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27 Dec 2016

Crystal somatotropin (it is growth hormone) from hypotheses of animals Lai and Evans in 1944 received, and in 1956 human STG was allocated. In 1957 Mr. Raben described a technique of extraction of human STG and soon showed its efficiency in clinic. The Italian sprinter P. Mennea, and subsequently and many other athletes was convicted of the use of STG in 1974.

Somatotropin is, undoubtedly, in the sports environment most "popular" of peptide hormones. As fairly noticed a few years ago in the Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness M magazine. MacCormick, if to see at least five magazines for the same month, then, at least, in three of them articles devoted to this hormone will be found. Nevertheless keen interest in somatotropin has reverse side a considerable part of what is written about it in sports magazines, has under itself no scientific basis.

Human somatotropin is polypeptide with a molecular weight of 22 Ltd companies and. e. the m consisting of 191 amino-acid remaining balance. It is synthesized and deposited only in hypothesis; at the adult content of somatotropin in hypothesis averages 3 — 5 mg. Intensity of secretion of STG depends on age. It is high in the first three years of life (above, than at adults) and reaches a maximum in puberty age. Night secretion of somatotropin by 3 times exceeds day. It is also necessary to remember that any sleep disorders or restrictions of a dream considerably reduce at night the level of secretion of STG.

Effects of somatotropin

STG promotes body height of a skeleton, body height and differentiation of organs, a body weight gain (sinergichno with sex and thyroid hormones, and also vitamin D). It is important to understand that developed thereof hormone of body height doesn't make immediate impact on an organism, and only stimulates emission in a blood of insulinoid factors of body height (IGF) and somatomedin through which action of STG is implemented. (The problem consists that the liver is capable to produce only limited amount of these substances. And if to enter hormones injections from the outside, they only induce a liver to development and emission of these substances, without making on an organism of direct impact.) Action of Somatotropin includes three components:

  • creation of optimum level of substrates for body height (carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, mineral substances, etc.);
  • stimulation of synthesis of factors of body height;
  • direct action on tissues in which there are Somatotropinum receptors.

Pilot and clinical trials of these components of physiological action of Somatotropinum were conducted in scientific centers of many countries. Nevertheless any of them didn't concern efficiency of use of hormone of body height in sport (in any case, such data in open scientific literature are absent). A specification of these researches is given below:

  • the most important function of exogenous Somatotropinum is the augmentation of somatic body height at pituitary children. It stimulates body height of a skeleton and soft tissues and renders the expressed metabolic effect in everyday homeostatic functioning;
  • Somatotropinum moves an oxidizing metabolism towards use of fatty acids, sparing a glycogen and protein for anabolic processes and body height;
  • the general production of insulin is considerably enlarged per day when using STG, and the increased sensitivity level to insulin of ferment systems leads to stimulation of a biosynthesis of protein;
  • STG stimulates mobilization of lipids from fatty depots, providing decrease of peripheral reserves of fat, reducing respiratory coefficient and enlarging amount of free fatty acids in a blood plasma;
  • STG stimulates body height of cartilages;
  • Somatotropinum considerably stimulates a protein biosynthesis, but the protein type significantly differs from that which is synthesized due to muscular work;
  • the muscular hypertrophy reached by means of STG is represented mainly a collagen formation result, but not proteins;
  • STG, perhaps, is effective at the catabolic changes caused by age processes and wasting diseases at straight lines and osteoporosis, and also for the accelerated adhesion of fractures of bones;
  • in the 1990s and so far pilot and clinical trials confirmed existence at drug STG of cardio tonic effect.

Metabolic effects of Somatotropin consist in accumulation of mass of protein, economy of carbohydrates and stimulation of lipolysis (release of fatty acids from fatty depots and their "burning" as a primary energy source). Somatotropin enlarges synthesis chondroitin of sulfate and collagen, strengthens a connecting tissue, tendons, bones and cartilages that, probably, and is one of the main reasons of the expressed augmentation of power indicators which is observed at some athletes. Some bodybuilders and power lifters are convinced that thus hormone of body height protects them from injuries which probability sharply increases parallel to body height of the working balances accompanying reception of anabolic steroids. Besides, the augmentation of bones, cartilages, tendons and internals does the athlete really massive that remains for long time. At use of Somatotropin allocation with urine of sodium, a potassium, chlorine and Natrii phosphates decreases. Activity of liver enzymes at the same time can increase. The period of circulation of STG is peering a blood plasma to 40 — 60 min., however metabolic effects of STG remain during 24 — 40 h. Please pay attention to Hondramin.

At 30 — 40% of patients application of somatotropin is followed by formation of antibodies to it, however only at 5% of an antibody have property to neutralize therapeutic effect of hormone. Against the background of STG-therapy the hypothyroidism in this connection it is necessary to control level the tireoidnykh of hormones can be shown and if necessary to begin their additional introduction. Among side effects of STG-therapy it is possible to mention slight anorexia and a headache. It is necessary to remember potential diabetogen effect.

Forms of release and medicines of somatotropin

To the middle of the 1980th years there was only a medicine of a natural somatotropin which was extracted from hypophysis of corpses. When in 1985 acceptance of STG began to be connected with extremely seldom found Kreyttsfeld's disease — Jacob (the chronic progressing encephalitis from the death probably of virus genesis) who involved weak-mindedness and death, manufacturers began to lay off medicine. Today already almost don't sell human somatotropin for injections (an exception — Lithuanian somatotropin); in many countries the ban on use of the medicines STG received from hypotheses of the person was imposed.

Today all medicines of somatotropin are divided by a method of their obtaining on homologous, got from hypotheses of corpses; synthetic, incorporating on one amino acid (methionine) it is more, than human hormone of growth; recombinant, received by means of genetic engineering. The last are the most high-quality medicines STG.

Medicines of somatotropin represent the light powder concluded in a glass bottle to which the ampoule with solution is applied (as a rule, it is Novocain solution). Ready solution shall be entered immediately or be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 24 h. It is necessary to store in the refrigerator and unused! medicine. Though biological activity of somatotropin begins to decrease only four weeks of storage later at the room temperature! it is better to store it at a temperature not above 4 °C.

Somatotropin in sport

Despite the absence of data on researches of opportunities of application of somatotropin in sport, experience of body builders shows that injections of STG can increase amounts muscles and reduce fat inventories. However there are also such! body builders who didn't receive even a share of the expected effect. Unfortunately, there are no reliable data about what ratio of the persons which reached and not reached desirable effect. In literature the following assumptions of rather possible reason of lack of results meet:

  • the dosage of medicine was too low and (or) it was applied insufficiently long. These problems are quite explainable as medicines of hormone of growth are very expensive;
  • training in the cool hall and (or). accommodation in a frigid climate suppresses release of somatotropin. Perhaps, this factor reduces efficiency is exogenous the entered growth hormone;
  • acceptance of glucose reduces STG-reaction. It means that if the athlete trains with the high level of glucose in blood or does growth hormone injections in case of a hyperglycemia, then anabolic effects of medicines of somatotropin can be reduced;
  • some hormones suppress or reduce to zero desirable anabolic effects of somatotropin. Progesteron and glucocorticoids concern to them somatostatin. The same is fair also for many neurotransmitters and their analogs: phentolamine, izoprenalin, atropine, etc. Some other drugs, for example, khlorpromazin, imipramin, morphine and teofillin also suppress release of hormone of growth and, perhaps, are capable to reduce efficiency of exogenous STG;
  • somatotropin was applied independently, i.e. in the form of monotherapy. The matter is that in case of acceptance of STG the need of an organism for hormones of a thyroid gland, insulin, corticosteroids, gonadotrophins, estrogen, steroid hormones sharply increases. Therefore if STG is accepted in the form of monotherapy, then the effect of its impact significantly decreases. In order that the organism appeared in an optimum anabolic condition, three hormones are necessary: STG, hormone of a thyroid gland T3 and insulin. Only in this case the liver is capable to develop enough somatomedin and the insulinopodobnykh of factors of growth. This anabolic condition can be even more strengthened by administration of drugs, having pronounced anticatabolic properties, for example, of a klenbuterol. However, those who are going to combine growth hormone acceptance with klenbuteroly or ephedrine, shall know that these medicines reduce development level an organism of insulin and hormone of a thyroid gland T3. Similar decrease happens when the athlete uses a tough precompetitive diet;
  • instead of this medicine of a somatotropin in "the black market" sold to the athlete a counterfeit or low-quality medicine with activity inappropriate to marking. Therefore even if on a bottle it is written that it contains 4000 ME hormones of growth, there is no guarantee that them not 3000 or 2000.

Secretion of somatotropin

The physiological components promoting emission of this hormone including dream, physical exercises, stress, high temperature and hypoglycemia, become less effective in the presence of the factors which are listed above.

The described factors oppress secretion of somatotropin, reached by use of the known liberator ("releasers") of hormone of growth which are based on a combination of three amino acids arginina, ornitin and a lysine. In particular, arginin becomes useless in the presence of R-endorphins which are thrown out an organism during extreme efforts and pain two conditions which always accompany the exhausting heavy training. Let's note that in case of growth hormone acceptance power indicators don't improve. Provided that the oppressing factors don't work, it can increase muscular amounts and reduce fat burning.

There is a point of view that means of stimulation of secretion somatotropin the most real alternative to its injections. From the point of view of physiology, stimulation of secretion of hormone of growth can't have that efficiency about which supporters of this theory speak. Inventories of this hormone in a hypothesis are limited, and the speed of its biosynthesis is determined by a genetic code of this organism. Stimulating growth hormone emission in certain time, we simply redistribute time of peaks of its concentration in blood plasma, but we don't increase its level at all. Moreover, it can adversely affect natural rhythms of secretion of hormones, including growth hormone, and waste for nothing of inventories of endogenous STG. Sensitivity of fabrics hormone of growth is maximum in case of peaks of its physiological secretion and is minimum when its level in plasma of blood is lowered. It is easy to draw a conclusion that mechanisms of an organism of the athlete will be upset.

Among athletes it is considered that from the mass of the medicines stimulating release of endogenous STG it is more or less effective simbiotropin (however it doesn't have scientific confirmations). Also the distinct ergogen effect of the medicine G-factor of the Russian IRON MAN line takes place.

Course of Somatotropin

Positive properties of Somatotropin (in comparison with other anaboliziruyush agents) for the athlete consist only that forces and volumes of muscles reached with his help, as a rule, don't decrease after the termination of a course. It is bound to augmentation of number of muscle cells. At the expense of it many athletes manage to progress many months later after the end of reception of Somatotropin. One more property of Somatotropin consists that its frequent injections to the same place can lead to "burning out" in this place of a fatty layer and to possible development of abscesses of soft tissues.

Side effects of Somatotropin

Among side effects of drugs of Somatotropin on the first place is risk of development of diabetes mellitus and a possible hypo function of thyroid gland. The formation of antibodies arising in rare instances on Somatotropin can be neglected. As for the strengthened body height of separate organs and extremities, they if occur, during the dopubertatny period, or in postpubertal, but only at people who suffer from a hypofunction of gonads (hypogonadism). At the people suffering from an endogenic hypersecretion during the postpubertal period there can come the acromegalia. Bones become thicker, wider, but isn't longer. There is a strengthened body height of hands and feet, and also augmentation of features because of growth of a mandible and a nose. The cardiac muscle and kidneys can be enlarged in the volume and weight. Often it comes to an end with offensive of the general delicacy, diabetes, heart diseases and premature death.

