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Does arbidol help with coronavirus?

28 Jan 2021

The rapid spread of coronavirus infection is causing scientists around the world to puzzle over the creation of a vaccine and antiviral drugs that effectively eliminate the disease. Unfortunately, today there are no reliable methods of immunization and drug therapy. Only some information appears about the possible effectiveness of existing medicines. China has recently begun actively purchasing Arbidol. Studies have been conducted confirming and disproving the effectiveness of the drug.

arbidol. Buy Arbidol covid19

Arbidol, the active ingredient of which is umifenovir, is positioned as an antiviral drug that can reduce the risk of acute respiratory viral infections and treat certain types of it, including influenza. There are general strengthening properties that favorably affect immunity. Nevertheless, the appropriateness of using the remedy for coronavirus remains controversial.

Arbidol Properties

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on preventing the binding of viral particles to cells. As a result, the formation of new virions is disrupted, and the spread of the infectious process stops. The stated indications for the use of the medication include influenza, bronchitis, rotavirus infection, complications of operations and other types of acute viral respiratory infections. That is, according to the manufacturer, the drug has a non-specific antiviral effect and helps with various diseases.

It is used both to treat pathological conditions that have already arisen, and to eliminate the risk of developing the disease. Despite a successful advertising campaign, not all experts recognize the effectiveness of umifenovir.

Evidence and criticism

The manufacturer of Arbidol provided the results of selected foreign and domestic studies indicating the effectiveness of the drug in acute respiratory viral infections. The main argument of critics is the lack of modern research that meets the criteria of evidence-based medicine. In this regard, WHO did not approve the inclusion of the drug in the list of medications recommended in the treatment of ARVI.

It should be understood that even medicines recommended by the World Health Organization for the treatment of influenza, such as oseltamivir, have not passed the test for effectiveness in terms of evidence-based medicine. It is very difficult to fully prove or disprove the effect of such medications.

Arbidol from coronavirus (COVID-19)

The revival of the advertising company occurred during the spread of coronavirus infection in the world. A statement about the possibility of using against this disease was added to the advertisement of the drug. Chinese scientists, who published preliminary studies on the positive experience of using umifenovir with COVID-19, also warmed interest. The medicine was prescribed along with a cure for HIV infection, darunavir. As a result, the drug is now quite popular in several countries, including China and Italy.

Several studies of the effects of umifenovir have been conducted. The results are contradictory. At this point, it is worth saying that officially no existing medication has demonstrated reliable efficacy against coronavirus. The selection of therapy continues.

Is it worth it to apply ARBIDOl on your own?

This drug is sold in pharmacy chains freely, so a doctor’s prescription is not needed for purchase. The active ingredient is considered quite safe, but it should still be used carefully, especially in children. You need to study the instructions and take the recommended dose. The decision on the use of this tool remains with the patient. To date, there is no clear refutation or evidence of the effect of Arbidol in coronavirus infection. None of the studies showed reliable efficacy of the drug when used as monotherapy.

What should not be done?

  • Use the product as the only method of prevention. More important hygiene and quarantine measures.
  • Use umifenovir for self-treatment of COVID-19. At the first sign of infection, you should consult a doctor. Specialists will prescribe the drugs themselves. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications, including death.
  • Take other medications yourself, including antiviral and antimicrobial agents.

Other treatments

The selection of drug therapy occurs only after hospitalization of the patient and the necessary examinations. Doctors take into account current health recommendations, new studies, the patient's condition and medical history. The treatment regimen is selected. Experiments in some countries use anti-HIV drugs and antiviral drugs for rare pathologies like Ebola. No final data yet.

Additional therapeutic procedures

  • Artificial ventilation of the lungs.
  • Non-invasive oxygen therapy.
  • Intravenous fluids.

If there is a suspicion of possible contact with the infected, you must comply with home quarantine. You must also contact the clinic registry or the regional health hotline for help with diagnosis. It is especially important to immediately consult a doctor if persistent fever, dry cough and shortness of breath appear.


