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Instruction for use: Choragon

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Active substance: Chorionic gonadotropin

ATX code G03GA01 Chorionic gonadotropin

Pharmacological group

Hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, gonadotropins and their antagonists

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

E23.0 Hypopituitarism

Kalmann's syndrome, Infantilism pituitary, Dwarfism is cerebral-pituitary, Cachexia pituitary, Cachexia diencephalo-pituitary, Anovulatory disorders, Symmonds disease, Secondary hypogonadism in men, Secondary hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Hypogenitalism, Hypogonadism, Hypogonadism hypogonadotropic, Hypogonadism of the pituitary, Hypogonadism in men, Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Hypopituitarism, Pituitary insufficiency, Lack of growth in children with hypopituitarism, Pangypopituitarism, Primary hypogonadism, Primary hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Shihan Syndrome, Shihina's Syndrome, Symmonds-Glinsky disease, Laron's dwarfism, Sheena's Syndrome, Syndrome of a fertile eunuch

E29.1 Testicular function

Leydig cell aplasia, Hypogonadism testicular (primary), Androgen deficiency, Eunuchism, Insufficiency androgenic, Reduced function of the sex glands, Androgen insufficiency, Insufficiency of testosterone, Hypoplasia of the testes, Hypofunction of gonads in men, Insufficiency of androgens in men, Insufficiency of Leydig cells

N46 Male infertility

Azoospermia, Asthenospermia, Infertility, Infertility male, Marriage is infertile, Dispersion, Violations of spermatogenesis, Oligoastenozoospermia III-IV stage, Oligoastenospermia, Oligozoospermia, Oligospermia, Disorders of testicular functions, Spermatogenesis disorders, Inhibition of spermatogenesis, Yang syndrome

N97 Female infertility

Female infertility in anovulation, Hyperprolactinemic infertility, Hyperprolactinaemia with infertility, Endocrine infertility, Infertility due to hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, Infertility infertility, Infertility, Infertility on the background of hyperprolactinaemia, Functional infertility, Marriage is infertile, Infertility of ovarian genesis, Stimulation of the growth of a single follicle

N999 * Diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system

Angiography of the kidneys, Research of excretory function of the kidneys, Ultrasound for the detection of acquired uterine cavity changes, Replacement of fistulous catheters, Diagnosis of amenorrhea, Evaluation of kidney function and their visualization, Cystoscopy, Vesicology, Intrauterine diagnostic procedures, Urological catheterization, Retrograde urography, Angiography with urinary tract disease, Ultrasound examination of female genital organs, Instrumental studies of pelvic organs, MRI of pelvic organs, Pyelography, Small gynecological manipulations, Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system, Excretory urography, Colposcopy, Radiography of the genitourinary system, Cystourethroscopy, Cytology of the cervix, Cystography, Cystourethrography, Magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys, Enlargement of the urethra, Retrograde pyelography, Urethroscopy, Ultrasound of female genital organs, Angiography of the kidney, Mictional urethrocystography

Composition and form of release

Powder lyophilized for solution for injection 1 amp.

Human chorionic gonadotropin from the urine of pregnant women 1500 IU/ 5000 IU

Auxiliary substances: mannitol; Sodium hydroxide (to create a pH)

Complete with a solvent (isotonic sodium chloride solution, dilute hydrochloric acid - to create a pH) in 1 ml ampoules; In the box 3 sets.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - gonadotropic.

Has the properties of LH (luteinizing hormone) of the pituitary gland. In women, it causes ovulation and stimulates the formation of progesterone and estrogens. In men - stimulates the production of testosterone.


In women, induction of ovulation after stimulation of follicle growth, to maintain the function of the yellow body in patients with luteal phase insufficiency. In boys and men - hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, oligoasthenospermia, azoospermia, to evaluate the function of Leydig cells (as a differential diagnostic test for cryptorchidism and anarchism).


Hormone-dependent tumors of the genital area, threatening the syndrome of hyperstimulation (in women) in the treatment of infertility in the program of "extracorporeal fertilization". Organically caused cryptorchidism.

Side effects

In women with combined infertility treatment (for example, in combination with Menogon or Clomifen) - Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (development of ovarian cysts with the danger of their rupture, the appearance of fluid in the abdominal and thoracic cavities). In boys and men - a temporary increase in the size of the testicles and prostate, acne.

Dosing and Administration

V / m, immediately after dissolution in the attached solvent. For women: in order to induce ovulation - 5000 or 10,000 IU, to maintain the function of the yellow body - 1500-5000 IU on the 3-6-9th day after ovulation.

In boys and men: with cryptorchidism, boys 3-6 years old - 1500 IU once a week for 3 weeks (if necessary - in combination with gonadotropin-releasing hormone); To accelerate puberty in boys - 1500 ME 2-3 times a week for 3 months; When hypogonadotropic hypogonadism - 1500-6000 IU once a week (in combination with preparations of human menopausal gonadotropins, for example, with the preparation Menogon). For the purpose of differential diagnosis of cryptorchidism and anarchism in boys and with the purpose of evaluation of testicular function in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, 5000 IU once.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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