When using drugs of Somatotropin in sport it is also necessary to consider that the isolated their use has the minimum efficiency about what it was already mentioned above.

The mechanism of action of Somatotropin (in respect of augmentation of volumes of muscular tissue) consists in acceleration of transport of amino acids and their including in synthesis of proteins on ribosome; it also causes augmentation of amount of muscle fibers (hyperplasia). At use of drugs STG disintegration of fats amplifies, and the energy which is formed at the same time is used on anabolic processes in protein metabolism. It also considerably strengthens an erythrogenesis and reduces the need of an organism for erythropoietin. At the same time, however, STG stimulates development of the antagonist of insulin a glucagon and increases activity of the enzymes blasting insulin. Introduction of Somatotropin oppresses in an organism production of the thyroid hormones participating in the main exchange. In small doses they show also anabolic action. Means, the athlete is compelled will then accept thyroxine or triyodtironin.

The mechanism of interaction of hormones in an organism difficult also demands constant control from the doctor. Except biochemical indicators of a blood, it is necessary to control a hormonal background (levels of Testosteron, Progesteronum, Oestradiolum, insulin, thyroxine). Use of this complex often gives very strong effect, even at a long absence of use of anabolic steroids. A hormonal regulation of an organism is so difficult that the intervention in it can bring not only positive, but also negative consequences. So, at use of insulin there can be hypopotassemia, and reception of triyodtironin causes oppression of development of a hydrocortisone. Possibly, it can be one of the reasons of high traumatism which is observed at the athletes applying such complexes of hormones. Discovery quite recently of new hormone the leptin regulating fatty exchange proves complexity and obscurity until the end of hormonal system of the person once again. The fact that these drugs are almost imperceptible at doping tests do them attractive in preparation, especially at threats of a frequent and unexpected drug test.

At competent and rational use of drugs of Somatotropin need of use of high dosages disappears, and it is possible to avoid or minimize side effects of drugs.

Doping control

Somatotropin is included in number of doping substances, however "is practically "not caught" on a drug test that does it extremely popular among the athletes competing at the international level. However, perhaps, soon somatotropin will be forced out by the insulin like growth factor of opened by the American and Australian scientists which reception allows an organism to receive from the outside bigger amount of the substance necessary for development of own somatomedin and insulin like factor of growth. As for a question of that, it is how justified or the ban on use of medicines of somatotropin in sport isn't justified, obviously, only scientific research which can't be carried out to force of the existence of the ban could give the answer to him.


Slim Cod

26 Dec 2016

Description of the producer

The new highly effective program of weight reduction and correction of a figure developed in Switzerland by specialists of the Newman nutrients AG Company on the basis of a fat-burning complex of herbs, coenzyme Q10 and a source of natural food fibers. The CODES SLIM capsules allow to control comfortably and effectively body weight, to improve a functional condition of the main systems of an organism and to maintain high vitality.

But the company name "Newman nutrients AG" which was engaged in this dietary supplement isn't found on the Internet anywhere, except articles about Slim Cod. Even with search of the address of the company in Switzerland there are insuperable difficulties. There are on the website neither these researches, nor certified information though many other sources advertizing this medicine say that its efficiency is confirmed with researches. In a bottom corner of the page mentioning of the "exclusive" company of the distributor – Faure Pharm of Logic was found. This company delivers many additives to the country, but even on its website isn't specified where after all Slim Cod is made. After long wandering on the Internet, traces of the Newman nutrients AG Company led the author of article to LLC Newman nutrients AG in the Russian city to the Queen. Besides, such "effective" means what according to sellers Slim Cod is, owed become very popular in Europe and the world, however references of it meet only on the Russian-speaking Internet and advertizing extends generally to the CIS countries. Also, traces Slim Kod are found in the Indian company "Health Code India" which makes vegetable dietary supplements, but to understand whether there are distinctions between the Indian and "Swiss" Dietary supplements it isn't possible without special researches of structure.


It is difficult to give a guarantee that in the dietary supplement capsule there is what is specified on packaging. But the declared structure Slim Cod is as follows:

  • Extract of gamboges Cambodian. This grass is capable to reduce slightly appetite and to stimulate a metabolism, belongs to group of so-called "fat burners".
  • Hudiya extract. Properties of this South African cactus on suppression of appetite were found in 1937 when the Dutch anthropologist noticed that this plant was used by Bushmen for suppression of appetite in hungry times. Then researchers found out that substances from this plant render the effect acting through a hypothalamus. That is, the mechanism of their action is similar to effect of chemical of sibutramin. There are also similar side effects: neuroses, frustration of a dream, possible accustoming, the increased perspiration. Expressiveness of side effects is very individual.
  • Extract of grape seeds – has antioxidant properties and strengthens a vascular wall. Has no relation to loss of weight.
  • Mate extract – has the toning effect, accelerates energy release processes. This component is useful as a stimulator of cerebration and physical activity, than as means to weight loss more likely.
  • Aloe extract Vera – contains anthraquinones which possess banal laxative action. Laxative isn't an effective remedy for weight reduction.
  • Carnitine improves lipidic exchange, facilitates use of fat from fatty depots.
  • Coenzyme Q10 – the powerful antioxidant, a power source for cages improving work of heart.

Carnitine, as well as coenzyme Q10, in itself are useful substances. They really facilitate loss of weight, but only together with observance of a diet and sufficient physical activity. The carnitine is actively used in case of sports activities as an additional power source; promote building-up of active muscle bulk. But all these effects matter only in case of radical change of a conduct of life and eating habits. Otherwise, the effect of these substances will be short and excess weight returns, even with increase. You can also like Hondramin.

Here only the operating components, that is substances which effect shall exert impact on weight loss are listed. Other components just give to medicine the form, color, taste. Two last substances are rather useful and effective in case of separate use as the additional help in weight reduction. There is no need to mix them with other means and even among themselves. The described "cocktail" doesn't give summed up from all components and therefore the strengthened effect of weight loss. Besides, there are no exact data on how all components of this dietary supplement interact among themselves. In this case it is more, doesn't mean better. Once again pay attention that there is no guarantee to find all declared substances in composition of this dietary supplement. Instead of some of them there can be something absolutely useless, or even dangerous.



26 Dec 2016

Beta sitosterol (beta sitosterin) is one of the most widespread fitosterol or vegetable sterols. Beta sitosterol has structural similarity to cholesterol, however differs from it in additional ethyl group. Cleared sitosterol represents white wax-like powder with a characteristic smell. Sitosterol isn't dissolved in water; we will well dissolve in alcohol.

Sitosterol in products

There are many plants which contain beta sitosterol, the greatest concentration is determined in wheaten germs, rice, flax, a peanut, soy, pumpkin sunflower seeds and corn oil. The research under the leadership of doctor Muli showed that the diet enriched with these vegetable products can increase concentration of sitosterol in plasma. Please pay attention to Koramine.

Effects of sitosterol

  • The main effect of Sitosterol due to which it gained popularity depression levels of a harmful cholesterol in a blood therefore most often Sitosterin is used for treatment of hypercholesterolemia. Beta Sitosterol suppresses cholesterol absorption from a digestive tube, thanks to similarity in structure it competitively is bound to micelles, without allowing cholesterol to be acquired.
  • One small research established that beta Sitosterin slows down loss of hair at men.
  • In Europe Sitosterol is applied to treatment of a good-quality hypertrophy of a prostate, a carcinoma of a prostate, and breast cancer though the positive effect of treatment isn't proved yet.

Beta Sitosterin in bodybuilding

Beta Sitosterol will be often included in anabolic complexes, however it not only is senseless, but also can bring negative effect on a gain of muscle bulk. Producers claim that Sitosterin enlarges concentration of Testosteron in a blood, and it is the truth. However it occurs due to oppression of conversion of Testosteron in dihydrotestosterone. Whereas it is known that Testosteron has no anabolic effect, and the gain of weight goes at the expense of dihydrotestosterone into which it turns in an organism. "Attention" Thus, beta Sitosterin can break a gain of muscle bulk and reduce sexual desire.

Side effects

During clinical tests several low-dangerous side effects were recorded:

  • Sitosterol can make a digestive disturbance, sick, meteorism
  • impotency and depression of a libido that is bound to depression of level of dihydrotestosterone
  • development of sitosterolemiya is a disease at which assimilation of Sitosterin is increased that leads to an occlusion of vessels of heart and adjournment of Sitosterol in tissues is in rare instances possible



26 Dec 2016

Sintol (Pamp-n-Pouz) is not anabolic medicine applied to local increase in volume of muscles and giving of an ideal form to them. Medicine was developed by the German chemist of Chris Clark in the 1990s. It is especially widespread in professional sport before competitions. The name "sintol" happens by analogy with reaction of nuclear synthesis, however this name has been already patented therefore in the subsequent sintol has begun to be on sale under a brand Pamp-and-Pouz (Pump-N-Pose - "download and pose"). Original sintol is officially positioned as oil for a posing with the formulation of "site enhancement oil" for free distribution.

Romario Dos Santos Alves the 25-year-old amateur bodybuilder from Brazil applying sintol to growth of muscles

Structure of sintol:

  • 85% of oil - triglycerides (Medium Chain Triglycerides), for example kapril acid as a part of the Syntherol brand. The purified sesame and coconut oil is quite often applied.
  • 7.5% of lidocaine as local anesthetic
  • 7.5% of benzyl alcohol as preservative

According to Denis Borisov sintol such athletes as Fleks Wheeler, Jean Pierre Fuchs, Nasser El Sonbati, Markus Roel, Ernie Taylor, Ronni Koleman used.

Action mechanism

Sintol like formebolon promotes local increase in amount of a muscle in the place of an injection.

Producers keep composition of original medicine in secret, however some information about him nevertheless filters and often serves as a support for producers of counterfeit medicine. For example, Dan Ducheyn claimed as if in the analysis he found only fatty acids with 8 — 12 atoms of carbon in a molecule, lidocaine and benzyl alcohol. Please pay attention to Koramine.

Possible mechanism of action includes increase in amount of fibers due to absorption in them of oil or "flow" of fibers an oily base, and also a local inflammation which is followed by muscle hypostasis.


Enter sintol 4 — 8 weeks rates: at first on 1 ml in a muscle with an interval of 3 — 5 days, then on 2 ml, and so until the muscle continues to increase in amount.

According to literature, sintol allows to increase a grasp of small muscles by 3 — 8 cm. It resolves rather slowly: some claim as if the main part of medicine is removed within several months.

Side effects

Use of sintol is followed by a series of serious side effects:

  • Fatty embolism of lungs and brain that can lead to an infarct of a lung and an ischemic stroke
  • Injury of nerves
  • Infectious complications
  • Sclerosing lipogranulomatosis of muscles, formation of cysts and ulcers
  • Allergic reactions (vasculites)
  • Esthetic problems (obvisaniye of muscles)

The inventor of sintol Chris Clark in an interview to the Flex magazine (July, 1998) speaks about full safety of drug, however it is possible to argue with it. Hit of oil in blood vessels can cause a fatty embolism with all that it implies. Even supporters of use of sintol in sport can't deny this danger. The case with the famous athlete Milos Sartsev confirmed it.

Consequences of sintol use

Responses of athletes in the press also let know that use of sintol does trainings very serious because of an excessive swelling of maculation. Naturally, it leads to reduction of duration and intensity of occupations. And hardly the person at whom arms are pumped up by something like a silicon needs to work intensively.