Transaminum - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

28 Jan 2020

Antidepressant: Transaminum (Transamin)

Active ingredient: Tranylcypromine (tranylcypromine)

Analogs: Parnate

Tranylcypromine belongs to the group of so-called MAO inhibitors. This drug has a pronounced stimulating effect, as well as a clear antidepressant effect. Despite the fact that tranylcipromine is a rather powerful drug, it does not have a toxic effect on the liver, and it also exhibits comparatively low side activity. This is due to the fact that the drug has a very short time at the MAO - about 12 hours. A noticeable effect is already on the 2nd-5th day of treatment.

Transaminum - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

First of all, Transamin (tranylcypromine) helps to overcome such unpleasant components of depression as inhibition, lack of initiative and lethargy due to a stimulating effect. Thus, the patient receives the necessary energy boost, and his mood improves significantly. With the right dosage, tranylcypromine is well tolerated, and therefore it is successfully used in the treatment of somatogenic depressions in patients suffering from somatic diseases.

Indications for use: - treatment of depressive conditions of different nosological affiliation.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance, as well as simultaneous intake of other antidepressants (including other MAO inhibitors) and stimulant drugs (such as phenamine, sydnocarb, etc.).

Dosage and administration: Tranylcypromine taken internally. The recommended initial dose is 5-10 mg / day. The dose should be divided into two doses: morning and evening. Dosage gradually increases at a rate of 5-10 mg every 2-3 days. The average therapeutic daily dose is 25-40 mg. If necessary, it can be increased to 60 mg / day and even more.

Once a distinct antidepressant effect is achieved, the dosage should be slowly reduced, taking 5 mg less every 3-5 days. In addition, a method of shock doses is possible. In this case, the drug is taken immediately in an amount of 25-30 mg / day. Then the dose should be gradually reduced (every 5-10 days).

Tranylcypromine can be prescribed together with neuroleptic drugs. So, for the treatment of schizophrenic depressions, its combination with triftazine (10 parts of tranylcypromine and 1 part of triftazine) is very effective. In addition, this combination is often used in the fight against involuntary melancholy.

Side effects: Properly dosed intake of the drug does not lead to complications and serious side effects. With individual intolerance, as well as in case of an overdose, tranylcypromine gives a side effect inherent in all MAO inhibitors.


Finlepsin - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

20 Jan 2020

Antidepressant: Finlepsin

Active ingredient: Carbamazepine (carbamazepine)

Analogs: Actinerval, Apo-Carbamazepine, Gene-Karpaz, Zagretol, Zeptol, Carbadac, Carbaleptin retard, Carbamazepine, Carbamazepine Nycomed, Carbamazepine Rivo, Carbamazepine-ACRI, Carbamazepine-Teva, Carbamazepine-Pharmacia-AD, Carbamazepine-Ferein, Carbapine, Carbasan, Carbatol , Karzepin-200, Mazepin, Novo-Karbamaz, Stazepin, Storilat, Tegretol, Tegretol CR, Timonil, Finzepin, Finlepsin 200 retard, Finlepsin 400 retard, Finlepsin retard, Epial.

"Finlepsin" is an antiepileptic drug, has antipsychotic and antimanic effects, and also acts as an analgesic for neurogenic pain. The drug begins to act fairly quickly: the anticonvulsant effect, as a rule, manifests itself in the interval from several hours to several days. Antimanic (the same antipsychotic) same effect occurs after 7-10 days after the start of the application of "Finlepsin".

Finlepsin - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

The drug is effective both in monotherapy (by 70-85%), and in combination with valproate (another drug of the first choice). In addition to the antiepileptic itself, it has a good effect on cognitive and psychoemotional functions. The transition to monotherapy with a prolonged form of the drug called "Finlepsin retard" makes it possible to prevent dangerous psychotic post-prandial behavior, which was manifested by the therapy with other drugs of similar effect.

