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Cipralex - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

19 Apr 2019

Antidepressant: Cipralex

Active ingredient: Escitalopramum (escitalopram)

Analogs: Selectra, Lexapro (lexapro), Lexam, Lexamil, Seroplex.

Escitalopram belongs to the group of antidepressants-SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Inhibiting the reverse capture of this neurotransmitter by neurons of the brain, the drug increases its free concentration in the presynaptic gap (the gap between the neurons). This, in turn, has a pronounced antidepressant effect. Escitalopram either does not, or has a very weak possibility of interfering with the work of most receptors.

Cipralex - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

In one of the American studies conducted in 2006, it was found that significant improvements occur in 75% of patients with depression, already at the 8th week of taking the drug.

Scientists from the University of Goteborg in Sweden investigated the efficacy of escitalopram in PMS. Close attention was paid to the main symptoms of PMS: excitability, irritability, tension and a sense of depression. As a result, at a dosage of 10 mg / day, improvement occurred in 86% of women, and in 94% at a dosage of 20 mg / day.

In addition, it was found that escitalopram has a positive effect with pain symptoms of depression (subjects felt headaches, pain in the neck, chest, and in the abdomen at the time of treatment). Improvement was achieved already in the first week of taking the drug, and a pronounced effect occurred after 14 days of treatment.

Indications for use: Treatment of depressive episodes (any weight); Treatment of patients with panic disorders (including agoraphobia).

Contraindications: Escitalopram should not be taken to children under 15 years of age, pregnant women (including lactation), as well as people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, the administration of escitalopram simultaneously with MAO inhibitors is prohibited.

Dosage and administration: Escitalopram is taken once a day, both during meals and independently.
In the treatment of depressive episodes, the therapeutic dose is 10, the maximum is 20 mg / day. As a rule, the antidepressant effect begins to manifest itself after 2-4 weeks of taking the drug. If the desired effect is achieved and the symptoms of depression are completely gone, you should take the drug for at least six months to fix the result.

The course of treatment for panic disorders should begin with a dosage of 5 mg / day, followed by an increase to 10 mg / day. If there is a special need, the daily dose can be increased to 20 mg. The therapy lasts several months, and its maximum effect is achieved on average after 3 months of use of escitalopram.

For elderly patients (aged 65 years), the dosage (both recommended and maximum) is half that of the above. With mild / moderate renal failure, a dose reduction is not performed. If the patient has severe renal dysfunction, then escitalopram should be treated with caution.

For patients with impaired liver function, the minimum dose for the first 14 days of treatment is 5 mg / day. Dosage, if necessary, can be increased to 10 mg / day.

Patients with a weak activity of the isoenzyme P4502C19 in the first 2 weeks of treatment should take the drug in an amount of not more than 5 mg / day. Depending on the personal reaction to the drug, the dosage can be increased 2 times.

To avoid withdrawal syndrome, escitalopram should be gradually phased out, reducing the dose within 2 weeks.

Side effects: As a rule, occur in the first 2 weeks of taking the drug and eventually go to naught. Among the most common side effects are the following: nausea, diarrhea, decreased appetite, constipation, drowsiness (possible insomnia), increased sweating, weakness and dizziness, decreased sexual desire.

Storage conditions: Storage temperature should not exceed 25 ° C, do not let the drug enter the children's hands.

Terms of selling from the pharmacy: Without a prescription.


Seroquel - instructions, dosage, side effects

15 Apr 2019

Antidepressant: Seroquel (Seroquele)

Manufacturer: ASTRAZENEKA
Active ingredient: Quetiapine

"Seroquel" refers to neuroleptics, that is, substances that have antipsychotic effects. The drug is effective in treating both positive and negative manifestations of schizophrenia. Also, speaking of the treatment of schizophrenia, the drug causes a significantly lower number of adverse reactions, compared with older medications. Serious clinical studies show that the drug demonstrates high efficiency in a wide range of dosages, which allows you to select the dose for each patient individually.

Seroquel buy

In one of the domestic short-term (duration of 6 weeks) clinical trials of the effectiveness of the drug "Seroquel", conducted in a psychiatric hospital in Moscow, specific statistical data were obtained. So, positive changes in symptoms were noted in 60% of patients with schizophrenia. It was also found that the most significant improvements occurred by the end of the 4th week of therapy.

In the same study, all the side effects that appeared as a result of taking the drug were recorded. Patients did not experience any adverse reactions of strong or even moderate severity. In addition, all the data of the reaction (dry mouth, drowsiness, etc.) disappeared in the first week of therapy.

