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Diabetes mellitus: a disease or a way of life?

24 Dec 2018

Diabetes mellitus is one of those chronic diseases that have a serious impact on all areas of human life. Diabetics need to constantly take into account the characteristics of their condition and adapt to it, because the treatment of diabetes is not limited to the timely administration of hypoglycemic drugs and compliance with a rigid diet. It all matters: shoes that a person wears, daily exercise and rest, even cosmetic products and a toothbrush have to be bought with an eye on the possible consequences of the wrong choice.

This problem becomes especially urgent when a patient with diabetes requires the purchase of a medicine or a means of care and personal hygiene. The richness of the pharmacy range and the fear of possible side effects of drugs force such buyers to seek advice from pharmacists and pharmacists.

actovegin and Diabetes mellitus

What can pharmacy staff recommend to their visitors? Of course, if it is a question of a medicinal preparation, then the question is solved simply - there are no contraindications to the use of diabetes mellitus, so you can offer the goods to the buyer. But the modern pharmacy has not only various medications, pharmacy shelves can be found all kinds of cosmetics, medical devices, dietary supplements, phytopreparations and much more that can greatly facilitate the life of the patient with diabetes.

Each pharmacist, at least once in his practice, advised a diabetic about buying a glucometer, knows that working with this category of buyers is very specific. It is necessary not only to intelligently and clearly understand the principle of the device's operation, but also to convince the patient that using the tester will not bring much discomfort and will quickly become a habit. Modern high-tech glucometers are easy to operate, have an intuitive interface, are highly reliable. However, elderly patients, as well as people with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, it is difficult to get used to constant measurements with a new device. Especially for this group of patients, many companies issue special glucometers with step-by-step instructions and tips, a detailed menu in Russian.

But even when recommending such a device, the pharmacist will most likely have to explain to the buyer how exactly the sugar is being researched - to show why these buttons or functions are needed. To further the patient, following the prompts on the screen, was able to independently measure the level of glucose in the blood.

An important advantage of modern glucometers is a large and convenient screen, in which all the inscriptions and results are displayed in large high-definition print. This is very important for people with poor eyesight.

Regular measurement of sugar at home requires not only high accuracy of the device, but also the availability of memory that allows you to save at least 100-120 measurement results, as well as a function that displays average blood glucose values for 7, 14, 30 days. No less important is the regime in which you can automatically memorize the results of measuring blood glucose before and after meals, which will make it easier to adjust nutrition, to understand how certain foods affect blood sugar levels, and to optimize the dose and frequency of intake of hypoglycemic drugs or insulin .

Antioxidants, vitamins, microelements
Most drugs for diabetes should only be prescribed by the attending physician to avoid polypharmacy and reduce the risk of possible side effects. But nevertheless there is a certain category of remedies that a pharmacist can quite remind a patient suffering from diabetes mellitus - these are antioxidants and multivitamin complexes with microelements.

As you know, the processes of free radical oxidation in diabetes mellitus are much more active than normal. As a result, oxidative stress leads to the development of severe vascular complications - diabetic angiopathies.

Therefore, in diabetes, antioxidants are widely used - nicotinamide, lipoic acid, hemodializates Solcoseryl and Actovegin, quercetin and succinic acid, as well as some vitamins and microelements that have an antioxidant effect - A, C, E, selenium.

On vitamins with mineral components it is necessary to stop more in detail, tk. this is exactly what the pharmacist can well recommend to a patient with diabetes for self-administration.

The need for some vitamins in diabetics is higher than in healthy people. And what is especially important, with diabetes is almost no seasonal vitamin deficiency. All this forces the patient to regularly take multivitamin complexes, which have to be chosen taking into account all the features of the disease.

The first thing you need to focus on is the lack of sugar and sweeteners in the recommended preparation, as well as the optimal dosage of the components, which, taking into account the food received, must fully provide the necessary daily allowance. And, of course, the composition of multivitamins should match the needs of the patient.

So, most often people suffering from diabetes, prescribed drugs that include vitamins B, E, A, ascorbic and folic acid, zinc, chromium, selenium.

Vitamins E and A make it possible to compensate for the negative consequences of high blood glucose levels, support visual function, play a crucial role in maintaining the health of the skin and mucous membranes, and maintaining the protective abilities of the immune system.

B vitamins are necessary for the regulation of all kinds of metabolism, as well as the work of the central and peripheral nervous system: they prevent the development of diabetic neuropathy, protect against damage to pancreatic cells and activate insulin production, promote the rapid healing of microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Ascorbic acid also serves as an antioxidant, restores the structure of the vascular wall, suppresses inflammatory processes, strengthens the immune system and speeds up the regeneration of tissues.

Zinc is necessary for the regulation of blood sugar levels, as well as the work of the immune system. Selenium prevents the formation of free radicals inside the cell. Chromium contributes to the synthesis of insulin and increases the sensitivity of cells to it.

Antiseptics and care products
Another important problem in diabetes mellitus is a violation of the skin: a decrease in local immunity, a change in lipid mantle, nutrition and blood supply, slowing healing processes, etc. All this makes very important the issues of personal hygiene and skin care. Close attention to diabetes requires foot care, especially feet.

Today, pharmacies can offer their customers a variety of different creams and gels that have moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing effects.

In addition, you can advise the patient antiseptic drugs based on chlorhexidine, Dioxydin, Lavasept, Yodopirone and Jodovidone. When cracks appear on the feet, in addition to the antiseptic solution, you can use creams and patches with a similar effect.

Do not use alcohol solutions (including a solution of brilliant green and cologne), hydrogen peroxide and a solution of "manganese" for disinfection. It is also not recommended to use corn patches and other means for chemical elimination of corns and coarsened skin of feet.


Phytotherapy in diabetes mellitus has always been very widely used. Of course, medicinal herbs can not replace insulin preparations or sugar-reducing drugs, but their use as additional treatments can significantly improve the patient's condition and facilitate the normalization of blood glucose. In addition, phytopreparations can be prescribed for the prevention and treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus.

We list only some of the most popular medicinal plants and indications for their use.
- Aloe dendritic: external preparations for the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin, acceleration of healing of wounds and ulcers.
- Black elderberry: broth and infusion of young shoots used for washing and baths for skin infections and inflammations.
- Blueberries: berries and leaves in fresh form and in broths help normalize carbohydrate metabolism and have a hypoglycemic effect.
- Walnut: fruits and infusion of leaves or partitions have a hypoglycemic effect, improve the condition of the vascular wall.
- Glega medicinal: infusions and broths have insulin-like action.
- Stinging nettle: broth and infusion of leaves stimulates the formation of insulin.
- Burdock: a decoction of the root is used externally and inward - for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases and the normalization of metabolism.
- Dandelion medicinal: contains inulin - an insulin-like substance.
- Yarrow: medicinal preparations: external preparations possess fine wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.
- Common beans: broth of leaflets (pods) has a pronounced hypoglycemic effect.

In addition, preparations based on blueberries, sage, chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, schisandra can be recommended.


Vegetosovascular dystonia

19 Dec 2018

Vegetosovascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia, vegetoneurosis, vegetative dystonia syndrome) is one of the most common diseases of our time. It affects up to 90% of adolescents and people of active age, women - 3 times more often than men.

Vegetosovascular dystonia Phenazepam. Phenotropil

To the reasons for the development of vegetovascular dystonia, the following can be attributed:

- violation of vascular regulation;
- hereditary predisposition (transmitted through the maternal line) as a result of the impact of emotional stress;
- hormonal changes in the body (puberty, pregnancy, menopause);
- change of climatic zones;
- physical, mental and emotional overload;
- exacerbation of chronic neurological, somatic or endocrine diseases, neurotic disorders;
- trauma (craniocerebral);
- infection, complication after the flu and pneumonia;
- physical and chemical effects (microwave currents, radiation, ionizing radiation).

Vegetosovascular dystonia is a condition associated with a violation of autonomic functions due to the disorder of their neurohumoral regulation. It represents an excessive vegetative reaction to stress and is accompanied by a variety of symptoms.