"Finlepsin" is effective for treating patients with behavioral disorders of non-epileptic origin (also paroxysmal), for example, with hyperactivity and children's attention deficit syndrome. With the correct selection of dosages (usually low doses in the amount of 300-400 mg / day) after a 2-6 month course, there are significant improvements in behavior and adaptation to school.

Clinical studies of the possibilities of "Finlepsin" illustrate its high effectiveness in the fight against epileptic attacks. Thus, positive changes in the condition were noted in 96% of patients, while a significant reduction in the seizures (by 75-100%) was recorded in 43% of patients, and a significant (by 50-75%) - in 35% of the subjects.

Indications for use:

- epilepsy (both complex and simple symptomatology of partial seizures), tonic-clonic convulsions (usually focal genesis: diffuse large seizures and large seizures in sleep), epilepsy in mixed forms;
- neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve (including and with spasms of the facial muscles);
- neuralgia idiopathic glossopharyngeal;
- consequences of diabetes (pain associated with peripheral nerve damage, as well as pain caused by diabetic neuropathy);
- seizures on the background of multiple sclerosis, movement and speech disorders in the form of seizures, paroxysmal pain attacks and paresthesia;
- alcohol withdrawal syndrome (with concomitant symptoms: sleep disorders, anxiety, convulsions, increased excitability);
- various psychotic disorders (malfunctions in the limbic system, affective, and schizoaffective disorders);
- psychoses (primarily manic-depressive psychosis, hypochondriacal and anxious-agitated depression, excitation of a catatonic character).

Contraindications: People with hypersensitivity (including tricyclic compounds), atrioventricular blockade, disorders of bone marrow hematopoiesis (eg, anemia, leukopenia), intermittent acute porphyria (also in the anamnesis), with simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors or lithium preparations. In addition, it is forbidden to take the drug for children under 6 years (this refers to the variety "Finlepsin retard").

Dosage and administration: "Finlepsin" is taken orally, washed down with liquid, during or after a meal. The dose range, as a rule, is 400 -1200 mg / day, exceeding the daily dose of 1600 mg / day is not recommended because of the possible appearance (or intensification) of side effects.
The initial dosage for adults with anticonvulsant treatment corresponds to 200-400 mg of the drug per day (1-2 tablets). Gradually, it is increased to maintenance (4-6 tablets or 800 - 1200 mg / day).
Treatment is of a long-term nature and lasts until 2-3 years, free of seizures, have passed.

Refusal of finlepsin: From "Finlepsin" they refuse gradually, reducing the dose for 1-2 years.

Dosage for children: 1 to 5 years: the initial dose is 1/4 tablets 1-2 times a day, supporting - 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.
Up to 4 years, as a rule, treatment starts with a dosage of 20-60 mg / day, increasing it by 20 to 60 mg / day every other day until a maintenance dose is reached. Children older than 4 years can start taking "Finlepsin" with 100 mg / day and increase the dose every other day for 100 mg / day to the maintenance dose.
From 6 to 10 years: the initial - 1/2 tablet 2 times a day, supporting - 1 tablet "Finlepsin" 3 times a day.
From 11 to 15 years: the initial dose - 1/2 tablet of the drug 2-3 times a day, supporting - 1 tablet 3-5 times a day.

Therapy of trigeminal neuralgia, genuinous glossopharyngeal neuralgia: Initial dose: 400-600 mg / day (2-3 tablets). It gradually increases until the pain disappears completely, the maintenance dose is 400-800 mg / day (2-4 tablets). It is advisable to break the dose into two doses. For elderly patients it makes sense to choose the lowest limit of the initial dosage.

The course of treatment is several weeks. Lowering the dose, find out whether there is an opportunity to return pain. If the pain manifests itself again, continue the treatment (maintenance dose).

Painful sensations in diabetic neuropathy: The average daily dose equals 600 mg of the drug (3 tablets). If absolutely necessary, it can be increased to a dose of 1200 mg / day (6 tablets). To consume in three steps. Duration of treatment is several weeks.

Multiple sclerosis with epileptiform cramps: Twice a day, 1-2 tablets twice a day (or 400-800 mg). The duration of treatment, as a rule, is several weeks.

