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Actovegin injection - marked improvement

06 Jan 2017

Actovegin appointed my son at birth and assigned to me when I suffered terrible headaches from the stress. No side effect rapid and marked improvement.

Indications for use

Lack of stroke, traumatic brain injury; peripheral circulatory disorders (arterial, venous); angiopathy (disturbance of vascular tone); trophic disorders (disorders of the skin nutrition) for varicose veins; ulcers of different origin; bedsores (necrosis of tissue caused by prolonged pressure on them by lying down); burns; prevention and treatment of radiation injuries.

The drug is injected almost painlessly. However, after this injection site may be concerned about a short time. But it is quite bearable.

During the 10 days of treatment the attacks did not bother me. I became calmer at all to respond.


Actovegin injection – good drug, excellent health

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: excellent health, versatile for different diseases, good drug

Disadvantages: painful injection

Neurologist advised us to pierce the vial. The child was six months old, intracranial pressure. And we have appointed Actovegin with physiotherapy.

Injection puts the child within 19 days. Every day I see how he was getting better, he began to cry less, more fun. No side effects. 


Actovegin injection - activates metabolism

06 Jan 2017

Many people know that Actovegin administered during pregnancy and preterm delivery, and after strokes or traumatic brain injuries, bedsores and trophic ulcers. Injections prescribed to people aged, and a tiny baby.

Actovegin activates metabolism in tissues and stimulates regeneration processes in tissues.

Indications for use “Actovegin”.

  • Metabolic and vascular brain disorders (including ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury);
  • Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, trophic ulcers); diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • Healing wounds (ulcers of various etiologies, burns, trophic disorders (bedsores), violation of the healing process);
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation lesions of the skin and mucous membranes with radiation therapy.


  • Hypersensitivity to the drug
  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • Oliguria, anuria;
  • Fluid retention in the body.

Precautions: hyperchloremia, hypernatremia.                 


Actovegin pills - helped my baby

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: it is responsible for the accumulation of oxygen, nourishes the tissues with oxygen and helps prevent miscarriage

I was prescribed Actovegin several times in a lifetime. It was connected with pregnancy and the birth of my children. This is a wonderful drug! Virtually no side. Its effect is that the oxygen is better absorbed by the body, respectively, are better nourished tissue - from the placenta to the meninges.

Do it from the components of the blood of calves. This is natural. it is expensive. But very good quality and worth. It perfectly nourishes the brain.

Neurologists is prescribed this drug for infants from birth, albeit in the form of injections - both of my daughters put, and not one course. Excellent restore the nervous system, reflexes become very good!


Actovegin pills - excellent drug, removes hypoxia

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: is responsible for the accumulation of glucose, is responsible for the accumulation of oxygen, nourishes the tissues with oxygen, improves cerebral blood circulation, removes hypoxia

Disadvantages: high price

Actovegin my neurologist has written in connection with the residual (subcompensated, vascular, post-traumatic) encephalopathy. By the winter of memory has become very bad, headaches intensified, started poorly oriented in space (did not understand in what direction I go), formulate proposals for a long time without hesitation.

This drug I was prescribed in combination with tranquilizing and neuroprotective agent Phenibutum. At the end of two months, the memory gradually returned to normal, headaches became less torment, I began to collect and calmer. I saw this drug on the standard scheme: 1 tablet 3 times a day, beginning with an intravenous injection by it. Courses then of course I will repeat, it is necessary to fix the result.

The drug is certainly expensive, but definitely worth the result of accumulation, but it you will be satisfied. I definitely recommend "Actovegin".


Actovegin pills - improves cerebral blood flow

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: improves cerebral blood flow

Disadvantages: high price


  • In the complex therapy of metabolic and cerebrovascular disorders (various forms of cerebrovascular insufficiency, dementia, traumatic brain injury);
  • Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (angiopathy, trophic ulcers).

My case - cerebrovascular accident.

During pregnancy Actovegin injections, tablets after birth.

Drug helped.


Actovegin pills - good drug

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: nourishes the tissues with oxygen, improves cerebral blood circulation, removes hypoxia

Disadvantages: - high price

My mother suffers from hypertensive and ischemic attack. Just once in 3-6 months she is undergoing treatment, where one of the key drugs have "Actovegin"!

After the injections, my mother takes pills for fixing effect.

She said that after receiving Actovegin and while she feels much better. Reduces headaches and dizziness goes away. But in her condition, the treatment requires stability and continuity. Therefore, one is not enough Actovegin in advanced cases.


Actovegin pills - helped me to make my children

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: Helps prevent miscarriage

Disadvantages: high price

My diagnosis was a habitual miscarriage. I was taking a lot of different tests, I was in many different gynecologists, I went through eight unsuccessful pregnancies (miscarriages and non-viable).

Doctor appointed Actovegin before conception, during pregnancy, and some hormones. I endured two children with a difference of two years. I took "Actovegin" to 18-20 weeks then another medicine (blood-thinning).

Side effects from the reception I did not have.

I sincerely believe that this medicine has given me the opportunity to become a mother.


Actovegin pills - in violation of the child's blood

06 Jan 2017

I took Actovegin the first and second pregnancy in pill form, and the form of injections. For the first time ultrasound with the 27th week showed delayed development of the child (tummy size behind for 2 weeks from the norm). After that I was appointed courses "Actovegin" pills and intravenous injection of the drug.

Actovegin during pregnancy: contributes to the accumulation and transport of glucose, oxygen in the body of a pregnant woman, improve cell metabolism. The drug in pregnant women improves blood circulation, increases energy reserves of cells and accelerates metabolism.

I took pills "Actovegin" course of 10 days to 3 tablets a day.

Almost as soon as I started taking "Actovegin", my health has improved significantly. I barely remembered the tone, the leg does not hurt, even without wearing compression stockings, I felt easy, there was no swelling. From the drug there was a slight laxative effect.


Actovegin pills - helped to gain weight to fetus

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: improves blood circulation, enriches the blood with oxygen

Disadvantages: In advanced cases does not help

In the first pregnancy on term of 25-26 weeks suspected impaired blood flow and placental insufficiency. Tummy did not meet the deadline was much less. The doctor prescribed Actovegin pills.

Two weeks later, I came to the reception planned, she measured the tummy and says that everything is in order. It turns out that my baby has grown up quickly on this "Actovegin". The doctor was not allowed to drink yet to trace the dynamics. Dynamics hereinafter was good.

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