserc osteochondrosis virtually none. Much more positive responses, which indicate deficiencies in the existing drug in the opinion of people.


Adrafinil (Olmifon)

11 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: stimulants

Systematic (IUPAC) name: (RS) -2-benzidril-sulfinyl-ethane-hydroxamic acid
Application: oral
Bioavailability: 80%
Metabolism 75% liver
half-life of 1 hour
Excretion: Kidney
Formula: C15H15NO3S
Mol. weight: 289.351 g / mol

Adrafinil (CRL-40028, Olmifon) is a mild stimulant of the central nervous system, which is used to relieve excessive sleepiness and inattention in elderly patients. It is also used by some people off-label to relieve fatigue, such as night workers or others who need to keep fit for long periods of time. Adrafinil is a prodrug; in vivo it is metabolized in the modafinil and the latter has an almost identical pharmacological effects. Unlike modafinil, however, for the accumulation of the active metabolite levels in the circulation it requires more time. The effects of the drug usually occur within 45-60 minutes when taken orally on an empty stomach. Adrafinil not currently approved by the FDA and, therefore, is not a regulated drug in the United States. Until September 2011, the drug was sold in France and in other European countries under the brand name Olmifon, when FDA equivalent organization in France withdrew permission for marketing the drug. Adrafinil is so-called a precursor substance modafinil; This means that adrafinil metabolized in the body to produce modafinil. They both are stimulants without any amphetamine effects.

Adrafinil, Olmifon

General information
Adrafinil - a synthetic nootropic compound. It is a prodrug for modafinil, and hence, the use of modafinil increases adrafinila concentrations in the body. Use adrafinil increases the activity and vigor. Adrafinil is a stimulant, which does not cause hyperactivity. Instead, the drug helps combat sleepiness. Use adrafinila can also improve memory, but to confirm this effect it is necessary to conduct additional studies. Adrafinil acts vicariously through modafinil. Further studies are needed to determine the exact mechanisms of action of modafinil, but preliminary data suggest that histaminergic effects plays a vital role. adrafinil security information is limited because it is often used instead of modafinil, for example, in the treatment of narcolepsy and excessive daytime sleepiness. Long-term use of adrafinil not recommended, since it is metabolized in the liver, modafinil, and there is no accurate data on the effect of the liver is not today. Adrafinil and modafinil is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency as non-specific stimulants. Other names: Olmifon, CRL-40028 Not to be confused with modafinil. It is worth noting

Adrafinil classified as a non-specific stimulant; banned by WADA in Section 6 list of prohibited substances in 2014;
Because of the stimulating action and a long half-life, adrafinil should be taken in the morning for a good sleep.

It is a nootropic.

Adrafinil: instructions for use
Standard Adrafinil dosage is 600-1200 mg, for the treatment of narcolepsy take medication at a dose of 600 mg twice a day (morning and noon) or 600-900 mg once a day immediately after awakening. Adrafinil no longer used for this purpose, as a modafinil pharmaceutical point of view is more appropriate drug; these dosages reflect the recommendations of Olmifon instructions when he was still available. Adrafinil should not be taken in the afternoon and evening, as this may worsen the quality of sleep. Adrafinil usually use three times a week course of no more than five months. You can also like Cerebrolysin.

Adrafinil was developed in the late 1970s, scientists working with the French pharmaceutical company Group Lafon. For the first time the drug was released in France in 1986 as an experimental treatment for narcolepsy, but later developed Lafon drug modafinil, the primary metabolite of Adrafinil. Modafinil is more selective alpha-1 adrenergic activity than Adrafinil without showing many common side effects Adrafinil (stomach pain, skin irritation, and anxiety (with prolonged use), increase in liver enzymes). Makers Adrafinil for a long time, be sure to have regular check liver function. As of September 2011, Cephalon has stopped Olmifon production.