Prevention and treatment of various psychoses: The initial dose in most cases coincides with the supporting (1-2 tablets or 200 - 400 mg / day). If necessary, it can be increased to 800 mg / day (2 tablets twice a day).

Side effects: The most common side effects are: drowsiness, dizziness, general weakness, ataxia, headache, leukopenia, nausea, fluid retention, vomiting, dry mouth.

Storage conditions: Store up to the expiration date in a dry place inaccessible to children, under temperature conditions not exceeding 30 ° C.


Remeron - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

27 Nov 2019

Antidepressant: Remeron 

Active ingredient: Mirtazapine (mirtazapine)

Analogs: Mirzaten, Mirzaten Ku-tab, Mirtazonal, Mirtalan, Noxibel, Esprital

Mirtazipine is a tetracyclic antidepressant, whose action is similar to that of tricyclics. The drug raises the level of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain, which helps to avoid problems with depression.

Remeron - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

According to one of the domestic studies on the effectiveness of mirtazipine, in the early phase of the study (the first 6 weeks of therapy), a clear result was seen in 37 patients versus 13 patients who had either no improvement or little improvement in their condition. It was found that the drug is effective in treating classical depression of various degrees of severity, accompanied by a sense of desperation, despondency, sleep and appetite disorders, pessimistic moods, insolvency ideas and general inhibition. In addition, mirtazipine has performed well in the treatment of anxious depression, where symptoms such as painful discomfort, unreasonable fears, irritation, mental and physical stress, and somatovegetative disorders predominate.

The drug is also great for normalizing sleep on a background of depressive disorders. Mirtazipine quickly manifests its effect, its effect is stable and stable. In addition, the drug is well tolerated, does not cause suicidal thoughts and has virtually no serious side effects.

Indications for use: Depressive disorders of various types, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to mirtazipine or certain substances that form part of it, as well as impaired kidney and liver function. In addition, mirtazipine can not be taken concomitantly with MAO inhibitors (after taking an MAO inhibitor it should take at least 2 weeks).

Dosage and administration: The drug is taken orally, swallowing the medicine without chewing. If necessary, wash with liquid.

The minimum daily intake for adults is 15 mg. If necessary, it can be gradually (every few days) increased to obtain an effect. The average effective dose is 15-45 mg / day. In some cases, the dosage can be increased to 60-80 mg / day.
In the elderly, you do not need to reduce the dosage, but you need to be sensitive to the slightest changes in the patient's state of health.
The drug is recommended to be taken within 4-6 months until complete recovery. Then you can gradually give up mirtazipine. As a rule, the drug starts to work during the first month of treatment (starting from the second week). If the effect is not observed, it is necessary to increase the dose, if the improvement does not occur, it is necessary to cancel the drug.

Side effects: Most frequent: drowsiness, increased appetite, dizziness and headaches, unusual dreams, dry mouth and constipation.

Storage conditions: The drug is stored at room temperature (15-30 degrees C).

Terms of selling from the pharmacy: The drug is released on prescription.


Azaphen - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

20 Nov 2019

Antidepressant: Azaphen

Active ingredient: Pipofezine (pipofezine)

Analogs: Tetrindol, Deprim, Bethol, Normazidol, Alventa, Pyrazidol, Negrustin, Esprital, Mirtalan.

"Azaphen" is an antidepressant, classified as tricyclic. The action of the drug is timoleptic and sedative, and also anti-anxiety. It works by inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitters of norepinephrine and serotonin in the human brain, which leads to marked relief in depressive states. To the peculiarities of "Azaphen" as a tricyclic antidepressant is almost zero m-cholinoblocking activity (the same can be said about MAO). In addition, the drug does not give cardiotoxic (a negative effect on the heart) effect.

Azaphen - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

"Azaphen" helps to reduce aggressiveness, relieves feelings of anxiety and tension, has good tolerability, normalizes sleep (without causing daytime sleepiness). It is especially effective for moderate and mild depression.

