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01 Nov 2016

Donormil - (active ingredient Doksilamin) - available sleeping medicine which can be purchased without recipe. On subjective feelings quite strongly breaks structure of a dream and reduces its productivity. Less preferable choice. Is suitable for emergencies, when there is no need to see a doctor. Can cause nightmares due to activity. In addition to basic purpose possesses a capability to eliminate nausea.

Donormil - (active ingredient Doksilamin)

Pharmacological action

Donormil is an antagonist of H1-histamine receptors (anti-histamine) of group of ethanolamines with M action. Has sedative and somnolent effects. Reduces time necessary for falling asleep; increases dream duration, improving its quality. Doesn't exert impact on phases of a dream. Duration of action is from 6 to 8 hours. It is quickly soaked up from a GIT, gets through a hematoencephalic barrier and other barriers. Metabolism of a donormil happens in a liver, products metabolisms are removed with urine (60%) and through intestines. You can try Phenazepam.

Indications to application

Sleep disorders of various etiology, including falling asleep violation (sleeplessness).

Method of application

The recommended dose makes from 1/2 to 1 tablets a day. Sparkling to dissolve a tablet in half of glass of water. The tablet covered with a cover - inside, washing down with a small amount of liquid. To accept in 15 minutes prior to a dream. If treatment is inefficient, according to the recommendation of the doctor the dose can be increased to two tablets.

Duration of treatment from 2 to 5 days; if sleeplessness remains, treatment has to be reconsidered.



01 Nov 2016

Zopiclone is a somnolent medicine (Z-medicines) used in treatment of sleeplessness. Imovan, Somnol, Piklodorm is available in drugstores under the branded name. Sleeping medicine of new generation with the minimum influence on structure of a dream.


The analysis of these clinical testing provided to FDA concerning Z-medicines showed that these sedative sleeping medicines it is more, than twice, increase risk of development of a depression, in comparison with placebo.

Zopiclone causes similar to change benzodiazepines on an electroencephalography and architecture of a dream, and also causes violations in structure of a dream in case of the acceptance termination, as effect of a recurrence. Also its complete analogs zaleplon (Sonata) concern to group of gipnotik and they have no eszopiclone (Lunesta), however advantages and meet less often.

In the course of accommodation active metabolites are formed: N-oxide of zopiclone and N-demetil of a zopiclone which identification helps to establish a cause of death. Zopiclone became one of the favourite medicines of addicts for creation of "mixes". Considering the person in the weakened physical condition, 90 mg can represent a minimum lethal dose of zopiclone.

Zopiclone is intended only for falling asleep simplification. Medicine has short elimination half-life - about 3 hours in this connection it is possible to keep normal structure and productivity of a dream. The violations doesn't cause: there are no feelings of weakness and drowsiness for morning of the next day. Repeated acceptances of zopiclone aren't followed by cumulyation. Zopiclone causes much less side effects in comparison with the classical somnolent medicines applied in Russia.


It is available only according to the recipe of the doctor. Average price for 20 tablets: imovan - 300 rub, somnol - 200 rub. For receipt of the recipe it is necessary to address the neurologist or the psychotherapist, having shown claims to problems with falling asleep. It is necessary to emphasize that instead of regular tranquilizers you would prefer safer and effective remedy. It is necessary to specify to the doctor if you already accepted regular sedatives of phytogenesis like extracts of a valerian and motherwort and they don't help you. After that most likely to you will offer OTC medicine hydroksizin (to Ataraks).

"Attention" Should be meant, the experienced doctor won't write out to you the recipe on zopiclone without the corresponding clinical record or just at your request. Zopiclone is included into the list of strong medicines, and also in pharmaceutical points is accounting medicine.

Application in case of sleeplessness

At the moment hypnotic drugs are the optimum choice for not systematic treatment of sleeplessness. Sleeplessness still is up to the end not found out and there are no effective methods of treatment. Sleeping medicines don't cure of this disease, moreover after cancellation of pharmacotherapy symptoms of a sleep disorder can be aggravated. The specialist shall appoint treatment.

