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Instruction for use: Longasteril 40

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Dosage form: Solution for infusions

Active substance: Dextranum 35000-45000


B05AA05 Dextran

Pharmacological group

Substitutes for plasma and other blood components

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

R57 Shock, not elsewhere classified: Obstructive shock

T30 Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified site: Pain syndrome with burns; Pain in burns; Pain with burns; Sluggishly healing post-burn wounds; Deep burns with a wet scab; Deep burns with abundant compartments; Deep burn; Laser burn; Burn; Burn of rectum and perineum; Burn with mild exudation; Burn disease; Burn injury; Superficial burn; Superficial burn of I and II degree; Superficial skin burns; After-burn trophic ulcer and wound; Post-burn complication; Loss of fluid in burns; Sepsis burn; Thermal burns; Thermal skin lesions; Thermal burn; Trophic after-burn ulcers; Chemical burn; Surgical burn

T79.4 Traumatic shock: Haemorrhagic shock; Crash Syndrome; Posthemorrhagic shock; Postoperative shock; Post-traumatic shock; Post-traumatic shock; Traumatic shock; Syndrome of hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy

T81.1 Shock during or after the procedure, not elsewhere classified: Operating shock; Postoperative shock; Operational shock

Composition and release form

1 liter of solution for infusion contains dextran 100 g (average molecular weight 40,000), sodium ions 3,5 grams, chlorine 5.46 g, in bottles (glass or plastic) 500 ml each, 10 pcs. Theoretical osmolarity of the solution is 308 mosm / l.

Pharmachologic effect

Mode of action - Plasma-replacing, improving microcirculation.

Indications of the drug Longasteril 40

Microcirculatory disorders in shock, burns, transplants, etc. (Prevention and treatment).


Congestive cardiovascular insufficiency, renal failure, afibrinogenemia (only for vital indications).

Dosing and Administration

IV by drop infusion(At a rate of 15-70 drops / min) 300-1000 ml per day (depending on the degree of blood loss). The maximum daily dose of 1.5 grams of dextran per kilogram.

Precautions measures

Because of possible anaphylactic reactions, the first 10-20 ml of the drug should be administered slowly, observing the patient's condition.

Storage conditions of the drug Longasteril 40

In a cool, dark place.

Keep out of the reach of children.

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