The high efficiency of "Azaphen" is proved by numerous studies. Thus, in the clinical trial of 2005, the efficacy of the drug in the treatment of depressive states of mild and moderate severity was investigated. At the end of a 1.5-month course of treatment, it was found that more than half of the patients (53.3%) had complete remission, while the rest remained only minor signs of depression. It was noted that, first of all, the drug improves mood, then removes anxiety with its somatic manifestations, and then relieves retardation. All patients described their state of health as "good" or "excellent."

In general, "Azaphen" - a drug with an almost perfect ratio of safety and efficacy with a fairly simple selection of dosage.

Indications for use: Depression of various origins (anxiety-depressive states, astheno-neurotic syndrome, endogenous, exogenous and alcoholic depressions, depressive phase of manic-depressive syndrome, senile depression, asthenodepressive states, and depressive conditions in the background of chronic somatic diseases).

Contraindications: Administration of the drug is prohibited to people with hypersensitivity to substances that make up its composition; with renal or hepatic insufficiency; IHD; myocardial infarction; CHF; at post-stroke states; diabetes mellitus; infectious diseases. It is also not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy, lactation period, and also simultaneously with therapy with MAO inhibitors. Children should be assigned "Azaphen" with caution.

Method of application and dosage: "Azaphen" is taken orally. The initial dose for adult patients is 25-50 mg / day (the dose should be divided into two doses: morning and day). In the absence of side effects, it is possible to increase the dose to 150-200 mg / day (divided by 2-3 doses). The maximum allowed dosage is 400-500 mg / day, the optimal dosage is 150-200 mg / day. When positive changes in the state are achieved, it is advisable to switch to a maintenance dose (25-75 mg / day). The course of treatment "Azaphen" lasts at least 1-1.5 months (up to a year).

Side effects: "Azaphen" is usually very well tolerated, not causing, for example, sleep disorders and without increasing the feeling of fear and anxiety. Among the side effects, the most common are: headaches, vomiting and nausea, allergic reactions of the body, dizziness. These side effects can be easily removed by lowering the dose.

Storage conditions: Keep away from children, in a dry, dark place (temperature - no higher than 25 ° C).


Nortriptylin - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

13 Nov 2019

Antidepressant: Nortriptylin

Active ingredient: Nortriptylin (nortriptylin)

Analogs: Anafranil, Saroten, Doxepin, Melipramine, Novo-Tryptin, Pamelor, Aventil, Northrilen.

Nortriptylin belongs to the group of tricyclic antidepressants and is close to amitriptyline by its chemical structure. However, compared with the latter, Nortriptylin has a moderate stimulating, as well as mood-enhancing effect. Gives the most minimal sedative effect. Successfully fights against hypochondriacal states. The antidepressant effect of the drug comes quickly, already in the first two weeks of admission.

Indications for use:

- Treatment of all forms of endogenous depressions (neurotic and reactive);
- Treatment of a depressive state in manic-depressive psychosis;
- Treatment of involutional depressions;
- Treatment of depressive-apathic syndromes developed on the background of cerebral arteriosclerosis;
- It can be used in combination with amitriptyline for the treatment of depressions, which have appeared after treatment with reserpine;
- It can be used in combination with neuroleptics to treat depressions that resulted from the therapy of schizophrenic psychosis.

Contraindications: It is strictly forbidden to take the drug to patients with myocardial infarction, as well as people suffering from depression with suicide attempts. In addition, you can not take the drug at the same time as tyrametics. Between courses of treatment with tyrametics and nortriptylin should maintain an interval of at least two weeks.

Dosage and administration: The dosage should be selected as individually as possible, focusing on the patient's response to the drug. In this case, elderly patients should take a reduced amount of nortriptyline. Typically, the antidepressant is taken 3-4 times a day, with an average daily dose of 75-100 mg. In case of acute need, the dosage can be changed upwards, up to 150 mg / day. Exceed this dosage is highly not recommended. As soon as a remission occurs, it makes sense to reduce the dose to a minimum maintenance level.