Sources and structure
Adrafinil (diphenylmethyl) sulfinyl-2 acetohydroxamic acid, until recently, sold under the tradename Olmifon, is a prodrug stimulant modafinil; is a synthetic substance not found in food. Due to the absence of amphetamine-like stimulant effects adrafinil classified as egregorny agent (the agent that causes wakefulness and alertness) .1) Adrafinil is sometimes used as a stimulant atletami2), despite the fact that its use is prohibited or at sporting events. World Anti-Doping Agency is currently made adrafinil the list of banned substances, classifying it as a "non-specific stimulator." Adrafinil is a synthetic prodrug of Modafinil, which was previously sold under the trade name Olmifon. It is prohibited for use during sports activities World Anti-Doping Agency due to its stimulant properties.

Adrafinil structurally very similar to its chemical "relative" and bioactive metabolite of modafinil. The only structural difference is that the terminal hydroxyl group of the amide adrafinil (diphenylmethyl) sulfinyl-2 acetohydroxamic acid) is absent from modafinil (diphenylmethyl) sulfinyl acetamide-2).

In rats of 20 mg per kg of body adrafinil oral administration caused Tmax four hours after ingestion, reaching Cmax at 60 micrograms per ml. Half-life adrafinil at this dosage was 4.95 hours, and was detected in the serum after 7 hours after oral administration. In elderly people single dosage of 900 mg adrafinil reached its peak after an hour in the blood, although adrafinil neurological effects were only active for one hour, after which it was observed its transformation into modafinil. Adrafinil reaches peak blood elderly after approximately one hour after oral administration, although neurological effects occur after overcoming this peak, as a certain time is necessary to convert it into modafinil, its active metabolite. Adrafinil has a half-life of about five hours on the basis of evidence from studies in rats.

Adrafinil oral use can take place in one of two metabolic steps. The main metabolite - an active modafinil, which is itself metabolized into an inactive modafinil acid. Adrafinil can also be metabolized into an inactive modafinil acid without turning into modafinil. The resulting modafinil can also be metabolized into an inactive second product, namely, modafinil sulfone in, but only after the gain of modafinil adrafinila. Adrafinil can be metabolized in the modafinil, which is then metabolized into inert modafinil acid and modafinil sulfone. Adrafinil can also directly metabolized in the modafinil acid, modafinil without elaboration.

Just as in the case of modafinil, urinary metabolite adrafinila - modafinil acid is, although adrafinil removal from plasma more rapidly than its metabolite any. The only possible way to differentiate the two substances in the urine - the definition of the parent compounds in blood plasma or urine. Modafinil, in itself, can be determined in the urine due to the presence of GC-MS, LC-MS and is used for the "parent" adrafinil. While GC / MSD defines one artifact for modafinil and modafinil acid adrafinil, LC-MS / MS method can individually identify each of the three compounds. Research based on the response to the dosage spent on dogs showed that after 10 hours the levels adrafinil serum associated with high dose compound (50 mg per kg body weight) were lower than those at low dosage (10 mg per kg of body weight body) (although not essential), the average dose (30 mg per kg body weight) had the best performance. Two hours later, adrafinil dose-dependent manner showed an increase in their serum concentrations. The authors hypothesized that high doses can cause excretion or metabolism adrafinil a greater extent than when using low doses. Adrafinil Elimination from the body is parallel with modafinil through urine.

andrenergic neurotransmission
The mechanism of action adrafinil, apparently tied to the postsynaptic alpha-andrenergic activity, because the increase in traffic caused by adrafinil blocked by prazosin (alpha 1 antagonist), yohimbine (alpha2 antagonist) or phenoxybenzamine (mixed alpha antagonist). This was confirmed in another study using mice shaky (for example for assessing adrenergic synapse), which noted that the beneficial effects of prazosin adrafinila blocked. It is believed that adrafinil acts centrally in the absence of promotion salivary viscous secretion, which should occur in the activation of peripheral alpha 1 antagonist. Its effect is in reducing the secretion of pancreatic fluid can be associated with a reduced stimulation of the vagus nerve of the pancreas. Adrafinil or its active metabolite (modafinil), can act on alpha-adrenergic receptors (data from animal studies). It was noted that blocking the synthesis of catecholamines (together with alpha-methyl tyrosine) does not interfere with the action of adrafinil, providing further evidence of the differentiating action adrafinil Unlike other amphetamine-like stimulants.