One more aspect of use of sintol is moral and ethical. Here opinion numerous "Mr. Olimpia" Doriana Yatsa: "My relation to sintol same, as well as to all implants. It is attempt to improve body build by cosmetic methods, avoiding the hard work doing bodybuilding by the real sport. As far as I understand, sintol doesn't increase results, and only inflates and distorts muscles. A strange, unnatural form of the delta and tuberous tricepses began to meet too often at competitions now. If manipulations with sintol and other implants aren't forbidden, the bodybuilding risks to lose that athletic attractiveness which all of us so appreciate".


Synthesis of steroid hormones

26 Dec 2016

Switch which is responsible for synthesis of steroid hormones is the tsAMF cellular regulator. It and its connected enzyme (a protein A kinase) activate synthesis of steroid hormones. These stimulating peptide hormones send to gonads (gonads) and adrenals a signal to synthesize steroid hormones.

Let's notice that synthesis of steroid hormones can be suppressed with the high level of cholesterol in a blood. Production of steroids depends on synthesis of cholesterol in mitochondrion of cells which produce steroid hormones. As a rule, it occurs in a cortex of adrenals, cells of supremacies, follicles, a yellow body of ovaries, and also in a placenta. High level of cholesterol as it is told earlier, reduces synthesis of the cholesterol.

Transformation of cholesterol under the influence of steroid hormones causes the limited disintegration of the remains of cholesterol promoting body height of steroid hormone of pregnenolon "mothers of all steroid hormones", and also Progesteronum, Testosteron (and other androgens), estrogen, Aldosteronum and hydrocortisone.

Influence of fat and cholesterol on steroid hormones

According to the last researches cholesterol negatively influences synthesis of steroid hormones. When cholesterol reaches limit in the cells making steroids in an organism synthesis of this cholesterol, and also its transformation to steroid hormone pregnenolon is started. And when there is high cellular level of cholesterol, production of cholesterol is suppressed that leads to decrease of synthesis of steroid hormones. You can try Koramine.

Consumption of fats and carbohydrates needs to be controlled reasonably to guarantee full use by their organism. Excess accumulation of fats is capable to weaken synthesis of steroid hormones and to slow down body height of muscle bulk. Excess of carbohydrates or cholesterol can suppress synthesis of steroid hormones, same occurs also at deficiency of calories or fat.

The long fat-free, low-calorie diets can lead to suppression of steroids because of shortage of dietary fat, cholesterol and the energy necessary for production of steroids. Actually the use of products with the high content of fats by healthy people can promote production of steroids until the numbers of the consumed calories are enough for maintenance of vital activity of an organism.

From here a conclusion arises: if essential restrictions in food (that, according to orthodox dietarians, is the healthiest and correct way of weight reduction) lead to suppression of synthesis of steroid hormones in an organism, then the hyper alimentation can promote their production. Though council can seem to some people wrong to be engaged in gluttony.

It is necessary to understand that if the hyper alimentation is organized properly, then it can become the most effective way of stimulation of steroid processes, intensifying of sexual desire and augmentation of muscle bulk.

Circulation of energy

Synthesis of androgens depends on rate of development of energy. High circulation of energy is metabolic state which causes high power consumption and high power expenses. High circulation of energy forces an organism to transport the saved-up fat with high concentration of cholesterol through a blood to muscles and a liver where it will be transformed to energy. Thus, use of cholesterol at the cellular level leads to augmentation of synthesis of steroids.

Any set of exercises which develops muscles naturally enlarges ability of a body to take and spend energy. And again the lipolysis and use of cholesterol due to high circulation of energy helps to start development by adrenals of various steroid hormones.



26 Dec 2016

Sinbiotics are drugs received as a result of rational combination of probiotics and prebiotics that increases their efficiency. This new generation of the bacterial drugs of complex action containing a lactulose, vitamins, sorbents, antioxidants, fatty acids, immune stimulators.

Carry some dietary supplements which are a part of a functional delivery, enriched with one or several strains of representatives of the sorts Lactobacillus and/or Bifidobacterium to sinbiotics.

Representatives of sinbiotics. In Russia 3 drugs are known:

  • biovestin-lakto, sorderzhashchiya bifidogen factors and biomass of B. bifidum, B. adolescentis, L. plantarum;
  • maltidofilus, containing maltodextrin and biomass of B. bifidum, L. acidîphilus, L. bulgaricus;
  • bifido-tank including fruktooligosakharida from girasol and complex from bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, laminolact, containing amino acids, pectins, sea cabbage and enterococci.

Also it is necessary to mention filtrum, lactofiltrum, bifiliz, polyfitokhol, ecstralact, etc.

Complexity of designing of biological preparations of multi specific structure consists not only in purposeful selection of strains with certain properties, but also in studying of their compatibility for creation of consortia of microorganisms. You can also like Epifamin.

Properties of the making sinbiotic frame the multi-component system of protection allowing to ensure safety of a homeostasis taking into account individual disturbances. These drugs promote not only to improvement of a microbial landscape of an intestine, but also normalization of exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the correct absorption of vitamins, micro and macrocells, to depression of maintenance of Histaminum, absorption of toxic substances in intestine.


Bifiliz contains teleorgánic bifidobacteria in a dose 108 WHICH and 10 mg of lysozyme. The optimum combination of bifidobacteria and lysozyme strengthens medical action of each component in this sinbiotic. It allows to apply it at more severe forms of a disease and to limit at the same time use of antibiotics for treatment of intestinal infections.

Bifiliz is intended for use for adults and children of all age groups since first days of life for:

  • treatments and prophylaxes of dysbacteriosis of various genesis and dysfunctions of an intestine: at patients with secondary immunodeficiency, including against the background of and after cytostatic therapy; at serious infectious and inflammatory it is also purulent - septic diseases, against the background of and after use of antibiotics of a wide range;
  • treatments of acute intestinal infections of a bacterial etiology, including dysentery, salmonellosis, alimentary toxinfections, especially at the expressed phenomena of intoxication and an intolerance of antibiotics;
  • treatments of the acute and chronic nonspecific inflammatory diseases of a digestive tube which are followed by oppression of reparative processes of a mucosa of an intestine;
  • preventions of infectious and destructive complications (including an ulcerative and necrotic colitis) in intensive care units of newborns, at prematurely born children with the burdened premorbidal background, at the admixed pathology (infectious and inflammatory diseases, threat of a sepsis, an oligotrophy, anemia, exudative diathesis, etc.) against the background of an intensive care.

For prophylaxis the disbiotichesc shifts we use drug till 10-15 E morning on an empty stomach within 4 weeks with an interval of 3 months.


Sinbiotik Bilactin deserves special attention. It hopefully proved in system of pharmacological providing athletes of the top skills.

Drug basis is two unique strains of bacteria of Enterococcus faecium which are a part of natural intestinal micro flora of the person. These strains actively produce a L-form of lactic acid, they are strong antagonists of a series of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms.

The carried-out complex of preclinical and clinical tests showed high specific activity of bilactin as an agent of adaptation to exercise stresses of high intensity and duration, a barometric hypoxia, to thermal and other extreme factors.

Course of 10-30 days, after 1 cap. 3 times a day with nutrition during food to persons of adult age.


Power training: sharp and chronic changes of concentration of somatotropin hormone

26 Dec 2016

Power exercises represent the type of physical activity possessing the most expressed anabolic impact on muscles and connecting fabrics (Kraemer et al., 1996). Somatotropny hormone (STG) which is called still growth hormone is pleyotropny polypeptide which thanks to the mediated participation in a set of processes of growth and a metabolism has various effect on a metabolic condition of a human body. Complexity of system of products and secretion of STG adenogipofizy, availability of various complexes and STG-binding proteins (GHBP) only begin to be discussed in the publications devoted to occupations by power exercises and a power training and still remain a puzzle which many parts still require in-depth examination (Nindl et al., 2003). Anyway, understanding of responses and adaptation changes of STG about a pier. weighing 22 kd will and remain further an important component of our ideas of adaptation reactions of an organism to occupations of a power orientation. In case of formation of a gene of hGH-N in adenogipofiza the main representative of the STG family with a molecular weight of 22 kd is formed. This protein consists of 191 amino-acid remaining balance (monomer about a pier. weighing 22 to Yes constitutes about 21% of all STG circulating in blood system). The following on representation is the protein with a molecular weight of 20 kd constituting about 6% of STG of plasma of blood. This form a product of transfer of MRNK formed as a result of alternative synthesis in case of which are lost 32 — the 46th an amino-acid remaining balance. Besides, hormone of human height can be exposed to post-transmitting modifications and proteolytic splitting in peripheral fabrics owing to what various options and aggregates (i.e. dimeasures, trimmers, pentameasures), and also the fragments found in blood are formed. Existence is high - and low-affine STG-binding proteins (which provided by hypophysis, and also are formed as a result of proteolysis splitting of a receptor of STG) even more increase complexity of the nature and spatial distribution of options of STG in the blood circulatory system.

Secretion and control of level of somatotropic hormone

Development and secretion of many pituitary hormones is under control of hypothalamus. For stimulation and suppression of secretion of STG the organism uses subthalamic hormones somatoliberin (somatotronin-rileasing-factor) and somatostatin respectively. These regulatory factors consecrate the neurons located in arcuate, peri-and paraventrikulyarny cores of hypothalamus which terminations of axons reach a median eminence of a hypothalamus. Somatoliberin and somatostatin are allocated in portal system of venous capillaries which carries out a role of humeral way of their transfer immediately to a forward share of a pituitary body. The portal circulatory system begins from capillary loops in the field of a median eminence of a gray hillock of a hypothalamus and on portal veins of a leg of a pituitary body gets to a pituitary body. In a forward share of a pituitary body (adenohypophysis) portal vessels are divided into sinusoids which provide supply of cells with nutrients. These vessels have very small diameter and extremely high-permeability of walls. Thanks to it regulatory factors from a hypothalamus get to secretory cells of an adenohypophysis (i.e. somatotrofa). Use of a centrifugation in a gradient of density allowed allocating functionally various types of somatotrof (t. page of a cell like I and II, or strips of I and II). Somatotrophic neurons from these two fractions differ also morphologically on the nature of coloring and met structure of a cell. Besides, it was shown that they differ on the sensitivity to sub thalamic regulatory factors like I higher sensitivity is inherent in cells (Snyder et al., 1977). The question of physiological value of such cellular heterogeneity, as well as of possible differential impact of an exercise stress on different types of cells, remains unresolved, representing the attractive field for future researches as it is known that complexity is interconnected by the induced physical activity of secretion and adaptic changes with heterogeneity of various molecular isoforms of somatotropic hormone and its units.

According to classical representations, the central mechanism which is the cornerstone of the wavy nature of secretion of STG is increase in level of somatoliberin in portal system of hypothesis in a combination to recession of secretion of somatostatin. Exact molecular mechanisms of wavy nature of secretion meanwhile aren't beyond assumptions. On the main mechanism of control influence of other regulatory factors defining sensitivity of somatotrof at any present situation of time is imposed. There are proofs that somatoliberin stimulates biosynthesis of somatotropin and his secretion whereas somatostatin suppresses secretion, without exerting impacts on production of hormone. Assume also that somatoliberin is necessary for initiation of emission of STG, and somatostatiní determines the size of this emission. The last is confirmed by researches in which it has been shown that the increase in the STG level induced somatoliberin amplifies in case of application of antagonists of somatostatin (namely, pyridostigmine atsetilkholinesteraza inhibitor and hexapeptide of STG of peptides stimulating secretion) (Sarr to et al., 1993). The cloning of the receptor stimulating secretion of STG has also shown existence of one more proteinaceous factor stimulating secretion of STG, ligand of this receptor which didn't manage to be identified until recently when it has been established that it is an eagle owl — an element of new physiological system of regulation of secretion of STG. You can try Epifamin.

