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Actovegin - Expensive, but effective

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: positive effect

Disadvantages: high price

In the second pregnancy I was diagnosed with a moderate water shortage. At first, I was lying on the preservation of in the hospital, one of the drugs that are prescribed by a doctor to me, were the tablets Actovegin.

A week after taking the pills water level I was normal.

Usage time: three weeks


Actovegin pills – An excellent drug for pregnant women

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: Effective, pleasant taste.

Disadvantages: expensive

Were 32 weeks of pregnancy. On the ultrasound it turned out that I had oligohydramnios and the child in the womb is bad, it is not enough oxygen enters. I was very scared, the doctor prescribed a drink “Actovegin” course, but immediately warned that it is expensive.

I took a week-long course Actovegin and have not regretted. Went to the control ultrasound, they said that the water returned to normal and all is well! These pills are made on the basis of calf blood, so these are expensive, but very effective.

Usage time: 7 days


Actovegin pills – helped a baby

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: The action can be seen at once, pleasing appearance, taste

Disadvantages: expensive

It all started with another month of life, took 1/4 tablet every day in the morning. Then a break, then in half a year too at 1/4, but 2 times a day, a year, and now we accept on 1/2 tablets 2 times a day.

I think the drug is very effective, and activates the brain activity. Generally prescribed so as anemia and fluid in the brain.

The structure Actovegin calf blood enters, and therefore makes it good.

The child becomes more obedient, less crying, trying to say something, sleep tight, playing well on the street and at home, without any hands on the capricious and often asks, so I advise.

Usage time: 1.5 years


Actovegin pills – positive effect

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: it is difficult to share, the highest price

My daughter found a few problems in neurology. The main one - a cyst.

The doctor prescribed “Actovegin” . Pricks did not want to torture the child, so taking pills. Minus was one - it is difficult to divide and chop especially considering that they are covered with a dense shell. Tablets stored at room temperature in the dark.

My daughter took Actovegin within one month.

As a result, according to the results of a brain cyst ultrasound markedly decreased. I noticed that in the future even come and sleep improvement, the daughter began to wake up much less (it appeared at that time was 1.5 years), there were no more tears and tantrums after sleep, sleep during the day has increased from 40 minutes to 1.20 or more.

Price for this product is high. So from me only positive recommendations pills “Actovegin”. Older kiddies or adults I recommend “Actovegin” as injections - action should be even better.

Usage time: 1 month


Actovegin pills – helps to improve the blood supply to the tissues and organs of oxygen

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: good quality, the desired result

Disadvantages: expensive

During pregnancy, I was diagnosed with "feto-placental insufficiency" and "chronic fetal hypoxia," the doctor appointed Actovegin drug.

Pills improves blood supply of oxygen to tissues and organs, including the placenta and fetus therefore hypoxia problem disappears. The baby is getting enough oxygen and develops properly.

I took the drug one month, and the result was not long in coming. Already at the next ultrasound hypoxia has not been revealed, and the blood flow restored to normal.

Therefore, the high price matches the quality and effectiveness.

Usage time: 1 month


Actovegin pills – The spasms subsided

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: good quality, the desired result;

Several years suffered cerebral spasms. It was unbearable to even think - head buzzed, whined, pulling, pricked. I took different medications but nothing helped. The doctor prescribed Actovegin. Price for homeopathy seemed to me too high, but I decided to still take the course (month to 3 tablets a day).

Pain reduced intensity on the third day, the frequency - in a week. No side effects were observed, stimulates blood circulation well. At the end of the course spasms in the head almost did not arise. The course I repeated after two more times with a break of a month. Since then a year has passed - the effect remains the same: pain is minimized, and only occur when fatigue or stress.

Usage time: 3 courses for a month


Actovegin pills – Often prescribed during pregnancy, when fetal hypoxia!

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: high price

“Actovegin” I administered during pregnancy when fetal hypoxia.

I took Actovegin for prophylaxis: 1 tablet 2 times a day within 2 weeks.

After application of tablets with the child was okay and did not arise in future issues.

Plus of “Actovegin” because it is then that it consists of physiological components that are present in the body.

Though it is recommended to use with caution during pregnancy, but he is very good and it is often prescribed for fetal hypoxia.

The tablets are sold in glass bottles at 50 pieces to 20 mg. Any bottles 10 and 30 tablets.


Actovegin pills – Excellent and useful drug!

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: natural product effective

"Actovegin" - a well-known drug in medical practice.

The drug is universal

Actovegin - is deproteinized gemoderivat, the protein extract of calf blood. You understand that the production of natural and without any allergic reactions when applied.

Action of “Actovegin” related to its potent anti-hypoxic (hypoxia - lack of oxygen), the action, the normalization of metabolism and energy resources cells.

Its main indication for the use of - a stroke. That is when they develop an acute lack of oxygen in the central nervous system, which leads to a rather bad consequences. Also used in a variety of hypoxic conditions of organs and tissues, regardless of their origin, peripheral vascular disorders, trophic ulcers, diabetic neuropathy, and more.

Positive effect of “Actovegin” is manifested in its application in the first 6-8 hours after the onset of stroke! It is very important!

A nice feature of “Actovegin” - its many forms of release: solutions, ointments, tablets. Someone as comfortable and depending on the disease. In disorders of cerebral circulation, respectively, preference is given to intravenous administration.

Very pleased that it can be used as safely during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

No adverse effects or allergies.

In my own experience I say, the drug really helps people! I sincerely advise!


Actovegin pills – Helped with headache

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: Saved me a headache.

Disadvantages: Expensive, there are no analogues.

For quite a long time, I suffer a headache. When I was pregnant with her second child, up to four months a headache every day.

I have proved to be a problem with the blood vessels of the brain and the doctor prescribed me a solution for injections "Actovegin". injection rate of the drug during pregnancy head does not hurt.

Now when starting headaches accept Actovegin pills.

sold in a cardboard box and a bottle of dark glass; at 10,30,50 and 100 tablets. Covered are the sweet wrapper, yellow, so take quite quietly, without aversion.

Social 1 tablet 2 times a day, morning and evening, before meals, for more than two weeks.

Usage time: many times.


Actovegin pills – Very expensive, but the effect is still noticeable

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: expensive

During pregnancy, I was diagnosed with “initial breach of condition of the fetus”. The doctor has appointed Actovegin.

Small Tablets and very easy to swallow.

There are no side effects from Actovegin I have not noticed. The manual says that the maximum efficacy of the drug is achieved in 2-6 hours after ingestion. I have 2-3 hours later the child began to move very rapidly.

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