If sleeplessness is temporary and is caused by external factors (a stress, overloads and so forth) that use of sleeping medicines on a changeable basis is quite justified. It facilitates recovery of the correct day regimen, especially after vacation. Or allow to suppress disturbing thoughts quickly. You can try Phenazepam.


The average therapeutic dose constitutes 7.5 mg inside for the night, in cases of heavy sleeplessness it is possible to increase a dose to 15 mg. Action begins in 20-30 minutes. At elderly patients, and also in case of dysfunction of a liver apply 3.75 mg. Can cause accustoming and a syndrome of cancellation with aggravation of sleeplessness therefore according to recommendations of Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties it shan't be applied longer than 7-10 days in a row, according to the official instruction no more than 45 days.


Zopiclone is a drug, was initially presented as the drug having the reduced risk of development of dependence and a withdrawal in comparison with traditional benzodiazepine drugs. Actually, however, çîïèêëîí can have even a little larger potential of development of dependence, than benzodiazepines. The tolerance to influence of zopiclone can develop within several weeks. In most cases it is necessary to avoid long use of drug. Successful treatment of patients with serious sleeplessness as a result of alarm can be performed within several months. The sharp termination of reception, especially at long reception of high doses of drug, can cause cramps and a delirium in hard cases.

Publications in British Medical Journal don't give any proofs that zopiclone has the low potential of development of dependence. Actually, at administration of drug physical dependence, abuse and an abstinence syndrome, similar observed at cancellation of benzodiazepines often develops. Symptoms of an abstinence syndrome include concern, tachycardia, a tremor, a sweating, inflows, heartbeat, a derealization, and further – sleeplessness. It was reported also about cramps at cancellation during Zopiclone 's detoxicating, however in this case the person abused high doses of zopiclone.

The risk of development of dependence at reception of zopiclone within less than 2 weeks or is less, is very low. However, it is challenged in one research of the low doses of zopiclone accepted within 7 nights. It was established that the termination of reception of zopiclone causes a sleeplessness recurrence. Besides, at the termination of reception of midazolam after constant use within 7 nights, no recurrence of sleeplessness was observed that allows to assume what zopiclone can cause more vital issues of tolerance and dependence, than benzodiazepines. After 3 weeks of use, at the termination of reception of a zopiklon recurrence symptoms from mild to moderate degree are observed. Due to the risk of development of tolerance and physical dependence, zopiclone it is recommended to apply during a short period (at most 1-4 weeks), or, on the contrary, seldom to use drug during long periods.

Long-term users of zopiclone which gained physical dependence on drug shouldn't stop sharply substance reception as serious symptoms of a conclusion, such as a delirium can be bound to it. If zopiclone was accepted for several weeks or more, the termination of administration of drug should be carried out, gradually reducing a dose or passing to an equivalent dose of Diazepamum (Valium) which has much longer half-life period that facilitates a conclusion, and then gradually, within several months, to reduce a dosage to avoid development of extremely serious and unpleasant symptoms of cancellation (as, for example, internal concern, psychomotor exaltation, abdominal pains, a hypertonia, hallucinations, cramps, alarm, a depression, psychosis, etc.) which can last up to two years at too sharp termination of administration of drug. After 4 weeks of use of zopiclone for the night, at some users the day uneasiness bound to the termination of administration of drug develops. This symptom, however, isn't shown as intensively, as at reception of the triazolam having much shorter period of action and causing more potent symptoms of the day uneasiness bound to the reception termination in long-term users. According to World Health Organization, zopiclone, though isn't molekulyarno benzodiazepine, is capable not selectively and with high affinity to be bound to the same benzodiazepine binding site, as benzodiazepines. The World Health Organization also declared that it zopiclone has two-dimensional tolerance with benzodiazepines, and these drugs can replace each other.


