Best deal of the week



Noopept – improves health and increases the concentration

24 Dec 2016

Advantages: eliminates the distraction, improves mental performance, helps to concentrate, improves memory

I recently in general could not concentrate on anything ... Everything fell out of the hands! And yet this terrible fatigue! I came home from work at 8pm - and immediately went to bed. But I could not sleep! I toss and turn the night up to 12 hours. And at 7 am wake up broken, appeared not to slept at all ... And once on the job. And then everything goes wrong. How to me it is annoying This lasted about two months, I complained to a friend, and she had husband - a doctor, a neurologist. He advised to buy Noopept.

He said that it is an effective drug is sold without a prescription, it has no unpleasant side effects, and in general it is one of the newest and most modern domestic. Well, I bought it, started to accept the instructions. In the first two weeks I did not notice the effect.

The third week of the effect appeared! Get up in the morning I began briskly. Fall asleep quickly, about 15 minutes I began to concentrate better on their work. There was a concentration. In general, I did not expect this! Now comes the fourth week, normal flight, will soon cease course - I hope the effect will remain!


Ascorbic acid - Active Substances. Instruction and Application, Dosage

23 Dec 2016

Name: Ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid

The Latin name of the substance Glutathione

Acidum ascorbinicum (genus. Acidi ascorbinici)

Chemical name: L-Ascorbic acid

Formula - C6H8O6

Therapeutic substances Ascorbic acid - Vitamins and vitamin-like agent

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

B15 Acute hepatitis A
B83.9 Unspecified Helminthiases
B99 Other infectious diseases
D68.9 Bleeding disorders, unspecified
D69.9 Hemorrhagic condition, unspecified
D74.9 Unspecified Methaemoglobinemia
E54 Lack of ascorbic acid [vitamin C]
E83.1 Disorders of iron metabolism
F05.9 Delirium, unspecified
F10.4 abstinent state with delirium
G71.0 Muscular dystrophy
I61 Intracerebral haemorrhage
I999 Diagnosis of diseases of the circulatory system
K25 Gastric ulcer
K26 Duodenal Ulcer
K31.8.1 Achilios stomach
K52 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis
K73.9 Chronic hepatitis, unspecified
K74.6 Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver
K81.9Cholecystitis, unspecified
L40.9Psoriasis, unspecified
L53.9 Erythematous condition, unspecified
L81.4 Other melanin hyperpigmentation
L98.4 Chronic ulcer of skin, not elsewhere classified
N76 Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva
N93.9 Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified
O26.9 condition associated with pregnancy, unspecified
R04.0 Epistaxis
R04.8.0 Bleeding pulmonary
T14.2 Fracture of unspecified body in the field of
T30 thermal and chemical burns, unspecified
T45.4 Poisoning by iron and its compounds
T66 Unspecified effects of radiation
T80.9 Complications associated with infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, unspecified
Z39.1 Help and inspection nursing mother
Z54 recovery period

CAS code - 50-81-7

Characteristics substance Ascorbic acid

Vitamins (Vitamin C). Ascorbic acid - a white crystalline powder sour taste. Easily soluble in water (1: 3.5), slowly soluble in ethanol (1:30), absolute ethanol (1:50), glycerol (1: 100), propylene glycol (1:20). Solubility in water: 80.0% at 100 ° C; 40.0% at 45 ° C. Practically insoluble in ether, benzene, chloroform, petroleum ether, oils, fats. Under the influence of air and light gradually darkens. The dry form is stable in air, water solutions rapidly oxidize in air. The molecular weight of 176.13.

Sodium ascorbate - fine crystals, freely soluble in water: 62 g / 100 ml at 25 ° C, 78 g / 100 ml at 75 ° C.

Most primates (including humans), guinea pigs, some birds, fish can not synthesize vitamin C in the human body the necessary reserve is replenished by receipts from food.

For medical purposes, ascorbic acid is produced synthetically.

Mode of action - complementary deficiency of Vitamin the C, metabolic regulating redox processes, antioxidant.

It has strong antioxidant properties. Regulates H + transport in many biochemical reactions, improves glucose utilization in the cycle of tricarboxylic acids involved in the formation of tetrahydrofolic acid and tissue regeneration, the synthesis of steroid hormones, collagen, procollagen, carnitine, hydroxylation of serotonin. It supports the colloidal state of the intercellular substance and normal capillary permeability (inhibits hyaluronidase). It activates the proteolytic enzymes involved in the metabolism of aromatic amino acids, pigments and cholesterol promotes the accumulation of glycogen in the liver. By activating the respiratory enzymes in the liver increases its detoxification and protein function, increases the synthesis of prothrombin. It improves bile secretion, restores the function of pancreatic exocrine and endocrine - thyroid. Regulates the immunological reaction (activates the synthesis of antibodies, C3 component of complement, interferon), promotes phagocytosis, increases the body's resistance to infection. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. It stops the release of histamine and accelerates degradation, inhibits the formation of PG and other mediators of inflammation, and anaphylaxis. It reduces the need for vitamins B1, B2, A, E, folic acid, pantothenic acid. ascorbic acid deficiency leads to the development of hypovitaminosis, in severe cases - vitamin deficiency (scurvy, scurvy).

Absorbed in the small intestine (duodenum, in part - in the ileum). With increasing doses up to 200 mg is absorbed to 70%; with further increase the absorption of the dose is reduced (50-20%). The pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, constipation, diarrhea), worm infestation, giardiasis, consumption of fresh fruit and vegetable juice, alkaline drinking - reduced utilization of ascorbate in the intestine. Cmax after oral administration is achieved after 4 hours. The degree of binding to plasma proteins is low (about 25%). Easily penetrates the leukocytes, platelets, and then - in all the tissues; the largest concentrations are found in the glandular tissue. Deposited in the posterior pituitary, adrenal cortex, ocular epithelia, intermediate cells testes, ovary, liver, brain, spleen, pancreas, lung, kidney, intestinal wall, heart, muscle, thyroid gland. It passes through the placenta. Metabolized primarily in the liver, and more in dezoksiaskorbinovuyu and diketogulonovuyu oxaloacetic acid. Unchanged ascorbate and metabolites excreted in the urine, faeces, sweat, breast milk. Displayed in hemodialysis.

At high doses, where the plasma concentration reaches more than 1.4 mg / dl, excretion increases sharply, the increased excretion may persist after discontinuation. Smoking and the use of ethyl alcohol accelerates the destruction (transformation into inactive metabolites), sharply reducing inventories in the body.

When used in the form of vaginal tablets Vaginal ascorbic acid reduces the pH, inhibit bacterial growth, and helps to restore and maintain normal levels of vaginal flora and pH (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus gasseri). Thus, at lower pH in the vagina for several days it occurs pronounced inhibition of growth of anaerobic bacteria, as well as the restoration of normal flora.