Depending on the violations of the activity of this or that organ system, the symptoms may be different:

- Cardiac (cardiac) - pain in the heart, heart palpitations (tachycardia), a feeling of cardiac fading, interruptions in the work of the heart;
- respiratory (respiratory) - rapid breathing, inability to take a deep breath or vice versa, unexpected deep breaths; feeling of lack of air, feeling of heaviness, stuffiness in the chest; sharp attacks of dyspnea, similar to attacks of bronchial asthma;
- dysdinamic - fluctuations in arterial and venous pressure; violation of blood circulation in tissues;
thermoregulatory - unpredictable fluctuations in body temperature, which can rise to 37-38 ° C or decrease to 35 ° C or lower; fluctuations can be permanent, long-term or short-term;
- dyspeptic - disorders of the digestive tract (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation or diarrhea);
- sexual - lack of orgasm with persisting sexual attraction;
- various violations of the urinary system - rapid, painful urination in the absence of any real pathology, etc .;
- neuropsychiatric - weakness, lethargy, reduced working capacity and fatigue at low load, tearfulness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, increased sensitivity to weather changes, sleep-wakefulness disturbances, anxiety, etc.

Main medicines

Adenosinergic agents: Pentamon et al.

Alpha-adrenoblockers: Pyrroxan tablets 0.015 g, etc.

Anxiolytics: Tenoten, Tenoten for children, Phesipam, Phenazepam, Phenorelaxen, Elzepam, Spitomin, Mezapam, Nozepam, Grandaxin, Afobazol, and others.

Antihypoxants and antioxidants: Dimefosfon, Kudesan, Medomexi, Mexident, Mexidol, Mexidol injection for 5%, Mexicum, Neurox, Eltacin, etc.

Beta-adrenoblockers: Atenolan, Anaprilin, Anaprilina tablets, Vero-Anaprilin, Obsidan, propranolol, etc.

Vasodilators: Validol and others.

m-anticholinergics: Zelenin drops, etc.

Neurotropic agents: Glycine et al.

Nootropics: Amilonosar, Picamilon, and others.

Generalizing agents and adaptogenes: Huato Boluses, Schizandra Seed Tincture, Rhodiola Rosea rhizomes and roots Round briquettes, etc.

Sedatives: Valerian tincture, Doppelgerz Nervotonik, Negrustin, Validol, Validol in capsules, Peony evading tincture, Barbowal, Valemidine, Valoserdin, Consolation collection 3, Calming sedative collection 2, Valocordin, Corvaldin, Pustyrnika extract, etc.

Cardiac glycosides and non-glycosidic cardiotonic agents: Hawthorn tincture, Hawthorn extract, Lily-of-the-valley tincture, etc.

Additional medicines

Supplements: Balm for vessels, Cigapan, Bayu-Bai - for children, etc.

Vitamins and vitamin-like remedies: Compligam B, Milgamma and others.

Homeopathic remedies: Climact-Hel, Primula / Onopordone Composite, Pumpan, Notta, Nervochel, Ginseng Comp, etc.

Immunomodulators: Galavit et al.

Metabolic means: Limontar et al.


Obesity and products of natural origin

17 Dec 2018

According to the World Health Organization, more than a billion people on the planet are overweight. In Western Europe, 10-20% of men and 20-25% of women are overweight or obese. According to various estimates, in Russia more than 60% of the adult population of the country has a body weight exceeding the physiological norm; every fourth Russian is obese. The economic costs of treating obesity and its complications are very high - in the developed countries of the world they make up 8-10% of total health care costs.

Medicines against Obesity

For reasons that contribute to weight gain, you can include genetic predisposition; excessive consumption of food containing fats; hypodynamia; endocrinological disorders (dysfunctions of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pancreas, etc.), the systematic use of certain drugs - antipsychotic drugs (clozapine), tricyclic antidepressants; lithium preparations; anticonvulsants (carbamazepine); sugar-reducing drugs (sulfanylurea derivatives, thiazolidinediones), corticosteroid drugs, hormonal contraceptives, antihistamines, and others.

It is known that obesity significantly reduces the duration of human life and increases the likelihood of developing a number of serious diseases.

On the background of obesity most often develop diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). Obese people are also at increased risk of various cancers - colon cancer, endometrium, prostate, gallbladder, etc. Obesity is often combined with the syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea, which significantly reduces life expectancy and can cause sudden death. Obesity is regarded as a factor contributing to the progression of chronic kidney disease, is a risk factor for deep vein thrombosis and thromboembolism, especially if there are other predisposing factors (fracture of the proximal femur, large surgical operations, prolonged air travel).

At present, the following drugs for long-term therapy of obesity are registered in Russia:

- orlistat (Xenical) - the therapeutic effect is due to its ability to bind lipases in the gastrointestinal tract, which blocks the hydrolysis of edible fat (triglycerides) to absorbed free fatty acids and monoacylglycerols, preventing their entry into the systemic circulation;
- sibutramine (Meridia) - accelerates the onset of satiety, contributing to a reduction in the amount of food consumed, increases energy consumption of the body, normalizes lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

Effective in the treatment of obesity can be used products of natural origin.

1. Activators of metabolism and lipolysis
Red capsicum, the main component of which is the alkaloid capsaicin, causes an increase in the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine in the body, resulting in a significant activation of lipolysis and fat mobilization from adipose tissue. Capsaicin significantly increases the activity of one of the main enzymes of lipid metabolism - hepatic lipoprotein lipase and thereby reduces the concentration of triglycerides in the blood plasma. In addition, capsaicin is one of the most powerful stimulants of heat exchange processes in the body due to the expansion of the vessels of the skin and increased sweating. This process is accompanied by an acceleration of the basic metabolism and an increase in the daily energy costs of the organism, which are covered by fat resources.

The xanthines of guarana activate the effect of adrenaline and norepinephrine on fat tissue and lipolysis processes.

L-carnitine is an activator of oxidation of fatty acids in adipose tissue with the formation of free energy. It stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids by transporting them through the membrane to the interior of the mitochondria, thereby reducing the accumulation of fat in tissues and objectively reducing weight. Lipotropic factors - methionine, betaine, inositol, choline - are the key factors that determine the efficiency of fatty acid metabolism in the body, fat-mobilizing factors that promote rapid lipid cleavage.

Lipotropic substances are necessary for the metabolism in the body of triglycerides, phospholipids and transport forms of lipids, during which lipid compounds easily assimilated by the body tissues are formed. With a lack of lipotropic factors, the exchange of edible fats slows down sharply, as a result of which excess fatty acids are deposited in the form of fat deposits, while the liver suffers the most. With additional intake of lipotropic substances into the body, they actively bind to fatty acids, forming phospholipids, in which fats can be absorbed by the body, and serve as a source of energy and a building material for cell membranes.

Caffeine-containing plants (green tea, cola) stimulate the main metabolism and, in the first place, activate the processes of fat metabolism. In green tea, caffeine is in a bound form (with tannins), which provides for its softer and prolonged action in comparison with synthetic analogues.

Fucus as a source of bioavailable iodine contributes to a significant activation of the thyroid function, which is reduced in most people who are overweight. Disruption of the thyroid gland leads to a decrease in the intensity of basal metabolism and slows down lipolysis. Replenishment of iodine deficiency can intensify the metabolism processes primarily of fats, stabilize the exchange of simple carbohydrates.

2. Micronutrients preventing accumulation and growth of fat

Garcinia Cambodian has the ability to inhibit the formation of fatty acids in the body. The biologically active substance of Garcinia extract of Cambodian - hydroxycitrate - reduces the formation of fatty acids and cholesterol in the liver. In addition, hydroxycitrate leads to activation of gluconeogenesis, incl. due to the reverse synthesis of glucose from fatty acids.

Chromium, especially in the form of organic compounds, is the most important factor in maintaining normal tolerance (sensitivity of tissues) in the body to glucose. Normalization of insulin levels and tissue sensitivity to insulin provides not only normalization of blood glucose levels, but also normalization of lipid metabolism due to reduction of fat and low density lipoprotein. All this leads to weight loss and increased content of high-density lipoproteins. Chromium also helps build muscle tissue and form elastic muscles.

B vitamins are indispensable cofactors of carbohydrate metabolism, which contribute to limiting the growth of fat. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is needed for burning calories, vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) speeds up the metabolism, and vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) promotes good digestion and absorption of food.

3. Micronutrients, which reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine

Chitosan has a unique ability to bind fats in the intestine and to withdraw unchanged from the body to half of the lipids that have entered the body.

Dietary fibers, which are stimulants of intestinal peristalsis, and thereby significantly reduce the effectiveness of assimilation of individual components of food, incl. fats and carbohydrates. In addition, dietary fibers are sorbents and are able to adsorb bile acids and cholesterol, accelerate their excretion from the body. However, it must be remembered that a decrease in fat absorption is accompanied by a decrease in the intake of fat-soluble vitamins into the blood. Therefore, in order to avoid violations related to their deficiency, dietary supplements along with dietary fiber should be supplemented with vitamins A, E, etc.