The recent analysis of data of FDA of the USA and results of clinical tests shows that not benzodiazepine Z-drugs in the ordered doses cause the increased risk of development of cancer in people. 15 epidemiological researches which showed that somnolent drugs enlarge risk of a mortality, generally at the expense of mortality augmentation from cancer were conducted (a brain, lungs, an intestine, a mammary gland and a bladder). One of possible explanations of augmentation of a mortality from cancer is that Z-drugs exert negative impact on immune system. The fact that in clinical tests at the patients accepting other Z-drugs (zolpidy, zaleplon and eszaleplon) the increased level of diseases was observed can support this theory. Indiplon, other not benzodiazepine drug, also showed augmentation of risk of development of cancer in clinical tests. In the review the following conclusion was drawn: "The probability of development of cancer is enough bike, both doctors and patients have to realize that hypnagogues can enlarge risk of development of cancer in patients". 


Tranquilizers and sedatives in sport

01 Nov 2016

Anxiolytic agents (tranquilizers) with the medical purpose to athletes prescribe only in need of elimination of alarm, internal emotional tension which can arise at the athlete as a result of an unsuccessful performance.

Tranquilizers are the psychotropic medicines promoting elimination of alarm, a pavor, concern, an internal strain. Apply them at neurotic and borderline cases. Having appeared in 1955, these drugs are in the lead on use frequency today. The main effects of action of these agents — tranquillium tranquilizing (Latin — tranquility, rest), anxius anxiolytic (Latin — alarming, full of phobia, captured by a pavor), (from Greek ataraxia — coolness, a peace of mind), anti-phobic (from Greek phobos — a pavor) allow to apply widely them for correction of psychoemotional condition of the person.

Tranquilizers affect the emotional sphere of the person, causing feeling of serenity and tranquility, take out sensation of fear, concerns, alarm. The main effects are characteristic of all groups of these agents (anxiolytics or antialarming agents): anxiolytic (anti-phobic), hypnotic (simplification of offensive of a dream), (central muscle relaxation) and anticonvulsant. All tranquilizers differ among themselves based on the ratio of influence on these four components, as causes their choice for clinical use. The mechanism of action of tranquilizers is bound to decrease of excitability of subcortical areas of a brain (limbic system, a thalamus, a hypothalamus) which control emotional reactions in a human body, slowing down reactions between subcortical formations and a cortex of larger hemispheres, and also block spinal reflexes that is the reason of muscle relaxation. They poorly affect systems.

Some of them influence Gamkergichesky and benzodiazepine receptors (Aminalonum) while others influence cholinergic systems of a brain. There are also other molecular mechanisms of action of tranquilizers which are activly discussed by experimental and clinical pharmacologists. Long uncontrolled reception of tranquilizers can cause medicinal dependence. Drugs of this group exponentiate influence of alcohol on an organism. Aren't recommended to drivers of transport.

Tranquilizers, as well as neuroleptics, exert the oppressing (depriving of bonuses) impact on a CNS, but, unlike neuroleptics, have no the expressed antipsychotic effect, they promote elimination of various neurotic and neurosis-like disturbances, reducing psychoemotional coloring of behavior of the person.

On a chemical structure tranquilizers can be divided into the following groups:

1) benzodiazepine derivatives (benzodiazepines) — Chlozepidum (Chlordiasepoxidum, Elenium), Sibazonum (Diazepamum, Relanium), to gidazepa, Phenazepamum, Nozepamum (an oxazepam, Tazepamum), Mezapamum (Medazepamum, Rudotelum), Lorasepamum (Laurent), to bromazepa, alprazola (êñàíàêñ), Tofizopamum (Grandaxinum), to estazola, clorazepate, to klobaza, tetrazepa;

2) carboamine Aethers of the replaced pro-pan-diol — Meprotanum (Meprobamatum);

3) derivatives of a difenilmetan — Amizylum, Hydroxyzinum;

4) derivatives of a bupiron — áóñïèðîí;

5) tranquilizers of various chemical groups — Mebicarum, Phenibutum (íîîôåí), Trioxazinum, oksolidin.

