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Actovegin injection - good drug, but painful

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: good drug

Disadvantages: painful, but bearable

Actovegin was prescribed to a baby of 3 months in the injections. For a long time I doubted whether or not to put.

So much negative publicity against, but for only one statement a doctor that during adolescence the child will probably lag behind in development, if you do not put down a course of injections.

I decided on shots and have no regrets. Most of the child cried when I saw my troubled face. As soon as I learned how to deal with emotions, crying has become much smaller. The pain did not write the next day in the treatment room was not afraid, smiling nurse calmed down quickly (2-3 minutes of crying, of which the first 30 seconds of loud crying). In principle, it is also about crying when dressing, or if to wake up, when much wants to sleep. We are checking all 10 shots. Mothers advise first of all to change their attitude to the "how bad my aunt did hurt" by "clever, to treat" at least 3-4 months it works.


Actovegin – helped in the treatment of cysts cerebral vascular plexus in the newborn

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: antihypoxant can be used from birth, helped in the treatment of choroid plexus cysts, eliminates symptoms of VSD

Disadvantages: pricey

When my daughter was born, we know that it has a problem of cysts cerebral vascular plexus.

Neurologist said that the child may lag behind in development, as a consequence of these cysts. The doctor prescribed us Actovegin - 10 injections. We began stabbing the child, as she was a small child at the time of the injection course was crying, but just a few minutes quietly asleep and woke up completely forgetting about the unpleasant procedure.

A month later found that cysts become smaller in size, the neurologist told us that the cysts are different, in this case, they are false and should disappear by the year.

A year later, there were no cysts. I think that the treatment was not more than “Actovegin” doctor tells us that it is in the future could have a positive effect on a child, there is no fatigue in school, headaches on the weather, as these symptoms may be the children who have suffered hypoxia. “Actovegin” helps to eliminate the effects of hypoxia in the newborn.


Actovegin injection - Excellent and effective drug

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: excellent state of health, versatile for different diseases, good drug

Disadvantages: painful

I applied Actovegin twice in my life. The first time this agent has raised me to my feet in the vegetative dystonia. There were very strong headaches and dizziness. After completing the course, I felt much better.

The first time, I stabbed it. Injections patients graze. But it is better to suffer than to suffer from the disease.

The second time, the pill. It seemed to me that they are less effective.

I felt much better. terrible headache and dizziness passed. The side effects I have not noticed. There was no allergic reactions. It is also not marked withdrawal symptoms. I think this drug does not bear harm, as prescribed, even it children.


Actovegin injection - excellent state of health

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: excellent state of health, good drug

For a long time living in the northern region of our great country. Disadvantaged areas to stay - it is a lack of oxygen, which affects the health. Problems begin with blood pressure, blood flow is disturbed in various organs.

On one of the doctor's advice, I was offered a course of “Actovegin” to pass droppers intravenously.

Every day I received a dropper Actovegin in the amount of 5ml. After the first procedure was a little dizzy. Having passed a full course of intravenous lines, I felt a significant improvement. I started to get up in the morning easy, I had a good feeling and a good mood.


Actovegin – very effective

08 Jan 2017

I am a long time I could not decide on the child injections to Actovegin. I have registered a neurologist. The baby was born prematurely, long ripened, lagged behind in physical development of their peers. In 1 year and 3 months still did not go, I put feet unsteadily, walked with a support, such as walking, and could, but I was afraid.

I was afraid it was that very painful injections. It was necessary to treat the child, had nowhere to go. The course of injections put down for 10 days.

Child about two weeks has gone. I am absolutely sure that the case injections, because before them there was no progress for several months. So I do not regret it shed tears. The drug helped and thank him for it. I think if the doctor prescribes Actovegin, it is better to put down. The drug is very effective.


Actovegin injection - allergic to cat passed

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: excellent state of health, versatile for different diseases, good drug

Disadvantages: painful

I complained about the daily nocturnal headaches and partial memory loss. The neurologist prescribed ampules Actovegin in combination with other medicines.