4. Micronutrients regulating increased appetite

Regulation of appetite is currently the main method of correcting excess weight. Hydroxycitrate and its structural analogues, contained in Garcinia Cambodian, have an anorexigenic effect, i.e. can inhibit increased appetite. Also, dietary fibers from algae (sea cabbage, spirulina, bubbly fucus, etc.) due to the ability to swell when in contact with a large amount of water in the stomach irritate the baroreceptors and suppress the feeling of hunger. Hoodia Gordoniya reduces appetite and cravings for regular "snacks".

5. Herbal preparations that correct the secretory functions of the digestive tract - the secretion of bile, gastric juice and digestive enzymes

Cholagogue funds contribute to the normalization of disorders in obesity motor biliary tract, which provides a reduction in stagnation of bile and the risk of stone formation in the biliary tract. In addition, the use of natural bile stimulants and bile excretion (artichoke, dandelion, sorrel yellow, gentian yellow, corn stigmas, ginger, black pepper, peppermint, rosehip) in combination with dietary fiber provides the sorption of bile acids and their decay products, and promotes the activation of metabolism and the excretion of cholesterol from the body.

The use of plant digestive enzymes (papain, bromelain, betaine) improves digestion, lowers cholesterol.

6. Vegetable diuretics

When excess weight is often observed, a violation of water-salt metabolism and the retention of fluid and sodium in the tissues of the body, formed during the decay of fats. The use of diuretics, such as bearberry, birch, juniper, horsetail, cowberry, ginger, green tea not only normalizes the parameters of water-salt metabolism, but also greatly facilitates the achievement of effective weight loss.

7. Replenishment of deficiency of vitamins and minerals

The lack of vitamins and microelements, which occurs with low-calorie diets or fasting, can cause metabolic disorders. It is known that micronutrients (for example, vitamins B6, B12, B2, E, C, A, folic acid, nicotinamide, biotin, selenium, potassium, etc.) participate in intracellular metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acids, steroid compounds and amino acids. A consequence of this deficit may be weight gain. Therefore, it is necessary to include these micronutrients in the complex weight loss program.

In the domestic pharmacy market, products of natural origin, recommended for obesity and its complications, are represented by drugs (but not many), and numerous dietary supplements.

With obesity, you can recommend the following drugs: Hofitol, Dr. Theiss New figure. And the following supplements: Atlant-IVA, Garcilin, Guarana-Yabloko, DIA-beta, Doctor Theiss Nova Figure (chewable tablets with inulin), Live drop, Ideal, Normoflorin-B biocomplex, Normoflorin-L biocomplex, Slim code, Slenderness, Slenderness Plus, Super System-Six, Turboslim day, Turboslim night, FITODIURETIC WITH KALIEM Diets formula, CHOLESTERIN BALANCE Life formula, CITRIMAX Plus Diets formula, etc.


Why beer alcoholism is dangerous?

14 Dec 2018

Dependence on beer forms in man a deceptive impression of happiness and well-being. According to the majority, beer is almost not alcohol. For a long time for alcoholization, fights with a sobering-up station, which are typical for alcoholic excesses, are not significant. The desire to drink beer does not cause a person such anxiety, as well as the need for vodka. Beer alcoholism begins to form significantly slower than vodka alcoholism. But when it develops, it leads to fatal consequences and severe forms of alcoholism. Advertising plays a huge role in the development of beer alcoholism. One has only to see what they teach us: Every difficult life situation can not do without alcohol. People think that beer is safe - it's not vodka, otherwise it would not be advertised. A significant part of the population of our country is more susceptible to genetic dependence on alcoholism, from this beer plays the same role as vodka.

Why beer alcoholism is dangerous

Drinking beer is the way to chronic alcoholism
Frequent use of beer - is a shortcut to the formation of chronic alcoholism, which is known as "Gambrinism." More than 30% of fans of "Guiness", "Bavarian", "Czech", and similar drinks in the coming years become alcoholics, and almost the same number - candidates in them. Attachment to beer begins much earlier than to vodka. Today, more and more often our scientists are talking about this, calling for order in the "beer business". Painful infatuation for low alcoholic beverages, which then goes into alcoholism, begins to develop 4 times faster than to strong ones. Also, the disease is much more difficult to treat. At the same time, beer lovers very quickly develop such diseases as liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, as well as various lesions of the central nervous system (CNS). Also, people who drink beer much older age, which is understandable. Since beer is consumed much more often and in larger quantities than wine or vodka. From the excessive use of beer develops beer alcoholism. (Phenotropil can cope with hangover).

Even without guessing, a person can become an alcoholic. You can also consider an alcoholic to someone who does not use any vodka or wine, but every day he drinks a few liters of beer. four liters of beer, according to the concentration of ethyl alcohol, equal to a bottle of vodka. The depth of poisoning directly depends on the content of ethyl alcohol in the body. A small volume of alcoholic beverage with a larger strength leads to a very rapid intoxication. If you drink a large volume with a small fortress, the concentration of ethyl alcohol will remain the same, but intoxication will come more slowly. And as there is no difference, to drink a day a bottle of vodka (two hundred grams of alcohol) or drink four liters of beer - in these two cases it is alcoholism. Such a development of events may be unusual for those people who do not know what is intoxication or who have never thought about it. Quite often, such people do not want to recognize themselves as alcoholics, although they actually have an open dependence on alcohol. Not a single person who became an alcoholic started immediately with moonshine or vodka. They all start with wine, beer or with the notorious cocktails. But in these cases, the dependence mechanisms are formed similarly. From this follows such a chain: <A small consumption of beer - a dependence on beer or beer alcoholism - habitual to us alcoholism>.

Consequences of beer alcoholism
Nowadays, a lot of scientific data has been gathered, which say that beer is not a harmless or harmless drink, but vice versa. Frequent use of beer leads to the further development of many diseases. Even in small numbers, alcoholic taxis, which are contained in beer, as well as many other poor compounds for the human body, change the exchange and transmission of processes, worsen and slow down the functions of vital systems and organs. In the first place suffer: the brain, the digestive system and the cardiovascular system. It's a pity, but many people are very poorly aware of the evil of beer. an example of this - very often there are real beer feasts, with the use of a huge amount of pickles. This is typical not only for our country, but for many too. For example, in Bavaria, traditional beer festivals are held annually. The last festival, held not so long ago, brought not only good, but also quite sad and terrible records. On the day of the festival, about five million liters of Bavarian beverage was drunk. In the unconscious, 223 people were taken to hospitals.

If you often use beer, then the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is in a state of chronic overstrain, especially the liver. Contained in riva or other strong alcoholic products toxic substances, release strong adrenaline hormones, which leads in rare cases to outbreaks of aggression. Simultaneously with adrenaline, the so-called hormone of sadness is thrown into the blood, which contributes to the development of a depressed mood. For the central nervous system (CNS), beer is no less dangerous drink than all other beverages with a higher concentration of alcohol. After conducting a series of studies, American scientists concluded that drinking beer before a trip is much more dangerous than wine drinking, for drivers.

Overflowing the bloodstream, beer is very quickly absorbed into the human body. When a large amount of beer is drunk, there is an expansion of the boundaries of the heart by dilating the veins. In the lingo of radiologists, this phenomenon is called the capron stocking syndrome or the "beer heart" syndrome. If you frequently abuse beer, then the person's heart "sags" and becomes flabby, and his functions are lost irrevocably.

Scientists have found that from frequent use of beer, chronic diseases worsen, obesity develops, and new ailments also appear. For reference: according to many, an inoffensive mug of beer, being drunk daily during the year, adds to the weight of up to 15 kilograms. Of course, this was known before.

What is the danger of beer for teenagers?
For the younger generation, beer is especially dangerous. A distinctive feature in the last 3 decades is acceleration. One of the aspects is when physical development is far ahead of the psychological one. The increasing lability of the neuroendocrine system, which is simultaneously accompanied by active sexual maturation, makes the organisms of young people the most vulnerable to many harmful environmental factors, as well as to tobacco and alcohol. The "normal" dose of alcohol for an adult is superthreshold for a young generation, which means much more harmful and toxic.

Beer now is a relatively inexpensive and easily accessible product. Therefore, students and even schoolchildren can easily afford it. Different cocktails are also very dangerous, they practically do not have any natural ingredients declared in the composition: rum, gin, natural juices. Adolescents mistakenly think that cocktails and beer are not harmful, that they increase the disposition of the spirit, do not interfere with thinking, do not greatly weaken the control over your body. But, as it turns out, after 2-3 years of drinking these drinks without alcohol it's impossible to live.