Application of the substance Ascorbic acid
Hypovitaminosis C, hemorrhagic diathesis, kapillyarotoksikoz, hemorrhagic stroke, hemorrhage (including nasal, pulmonary, uterine), infectious disease, idiopathic methemoglobinemia, intoxication, including chronic intoxication iron preparations, alcoholic and infectious delirium, acute radiation sickness, post-transfusion complications, liver diseases (Botkin's disease, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis), gastrointestinal disorders (Akhil, peptic ulcer disease, especially after bleeding, enteritis, colitis), helminth infections, cholecystitis, adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease), sluggish healing wounds, ulcers, burns, broken bones, dystrophy, physical and mental overload, the period of convalescence after an illness, pregnancy (especially prolific, against nicotine or drug dependence), lactation, hemosiderosis, melasma, erythroderma, psoriasis, chronic common dermatoses. In laboratory practice - for labeling of red blood cells (together with sodium chromate 51Cr). You can buy online - Vitamin C ascorbic acid injection.

Vaginal Tablets - chronic or recurrent vaginitis due to anaerobic flora (due to changes in pH of the vagina); normalization of disturbed vaginal microflora.

Hypersensitivity, thrombophlebitis, tendency to thrombosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis (for Tables. Vaginal).

Restrictions for application
Diabetes, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, hemochromatosis, sideroblastic anemia, thalassemia, hyperoxaluria, oxalosis, urolithiasis.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
The minimum daily need in ascorbic acid in II-III trimesters of pregnancy - about 60 mg. It should be borne in mind that the fruit can adapt to high doses of ascorbic acid, which is taken by pregnant women, and then the newborn may develop withdrawal symptoms. It has been reported that treatment with high doses of vitamin C during pregnancy, is associated with the risk of scurvy in infants with a / in the introduction of high doses - the threat of termination of pregnancy due estrogenemii (Nonteratogenic effects).

The minimum daily requirement for lactation - 80 mg. maternal diet containing adequate amount of ascorbic acid sufficient for preventing an infant deficiency. Theoretically, there is a danger for the child's mother in the application of high doses of ascorbic acid (nursing mothers are advised not to exceed the daily requirement of ascorbic acid).

For injectable forms. Animal reproduction studies using ascorbic acid injection is not carried out. It is not known whether vitamin C can be injected, while pregnant women have embryotoxic action or violate the reproductive ability. The injectable form can be administered during pregnancy only if absolutely necessary.

Side effects of Ascorbic acid substance
Cardio-vascular system and blood (blood, hemostasis): thrombocytosis, giperprotrombinemiya, erythropenia, leukocytosis.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: the excessively rapid on / in the introduction - dizziness, weakness.

From the digestive tract: ingestion - irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), diarrhea (when receiving doses greater than 1 g / day), damage to the tooth enamel (with intensive use of chewable tablets or oral forms of resorption).

From a metabolism: metabolic inhibition of glycogen synthesis, excessive formation of corticosteroids, sodium and water retention, hypokalemia.

With the genitourinary system: an increase in urine output, renal glomerular damage the machine, the formation of calcium oxalate urinary stones (especially chronic administration at doses greater than 1 g / day).

Allergic reactions: skin rash, skin redness.

Other: pain at the injection site (with the / m introduction). For vaginal tablets: local reactions - burning or itching of the vagina, increased mucous secretions, redness, swelling of the vulva.


Increasing the concentration of salicylates in the blood (increased risk of crystalluria), ethinyl estradiol, penicillin and tetracycline, reduces - oral contraceptives. Aspirin, oral contraceptives, fresh juices and alkaline water reduces the absorption and assimilation. It increases the activity of norepinephrine. It reduces the anticoagulant effect of coumarin derivatives, heparin. It improves the intestinal absorption of iron (due to the transfer of ferric to ferrous). In an application with deferoxamine may increase tissue iron toxicity, including and cardiac heart failure. It increases total clearance of ethanol. It may affect the efficiency of disulfiram for the treatment of chronic alcoholism. Quinoline series of preparations, calcium chloride, salicylates, corticosteroids, long-term use deplete vitamin C. A solution of ascorbic acid when mixed in the same syringe enters into chemical reaction with many drugs.

OverdoseSymptoms: long-term use of high doses (more than 1 g) - headache, increased CNS excitability, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulceration gastrointestinal mucosa, depression insular pancreatic apparatus function (hyperglycemia, glucosuria), hyperoxaluria, nephrolithiasis (calcium oxalate), damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, moderate pollakiuria (when receiving doses of 600 mg / day).
Reducing capillary permeability (possible deterioration of the trophic tissue, increased blood pressure, hypercoagulation, the development of microvascular complications).

The on / in the introduction of high doses - the threat of termination of pregnancy (due estrogenemii), hemolysis.

Dosing and Administration of Ascorbic acid
Inside, in / m, / in, vaginally. Inside, after a meal. As a preventive measure (in the winter-spring period and malnutrition): adults - 50-100 mg / day (children - 25-75 mg / day) during pregnancy and lactation - 300 mg / day for 10-15 days further - 100 mg / day. For therapeutic purposes: adults - 50-100 mg 3-5 times a day (children - 50-100 mg 2-3 times a day). V / m and / in 5-10% solution - 1.5 ml for poisoning - 3 g (60 ml). Timing of treatment depend on the nature and course of the disease. Intravaginal - 1 vaginal tablet inserted into the vagina before going to bed, course of treatment - 6 days, can repeat courses.

Precautions for Ascorbic acid substance
In appointing the solutions I / O to avoid too rapid of their introduction. During long-term therapy should be monitored for renal function, blood pressure and glucose levels (especially at high doses). With special care prescribe high doses to patients with urolithiasis, diabetes, propensity to thrombosis, receiving anticoagulant therapy, are on a salt-free diet.

Ascorbic acid as a reducing agent, may distort the results of the various laboratory tests (glucose content in the blood of bilirubin, transaminases, LDH, glucose in the urine, including determining the false-negative results of a study of stool for occult blood).

When used in the form of vaginal tablets, ascorbic acid does not inhibit the growth of fungal vaginal flora. Such manifestations as burning and itching can be caused by the presence of concomitant asymptomatic fungal infection, so when these symptoms should be reviewed to avoid fungal infection. Breaks in applying vaginal tablets in connection with inter-cyclic or menstrual bleeding is not required.

