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Cortexin vials - helped with developmental delay

25 Dec 2016

Advantages: help with development delay

Both children suffered in childbirth. Both for different reasons, but the result was a lot of diseases that can be cured completely up to 2-3 years.

One of the diagnoses was the delay of psychomotor development. One of the children was a deep delay, the second is not deep. But both prescribed "Cortexin". After the course Cortexin went breakthrough in speech. With that, if before "Cortexin" sessions with the child were not given absolutely no effect, after "Cortexin" child began to absorb everything you say. As "Cortexin" injected improvement did not take long, a sharp jump in the speech!

No side effects or for one of the children I have not noticed.


Cortexin vials - normalize brain function

25 Dec 2016

We were prescribed this drug by neurologist for a child. Since our son is 2 years old and 3 months old, and he almost never speaks. That is talking but his childhood on, it is not clear to us language. This drug Cortexin is in the words of the doctor should normalize brain function and improve the perception of information a child.

We assign them to dissolve novakoin, but they say that novakoin mutes the effect of the drug, so we decided to do them with water for injection. Having done all 10 shots in a day. It has been almost 2 weeks, results in speech, we do not notice, but it is clearly evident that the child began to understand what he is told, he learned how to hold a pen, I began to gather their own toys. In general, his actions became more conscious or something. We look forward to progress in speech development can still give the drug has an effect. We do not regret is that we did these shots, at least there is no harm


Cortexin injection - wonderful drug for improvement of brain activity

25 Dec 2016

Advantages: effective, noted a positive trend

Disadvantages: painful injections

Baby born with hypoxia, after apparent hyperactivity, and 4 years in small growth reached 120 cm (4 years is a lot, according to the doctor). Naturally, there is a delay of speech development. Not critical, but still there. At the site, we can not sit down to seat the child to draw or work out is the whole problem.

This drug Cortexin is prescribed by a doctor when the child was 3 years old, a dosage of 5 mg. When setting an injection drug very painful. The first time was assigned to the lidocaine, and then water for injection (the doctor said that lidocaine reduces the effectiveness of the drug and can cause allergies).

The effect we noticed after the first injection - began to talk more and more clear, became more diligent, less irritable and quickly falls asleep, wakes up less often at night. Better to remember the lessons of the material ... Put courses every 3 months. We tried to take a variety of pills and syrups prescribed by a doctor, but these injections were the most effective.

I recommend the drug.


Cortexin injection - get rid of depression

25 Dec 2016

Advantages: no side effects, restores brain activity, effective results

Disadvantages: relatively high price

When complaints of dizziness, the neurologist told me to be injected Cortexin course. The course was 10 days. Because of Novocain injection was completely painless.

On the first day after the injection, after about an hour I began to laugh at the nonsense, for a long time so do not laugh. Each time I felt injection of fun, I wanted something to do, do, do. I felt very well, passed the "fog" in the head, dizziness almost passed.

Side effects were not.

After the course has been more than a month, there is no deterioration, but are advised to repeat the course in 3-6 months.

Without a doctor's indications I do not advise to use this drug. If the physician still appointed, I advise you to buy. The price is fully justified!


Cortexin injection - ceased to feel dizzy

25 Dec 2016

Advantages: restores brain activity, effective results

Disadvantages: expensive

Not long ago I was diagnosed with vascular dystonia. on this, but rather from the nerves, I began to feel dizzy.

The doctor has written out to me this drug to improve cerebral circulation Cortexin.

Injections are not a lot of painful.

And after the third injection it became much easier, and dizziness, and even passed hands, which were lately always cold and damp, even when the heat I began to warm.

I was pleased with this drug.


Cortexin injection - positive trend

25 Dec 2016

Advantages: there is a positive trend in the treatment

Disadvantages: painful injections

My son has developmental delay and speech, he does not speak.

The development of speech - a strong indicator - whether or not the medicine works.

After the sixth injection Cortexin there was barely understandable terms.

Neuroscientists are advised to put it with water for injection.

Very patient an injection, by the way - previously set with Novocain. A banned this time, it reduces Cortexin.

Cortexin be diluted - children's dose of 5 mg plus 2 ml of water for injections, syringe pour in the powder - absorbed after agitation and put injection.


Cortexin vials - effective drug

25 Dec 2016

Advantages: very efficient

Disadvantages: painful injections, expensive

Many neurologists prescribe Cortexin only those who really need a push to development. I always think that we need a push and we have better peer, so about a course of injections, I asked the doctor yourself. But the doctor is not dissuaded.

From effects: first day - a mad hyperactivity, a lot of energy, requiring splash. Then have such expressed hyperactive effect was not, and after 4 injection I noticed that the child began to use in the speech vocabulary. But why not those who only learned, but apparently those who have long been in storage, but not applied. In other words, it was used passive vocabulary. And the child began to make interesting conclusions from the observed around. This happened sharply in the background of injections, so I attribute this merit to them.


Drug Noopept - improves memory

24 Dec 2016

Advantages: eliminates the distraction, improves memory

Noopept I was advised at the pharmacy.

Approaching session, as you know, together with her nervousness, distraction, insomnia, do not you remember anything that you read! Thanks pharmacist. Due to Noopept the whole session passed perfectly well and most importantly, without nerves. All memorable and most importantly, all remember. All students are encouraged.

I did not have any side effects, the head does not hurt, does not hurt the contrary, the dream has become better.


Noopept - for a sharp mind

24 Dec 2016

Advantages: it eliminates the distraction, improves mental performance, helps to concentrate, improves memory, improves the functioning of the brain

In the summer, of course, really want to fall in love, to be loved, and all other amenities associated with it. But then you remember that you 47 and it's too late. It turned out - no. Thanks to modern medicine, she proved to me that it was not so sad. So I want to say to all the women of my age: do not complex. At our age, very much, if not all, it depends on the severity of the mind. I started to look for a drug that would have restored my memory "as in youth," and the ability to concentrate and react to the information very quickly.

I found Noopept. Of course, it applies in parallel all other means: light exercise in the morning, normal diet, less sugar. Well “Noopept” accepted. After some time, I felt that focus on businesses has become easier. Ceased painfully trying to remember some things became more organized in this regard. In general, do not be sad, you can always find a solution. I think a half-year course again take “Noopept” to keep yourself in good mental shape.


Drug Noopept - good drug

24 Dec 2016

Advantages: Improves mental performance, it helps to concentrate, improves brain function

Previously, other nootropic drugs side effects appeared. Noopept well helped, no side effects. Noopept I advised my colleague, her dad medical scientist. She told me about the memory of the peptide, as it works as “Noopept” works by this peptide. I started taking the beginning and has been waiting for side effects, but everything was fine. Three weeks later I noted the effect that the rise and fall asleep easier in the underground, began to read on the way to work.

At the beginning of the faster cope with the tasks. When finished taking a course - a half months, I realized that I found absolutely perfect nootrop. The brain has become more productive, faster, consciousness is brightened like. At work could focus on tasks, abstracting from everyday worries, I learned a lot, a lot more time to. If you lie down late, and get up wound- was not a zombie all day, and not a headache. As a result – “Noopept” special nootrop, without the side, with a wide and "long-playing" "action. I would advise it to try.

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