Medical observations show that when a teenager drinks low-alcohol drinks in the coming months, very rarely years, they become addicted to them. And by the end of the year some stereotype of alcoholic behavior is being developed. This leads to an increase in the human body's need for even more frequent alcohol intake, including beer, and the dose increases all the time. The second year of "beer life" is already characterized by the emergence of mental dependence. That is, there is a sharp increase in thrust, not only to beer, but also to stronger alcoholic beverages. After some time there is also a physical dependence on alcoholic beverages. First-hand signs of adolescent alcoholism.

Beer and pregnancy are incompatible
Everyone has long known that beer has a toxic effect on human organs and their cells, which are responsible for the continuation of the genus. There are cases when beer led to infertility. And if the pregnancy has appeared, then the toxic compounds present in the beer, as in other alcoholic beverages, can lead to the development of mental and anatomical abnormalities with which children will be born if they survive until the time of delivery. The toxic effect of beer increases many times when it is consumed together with wine or vodka. In this case, the effect of these alcoholic beverages increases greatly, while their harmful effect on the organism of both the mother and the fetus increases. And if a person also smokes, then the toxic effect of beer increases by an order, because beer and tobacco toxins are synergists.

They are strong catalysts for each other. Even harm with their joint application is much greater than from the sequential application.
There is a lot of data that suggests that compared to wine, beer is the more frequent cause of complications during pregnancy and at its end. Evidence of this and clinical observations, and experiments on animals. It is worth adding that if a mother drinks beer during the period when she is breastfeeding, this can lead to a serious disruption of the child's health.

I. Leibzon, a German researcher, traced the fate of 300 children who were aged 1-5 years. Their mothers at the time of natural feeding used the traditional Bavarian beer cooked at home. And it turned out that 87 percent of children lagged behind in intellectual development, 67 percent of children suffered from various diseases of the digestive system. But most unexpected, 15.6 percent of newborns died in the first year of life. According to the work of J. Rosenthal, an Australian surgeon, 59% of breast-feeding mothers were diagnosed with inflammatory processes of the mammary glands, which are difficult to treat.

Beer stimulates the growth of cancer cells
According to the testimony of oncologists, beer promotes the development of malignant neoplasms, stimulates the growth of cancer cells. Now it is known that in a healthy human body there are oncogenic cells in a certain amount that are destroyed by killer cells (T-cells) with well-functioning adaptation mechanisms. When the biological mechanisms of the human body work normally, are not exposed to harmful environmental factors, tobacco and alcoholic origin. But those who drink and smoke, this defense system always suffers. This explains their increased predisposition to the emergence and development of cancerous processes.
Features of treatment of beer alcoholism

If you do not find and do not start treatment in time, then beer alcoholism will definitely lead to normal alcoholism. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that when going through the treatment of beer alcoholism, refusing to drink beer, it will never be possible to return to "cultural drinking". Since the exchange in the brain is disrupted and the normal reaction to alcohol is not recoverable. Any use of alcohol will definitely lead to a breakdown, immediately or a little later there will be metabolic disturbances. Even if you do not eat for many years, it does not mean that you can again culturally drink.

Another difficulty is that the craving for beer is stronger than to vodka, so it's harder to fight beer alcoholism. This is a very dangerous disease, which can be treated with great difficulty. Still very long will pull to this fragrance, to feel a bitter taste, to feel relaxed, a feeling of self-confidence and peace. This should be understood and prepared for this, if you decided to go to the end - stop drinking.

Here's a simple tip - drink beer, get joy from life, but do not get carried away. And if you already feel the craving, stop, either by yourself or with the help of a doctor.


Creator of meldonium is sure - Mildronate has nothing to do with doping

12 Dec 2018

Meldonium does not apply to doping, as it does not increase the capacity of the human body, but it renews it to its normal state, Academician of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Ivars Kalvinsh told a press conference in Moscow on April 18.

Buy Meldonium. Buy Mildronate

Problems with the motor

"The effect of the drug on the heart is similar to how an internal combustion engine works: we must supply fuel and air there, the number of components must correspond to each other so that complete combustion takes place. Once the fuel is more than oxygen, the motor stalls. Our heart eats a mixture of oxygen and fatty acids and sugar. From the supply of oxygen to the muscle depends on health: everything burns, and we feel good, if there is a shortage of oxygen, the fatty acids do not burn. In this situation, it is necessary to limit the flow of fatty acids inside the myocardium. If this is not done, all activated fats will dissolve the cell membranes. This happens when the athlete exceeds the border that he has trained, and there are irreversible changes in the heart muscles, "said Academician Kalvinsh.

He also added that among young athletes sudden deaths are 10 times greater than the average in the population, 92% of young people who died from sudden death died in training or in competitions.

Journalists asked: if training can be dangerous for athletes, then why is the drug used only in Eastern Europe, as athletes survive in the West. Associate Professor of the Department of Sports Medicine, head of the laboratory of sports cardiology of the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Candidate of Medical Sciences Anastasia Mikhailova said that Western doctors have their own developments, which they do not tell colleagues about.

And Kalvinsh has declared: "Meldonium reduces an overload with under-oxidized fatty acids. The final result can be achieved with carnitine. However, this substance is not prohibited. WADA does not prohibit the use of the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, but it is used by weight-loss boxers to perform in a lower category, as well as jumpers."

Philosophical question

Nevertheless, journalists insisted that if the drug helps to recover, then its application has a positive effect on the results of athletes. "We give the myocardium a normal response and do not die in conditions of oxygen starvation. If you think so, then we must give up food. After all, any food increases the performance of the athlete, "- the Latvian academician is perplexed.

According to Anastasia Mikhailova to prevent the development of cardiovascular disorders, the drug shows about 20% of athletes. It is in this quantity that there are signs of overstrain: disturbances in repolarization, rhythm, and conductivity.

"Indeed, it is shown that with various phenomena of overstrain of the cardiovascular system, working capacity is reduced. But what is primary, what is secondary? The question is open. None of the studies have shown that meldonium improves working capacity in both altered and healthy hearts. Studies have shown that the drug improves myocardial nutrition. Removes the state of overtraining, "she concludes.


Fainting. Causes and first aid

10 Dec 2018

Fainting or loss of consciousness is one of those unpleasant surprises that almost everyone can face. But how to behave in this situation? How to understand that someone is getting alongside and what help can be provided?

According to the definition, fainting is a sudden and short-term manifestation of cerebral blood supply deficiency, manifested in loss of consciousness and sensitivity disorder.

Fainting. Causes and first aid. Actovegin, hypoxen buy

Causes of loss of consciousness can be a variety of factors - from fatigue and cardiovascular disease to increased intracranial pressure and poisoning, but in any case, we can distinguish the three main mechanisms for the onset of syncope:

- violation of blood supply;
- a significant decrease in the amount of oxygen in the arterial blood;
- marked decrease in serum glucose levels.

All faints can be conditionally divided into several types for reasons of origin: neurogenic, cardiogenic and hyperventilation.

The most frequent are neurogenic syncope, which can also occur in completely healthy people as a reflex response to stress (severe pain, fright), sudden changes in body position (orthostatic syncope), or an increase in intrathoracic pressure. Hyperventilation faints arise as a result of unconscious rapid (and deep) breathing - with fear, vegetative crisis, bradycardia, etc. Cardiogenic syncope is more common in patients with cardiovascular disease, but can also be in a healthy person if the load on the heart is too high (for example, when working in hot weather).

Symptoms and precursors
As a rule, loss of consciousness during fainting is not as sudden as it is commonly believed-most often this is preceded by characteristic symptoms, which the person himself characterizes as poor health, faintness, weakness. There may be noise in the ears, mild nausea, a feeling of dizziness, lack of air and darkness in front of the eyes. With the slow development of fainting, this condition can last from 2-3 minutes to half an hour, if the violation of blood supply to the brain develops rapidly, the pre-memory period lasts no more than 10-30 seconds.

The faint itself may be somewhat different in its manifestations. In the easiest case, a person does not even lose consciousness completely, rather feels stunned, can not stand on his feet due to severe dizziness and weakness, his skin becomes pale and becomes sweaty, hands and feet become cold. This condition can both go through 2-3 minutes, and lead to a loss of consciousness.

