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Eating at Neuroses and Depression, Stress

10 Jan 2017

Neurosis - is a violation of the nervous system caused by prolonged mental strain. Psychoneurosis characterized by various neuro-psychological disorders.

In our time, neurotic disorders are quite common and will occur in people with congenital or develop weakness of the nervous system. The child has the weakness of the nervous system can occur due to the unfavorable period of gestation.

neuroses, Afobazol

Causes of congenital weakness of the nervous system may serve as gestosis, transient or prolonged labor, unhealthy way of life of the mother (the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking or use of a number of drugs during gestation, harmful work). The various children's infectious diseases, concussion, psychological suppression of the child can disrupt the development of the adaptive processes of the nervous system.

Psychological repression, violence in the family make the child aggressive or suffer from complexes. However, excessive care and catering to all whims of a child leads to the formation of a capricious personality, brooks no failure of others. Contact a man with real society, not providing him the usual attention, it can cause severe damage to his psyche.

In different periods of life, many people somehow feel depressed as a result of physical or emotional stress, which often occur in adult life.

We are experiencing emotional stress from the loss of love, loss of friends, disappointments in the relationship with your loved one, from failures at work. At times psycho-emotional stress load is too heavy, and our possession of depression.

This situational form of depression - a consequence of the heavy emotional experiences. However, it is only necessary to cure time, patience and a warm atmosphere in the family, unless the depression has not developed too deep or goes too slow.

Other forms of depression developed on the basis of less abstract reasons. For example, hormonal imbalance, which often occurs in women during menopause, can cause quite severe depression.
Despite the fact that the classical therapy and prescription of medicines are often necessary, the use of certain dietary supplements helps a lot of depression treatment.

Usually depression develops in people with a deficiency of vitamin B9 and pyridoxine, with a shortage of which there is a deficiency in the brain of serotonin - a hormone that plays a key role in the maintenance of normal mood.

The lack of thiamine, riboflavin and cyanocobalamin may also contribute to the development of depression.
Depression is one of the first signs of a lack of ascorbic acid in the body.

Lack of iron at the same time provokes depression and anemia, but anemia passes after the start of the use of iron faster than the symptoms of depression.

The cause of depression is also a deficiency in the diet of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as They are the raw material from which the body creates a group of physiologically active substances called prostaglandins, needed to maintain a good mood.

People who regularly consume large amounts of caffeine (more than three cups of strong coffee a day) tend to exhibit more severe symptoms of depression.

Many people experiencing depression, begin to eat sweets as a consolation, but scientific studies have shown that consumption of sugar aggravates depression, lethargy and low mood.

It is necessary to limit the intake of sugar and all foods whose composition includes sugar. The abundance in the diet of foods high in animal fat may also worsen depression.

Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle significantly reduces the time out of depression.


Hangover and how to fight it

10 Jan 2017

Alcohol - is bad or normal?

When thinking about alcohol drinking phenomenon is neutral, without touching aspects of chronic use, it can be argued that alcohol socializes people, and it is an indisputable fact psychophysiological. To see this, it suffices to represent common situation - the celebration of the anniversary or wedding (or any other festive occasions), when one of the festively laid table is going to a group of people, many of whom do not know each other. In the unfamiliar company to communicate at ease hard. But people are inherently social creatures who can not do without communication with their own kind. After drinking a few glasses of vodka (or any other alcoholic drink), little man loosens and becomes more lively and sociable. However, very often the use of alcohol, even in moderate doses, and not only in large, resulting in the next day to the unpleasant physical ailments, called hangover. This state also has a medical name - "withdrawal syndrome".

Symptoms of a hangover
Condition hangover can be accompanied by symptoms: headache, dry mouth and bad taste, tremor of limbs, eye redness, irritability, vomiting or nausea, sensitivity to noise and light, loss of appetite and sleep, depressed mood, pain in extremity, diarrhea.
A person may feel full apathy and the so-called "adrenaline anguish."
"Adrenalin anguish" referred to a condition characterized by a vague sense that the day before there was something wrong, inappropriate. Even with a clear memory of events took place yesterday, the person takes possession of a sense of guilt.

Reasons for a hangover state
Ethanol is part of the alcohol, causing increased urine output (i.e. increased urine formation), which results in the appearance of headache, dehydration, dryness of the mouth, and feeling of lethargy and apathy. The second factor contributing to the occurrence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome - a biological transformation of ethanol and its decay products in the liver. Ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde using an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase. Acetaldehyde in turn is converted into acetic acid through the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. If there is an excess of blood alcohol, the enzymatic systems can not cope with the complete transformation of acetaldehyde into acetic acid, and then accumulate in the body intermediate result decay ethanol - acetaldehyde. What is characteristic - it is 20 - 30 times more toxic than the conventional alcohol.
Besides, one of the enzymes produced by the action of alcohol itself can affect the production of free radicals and toxins.
For the above two ethanol conversion reactions also require additional conditions: the transformation of some substances of metabolic exchange in the other. Some of these transformations violate the production of enzymes in the body, without which the intermediate products of metabolic processes begin to accumulate. For example, in the use of alcoholic beverages in the medium and high doses, the body builds up the end product of the process of glycolysis - pyruvate. To align the homeostatic balance of substances, the body tries to synthesize lactate from pyruvate. For the synthesis of lactate, pyruvate, "shown in" from other processes (for example, the gluconeogenesis), and because of this, the liver can not compensate for the reduction in glucose levels, particularly in the brain.
As you know, glucose is the major energy source for the brain, so its level falling detrimental to human well-being. It hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) promotes the appearance of hangover symptoms. Hangover symptoms also enhance other substances that together with ethyl alcohol included in the composition of alcoholic beverages (for example, fusel oil).
The composition of alcoholic beverages are added some metals (zinc, etc..) To sweeten the drink. This fact explains the relative softness of the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms when consuming distilled spirits. Not long ago, a statement was made by scientists and researchers that heavy hangover occurs soon after consuming the drinks that are lighter in color than when using dark beverage.