Trading names of drugs with Ascorbic acid working substance
Trade Name Index
Additives Vitamin C
Askorbinka ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
Ascorbic acid
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
Ascorbic acid bufus
Ascorbic acid and sugar
Ascorbic acid-Vial
Ascorbic acid-Rusfar
Ascorbic acid-UBF
Ascorbic acid 0.05 g dragees
Ascorbic acid injection 10%
Ascorbic acid injection 5%
Ascorbic acid tablets 0.025 g
Ascorbic acid tablets 0.05g
Vaginorm C
Vitamin C
VITAMIN C PLUS Kid's formula Farmamed
Vitamin C-Inektopas
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
Multi-tabs® with Vitamin C
With Pliva
Setebe 500
Celaskon® Vitamin C
Celaskon® effect of Vitamin C
Celaskon® Effervestsens 


Electronic Cigarettes (vaporizer) - harm or benefit

23 Dec 2016

It is time to return to the popular legal drugs! Earlier, we reviewed on cigarettes, which revealed their damage and the potential benefits from the use. Now, we focus on a relatively new form of nicotine in producing organism through the so-called electronic cigarettes or vaporizer.


And in order to understand them thoroughly in the start of what they contain, what they are made.

All electronic cigarette consists of 3 main components:

1.The battery (Accumulator). This element in capacity is close to the batteries in mobile phones. In order to "smoking" e-cigarette on the duration and on the "smoky" as 1-2 packs of cigarettes use batteries from 700 to 2 thousand mAh.

Battery - this is, in fact, the engine is the electronic cigarette. And what it is more capacious and powerful - the better. And the less the need once again to put it on charge.

In the vaporizers, the functionality of the battery is usually monitored. Ie you'll be able to determine when the battery is more, when less productive.

2. Atomizer. In simple terms, this is the thing that heats the battery. Atomizer is also called the vaporizer. If you still remember high-school physics, we must remember that water has several states of aggregation: liquid, gaseous and solid. Atomizer is transforming the working fluid with the active ingredients to the couple. Heat a frying pan and pour it in a small amount of water - that's you and the atomizer to the battery in a fire.

The electronic cigarette atomizer usually appears as a spiral spring. The main requirement for a spring - a good thermal conductivity, it is necessary to heat up quickly.

3. Liquid. The last element forming the "skeleton" of the evaporators, it is the most interesting and diverse. The fluid consists of:

  • Water (H2O). Absolutely harmless element.
  • Flavours. To add flavor and odor. They are used in many foods: sausages, chips / crackers, instant noodles to eat, drink, flour products, etc.
  • Talk about the dangers of hard flavors. On the one hand, they are everywhere and buy a bun with flavor "vanilla", or pear flavor with an electronic cigarette, there is no difference in principle. Both are trying to trick the brain.
  • Propylene glycol or E-1520. Dihydric alcohol, perfectly soluble in water. Used for all elements of binding water and liquid transportation leaves sweet taste. There are no accurate adverse reactions have not found, but the English-language Wikipedia has research already in 1947, which refers to the possible irritation to the eyes and the upper respiratory tract by inhalation of the substance.
  • Glycerol or E-422. Trihydric alcohol, in the food industry is the emulsifier. Ie, there are 2 non-miscible substances, add the E-422, and all is mixed. If it is absolutely simplify) like propylene glycol, it has a sweet taste. The addition of relatively harmless. Incidentally, Glycerin with nitric and sulfuric acids is used to get the very nitroglycerin.
  • Nicotine. That substance for which buy both ordinary and electronic cigarettes. It is highly addictive. It can readily enter the brain and bind to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.

Nicotine is able to calm the anxious person, or cheer relaxed. Helps to concentrate, perhaps, on time makes better to work the gray matter. And nothing, if not required to increase the dosage or could take, conventionally, once a month.
If you are a smoker or someone from your environment, note what percentage of starting to smoke more, and some less. Most likely, you will remember that the majority starts with 1-2 cigarettes a day and slipped to a pack or more. The expression "before smoking a pack, now 1-2 in the day" sounds, perhaps implausible.
In short, less nicotine - is to increase the dosage to achieve the same effect, cider cancel dependence.
Liquid vaporizers include nicotine, although there are "Without nicotine."

To reduce harm from cigarettes use Meldonium, Mexidol, Phenylpiracetam.

How do Electronic Cigarettes work?

Add up all the elements of the whole: the battery heats the spiral, which served to transform a liquid to a gaseous state, the release of vapor that is inhaled. The vapor in the lungs, through the capillaries nicotine in the lungs enters the bloodstream and then to the brain.

War between cigarettes and vaporizers

Electronic cigarettes should be called ESDN, electronic nicotine delivery. Traditional cigarettes deliver nicotine, along with a variety of toxic substances.
Logic dictates unequivocal victory evaporators in the future, because there is nothing worse than nicotine. As a result, an advantage over conventional evaporators cigarettes are:

+ Absence of resin

+ absence of arsenic and other poisons,

+ the risk of developing lung cancer is comparable to the non-smoker (on the subject of serious research yet, a judgment based on the composition of the liquid to the evaporators),

+ there is no harm to others,

+ no yellow teeth, bad odors and other unpleasant consequences.

What are the shortcomings of vaporizers:

- The lack of standards. Vaporizers - a new phenomenon, often liquids manufacturers themselves determine the percentage of water, propylene glycol, glycerin, flavors and nicotine. For comparison, the manufacturer can add from 0 to 80% propylene glycol, about the same amount of glycerol. The point is a huge variation.

- Control. Vaporizers can nicotine, but is there any guarantee that nicotine does not? Strong control whether manufacturers of liquids for electronic cigarettes? When we remove the hypocrisy of brands with their missions and objectives, it is a financial indicator as profit the bottom line. A large profit vendors will receive with regular sales, ie a manufacturer of material interest in the content of nicotine to form a relationship.

The important point is the fact that the brands of cigarettes are huge financial resources and it is likely to discredit the vaporizers. Although, objectively, they have nothing to oppose.

Bottom line:
- If you smoke cigarettes - go to the evaporators.

- If you do not smoke, what for you, in fact, nicotine addiction? Calmly live on.

- Electronic cigarettes - it is, after all, the steam with nicotine, cigarettes - a poisonous mixture of nicotine.

See you later!


Side Effects of Nootropic Drugs - How Reduce the Harm

23 Dec 2016

When you begin to explore the dark side of nootropics, the first thing pop up responses like: "I became aggressive on Piracetam," "I comedown from Phenibut!", "DMAA does not stimulate!" And other similar expressions. Today we will deal with these questions and you'll be fine!

Fat and Nootropics, Phenylpiracetam, Semax, Meldonium

We specialize in nootropics, of course, that we are not particularly beneficial to talk about the disadvantages of nootropics, however, as in almost any medication they are, but they are much less than the others.