With an increase in the duration of administration of the drug to 6 months, additional improvement in the condition of patients was recorded. No side effects were observed. In addition, "Seroquel" is a safe and effective substitute for other antipsychotics, which is also proved by medical practice.

Indications for use: "Seroquel" is prescribed for chronic or acute psychosis. The drug is successfully used for schizophrenia, as well as for manic episodes in the background of bipolar disorders.

Contraindications: We should abandon the "Seroquel" with increased sensitivity to the drug, as well as with epilepsy and its manifestations (seizures) in the anamnesis. It is forbidden to take "Seroquel" to pregnant women (this applies to the period of lactation) and people suffering from arterial hypotension.

Method of application and dosage: "Seroquel" is taken internally. However, its use does not depend on nutrition. The daily dose should be divided into two doses. During the first four days, the following dosage is recommended: dose for the first day - 50 mg, for the second - 100 mg, for the third - 200 mg, for the fourth - 300 mg. Then it is necessary to raise the dosage a little more efficiently (usually from 300 or 450 mg per day). The maximum daily dose is 750 mg / day.

Elderly patients, as well as people with renal or hepatic insufficiency, should be given an initial dose of 25 mg per day, then increase daily by 25-50 mg until the effective dosage volume is reached.

Side effects: The most frequent reactions of the body: drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, dry mouth, orthostatic hypotension, changes in the level of liver enzymes.

Storage conditions: "Seroquel" should be stored for no more than 3 years at a temperature regime not exceeding 30 ° C.

Terms of selling from pharmacies: Seroquel (quetiapine) is dispensed without a prescription.


Melipramin - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

10 Apr 2019

Antidepressant: Melipramin

Active ingredient: Imipramine (imipramine)Analogs: Venlaksor, Mirtazapin Sandoz, Simbalga, Velaxin, Prefaxin, Remeron, Mirzaten, Esprital 45, Melitor, Deprim Forte, and others.

Melipramin - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

Melipramine (imipramine) belongs to the so-called tricyclic antidepressants. The mechanism of its action is based on the inhibition of reuptake of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine in the brain. Long-term use of melipramine (imipramine) has a beneficial effect on adrenergic and serotonergic transmission, and also promotes the restoration of appropriate systems whose function was impaired during depression. Has a distinctive stimulating effect, brings a feeling of vivacity, relieves the feeling of anguish. Improves mood, removes motor retardation, normalizes sleep, helps to get rid of feelings of anxiety, increases both mental and general tone of the body. Gives a positive effect with bulimia. Helps in overcoming depressions of varying severity and etiology. The effect of the drug increases gradually. As a rule, marked improvement occurs after 1-3 weeks of treatment, a maximum - in a month.

Indications for use:

- treatment of various depressions, varying degrees of severity and etiology: asthenodepressive syndrome accompanied by motor retardation, endogenous (manic-depressive psychosis in the stage of depression), involuntary, reactive, alcoholic, climacteric depressions, as well as depressive states accompanying neuroses and psychopathy;
- treatment of panic disorder (i / m administration);
- treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders (IM introduction);
- prevention of migraines and headaches;
- treatment of chronic pain syndrome: pain in cancer patients, atypical facial pain, post-traumatic - neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy and other peripheral neuropathies;
- treatment of bulimia nervosa;
- bedwetting (in children only from the age of 6 years).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or tricyclic antidepressants in general, the state of acute alcohol poisoning, poisoning with any psychotropic drugs, simultaneous reception of drugs-inhibitors MAO (it is necessary to sustain a pause, at least 2 weeks). In addition, imipramine should not be taken in case of serious liver / kidney disease / insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases, disorders in the genitourinary system (such as atony of the bladder and prostate adenoma). It is not recommended to take the drug with closed angle glaucoma, conditions characterized by an increased risk of seizures, as well as during pregnancy or lactation. It is forbidden to administer a solution of melipramine (imipramine) to people suffering from thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes mellitus during decompensation.

Dosage and administration: In order to reduce the irritating effect of melipramine (imipramine) on the gastric mucosa, the drug should be taken after a meal.

Dosage is selected individually. Treatment should begin with taking a minimal amount of antidepressant followed by an increase until the desired effect is achieved.