Authentically an established fact of cyclic, wavy nature of secretion of STG adenogipofiz within a day with the maximum surge in secretion during a phase of medlennovol dream. Such wavy nature of secretion of STG is caused by regulatory influence of two hypothalamic hormones, one of which somatoliberin stimulates, and another somatostatin suppresses release of hormone of growth. The ratio of these two hormones determines the relative size of emission of STG adenogipofiz.

An impression is made that STG can make negative return impact on own secretion. At introduction of a disposable dose of STG to the person the subsequent increase in secretion of hormone in response to stimulation somatoliberin considerably decreases or it isn't found in general (Scanlon et al., 1996). Such decrease in sensitivity of somatotrof can be prevented by preliminary activation the ways. At the moment it is represented that changes in the level of secretion of STG are mediated through suppression of secretion of a somatostatin in holinergic ways (Giustina, Veldhuis, 1998). As it was noted above, somatostatin suppresses secretion of STG, but not synthesis of hormone. It is very important as allows explaining fast restoration of secretion of STG after application and the subsequent removal of somatostatin (Giustina, Veldhuis, 1998).

Neuron regulation modulators of growth hormone secretion

There is a set of neuron modulators (neuropeptids, neurotransmitters, physiological states) which can play this or that role in regulation of secretion of STG by means of somatoliberin and somatostatin and which have undergone close attention at a research of regulatory mechanisms. It has been suggested that "the specific control of secretion of somatoliberin and somatostatin which is carried out by sexual steroids can cause sexual distinctions whereas unknown (not with sexual differences) factors can define ability of physical activity substantially to resist to effect of STG" (Veldhuis ct al., 2004).

In the tab. the secretions of STG given about the known modulators are generalized. Their action can consist in stimulation (a1-adrenergic drugs, amino acids, Dofaminum, GAMK (-In), galanin, Somatotropinum rileasing peptide, Histaminum, hypoglycemia, neyromedin with, opiates, serotonin, Diabetum, single and long exercise stresses, an insufficient delivery and a stress) or in suppression (a2-adrenergic drugs, immunization, Cortisonums/glucocorticoids, glucose, hypothyroids, an obesity, aging) of secretion of STG. Peripheric chain of feedback regulating secretion of STG of somatotrofama is mediated by a complex of impacts of STG on targets, namely, insulin like factor of body height of I (IFR-1), glucose and fatty acids can make separately regulatory impact on activity of gipotalamo-pituitary system. The set of the various neuron regulatory factors exerting impact of pas secretion of STG presented in the tab. once again emphasizes complexity of system of a regulation of secretion of STG. Interaction of exercise stresses and many of these factors concerning control of secretion of STG remains obscure so far.

Molecular heterogeneity of somatotropic hormone

Somatotropin hormone has two unique features: wavy nature of secretion and considerable molecular heterogeneity. In case of an expression of a gene of GH-N the main representative of the STG family hormone isoform with a molecular weight of 22 to Yes. is formed. This protein represents one polipeptidpy chain from 191 amino-acid remaining balance having two internal disulfide bridges (monomeric STG about a pier. weighing 22 to Yes constitutes about 21% of all hormone circulating in blood system). The form following on representation is the molecule weighing 20 kd (monomeric STG about a pier. weighing 20 to Yes constitutes about 6% of the hormone circulating in blood system) — a product of broadcast of MRNK which is formed as a result of the alternative synthesis leading to loss of the site with amino acids 32 — 46. STG of the person can be also exposed to post-transmitting modifications and proteolytic splitting in places of the impact that leads to forming of additional options, aggregates (dimer, trimmers, and pentamericans), and also the fragments of hormone which are often found in blood. Existence high-affine and low-affine STG-binding proteins (GHBP) which are formed by secretion by hypothesis and in case of proteolysis splitting of a receptor of hormone of growth, even more complicates structure and spatial distribution of various forms and complexes of hormone of growth. Such molecular heterogeneity can have a certain physiological value as it was shown that various forms of hormone can have various biological activity (i.e. to make impact, various in size, in biological tests). Content of the cells of hypophysis creating a strip of I and II in case of centrifugation in density gradient the quantitative ratio of the STG various isoforms of N of blood can exert impact of a pas and as a result can help to understand a variety of the physiological reactions concerning STG which only one isoform of hormone with a molecular weight of 22 kd can't explain (Hymer et al., 2001).

Secretion of somatotropin hormone

Secretion of STG is subject to influence of a number of factors which treat age, sex, nature of food, a stress, level of other hormones (such as sexual steroids, hormones of a thyroid gland and IFR-1), availability of fatty cellulose, level of physical fitness and physical activity.

All these indicators can influence content of STG in blood. Since early studies of Hunter (Hunter et al., 1965) it is established that physical activity is a natural stimulator of secretion of STG. In turn STG has a direct bearing on stimulation of anabolic processes in muscular and connecting fabrics, in particular it strengthens at the cellular level consumption of amino acids and synthesis of protein in skeletal muscles what the hypertrophy of muscle fibers of both types is result of (Noal et al., 1957; Ullman, Oldfors, 1989; Crist etal., 1991). STG is also capable to stimulate growth of cartilages and formation of a bone tissue that is shown in increase in mineral density of a bone tissue and in the form of other signs (Isaksson et al., 1990; van der Veen, Netelenbos, 1990; Parfitt, 1991; Bikle et al., 1995; Orwoll, Klein, 1995). Despite the experimental data showing existence of the STG extensive family the classical dogma claiming that the most part of anabolic effects of STG is mediated through secretion of IFR-1 by cells of a liver and other fabrics (Florini et al was pushed., 1996). This assumption, undoubtedly, could be reliable if STG would be provided by one isoform about a pier. weighing 22 kd, however the fact of existence of superfamily of STG polypeptides and the connecting proteins requires its attentive review. Anyway, the secretion of STG induced by physical activity at least partly is responsible (directly or indirectly) for anabolic effect of occupations physical exercises. Moreover, there are experimental data obtained on rats which show stimulation by somatotropin hormone of autocrin and paracrin products IFR-1 skeletal muscles, cartilaginous and bone tissue (Turner et al., 1988; Isaaksson et al., 1990; Bikle et al., 1995). And at last, STG can interact directly or indirectly with androgens (Jorgensen et al., 19%), estrogen (Holmes, Shalet, 1996) and tireoid hormones (Weiss, Refetoff, 1996) concerning secretion and impact on fabric target.

The changes of concentration of somatotropin hormone induced by power exercises

For the last 15 years became obvious that changes of maintenance of STG in blood are defined by features of the program of occupations physical exercises. To understand a combination of factors which can mediate such differentiated answer to a set of the various training programs applied in a power training it is necessary to consider some of key parameters which determination happens at the choice of elements of programming during development of the training program (Fleck, Kraemer, 2004). It is obvious also that interaction of various parameters of training occupation can play an important role in determination of size of changes of the STG level. Treat number of the key external factors stimulating increase of concentration of STG in the blood circulatory system:

  • ·volume involved in muscle work performance;
  • ·the size of the loading (burdenings) used when performing exercises;
  • ·volume of physical activity;
  • ·duration of intervals of rest between stages of performance of exercises.

Activation of enough muscular tissue has critical value for increase in concentration of STG in blood plasma. The volume of the muscles involved in work performance depends on the used loading, the total amount of the performed work and like exercises (for example, exercises for small muscular groups in comparison with exercises for large muscular groups). The first data confirming these representations have been received by Vankhelder (Vanhcldcr et al., 1984). By results of this research, the STG level significantly increased in comparison with a condition of rest after performance of 7 approaches of squats with loading of 85% of 7PM. At the same time at decrease in size of burdening to 28% of 7PM, at equal on duration of intervals for rest and the number of the general performed work, no changes of the STG level in blood were observed. On the basis of "the principle of the size" overcoming resistance equal to 28%, loadings require smaller quantity of motive units, than for 85%. Thus, activation of sufficient volume of muscular tissue is one of the defining elements of the training influence causing essential increase in concentration of STG.

The amount of physical activity or total quantity of the performed work also plays a role in determination of size of response. On condition of a permanency of other elements of programming force of exercises, the sequences of their accomplishment, duration of intervals of rest and size of burdening and increases only the number of approaches and consequently, and amount of the performed work, observed increase of size of response secretion of STG. This effect was shown for men and women with use of the comprehensive program of power exercises for muscles of all body with the size of burdening equal 10 PM (Mulligan et al., 1996; Gotshalk ct al., 1997). Besides, higher level of power physical fitness is able to afford engaged to execute bigger amount of physical work that can also promote achievement of more significant increase in secretion of STG (Ahtiainen et al., 2003). About the threshold number of physical work necessary for stimulation of increase in STG in blood, it is known a little, however it is very probable that this parameter shall be in a certain communication with other elements of programming (duration of intervals of rest, amount of the muscular tissue involved in work, the used lot of burdening).

In general the complex effect of various options of a combination of elements of programming (the choice of exercises (for example, for large and small muscular groups), the sequence of accomplishment of exercises (for example, in the beginning for large or for small muscular groups), duration of intervals of rest (short or long), the size of the used burdening (for example, 5 PM or 10 PM) and the number of approaches or total amount of the performed work | small or big |) when planning occupations power exercises can be expressed in various response that is of increase in the STG level. Despite a large number of possible combinations, preliminary researches showed that when comparing programs of occupations with use of a set of exercises for muscles of all body it is possible to allocate three factors which exert the most noticeable impact on changes of the STG level at men and women, namely: a combination of large volume of the performed work, short duration of intervals for rest (1 min. between stages of accomplishment of exercises) and use of average size of burdening 10 PM (Kraemer et al., 1990, 1993).

As when carrying out training occupations the wide range of different combinations of elements of programming is applied, answer increase of the STG level depends on a choice of parameters of occupations. There is an impression, as to a force training there shall be some basic principles of formation of a training incentive. Impact which they exert on the acid-base balance playing a major role in stimulation of secretion of STG in blood system became the most amazing opening concerning variable elements of programming and STG. Each of four factors mentioned above can be manipulated for rendering impact on the metabolic processes which are accompanied limited or, on the contrary, the increased accumulation of ions of hydrogen and lowering of pH of blood which is in turn responsible almost for a half of summary change of framing of STG. Thus, the shift of acid-base balance (namely, increase in hydrolysis of ATP, lowering of pH, increase of concentration of ions of hydrogen) becomes the main factor defining contents of the isoform STG about a pier. weighing 22 kd in blood (Gordon et al., 1994). It is shown that abbreviation of duration of intervals for rest between approaches in case of execution of physical exercises leads to the most noticeable increase in response in case of execution of force exercises (Kraemer et al., 1990, 1993). At the same time abbreviation of intervals of rest will also influence a lot of burdening which will be able to lift engaged (Kraemer et al., 1987), therefore, critical modulation of lot of the used burdening, and also volume of the fabric involved in operation execution which define answer increase in STG takes place. However the Taka is glad (Takarada et al., 2000) showed that occlusion (blood circulation violation) of a hand can significantly influence the STG level, noticeably increasing concentration of hormone in case of rather low intensity (20% from 1 PM) while without occlusion no changes of level of hormone were watched. It is possible to assume that in regulation of secretion of the isoform STG about a pier. the hypoxia weighing 22 kg and violation of acid-base balance play the main role (Sutton et al., 1983). Training occupations of a force directivity with short intervals for rest (1 min. between approaches and exercises), the average level of intensity (loading in the range of 8 — 10 PM) and a complex from 8 — 10 exercises for muscles of all body can cause such physiological response and lead to the expressed change of the STG level in blood).