In the beginning we formulate three postulates of nootropics in general:

  • 1.Nootropics or neuro-metabolic stimulants - substances that in various ways to improve the higher brain functions such as memory, attention, thinking. They have a weak evidence base in mind the specifics of evaluating improvements. At the same time, on PubMed you can google a name of nootropic you are interested in and to find a lot of research, both in animals and in humans.
  • 2.A very important point! The stronger the medicine - the greater the potential side effects! Compare how quickly the same Paracetamol knocks the temperature and how long Pyracetamum start and begins to improve cognitive function. Some do not notice any changes, because nootropics can be said of other drugs safer groups.

Try to find something terrible consequences even Cerebrolysin, one of the most powerful nootropics. To die from Phenylpiracetam also popular nootropic drug - it is necessary to eat 600 tablets for a person weighing 75 kg. The standard daily dosage - 2-3 tablets, 200 times less deadly. Most die from an overdose of water.

  • 3.Do not chase the high dosage! Take a little bit, then increase, see how the body. Once I took 6 grams Piracetam at a time and really sick kidneys, before more than 3 grams at a time, I never drank, and everything was fine. The rule is: If the medication is unknown - take half or a third of the normal dosage and then increase.

What nootropics can be used which can not?
Who will be the super-secret tactic is to understand that it can be you!

Ladasten, Phenotropil, Sunifiram, modafinil

This tactic involves reading the instructions, especially the items "Contraindications" and "Interaction" who correctly read these items almost never gets side effects!
To get even, and efficiency: it is necessary to understand the basics pharmocodinamics.

Nobody says that it is necessary to learn more and biology, but terms such as GABA, acetylcholine and dopamine should not frighten, if you're going to interfere with his work as the brain.

This is how to understand what the candles in the car and how often they should be changed, if you regularly drive your car. Note that for a less comfortable ride, do not necessarily know all the fuel system and where everything is.

Ok, we read the contraindications, and almost everywhere it is written about the liver and kidneys. Why is that?!

Liver nootropics, Piracetam, Semax, Noopept, Cortexin

The vast number of nootropics - a tablet, a tablet usually pass through the liver where it is metabolized and excreted by the kidneys. And that means - these bodies are the first to suffer.

How to understand: normal Do you have any of these organs?

- For serious diseases - so you already know everything.

- In other cases, the ideal blood test in any clinic. For this major liver: Bilirubin (total, direct), ALT, AST.

- For kidney main: creatinine and urinalysis, it is not always required. Creatinine can be raised when taking supplements such as creatine!

You can see exactly the state of the liver and kidneys. After passing the tests to email the file comes with the results, there will be your score and right the normal range. Here's an example of my analysis, but hormones. The essence is the same.

Well, suppose you are, for whatever reason, can not pass the tests, then what to look for:
- How often do you drink alcohol or eat too fatty, spicy or salty write? The less - the authorities potentially better, there is a reserve for nootropics))
- Are overweight Have? Especially fat, while also applies to pitching. Here the logic is this: the greater the mass, the greater the volume of blood circulating through the body and the greater the need to have, and then once more to load the authorities do not always useful food. Another thing is that to have a trained body weight of 90 kg, is much more useful than the same 90 kg at the same growth with a large percentage of fat. The norm for this indicator is difficult to determine, is too thin to be too harmful for sure.
In any case, these two points, are less accurate than testing.

What to take for the prevention of liver and kidney
Average nutrition and sufficient physical activity are the background to the additives below! And yet, these additives is relevant for the prevention of or a small deviation from the norm, they are sold without a prescription and is quite safe. For serious violations, for example, the rate of AST to 35 units if you have 50 or more - consult your doctor.

Side effects nootropics, Phenibut, Noopept, Piracetam, Picamilon

- To reduce the AST, ALT - Milk thistle extract, such as a drug Heptral, Silimar, Silymarin, Kars. Prices vary at times, efficiency plus - minus the same.
- To reduce the bilirubin: there are more complicated set of reasons, but usually used cholagogue drugs, if there is no gallstones.


- To reduce creatinine: 2-3 liters of water a day, alpha lipoic acid, herbal teas.

Nootropics Groups:
Forgive us people with higher medical education, will share a common group of nootropics into 3 subgroups, to facilitate understanding of the possible side effects: nootropics with a challenging slope, with sedative and neutral.

  • 1.Stimulating Nootropics
    Ladasten, Phenotropil, Sunifiram, modafinil and others ... These nootropics have different period, but work with dopamine, noradrenaline and glutamate. Some more, some less. When taken regularly, you may be nervous or trouble falling asleep, it's just solved - irregular appointment. Either try to make up for energy through food and sleep.
    If you dig in the forums where people are complaining that they have become some kind of nerve or sleepy from such nootropics, then surely they are sleeping and eating badly.
  • 2.Sedatives Nootropics
    Here my favorite Phenibutum under which filmed the first issues on the channel, and Selank, which said recently, Memantine, Picamilon, Pantogam etc. On complaining sedatives in the context of the original "comedown" after the course. And then all as with challenging, just the opposite, if there is "Th-that I was aggressive," here "Th-that I like a vegetable and could not think properly"

    Sedatives work with GABA. If you frequently and strongly act on this system, you can actually be very quiet, and when the course is over, then there is imbalance in the neurotransmitters and irritability appears. This is not always and not at all, but rather when a person eats handfuls every day the same Phenibutum several weeks in a row.

    Sedatives need to sometimes give shaking as stimulants vacation. We tried a cold shower? Or go on the climbing wall or go-carting or most hit the street gangster with the question "Do you have piracetam, and if I can find?" In general, epinephrine, norepinephrine and glutamate.
  • 3.Neutral nootropics.
    They complained less likely, they often work with acetylcholine acting on nerve cells. It is Racetam, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin, noopept, Huperzine, Idebenone, DMAE ... The first 2 groups nootropic drugs accepted a shorter period than the third - so it will be less side effects.

Bottom line:
- Always read the contraindications and drug interactions
- Gradually increase the dosage
- Keep track of the liver and kidneys, it is better to hand over analyzes that understand your body
- On stimulants longer eat and sleep on the sedatives do not go into hibernation.

Well, we are all less side effects! Good luck!


Playing for the development of intelligence

23 Dec 2016

Playing for the development of intelligence (vocabulary, comprehension of words, communication skills).

Semax, Cogitum, Piracetam, Phenylpiracetam

You need:

- to have at hand a few small (very short stories) texts of varying style that you feel completely understandable for you.

- Have at least two players who just think these texts fully understandable to them and judge

- access to dictionaries, where you can find the values of all the words used and the terms of your text (if you have internet at your fingertips, it simplifies the task).