Tannin content in the beverage and sugar is also important. Sugar greatly exacerbates the hangover effect, so for the sweet, relatively loosely established cocktails drinks bad reputation, leading to severe withdrawal symptoms. Dark beer, for example, leads to a more severe hangover than the same amount of alcohol by volume, dissolved in water. Tequila and whiskey than vodka (when using the same amount of ethanol) give severe hangover symptoms. This occurs because the related substances ethanol, like fusel oils, are not removed from alcoholic beverages to form a corresponding aroma and taste.
Beer at hand gives a diuretic effect, which leads to dehydration - when visiting the toilet a person gets rid of not only beer, but also on other body fluids. Alcohol gives a pronounced diuretic effect, affects the irritation of the brain and inhibits the release of pituitary special watery substance. The effect of this substance on the kidneys need to ensure that they reduced the outflow of liquid, which in theory should be accumulated in the bladder.As a result, affect the beer excessive secretion of fluids from the kidney to the bladder, and then at a high concentration of alcohol in blood accumulation starts dehydration, which leads to occurrence of dry mouth. In order to compensate for the lost fluid, the body begins to absorb water from other tissues and organs, including brain tissue and from causing its temporary reduction. Scientists believe that, in spite of specific immunity to the brain pain, headache occurs when a hangover is with compensation fluid deficiency - reduced the dura, which is connected with fibers sensitive to pain. Another explanation for the causes of headaches - this action is drinking beer on the brain vessels, which violates the blood flow in the head.
Finding alcohol for a long time in the stomach contributes to retching, mucosal dryness of the mouth and the appearance of strong thirst.
The above fusel oils and other by-products of alcohol distillation often can not simply cause the picture hangover and this poisoning. The risk of poison is extremely high in the use of substandard, adulterated alcoholic products from industrial alcohol; as well as home-made alcohol products of distillation (moonshine, Braga).
The severity of the hangover may be enhanced nicotine poisoning. It is no secret that smokers at the time of consumption of vodka and other alcoholic beverages, smoke more cigarettes than usual. And even people who quit smoking, drunk can not restrain myself and again take up cigarettes. The body has lost the habit of receiving a dose of nicotine; and he a man of habit smokes cigarettes one after another. So the next day he was feeling due to not only the quality and quantity of alcohol consumed, but also nicotine poisoning.

Other factors affecting the appearance of a hangover
Medical studies have shown that the severity of hangover depends largely on a lack of magnesium in the body. This is because that immediately after consuming alcohol magnesium excreted by the kidneys into the bladder. He ceases to block calcium channels in cells. Without this blocking calcium penetrates quickly into the cells and causes them to excessive excitement. Therefore, the person has a headache, and a state of irritability and nervousness.
Magnesium deficiency also causes cardiac arrhythmia, muscle weakness, chills. In addition, when you receive a large dose of alcohol takes place blood acidification (acidosis).
It is of considerable importance, and genetic factors: for example, some people are almost not affected by the emergence of hangover, regardless of the amount of taken alcohol. This curious phenomenon is explained by the fact that in the body of these people there is an active development of alcohol.

Moreover, the active development of alcohol is not unique as individuals, as whole nations. In light-eyed fair-skinned Europeans it produces worse, while dark-haired dark-skinned, dark-haired Europeans - better.
The majority of people of East Asian descent inherent mutation in the gene that is responsible for the production of alcohol. This mutation causes the intense processing of ethanol to acetaldehyde. Moreover, Asians (although not all), reduced ability to convert acetaldehyde in acetic acid. This leads to the fact that after the use of alcohol, acetaldehyde cumulated in the body and causes the effect of "alcohol flush", which is accompanied by the most severe withdrawal symptoms later. Knowing such a feature of these people try to drink a lot less.There is a widespread assertion that hangover becomes heavier with age. Generally, this phenomenon is attributed to the fact that the body is provided with a lower alcohol dehydrogenase. Without this enzyme involved in the metabolism of alcohol, alcohol withdrawal syndrome develops much sharper.

Treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Hangover Treatment should be directed at solving the four problems of a medical nature: Restoration of water-salt homeostasis. Elimination of pain symptoms. Toxins. Recovery of brain activity (clear thinking and reaction speed).
To remove the headache hangover, drink enough Citramon or aspirin. These products are sold in the pharmacy without a prescription. Intoxication of the body is removed by methods of biochemical and physical detoxification. You can also buy Meldonium or Phenotropil.
Physical cleaning gastric detoxification means and / or the intestine, the use of sorbents such as activated carbon or enterosorbent.

Biochemical Detoxification is the activation of Krebs cycle (cycle is broken when alcohol use). To restore cycle enough to eat products containing succinic, lactic, citric acid. Also, they can be taken orally in tablets or receive intramuscular injection.
In the free market, you can find a variety of drugs, it is positioned as a tool for a hangover. Essentially, most of them - it is a combination of ascorbic, succinic acid, acetylsalicylic acid with the addition of caffeine or other substances. So that they are similar in composition, such as a conventional Citramon.It should be remembered that acetylsalicylic acid can not simultaneously use drugs with alcohol. And indeed it is a substance, despite all the benefits brought by the body, very detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, especially on an empty stomach.
To make them less scathingly exposed mucous, taking acetylsalicylic acid preparations should be washed down with plenty of water.

Effective "national" means for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome are: Fermented foods (Korean dish kimchi, sauerkraut). Fruit juice is sour. Unpasteurized brew. Airan, mare's milk, yogurt (which foods are rich in lactic acid). Mineral water.