Injections in the early days of an incredibly painful. The pain after the injection last about 10 minutes, the foot completely numb and you can not move for a while. But with each prick pain decreases by 10 stab almost nothing felt. Improvements noticeably visible already after the third injection.

My surprise was that I took an allergy to a cat, I'm in this just could not believe it. I have terrible itching and watery eyes, scary tickle the throat up to the choking and all accompanied by sneezing. All of these symptoms have been somewhere after the third injection, also passed headaches and improved vision. As you can see, the effectiveness of the drug I was convinced from their own experience.


Actovegin injection - versatile for different diseases

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: antihypoxant, versatile for different diseases

Disadvantages: painful, pricey

“Actovegin” in solution and did I intravenously, and intramuscularly. also I am taking pills. The solution for injection can be in a different packaging. Doctors prescribe different dosages depending on the severity of the disease. And of course, on the mode of administration. There ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 ml. 1 ml contains 40 mg of active substance.

For intramuscular injections, I bought 2 ml ampoules. “Actovegin” intramuscular injections very painful. It is painful when administered and painful for some time afterwards.

For intravenous use 2 and 5 ml. Introduce “Actovegin” diluted with a solution for injection slowly. Although many nurses said that Actovegin can be introduced quickly, no harm. The effect of intravenous injection, I felt immediately. I after traumatic brain injuries are often severe headaches. There was a time when a constant headache pills do not help. After the first intravenous injection pain let go for half an hour. From intramuscular injections such quick relief was not.

Indications for use:

- Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (acute and chronic forms of cerebral blood circulation disorders, dementia, traumatic brain injury);

- Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (angiopathy, trophic ulcers);

- Pan healing (ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders (bedsores), violation of the healing process);

- Thermal and chemical burns;

- Radiation damage to the skin, mucous membranes, radiation neuropathy.

“Actovegin” improves metabolic processes in cells, tissues, saturate them with oxygen, it helps the cells of our body become more active and viable.

Babies “Actovegin” prescribed in cases of delay, due to birth injury.


Actovegin injection - helps during pregnancy

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: versatile for different diseases

Disadvantages: expensive

“Actovegin” is a drug designed to enhance metabolism in tissues. Actovegin is purified from the high molecular weight protein compounds fraction of calves blood.

The solution is transparent, slightly yellow. The vial can be opened without the aid of sawing, simply broke off the tip.

At 35 weeks pregnant, my doctor said that in the placenta disrupt blood flow. Put me in the hospital, I was appointed as droppers “Actovegin” glucose solution 5%. The course of treatment was 5 drippers, drip put in a day.

Already I felt after the second dropper that my condition has improved, and the survey showed that blood flow to the placenta is not broken.

Placental insufficiency may occur for various reasons, which inevitably affects the performance of the trophic, metabolic, transport, endocrine and other vital functions of the placenta. In this state, the exchange of substances between the mother and the child's body is much worse, therefore doctors prescribe “Actovegin”.


Actovegin injection - Oxygenates the tissues

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: antihypoxant, great feeling, versatile for different diseases

Disadvantages: painful, possible allergies

Actovegin very improves cerebral blood supply, as in its use takes off metabolism, tissue and consume more oxygen. As it is more correct to digest glucose. Wounds heal faster.

I had a concussion. the doctor prescribed me “Actovegin”. Head ache after taking the drug became much smaller. I worked 6-8 hours without much fatigue. Then I took a couple of pills three times a day before meals.


Actovegin injection – It is easy to put me on my feet!

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: Effective drug

Disadvantages: expensive

Actovegin helped me a lot during pregnancy, when ill with pelvic bones, joints, and I could neither walk normally, lie down or get out of bed - it was painful to tears. Bandage saved from the fall at a sharp pain when walking.

The neurologist diagnosed osteochondrosis and prescribed intravenous injections and I started going to the procedure.

Relief came after the second injection, my happiness knew no bounds. For ten injections me completely "put on their feet."

Medicine proved very effective, but quite expensive for me.

The treatment cost me expensive, but effective!

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