The bulk of researches on the matter were devoted to a study of urgent changes of maintenance of STG during restoration (normal no more than 2 h after completion of an occupation). The contribution of wavy nature of secretion to different time of day and a role of STG ï different phases of the period of restoration after physical activity of a force directivity still should be evaluated. Makmyurrey (McMurray et al., 1995) provided results of researches of changes of a typical profile of secretion of STG at night after classes physical exercises of force directivity. The program of an occupation included execution of 3 approaches with loading of 6 — 8 PM for 6 different exercises (only 18 approaches). Blood samples for the analysis selected in a period from 21:00 till 07:00. Researchers didn't find any influence of occupations force exercises on the nature of secretion of STG at night. However Nindp (Nindl et al., 2001) researched a profile of secretion of STG throughout more long time. The intensive occupation of a force training began at 15:00, included the considerable volume of a training load only 50 approaches of the exercises providing use of large muscular groups. Blood was selected by each 10 min. from 17:00 till 6:00 in monitoring and after the force training. Data of this research show that the intensive occupation force exercises in the second half of day leads to lowering of amplitude of the maximum night burst of STG. At the same time the average content of hormone of growth in blood wasn't exposed to essential changes. It was explained by the fact that intensive occupations force exercises exerted differential impact on the nature of secretion of STG at night: concentration of STG in the first half of night was slightly lower in comparison with monitoring, and in the second half of night this index was higher, than in a check group. Mean values of the maximum concentration of STG and amplitude of bursts of hormone were lower after classes’ physical exercises.

Several possible explanations of the received results which are based on the assumption of increase of secretion of somatostatin after classes by physical exercises were offered. Though somastatin inhibits secretion of STG, it doesn't make negative impact on hormone biosynthesis. It is very important as allows explaining fast restoration of secretion of STG after deleting somatostatin. Lowering of amplitude of the night peaks in a group of persons which were engaged in force training in comparison with a check group was watched during the period from 23:00 till 03:00 from 03:00 till 06:00 amplitude of bursts of STG was higher in the experimental group. Despite the lack of essential differences between mean values of concentration of STG in control and experimental groups, occupations physical exercises influence the temporal nature of secretion of STG in the afternoon. From the mechanistic point of view the intensive force training can be followed by increase in intensity of secretion of somatostatin during the period from 23:00 till 03:00. At this time there is some suppression of secretion of STG, at the same time hormone biosynthesis isn't exposed to any influences. About 03 — 00 there is a lowering of intensity of secretion of somatostatin and increase in separation of STG which synthesis and accumulation happened when secretion was suppressed. During these researches it was also shown that IFR-1 in this case, most likely, doesn't take a part in regulation of secretion of STG hypothesis cells as essential differences in concentration of IFR-1 in blood in control and experimental samples aren't revealed. It is quite probable also that the watched changes in the nature of secretion of STG can be caused by some other metabolic and hormonal signals, for example changes of secretion of somatoliberin, hexapeptides or grelina.



26 Dec 2016

Silymarin is the extract of thistle (Milk Thistle) containing a complex of phytoestrogenic bonds of flavonolignan. Silymarinum is a gepatoprotektor, protects a liver from influence of toxins and is used for treatment of diseases of a liver. Is a part of a complex gepato protector of Gepabene and many dietary supplements.

The beneficial influence of extract on a liver is caused silibiliny is the substance which is a part of Silymarinum (thistle). Silymarinum influences a liver in two ways: first, it strengthens cellular membranes, and secondly, promotes formation of new cells. Besides, Silymarinum has antioxidatic properties.

Silymarinum interacts with free radicals in a liver and transfers them to less toxiferous bonds, interrupting process of oxidation of lipids; interferes with further destruction of cellular structures.

Stimulates synthesis of structural and functional proteins and phospholipids in the damaged hepatocytes (due to specific stimulation of a RNA polymerase And), stabilizes cellular membranes, prevents loss of components of a cell (transaminases), accelerates regeneration of cells of a liver. Please pay attention to Ventramin.

In researches Silymarinum increased secretion of FSG and caused sterility in females of rats, and also increased the LG level and Testosteron at males in a month of reception, however in 2 months of reception the level of Testosteron of males considerably went down.

Silymarinum has estrogenic effects. Thanks to ability to activate beta estrogen receptors it can be applied to treatment of an osteoporosis.

Silipid (Silipide, the Siliphos trademark) is a complex of Silymarinum and phosphatidylcholine, has almost by 10 times larger bioavailability.

Side effects

During clinical tests on patients with a prostate cancer silibilin in a dose of 13 g/days it was well transferred. Side effects, except insignificant rising of bilirubin and ALT weren't registered. According to, Silymarinum causes side effects not less than in 6% of patients, the most frequent complaint - fever and inflows. Nausea and a digestive disturbance is also possible.


Sibutramin (Goldlayn)

26 Dec 2016

Sibutramin (trade names Goldlayn, Meridia, Reduksin) is pharmacological means for suppression of appetite during weight loss. Sibutramin is included also in the Forbidden list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (2010) and carried to the substances forbidden during the competitions. In Russia original medicine and its analogs is available. Not to confuse "attention" with reducsin light.

Sibutramin is made by Abbott Laboratories under brands: Meridia, Reduktil and Sibutreks. In the USA it is classified as means capable to cause dependence though that isn't. Its abuse as anorectic, receiving who for the first time according to doctor's instructions is the unique reason of control people begins then to continue unauthorized acceptance for weight loss independently.

Sibutramin's action

Structurally sibutramin is similar to a class of amphetamines though has no their biological properties. Sibutramin is a drug of the central action, is an inhibitor of the return serotonin reuptake (53%), Noradrenalinum (54%) and Dofaminum (16%) owing to what enlarges the level of these mediators in space. Enlarging, thus, concentration of a serotonin in the center of hunger and saturation drug suppresses appetite.

Main effects of sibutramin:

  • 1.inhibition of presynaptic return capture the monoaminergic neurotransmitters in the central nervous system and appetite suppression;
  • 2.activization of secretion anorexigenic and depression of secretion oreksigennykh of neuropeptids;
  • 3.augmentation of power consumption and activization of sympathetic effects of a peripheric nervous system.

Sibutramin can cause change (improvement) of mood because in control of a power homeostasis and mood the blocked sites of a brain (for example, serotonin system) are often used . Sibutramin is approved by FDA in 1997 only as drug for depression of body weight.


  • Mental diseases
  • Drug addiction
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Heart disease and arteries
  • Idiopathic hypertension
  • Angle-closure glaucoma
  • Prostate hyperplasia
  • Pregnancy, lactemia and children's age
  • Concomitant use of inhibitors of MAO (antidepressants)

Harm and side effects

Rather often there are side effects from cardiovascular system (about 10%): increase in arterial pressure upon 2–20 mm hg, increase in heart rate by 3–20 beats/min . In 2010 FDA expressed concern about high risk of heart diseases and strokes in case of Sibutramin's use at people with cardiovascular diseases. Also the side effects connected with its noradrenergic stimulation of a hypothalamus of the mechanisms regulating appetite, and simpatomimetichesky to properties are observed: dryness in a mouth, nausea, taste change, disorder of digestion, constipation, sleeplessness, concern, algomenorea, muscle and joints pains, difficulty of urination, sight violation.

At young age, in the absence of a disease of heart and vessels Sibutramin is considered safe medicine. In case of side effects, after cancellation all symptomatic disappears without harm for health. Heavy complications arise seldom.

Scientists consider that the person is exposed to bigger risk staying in an obesity condition, than in case of Sibutramin's use.

Sibutramin as drug

High level of control of medicine in the West generates false rumors that Sibutramin drug. This medicine doesn't cause dependence as doesn't increase release of dopamine from synapses, and the high level of control is connected with the unauthorized use of Sibutramin as means for weight loss that can speak only about outstanding performance. You can try Ventramin.

Rather often there are side effects from cardiovascular system (about 10%): increase in arterial pressure upon 2–20 mm hg, increase in heart rate by 3–20 beats/min. In 2010 FDA expressed concern about high risk of heart diseases and strokes in case of Sibutramin's use at people with cardiovascular diseases. Also the side effects connected with its noradrenergic stimulation of a hypothalamus of the mechanisms regulating appetite, and symptomatic properties are observed: dryness in a mouth, nausea, taste change, disorder of digestion, constipation, sleeplessness, concern, algomanorea, muscle and joints pains, difficulty of urination, sight violation.

At young age, in the absence of a disease of heart and vessels Sibutramin is considered safe medicine. In case of side effects, after cancellation all symptomatic disappears without harm for health. Heavy complications arise seldom.

Scientists consider that the person is exposed to bigger risk staying in an obesity condition, than in case of Sibutramin's use.

Sibutramin as a drug

High level of control of medicine in the West generates false rumors that Sibutramin drug. This medicine doesn't cause dependence as doesn't increase release of dopamine from synapses, and the high level of control is connected with the unauthorized use of Sibutramin as means for weight loss that can speak only about outstanding performance.

Legal status

Since January 24, 2008 sibutramin enters the list of strong medicines approved by the government. It means that its sale is resolved only in drugstores according to the recipe.

In spite of the fact that in 2007 sibutramin didn't enter this list, Svetlana Sukhorukova was condemned for sale of sibutramin in 2007 for 5 years according to Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation — illicit trafficking in strong substances. Sibutramin is included also in the Forbidden list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (2010) and carried to the substances forbidden during the competitions.

The actions limiting free sale of the medicines containing sibutramin took place in 2008 — 2010 not only in Russia. The companies on suspension of sales it was developed in the USA, a number of the European Union countries and Ukraine. This measure is applied after receipt of results of a research where in case of prolonged use (several years) of 15 mg of sibutramin at the patients with hypertension and had heart attack and stroke a number of heavy side effects is revealed. The feedback of the documents granting the right to trade in drugstores, according to formulations of the regulating bodies is temporary, before clarification of special circumstances. In Ukraine this prohibition doesn't extend to the dietary supplements containing sibutramin in bigger to a dose (35-50 mg) in view of lack of legal procedures of the proof of availability of this component in a product for weight reduction. There are researches claiming that side effects are connected with availability in racemic sibutramin of S-isomer. On the contrary, R-sibutramin has twice smaller risk of development of undesirable consequences. Availability optically of the net dosage form containing R-sibutramin could, in case of sufficient evidential base, influence positively the current situation.

The Ministry of Health reports that the medicines containing sibutramin as the unique active ingredient are subject to accounting and calls them Slimiya (capsule), "Meridia" (capsule), Goldlayn (capsule) and Lindaksa (capsules). At the same time the Reduksin trademark (capsules) isn't subject quantitatively to accounting as contains a combination of active agents: sibutramin + microcrystalline cellulose and therefore doesn't treat strong substances. 



26 Dec 2016

Serotonin is the biogenic amine which is formed of tryptophan amino acid by its hydroxylation and decarboxylation. A significant amount of a serotonin contains in the enterokhromaffinnykh cells of intestine, CNS, mainly in hypothalamus and mesencephalon, thrombocytes, smaller quantity in the labrotsitakh, mast cells, adrenals. A serotonin exerts impact on nervous activity, causes reduction of a smooth musculation of an intestine, uterus, bronchi, and also narrowing of vessels. Reactions of an organism to a serotonin are the cornerstone the central, myotropic, ganglionic, reflex effects.

