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Actovegin injection - helped my the baby to be born healthy

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: helped

Disadvantages: high price

In the seventh month of pregnancy by ultrasound results I was diagnosed with "developmental delay syndrome fetus 1 degree" - fails belly size to head size.

I was prescribed a drug, but after it did not improvements. I was started to put a dropper Actovegin. All side effects immediately passed. After dropper my health improved. Condition returned to normal, for prophylaxis I took “Actovegin” pills.

Usage time: 10 times


Actovegin injection - took off my severe headaches during pregnancy

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: Eliminate cramps and headaches.

Disadvantages: high price

As soon as I found out that I had five weeks of pregnancy, I realized why my state of health has deteriorated sharply. I began to feel dizzy, severe cramps and of course toxicosis. Further we go, worse it becomes. My head ached every day, it was not possible to work.

Easy work for me was not easy. It turned out that I have a narrowing of blood vessels. In general he appointed me Actovegin. The preparation course is very expensive, but I have not regretted. And later, when lying on the preservation, to me still and dripped intravenously.

Usage time: 3 weeks


Actovegin injection - well helped

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: easy to carry, it nourishes the blood and brain of oxygen

Being pregnant twice, faced fetal hypoxia. Assigned treatment intravenous injections “Actovegin”. After the course Actovegin began to feel much lighter, stopped spinning and headache, hemoglobin even slightly risen. Dropper tolerated a little easier, or rather is not felt at all, after the injections a little dizzy after administration. I strongly advise even just to prevent hypoxia, because there is no harm, more benefits.

Usage time: 2 years


Actovegin injection - Help with dizziness

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: Helps

Disadvantages: Patients injections

I have problems with the spine in the area of cervical spine and as a result violated the blood circulation in the head. Because of this, sometimes I was plagued by dizziness.

On the preparation Actovegin I've heard for a long time, but injections to apply it is not necessary as long as there was a severe attack dizziness.

Neurologist prescribed me a course of injections of Actovegin intravenously. Inject the medicine slowly. Relief occurs quickly enough. The effect comes about after the third injection. After a course of injections feel quite good, good medicine, some friends also use it rates and everyone is happy.

Time of use: Year


Actovegin injection - really improves blood circulation

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: great efficiency

Disadvantages: pricey

I was appointed Actovegin. The drug has virtually no side effects. There may only be a local allergic reactions.

The drug is not immediately able to find - had to go to several pharmacies. Price is high.

I took the drug in combination with glucose - 10 injections intravenously. And I was very pleased. Circulation restored. After a while I gave birth to a boy - healthy and of normal weight.

As this drug is administered and mom to comprehensive treatment, as she lay in cardiology. Treatment was also quite effective.


Actovegin injection - Comprehensive treatment of breath-holding spell

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective no side effects

Disadvantages: high price

A couple of months ago, our district neurologist prescribed for my child (he was a year and three months) complete treatment: 10 Actovegin injections.

The treatment the doctor prescribed the kid as he is inclined to breath-holding spell. In parallel with the injections still take vitamins.

After completing the course of treatment, I noticed some progress in the moments of affective crying baby can breathe on their own and quickly calms down. Just it becomes a little harder to sleep.

I recommend the drug Actovegin.

Usage time: 10 days


Actovegin injection - excellent drug

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: Valid helps

Disadvantages: very expensive

Quite often turn to me older people with complaints of dizziness, unsteadiness, memory loss - in general, the various manifestations of encephalopathy. I tried a lot of drugs, but the drug Actovegin deserve special attention. The drug is easily tolerated by patients. The effect is pretty fast, but unfortunately not all people are equally strong. Much depends on the age, the route of administration. However, a positive effect in the adult is present at all. Acceptance of this drug is good for patients.

After administration of the drug dizziness are reduced. The patient becomes easier. It is true the effect is not permanent. I recommend doing this medication 2 times a year, the drug still quite expensive. treatment should be prescribed only by the doctor. There are contraindications.


Actovegin injection - increase the effect

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: in conjunction with other drugs, to strengthen and increase the effect

Disadvantages: painful injection

Actovegin often taken in combination with others to increase the effectiveness of treatment. When I was pregnant the doctor prescribed it with other drugs, and now the child is also registered.

In the treatment of developmental delays in speech "Actovegin" injections ten days. The child is 3 years old, it is written 2 ml per day / for ten days. So in the previous reviews I have already described the treatment, there is only a supplement. The injection painful, but it can not be confused with novocaine, for pain relief. Make a standard injection intramuscularly.


Actovegin injection - calf blood extract

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: It has a wide range of treatment of diseases associated with vascular insufficiency.

Disadvantages: There are contraindications, high price.

Injections "Actovegin" I was given in September of this year, when I suddenly stopped not what to go, I even sit and lie it was painful. Why exactly I have a problem with the legs, general practitioner did not have time to understand, even though I had a few reasons for this situation. This is my chronic venous insufficiency, is often complicated by acute thrombophlebitis, and my equally chronic rheumatism and arthritis, and osteochondrosis - a dangerous disease is not only mine, but also a lot of people.

Doctor prescribed me Actovegin. This drug, which is produced on deproteinized calf blood extract, is considered one of the safest for people, including children. He applied for the treatment of a fairly large number of diseases, mainly related to the vessels - a result of his traumatic brain injury, cerebral insufficiency, ischemic stroke, venous disease and peripheral arterial disorders, retinal vascular lesions of the eye, obliterating endarteritis.

Also it is used for the treatment of venous ulcers, chemical and thermal burns, skin grafts for her best survival rate, for the healing of pressure sores, ulcers and wounds of various etiologies, radiation damage mucous membranes, skin and nervous tissue, the treatment of ischemia and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Of the side effects - allergy only.

They appointed me 10 injections intramuscularly once a day. Enter it should slow, very painful prick.

Sold over the counter without a doctor's prescription.

Usage time: 10 days.


Actovegin injection – helped my baby

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: antihypoxant

Disadvantages: painful injections, expensive

Our daughter was born prematurely with critically low birth weight, birth defects, and comorbidities. The solution Aktovegin us in injections administered several courses for 2 years.

Developmental delay, which now worn off and not very noticeable. Only little weigh, and talk is bad for her age.

After the first course of injections and physiotherapy child became harder to keep your head, then back. Later, sit up unaided.

Actovegin improves metabolism, oxygen metabolism in tissue conduction of nerve fibers.

I'm happy with the drug, although it has a very significant disadvantage in comparison with analogues. It is painful.

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