Oral adrafinil use in animal studies, is known to increase their activity (measured by locomotion) at dosages of 64 mg per kg of body weight to 256 mg per kg of body weight in myshey.8) adrafinila effects are dependent on the dosage and period of use in dogs. When testing nocturnal activity in monkeys revealed that the dosage of 60 mg per kg body weight can double the activity already after the second dose, and the dose of 90-120 mg per kg body weight of heightened activity four times after the first reception. Increased locomotion in animals is considered increases wakefulness, rather than the lack of amphetamines due to induction of anxiety in dogs indicated the persistence of such efficiency in the course of 33 days (20-40 mg per kg of body weight) .9) It is assumed that adrafinil- induced increase in locomotion is secondary to an increased sense of vigor, there is also a significant increase in locomotion when testing nocturnal activity in monkeys. Furthermore, in the investigation of bioactive metabolite of modafinil, it failed to reveal an increase in locomotion during testing only waking period, while at night time the study was revealed a positive trend. Adrafinil form in a dose-dependent increases locomotion in rats, indicating a stimulatory effect. Since adrafinil does not produce disturbing effects and has great efficiency during periods of sleep of animals, it is assumed that the second adrafinil affects locomotion with respect to the promotion of wakefulness.

Safety and Toxicology
general information
In the rat oral use for one month of 400 mg per kg of body weight or 200 mg per kg of body weight for three months showed no signs of toxicity. LD50 values vary among species studied mice are made of 1250 mg per kg body weight and 3400 mg per kg of body weight in rats. Attempted suicide in a person to use an excessively high dose of modafinil (4500 mg single) cause insomnia and other side effects that could prevent 24 hours after hospitalization.

Using adrafinil at a dosage of 900 mg daily for ten months has caused the development of orofacial dyskinesia without tremors, or other symptoms of Parkinson's, which did not disappear even four months after the abolition of taking the drug; improvement occurred after use tetrabenazine agent destroys dopamine. This side effect is manifested in the use of modafinil, so adrafinil-induced orofacial dyskinesia may be associated with the transformation in after taking modafinil. Notably, in the event that the patient use of modafinil had several medical problems that may reduce clearance of modafinil, which may lead to the development of orofacial dyskinesia. Practical examples show that adrafinil modafinil and capable of inducing orofacial dyskinesia, which may persist even after cessation drugs. This phenomenon is usually associated with impaired metabolism of modafinil and, consequently, a decrease in clearance.

Legal status
Sports doping
In 2004 Adrafinil and its active metabolite of modafinil have been included in the list of substances prohibited for use when participating in athletic competitions, in accordance with the Code of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

In the United States, Adrafinil is currently unregulated substance. It has not been approved for any US FDA clinical applications. Unlike modafinil, Adrafinil is not classified as a controlled substance and is not subject to the jurisdiction of the DEA; in particular, possession without prescription is not a drug, and the drug may be imported by citizens in private.

In Canada Adrafinil is not regulated and is available for purchase in the country as a research chemical and can be imported by citizens in private.

New Zealand
In 2005, the Medical Classification Committee recommended that New Zealand Adrafinil classified as a prescription drug. "As a result of growing concerns about increased imports and the possible abuse of the substance, Adrafinil was handed over to the commission on drugs trafficking control for classification as a prescription drug. Adrafinil is not regulated substance in New Zealand, but is chemically related to modafinil, a prescription drug that is taken orally with a decrease in mental functioning in the elderly. All participants agreed that Adrafinil should be classified as a prescription drug. "