Side effects: The most frequent: constipation, dry mouth, disruption of accommodation, delayed urination, agitation, tachycardia and heart rhythm disturbance.

Conditions of selling from pharmacies: It is released without a prescription.


NoSmoq - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

06 Nov 2019

NoSmoq - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

Antidepressant: NoSmoq (NoSmoke)
Active ingredient: bupropion (Bupropion)

Analogs: Champix, Tabex, Brizantine, Nicorette, Lobelin, Mebikar, Hamibazin, Tabakum-plus.
- "Wellbutrin" (Wellbutrin), active ingredient: bupropion
- "NoSmoke" (NoSmoking), active ingredient: bupropion

Bupropion helps you to easily survive the first days and months of quitting smoking, taking NoSmoq you will not become irritable by giving up cigarettes, you will not recover because you will not have an acute sense of hunger and a desire to have a snack, no matter how it usually happens in people who have decided quit smoking, quitting smoking will be smooth and not noticeable for you without any discomfort. If you clearly decided to "quit smoking!" but you can not spend more than a week without cigarettes, we advise you to buy a bupropion and overcome the addiction once and for all.

NoSmoq - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

The drug has a pronounced anti-nicotine action, is a complete analogue of the drug Zyban, and it helps to cope well with nicotine dependence.

Course of application of the drug bupropion 7 weeks:

- from 1 to 7 days of the course should take 1 tablet a day
- Then 3 weeks should be taken 2 tablets per day

Then comes the plateau, and now if the drug has not started to help you and you still want to smoke, further use of the drug is meaningless (fortunately this is a rare case), if you notice that you are easily given to stop smoking, do not stop taking the drug, left just a little bit.

Starting with the fourth week of the drug should take 5 days for 2 tablets a day

In total, the entire course will take about 60 tablets.

Course of application of the drug bupropion 9 weeks:

This course is designed for heavy smokers who choose to quit smoking or for people who have weak willpower do not allow to quit smoking.

- from 1 to 7 days of the course should take 1 tablet a day.
- Then 5 weeks should take 2 tablets a day.

For smokers with experience and people with weak will power, the plateau begins approximately after the sixth week of taking the drug bupropion, that is after this time you either do not feel cravings for smoking at all or you need the help of a psychotherapist. you probably have a very strong mental dependence that can not be removed with the help of antidepressants, further use of the drug for you, unfortunately, makes no sense. And those who have felt a pleasant smell of clean air and are already breathing clean lungs are expecting the final straight.

- Seventh week of the drug should take 6 days for 2 tablets a day.

Total the entire course of about 90 tablets.

The minimum period for effective admission as you can already guess by reading the course description is 3 weeks, it is also worth noting, before going to the reception, contact a doctor that he would make an individual course of admission for you, the above courses are approximate, if you have any unpleasant sensations while taking the drug bupropion You should stop the course and see a doctor. If you forgot to take a pill on time during the course, it's okay just to take the next pill on schedule. Do not exceed the dosage of the drug.

Terms of selling from the pharmacy: Without a prescription.


Moclobemide - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

30 Oct 2019

Antidepressant: Moclobemide

Active ingredient: Moclobemide (moclobemide)

Analogs: Aurorix, Trazodone, Mannerix.

Moclobemide is a drug related to reversible MAO inhibitors. Causes an increase in the concentration of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine in the brain. It has a beneficial effect on mood, increases psychophysical activity, improves concentration of attention. Normalizes sleep, allows you to get rid of the manifestations of phobias. A distinct positive effect is observed by the end of the first week of taking moclobemide.

Moclobemide - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

Numerous clinical studies have shown that the drug successfully fights against depression of a very different structure. He is able to completely rid the patient of such unpleasant symptoms of depressive states as apathy, melancholy, depression, discouragement, irritability, loss of the opportunity to enjoy life, feelings of isolation, coldness, indifference. The drug regains lost self-esteem and makes dark thoughts and intentions disappear, including suicidal ones. Relieves anxious expectations and fears (such as the fear of death, for example), relieves pain of a different nature. In addition, it has been proven that moclobemide has a therapeutic effect in the most severe and resistant forms of depression. Moreover, the drug is often effective where traditional tricyclic antidepressants do not.