For adults, the minimum daily dose is 25-75 mg. This amount of melipramine can be taken as a whole, or breaking into 2-3 doses. If necessary, it is possible to gradually increase the dosage (every day by 25 mg) to 150-250 mg / day. If the effect does not occur, then, in the absence of serious side effects, the daily dosage may increase to the maximum 300 mg. With mild forms of depression, a 4-6-week course of treatment is sufficient. At the end of the course, the dosage should be gradually reduced (by 25 mg every 24 hours) to the maintenance dose (25-100 mg / day). It should be remembered that too early withdrawal of the drug in most cases leads to the resumption of depression.

In the stationary treatment of severe forms of depression, the drug begins to take in the form of intramuscular injections. The required amount of the drug is 25 mg / day. With each following day, the dosage should be uniformly increased. The dose is adjusted to 100 mg / day by the 6th day of treatment (the maximum dosage is 200 mg / day), and, starting from the seventh day, the injections are gradually replaced by a preoral method of drug use. From the 13th day onward, this transition must be fully completed. In case of aggravation of the patient's condition, it is necessary to return to injections. As a rule, the full course of treatment of severe forms of depression lasts from 3 to 6 months. To treat elderly patients and children, lower doses of antidepressant are recommended.

Children should take imipramine inside after eating. The initial dosage is 10 mg per day. Within the next ten days, the dose is increased depending on the age of the patient. For children 6-7 years, this amount is 20 mg / day, 8-14 - 20-50 mg / day, and for children over 14 years - 50 mg / day or more. The maintenance dose for children is half that of an adult.

In the treatment of enuresis at the age of 6-7 years with a weight of 20-25 kg, a dosage of 25 mg / day, 9-12 years with a mass of 25-35 kg is 25-50 mg / day, for children over 12 years, a 50- 75 mg / day. It must be remembered that the dosage should be prescribed at a rate of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight of the child. If a child urinates in bed in the evening, it makes sense to divide the dose of melipramine (imipramine) at daytime (16-18 hours) and evening (20-21 hours) receptions. Excessive dose increase does not give effective results. The course of treatment for enuresis lasts no more than 3 months, with the observation of improvement it is necessary to gradually stop taking the drug.

Elderly patients are advised to start taking melipramine (imipramine) with 10 mg per day, which can be increased to 30-75 mg / day. The maintenance dose for patients of this age group is half the dose for adults.

Side effects: Among the most common side effects are: drowsiness, tinnitus, weakness, headache, dizziness, agitation, impaired concentration, yawning, insomnia, accommodation, dry mouth, constipation, tachycardia, arrhythmia, enlargement of the mammary glands , both decrease and increase of sexual desire, itching, rash, decreased sweating, increased intraocular pressure.

Storage conditions: Store at room temperature not more than 25 ° C, in a dry, darkened, inaccessible place for children.

Conditions for selling from pharmacies: Melipramine (imipramine) is dispensed on prescription.


Stimuloton - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

05 Apr 2019

Antidepressant: Stimuloton

Active ingredient: Sertraline (sertraline)Analogs: Aleval, Asentra, Deprespult, Zoloft, Seralin, Serenata, Sirleft, Torin.

"Stimuloton" is an antidepressant that inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, with a minor effect on norepinephrine and dopamine. Does not cause neither stimulating, nor anticholinergic, nor sedative effect, and therefore has a minimal set of undesirable consequences. The undoubted advantages of this drug include a lack of influence on the growth of body weight, as well as the inability to develop medicinal physical or mental dependence. The positive effect of receiving "Stimuloton" is felt quite quickly: depressed people feel better by the end of the second week of the drug. To achieve maximum effect, you should take an antidepressant for at least one and a half months.

Stimuloton - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

According to various studies, the drug received an overall efficacy estimate of 51.7 to 75%. At half of patients, thus, considerable improvements were observed, at 14,3% - moderate, at 21% - weak. Only in 14.7% of cases "Stimuloton" did not cause a positive therapeutic response. It was also found that the drug helps not only in dealing with acute depression, but also with dysthymia (the degree of efficacy is 53.8%). The best result of "Stimuloton" was shown in the therapy of melancholic, asthenic and anxious depression (67.8%). For hypochondriacal depression, the efficacy was slightly less pronounced - 43.6%. The drug shows fairly high results with depressions of any severity, from shallow to heavy.

"Stimuloton" is well tolerated by elderly patients without causing orthostatic collapse, changes in heart rate, and hypotension.