Education. A serotonin (5-gidroksi-triptamin, 5-HT) is synthesized in the enterokhromaffinnykh intestine epithelium cells from a L-tryptophan. A serotonin is formed also in nervous cells of mezenterialny plexus and in a CNS where plays a mediator role. Thrombocytes don't synthesize a serotonin, however take it and accumulate.

Serotonin receptors. There are several types of receptors. From the pharmacological point of view receptors 5-HT1 and 5-NT2, and also 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 are important. As a rule, receptors work through G-protein. The receptor 5-HT3 represents cationic channel.

Effect of serotonin. Cardiovascular system. Influence of serotonin on cardiovascular system is complex as serotonin has effect (sometimes opposite referred) in many sites through different types of receptors. Through 5-HT2-retseptory located in unstriated muscles of walls of vessels, a serotonin causes narrowing of vessels. At the same time indirect effect of serotonin can lead to vasodilatation and depression of the ABP: through 5-HT1A-retseptory it blocks sympathetic neurones of a brainstem and the periphery that leads to depression of a sympathetic tonus; activation of 5-HT1 receptors in a vascular endothelium leads to emission of vazodilatator (prostatsickin, NO). The serotonin which is released from thrombocytes plays a role in processes of thrombogenesis, hemostasis and in hypertonia pathogenesis at pregnant women.

Sumatriptan (an agent against migraine) is an agonist 5-HT1D and 5-HT1B-retseptorov. The narrowing of cranial vessels caused by blockade of emission of neuropeptids leads to a so-called "neurogenic inflammation" or to direct vascular crisis. At the same time there can be a feeling of constraint in a breast bound to a spastic stricture of coronary arteries. Other "tryptones" are naratriptan, zolmitriptan and rizatripan.

Digestive tract. The serotonin formed in mezenterialny plexus or enterokhromaffinnykh cells stimulates a peristalsis and secretion of an intestine by means of influence on 5-HT4-retseptory.

Attempts of pharmacological impact on a motility of an intestine through serotonin receptors were ineffective so far. Tsizaprid, an agonist 5-HT4, however, can increase propulsive motility of an intestine. This side effect is blocked by Atropinum that demonstrates rising of concentration of Acetylcholinum under the influence of tsizaprid. Drug renders a set of side effects. It is inactivated on the mechanism with participation of SURZA4 that leads to various unforeseen interactions with other substances. Tsizaprid causes disturbances (including serious) a cordial rhythm (reduction of QT intervals) therefore drug didn't find application.

Central nervous system. Serotonin receptors play an important role in the CNS various functions.

Fluoxetine is the antidepressant blocking the return serotonin reuptake. It considerably increases motivation, and also lowers appetite.

Sibutramin, blocker of the return neuronal serotonin reuptake and Noradrenalinum; it is applied as remedy for obesity.

Ondansetron has the expressed antiemetic effect at the vomiting caused by application of tsitostatik. He is an antagonist of 5-HT3-retseptorov. Analogs of ondansetron are tropisetron and granisetron.

Acid and others of psychedelia (psikhotomimetika), such as mescaline and psilocybin, cause hallucinations, disorders of consciousness, fear, perhaps, because of activation of 5-NT-retseptorov.

Effects of serotonin

Staff of University of McMaster became authors of scientific work during which the key gene of obesity - a kind of serotonin has been found. It is well-known that serotonin is "joy hormone", his development by a brain promotes emotional stability and good mood. But, as the Canadian researchers explain, the serotonin which is responsible for pleasant emotions belongs to the first type of this connection.

"He is divided into two types: in the scene of action and in a synthesis form. The first type is developed in a brain and influences different emotions", - biologists have explained.

To the second type, peripheral serotonin belongs this substance regulates activity of brown fatty tissue on which development of obesity depends. You can also like Pankramin.

Brown fat contains components which promote decrease in sugar in blood, and also to burning of calories and their processing in energy. On a body of the person there are certain zones where brown fat settles down and his cages are more active, the figure at the person is more harmonious. The Canadian researchers have come to conclusion that suppressing serotonin of the second type; it is possible to increase considerably metabolic activity of cells of brown fatty tissue. She, in turn, will force a body "to burn" white fat – and, it will occur irrespective of how high-calorie food is eaten by the person.

Serotonin receptors

Effects of serotonin are extremely various. This substance serves as a mediator in TsNS, influences smooth muscles of vessels and a GIT, participates in vascular trombotsitarnom a homeostasis. Methods of molecular cloning revealed unexpectedly large number the serotonin receptors which based on structure and function can be divided into 4 types. 5-HT1-, 5-HT2-and 5-HT4-retseptory are integrated to G-proteins and through these proteins and the corresponding systems of the second intermediaries influence functions of various enzymes and elek-trofiziologich properties of effector cages. On the contrary, 5-HT3-retseptory are tied with ion channels. Here we will consider stimulators and blockers the serotonin receptors. The newest medicines of these groups which are selectively operating on separate subtypes the serotonin receptors were received in works with use of recombinant receptors. We will stop also on experimental models which apply to a research of the means influencing difficult mental functions and their violations persistence, aggressive behavior, uneasiness, depression, cycle dream wakefulness and other. Modern selective stimulators of separate subtypes the serotonin receptors already with success are applied in case of migraine and uneasiness, and the selective blockers in case of a number of gastrointestinal violations. It is possible to influence physiological effects of serotonin also by means of the means operating on serotoninergich transfer. So, inhibitors of the return capture of serotonin were effective medicines for treatment of depression and uneasiness.

In spite of the fact that the serotonin role in many physiological and pathological processes doesn't raise doubts, points of its application and mechanisms of action are studied badly. Perhaps, such situation is partly caused by variety the serotoninovykh of receptors. These receptors taped in the beginning by pharmacological methods are received by KDNK cloning today. Recombinant serotoninovy receptors use for studying of molecular mechanisms of effect of serotonin, and also for search of the agents which are selectively influencing separate subtypes of these receptors. The circle of a clinical use of similar agents becomes wider and wider.

Historical information

In the 1930th Erspamer began to study localization of enterokhromaffin cells by means of stains on indole derivatives. The highest concentration of such derivatives was taped in mucous by a GIT; further there were thrombocytes and some departments of a CNS (Erspamer, 1966). After a while Peydzh and coauthors, working in the Clevelend clinic, for the first time emitted the vasoconstrictive substance released from thrombocytes in the course of a bleeding stopping and deciphered its structure (Rapport et al., 1948). This substance named by Paige a serotonin (Page, 1976), appeared to those derivatives of an indole which was investigated by Erspamer. The description of ways of synthesis and disintegration of a serotonin (Uden-friend, 1959) and its angiotonic properties (Sjoerdsma, 1959) allowed to make a hypothesis according to which implications of a so-called carcinoid syndrome at patients with tumors from enterokhromaffin cells are caused by the increased production of this substance. Really, such patients have a daily ejection with urine of a serotonin and its metabolites can reach hundreds of milligrams. Some symptoms of this disease to some extent indicate mechanisms of effect of serotonin. So, at patients the psychosis similar to the acid arising at reception can develop. Considering that in animal and vegetable tissues substances with hallucinogenic action are found similar with tripta-miny, it is possible to assume that similar substances are formed and cause a psychotic symptomatology in patients with characinoid syndrome. About mediator function of a serotonin in a brain of mammals it was suggested in the mid-fifties (Brodie and Shore, 1957).

The first data on molecular mechanisms of effect of serotonin were obtained in experiences on a liver of Fasciola hepatica (Mansour, 1979). Under the influence of serotonin at it mobility and concentration of tsAMF sharply increased; both that, and another effects were blocked by an acid. Increase in mobility was caused by tsAMF-dependent phosphorylation of fosfofruktokinaza limiting glycolysis enzyme. However the serotoninovy receptors mediating these effects at a liver, probably, others, than receptors of mammals interfaced with adenilattsiklaz to serotonin. At the latest so detailed data on mechanisms of effect of serotonin it wasn't succeeded to receive so far.

Serotonin appeared at plants and animals already at early stages of evolution, and to these, perhaps, the abundance of serotonin receptors speaks (Peroutka and Howell, 1994). The cloning of these receptors showed that some medicines which were earlier considered selective in relation to their separate subtypes actually have high affinity in relation to several subtypes. In more detail about history of studying and effects of serotonin see the article Sjoerdsma and Palfreyman (1990).

Chemical properties of serotonin

Sources. The chemical structure of serotonin and some close connections to it is given in fig. 11.1. Serotonin is widespread in a plant and animal life: it is found at vertebrata, tunicates, mollusks, arthropods, coelenterates, in fruit and in nuts. It is found also in poisons — in a nettle, in wasps and scorpions. Numerous synthetic or natural relatives to substance serotonin also in a varying degree have the central and peripheral physiological effects. Many N-or O-metilirovannye indolamines (for example, N, N-dimetiltriptamin) are hallucinogens. As they can be developed in an organism, long considered them possible responsible for at least some displays of psychoses. Melatonin (5-metoksi-N-atsetiltriptamin) is formed of serotonin by N-acetylation with the subsequent O-methylation (fig. 11.2). This substance serves as the main indolamine of body where its synthesis is regulated by external factors (in particular, illumination level). Melatonin causes depigmentation of melanotsit of skin and suppresses function of ovaries. Perhaps, it plays a part in biorhythms and therefore it can be useful at a syndrome of change of time zones.

serotonin biogenic amine

Synthesis and catabolism. A serotonin is formed of irreplaceable amino acid of a tryptophan in 2 stages (fig. 11.2). At the first stage under the influence of a triptofangidroksilaza 5 hydroxytryptophan are formed, it is the limiting serotonin synthesis reaction. Triptofangidroksilaza represents an oxidase with the admixed functions. Molecular oxygen, and as coenzyme tetrahydrobiopterine takes part in the reaction catalyzed by it. Activity of triptofangidroksilaza, as well as tyrosinehydroxylase, is regulated by phosphorylation, however the triptofangidroksilaza isn't inhibited by the final product on the mechanism of negative feedback. In a brain of triptofangidroksilaz it isn't saturated with substrate and therefore rate of synthesis of a serotonin depends on concentration of a tryptophan. The last comes to brain cells by active capture by means of the carrier which is responsible for transport of several neutral and branched amino acids. In this regard the maintenance of a tryptophan in a brain depends not only on its concentration in plasma, but also on concentration of other amino acids competing with a tryptophan for a carrier.

Decarboxylation leads 5 hydroxytryptophans to formation of a serotonin. The long dispute on whether decarboxylases 5 hydroxytryptophans and DOFA are different or the same enzyme, was resolved by KDNK cloning methods it turned out that the same gene product is responsible for decarboxylation of both substrates. Now this enzyme is called decarboxylase of aromatic L-amino acids. It is extremely widespread and affects many substrates. 5 hydroxytryptophan are decarboxylized very quickly and in a brain it is almost not found. In this regard attempts to affect concentration in a serotonin brain by concentration change 5 hydroxytryptophans are doomed to failure.