Classical syncope also begins with confusion and clouding of consciousness, and then the person completely "disconnects", all his muscles relax, become sluggish, and he slowly settles. I want to pay special attention to this feature, because if a person falls sharply ("flat"), his limbs and muscles are strained, then it is a question of some more dangerous state, and not a simple fainting. During fainting, blood pressure usually decreases, breathing becomes shallow, the pulse weak (do not grope for it), then within 20-30 seconds (maximum 1-2 minutes) a person gradually regains consciousness. Some time after the loss of consciousness - up to 1-2 hours - may feel a sense of weakness and weakness.

The most unpleasant option is the so-called. convulsive fainting, in which single muscle contractions or generalized convulsions (reminiscent of an epileptic seizure) join the usual clinical picture for loss of consciousness. Passes such a faint too quickly, within 2-3 minutes, and without any consequences.

Suddenly, a person can fall not only with fainting, but also with a drop-attack. In this case, the fall is not accompanied by loss of consciousness, although there may be a feeling of severe weakness in the legs and dizziness. As a rule, this happens because of short-term, but intensive compression or ischemia of the brain stem.

First aid - what you need and do not need to do
The first thing you need to do is to find someone who is close to a person who has lost consciousness - to support him, not letting him fall, and gently arrange in a horizontal position. It's best to just put the injured on your back - without throwing your head back and putting nothing under it (your head and body should be on the same level). In extreme cases, you can try to plant a person with a reliable support for the back.

Then all present should calm down and do not arrange unnecessary fuss, fainting - a short-term condition, and when restoring the blood supply to the brain (when it comes to a healthy person) goes by itself. This process can be eased with cold water - moisten the forehead and whiskey to the victim, spray his face or put a wet handkerchief / towel on his forehead. Also, you need to provide free air access: unfasten the collar and press on the belly strap.

After the consciousness begins to return, it is important that the person does not get up within 10-15 minutes, so as not to provoke a new attack. It is necessary to try to calm him, tk. nervous tension causes a spasm of blood vessels, as a result of which the blood supply of the brain weakens. You can give a drink with a weak sweet tea, but do not give coffee or other tonic drinks. they increase the burden on the heart. And of course, one should not offer a person alcohol, which in such cases is often used as a sedative, because even a small dose of ethyl alcohol dilates the peripheral vessels, depriving the brain of normal blood supply. It is not necessary to bring a person to life with the help of ammonia, he only reflexively excites the respiratory center, but does not improve blood supply.

It is highly desirable, within 30-60 minutes after fainting, to avoid smoking, taking LP, increasing and lowering the pressure or increasing the heart rate, as well as any activity related to nervous tension (for example driving a car) or physical activity (especially slopes and sit-ups).

In addition, if a person who has lost consciousness has any cardiovascular, endocrine or neurological diseases, you should always call a doctor.

What's next?

Even if the faint was single and did not cause any consequences, it is best not to leave this incident without attention and take care of your health and prevent possible relapses. It is best to find time to visit a doctor and undergo a primary diagnosis that will allow you to determine exactly whether there are any prerequisites for repeated fainting. This is especially important for people over 40, who often have inconspicuous chronic diseases at the initial stages.

For example, ECG and echocardiography should be done to exclude such dangerous causes of syncope, as arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, pathologies of the heart valves and coronary vessels. To identify endocrine and metabolic disorders, which could cause a syncope, you can donate blood to the main biochemical indicators (blood glucose, hemoglobin, electrolytes, creatine kinase). If you suspect a neurological fainting, it is recommended to take a radiograph of the skull and cervical spine.

If no abnormalities have been detected and some special treatment is not required, drugs that improve the blood supply to the brain (ginkgo biloba, etc.), as well as metabolism in nerve cells (glycine, etc.) can be advised to prevent repeated fainting. You can also use preparations based on plant adaptogens (eleutherococcus, ginseng, aralia, magnolia vine), levocarnitine preparations, vitamins of group B, agents that improve the tone and elasticity of blood vessels (rutozide, Actovegin, diosmin).

But it is important not to forget that independent medication prophylaxis should be carried out only after consultation with the doctor and in the absence of contraindications.


Conservative treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities

06 Dec 2018

According to the results of epidemiological studies, in Europe the pathology of veins occurs in 25-50% of the population, with 10-15% having significant varicose veins, 5-15% having severe varicose veins, 1-4% of people aged 30- For 70 years, venous ulcers of the lower extremities have been observed. On the average, varicose veins occur in 25-30% of women and 10-20% of men. The incidence increases with age - about 70% of 70-year-old men and women suffer from varicose veins.

Actovegin treatment of varicose veins

All patients suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities should be observed by the doctor and receive proper treatment. Indications for surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs are pathological discharge of blood from the deep veins into the superficial, the progression of symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency and the appearance of complications (bleeding, thrombophlebitis).

Tasks and methods of conservative therapy
Conservative therapy is necessary for correcting the symptoms of the disease, preventing and treating complications, as preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation, and for improving the quality of life. Taking into account modern views on the pathogenesis of VBVNK, the main efforts in the treatment should be aimed at eliminating the following pathological factors:

- increasing the capacity of the venous bed;
- pathological reflux in various parts of the venous bed;
- leukocyte aggression and inflammation;
- microcirculatory disorders;
- lymphatic drainage disorders.

This is achieved by various methods of treatment. Among the main methods are the correction of lifestyle, compression and pharmacotherapy. They also use physiotherapy and prescribe a sanatorium-and-spa treatment.

Medications for treatment
The main group of drugs used to treat varicose veins of the lower extremities are phlebotrophic drugs.

It is also advisable to use deproteinized blood derivatives of calves. This group of drugs improves the course of energy-dependent metabolic processes in the body; stimulates the supply of tissues with oxygen and glucose; increases the activity of enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation; accelerates the exchange of ATP and ADP with the decomposition of lactates and pyruvates; normalizes the pH of cells; improves microcirculation. Actovegin and Solcoseryl are used in the form of a solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection.

Systemic enzyme therapy is widely used in the treatment of various diseases in the pathogenesis of which there is an inflammatory or immune component. Therefore, their use is useful in varicose veins of the lower extremities, complicated by thrombophlebitis or trophic ulcer.

Phlebotrophic preparations

Modern pharmacotherapy includes a large number of phlebotrophic drugs, which can be divided into several groups.

Chemical substance - Active component (Trade name)

alpha - benzopyrones coumarins (none)
gamma - benzopyrones (flavonoids) diosmin, hesperidin, flavanoic acid (Detralex, Cyclo 3 Fort)
Routine derivatives rutosides and hydroxyrutosides (Anvenol, Venoruton, Routin, Troxerutin, Troxevasin)
pycnogenol leucocyanidol, procyanide, oligomer (Endotelon)
saponins escin, Ruscosides (Anvenol, Aescin, Reparil, Escuzan)
ergot derivatives dihydroergotamine, dihydroergocristine, dihydroergocryptin (Vazobral)
synthetic substances ribenozide, heptaminol, calcium dobelyzate (Glivenol, Ginkor fort, Doxium)

It is recommended to prescribe phlebotrophic drugs for a period of at least 3 months. The indication for the prolongation of reception is the rapid recurrence of symptoms of CVI after discontinuation of treatment. Do not prescribe several drugs at the same time.

Detralex has a phleboprotective, lymphotonic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves microcirculation. Detralex appoint 1 tablet 2 times a day. After 2 weeks, once taken 2 tablets. Applied in monotherapy. A combination with local dosage forms is beneficial.

Cyclos 3 Fort has a phlebotonic effect, reduces permeability and increases the resistance of capillaries. The daily dose of the drug is 3 capsules after meals.

Anvenol has a decongestant, venotonic effect. Dihydroergocristine in its composition expands arterioles, increasing simultaneously the tone of the veins due to the effect on smooth muscles, routines and esculin reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries. The drug is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day for a week, and then 1 tablet 3 times a day. When using a liquid form, the drug is prescribed 20-25 drops 4 times a day. It is advisable to prescribe pentoxifylline derivatives.

Venoruton, Troxevasin (troxerutin) is a derivative routine, a universal protector of the venous wall. Reduces the permeability of the vessel, primarily on the microcirculatory level, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces aggregation and increases the deformability of erythrocytes. The daily dose of 1000-1200 mg after or during a meal. It is advisable to use in combination with pentoxifylline derivatives.

Endotelon (purified grape seed extract with standard content of procyanidol oligomers) has a protective effect against the vascular endothelium, has a venotonic effect, blocks the enzymatic degradation of collagen and elastin, increases peripheral capillary stability in individuals with increased fragility of blood vessels, and reduces permeability of capillaries. Assign 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Aescin, Escuzan, Reparil (escin) - triterpensaponin extract of horse chestnut seeds. It has a pronounced capillaroprotective activity, has anti-exudative and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces permeability of capillaries, reduces swelling of tissues, raises the tone of venous vessels, improves hemorheology. Apply 15-20 drops (1 tablet) 4 times a day. In combination with Ascorutinum (1 tablet 4 times a day), the therapeutic effect is potentiated.