Indications for use:

- Treatment and prevention of depression of any etiology;
- Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders (abbreviation OCD);
- Treatment of panic disorders, including those accompanied by agoraphobia;
- Treatment of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; unstable epilepsy; simultaneous administration of tryptophan, MAO inhibitors or fenfluramine. In addition, this antidepressant should not be used for the treatment of child patients (except OCD), as well as during pregnancy or lactation.

Dosage and administration:

In case of depression and OCD:

For adults, the initial dosage is 50 mg (taken once a day, regardless of the time of day). In the future (not earlier than a week), there is a smooth increase in the dose to a maximum of 200 mg / day. To achieve a well-marked improvement, it may take from 8 to 12 weeks. The maximum dose at which a positive effect was achieved is retained as a supporting dose.

Children with OCD (6-12 years) should begin treatment with 25 mg of "Stimuloton" per day. After a week, the dosage can be increased to 50 mg / day. Children aged 12-17 years are advisable to start from the dosing regimen for adults. However, after reaching a dose of 50 mg / day, it is necessary to increase the daily amount of the drug with greater caution because of the less body weight in the patient-children. Therefore, at the first signs of an overdose, you should cancel taking the drug.

For panic disorders and PTSD:

The initial dose is 25 mg / day. After a week, it is increased to 50 mg / day. If necessary, it is possible to increase the daily dosage to a maximum of 200 mg / day (in this case, it should take another week). As a rule, the therapeutic effect is noticeable within the first 7 days, however, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect in its entirety, it is necessary to continuously take "Stimuloton" for about 2-4 weeks.

For elderly patients no special dosing regimen is required. The same can be said about patients with impaired renal function. For people suffering from disorders of liver function, it is necessary to select a dose more accurately, increasing breaks between "Stimuloton" or reducing the amount of the drug.

Side Effects: As an antidepressant, the drug can cause effects that are indistinguishable from the symptoms of the disease itself (eg, agitation, anxiety). Among the most common side effects: dry mouth, changes in appetite, increased sweating, headache, dizziness, insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness.

Storage conditions: "Stimuloton" should be stored in a place inaccessible to children at a temperature regime of 15-25 ° C.

Terms of selling from pharmacies: "Stimuloton" is released on prescription.


Swelling during pregnancy

03 Apr 2019

Waiting for the baby is a great time for a woman. But we have to admit that even such an unforgettable period can be clouded by toxicosis, heartburn, constipation and swelling. It is known that out-of-pregnancy edema is of cardiovascular or renal origin. How can swelling appear in pregnant women and treat them or not treat them?

Edema is an excessive accumulation of water in organs, extracellular tissue spaces of the body. Edema is a very common phenomenon during pregnancy. They arise due to changes in water-salt metabolism, changes in the blood and vascular wall, as well as as a result of a violation of outflow of blood through the veins or because of a violation of the outflow of urine, because with the growth of the baby the uterus increases and presses on the ureters.

Swelling during pregnancy

There are 4 stages of development of edema:

- swelling of the feet and ankles (happen closer to the evening, accompanied by mild indisposition, fatigue);
- edema of lower extremities, lower abdomen and lumbosacral region;
- swelling of the hands, face (in particular, the eyelids);
- general edema.

Unlike foreign doctors, who tend to believe that the edema of pregnant women is nothing more than a physiological phenomenon that does not require medical intervention, Russian midwives believe that edema should be treated, because they are the first stage of gestosis (ie late toxicosis - a complication of a normal pregnancy). In 90% of cases after the swelling there are other signs of gestosis: a protein is found in the urine, blood pressure rises. And the sooner the future mother pays attention to her health, the easier it will be to prevent the transition of dropsy from pregnant women to the next stages of gestosis (nephropathy, preeclampsia, eclampsia).


In many cases, swelling in pregnant women is noticeable to the naked eye and no special diagnosis is required. But sometimes it's impossible to determine by eye whether there is puffiness. In this case, you can press your finger on the skin and look carefully: if there is a dimple after pressing, which then slowly aligns - it's edema. But often the existing swelling is not detected either by eye, or by pressing on the skin. This so-called. hidden swelling, or pastosity of tissues. For their timely diagnosis, you need to monitor how weight increases, regularly measure blood pressure and pass urinalysis. The addition of more than 300-400 g per week can indicate the presence of edema, and the presence of protein in the urine and high blood pressure indicate the need for treatment.