In clinical practice tranquilizers often divide into two groups: typical and atypical. Carry benzodiazepine derivatives to the first, considering the greatest study of their action, appreciable distribution and use; to atypical — derivatives of other chemical classes. Benzodiazepine derivatives (typical tranquilizers) which are very often used in clinical practice owing to hypotoxicity, determine by the term "tranquilizers" though it and isn't absolutely correct.

It is interesting that the term "tranquilizer" (uspokoitel) appeared in France more than 100 years ago and first had no relation to pharmacology. To them designated a special chair to which tied the patients with psychomotor exaltation who aren't giving in to arrangements. When for the first time in 1954 in the USA the first tranquilizer Meprobamatum was released, its consumption only in one year made several billion tablets (about 30 tablets on each resident of the USA). Drug gained popularity from sick and healthy people as an agent of correction of psychoemotional state at various somatopathies, neurosises, vital failures, the conflicts, shyness, etc. There were reports of advertizing character which said that, at last, medicine against the main illness of the 20th century — a stress is found. Instructions which obliged not to prescribe tranquilizers to pilots, drivers, operators, etc. were at the same time developed. However the first two years of use of tranquilizers dispelled this myth. At the same time the boom of use of tranquilizers didn't decrease, and now on use frequency they came out on top in the world among other medicines (among tranquilizers the most benzodiazepine derivatives). Only in recent years accurate strategy and tactics of their clinical use, and also a possibility of correction of mentality of the healthy person are developed.

Speaking more specifically about benzodiazepine derivatives, it should be noted that they are obliged by the opening to accident. Several hundreds of milligrams of chemical lay all the Hoffman-La Roche laboratories forgotten somewhere in a corner after J1 were for the first time synthesized. Other projects in laboratory became more important, and only two years later when cleaning the forgotten substance was revealed for the second time and is subjected to analyses. The new chemical called was capable to tame aggressive animals without obvious sedative effect. New medicine was put on the market by Roche under the name "librium", and the era of benzodiazepines began. By 1963 Roche monopolized the market, having issued the second benzodiazepine — diazepam (Valium) which became the most often appointed medicine of this kind, and also a standard for the whole class of sedative pharmacological means. Safety, especially in case of overdose, became a key argument for sale, however it was found and Valium cause dependence. Same treats also the third benzodiazepine of Roche — to nitrazepam (mogadon) put on the market in 1965 as sleeping pill. In total it is described more than 2000 pharmacological active derivatives of benzodiazepine, from them over 100 are issued in the world in the form of medicines. Derivatives of benzodiazepine constitute the greatest group of psychotropic medicines on number. Most of them are derivative 1,4 benzodiazepines, but also derivative 1,5 benzodiazepines are applied.

The most effective are benzodiazepine derivatives: khlozepid (chlordiazepoxide, elenium, librium), diazepam (sibazon, seducsen, relanium, Valium), to fenazepa, nozepa (tazepa, oxazepam), to mezapa (rudotel, medazepa).

Pharmacokinetics. Derivatives of benzodiazepines are well soaked up from digestive tract, form complexes with proteins. Accumulate in fatty tissue and from it arrive in blood. Are metabolized in a liver, are allocated generally with a stake.

Pharmakodinamiks. The main action of tranquilizers on TsNS is connected with influence on structures of limbic system and bark of big hemispheres. These medicines strengthen GAMK-ergichesky braking of nervous cages, interacting with benzodiazepinovy receptors, the allosterichesky regulatory centers of the Gamkergichesky receptor complex. Derivatives of benzodiazepines increase sensitivity of GAMKA of a receptor to the mediator. In the center of this receptor there is a chloric channel which opens in case of activation of a receptor. The strengthened entrance to a cage of ions of chlorine causes increase in potential (hyperpolarization) of a membrane, at the same time activity of neurons in many departments of a brain decreases. The sedative effect is connected with influence on other type of the receptors (less sensitive to benzodiazepines) localized in formation of a trunk of a brain, in nonspecific kernels of a thalamus.

Meprotin possesses the similar mechanism of action.

