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Cortexin injections – very helpful

12 Jan 2017

Advantages: available

I'll start with the fact that the child did not speak in 3.2 years. All that he could say yes, no, woman, mum (and such similar words 20) and then realized only relatives. Before “Cortexin”, we took a lot of drugs, do massage, reflexology. Nothing helped. I heard from friends that Cortexin well helps with delayed speech development, but did not dare to put. In general, then I realized that there's nowhere to wait and began to put.

We put down these injections, 40 days was the kind of effect, become repeat words and collected from the words of the sentence. Then we put down after 8 months 10 more shots. The child began to speak sentences. Now it remains to work with a speech therapist to put some sounds. In general, I think good drug.


Cortexin injections – Good drug, neurologist appointed

12 Jan 2017

Advantages: Effective

Disadvantages: Painful, small children strictly with water for injection

We were born prematurely, at 33 weeks, the problems in neurology certainly were. And now it's time to massage, together with him, to be effective, the neurologist appointed Cortexin.

The scheme was the following, the first day of 2.5 ml, and watch the second day of 3ml, then five to ten days. That is, in general, for ten days, just need to enter gradually. Prick painful, no doubt, is introduced with water for injection.

The effect was good, we have finally hold the head. Then of course, and massage did the trick. The child has become increasingly showing interest in the capture of toys. Even if we consider our backlog for two months, we have made substantial progress.

Initially the doctors that I have set up “Cortexin” course of the year will double, but there were one.

In general, summing up, I want to say, if you trust your doctor the most valuable thing you have, and the doctor prescribes the drug, while lucidly explaining his need is your child, do it.

Usage time: 10 days


Cortexin injections – excellent drug, accelerates the development

12 Jan 2017

Advantages: Good drug, accelerates the development of the baby

Disadvantages: High price

My baby at 4 months had difficulty with day bed, and with the night came to a neurologist appointed Cortexin. I've been thinking to buy or not to buy it cost a lot of money, but the health of the child is paramount. injections myself - hurt the kid was not as it did on the novocaine, better sleep did not, but the development has gone much faster, more active became a week began to rise, there - here turn beginning from the abdomen, back and from back to belly, actively trying to crawl.

In general, good drug for the development of the child, but not for the normalization of sleep. I read also that it is prescribed to children with cerebral palsy, the friend it praises, says it helps.


Cortexin injections - nootrop last generation

12 Jan 2017

Advantages: harmless drug.

Disadvantages: Not for everyone

After birth, the baby started neurological problems associated with insufficient brain power. After the examination the doctor prescribed Cortexin. Appoint 0,5 cube. After the first injection of the child as a substitute. The daughter began to sleep well. Chest brother became more confident and more. That is the behavior of the child has changed dramatically. And at the reception the doctor noted a significant improvement. Also “Cortexin” pierced eldest daughter.

At school, inattention, poor reading impede the learning process. I suggested the neurologist and also punctured. The result is the child began to memorize faster. Reading though not much but better. I believe that it is necessary to give this medication at neurological problems. Power cord must be improved, not to let things take their course. On whether nootrop used in early childhood depends on future studies at school.


Cortexin vials – Assistant in the treatment of neurology

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: helps

Disadvantages: expensive

We use Cortexin for 3 years. We are now 7 years old. We are treated courses, 2 times a year, in spring and autumn, when it is expected worsening of the disease by neurology. We have a birthday underdevelopment.

We have a speech delay, inattention and hyperactivity increased with age. We go into the garden, in the correctional group.

According to the educator, the child simply replaced. Nobody pulls included in the overall game, there was a lot of thinking to the group sessions, not running down the hall, teacher performs tasks with only one word, but before this there were difficulties. However, we accept and even other drugs with “Cortexin”.

“Cortexin” need to be combined with training complex, massage, treatment. Then only you will get the maximum effect from “Cortexin”.


Cortexin vials – Good drug, really helps

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: High-quality drug

Disadvantages: expensive

I gave birth to a daughter at 38 weeks of pregnancy, "thanks" to hypoxia and consequently cesarean section. She had a terrible tone and in 2 months, we have appointed a course of the drug. Together with therapeutic massage, it helped us perfectly. Tonus is much reduced and the baby they have no hysteria when charging and changing clothes. You can buy Cortexin. I decided to prick his little one, only after he learned that it is made from natural substances, but rather from the meninges animals.


Cortexin vials - positive dynamics

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: assists in the complex treatment of childhood diseases of the central nervous system

Disadvantages: high price

Cortexin advised us to neurologist when the child was 1 year old. Child Diagnosis: organic CNS position, with a pronounced delay of psycho-motor and speech development and even a lot of things. At the beginning of the first course (1 year), even a child's head is not held, it was very weakened muscle tone. After the first year the child was to keep the head, after the second, tried to sit up, crawl, after the third, fifth year after the fourth-stood on legs holding on to a support, treatment, began to walk along the wall and holding a pen.

Between courses was a period of 4-5 months. And of course in parallel with Cortexin we did firming massage, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, paraffin warming. During the break we took other drugs and pills. In addition to massage professional, after discharge, I alone 5 times a day doing general massage, stroking, all sorts of baths with herbs. All complexes have given us good results.


Cortexin vials – nootropic with visible results

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: Always present a positive effect

Disadvantages: need to prick in the first half of the day, because it can lead to sleep disturbances

My child is 4.5 years, the diagnosis of "delay mental and speech development, in violation of the behavior of the autistic spectrum." Repeatedly been treated with this drug and is currently began “Cortexin” course. Very happy with this drug, each time after the treatment after about three weeks of watching my son "jump" (a huge step forward).

The kid became concentrated eyes, do what previously could not, and there was a partial response to the request it. After several courses Cortexin my child to perceive speech of others, perform household instructions: bring, give, sit down on a chair. I recommend this drug.


Cortexin vials – good drug

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: high quality nootropic

Disadvantages: expensive

This drug is taken by a neurologist appointment. My baby was born at 27 weeks of pregnancy. We was appointed Cortexin for children in dosages of 5 mlg., in the course of 10 days. Injections put in the morning, because this drug is very exciting the nervous system. In this case, I did not observe abrupt changes in behavior.

The drug is really liked we did it in combination with massage. The result was, the child became more active, mobile. At that time, we had about 4 months. injected it with novocaine, it is painful, there was no allergic reactions. So I highly recommend.


Cortexin injections – effective drug, syndrome of motor disorders

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: Effective with the syndrome of motor disorders.

Disadvantages: high price.

We were born a little early. On examination in 3 months neurologist diagnosed the syndrome of motor disorders and issued a 10-day course of injections with gradually increasing doses.

From friends heard only positive reviews, it was a pity to prick the baby, but to watch the situation, trust specialist. We released the drug free prescription child up to 3 years.

The neurologist said to improve after treatment. I do not know whether the two are related fact, the child started strong atopic dermatitis. The neurologist said that Cortexin often cause allergic reactions, because it is synthesized from animal brain, usually pigs and cows. After “Cortexin” our progress has been diagnosed, but children with allergies should be used with extreme caution.

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