Alcoholic tremor - symptoms, causes, treatment

11 Jan 2017

Symptoms of alcoholic tremor

Alcoholic tremor in acute poisoning with alcohol often manifested as shaking fingers. This is a kind of physiological tremor. He appears only in the morning with a hangover, and after drinking even a small ( "hangover") doses of alcoholic beverage is reduced or disappears. Without taking liquor tremor gradually weakens and disappears during the day.
Alcoholic tremor in advanced stages of alcoholism - it is certainly a pathological tremor. It manifests itself in trembling fingers, hands, head, and sometimes the entire body. Disturbed coordination of movements, may appear tremor tongue, eyelids.
As far neglected stage of alcoholism tremor may persist for several days or weeks. Often, it is noted sleep disturbances, poor general health, lethargy.
The flow depends on the age of the patient, from the static loads. With more and more difficult, there may be a tremor eyeballs, vocal cords, abdominal muscles alcoholic tremor occurs over time. It may also be a violation of gait, alcoholics often fall.
Alcoholic tremor develops and withdrawal syndrome (a condition which develops in people suffering from alcoholism, after the cessation of alcohol consumption, with output from binge).

Alcoholic tremor is the result of the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and spinal cord, resulting in growing alcoholic encephalopathy. Motor nerves, cells stop braking interact with each other, as a result of having expressed incoordination.

Treatment of alcoholic tremor
Alcoholic tremor to be treated in a hospital under the supervision of a physician because Some drugs have an effect on the cardiovascular system.
The complex treatment includes detoxication therapy, helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
For proper treatment of tremor using Propranolol, Primidone, Phenotropil . The choice of drug and its dosage depend on the age of the patient, and on the presence of comorbidities, so treatment can appoint a qualified doctor.
The combined therapy also include vitamins, magnesium drugs, calcium channel blockers, anti-anxiety drugs. Of course, it should be completely ruled out the use of alcoholic beverages.


L-Theanine - attention to detail

11 Jan 2017

Today let's talk about supplements derived from green tea leaves that has a very interesting property! You can drink tea for years and did not even suspect that you prefer the effect that it is L-theanine.

L-theanine GABA

So L-theanine - a substance that is similar to both the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain - and the main inhibiting glutamate - GABA. This duality incorporates some of the common points of these mediators. According to the results, we can say that L-theanine 2 to 1, but as always, first things first.

How does L-Theanine act?

  • Anti-stress. L-theanine improves overall health research. A double-blind placebo-controlled study showed a reduction in heart rate and sympathetic nervous system activity. That is, the subjects were not only effect on the brain, but also on respiration, blood circulation and digestion.
  • Nootropic action. L-theanine is a miracle-pill for people who need a quiet sanity and a high concentration of attention. Perhaps the most well-known effect of L-theanine - an increase of alpha activity in the brain! But what is it? It is a state of peace, ease, but without causing drowsiness!
  • Reduces side effects of stimulants. This we will recall later, but there is evidence that when taken with caffeine, L-theanine smooths out increasing pressure and dilates blood vessels in the brain. At the same time it improves the intellectual function of the brain.
  • It helps with schizophrenia. This action follows from the preceding paragraph. It has been speculated that time schizophrenics are so exaggerated activity of the dopamine, a man like all the time on strong stimulants. At the University of Cambridge decided to test L-theanine on sick people, together with the classic treatment, participants received an additional 250 mg of L-theanine. The results are not phenomenal, but there were unambiguous improvement in sleep quality.
  • Neuroprotection. Protect nerve cells, or by the example of Parkinson's disease. Visually, the disease is seen in constant twitches different parts of the body, most notably in the elderly. This is due to motor neuron death! L-theanine is a serious obstacle to the process, through increasing neurotrophic factors.
    In almost every issue you are used to hearing that the substance acts on neurotransmitter systems. L-theanine is practically no effect on neurotransmitters except GABA.

Course L-theanine
During the time of this writing I have not heard a single study, which would be said about contraindications and side effects, even when the children received. Therefore, we point out the standard: "With care for pregnant / lactating women, as well as in childhood due to the understudied additives in these categories of people."


L-theanine - it can be said squeeze of green tea. People for years drink green tea every day, therefore, the additive can take any number of times. The question is dosage. And they are different! Different content and L-theanine in the tea. Depending on the types of tea brewing and method for cup volume 200-250 mL, was obtained from 8 to 40 mg of L-theanine. Let the average is 20 mg. You can also like Picamalon.