Indications for use: Depressions of a variety of etiologies: involutional and senile, reactive, neurotic, and also depression, arising against a background of chronic alcoholism, schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis. In addition, moclobemide is taken as a means to combat social phobia.

Contraindications: Moclobemide should not be used in people with hypersensitivity to the drug or its individual components, acute states of agitation, confused consciousness, as well as pregnant and lactating women. In addition, it is prohibited to take the drug in childhood, as well as with the simultaneous use of selelgin.

Dosage and administration: Moclobemide is taken orally, 2-3 times a day after meals. The initial dosage is 300 mg / day, but if necessary, can be increased up to the maximum allowable 600 mg / day. In this case, increase the dose should not be earlier than after the first week of taking moclobemide. The duration of treatment should be determined based on the specific situation. In case of obvious improvement, the dose should be smoothly reduced.

Side effects: The following side effects of moclobemide are possible: anxiety, general agitation, anxiety, headache, dizziness, deterioration of sleep, blurred vision, increased sweating, dry mouth, heartburn, constipation, nausea.

Selling from pharmacies: It is released without a prescription.


Cymbalta - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

23 Oct 2019

Antidepressant: Cymbalta 

Active ingredient: duloxetine (Duloxetine)

Analogs: Azaphen, Remeron, Mirazep, Phenazepam, Zoloft, Velaksor.

Cymbalta (duloxetine) - an antidepressant, is an inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, while it has a weak inhibitory effect on the reuptake of dopamine. Thus, the principle of his work is based on the increase of noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmission in the central nervous system.

This is a modern drug whose dual mechanism of action has proved effective in treating depression of varying severity. In addition to its high effectiveness, this antidepressant can boast a considerable speed of action. A distinct antidepressant effect is observed already in the first week of application of duloxetine. In addition, the drug is characterized by persistence and uniformity of action, which allows to observe continuous improvements throughout the treatment period. In addition, the Cymbalta has a strong analgesic effect, occurring already during the first two weeks of taking the drug.

The study of the effectiveness of duloxetine in the fight against chronic migraine proves that the drug can successfully cope with pain and increases the pain threshold. Of the 46 patients with chronic migraine, serious improvements have occurred in more than half. At the end of the three-month course of treatment, the average number of days without a headache (within one month) increased by approximately 60%, and the frequency of migraine attacks decreased by 40%.

Indications for use: Treatment of depression; Treatment of diabetic neuropathy in painful form.

Contraindications: Cymbalta (duloxetine) should not be taken concurrently with MAO inhibitors (wait at least 2 weeks); people who are hypersensitive to the drug and its components; patients with closed-angle uncompensated glaucoma; women in the period of breastfeeding. In addition, there is no fixed experience in the use of the drug for patients under 18 years of age.

Dosage and administration: The drug " Cymbalta" should be taken orally, swallowing whole capsules, regardless of food intake. Do not crush / chew capsules, as well as mixing them with liquids and adding to food (this will destroy the enteric shell of the capsule).

The initial dose is 60 mg / day and, if necessary, can be increased up to a maximum of 120 mg / day. In this case, the dose should be divided into two doses. For patients suffering from severe renal failure (with a QC less than 30 ml / min), the initial dosage is 30 mg / day. People suffering from violations of the functioning of the liver should reduce the initial dose of duloxetine or reduce the frequency of admission.

Side effects: Most often, the following effects are observed: sleep disturbance (both drowsiness and insomnia), dizziness (excluding vertigo), headache, nausea, dry mouth, constipation.

Storage conditions: The drug should be stored in a place inaccessible to children, at a temperature of 15-30 ° C.

Terms of selling from pharmacies: Cymbalta (duloxetine) is released on prescription.

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