Treatment of edema

In order to avoid the appearance of edema or reduce them, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor. With minor swelling of the future mother, it is best to avoid active movements, long walks, weight lifting (even a light burden, such as a shopping bag, increases the pressure on the vessels and promotes edema formation). You need to sit and walk less (but do not give up walking outdoors), lie more, because in the horizontal position, the kidneys of a person experience less stress and, as a result, work better. It is useful in the prone position to raise the feet in order to facilitate the outflow of blood. In a situation where, in late periods in the prone position, the uterus squeezes the vessels of the abdominal cavity and the swelling increases, a small pillow placed under the right buttock will help. It is necessary to monitor the amount of liquid consumed. But in no case can not greatly reduce this amount. With a sharp drop in fluid intake, the body begins to delay and store it, which will lead to more serious consequences. It is necessary to drink 1.5 liters of liquid (water, juice, cereal, soup) per day. In this diuresis should be 70-80% of the fluid consumed.

It is very important to follow a diet. Harmful salt, pepper, sugar, flour and pasta, fried, pickled, salted and spicy, carbonated drinks fall into the category of harmful products that contribute to the onset of swelling. This does not mean that salt should be completely excluded from the diet, it is just necessary to limit its intake into the body. You should also use the useful properties of some products. For example, vegetables and fruits such as zucchini, fresh cucumbers, carrots, apples, cherries, grapes and gooseberries, contain the necessary salts and trace elements for the mother's body, plus they are lightweight digeterics.

For the prevention of edema, you can use fresh berries of cranberries, fresh juice or jam from aronia. The use of kidney tea and other vegetable dues (decoction from the fruit of dog rose, strawberry, juniper, cowberry leaves, black currant), as well as medicines designed to help get rid of swelling, is possible only on the advice of a doctor.

Pharmacy arsenal to help the future mother

Medicines of vegetable origin have a complex action aimed at normalizing urination, have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, improve the functional state of the kidneys and urinary tract. Future mothers can offer Kanefron N. To strengthen capillaries and increase the tone of the veins and, as a consequence, to improve venous outflow use preparations based on flavonoids, for example Rutin, Venoruton (rutozide), Antistax (extract of red grapes), Aetscin, Venen, Venoplant etc. These funds for future mothers can be taken from the 4th month of pregnancy if there are indications, after consultation with a doctor.

Along with the means aimed at solving the puffiness problem from the inside of the body, you can offer external pharmacies to the visitors of the pharmacy, whose action is directed to local anesthesia, reduction of edema and inflammatory processes, resorption of hematomas, restoration of disturbed blood flow and physical performance in general.

Venotonics of various origin are intended to help pregnant women with swelling of the feet, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. Such drugs are used externally and do not have a systemic effect on the body, which is very important in pregnancy. Such preparations may include plant components, for example, horse chestnut seed extract, which increases the resistance of the capillary wall to damage, the extract of the sweet clover (active components of melilotin and coumarin), improves microcirculation and venous blood flow, the extract of red grapes leaves, etc.

The range of pharmacies should be such local means as Herbion Esculus, Venoruton, Tromblets, Venen, Venolife, Antistax, Venitant, etc. Venotonics can be used only according to the indications and recommendations of the doctor.


Kidney tea (not to be confused with renal collection!) Is an excellent diuretic for pregnant women. Used in folk medicine leaves and leafy tops of staminate orthosiphon perfectly remove edema, are used in the complex therapy of inflammatory processes of the urinary system. Thanks to the essential oil contained in the plant, orthosiphonin and tannins, kidney tea normalizes blood pressure, metabolism, and is also a diuretic. Gulf 1-2 tablespoons of kidney tea with two glasses of boiling water, you need to let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Take infusion of kidney tea is necessary for 20-40 minutes before eating.

When offering kidney tea to visitors, do not forget to say that you can consume it, but within reasonable limits, observing the dosages recommended by a doctor observing the course of pregnancy.

Advising and offering this or that drug, do not forget to direct the future mother to the doctor, because the specialist will be able to identify the signs of swelling in time and do everything possible to make the pregnant woman feel comfortable.


Phenotropil - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

01 Apr 2019

Antidepressant: Phenotropil (Carphedon)

Active ingredient: Phenylpiracetam (Phenylpiracetam)Analogs: Phenylpiracetam, Fonturacetam, Fenotropil

Phenotropil belongs to the group of nootropic drugs. Produces psycho-stimulating effect. It is able to quickly help people suffering from lack of adequate protection from stress, as well as with a tendency to overwork or a strong and prolonged load.