Just be rational use of diuretics. These drugs need to eliminate improper redistribution of fluid after drinking. If pressure and heart rate are normal, you can do exercise, they are good because after them, along with the sweat, and the residual alcohol leaves the body. Another effective way is to gastric lavage. However, this manipulation is good only if little time has passed after drinking. The more time passed after reception of alcohol, the more he could be absorbed from the stomach into the bloodstream, and the less efficient is the washing.
Cropped hangover can be a small amount of alcohol intake of the same species, which is consumed by the day before (a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, a glass of vodka). This method of dealing with the hangover has long known. Nevertheless, sober - it's not the best way, though, and the easiest and quickest. Firstly, an extra dose of alcohol will affect the already weakened body, and the liver is more difficult to neutralize poison additional portion. There is a risk of continuing the use of alcohol, and this can lead to drinking bout. In addition, the "sober" is not able to help in case of poisoning surrogate or poor-quality alcoholic beverages, in this situation it can only exacerbate the condition. However, if the included substances such as methanol or ethylene glycol, the patient, on the contrary, ethyl alcohol, or administered in the vodka adulterated vodka. This is because the data are split toxic substances in the liver using the same enzyme as the alcohol - which is why one is a safener for ethanol. When introduced into the body, the liver converts ethanol resources themselves, and ethylene glycol or methyl out in the urine and does not cause much harm to the body.
By the way, not all people are as a cure for a hangover to drink alcohol again. Some can not do this because they strongly feel sick. The mere thought of alcohol can cause a gag reflex, so the person does not want to freshen the nip. But in this case, you can "trick" the body. To do this, type in the mouth lemonade or juice, bring to your mouth and quickly drink vodka in the process of swallowing the sweet drink. Thus, the receptors do not have time to react to the changing of the beverage and "deceived".
In the event that the state of health of the body has not improved, and still people suffering from chills, sweating, tremor, nausea - you need to seek medical help. Chronic use of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, another condition may lead to delirium tremens.

As to the latter problem for removing hangover, the activation of brain activity you can use any kind of intellectual work, whether it be solving crossword puzzles or learning poems by heart.
Topical approach to the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is considered detoxification treatments with intravenous saline solutions with the addition of these specific pathogenetic therapies, relieves a variety of disorders in the life of the human body. The essence of this method consists in recovering the mineral and water metabolism, in the normalization of metabolic processes, resulting in rapid excretion of intermediates ethanol decomposition.
Naturally, such detoxification procedure to take place in the home can not be only in a hospital or outpatient clinic. And it's not just that the man himself will not be able to make an intravenous infusion, but also in the fact that weak body can not adequately respond to the administered drug and issue a reaction anaphylactic shock. In the absence of funds, cropped anaphylactic shock (eg, prednisone and antihistamines), this condition can lead to death. That is why it is best not to self-medicate and consult a specialist.


DMAA (Geranium extract)

10 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: CNS stimulants.

Pharmacological action: psycho-physical stimulation; increase efficiency; improved mood; increased lipolysis (fat burning); appetite suppression.
The impact on the receptors: dopamine and noradrenaline receptors (agonist)

1,3-DMAA is a neural stimulator, the structure of which is similar to ephedrine and epinephrine. At the moment, little information is available about the reception of 1,3-DMAA and he is no longer sold as a dietary supplement.

General information
DMAA is a neurological stimulator, which promotes rapid acceptance increase energy efficiency that is similar to the classic caffeine and other stimulants, but the effect achieved through other mechanisms. Initially DMAA was presented as a remedy for nasal congestion - "Oil extract germanium", but later used as a neurological stimulator in the form of tablets. In view of the structural similarity with amphetamines, during testing before the event is detected in the urine as doping and therefore it is not recommended for use before competitions. virtually not been studied in isolation.

Other names: 4-methylhexane-2-amine, DMAA, dimetilamilamin, 1,3-DMAA, Geranamine, methylhexaneamine, 1,3-D dimetilpentilamin, Vortala, Forthane.

Not to be confused with DMAE, DHEA, memantine (same acronym, a different composition).

On a note! DMAA is a powerful stimulant.

Variety: Weight loss products; nootropics

Attention! When testing before the event is detected in the urine as amphetamine drugs. World Anti-Doping Agency added methylhexaneamine to the list of banned substances in 2010, and, since the use of 1,3-DMA in the United States severely restricted, 1), the Australian Government has made the list of DMAC 9, and banned its sale.

DMAA (geranium extract, 1.3 Dimetilamilamin, methylhexaneamine) - an organic compound with the formula CH3CH2CH (CH3) CH2CH (CH3) NH2. DMAA was sold under different trade names as a food additive, but soon its safety has been questioned. The substance is also simple aliphatic amine used as a nasal decongestant and for the treatment of hypertrophic and hyperplastic tissues of the oral cavity. This vasoconstrictor, which can be administered by inhalation to the nasal mucosa. DMAA is not a derivative of geranium and obtained synthetically.

In April 1944, the company Eli Lilly and Company has released methylhexaneamine Forthane under the trade name to be used as a nasal decongestant. Forthane has also been patented for the treatment of hypertrophic and hyperplastic tissues of the oral cavity. In addition to patent applications, the use of methylhexaneamine is not mentioned in the historical medical literature, and today the medical use of methylhexaneamine not recognized. Trademark Forthane is no longer valid. Methylhexaneamine should not be confused with isoflurane, the common inhalation anesthetic manufactured in Australia under the trade mark Forthane. In 2006, Arnold, Patrick methylhexaneamine re-introduced as a food additive, after the final prohibition of ephedrine as a dietary supplement in the United States in 2005 year. The substance has been presented under the brand name Geranamine, and produced by the company Proviant Technologies. The drug is available as a tool for fat loss and provide energy for workouts. The substance is used in combination with other substances, such as caffeine. These combinations are similarly with combinations of ephedrine with caffeine, a first ingredient which is currently banned in many countries. In 2012, during the Dutch research literature on the regulatory status of methylhexaneamine, scientists have concluded that supplements containing more than 4 mg methylhexaneamine, are pharmacologically effective and require licensing as a drug. The authors concluded that the oral methylhexaneamine acts as a bronchodilator (at doses greater than 4 mg), increases the heart rate (in excess of 50-75 mg doses), blood pressure and increases (in doses of 100 mg). Serious side effects possible with oral doses greater than 200 mg.

DMAA: instructions for use
The minimum dose of 1,3-DMA is 10-20mg, maximum - 40-60mg a day, although no specific data on the optimal number at the moment, the above dosage border are standard. 1,3-DMAA is prohibited by various sports organizations due to their structural similarity with amphetamines, and is therefore not recommended to receive athletes, passing control before the competition.