- As well as Semax, Phenotropil or Noopept.


- To tell in their own words, as you know you are, the values of all words in the text, as if your listeners know the language, but do not know quite most of the words, of language, embedding its narrative in the story itself, so your simple short story turns into a rather long and fun

- the opponent has the right to verify any used in the explanation of the word

- the judge puts points for: the correct explanation of the words of the original (not destroy the meaning of the word) When playing, to improve efficiency should be recorded on the video of the game, and then monitor their behavior, characteristic you turns of speech, facial expressions, thus allowing to observe what is usually not noticeable to you.


Succinic Acid - for alcoholics, sportsmen and Nootrop-addict

23 Dec 2016

Most recently was the subject of such a preparation as a emoxypine or more well-known brand name - Mexidol where we discussed that Mexidol can be called an enhanced version of succinic acid. But the manufacture of the acid was not there, and this is now to rectify the situation.

succinic acid for fat burn

Succinic acid - a substance that is not difficult to guess, is present in amber, as well as in certain plants. Speaking of succinic acid as an additive to food, must be disassembled term "Krebs cycle" or "cycle trakar-slick acids." The process difficult, especially for a man far removed from biology, so we will simplify it, to make it clear to all.

Krebs cycle
So, let's say you drank tea with sugar. This action triggers many processes in the body, such as insulin production, effect on ghrelin - the hormone of hunger, faster digestion and more. Let us examine one of the features - the Krebs cycle.

Succinic Acid, Mexidol, nootropic

The sugar in the digestive tract breaks down into simple carbohydrates, mainly glucose. Glucose is absorbed in the blood and further penetrate into the cells. In the cytoplasm, ie inside the cells, one glucose molecule is cleaved into two molecules of pyruvate, this is called glycolysis. Then it becomes pyruvate acetyl-CoA and enters the mitochondria of cells where energy is created - This is the "Krebs Cycle"! Our body is like an experienced gangster shakes Acetyl-CoA, pumping as much energy as possible, using a variety of reactions, including succinyl-CoA synthetase, and when there is Succinic acid to another and in such a way to give energy. Then, when energy quite there, the body releases the Acetyl-CoA, the truth "without energy".

In general, the Krebs cycle - is when different reactions take energy from glucose derivative, and one of the reactions produces succinic acid. This whole process is called cellular respiration. Now you are the catch! Consuming succinic acid "from outside," we avoid very huge process, consider the energy injected directly into the mitochondria.

Therefore, if 1 gram of succinic acid and 1 gram of glucose, exhaust energy from succinic acid is in the tens to hundreds of times higher. Glucose - it's like the good old 80-th gasoline, succinic acid - a super fancy high-octane gasoline.

How does Succinic acid act?

This item will be shorter than usual, because we now have an idea of the Krebs cycle. When succinic acid is incorporated in the Krebs cycle, there is an amplification of cellular respiration, improve metabolism, energy is released. These actions can be said to have the effects of these instructions: "has antioxidant, cytoprotective, antitoxic action."

There are a couple of points in its work, demanding an explanation: "It is also to the utilization of lactic acid, ethanol, glucose; normalizes the acid-alkaline balance; It has immunomodulatory effects. "

succinic acid, Mexidol

- Lactic acid - a faithful companion to any workout. That feeling when muscles "burning fire" to the blackout. Since the action of lactic acid is shown in the muscles.

- Ethanol - alcohol, ethyl alcohol.

- Glucose - the main source of energy. This is perhaps the most useful feature for neuroprotective purposes, to "think better".

Thus, in addition to cellular respiration and energy, succinic acid accelerates the degradation of alcohol, glucose, and lactic acid. Alcoholics, sportsmen and nootropic-addict check out! If quite simple - you will quickly get drunk / sober up + drop intoxication harmful products of alcohol decomposition in sporting activities - less feeling acidification, short recovery times between burning muscle, brain and overall energy - enhanced glucose utilization, more ATP per unit time.

The course of Succinic Acid
At the beginning of the item, according to tradition, a little bit of negativity in the form of side effects and contraindications. This substance is an acid, and then - it is not necessary to lean people with all sorts of plagues - the main contraindication. Perhaps a slight increase in pressure.
The exact duration of the course has not been established - usually up to 2 months, the dosage to 300 mg per day. Although at single reception when forces are sorely lacking or after dosage alcohol intoxication reach 1000 mg per day divided into multiple doses.

To prevent, if you just want something to take, 200 mg per day of Succinic acid and 1 month duration of the course - optimally.

What is in the West?
Succinic acid does not recognize it, but the similarity of action of succinic acid can be mentioned in ubiquinone or coenzyme q10. This additive already has a lot of jewels, although the action is about the same level as a succinic acid, as it precedes the ubiquinone.

Effects of Succinic Acid

When engaged in intellectual or physical labor, the main effect - increasing power, but without stimulation. Acceleration of metabolic processes in cells.

The additive is useful in conjunction with dieting. It is foolish to say if succinic acid reduces fat, they say "Eat sweets with succinic acid - will lose weight!". Losing weight - it is, in any case, regular moderate shortfall in calories from food. A succinic acid, as previously mentioned, increases glucose utilization. Glucose is rapidly absorbed. So, if you take a supplement, together with a small meal, the feeling of fullness and energy will come faster. And if we add 50-100 mg of succinic acid after the last meal - Glucose be acquired more quickly and go to bed with a lower risk of getting fat at night. Serious research on this topic is not.

What combine with Succinic acid?
The addition is perfect for a variety of substances: stimulants to increase energy, sedatives - for quiet performance. Nootropics usual - as a complex supplement. If you do not keep to any diet is appropriate to take a small amount of carbohydrates, together with the succinic acid and the expression "have no power" easily forget.
Separately, about the notorious Meldonium for sale, it also improves glucose metabolism and in theory, combine with succinic acid.
Krebs cycle is also necessary vitamins.

Bottom line:
- Succinic acid is an interesting addition and a decent analogue western coenzyme q10.
- Succinic acid works in the Krebs cycle, provides cellular respiration creates energy.
- Succinic acid is helpful for intoxication during oxygen starvation and to increase strength.
- Take 1-2 months to 300 mg of Succinic acid per day. If the one-time fee - up to one gram.
And finally, another nice plus - price, inexpensive supplement is comparable to glycine. Good luck and see you soon!