Vazobral reduces aggregation of platelets and erythrocytes, increases peripheral venous tone, reduces vascular permeability. Assign 2-4 ml (diluted with a small amount of water) 2 times a day during meals.

Glivenol has a capillaroprotective effect, improves microcirculation, increases the tone of veins, has anti-inflammatory activity, being an antagonist of bradykinin, histamine, has an antiallergic effect. It is advisable to use in CVI in the stage of trophic disorders. The therapeutic dose is 800 mg per day.

Ginkor fort has an angioprotective effect, increases venous tone, reduces vascular permeability, increases venous return to the heart, inhibits the action of histamine, serotonin and bradykinin. Assign 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals. In severe forms of CVI, a 2-week course of 2 capsules 2 times a day is recommended, followed by a transition to a standard dosage. The drug should not be used in hyperthyroidism and simultaneously with MAO inhibitors.

Doxium (dobezilate calcium) normalizes vascular permeability, increases the resistance of capillaries, improves microcirculation, reduces platelet aggregation, reduces blood viscosity, reduces edematous and hemorrhagic syndromes. Assign 250 mg 4 times a day or 500 mg 1-2 times a day during meals for 2-3 weeks, then reduce the dose to 250-500 mg per day.

Pilex (extracts of various plants) increases the tone of venous vessels, reduces edematous syndrome, reduces the permeability of the venous wall. The initial course is 2-3 tablets 3 times a day after meals for a week, then 2 tablets 2 times a day.

Topical preparations
In the complex therapy of varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is also possible to apply topical drugs. On the one hand, their cost is relatively low, on the other hand - convenience and ease of use make them attractive for most patients. Meanwhile, it is necessary to clearly represent that the clinical effect is achieved through a distraction. This group should be administered with caution to patients with trophic skin disorders.

Depending on the main active substance, all ointments and gels can be divided into several groups:

- heparin-containing gels and ointments (heparin ointment, Essaven gel, Lyoton 1000 gel, etc.)
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gels (Diclofenac gel, Fastum gel, etc.)
- ointments containing corticosteroids (Celestoderm, Flucin, Fluorocort, etc.)
- ointments with phlebotonic effect (Venoruton gel, Ginkor gel, Cyclo 3 cream, etc.)

The question of the necessity of pharmacoprophylaxis should be considered in patients at risk: weighed heredity, obesity, pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal therapy. It is clear that with the help of medicines one can not change the way of life and reduce the influence of hereditary factors. However, their use should neutralize some of the endogenous disorders and side effects of a number of drugs. In general, we are talking about hormonal therapy in women. Patients in this group with a prophylactic goal usually recommend elastic compression, lifestyle changes. In some cases, there is a need to prescribe phlebotrophic drugs.


Drugs and their effects on the body

04 Dec 2018

Marijuana. The most common names are: cannabis, cannabis, hashish, marijuana, anasha, plan, duckling, shamal, silly, plasticine, shawl, pot, reefer, hemp, sinsemilla, ganga, bhang, herb, weed, boom, Mary Jane, gangster, chronic etc.

Hemp. (Cannabis sativa, that is, hemp seeding, also called "Indian") - a cultivated plant that has many uses. From it, they receive fiber for hemp ropes and make a cloth similar to flaxen. Its stems go for the production of glossy paper and building cement fibreboards. Its seeds can be used to feed the poultry. Hemp seed oil was offered as a piston instead of diesel.
They even make medicine from her. However, the greatest record of hemp has been received as raw material for the manufacture of drugs.

Drugs and their effects on the body. MDMA

Marijuana is usually smoked by rolling into a cigarette (jamb), but it can be smoked and like tobacco in smoking cribs. Rarely, it is mixed with food or brewed like tea.

Immediate Side Effects:
- panic
- anxiety
- poor coordination of movements
- slow reaction time
- after the initial "take-off", a drug user experiences drowsiness and depression
- heart rate acceleration and the risk of heart attack
- distortion of perceptions

Long-term side effects:
- weakened resistance of the organism to common illnesses (colds, bronchitis)
- suppression of the immune system
- growth disorders
- an increase in the body of cells with an abnormal structure
- decrease in the content of male sex hormones
- rapid destruction of lung fibers and irreversible pathology of brain tissue
- reducing sexual potency
- difficulties in learning: reducing the ability to receive and assimilate information
- apathy, drowsiness, lack of motivation
- the inability to clearly understand the environment.

External changes - the pupils are slightly enlarged; shine in the eyes; redness of the eye proteins; slightly swollen eyelids; constant licking of lips; bad breath; a specific smell of burning from clothing; excessive gaiety and laugh without reason; weakening of attention; memory impairment; the excessive need for communication with time changes to the desire for solitude for music (for hours); incomprehensible expression; confusing language, lack of logic in expressions; jumping from topic to topic; in the conversation, paying a lot of attention to minor things; slight violation of coordination of movements; sometimes hallucinations; in case of a sudden change in the situation - fear and paranoid phenomena; an increase in appetite ("covetousness"), a general euphoria and a state of affection. Physiological changes - accelerated pulse; dry mouth and lips.

Heroin. In its pure form, heroin is an absolutely white powder. But most often it has a pinkish gray, brown or black color. Its color depends on the impurities, which it is diluted. These include sugar, caffeine and other substances. Street heroin is sometimes "diluted" with strychnine and other poisonous impurities. These impurities are not completely soluble and, when they enter the body, they can kill the blood vessels that lead to the lungs, kidneys and the brain.
Other, street, names of heroin: white, garryk, hero, gerasim, slow, pepper, éich, medicine, horse, junk, hercules.

Drugs and their effects on the body. Rittalin

Addicts administer heroin by injection, smoking or breathing it through the nose. During the first intake, this drug creates a strong euphoria. A person begins to behave freely, easily communicating with others, and it can increase sexual activity. But all this for a short while.

Heroin causes a strong disease, and the breakage of it is extremely painful. This drug quickly disrupts the immune system, inevitably leads a person to a painful, exhausted state and, eventually, to death.

Immediate Side Effects:
- trouble
- difficult breathing
- blurring of mental abilities
- nausea and vomiting

Long-term side effects:
- tooth decay
- gingivitis
- constipation
- cold sweat
- itching
- weakening of the immune system
- coma
- respiratory diseases
- paralysis
- reduced sexual activity and prolonged impotence in men
- menstrual disorders in women
- inability to achieve orgasm (in men and women)
- loss of memory and intellectual abilities
- depression
- acne on the face
- loss of appetite
- insomnia
- closure

External changes - strong narrowing of the pupils; eyes slightly reddened and strongly shining, bruises under eyes; superficial intermittent slow breathing; skin itching (especially nose); sleepy look; intricate language; passivity and general relaxation; apathy to everyone except himself; euphoria; excessive "courage"; nervousness and so on.

Physiological changes - dryness of the skin and mucous membranes (lips, tongue); superficial sleep; reduction of urine output; frequent constipation; with a cold there is no cough; slight decrease in body temperature.

LSD. This is the strongest substance that changes consciousness. It is made of lysergic acid, which is formed in a horn of mold of cereals. Known as "acid" and many others, LSD is sold in streets in small pills and capsules or in the form of jelly. Sometimes it absorbs absorbed paper with various small pictures, which is then cut into small pieces. Sometimes LSD is sold in liquid form. But in whatever form it does not fall into the body of LSD, the result is always one and the same - a gap in connection with reality.

Other names of LSD: Acid, Lucy, acid, twins, cat, cartoons, fry, superman, white lightning, wizard, green dragon, stamp, trip, blizzard and many others.

Physical effects:
- enlarged pupils
- reduced or elevated body temperature
- sweating or "ants"
- loss of appetite
- insomnia
- dry mouth
- trembling

Intellectual effects:
- delirium
- visual hallucinations
- a false sense of euphoria and confidence
- disturbing the feeling of sleep and feeling of reality
- a sense of approaching death
- fear of losing control over oneself
- frightening thoughts and feelings
- distorted sense of time, disturbance of perception of forms and sizes of objects, movement, color, sounds, bodily sensations
- return of LPS transpiration after some time after admission
- severe depression and psychosis
- panic attacks
- chromosomal disorders
- the birth of children with various diseases
- initiate acts of violence
- suicide

The man who took LSD will have dim eyes and an empty, empty look. Often, this person looks dreary, and she needs to repeat the question several times, so she responds.