Phenotropil - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

This drug has earned tremendous popularity among people whose activity requires considerable mental or physical exertion. Moreover, almost all who are seriously interested in revealing the potential of their body (primarily the brain), somehow come to Phenotropil.

Phenotropil was developed by serious scientists for specific purposes. It is thanks to him that domestic space exploration has received a means capable of substantially increasing both the mental and physical performance of cosmonauts in space flight. It was after the effectiveness of Fentropil was fully proved by its use in space conditions, the drug became available to every buyer in the pharmacy.

First of all, Phenotropil improves nutrition and metabolic processes in the human brain. This means that the brain, constantly receiving the necessary nutrition and oxygen, is in a state of highest efficiency.

An increase in the serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine concentration in the brain accompanied by the administration of phenothropil allows us to consider this remedy as part of a complex of measures for treating depressive conditions.

In addition, in addition to stimulating cognitive and thought processes, the drug positively affects the physical condition of a person. Another undeniable advantage of Phenotropil is the creation of a strong defense against stress. Given the intensity of modern life, this feature of the drug is extremely relevant. By and large, Phenotropil is a unique drug that is used not only to treat a variety of disorders and pathological conditions (such as CNS diseases, neurotic states, convulsions, depression and many others), but also to activate additional body reserves by perfectly healthy people. A very important property of Phenotropil is an immediate effect. This makes it possible to use the drug directly during the occurrence of an extreme situation.

With all this, Phenotropil has extremely low toxicity, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of poisoning with this drug (the fatal dose of Phenotropil is 800 mg per kilogram of human body weight).

Today we can say with confidence that Phenotropil has no worthy competitors in terms of its operation, security level and breadth of application.

Pharmacological action: Phenotropil is known for its nootropic effect and complex of effects: the drug has simultaneously anti-anxiety, analgesic, antihypoxic, antihypertensive, antitoxic, anticonvulsant and psychostimulating effect.

Indications for use: It is used in many pathological conditions of the central nervous system caused by various causes. This list includes neurotic and abstinent conditions, asthenic state (such conditions occur in schizophrenia), asthenic depression and cerebrovascular insufficiency. The drug is used for obesity, hypertension I-II stages, convulsive states, reduced ability to learn, etc. In addition, Phenotropol is often used as a stimulant that improves the work of a number of processes occurring in the human body.

Contraindications: The uniqueness of Phenotropil is that it has virtually no contraindications. The only danger is the individual intolerance of the body.

Dosage and administration: The drug is taken orally after a meal. It is recommended to take Phenotropil in the morning (at least up to 15 hours). Single dose of the drug ranges from 100 to 250 mg, daily dose - from 200 to 300 mg (it should be divided into two methods). Also, the limit of daily intake of the drug is set at 750 mg / day.

If a minimum daily dosage (100 mg or less) is chosen, then a dose is not required. The period of treatment with phenotropil usually lasts from 2 to 12 weeks.

If the drug is used to improve performance, should be taken from 100 to 200 mg per day once. The optimal duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Side effects: There may be overexcitation, related insomnia, increased blood pressure, as well as some vegetative disorders.

Storage conditions: The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. Keep Phenotropil at temperatures up to 30 ° C in a dark place.

Terms of selling from pharmacies: Phenotropil (Phenylpyracetam) is released on prescription.


Coaxil - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

29 Mar 2019

Antidepressant: Coaxil (Tianeptine)

Active ingredient: TianeptineSynonyms: Tianeptine, Servier.

The drug belongs to the group of tricyclic antidepressants. Coaxil increases the reuptake of serotonin by the neurons of the cortex of the prepared brain and the hippocampus. Increases the spontaneous activity of pyramidal cells and increases the rate of their recovery after functional suppression.

Coaxil - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

It activates the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex, as well as accelerates the process of recovery of these cells in case of functional damage.

The action of the drug can not be characterized only as a sedative or as a stimulant, it occupies a middle position between these two, seemingly quite opposite effects.

Admission of coaxil helps to improve somatic status: reduces abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, headaches, increased heart rate, heat, muscle pain.
The drug has a positive effect on the character of patients with chronic alcoholism, which for a long time refrains from drinking alcohol.

Coaxil does not reduce memory, does not worsen sleep, does not reduce concentration, does not affect the cardiovascular system, and the drug is not addictive.