Alprazolam - Active Substances. Instruction and Application, Dosage

23 Dec 2016

Name: Alprazolam


The Latin name of the substance Alprazolam

Alprazolamum (genus. Alprazolami)

chemical name 8-Chloro-1-methyl-6-phenyl-4H- [1,2,4] triazolo [4,3-a] [1,4] benzodiazepine

Formula - C17H13ClN4

Therapeutic agents of Alprazolam:


The nosological classification (ICD-10)

F06 Other mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease

F06.4 Organic anxiety disorder
F10.2 alcohol dependence syndrome
F10.3 abstinence
F11 Mental and behavioral disorders due to use of opioids
F25 Schizoaffective disorders
F29 Unspecified Inorganic psychosis
F32 Depressive episode
F34.0 Cyclothymia
F34.1 Dysthymia
F40.0 Agoraphobia
F40.1 Social phobias
F41.0 Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety]
F41.1 Generalized anxiety disorder
F42 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
F43.0 Acute stress reaction
F43.1 Post-traumatic stress disorder
F43.2 Disorder adaptive reactions
F44 Dissociative [conversion] disorders
F45 Somatoform disorders
F79 Mental retardation, unspecified
G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified

CAS code - 28981-97-7

Characteristics substance Alprazolam

Anxiolytic, benzodiazepine derivative. White or white with blue polka crystalline powder. Insoluble in water and slightly soluble in alcohol.


Mode of action - anxiolytic, sedative, muscle relaxant, central.

By binding to benzodiazepine and GABAergic receptors causes inhibition of the limbic system, thalamus, hypothalamus, polysynaptic spinal reflexes.

After intake of rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax achieved within 1-2 h. Plasma protein binding is 80%. It passes through GEB and placental barrier, enters the breast milk. It is metabolized in the liver. T1 / 2 -. 16 hours is derived mainly kidneys. Re-appointment with an interval of at least 8-12 hours can lead to accumulation.

Application of the Alprazolam substance 

Neurosis and psychopathy, accompanied by fear, anxiety, concern; Reactive depression (including on the background of systemic diseases), panic disorder, withdrawal syndrome in patients with alcoholism and drug addiction.


Hypersensitivity, severe respiratory failure, glaucoma (acute onset), acute liver disease and kidney disease, myasthenia gravis, pregnancy (especially I trimester), breast-feeding, age and 18 years of age.

Restrictions to application

Open-angle glaucoma, sleep apnea, chronic renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, alcoholic liver disease.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Category effects on the fetus by FDA - D.

Side effects of Alprazolam substance
Drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, slowing of mental and motor reactions, decreased concentration, nausea, constipation, dysmenorrhea, loss of libido, pruritus, paradoxical reactions (aggression, agitation, irritability, anxiety, hallucinations), addiction, drug addiction, withdrawal.

Interaction of Alprazolam substance 

Enhances the effect of alcohol, neuroleptics and hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, central muscle relaxants. Increases concentration of imipramine in the serum.

Overdose of Alprazolam substance
Symptoms: oppression CNS varying degrees of symptoms (from somnolence to coma) - drowsiness, confusion; in more severe cases (especially in patients receiving other drugs which depress the central nervous system, or alcohol) - ataxia, decreased reflexes, hypotension, coma.

Treatment: induction of vomiting, gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy, monitoring vital functions. In severe hypotension - introduction of norepinephrine. The specific antidote - benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil receptors (introduction only in a hospital).

Dosing and Administration of Alprazolam Substances

Inside. The mode set individually depending on the disease, tolerability and al. Treatment should start with the lowest effective dose. Typically, the initial dose for adults - 0.25-0.5 mg 3 times a day, if tolerated (if necessary) may increase the dose every 3-4 days. The maximum daily dose - 3-4 mg.

Precautions for Alprazolam substance

Keep in mind that anxiety or tension associated with everyday stress usually does not require treatment with an anxiolytic.

In the event of paradoxical reactions need to stop taking the drug. In the period of treatment is unacceptable consumption of alcoholic beverages. Be wary of during the drivers of vehicles and people skills relate to the high concentration of attention.

Trading names of drugs with working Alprazolam substance

Trade Name


Kassadan 0.25
Kassadan 0.5
XanaX retard
Neurol 0.25
Neurol 1.0
Helex CP


About Reading and fast text analysis

23 Dec 2016

Noted for a feature for reading text. At the moment, has developed the skill (or rather developed a) for the "body" of the text to understand the level of writing (writing creates a certain model) whether to read it, the text of which carries information, and that the text was simply copied / written to fill. For some, the text becomes clear in the process of reading, where the author writes of himself, and where does not understand (or poorly understood) what added.

Reading, Semax, Noopept, Cogitum, Phenylpiracetam, Picamilon

"I see," where it is possible to remove unnecessary text (pronouns, words), where you can / need to change the style (pitch, a combination of words, substitute a synonym).

I liked more, something similar to my method of such an approach: read the introduction, conclusion, look, see what in thesis place. For a quick study of a large pool of homogeneous information is very convenient. E. When it is necessary to choose the most useful, efficient, appropriate to the topic being studied.

An important point to extract information - off emotions, detachment from any side, the views. It's just as well in the correspondence, especially the one where it is necessary to obtain a stable constructive relationship with the opponent. With this approach, perhaps as closely as possible to obtain information with a minimum of "guessing".

It is important to know that the brain when the incoming information processing work ready models to save energy. Of course, if you need to get an ordinary, standard information that is enough. To communicate with strangers, while the scheme has not worked out, it is important to find out the core metamodel interlocutor (language model) to get the most accurate information.

It should be recognized by the fact that different people reading the exact same, like a book available, understand it completely differently. It is because of their perception of the information patterns are not configured due to lack of specific expertise, data, and a rejection of the internal contradictory data.

Surelly You always need nootropics – Cogitum, Picamilon, Phenylpiracetam, Cortexin.

To sum up:

- read quickly learn through this to adjust the model of information extraction from text once the brain is given the tools (think about going after information gathering)

- learn to turn off the emotions when there is a need - we try to perceive information without the moral and subjective assessments (this skill it is impossible to disable / enable, it must be to turn out)

- you can quickly study the information and extract the necessary data, if you do it all the time

- the more often you try to work out their skills, the better they will form, but remember about the rest (not once overloaded, so that I could not read, came to full information apathy); in our context

- "rest" a change of activities, the same memory is usually sleep, meditation (to work out long-term memory and brain physically cleansed during sleep)

- without looping on the result - all the time


Report about Course of Nootropics: Hormones and Effects

23 Dec 2016

As I mentioned in the previous story, additives, nootropics, which I accepted, potentially reshaping the hormonal balance.

Brain, Semax, Noopept

Course of nootropics

All dosages per diem:

Noopept 30 mg

- Semax 0,1% (only in the last week)

- Curcumin 1000 mg

- Ashwagandha 1500 mg

- Niacin 100 mg

- Green tea drink every day

- Melatonin 2-3 mg at bedtime ( about a day)

- Omega-3 according instructions

- Rhodiola in tincture and Schisandra in tincture (1-bottle at 45 days).