Accordingly, a daily intake of 50 mg of the additive can be considered safe for continuous use. What sways higher dosages, the long-term data is not enough.

Let us consider the recommendations of 50-100 mg per day, if you are going to take almost every day, or 400 mg, if from time to time.

The effects of L-theanine
The most important and tangible action of the additive is manifested in the increase in alpha activity in the brain and acts on the GABA system. You will become calmer, but without losing mindfulness. Something like the feeling of fishing. On the one hand, you do not need to run and jump, and do not want the other - always keep a float or other "bite" marker.

Alpha activity (8-14 Hz) precedes beta activity (14-20 Hz), when there is a specific action, as an example: watch the float and tie up gear. Prior to alpha activity are Theta waves (4-8 Hz). Status prostration or meditation. And up to 4 Hz - failure condition in a dream and the dream itself.

What combine with L-theanine
As you know, L-theanine itself more as a relaxant and "increaser attention." But everything changes when you add to it at least approximately identical to caffeine dosage of, say 200 mg of theanine and caffeine 200-300. With this bundle, we get all the advantages of caffeine and reduce its side effects. Sharply increased focus and efficiency of virtually any activity.

Emphasis has been going on is on the brain! For L-theanine observed reduction in pressure, heart rate and expansion of brain vessels, and caffeine or any other stimulant almost always does the opposite. In general, L-theanine + stimulant = displacement activity in the brain, not the body, if we talk quite exaggerated. And to get a better feel on the background of stimulants, it is sometimes useful to drink green tea)

Bottom Line:

Dietary supplements for some reason considered to be something on the level of the placebo, although the same caffeine also formally supplements or supplement, not a drug. Try to drink a liter of energy and "placebo" blow you from head to toe))
- L-theanine - It really works additive, besides, pretty safe, a lot of research, you can check how much you want. This substance is likely to be in this second small shop, after the DMAC.
- This supplement works through changes in brain activity, GABA system, protection of neurons and relaxation of the nervous system.
- Effects: Calm, Care, ease pressure lowering and heart. The additive is useful for increasing the concentration, when everything moves and makes a noise and it is impossible to concentrate.
- L-theanine's great combined with caffeine, significantly improving the effects of the latter and reducing side effects. It is also possible positive effects with other stimulants. So that the effects will be even better with them.


Life hacking - Motivation, Getting Smarter

11 Jan 2017

Our project is engaged in the brain, hormones, neurotransmitters, and not for someone already knows that concepts such as "happiness", "enthusiasm", "motivation" are controlled substances that are already in us and are produced depending on the situation. What is the matter? Dopamine, serotonin, phenylethylamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin, adrenaline and others. Then talk about the specific cases, what to do.


Now there is such a theory that certain proportions in hormones and neurotransmitters play a more important role than a high level of one of the main. Example heard probably about the equalizer in the music, that is, we listen to music and can adjust various settings, and if we want to better hear it, stop it at this adjustment. Words will be better heard, but the song itself is distorted. And it will be more appropriate to adjust other settings. About something similar happens with the brain.

The easiest way to do this: to arrange their own food, then you will understand why and to diversify their enthusiasm for the different emotions that you would like to coach the selection of different substances. Next, the body has very wisely reconstructed depending on what you need.

So, the first thing that people are often interested in - "motivation", what kind of animal? Why are some so pret some activities that they do around and do not see, and the other hung himself with all sorts of quotes, read motivational books, seemed to know everything, but it turns out the circuit from one motivator to the other, and there is no specific action.
Generally it is believed that this process is not available dopamine. Let's just dopamine - it is the driving force, it is not the only one, as mentioned earlier.
The point about motivation, we will talk about dopamine, but you must understand that much more important to observe the proportion in everything.
Dopamine is not only motivates, but also allows you to concentrate. Not without reason in patients with schizophrenia, this mediator is through the roof, and they can not concentrate on some images.