Pharmacokinetics: 94% of the dose of the drug binds to plasma proteins. After taking the tablet, tianeptine is completely and quickly removed from the gastrointestinal tract. The active substance is evenly distributed throughout the body, and its cleavage occurs in the liver. From the body the drug is excreted by the kidneys, the elimination time is 2.5, and in the elderly 3.5 hours. 8% of the drug is excreted unchanged, the rest is recycled.
In patients with renal insufficiency, patients older than 70 years, patients who are treated for various chronic diseases, the time for removing coaxil from the body is increased by 1 hour. Pharmacokinetics does not depend on the state of hepatocytes (with hepatic insufficiency and cirrhosis of the liver).

Indications for use: Coaxil is assigned to patients in a depressed state.

Usage: Take the drug 1 tablet (12.5 mg) in the morning, afternoon and evening before eating. The same dose is prescribed for patients with cirrhosis of alcoholic etiology. Patients with renal insufficiency and patients older than 70 years should take 2 tablets a day (25 mg per day).

Side effects: When taking coaxil, the following side effects may occur: abdominal and stomach pain, dry mouth, decreased appetite, vomiting, nausea, bloating, constipation, insomnia, drowsiness, nightmares, headache, dizziness, fainting, weakness , a feeling of heat and trembling of the whole body or of individual limbs. Also, pain in the chest, rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat rhythm, unpleasant sensations during breathing, sensations of "lump in the throat", back pain and muscle pain may appear. However, the described side effects are extremely rare and pass very quickly.

Contraindications: Do not use this medication for children and adolescents under 15 years and patients with intolerance to the components of the drug.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, it is highly undesirable to take this medication, since the safety of its administration is not confirmed. Since antidepressants are excreted in breast milk, breastfeeding should be interrupted for a while.

Interaction with other drugs: Coaxil should not be used concomitantly with other psychotropic drugs, in particular monoamine oxidase inhibitors. With their joint appointment, there is a high risk of a crisis or sudden increase in blood pressure, fever, seizures, and the likelihood of a fatal outcome. These medicines should not be taken together.

Overdose: In case of an overdose, it is necessary to stop taking a coaxil and monitor the work of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and metabolism in the body. If necessary, rinse the stomach and conduct kidney and general metabolism.

Form release: Coaxil is produced in the form of white coated tablets, in a package of 30 pcs.

Storage conditions: Coaxil is stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° in a place inaccessible to children. Shelf life - 3 years, after its expiration, the drug can not be used.

Structure: The composition of the preparation includes:
- active substance - tianeptine sodium 12.5 mg
- auxiliary substances: corn starch, magnesium stearate, talc, white beeswax, sucrose, mannitol, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, baking soda, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, titanium dioxide, ethyl cellulose ether, glycerol-80, polysorbate-80 (Tween 80) and Povidone.

Additionally: At the beginning of treatment with coaxil, patients should be under the constant supervision of doctors, since with depressive states there is the possibility of suicide attempts.
If a patient taking coaxil needs to undergo an operation under general anesthesia, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator should be warned about taking this medication. Treatment should be stopped 24 hours or 2 days before surgery. In emergency cases, the operation can be carried out without canceling the coaxil, but under the vigilant supervision of doctors. It is not recommended to stop the treatment abruptly, it is better if the patient gradually reduces the dosage and within a week or two will completely abandon the drug.
When replacing monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors with a coaxil preparation, a break of 2 weeks is necessary. When replacing the drug coaxil for MAO inhibitors, the break is reduced to 24 hours.

In some cases, attention may be reduced, so patients are advised to give up risk-related activities that require concentration and quick response.


Effective treatment of alcohol and drug dependence

27 Mar 2019

Modern medicine has made a big step forward, and measures aimed at treating alcoholism, drug addiction and any other dependence are quite impressive. As an example, you can take psychotherapy, it allows you to take into account the psychological aspect of addiction and have a purposeful impact on it. Methods of psychological impact include coding hypnosis and sewing ampoules "esperal". At first glance, the advantages of this method are very important: only one or two sessions, against a background of relatively modest expenditures and a taboo on alcohol consumption is obtained.

Effective treatment of alcohol and drug dependence

As for the shortcomings, they are not obvious and are evident not immediately. Acquaintance with the shortcomings occurs after some time after coding. Very many doubt the effectiveness of the method and are eager to experiment - how much the effect of the ampoule or code is justified.

The very principle of coding or sewing uses the banal approach of the "punitive machine" mechanism of an internal character. Alcoholism slumbers, starts, "serving his time behind bars and counting the seconds and days before liberation." Being "closed" to the "code lock", alcoholism is not so dangerous than in the case of his stay "at large", but the essence of this does not change - a person has to live with him.