All this takes for 45 days, from 17 February to 2 nd April 2016. In addition nootropics, I added 1 cardio workout per week (running), as there are animal studies, neurotrophic factors in increasing sports mice. In terms of food / bad habits does not have any change. Although at the end of the course, for some unknown reason to me, beginning to pull on canned fish. Only last week, and they ate for dinner.

Data confirmed. Prior to delivery of analyzes, I have never taken hormones in any manner that suggests an even hormonal background. All values presented normal hormonal range for men. Next will be a generalization such as "female or male hormone," meanwhile, all have hormones in women and men!

  • 1.Testosterone. The main male hormone. We are of interest to the general testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and free.
    1.1. Total testosterone. The foundation for all of the male hormonal system. It is poorly active, and almost no one feels much more important than those of metamorphosis that happens to him later. Index "BEFORE": 22.63 nmol / L. Index "after": 23.66 nmol / L. Normal values of 6-30 nmol / L. An increase of 4.5%. Values above average.
  • 1.2. Free testosterone. It is already possible to somehow feel. Main functions: muscle growth, more rapid healing of damage. Scientifically speaking - accelerates protein synthesis and function of many manifestations of this. Men and women with high free testosterone, but is in the normal range for each sex, potentially more inclined to good physique. An example of a high free testosterone with proper load - fitness models, both men and women. Analysis of free testosterone, I do not give up and figured it out, "general" and SHBG (about it later).
  • Index "BEFORE": 0.435 nmol / L. Index "after": 0.394 nmol / L. Normal values in the unit of measurement is not. Estimated rate of 0.15 nmol / L to 1 nmol / l. The decrease of 9.5%. Values below the average.
  • 1.3. Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. The most active form of testosterone, the main androgen in the body. He is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics: body hair on the face and body, drive, energy, tone of voice, aggressiveness or a spirit of competition.
  • For muscle growth, this kind of testosterone has almost no effect. Example high DHT in men, for visual signs - Jason Steytem. I did not take the first analysis by DHT, surrendered just a second. DHT is in a depending free testosterone. DHT depends on progesterone, about it later. In my case, free fell by almost 10%, we can assume that DHT and down about the same number. Meaning "to": above 930 pg / mL. Meaning "after": 876.1 pg / mL. Normal values 250.0 - 990.0 pg / mL. DHT is near the upper limit of normal. The decrease by 7-12%.
  • 2.Estradiol. One of the female sex hormones. But if it is synthesized in the female ovary at men formed from testosterone. Incidentally, in liver disease, obesity and pregnancy, estradiol rapidly increases. Testosterone longer characterized by the word "strength and attack", estradiol more "protection". It contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body, the formation of female sex characteristics and the so-called deposition of fat on the female type, ie on the buttocks, legs or arms. In healthy men, however, primarily the stomach increases. Meaning "to": 47.68 pg / ml. Meaning "after": 27.89 pg / ml. Normal values up to 47 pg / ml. According to other sources to 70.
  • 3.Progesterone. Also considered a female hormone. progesterone rise speaks on strengthen the action of GABA, it can be said that progesterone calms the nervous system, makes people less impulsive, more sensitive. During the menstrual cycle in women, progesterone can skip from 1 nmol / l to 50, including the reason why they have so strong and mood changes abruptly.
  • In men, progesterone is an assistant for balancing estradiol and dihydrotestosterone. Lest you get confused, remember: "A lot of progesterone - a little dihydrotestosterone!". Meaning "to": 1.94 nmol / L. Meaning "after": 2.81 nmol / L. Normal Values 0.45 - 2.9 nmol / L. Reference intervals in my clinic to 6.5 nmol / l, in my opinion, this number greatly exaggerated, as 5-10 years ago the rate of progesterone in men in general was 1-2 nmol / L. An increase of 45%. This trend was also observed in dihydrotestosterone. Progesterone has grown, so has become less DHT.
  • 4.Bilirubin. Gall enzyme, its characteristics reflect the liver and bile health. There is direct and indirect bilirubin, which are created by the liver and hemoglobin. The sum shows the amount of total bilirubin. Assays for bilirubin handed with a difference of 1 year. The units are different, but the number of the normal range is similar. Indirect bilirubin: Meaning "to": 10.04 mmol / l. The rate of up to 17 mmol / l. Meaning "after": 0.68 mg / dL. The rate of up to 1.1 mg / dL. Direct bilirubin: Meaning "to": 10.46 mmol / l. The rate to 3.4 mmol / l. Meaning "after": 0.4 mg / dL. The rate of up to 0.3 mg / dL. Direct bilirubin decreased about 2 times or by 50% and remains above the norm of 30%. This figure is in my case - a consequence of more children biliary tract diseases. However, there are clearly improved.
  • 5.SHBG or sex hormones binding globulin. This is not a hormone, a protein that is "knits" sex hormone (testosterone, DHT, estradiol, progesterone) and runs into the blood in an inactive form. The hormones that are associated with it, lose all their positive and negative points. Globulin is similar to the gold and currency reserves of the country, access to which is possible only with some serious conditions, when liquidity is needed or money. In the body, this is a stash of hormones in the emergency. When a person has money and health, it does not particularly care about themselves and do not defer, because so all is well. But if a whiff of trouble, then immediately save mode. SHBG has a stable level in adults and varies depending on the state of health in either direction. For example, in the use of anabolic steroids or androgens and obesity, SHBG decreases. With the dramatic weight loss or liver disease - increasing SHBG. Meaning "to": 41.4 nmol / L. Meaning "after": 51.6 nmol / L. Normal values 10 - 57 nmol / l. An increase of 25%. A bit strange, since I lost only 2 kg, and liver values are better.
  • 6.Prolactin. Prolactin and dopamine - antagonists. When a lot of dopamine - a little prolactin and vice versa. In women, this hormone participate in the formation of breast along with estradiol. He also contributes to the formation of milk during pregnancy and after childbirth. Men are more necessary for the regulation of testosterone levels. Index "BEFORE": 162.78 mIU / L. Index "after": 210.29 mIU / L. Normal values are 56-278 mIU / L. An increase of 29%.

The result on hormones: We can observe a significant reorganization of the body: increased levels of SHBG, progesterone, prolactin, decreased estradiol, testosterone and DHT Free. The placebo effect can be neglected, since I was expecting to become a mega calm alpha male testosterone to very tall, and was promoted to the hormone, which forms the chest.))

Effect from the course:
This item is not recommend to read for people who love numbers and hate subjectivity.

- The state of health in the course of changing smoothly, without sudden surges and spikes.