In it you can observe a strong interest in ordinary things. For example, for a long time, she will look at the teapot or ashtray, turning her, looking at different angles. It may also be of similar interest to different parts of the body, for example, to the fingers, palms, or feet. Her conversation will be inherent in mystery, a "journey of consciousness." It will also have hallucinations. She will feel anxiety for no apparent reason.

Alcohol. The main component of all alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol or wine alcohol (ethanol). It belongs to substances that cause addiction and painful passion (alcoholism), which appears in the need for opiation to achieve euphoria, the removal of physical and mental tension, the habit of the organism to alcohol with a gradual increase in the amount of alcohol used, the formation of abstinent (hangover) syndrome (hangover can be treated by medicines Phenotropil).
In the human body, ethanol is well absorbed and distributed almost equally across all tissues and liquids.

Drugs and their effects on the body. Alcohol

Women are more vulnerable to the negative effects of alcohol, since ethanol is oxidized in the liver and as a result of oxidation toxic compounds (acetaldehyde) are produced, but under the action of special enzymes that play an important role in the metabolism, it turns into the final product of CO2 decomposition (carbon dioxide) and O2 (oxygen). In the female body, there is almost no such protection. This explains the more severe occurrence of alcoholism in women.
In excessive use, about 10% of alcohol is not oxidized and is excreted unchanged by the kidneys and lungs, damaging them.

Influence of alcohol:
- acute and chronic mental disorders
- impression of organs of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, dysbiosis, alcoholic hepatitis
- disruption of the cardiovascular system
- destruction of the liver (can be treated by Heptral)
- neuromuscular arousal, development of a court
- pathology of the respiratory system: chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, dryness
- changes in the cerebral cortex, destruction of neurons (nerve cells).

Ecstasy. From the very beginning, "ecstasy" is the slogan of 3,4 methylenedioxy-methamine (MDMA). This synthetic compound, in its pure form, is commonly found in the form of white crystals of hydrochloric acid.

In the broadest sense, ecstasy - any drug based on amphetamines, sold in tablets and is intended for oral administration in a specific setting disco. In practice, ecstasy tablets may include (MDMA), other substances of a number of amphetamines, caffeine and many others, both psychotropic and neutral (fillers, dyes, impurities). As a rule, neither the seller nor the buyer knows what substances are in a pill and are guessing about the effect of the dasg.

Production, transportation and distribution of ecstasy are a criminal offense in most countries of the world, including Ukraine.
Physical effects from the usual doses of ecstasy are weak and varied - rarely mention dryness in the mouth, gargle with teeth, eye irritation, sweating, and sometimes a feeling of deep physical relaxation. High doses (overdose) of ecstasy cause more unambiguous effects, similar to the effects of amphetamines - rapid and increased palpitations, sweating, dizziness, anxiety, and the like.

The consequences of taking this drug are as follows:

- psychological difficulties, agitated condition, depression, typical paranoid signs during and after some time after admission
- sleep disturbance
- Breaking brain neurons that produce serotonin substances that regulate aggression, mood, sexual activity, sleep and pain
- destruction of the liver
- an immediate increase in the risk of Parkinson's disease, which manifests itself in impaired motor functions, impaired coordination of movements, paralysis, as a result of the destruction of individual neurons in the human body.

Crack. The word "cocaine" is called a drug both in powder form and in crystalline form (crack). If cocaine is usually taken by inhalation in the nose, then the crack is warmed up and smoked. Creek has got its name due to the specific cracking or clicking sound that is formed when it is cooled.

Creek is not only a formidable form of cocaine, but also the most dangerous for human life. Since cracking is cleared by 75-100%, it is a much stronger drug than regular cocaine. It extends in the form of solid tiles or crystals from yellow to pale pink or white.

If you smoke any substance, it reaches the brain much faster than with any other method of administration. Therefore, smoking cracking leads to an intense, immediate but very fast pacifist, which lasts about 15 minutes. Because of this addiction to cracking occurs much faster than cocaine, almost from the first reception.
Here's how it's called: speed-bol, cheap snow, frost, plague.

Physiological and spiritual effects of cracking:

- loss of appetite
- accelerated heartbeat, increased blood pressure, increased body temperature
- narrowing the vessels
- accelerated heartbeat
- enlarged pupils
- restless sleep
- nausea
- Hyperstimulation
- strange, eccentric behavior, predisposition to violence
- hallucinations, increased excitability, irritability
- touching hallucinations, which create the illusion of bugs crawling under the skin
- strong euphoria
- anxiety and paranoia
- depression
- impression of the liver, kidneys and lungs
- severe tooth decay
- auditory hallucinations
- sexual disturbance
- psychosis
- disorientation, apathy, confusion and much more.

A person will be inclined to a quick and disorderly movement or may be inconsistent in conversation, jump from one topic to another.
He or she will also feel dry mouth and can drink an unusual amount of water to quench thirst, and continuously lick the lips.
He can also constantly scratch his nose, despite the lack of colds or allergies.

Pervitin and methamphetamine. Methamphetamine or MET is a white crystalline drug. It is used by injection, inhaled (inhalation through the nose) or smoked. It can also be taken orally, but any method develops an equally strong dependence. It contributes to the false sense of happiness caused by the drug, the surge of confidence, hyperactivity and energy. They usually last from 6 to 8 hours, but can last up to 24 hours. You get pleasure from the first time, but from the first time life begins to collapse. Pervitin is a national name for methamphetamine. Usually it is available in powder form. It has no odor, bitter taste, easily dissolves in water and alcohol. There are pinks of brown, gray-yellow, orange or even pink. It is also made in pills.
The most common street names are methamphetamine and amphetamine: screw, chalk, phenamine, ice, ice, hair dryer, amphitheater, speed, swaddle, mephan, black beauty, alarm clock, chef, synthetics, rubber, ephedron, bolt, crystal.

Immediate side effects of Pervitin:
- loss of appetite, nausea
- accelerated heartbeat, increased blood pressure and temperature
- pupil dilation
- restless sleep
- unnatural, strange behavior, sometimes predisposition to violence
- hallucinations, severe excitability, irritability
- panic and psychosis
- overdose can cause convulsions, seizures to death

Long-term side effects of peritoneum:

- irreversible damage to the blood vessels in the heart and brain, high blood pressure
- damage to the liver, kidneys and lungs
- destruction of tissues in the nose, if the drug inhales
- difficulty breathing if the drug smokes
- infection and suppuration if the drug is injected intravenously
- exhaustion, weight loss
- tooth decay
- disorientation, apathy, devastation
- strong psychological dependence
- psychosis
- depression
- brain damage similar to Alzheimer's, shock and epilepsy.

"Children's cocaine" - ritalin. Ritalin is the common name of methylphenidate. He is ranked in the US Department of Drug Administration as a second group drug with cocaine, morphine and amphetamines. The US Drug Control Office issued a series of recommendations that ritalin and its derivatives may cause hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, psychotic behavior, as well as aggression and violence against others.

Ritalin is released in small pills similar in form and size to aspirin. The word "Cuba" is the name of the manufacturer on the tablets. Pills of 5 mg - pale yellow, 10 mg tablets are pale green, and tablets of 20 mg are white and light yellow. It is believed that this drug is a stimulant of the central nervous system. However, even the manufacturer assumes that nobody really knows how ritalin affects the body, the insert notes: "The mechanism of action on a person is not fully understood ...". Addicts grind it on a powder that can be sniffed. Ritalin is soluble in water, it is easy to transfer into a liquid form and to make a prick.

This substance has the same effect on the body as other forms of activators - loss of appetite, insomnia, accelerated heartbeat. Misuse of this drug, especially when used through the nose and in the form of injections, causes the body even more harm. The load on the heart can become fatal. Ritaline injections are also dangerous: although ritalin itself is completely soluble in water, the tablets contain small particles of insoluble filler. These insoluble substances block small blood vessels and cause serious damage to the lungs and eyes. In addition to the physical destruction of the body, even a short-term use of ritalin causes a difficult emotional state. Hallucinations and psychotic behavior are not something unusual.

Side effects of taking ritalin:

- loss of appetite
- accelerated heartbeat, increased pressure and temperature
- enlarged pupils
- sleep disturbance
- insomnia
- unnatural, variable, sometimes aggressive behavior
- hallucinations, irritability
- panic and psychosis
- significant doses can lead to convulsions, seizures and death
- irreversible damage to the blood vessels of the heart and brain leading to heart attacks, stroke and death
- destruction of the liver, kidneys and lungs
- destruction of nasal tissues when sucked through the nose
- infectious diseases and inflammation during injections
- weight loss
- disorientation
- apathy, exhaustion
- strong psychological dependence
- psychosis
- depression
- breakdown of the brain, leading to a stroke and possible epilepsy.