Methylhexaneamine structure has been described as close to amphetamine. Methylhexaneamine synthesized by converting 4-methylhexane-2-1 oxime, followed by reduction with sodium in ethanol, which is similar to Buvo Blanc reaction. Methylhexaneamine is the agent releasing catecholamine neurotransmitters norepinephrine (noradrenaline), similar to the related substances such as cyclo-pentamine and tuaminoheptane.

Structure and function of DMAA
DMAA is a straight carbon chain amine 7 alifitik and structurally similar to amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA. 3) The first was presented as a drug against nasal congestion, but later began to be used as a neurological stimulator and dispensed in tablet form. DMAC is also structurally similar to propylhexedrine, a stimulant, which has the property of in vivo fat burning. Because of the structural similarity, mechanism of action may also be similar to epinephrine - has the same effects as epinephrine, but direct metabolism pharmacokinetics studies on DMAA was conducted.

The use of DMAA
Originally released by Eli Lilly as a nasal decongestant, methylhexaneamine produced marketed as a dietary supplement in combination with caffeine and other ingredients, under such trade names as Geranamine and Floradrene, and as available without prescription thermogenic drug or general stimulant. Since then, as Eli Lilly introduced its patent in 1944, methylhexaneamine has not been intensively studied and its pharmacological profile is not appreciated. It was also stated that it has less of a stimulating effect on the central nervous system than the corresponding compounds of amphetamine and ephedrine. In New Zealand methylhexaneamine (called 1,3-dimetilamilamin or DMAA) is a new active ingredient, manufactured tablets. In November 2009, the New Zealand Government announced plans to make the list methylhexaneamine limited to the use of substances. The New Zealand Government has not banned the use of methylhexaneamine, but the Ministry of Health of the country banned the mass of powder procurement, allowing at the same time sales agent in the form of capsules and tablets. The Ministry of Health of New Zealand is currently published Rules of temporarily authorized agents. The meaning of this innovation - to make the illegal implementation of DMAA products after 7 April 2012. Please pay attention to Semax.

Safety and legality of DMAA
Safety in the short-term use

Although it seems that the drug is well tolerated in the form of supplements before exercise, in the course of studies with the drug in tablet form noted the possibility of hemorrhage into the brain. At the moment, there are no data regarding the long-term toxicology at the reception of the drug, and the LD50 figure at a single intravenous injection was 39mg / kg and intraperitoneal injection -185mg / kg, which theoretically is much lower as compared to oral administration.

Legality of DMAA
DMAA erroneously described as a component part of the geranium, which was refuted by an independent laboratory analysis of geranium oil.

Doping control before the competition
In view of the structural similarity with amphetamines, during testing before the event is detected in the urine as doping and therefore it is not recommended for use before competitions.

Safety of DMAA
Methylhexaneamine half-lethal dose is 39 mg / kg iv and 185 mg / kg when administered intraperitoneally in mice. Anecdotal reports suggest that very high doses of methylhexaneamine in combination with caffeine and alcohol can be dangerous to the body. In New Zealand, 21-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage after receiving 556 mg methylhexaneamine, caffeine and alcohol. No data on the status of hydration of the man, they consumed the food they consumed illicit substances, and the weight of his body. manufacturer's representative stated that «DMAA is, in fact, part of the plant geraniums (Pelargonium Graveolens) and produced oil from it and for over 100 years was a part of the human diet." However, a study published in December 2011 A. Lisi, Hasikov N., R. Kazlauskas and S. Goebel, contrary to the statements of manufacturers methylhexaneamine and, in particular, they said that "geranium oil do not contain methylhexaneamine" and "products comprising in its composition of geranium oil containing methylhexaneamine thus can be produced only by adding them to the composition of synthetic material". A study conducted in September 2011 showed that taking high doses of 1,3-dimetimamilamina (75 mg) alone and in combination with caffeine leads to increased blood pressure, without increasing heart rate. In a study of 25 healthy men taking before training sports supplements containing methylhexaneamine, it was shown that methylhexaneamine not change heart rate, blood pressure, and does not affect liver and kidney functions when used at the recommended doses. Four additional studies it was shown that DMAA not cause any adverse effects on blood, blood pressure or heart rate, when tested in a short period. The US military has organized a massive recall of all products containing methylhexaneamine from all military warehouses around the world sharing, after the announcement of the two soldiers who died of a heart attack during training in 2010. Methylhexaneamine composition was found in their blood. "These products are legally permitted and not yet found any connection between DMAA and serious condition of the patient reported by military medical staff," said a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence, Peter Graves. "As a precaution, the Ministry of Defense ordered to withdraw these products from the market." The death of Claire Squires, runner, who died suddenly close to the finish line in April 2012, during the London Marathon, has been associated with the use of DMAA. The coroner said that DMAA was "probably the most important factor" in her death. It is believed that the substance contained in the energy drink, which used the athlete before competition.

Dispute about DMAA
Many professional and amateur sports organizations such as the World Anti-Doping Agency banned the use of methylhexaneamine as a substance that enhances the performance and suspend athletes who use it. In February 2012, the death of two American soldiers who died during physical training, has led studies of the popular supplements for bodybuilding, organisms found in the victims. This prompted the Department of Defense to withdraw products containing methylhexaneamine, the shelves in anticipation of the investigation. Pentagon spokesman stressed, however, that "these products are not legally banned and have not yet found any connection between DMAA and states that are reported by military medical staff. As a precaution the Ministry of Defense ordered to withdraw from the sale of these products. " The findings of the Ministry on this issue is expected at the end of March 2012. Surgeon US Army said: "I want to emphasize that it is still not established any connection between DMAA and states that are reported by military medical staff. Leaders of the Ministry of Defense, and US Flight Center took these reports very seriously, however, these events have multiple causes. It is too early to say whether they have a connection with DMAA ». June 19, 2012 The South African Institute of Sport without doping (SAIDS) confirmed the victory in a friendly Ludwik Mamabolo Marathon 2012, which gave a positive result for a banned stimulant. Mamabolo can expect a two-year suspension and deprivation of title in the event, if an athlete is found guilty by an independent tribunal.