So how to increase dopamine?
The main condition - a task or a goal on what you need to concentrate. + It is important to come up with a "why" needs this goal. How can you visualize brighter.
Remember how we as a child anticipating certain events, fantasized, sometimes could not sleep and were like inflated - work dopamine. Something similar is necessary to come up with now.
Well now we are adults and we can understand the logic that still need a plan of action and mini-goals, not just fantasy.
From the perspective of biology, dopamine generated from tyrosine and phenylalanine. This amino acid present in the protein product. A rule carbohydrates and fats in the modern world: fast food, candy, soda, etc. So that the protein to all! Perhaps because of his lack of you have little motivation and no spark in his eyes. From the legal and available supplements, for an increase of dopamine was seen by caffeine, can be used.

How to become "liberated"?
Often, all a matter of the nature and instincts: to be charismatic, choleric upstart in all holes gag was not always appropriate. And modesty and closeness sometimes even welcomed. As with dopamine in our brain, a substance that can be said to be responsible and "emancipation". Unfortunately, it also has disadvantages, such as carelessness and irresponsibility. Some probably already guessed).

This substance is very strongly activated alcohol, and enslaved alcoholics and probably does not exist, they do not care at all. And, as you know, the level of courage and candor grows in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol consumed ...

Gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA - inhibitory neurotransmitter. For him and the sea generations. One well-known Russian scientist - cited statistics that consumption of no more than 20 ml of pure alcohol for men and 10 ml for women is even useful dosage per day. I leave this point at your discretion) And the project is often criticized that saying banal things, supposedly healthy lifestyle, sports, etc.
GABA is produced from another neurotransmitter - glutamate, GABA contrast, under the influence of vitamin B6. Now perhaps you understand the meaning of such a popular supplements like MagneB6. It allows a natural way, as if the interpreter, to transform part of the glutamate into GABA. Another additive increase GABA: Melissa and St. John's wort.
And yet, if quite frankly, for the concept of "liberated" need to put pressure on the psychology, to become bolder, and of all that.

How to be smarter?
Also popular and broad question. I do not want to talk too banal things like "read the book and study the science." Undoubtedly, these methods work, but you do not listen to this point because of what has long been know.
So, our intelligence, our memory can be evaluated by including the number of synapses in the brain. Synaptic connections - is the connection between nerve cells in the brain. They seem to keep our memories. And most interestingly, when we forget something, in fact, we do not forget anything, just a chain of nerve cells, the chain of synaptic connections if waning. Probably noticed how easy it is to recover old skills and how hard it is to turn out new ones.
Getting smarter - is the hard way, a way of creating new connections, rather than the old workout. Of course, if you say, photographer or a mathematician or an insurance agent, the profile direction must continuously strengthen and improve professionalism. Here we are talking about minor things. We strive to diversify the life as if you will die in six months, but I wanted so much more to do. It was a new experience and create synaptic connections.

You see, the brain is like a lot to learn, to gain some experience. And even a small new information somewhere postponed in our skull. Therefore, summary: you can read a book, and you can travel, you can explore the science, but you can learn to play guitar. It all depends on your taste preferences. The main thing is to develop some sort of main direction, if any, and to try minor, if they are interested.

Additives to improve the mental abilities are called nootropics (Semax, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept). They have a lot of groups, but their common goal: either facilitate the acquisition and processing of information, or to speed up the establishment of synaptic connections and nerve cells. They themselves in the head did not load.

Bottom Line:

- To motivate and dopamine caffeine + to make a plan for a purpose, that purpose paint in bright colors.

- For the "emancipation": lemon balm, St. John's wort, alcohol (like it or not, but it is legal and non-prescription) + work with psychology.

- For the mind: nootropics + + development of a new experience.


How to struggle with stress?

10 Jan 2017

What is stress? As with any disease, stress can be acute and chronic. Acute stress - stress is temporary. Whether it will lead to severe depression or not, it depends on the person. If a person is able to mobilize its forces withdraw from this stress, he defeated him.