The main way of catabolism serotonin the transformation into 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid which is also proceeding in 2 stages (fig. 11.2). At first under the influence of MAO the 5-hydro-xyindolacetaldehyde which then passes into 5-gidroksi-indolacetic acid under the influence of widespread aldegiddegidrogenaza enzyme in an organism is formed (the insignificant quantity 5 hydroxyindolacetaldehydes turns into alcohol — 5-gidroksitriptofol). 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid is activly removed from a brain; this process is suppressed with a nonspecific inhibitor of transepithelial transfer probenetsidy. As in nervous cells nearly 100% of all metabolites of a serotonin fall to the share of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid, rate of a circuit of a serotonin in a brain is estimated on rising of level of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid after introduction of probenetsid. 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid which is formed in a brain and other organs, and also small amounts of a 5-gidroksitriptofol and glucuronides are removed with urine. Normal the daily egestion of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid at the adult makes 2 — 10 mg. Higher values — a reliable sign of carcinoid syndrome. Sharply increased synthesis of a serotonin at this disease demands large numbers of pyridinic nucleotides and a tryptophan and therefore signs of deficiency of nicotinic acid and a tryptophan not a rarity at such patients. Ethanol causes rising of maintenance of NADN, and as a result of 5 hydroxyindolacetaldehyde passes from an oxidizing way of a catabolism to recovery (fig. 11.2).

These are raises egestion of a 5-gidroksitriptofol a little and respectively reduces egestion of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid.

There are two isoenzymes of MAO: MAO A and MAO B. At first they were divided based on affinity to substrata and sensitivity to inhibitors; now both isoenzymes are cloned, and properties of the cloned and natural forms were identical (Shih, 1991; see also hl. 10). MAO A has preferential affinity to serotonin and noradrenaline, and its selective inhibitor is clorgilin. MAO B more works on β-fenil-etilamin and benzylamine; the MAO B selective inhibitor selegilin. Affinity of both isoenzymes to dopamine and triptamin is identical. Nervous cages contain both MAO A, and MAO B — mainly on an external membrane of mitochondrions. As the main isoenzyme of platelets which also contain serotonin in high concentration serves MAO B.

It was supposed that there are also other ways of a catabolism of serotonin, for example sulphation and About - or N-methylation. The final journey, in particular, could lead to formation of an endogenous psychotropic substance 5-hydroxy-N, N-dimetiltriptamina (bufotenina, fig. 11.1). However other metilirovanny indolamines (N, N-dimetiltriptamin, 5-metoksi-N, N-dimetiltriptamin) have much more expressed hallucinogenic properties, and their role in pathogenesis of psychoses is more probable.

The inactivation of serotonin is performed not only by enzymatic disintegration, but also by means of the return capture. Na + - the dependent carrier located on an external surface of presynaptic membrane of the serotoninergich termination (provides removal of serotonin from a synoptic crack) and an external surface of a membrane of platelets is responsible for this capture (extracts serotonin from blood). At platelets it is the unique way of replenishment action of serotonin as there are no enzymes of synthesis of this substance in them. The serotonin carrier, as well as other carriers of monoamines, is cloned (hl. 12).

Points of serotonin application

The most part of all maintenance of serotonin in an organism falls to the share of peripheric tissues though it serves also as a mediator in a CNS. Its concentration in enterokhromaffinnykh cells and thrombocytes is highest. A serotonin plays an important role in a regulation of a motility of a GIT.

Enterokhromaffinny cells. These cells settle down in mucous a GIT. Especially there is a lot of them in a duodenum. In the enterokhromaffinnykh cells it is synthesized from a tryptophan and a serotonin collects, and also other biologically active agents, for example substance P and kinina contain. There is a certain level of basal secretion of a serotonin in a GIT. This secretion amplifies at mechanical stretching (for example, when entering a nutrition or hypertonic salt solution) and at a boring of motive fibers of vagus nerves. Perhaps, the stimulating effect of serotonin on a motility of a GIT is mediated also by its influence on neurones of an intermuscular plexus (Gershon, 1991; see also hl. 38). Sharply increased secretion of a serotonin and other biologically active agents at carcinoid syndrome is followed by the corresponding gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and nervous disturbances. Besides, the increased synthesis of a serotonin can result in deficiency of nicotinic acid and a tryptophan.

Thrombocytes. Thrombocytes differ from other formulated elements of a blood, in particular, in ability to take store and release a serotonin. Synthesis of a serotonin in thrombocytes doesn't happen. A serotonin is taken thrombocytes from a blood and comes for storage to secret elektronop granules by means of active transport. These processes are in many respects similar to capture and storage of Noradrenalinum in the sympathetic terminations (hl. 6 and 12). Through a membrane of thrombocytes a serotonin is transferred by means of Na + - dependent transport, and to granules — by secondary active transport with use as an energy source of an electrochemical gradient for H+ framed by N +-Atfazoy. At the same time concentration of a serotonin in granules reaches 0.6 mol/l, it is 1000 times higher, than in cytoplasm of thrombocytes. Rate On + - dependent serotonin reuptake by thrombocytes a sensitive indicator of activity of inhibitors of serotonin reuptake.

The main function of thrombocytes is hemostasis: they close gaps in the damaged endothelium. On the other hand, the integrity of an endothelium plays an important role in functioning of thrombocytes (Furchgott and Vanhoutte, 1989). The endothelium constantly contacts to thrombocytes as because of the shift forces operating in the current blood they are displaced to the periphery of vessels (Gibbons and Dzau, 1994). Vasoconstrictive effect of serotonin and tromboksan of A2 is resisted by an endothelial factor of vasorelaxation (N0 and, perhaps, some other substances) (Furchgott and Vanhoutte, 1989; fig. 11.4). For adhesion and aggregation of thrombocytes the condition of an endothelium has crucial importance (Hawiger, 1992; Ware and Heistad, L993). When thrombocytes adjoin to the damaged endothelium, they emit the substances causing their adhesion and release of a serotonin. ADF and òðîìáîêñàí A2 belong to such substances (hl. 26 and 55). Linkng of a serotonin with 5-HT2A-retseptorami has the weak proagregant effect which is sharply amplifying in the presence of a collagen. If defect of a vascular wall reaches smooth muscle layers, then a serotonin renders the direct vasoconstrictive effect serving as one of hemostasis mechanisms. This effect amplifies under the influence of biologically active agents which are emitted in the field of damage tromboksan of A2, kinin, vasoactive peptides. Formation of thrombi at an atherosclerosis is promoted by destruction of an endothelium and, as a result, lack of an endothelial factor of vasorelaxation. In these conditions the processes conducting to thrombogenesis proceed uncontrolledly, as a vicious circle. A part in them is played also by a serotonin. The similar picture can be observed at other illnesses of vessels, for example Reynaud's syndrome and vasospastic stenocardia.

The description to fig. 11.4. Functions of a serotonin of thrombocytes. Release of a serotonin from thrombocytes is started them by adhesion and aggregation. In turn, a serotonin causes 1) activation á-ÍÒ-receptors thrombocytes and, vrezultata, change of a form and acceleration of aggregation of the last, 2) activation 5-HT, - similar receptors of an endothelium with allocation of an endothelial factor of vasorelaxation, 3) activation of S-HT-receptors of unstriated muscles of vessels and narrowing of the last. All these processes proceed in interaction with many other biologically active agents and eventually lead to bleeding stopping.

Cardiovascular system. Typical reaction of blood vessels to serotonin is narrowing. Vessels of organs of GIT, kidneys, lungs and brain are especially sensitive to it. Serotonin causes also reduction of unstriated muscles of bronchi. Its effects on heart are various that serotonin receptors change of tonus of vegetative nerves and reflex reactions is explained by activation of different subtypes (Saxena and Villalon, 1990). So, direct positive chronotropic and inotropic effect of serotonin on heart can be disguised by effects of exaltation of the fibers going from bar receptors and chemoceptors. Influence of a serotonin on the afferent terminations of vagus nerves causes Betsold's reflex Yarisha who is shown a sharp bradycardia and falling of the ABP. Sometimes arterioles under the influence of a serotonin aren't narrowed, and, on the contrary, suppression of release of Noradrenalinum from the sympathetic terminations extend as a result of allocation of an endothelial factor of vasorelaxation and Prostaglandinums, and also. On the other hand, a serotonin in itself strengthens vasoconstrictive action of Noradrenalinum, angiotensin 11 and Histaminum. It promotes even more effective haemo static effect of serotonin (Gershon, 1991).

GIT. Probably, as the main source and storage of a serotonin in an organism serve enterokhromaffinny cells mucous a GIT. The serotonin allocated by these cells comes through a portal vein to a liver where it is metabolized under the influence of MAO A (Gillis, 1985). Some amount of serotonin passes a hepatic metabolism, but is quickly taken an endothelium of pulmonary capillaries and also is affected by MAO. The serotonin which is allocated in a wall of organs of a GIT at their mechanical stretching or exaltation of vagus nerves participates in a local regulation of these organs. Under the influence of a serotonin a motility of a stomach and an intestine can both amplify, and to be braked (Dhasmana et al., 1993) as in a GIT there are at least 6 subtypes the serotonin receptors (tab. 11.2). Stimulating effect of serotonin is caused by its action on the terminations of the nerves suitable to longitudinal and circular muscular layers (5-HT4-retseptory), on intramural neurons (5-HTj-and 5-NT|R-retseptory) and is direct on smooth muscles (5-ÍÒ-receptors in intestines and 5-HT2B-retseptory in day of a stomach). In a gullet serotonin affects 5-HT4-retseptory that at different types of animals can be followed both by reducing, and relaxation of smooth muscles. 5-HT3-retseptory (it is a lot of attendees at the terminations of sensitive fibers of the wandering and other nerves, and also on the cages) play a key role in an emetic reflex (Grunberg and Hesketh, 1993). In an intermuscular texture the serotoninergetic terminations are found. Release of serotonin in intestines is caused by acetylcholine, irritation of sympathetic nerves, and increase in intra intestinal pressure and decrease in pH (Gershon, 1991). The serotonin which is emitted at the same time, in turn, starts peristaltic reducing.

The main area of concentration of serotonin neurons bodies in CNS are cores of seam of brainstem. Processes of these neurons go to all departments of a head and spinal cord (hl. 12). A serotonin is allocated not only in the presynaptic terminations, but also in a so-called varicosity of axons where there are no accurately expressed synapses (Descarries et al., 1990). In these cases it affects many adjacent structures at once. Such feature of allocation and effect of serotonin will be compounded with the widespread point of view that a serotonin is not only a mediator, but also the neuron modulator (hl. 12).

In the terminations of serotonin neurons there are all components necessary for synthesis of a serotonin from a tryptophan (fig. 11.2). The formed serotonin quickly comes to synoptic blisters where on it MAO can't work. After release in a synoptic cleft a serotonin is again taken the nervous termination by means of Na - a dependent carrier. This return capture serves as an effective way of an inactivation of a mediator. The same molecules of a serotonin which don't come back to the nervous termination are blasted by MAO located in postsynaptic neurons and the next cells.

Electrophysiological effects. These effects of a serotonin differ in different areas of a brain and in different neurons, and depend on what receptors it affects (tab. 11.3; Aghajanian, 1995). A serotonin can have the exciting and brake effect differing on temporary dynamics on the same neurons. So, in hippocampus neurons a serotonin causes at first the hyper polarization (caused by activation of 5-HT 1A-receptors), then the slow depolarization (caused by activation of 5-HT4-retseptorov).