DMAA and legislation
In July 2011, Health Canada has determined DMAA is not a dietary ingredient, but as a drug, requiring further approval. Health Canada has banned all sales of DMAA. In March 2012, New Zealand released a notice that announces DMAA temporarily permitted substances. In April 2012, New Zealand officially prohibits DMAA and its use in tablets. In April 2012, the FDA (Office for the Control Food and Drug Administration) in the United States issued a written warning DMAA producers. DMAA FDA accused the producers in the absence of material evidence of safety. In June 2012, the National Agency for Food Sweden issued a general warning regarding the use of DMAA products, as a result of their sale have been banned in some parts of the country. August 1, 2012 DMAA was banned in Australia. In New South Wales, DMAA classified poisons listed as "particularly dangerous substance." In July 2012 the National Agency for Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) in Brazil has issued a warning to the public, saying the danger of using products containing in its composition DMAA. There was also updated the list of banned substances containing DMAA, which means the complete withdrawal of products that contain these ingredients from the Brazilian market. In August 2012, the Agency for medicines regulation and health care products (MHRA) has decided that the popular DMAA-containing sports supplement Jack3d is an unlicensed drug, and that he and all other products containing DMAA, must be withdrawn from sale in the UK because of the risk for public safety. In January 2013, the investigation found that DMAA was the cause of death of 30-year-old woman who died at the finish line at the London Marathon 2012.

Effects on blood pressure
Either alone or in combination with the caffeine during blind study (when one of the groups given the real drug, and the other - placebo) showed that the drug significantly increases blood pressure, but has no effect on pulse.

In 2009 he was included in the list of banned substances the world anti-doping Agency (WADA). In Russia, however, this component is also included in the list of prohibited substances by the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA). Therefore, acting athletes (who runs the doping control) is recommended to refrain from the use of this stimulant. However, supplements containing DMAA, approved for sale. Sports nutrition with DMAA: - Jack3d (USPlabs) - OxyElite Pro (USPlabs) - NeuroCore (MuscleTech) - HydroxyStim (MuscleTech) - Hemo Rage Black Ultra Concentrate (Nutrex) - Lipo-6 Black (Nutrex) - Lipo-6 Black Hers ( Nutrex)


Doxycycline and Alcohol

10 Jan 2017

The question of whether it is possible to take doxycycline and alcohol excites many. It's not that all of us without exception alcoholics. Just sometimes treatment falls on holidays, parties or corporate events. You will not miss the event just because of the fact that you drink the medicine. Yes and interrupt the course of treatment is also not good.

How to be in this situation and whether it is possible to combine doxycycline and alcohol?

You wondered if you ever wondered how and why all drugs can not be combined with alcohol or certain foods? It's pretty simple. It turns out that all the medicines that we use, anyway, to the liver. This is where they are processed and broken down. For each drug cleavage, as for the cleavage of other substances produced in the liver specific agents. If the liver suddenly got not one drug, and more, there is a semblance of a queue. While some drugs are evacuated from the body more and more longer. Thus, the use of certain drugs jointly affect their term of the body. The same thing happens with alcohol. After all, the liver processes the alcohol that enters into our body.
Moreover, preparations of antibiotics is the most "gentle" in this regard. Incidentally, doxycycline and other antibiotics do not mix, not only alcohol, but even with tea or some kinds of fizzy carbonated drinks. Coffee is also very ambiguous effect on the action of doxycycline. Although it is not usually written in the annotations to doxycycline. But not every doctor can not really explain how to correctly use the drug.
And doxycycline in any case should not be taken simultaneously with the fruit. Another interesting information, which is derived from a very authoritative source, but it is contrary to the recommendations of the manufacturer of Doxycycline. If you have carefully studied the annotation to the drug, you probably noticed that doxycycline is sometimes recommended to drink milk to reduce its aggressive action on the mucous membrane of the digestive system. And here are some other sources recommend, on the contrary, do not use both doxycycline and milk, as this may adversely affect the efficacy of treatment. Please pay attention to Chitomur.

How to be in such a situation? Firmly can say the following. In order to avoid the aggressive impact of the drug on the mucosa of the stomach, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids. In general, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended during the use of doxycycline. For more information on the use of this mode of preparation you can get to the doctor's advice.
So how can affect the simultaneous use of doxycycline and alcohol? This combination can cause you a rush of blood to the skin, the urge to vomit, migraine pain and loss of coordination. But how effective will act doxycycline in general is hard to say. Sometimes a combination with alcohol increases the effects of doxycycline, and sometimes slows down.
If you smoke, and further information will be of interest to you. It turns out that not only the food, beverages and alcohol affect the action of doxycycline and other drugs. Nicotine also has some influence. In the body of smokers all the drugs take effect after a long delay. Therefore, some scientists say about the need for appointment of smokers increased amounts of medication. And according to another theory, nicotine does not influence the absorption of drugs by the body, and how long they are in the body. Components of cigarette smoke act on the liver, speeding up the process of decomposition of the drug.


Viagra and Alcohol

10 Jan 2017

Viagra and alcohol - two concepts that are very often overlap. Agree, in most cases, all sexual relations are associated with taking a certain amount of alcoholic beverages. No, this is certainly not a pattern, but still. People forget that alcohol and sex generally should not overlap. After all, this is a negative impact on men's health, and the general condition of women. But now is not about that. I decided to focus on "Viagra and alcohol." Can I take this drug along with alcohol or not, you know right now.

Immediately, we note that a clear answer to this question is still there. Speaking on the fact that to date there is no clinical evidence that could convince all of us that Viagra absolutely contraindicated used together with alcohol. Despite the fact that no evidence of any objection it is not, logically, we can conclude that alcohol and Viagra is still not desirable to take at the same time. If you do not understand why, we will be happy to explain. The fact that ethanol is a substance which affects the use of the central nervous system. In addition to all alcoholic drinks have a negative impact on a man's erection. Now it is important to understand - why drink Viagra to improve erection, and then, taking alcoholic drinks significantly reduce it?
Before you mix Viagra with alcohol, consider whether or not to do it. After mixing of these two components can not only significantly reduce your erections, but also trigger the development of various cardiovascular diseases. Remember that Viagra - a drug prescribed to improve the quality of your life, but certainly not to experiment with their own health. No, of course we are not saying that you can not treat yourself to a few glasses of wine. In normal people, no date passes without wine or champagne. Speaking about the dangers of alcohol and viagra mix, we mean large amounts of alcohol. By the way, if you drink Viagra, then you need to give up not only on the consumption of large amounts of alcoholic beverages, and limit yourself to a fatty food. If all the same you have planned a grand booze, then better to replace Viagra Viagra soft. Viagra soft - a drug to enhance sexual desire, which can take an unlimited amount of alcohol. You can also like Testoluten.