It can only be strong people, those people who find the strength to calm down. Indeed, while it is impossible to bring back, what happened can not be changed. Why then wag your nerves? After all again tomorrow a new day, life goes on, and to strive to make this a good and happy life. You can not stop and say, "Nothing I want. I can not. " If all the time to say these words, you will see only the diagnoses of doctors' heavy depressive syndrome "," chronic stress. " You can help yourself with this struggle by Selank, Afobazole, Phenibut, Phenazepam.

stop stressing, Afobazole

Believe me, it's up to no good arguments. If you are heavy, often hop off from society, be in nature, to bring up the tranquility. Mental hospital - not salvation.

Be like children draw in the sand, collect stones. Listen to nature. Remember that fire and water, you can watch endlessly. Light a candle, open the valve. Be like a Persian cat looking out the window and enjoying even a drop of water. And in the winter and you can sculpt a snowman! In my spare time I try to do what you like, not through force, but through pleasure. Stress is very dangerous, especially for the thyroid gland. Do not allow your body to depression. After all, man is born not for her, and born for happiness as a bird for flight. Let these words be your motto in life.


Eloquent Symptoms of Depression

10 Jan 2017

People who suffer from depression or some kind of manic disorders typically manifest or show one or more symptoms that, as the doctors say, these patients should have. Sometimes it is very easy to miss the signs of these symptoms in yourself or in your family, and not be able to help them in this situation.

Symptoms of Depression

There are many symptoms of depression, which show sick people. The most important thing is not to force people to suffer from this, and the time to diagnose and begin treatment of this disease. Since the disease symptoms vary widely, and that the attacks of the disease is also different. You can cope with depression with Afobazol, Phenibut, Selank and Phenazepam.

Below I will give some general signs of this disease:

1. People who are experiencing long-term depressed mood or insensitive to external stimuli, people who are always in a bad mood, who are willing to spend days wandering around the house and feel guilty in front of himself a great example for the symptoms of depression.

2. Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism long: saying or feeling sorry for ourselves always is another common symptom of depression where a person does not see anything promising and promising in their lives. If a person shows prolonged pessimism, he experiences a negative attitude to many things, which again gives rise to utter hopelessness of what is happening in his mind.

3. Fill the guilt, the catastrophic decline in self-esteem and helplessness - that's one more standard features of the doldrums. These symptoms are easily seen in people who hang out all day at home doing nothing. The constant presence of guilt in front of everyone and everything, to cause the soul of such a person the feeling that he does not deserve happiness. Thus, ironically, self-reduction under the influence of an oppressive sense of the impossibility of being happy and enjoying life is a clear symptom of depression. Helplessness also contributes to the strengthening of the doldrums, when there is a feeling that all is not as it should, and this is another symptom of the disease.

4. Lack of interest in the experience of pleasure or searching for those things that used to cause pleasure, uninteresting; These symptoms show how people can be exposed to the disease. If a person is a long time in a depressed state, does not enjoy those activities that were previously enjoyed doing, emerged feeling of lack of something is possible he is captured by depression.

5. Indifference and apathy, constant fatigue, people experiencing mental suffering from what is happening since lost interest in life and did not possess the physical energy that they had before. But people can not just deal with idleness, and they have no interest in food, they are enough sleep, which negatively affects their physical health too.

6. When depression is impossible to concentrate, and memory is deteriorating, which affects the person's ability to interact with the outside world. Since man is closed and occupied only by their state, he can not keep track of the relationship of what is happening in the outside world and, hence, is not able to remember what other people say or what was going on around him. Lack of interest in the outside world makes people very inattentive.

Of course, there are many more symptoms, which can be understood that a person is sick and needs doctor help: lack of sleep, or a surplus, the constant waking up because of voiding all the symptoms of depression (unless, of course, they happen every day). Overeating or loss of appetite also show a lack of vitality. Sudden weight loss or vice versa set, increase suicidal desires, talk of death or wanting to die one more symptoms of a depressive state. As a result of these deviations is easily disrupted physical state: problems with the gastrointestinal tract and headaches. 

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