- Increased emotionality likely effect of increasing progesterone. They displayed it in everyday life started more often and longer to play the guitar, watch movies drawn. Overpower almost 2 Remarque's book, but this is my favorite author and more than half had already read his books, I recommend.

- Less sore ligaments, joints, then hello again progesterone. There is evidence that prolactin has some analgesic effect.

- Has grown thin for 2-3 kg. Power remained the same, but the load is increased, added 1 training session per week (jogging). Calorie turned negative, and that's the result. The total amount of training was 3-4.

- With regards to intelligence: to see through the walls did not. To more or less accurately describe the effect on intelligence, suitable word "deeper". If you eat a stimulant, it would be the word "many" or "fast" if tranquilizers, the "flat" or "well". These additives increase the emotion and you can look at issues from a different angle, to find faces that were not seen before (poetry rushing, apparently did not let go)).

- Antidepressant effects not observed depression as if it was not. Bad mood happened with the same frequency as before.

- In training: the forces have not diminished, recovery was faster. Although it seems to me, muscle mass is still a little left.

- There are no "men's problems" by a slight reduction in testosterone and female growth hormones have not experienced.


Overall, I liked the experience. Nothing bad happened. To characterize a condition after the course is difficult, just got a little different. It's like comparing hard and yellow, are different concepts.

With the course turned out so well. The nervous system has shown growth of antibodies to proteins engaged in the construction of the nerves, I think that these proteins are increased and for the balance of rose and antibodies.

If we compare the hormones before and after, and not to look at testosterone, something like 2 different people.

So it is with health. Not bad, not good, but in a different way.

If I again decided to take this course, I would have left as a base: Omega-3, ashwagandha and Noopept / Semax.


How to Become a Genius

23 Dec 2016

Each year number of people in the world is increasing. Who lives more people than at all times until the 20th century, according to modern history. As a consequence, it increases the competition "for a place under the sun" in all areas, and people in the world, winning is not the strongest or the clever, and the most intelligent, resourceful and enterprising.

Semax, Noopept, Phenylpiracetam, Cogitum

Our brain is the most complex system of neurons that communicate with each other by means of neurotransmitters, the brain is always involved fully, more on this in the article "how many percent the brain works." However, this does not mean limitations in its development, you can create new neurons and connections between them. Technically, this is the development of intelligence.

Did you know that children under 5 years have created a set of neurons and connections, most of which will stay with you for life. Then the communication start to die off rapidly and the new form, there remains only the skeleton, the framework of knowledge and interests (language, family, interests). This is where learning takes place, you can reprogram yourself constantly. Formally, in this second set of your neurons and connections, have "wrong" that was an hour ago. And just one year of active transformation of neural connections, the output we get a completely different, intellectually, man, after changing his brain specificity.

Presented below information - this is not my author's view, as I consider myself still not smart (you're so smart - where is your money)). Therefore, we analyze the biographies of famous intelligent, perhaps even brilliant people and identify their common features that allow them to become a genius.

It is also necessary to say that modern science says only about 50% intellect predisposition genetic factors. Ie, half of parents define the subject, which includes the character type, and a set of neurotransmitters and hormones. However, recent research in psychology suggests that anyone can be an actor in your life, and change the line regularly. This subject deserves a separate story.

Think what you say - Know how to listen

The vast majority of smart people speak relatively slowly, like a sieve filtering, almost every word. Think of scientists, among them very little impulsive personalities, and if there is, they permit themselves in a relaxed atmosphere. In this there is a fault and acetylcholine - the neurotransmitter responsible for memory and learning, which is at a high level a little calms, slows body.

Almost all the sages of the past, and the current smart people, laconic, they are no longer listening. This is extremely important!

Shouting left to right, show off, furiously something prove those people who have emotions in the first place. Read at least a brief biography of the ancient thinkers.

They are all one knew how to listen and hear people.

Immediately I would like to cite the example of one clergy: two barrels rolling down the bridge, one empty, the other - was full of water. Blank louder jumping full - then it swept.

Sincerity, honesty, courage

As Aristotle once said:. " Amicus Plato, sed magis arnica Veritas " ("Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth). In fact, smart people are telling the truth, the truth, even if it is not profitable. Hypocrisy - not their weakness. Recall how behaved Catholic Church in relation to Galileo, who was ahead of his time, at least 100 years. Remember Mahatma Gandhi, he was a politician, and politics - is a complex topic, but it probably can be considered a genius. Modern politicians like to incite people against each other, he also advocated a non-violent methods, advocated disarmament, India's independence, no one was captured.

Smart people may challenge fledged foundations, scientists constantly question everything, check, deny, argue for that receive various awards. They do not go with the flow, geniuses create it for.

And quote: "Truly honest person who always asks himself whether he is honest enough."


Brilliant people are trying to be objective, to examine the situation from different sides, find all the pitfalls, the benefits and losses. They are not good and not evil, they are realists. May be and laugh or despair, they are happy and unhappy at the same time. Ensure biographies of people like Leo Tolstoy and Boris Vasilyev. Philosophy involves taking very different views and ideas, and their thinking.

People with high intelligence - the great philosophers, regardless of their specialization. Specialization in this context only gives them a kind of conscious direction and affects. The King may not be smarter or dumber than Shakespeare, they are both geniuses, but each in its own sees the world, passing it through the prism of its vital interests.

Creativity / ability to get out of a difficult situation

Smart people have gone on from the monkeys and they are creative in some way creative. Their ideas and actions aimed at creating something new or improvement of the old, they do not benefit of consumers and destroyers.

There is a saying that to create heavier than destroy. Thomas Edison, before you find the right filament for the incandescent lamp, went through more than 6000 samples, and once spent 45 hours without sleep and rest in the laboratory. He sought, I tried again and again. Quit job could each. Here, too, we can recall the politicians. They should be able to negotiate, to fight with sticks and monkeys do not mind. Hence, a good indicator of the manager / manager / policy - to solve the problem of intelligence, rather than sticks. It seems to me, if Edison would desire to rule the country - it would be great.

Another example - Kashio Toda, he is constantly faced with various problems, a native of Japan's poorest families. His father even had to give up travel by tram to pay tuition son. In place of the Toda people usually complain about everything, working hard physical labor. He also worked in parallel and studied engineering, created the company «Casio».

To improve creativity – buy Semax, Cogitum, Cortexin, Penylpiracetam and Cerebrolysin.

The desire to know itself and around the world

This is manifested in very different ways, someone withdraws into himself, wandering alone, trying to find meaning, someone continues to engage in certain activities until his death, even with money, success, and other blessings. Smart people do not stop, they continue to live and look. It also includes countless reading books and mastering skills!

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