And now a few words about the interaction of Viagra and alcohol, but from a chemical point of view. If you believe the chemistry is the main component of Viagra Sildenafil under the name does not really interact with alcohol. And it is not just words. All of them confirmed by chemical studies. The same chemistry clarifies that erection quality adversely affects alcohol itself, but certainly not its consumption, along with Viagra. It is necessary to draw your attention to the fact that consumption of alcohol can have a negative impact not only on the male erection. In some cases, alcohol can disable the entire musculoskeletal system. Surely each of you yourself have already made a conclusion regarding the use of alcohol. If you can not do it yourself, then listen - you need to drink in moderation. The only way you can save not only their potency, but also the health of the whole organism.
What conclusions can we draw from all the information that was presented to us. The conclusion is simple - Viagra can be consumed together with alcohol, but never forget that the number of alcoholic beverages should be moderate. By the way, to enhance sexual desire, you can ask for help and special supplements (biologically active additives).


Some Ways to Relieve Stress

10 Jan 2017

It's no secret that all of us every day are exposed to stress. Someone under stress the most, someone - in the least. But, despite this, the stress has accumulated property. We, in turn, are trying to get rid of it.

How do we do it? Here are a few ways to deal with stress. Read them and choose which one is right for you. Moreover, read them carefully and do not forget to remember.

So, the first way to relieve stress. Think of something pleasant. We all know that the daily problems that are "like snow falling on our heads," make us think about them constantly. As a result, we're having headaches, sleepless nights begin and so on. Stop thinking about the problems. Focus on the bright side of your life. Try to re-create in his mind a certain point, and focus on it. It is very important to recreate the episode in its entirety. As soon as you recall something, enjoy the happiness that you feel at that moment.

Transcendental meditation - another way to deal with stress. During this meditation, you will need to repeat myself or out loud a sound, word or phrase in the same rhythm for fifteen - twenty minutes. In order to quickly understand what is required of you, here's a few examples of possible sounds: "hummm", "shhh", "oof", "Hamm" and so on. As to the words, it could be anything: a house, a table, love, sea and so on. Examples of phrases: love can be eternal peace worldwide. Transcendental Meditation will help you to focus and bring together all your thoughts.

Very often people are using this method and stress reliever as meditation in silence. To do this you need to get as comfortable as possible and concentrate on your breathing. Doing breath, try to imagine how the oxygen begins to soak every cell of your body. You should be aware that oxygen is the source of your life. Without it, you would not be able to live. Try to breathe as slowly and deeply as possible. Believe me, after a certain period of time you will feel a new surge of energy.

Very often it happens that people coming from work, continue to think only of her. It is not right. Another way to relieve stress - it is to leave work at work. Do not allow yourself to think about work at home. First of all, it is not entirely fair to the people close to you. And secondly, it is very often leads to the development of stress. Back home, occupies only your favorite things, take the time to children, husband or wife, parents.

In dealing with stress it is also very often helps and change of pace. From time to time this method of dealing with stress is necessary to resort necessarily. Take a day off or leave and go away from the daily hustle and bustle. Some find solace in the mountains or the sea, the other is quite simple suburban area. The main thing that it was like for you. Best of all, of course, give your preference for a resort with mineral springs. Going to the resort, you will not only be able to forget about the problems, but also to improve their health.

Do not forget that you can overcome stress and using discuss their problems with people around you. If the stress occurred against the backdrop of a quarrel with a loved one, then do not expect to discuss with him the problems. Should you, for whatever reasons, can not talk to this person, talk to someone else. Remember, the more you will discuss your problem aloud, the more quickly it will be resolved.

There are other ways to relieve stress. You can read your favorite book, sing, think of a pleasant situation for you, play with pets, take care of house plants, cry, and so on. A hot bath will also help you relax. Ways to deal with stress is really a lot.

The fact is that today there are so many dietary supplements that are used for the prevention and treatment of stress. These include such: Phenazepam, Selank, Phenibut.



10 Jan 2017

Description of action of Azathioprine

6- mercaptopurine heterocyclic derivative having potent immunosuppressive and cytotoxic effects. The mechanism of drug action is not fully understood, it is obvious by alkylation it blocks sulfhydryl groups, due to the release of 6-mercaptopurine acts as an antimetabolite of purine bases, leads to DNA synthesis disruption by inserting a DNA strand thio analogues of purines and as a result, inhibit the biosynthesis of nucleic acids and prevents proliferation of cells involved in immune response. The overwhelming effect may occur only after a few weeks or months of treatment. After oral administration of approximately 88% of absorbed drug, peak serum concentrations it reaches approximately 2 hour. The plasma protein binds to 30%. T1 / 2 was 4.5 hours. Biotransformiroetsa in the liver and kidneys rapidly cleaved in the organism to 6-mercaptopurine and methyl nitroimidazole. 6- mercaptopurine easily penetrates into the cells where it is converted into a purine thio-analogues thereof, but the speed of this process is different in different people; It is converted to an inactive metabolite – thio-uric acid, which is excreted in the urine. Urine fewer other metabolit- was detected 1-methyl-4-nitro-5-tioimidazol. About 12% of azathioprine displayed their organism with the feces in unmodified form, and another 20-50% is excreted via the kidneys in unchanged form and as metabolites.


Azathioprine: instructions for use

After transplantation of organs (heart, kidney, liver) as an immunosuppressor in order to reduce the risk of graft rejection. It is also used for ulcerative colitis, are not amenable to other methods of treatment, nephrotic syndrome. Typically, the drug is used in combination with a corticosteroid or other treatments aimed at reducing the immune response.