These moments are the reason that relatives often regret that they went to extreme measures, because from all points of view, as a social element, the alcoholic often turns into a true tyrant, especially this is true of relatives and friends. And thirdly, the alcoholic, who was coded or sewn, is forced to live and remain in constant tension, torn to pieces between a lurking desire to "take to his chest" and fear of dying, if he accepts it. Despite the fact that "on paper" the issue is resolved, a person signed a receipt on possible consequences in case of violation of the regime, within him there is a constant struggle, very often unconsciously, which warms the acuteness of the problem that is not solved at the root. The constant nervous hypnotranspiration, which causes stress, does not pass without consequences, affects the physical, mental and spiritual state of the dependent.

Alcoholism and drug addiction as a disease is not only the process of intoxication and the search for funds for drugs, it is not only the breakdown and suffering of the addict. Almost half the illness consists of the reaction of the parents to the actions and actions of the sick son, which can be both healthy and painful. If the parents' reaction is adequate, healthy, correct, the problem is solved, the son refuses the drugs (alcohol). And if the reaction is erroneous or even painful, the problem is aggravated, and the son's disease is rapidly progressing.


Nardil - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

25 Mar 2019

Antidepressant: Nardil

Active ingredient: Phenelzine (phenelzine)

Analogs: Nardil – Phenelzine, Phenibut, Mexidol

Nardil - instructions, dosage, side effects, analogs

Nardil is a potent inhibitor of monoamine oxidase (MAO). Depression is most often associated with an imbalance of certain chemical compounds in the brain. The concentration of these compounds (monoamines) in the central nervous system during depression is significantly reduced. Monoamines are cleaved with the help of a special substance monoamine oxidase (MAO). Phenelzine interferes with the work of MAO, and therefore, contributes to an increase in the number of active monoamines in the brain. Thus, the imbalance is normalized, and the depression recedes. Despite the fact that "Nardil" is not the most modern antidepressant, many scientific studies show that it has a profound potential in the treatment of social phobia. Phenelzine has an effect on serotonin and dopamine, as well as aminobutyric acid, which, as a rule, can solve all problems related to social anxiety.

The drug was recognized effective in the treatment of patients with depression, clinically characterized as neurotic and atypical (not endogenous). Such patients often have a whole complex of manifestations, including anxiety, the symptoms of depression itself (feelings of sadness, fear, anxiety), as well as hypochondriacal states and various phobias. In addition, there is evidence that it is somewhat less effective in controlling severe forms of endogenous depression.

Thus, a study in Toronto found that about 25% of patients with severe depression, accompanied by chronic mental disorders, achieve complete recovery; in 32% the improvement was sufficient to permit discharge, and a noticeable improvement was noted in 12% of patients.

"Nardil" very often helps those patients who have not experienced improvements during treatment with other antidepressants. A noticeable therapeutic effect occurs after 2-4 weeks of taking the drug.

Indications for use: Depressive disorders


- children's age till 16 years;
- violations of the liver (including in history);
- heart failure;
- diseases of the blood vessels inside / around the brain (cerebrovascular diseases);
- adrenal gland tumor;
- manic-depressive syndrome in the manic phase;
- allergy to the components of the drug.

Side effects: The following effects are the result of an individual reaction to the drug, but this does not mean that they will manifest in everyone who starts taking phenelzine. The most frequent of them: drowsiness, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, insomnia, weakness and fatigue, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, constipation, headache, blurred vision, increased sweating and appetite, arrhythmia.

Terms of selling from the pharmacy: Without a prescription.


What drugs are not compatible with alcohol?

22 Mar 2019

1. Antibiotics.

As you know, antibiotics are processed by the liver, and the liver just cleanses our body of alcohol. So, we strike her twice.

What drugs are not compatible with alcohol

Drugs incompatible with alcohol

2. Means for lowering blood pressure.

Although most modern means for lowering blood pressure are quite compatible with alcohol, many use old drugs, for example, clonidine. The fact is, when taking this medicine after alcohol, too much hypnotic effect may occur.

3. Vascular tools.

Some vascular tools. for example, cinnarizine, enhance the effect of alcohol.

4. Means from seizures.

When taking anticonvulsants after taking alcohol, usually there is drowsiness, inhibition, pain in the abdomen, nausea, allergic reactions.

5. Antiallergic agents - cause drowsiness, blocking, headache

6. Antidepressants - cause drowsiness and headache.

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