TsNS. Serotonin influences the TsNS many functions, including a dream, cognitive activity, perception, management of movements, thermal control, painful sensitivity, appetite, sexual behavior and endocrine regulation. In a brain all cloned serotonin receptors are found, and often at the same department there are several such receptors. Moreover, though the expression of serotonin receptors in separate neurons is studied insufficiently, it is possible to believe that on the same neuron several subtypes of these receptors can be located, and their activation can be followed by both synergistic and antagonistic effects. It can be the cause of an extraordinary variety of influences of serotonin on brain functions.

Hyper polarization and decrease in resistance of a membrane arising in case of activation 5-HT) A-receptors, are caused by increase in potassium permeability. These effects are blocked by toxin, but don't depend on tsAMF. Therefore, they can be caused by direct interface of 5-NT|A-retseptorov (through the G-protein similar to Gi) with the potassium channel (Andrade et al., 1986). Activation of the receptors located on a body and dendrites of neurons of kernels of a seam of a trunk of a brain also leads to K+ - dependent hyper polarization. Here too participates in a broadcast j of a signal from a receptor to the channel sensitive to G-protein toxin, but potassium current has other characteristics, than that which arises in case of activation of postsynaptic 5-HT1A-retseptorov in a hippocampus. It isn't known yet by means of what mechanisms activation 5-HT1D-ayTopeuerrropoB leads to serotonin release suppression. Probably, the number of the calcic channels opening in response to nervous impulse the potential decreases.

Activation of 5-HT2A-retseptorov is followed by slow depolarization. In some departments of a brain (for example, in prefrontal cortex, an adjacent kernel and a motive kernel of a facial nerve) this depolarization is caused by decrease in potassium permeability (Aghajanian et al., 1987). There is also other mechanism connected with influence on ion channels; it leads to growth of excitability of neuron and strengthening of reaction to exciting mediators (for example, a glutamate). The role of fosfoinozitid system in these effect isn't established yet. When on the same neuron there are also 5-HT1-retseptory and 5-Nt2d-retseptory, final reaction to serotonin depends on a ratio between the hyper polarization caused by activation of 5-HT1-retseptorov, and the depolarization caused by activation of 5-HT2A-retseptorov. Against the background of 5-Nt2d-blokatorov hyper polarization amplifies. In many areas of bark 5-HT2A-retseptory are located on Gamkergichesky inserted neurons and on pyramidal neurons.Therefore, stimulation of these receptors can lead to multidirectional influences on pyramidal neurons in dependence because whether action on these neurons or on Gamkergichesky neurons will prevail. Activation of 5-Nt2s-retseptorov on oocytes of frog, the express of m of RNA of these receptors, leads to suppression of potassium current. In a brain such effect isn't revealed yet. The stimulation of 5-HT4-retseptorov which is followed by activation also causes the slow depolarization caused by decrease in potassium permeability in neurons. It isn't clear yet why two different types of serotonin receptors interfaced to various systems of the second intermediaries render the same physiological effect. Moreover, slow depolarization is caused by activation of one more type of serotonin receptors 5 HT1P-receptors. These receptors are accompanied by available only on intra intestinal neurons and have special pharmacological properties (Gershon, 1991).

Activation of 5-HT3-retseptorov causes bystry depolarization. It is caused by opening of the channel passing Na + and K+ (Higashi and Nishi, 1982) and making a uniform complex (hemo sensitive channel) with a receptor. The similar organization of a 5-HT3-retseptora similar to the N-holinoretseptora organization has been confirmed in experiences with local fixing. 5-HT3-retseptory are found in TsNS, sympathetic ganglia, parasympathetic and sympathetic afferent fibers, intra intestinal neurons and cellular lines of neyronal origin (for example, NG108-15). On the pharmacological properties 5-HT3-retseptory differ from others serotonin receptors; perhaps, there are several subtypes of these receptors differing in various combinations of subjunits.

Mental functions. The means operating on serotonin receptors and various changes of mental functions. Many experimental models intended for a provisional estimate of the stimulating or blocking activity of medicines in relation to these or those receptors, are based on a research of such stereotypic motive acts as, for example, reflex. Behaviouristic techniques (for example, a medicine choice method) allow to suggest about a subjective component of reactions to psychotropic drugs. These techniques are used also for a research of the medicines operating on serotonin transfer, in particular hallucinogens (see below). The analysis of enormous number of the works devoted to influence of serotonin on behavior is beyond our book, and we will stop only on those experiments which have a direct bearing on psychopathology of the person. For more detailed acquaintance with this subject it is possible to recommend the fine reviews Glennon et Lucki (1988), Zifa and Fillion (1992), Koeketal. (1992).

Cycle a dream is wakefulness. Regulation of a cycle a dream is wakefulness became one of the first mental functions for which the serotonin role was accurately established. After the classical work on cats which is carried out by Mouret and ñîòð. (Mouret et al., 1967), the set of data that the serotonin stock depletion by means of causes the sleeplessness eliminated by entering of a predecessor of serotonin 5 of appeared. It appeared also that tryptophan and not selective stimulators of serotonin receptors shorten time of falling asleep and extend the general duration of a dream. Blockers of serotonin receptors can both rise, and to lower a share of a deep slow sleep that, probably, is caused by action on different subtypes of serotonin receptors (Wasquier and Dugovic, 1990). Both at animals, and blockers 5-HT2A-and 5-Nt2s-retseptorov (for example, riganserin) rather reliably cause increase in a share of a deep slow sleep.

Aggression and impulsiveness. The data obtained both on animals and on the person, demonstrate that a serotonin plays an important role in aggressive and impulsive behavior. In many clinical trials communication between the low level of 5-of hydroxyindolacetic acid in SMZh and such behavior is shown (Brown and Linnoila, 1990). So, depression of this level is bound to impulsive attempts of suicide (but not with suicidal thoughts; Virkkunen et al., 1995). As well as in case of all other effects of a serotonin, animals have no final data on influence of a serotonin on aggressive behavior yet though the assumption of such influence is quite proved. Recently there were genetic data supporting and dilating such views. Serotonin receptors investigated by methods of genetic engineering 5-HT) the V-receptor was the first of. By a homologous recombination the line of mice who have a gene coding this receptor was received it was inactivated (Saudau et al., 1994). At such animals the sharpest aggression developed that speaks about a role of these receptors or in a becoming of the neuronic contours which are responsible for aggressive behavior or it is immediate in the most such behavior. At the person the dot mutation of the gene coding MAO A is taped; at the same time extreme aggression in combination with mental retardation is also observed (Brunner etal., 1993). As it appeared, the corresponding implications are available also for mice with the mutations resulting in deficiency of MAO A (Cases et al., 1995). These data, certainly, confirm a hypothesis of a role of disturbances of serotoni-nergic transfer in aggressive behavior.

Uneasiness and depression. Efficiency of the means influencing serotoninergichesky transfer (for example, inhibitors of the return capture of serotonin), in case of disturbing frustration and depression the evidence for benefit of a serotonin role in pathogenesis of these conditions. However on classical experimental models of these frustration receive ambiguous results the effect of medicine depends on species and breed of an animal and the applied technique. So, partial agonist of 5-HT1A-retseptorov buspiron (hl. 19), being an effective tranquilizer at the person, doesn't reduce at animals uneasiness in the experiences delivered by a technique of preference or avoiding; meanwhile this technique was used in case of development of tranquilizers. At the same time buspiron and other blockers of 5-HT1A-retseptorov have quite effective anxiolytic effect on other models of disturbing frustration (Barrett and Vanover, 1993). Recent works on mice with the inactivated genes of 5-NT1L-retseptorov also witness for benefit of a role of these receptors in pathogenesis of uneasiness and, perhaps, depressions (Parks et al., 1998; Ramboz et al., 1998). On the other hand, stimulators of some the serotonin receptors, including 5-HT2A-, 5-HT2C-and 5-HT3-retseptorov cause uneasiness both in experimental animals, and in the person. The role of these receptors and in experimental models of a depression is supposed (for example, the trained helplessness).

The person of direct data on a serotonin role in a pathogenesis of a depression has still not enough. At the same time there are very bright clinical facts. So, at patients with a depression effects of inhibitors of the return serotonin reuptake quickly are eliminated at the influences reducing serotonin level in a brain. As such influences serve, for example, reception of parachlorphenylalanine or the drinks which aren't containing a tryptophan, but rich with neutral amino acids (Delgado etal., 1990). It is interesting that these influences in itself don't cause and don't aggravate a depression. It means that the sufficient level of a serotonin in a brain is necessary first of all for efficiency of inhibitors of its return capture.

Agents influencing serotonin level in tissues

In the experiments referred on clarification of a physiological role of a serotonin it is possible to apply either blockers of serotonin receptors, or the agents influencing serotonin level in tissues. Until recently in the majority of works only drugs of the second of the mentioned groups were used mechanisms of action of blockers the serotonin receptors were studied badly.

At the low maintenance of a tryptophan in a diet serotonin level in a brain decreases, at the high content of tryptophan increases. As the limiting reaction of synthesis of a serotonin is catalyzed, inhibitors of this enzyme cause sharp falling of level of a serotonin. Most often use an irreversible selective inhibitor of a triptofangidroksilaza parachlorphenylalanine. Under the influence of this substance serotonin level considerably and for a long time decreases, and the maintenance of catecholamins doesn't change.

Parachloramphetamine and other halogenated amphetamines cause emission of serotonin from thrombocytes and neurons. In a brain after that there comes long depression of reserves of serotonin. Halogenated amphetamines are widely used in experimental works. Two of them fenfluramin and decsfenfluramin were applied as anorecsant, however in connection with reports on their cardio toxic action in 1998 they in the USA were withdrawn from sale. Consequences of use of these agents are up to the end not studied. In the serotonin brain neurons they cause expressed and long (up to several weeks) depression of level of a serotonin, and the content of proteins, specific to these neurons a carrier of a serotonin and triptofangidroksilaza at the same time decreases. It can demonstrate neurotoxin action, however signs of death of neurons under the influence of halogenated amphetamines aren't found. Derivatives of triptamin with additional deputies in Indo-flax a ring (for example, 5.7-digidroksitriptamin; see fig. 11.1) undoubtedly cause death the serotonin neurons. Introduction of a 5.7-digidroksitriptamin an adult animal is led to selective destruction by serotonin terminations, however bodies of neurons don't suffer, and over time the terminations regenerate. On the contrary, at newborn animals both the terminations, and bodies of serotonin neurones and therefore neogenesis doesn't happen perish.

Inhibitors of the return serotonin reuptake, for example fluoxetine belong to the agents which are precisely influencing serotonin transfer. The mechanism of their action consists in extension of effects of the serotonin allocated at initiation of the nervous terminations. If along with these drugs to enter 5 hydroxytryptophan, then serotonin influences sharply amplify. Inhibitors of the return serotonin reuptake are one of the most modern and widespread antidepressants. The inhibitor of the return serotonin reuptake, Noradrenalinum and Dofaminum sibutramin is applied as anoreksant. In an organism two active metabolites which, probably, and have therapeutic effect are formed of it. It isn't clear yet, influence on what mediator caused effect of sibutramin.

Inhibitors of MAO and Reserpinum belong to not selective agents influencing serotonin level in tissues. Inhibitors of MAO block the main way of a metabolism of a serotonin, and Reserpinum causes its emission from neuron depot with the subsequent attrition. All these agents lead to the expressed depression of maintenance of serotonin, however at the same time in the same degree also the level of catecholamine decreases. Therefore as agents for the pharmacological analysis inhibitors of MAO and Reserpinum are used seldom. They were applied in psychiatry: Reserpinum as narcoleptic, and MAO inhibitors as antidepressants.

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