Where drug addicts take money

03 Dec 2018

To avoid breaking, the addict must constantly think where to find the money for the next dose. Drugs are expensive - if the addict has already formed a physical dependence, then a day he needs to spend from $ 10 to $ 50 or more. Honest way to not earn such money, the more that a drug addict can not work. There remains only way - criminal. First, they usually steal close relatives-they take out gold jewelry, less valuable clothing, equipment, steal money from their parents.

Where drug addicts take money

They borrow money from friends and acquaintances without giving. When these sources run out, they begin to steal from strangers - they most often get into apartments, they can rob on the street, putting a knife. Girls-addicts often earn prostitution. There is another way to earn money - become a drug dealer.

Naturally, sooner or later a drug addict enters prison, unless, of course, he dies before that.

You can argue that everything depends on education - if parents raised an honest child, then he will not steal. Nevertheless, experience shows that no matter how honest, well-bred, kind a person was, no matter how crystalline his parents were, after getting to know a drug, he would turn into a deceiver and a thief. Under the influence of the drug there is a complete degradation of the personality.


Similar to Meldonium: in Russia a new substance is tested by WADA

28 Nov 2018

Russian sport is trying to avoid a new doping scandal - to prevent it will help 9.5 million rubles and mini-pigs on the treadmills.

Each year, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) publishes a short document. It contains a list of substances that cause doubt in WADA and therefore fall under the monitoring program. In fact, this is one of the steps necessary to declare a substance doping and to prohibit its use in sport. The new monitoring program-2018 included a substance called "Bemitil" (ethitiobenzimidazole) - and this can be a big problem for the entire Russian sport.


The geography of the spread of bemitil is Russia and the CIS countries. In the West, no bemitil is produced, in practice it is not applied. That is, in fact, we are talking about drugs based on the substance, which only athletes from Russia and neighboring countries take. All as with meldonium: the ban of this substance will not affect anyone's interests - except for Russians, of course.

There is, however, one difference from the history of Mildronate - bemitil refers to a very different group of substances, and it can not be declared harmless as a "vitamin". Another drug from the same group was already causing a doping scandal with Russian athletes. We are talking about the Bromantane (Ladasten) and Spartak Moscow football. According to the ex-defender of "Spartak" Vladislav Vashchuk, in 2004 almost the whole team used bromantane. Captain Yegor Titov was then disqualified for a year.

To avoid a new doping scandal, the Federal Medical Biological Agency (FMBA) has signed a contract for the study of Bemitil. The goal is to find out the timing of removal of the drug from the body. The doping trial under the name "Bemitil" FMBA plans to prevent using 48 mini-pigs and 9.5 million budget funds.

To stimulate in Spartak style

"There is a drug. At a certain stage, you can stimulate ... "- quoted the words of the doctor of" Spartacus "Anatoly Shchukin, assistant head coach Sergei Yuran, -" What are the consequences? ", -" Yes, in principle, no. Everything goes for two or three days. "

It's about the Bromantane. For his use for a year was disqualified leader of the "Spartacus" Yegor Titov. Because of the bromantan, he could not play for the national team for Euro 2004. "My killer is Dr. Shchukin," Yegor Titov said after disqualification.

According to another former player of Spartak Vladislav Vashchuk, the Bromantane was in the blood of all the players of the team at the time of the disqualification of Titov. "We were cleaning the whole team," Vashchuk wrote on his Facebook page, "for very long, three months. Droppers, pills, blood transfusions, even a hyperbaric chamber, where cosmonauts are trained. "

Monitoring programm

Bromantane was included in the list of banned substances back in 1996. Bemitil is now in the WADA monitoring program. The problem is that both substances are part of the same group - actoprotectors and have similar mechanisms of action on the body. "I was shaking so that I could not fall asleep until 6am. All were awake, there was a feeling that energy from somewhere inside, excuse me, a pearl, "Vashchuk described the effect of using bromantane.

A potential prohibition of Bemitil is possible not only against the background of the "bromantane" past. According to Artem Katulin, a sports pharmacologist, ex-chief physician of Spartak in 2004 (the year of the doping scandal), the risk also increases because of the political background:

- Bemitil - a drug that slightly accelerates adaptation to physical stress. This is not a potent substance. I do not see the need to prohibit it. It seems to me that this is another witch-hunt, as in the case of meldonium.

About Mildronate the doctor recollects not casually. Before the Meldonium hit the banned list, he was also in the WADA monitoring program for 2015. After nine months of observation, WADA decided to ban the drug, so popular with Russian athletes. The geography of distribution of bemitil is even narrower than that of Meldonium. According to the state register of medicines, bemitil is produced only in Russia (and goes on sale under different trade names: there is, for example, "Metaprot", which consists of the same ettiobenzimidazole), while meldonium is also found in Latvia and Cyprus. Accordingly, if someone were looking for a way to inflict damage on Russian athletes, then the potential ban of bemitil would strike them even more accurately than banning meldonium.

Monitoring programm 2

By the way, the most widespread version about the origin of bemitil is also similar to the legend about meldonium: it is reported that bemitil was developed for Soviet airborne troops in Afghanistan. The drug itself was registered in mid-1983.

Despite the prescription of development from the Russian market, bemitil has not disappeared. In the state register of medicines it is reported that in 2008, bemitil was included in the register for "SKTB Technologist". This is confirmed by the information on the company's website, where it is reported that the production of bemitil.

In general, if you recall the stories with meldonium and Bromantane "Spartacus", then the probability of an early prohibition of bemitil seems very high. Apparently, this is understood in the Russian sports leadership. Apparently, to ensure that the remake of the meldonium scandal did not occur, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) in late February 2018 published a state purchase of 9.5 million rubles. The study, which will last until November, should answer one question - how long it takes for the bemitil to leave the athlete's body.

Dangerous method. Mini-pigs at the limit
The method of investigating the timing of the withdrawal of bemitil from the body is quite simple: laboratory mini-pigs will be injected into the body with bemitil, after which they will be sent to the treadmills to undergo training loads under the action of the drug. Then the biomaterial is collected (all mini-pigs are pre-inserted with catheters).

On the treadmills, mini-pirogas will be subjected to intensive physical loads - "to failure." In addition to bemitil, other drugs from the WADA monitoring program, bupropion and synephrine, will also be tested. But this is a secondary task: bupropion and synephrine are used in practice outside of Russia, they have been on the monitoring list for at least ten years. FMBA before them did not pay attention, and began to examine the drugs, only after the inclusion of bemitil in the monitoring program this year.

All preparations of the mini-pigs will be administered in medium and maximum doses. In the case of bupropion and cinephrine, we are talking about 28 days of research. For bemitil, the timing is not defined - apparently, even the approximate time for the removal of the drug from the body is not yet clear.

There is, of course, a question of ethics: many animal rights activists are protesting against testing even the most necessary drugs, and testing for potential doping animals would cause a lot of protests. But in Russia, according to the president of the Center for the Protection of Animal Rights "Vita" Irina Novozhilova, there is no legal framework that would limit such research. In this case, Irina Novozhilova also doubts the effectiveness of such studies:

- Metabolism of animals and humans is so different that it will not have any practical significance. Already tons of works on this theme have been written. The way an animal's organism reacts to a certain drug does not mean that the human body will react as well. Especially when it comes to the timing of the removal of a certain drug from the body. Briefly, the director of the National Cancer Institute of the United States, Dr. Richard Clauzner, can be quoted as saying: "The history of cancer research is the history of treating mice from cancer ... For several decades now we have cured mice from cancer - and this simply does not work in humans" . So no valuable research results on mini-pigs will not bring.

There is another interesting aspect to this story: the structural unit of the FMBA, the Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies, will be directly engaged in research. In other words, the Agency concluded a contract with its own organization. However, this is not directly related to the topic of doping and should interest organizations that are interested in corruption and violations of public procurement rules ..

The target date for the commissioning of the study is November 2018. If the scenario with melding repeats itself, and the World Anti-Doping Agency banned it in 2019, FMBA will have enough time to notify athletes and medical personnel. This is directly reported in the technical specification: "The social and economic effect of the introduction of scientific and technical products will be achieved through timely informing medical personnel about the half-life of medicinal products from the body of athletes."

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