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Actovegin injection – During pregnancy

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: antihypoxant, great feeling, versatile for different diseases, good drug

Disadvantages: pricey

Droppers with Actovegin I was appointed to the antenatal clinic at 32 weeks of pregnancy, when ultrasound found a small delay in the growth of the baby.

The course consisted of 10 drippers “Actovegin” 4 ml. Droppers endured well. After the dropper is desirable not to rise sharply, and lie down 5 minutes.

Upon completion of the child's weight increased to 250 grams, I think this is a good result. After droppers continue receiving “Actovegin” in tablets, as a result the child was born weighing 3100 grams.


Actovegin injection – my condition has improved significantly

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: excellent health, good drug

I put water scarcity and my doctor put me right on the day hospital. So I dripped the drug Actovegin for 5 days. Immediately after the first application I noticed improvement. Firstly my condition - left drowsiness, fatigue, and suffocation. Secondly - the baby immediately become active.


Actovegin injection – After a course injections the baby's condition improved

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: good drug

We are registered to these injections the doctor. At birth the child had hypoxia, and he suffered from intracranial pressure. At first I hesitated, but then decided to make them, not regret anything. The kid at the time was about 3 months. He was breastfed and fed for a long time during the night, he could do it for half an hour and more. As explained by the doctor, it is due to the fact that the intracranial pressure does not allow him to eat quickly and in large quantities.

The child was irritable, hyperactive, cried a lot. After a course injections Actovegin the child's condition has improved, he became calmer and more balanced. Sure to put injections cause us discomfort after the injection a child patient could not sleep, and cried for a long time. But after the course, I repeat, it was much better.


Actovegin injection – if the cells suffer without oxygen

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: versatile for different diseases, good drug

Disadvantages: possible allergies, pricey

My dad is an elderly person has a lot of senile diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, encephalopathy, diabetes). It hurts the heart, headache, sore feet - the cells are not getting oxygen. Actovegin injection - really generic drug because it is natural and administering to the "feeds" the first to suffer from a lack of oxygen cells, and therefore it is administered in a wide variety of seemingly cases.

Dad puts “Actovegin” injections twice a year in spring and autumn 5 ml intravenously once daily for 10 days. The doctor said that it is better in the vein, as it immediately enters the bloodstream. It spreads throughout the body and has an effect on all the diseased organs.

After a course injections consistently observes the state of improvement: less dizzy, less "thrilled" feet, less sore heart. After the injections would be good to also go on the pill for 2-3weeks. Before the introduction of the first must-make sample as Allergic reactions are possible.


Actovegin injection - with hypoxia in the child

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: excellent health, good drug

Disadvantages: very painful

Actovegin is powerful antihypoxant, it activates the metabolism of glucose and oxygen, not only the mother but also the fetus. It also increases energy metabolism and glucose consumption. The net effect of these processes is to strengthen the energy state of the cell, particularly in the context of fetal hypoxia.

I had vials of 10 ml. put the injections are very painful! Well, that does not suffer for the sake of the health of the future baby. My course was 10 days.

After inspection hypoxia was observed! Baby was born big and healthy, perhaps this is a merit of Actovegin.

Many where they write that this drug with unproven efficacy, dummy, placebo, but it helped me. And not just me. My pregnant girlfriends after ”Actovegin” was getting better too.


Actovegin injection – If you have a headache

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: excellent health, versatile for different diseases

I'm always very strong headache. For how many doctors I have not addressed, no I did not give a clear answer and receive no treatment. Until one day I got a really good doctor, who prescribed me a survey and then appointed and treatment.

I have been appointed with a dropper Actovegin of 10 days. After the third day, I felt like my headaches stopped torturing. After a full course of intravenous lines, I even forgot that such headaches. For half a year like my head does not hurt, and it's all thanks "Actovegin”.


Actovegin injection - effective, helps

04 Jan 2017

I had an accident the car a month ago. Lain 10 days in the hospital with a concussion. I do not speak, almost did not go, lost emotions, etc.

I went to other doctors at the regional hospital, and I was not at all a concussion and contusion of the brain! I was assigned Actovegin.

droppers after I began to feel a lot better. I think that helps “Actovegin”. I injected it into a vein. I heard that the muscle is much harder, so not risk.


Actovegin injection – helped me, antihypoxant

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: antihypoxant, great feeling, versatile for different diseases, good drug

Disadvantages: expensive

About three years ago in the middle of summer, I ached. It began with the fact that I caught a cold from the air conditioning to work, I'm blown ear. It is quite a long time and hurt. Started to get a headache, I did not sleep well. As a result, after the development of insomnia in my blood pressure rose.

I went to the doctors in the clinic as needed sick to work, and I could not work. Neurologist wrote a diagnosis: VSD on hypertonic type with cephalgic syndrome.

Actovegin prescribed me 5 ml intravenously once a day. The doctor has appointed a course of treatment of 10 injections, but the drug has always been expensive, and I bought only 5 vials.

No side effects, I did not feel after the injection. There was no dizziness, no nausea. After a few days of treatment I felt much better. Headache was the first less, then it was not. The pressure is also normal.

This drug is safe, it is often prescribed even pregnant.


Noopept – It helps with heavy loads

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: there is an effect, improve sleep, I think faster

Disadvantages: you need to take a course

I gave birth to a child in the late 40 years. Lack of sleep, terrible congestion.

Six months later I went back to work. When I come to work, I realized that even I can not remember all the things that used to be easily held in the mind, confuse the numbers, that is terrible for an accountant. I ran to the doctor.

I was prescribed Noopept for 3 months. After about 3 weeks I felt better. I began to think better, sleep better, my head stopped hurting. The only thing I do not like to take a lot of pills. But there is an effect.


Noopept – It helps to improve memory and concentration

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: The drug is effective

I Agree Noopept little more than two years, about once every six months to take the drug in the course of one hundred tablets. During this time, significantly improved memory, brain works at full strength. More like the fact that there are no side effects. At least in my case, any unpleasant effects were observed. Compared with other similar drugs, the “Noopept” acts softer, but no less effectively than other nootropics.

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