Contraindications for AzathioprineHypersensitivity to any component of the drug or 6- mercaptopurine, pregnancy. Contraindicated for use in women planning a pregnancy in the near future. In patients who are elderly or with impaired renal or hepatic function should regularly monitor the morphology of peripheral blood and liver function. In connection with the violation of metabolism is not used in patients with deficiency of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase. In patients with thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency of bone marrow suppression may be more pronounced. During the first 8 weeks of treatment is recommended, at least one time per week to make a detailed analysis of the blood; during a subsequent treatment period analysis should be done at least every 3 months. Please pay attention to Honluten.

Drug interactions

It enhances the effect of myelosuppressive medications. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors (allopurinol, tiopurinol, oxipurinole), used in conjunction with azathioprine suppresses biotransformation to 6 tiomochevoy acid. If used in conjunction with azathioprine, allopurinol or its derivatives, the dose of azathioprine must be reduced to 25% of the usual dose in connection with the risk of developing myelosuppression (pancytopenia). The simultaneous use of gold salts, antimalarials, penicillamine, olsalazine, mesalazine or sulfasalazine may lead to suppression of bone marrow activity. Caution should be used in case of simultaneous use of other drugs that cause depression of bone marrow function. Hematologic abnormalities may occur in the case of simultaneous application of co-trimoxazole, captopril, cimetidine, indomethacin. Aminosalicylates may increase the effect of azathioprine. Azathioprine reduces the effect of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants (eg, tubocurarine, pancuronium), enhances the effect of depolarizing muscle relaxant. Azathioprine can weaken the body's response to the vaccine; patients receiving azathioprine should not be given live vaccines. We describe the case of inhibition of the anticoagulant action of warfarin if used in conjunction with azathioprine. In vitro metabolism of furosemide violates azathioprine; the clinical significance of this interaction is unknown.

Azathioprine: side effects

Myelosuppression (leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia); in rare cases may develop agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, aplastic anemia; It may also develop increased susceptibility to infections. Liver dysfunction, pancreatitis, hair loss. Rare: malaise, dizziness, fever, chills, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain, heart rhythm disorders, pruritus, rash, vasculitis, renal failure, hypotension, cholestasis, nausea, vomiting, anorexia. The symptoms usually disappear after discontinuation of the drug, but sometimes it may be fatal. In rare cases, develop interstitial pneumonia. After the first dose may be nausea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients after organ transplantation receiving immunosuppressive treatment, can also develop: colitis, diverticulitis, intestinal perforation. In patients receiving azathioprine for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, the drug may develop severe diarrhea with relapses occurring after taking the next dose. In patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation, often develop cancers. As a result of receiving immunosuppressive drugs may be compounded by the clinical course of chickenpox and shingles. Overdose leads to a reduction in the number of white blood cells and platelets, the development of myelosuppression, pancytopenia. It may be necessary in the symptomatic treatment of hematology.

Pregnancy and lactation
Category D. contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. If any of the partners takes a cytotoxic drug, you must use effective methods of contraception. In the breast milk of women receiving azathioprine during lactation, found 6-mercaptopurine.

Azathioprine: Dosage
Orally, intravenously. Adults and children after organ transplantation - the initial dose of 5 mg / kg / day, followed by a maintenance dose - 1.4 mg / kg / day. Even after several years after preparation there is a high risk of transplant rejection for several weeks. For other indications - starting dose for adults and children - 1.3 mg / kg / day, then the dose is gradually reduced to the minimum effective dose. If no improvement within the first 3 months after discontinuation of the drug is observed, should consider discontinuation of the drug. In elderly patients the dose should be used in the lower range of recommended doses. In patients with impaired renal or hepatic function should use the lowest recommended dose. Intravenous be applied only if it is impossible to use the oral route. Do not administer intramuscularly.

Drugs on the market containing azathioprine - Azathioprine Tablets 50mg; Imuran – 50 mg.

The drug Azathioprine available on medical prescription.



10 Jan 2017

GHRP-2 and growth hormone releasing peptide-2, also known as KP 102 - a commercially synthesized hexapeptide growth hormone releasing. This superanalogue peptide GHRP-2, which has a powerful stimulating effect on the production of growth hormone and easy stimulatory effect on prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol levels.

Purity (HPLC readings): at least 99%.
Volume 5 mg vial.

Product Description

Molecular formula: C45H55N9O6
Molecular Weight: 817.9
The amino acid sequence: H-D-Ala-D-Nal-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2

GHRP-2 has a powerful effect on the body's natural production of endogenous human growth hormone. GHRP-2 stimulates the production of growth hormone in daily sublingual use of the drug. GHRP-2 very quickly increases the level of insulin-like growth hormone-1, and if it combined with GHRH (Sermorelin, CJC-1295 GHRH-1-44 et al.), The results will be even better, because such mixture stimulates the pituitary gland to produce a lot more of the hormone human growth. The peptide stimulates the performance of both the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
GHRP-2 - a true stimulant of growth hormone secretion. This means that the peptide contributes to the development of self-growth hormone by the body. Human growth hormone helps the body keep the right weight to it, avoiding obesity. GHRP-2 demonstrated the effectiveness of the stimulation of growth hormone research. In short half-life of the peptide, the peak concentrations lasted approximately 15 minutes but no more than 60 minutes after application. It is a synthetic peptide also grelinic receptor agonist binding to the receptor-stimulator of growth hormone. GHRP-2 increases the production of growth hormone. Please pay attention to Libidon.The natural physiological system from exposure to the peptide increases levels and inflow of calcium ions produce the level of growth hormone. Chemical structure and properties of the peptide are described below.

dosing study medication showed that the analogue of its strength similar to growth hormone releasing factor, and ten times more powerful than the previous generation of substances which release growth hormone, such as growth releasing peptide-1 and 6 (Wu and dr.1994). Because of this effect, the hormone used to treat defective conditions in monkeys and catabolic states. Studies and other Laferra (2005) showed that GHRP-2 acts as a ghrelin causing starvation in monkeys and stimulating the secretion of growth hormone. A similar impact was illustrated by the increased levels of growth hormone during GHRP-2 injection (AUC 5550 ± 1090 μg / L / 240 min vs. 412 ± 161 μg / L / 240 min, p = 0.003). Also, peptide-2 increases the secretion of cAMP in cells. Its effect is in this case similar to the action of growth hormone releasing factor.
GHRP-2 is also provided an anti-inflammatory effect on arthritis in rats using a ghrelin receptor acted directly on immune cells (Granado et al, 2004). However, it is important to note that the level of results GHRP-2 action varies according to animal species. Especially it is different in the reaction cell pituitary somatotrophs, probably because there is a difference between subtypes of receptors of growth hormone releasing peptides (Wu et al, 1996). However, the action of GHRP-2 is blocked in a physiological system receptors growth hormone releasing factor, which in turn acts via a different receptor that was used earlier versions growth releasing peptides.



10 Jan 2017

GW-501516 (also known as GW-501, 516, GW1516, GW-1516 or GSK-516) is an agonist of PPAR-delta receptor. It activates the body's mechanisms operating during exercise, including PPARdelta and 5'AMF-activated protein kinase. GW-501516 investigated as a potential treatment for obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular diseases. GW-501516 in combination with AICAR have a synergistic effect: in animal studies it has been shown that this combination provides a much greater increase in stamina during exercise than using each of the compounds individually.

GW-156 regulates fat burning through a number of mechanisms: an increase in glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissues, increased expression of genes, particularly genes involved in the preferential use of lipids. Activation of these mechanisms alters the body's metabolism in favor of burning fat for energy it is, rather than carbohydrates or muscle proteins. GW-50156 can be used by people suffering from obesity, for effective fat loss, without muscle catabolism or decrease in blood sugar levels. GW-1516 and increases muscle mass and improves glucose tolerance and even reduces fat accumulation in mice consume food with a very high fat content. Thus, GW-501516 has a protective effect against obesity.
When administered orally GW-1516 at doses 10 mg daily treatment was found metabolic abnormalities in obese men with pre-diabetic metabolic syndrome, which is likely due to the observed stimulation of fatty acid oxidation. In addition, there was a 79% increase in HDL cholesterol levels in Rhesus monkeys. The present compound is tested phase II, where its effect is considered to increase the level of "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the body. Please pay attention to Chelohart.

Even before the Beijing Olympics 2008, representatives of regulatory bodies have expressed concern that GW-1516 can be used by athletes as a performance-enhancing drugs, which at that time was controlled by any rule, and could not be detected by standard tests. One of the main Olympic Committee of experts on research to increase endurance engaged in development of a urine test to detect the presence of the drug in the body. World Anti-Doping Agency also began working on a test for the detection of GW-501516 and other related PPAR-delta modulators, and since 2009, these substances have been added to the list of prohibited drugs. Compound still not controlled or banned in any country of the world. Today it is known that when assays athlete none of the substance has not been found, despite the fact that the increase in endurance performance of muscle fibers, fat mass loss and metabolism offers great potential for use and abuse ergogenic GW-501516.



10 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: peptides; peptide hormones; growth hormone

Ipamorelin - a pentapeptide (Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2), which showed the highest results in the allocation of growth hormone and effectiveness of both synthetic and naturally. Ipamorelin not emit acetylcholine and cortisol in the amounts and concentrations at which allocation of these substances is observed upon stimulation by means of GHRP-2, GHRP-6 and CJC-1295.
Purity (according to HPLC): 99% minimum. Displacement vial: 5 mg
Molecular formula: C38H49N9O5
Molecular Weight: 711.86
Number CAS: 170851-70-4
Sequence: Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2

Ipamorelin - a pentapeptide (Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2), which showed the highest results in the allocation of growth hormone and effectiveness of both synthetic and naturally. Large chemical studies have shown that one of Ipamorelin substances lacking the central dipeptide Ala-Trp, growth hormone releasing petid (GHRP-1). In vitro growth hormone Ipamorelin identified from primary rat pituitary cells with the same potency and efficacy as GHRP-6 (electronic records) = 1.3 +/- 0.4nmol / l and Emax = 85 +/- 5% vs. 2.2 + / -0. A recent study showed that Ipamorelin and its analogs (GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin) stimulates the production of growth hormone receptor through grelinovyh receptors, unlike the other group of peptides - GHRH (Sermorelin, GRF1-29, GHRH (1-44) , CJC-1293, CJC-1295). You can also like Bonomarlot.

Rats anesthetized with pentobarbital, Ipamorelin secretes growth hormone with the same potency and efficacy as GHRP-6 (medium effective dose = 80 +/- 42nmol / kg and Emax = 1545 +/- 250ng growth hormone / ml versus 115 + / -36nmol / kg and 1167 growth +/- 120ng / ml hormone). In pigs in the minds Ipamorelin developed a growth hormone with the following indicators: the average effective dose = 2.3 +/- 0.03 nmol / kg and the Emax = 65 +/- 0.2ng growth hormone per ml of plasma. Again, figures are similar to the performance of GHRP-6 (median effective dose = 3.9 +/- 1.4 nmol / kg and the Emax = 74 +/- 7ng growth hormone per ml of plasma). GHRP-2 showed more potent but less effective (= median effective dose of 0.6 nmol / kg and the Emax = 56 +/- 6 GH ng per ml of plasma). Specificity of growth hormone has been studied in pigs. None of the tested stimulants growth hormone did not affect the performance of plasma follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin and thyroid stimulating hormone. Simultaneous administration of GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 resulted in an increase in plasma cortisol and acetylcholine. Surprisingly, Ipamorelin not allocated acetylcholine or cortisol at levels that are very different from the indicators when stimulated by means of GHRH. A similar effect (with the levels of acetylcholine and cortisol in plasma) was evident even at doses in excess of two hundred times the average effective dosage for growth hormone. In conclusion: Ipamorelin - this is the first agonist GHRP receptor having a selective activation of growth hormone, similar to GHRP-1 activation.

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