Amizil and hydroxywinters block central M-holinoretseptory. Buspiron mainly influences receptors, is partial agonist 5HT1 of A-receptors.

Pharmakodinamika. The main effects of tranquilizers — anxiolytic, ataraktichesky, antifobichesky, sedative, vegetostimuliruyushy. At diazepam hypotensive, antiarhythmic action is noted. Tranquilizers are also capable to lower a tone of skeletal muscles, to reduce concentration of attention, some possess somnolent action or promote development of a dream, exponentiate effect of hypnotic drugs, sedative, drugs, show anticonvulsive activity. Nebenzodiazepinovy tranquilizers exert more specific impact on TsNS, have no other effects (feninut, mebicar, etc.).

Possesses the most expressed anxiolytic action, its sedative effect surpasses that at other medicines.

To "day tranquilizers" — to medicines which don't possess or have insignificant somnolent effect, don't reduce working capacity, mezapa can carry (rudotel). Medicine possesses less expressed sedative and somnolent action. Treat them to gidazepa, tofizopa, mebicar.

Indications to use: neurosises and neurosis-like states, the epileptic status, an epilepsy, a muscle hyper tonus, reactive states, sleeplessness, premedication before operations.

Side effects: at prolonged use of tranquilizers development of accustoming and medicinal dependence is possible (mental and physical), the withdrawal is characteristic; it is also necessary to note emergence of a sleepiness, memory impairment and opportunities to concentrate, retardation of neuromuscular reaction, emergence of uncertainty when walking and orientation disturbance. Derivatives of benzodiazepine can reduce a potency and break a menstrual cycle.

Thus, in an arsenal of the doctor there is a large number of the most various tranquilizers by means of which it is possible to functions of a cerebral cortex, subcortical educations, the subthalamic centers, a reticular formation, spinal transfer, the central and peripheric autonomic nervous system. The doctor can choose drug necessary for the patient according to its individual properties and a pharmacodynamics of a tranquilizer.

And in practice of sports preparation application in sports medicine

The main indication to use of benzodiazepines is mental disadaptation at which psychopathological violations of neurotic level prevail. Promoting balancing of mechanisms at violation of mental adaptation, tranquilizers show universal influence on various psychopathological manifestations of neurotic character. In the course of treatment there is not only a reduction of emotional components in structure neurotic and violations, but also the vegetative dysfunctions, neurotic violations, frustration of a dream and other manifestations characteristic of the majority of adjacent forms of mental disorders decrease. Serious side effect of tranquilizers of group of benzodiazepines is the fast-arising mental dependence in this connection even in medical practice their application is limited.

As dopes tranquilizers are applied in sports, for example, at implementation of the obligatory program in figure skating and others (different types of firing), to removal of sensation of fear, uncertainty in themselves. Application cases for this purpose of nitrazepam, sibazona, fenazepama are known. It is a little cases of disqualification of athletes for the use of tranquilizers. In particular, in 1986 the pentathlonist L. Norwood has been convicted of reception of tranquilizers.

Certainly, owing to the fact that tranquilizers cause mental dependence their uncontrolled reception is inadmissible. Nevertheless in the presence of medical indications purpose of these medicines to athletes is quite justified — equally, as well as to any other persons having medical indications to reception of tranquilizers. It is obvious if not restrictions of "prohibitive" character, tranquilizers would have to take not the last place in an arsenal of the sports doctor, and besides not as doping means at all; at the same time it would be necessary to pay attention to the "day" tranquilizers which aren't causing drowsiness (to gidazepa, etc.).


To athletes at development of neurosises, vegetososudisty dystonia, sleeplessness more often appoint the sedatives increasing braking process.

Classification of sedative medicines

1. Bromine medicines — sodium bromide, bromine-validol, the adonis bromine, bromkamfor.

2. Monomedicines of plants — tinctures and dry extract of a valerian, motherwort tincture, peony tincture.

3. Barbiturates in a combination with medicines of other groups — korvakdin valocordin, korval-tab, Corvalol.

4 Melatonin (Vit melatonin, melokson).

5. The other combined medicines — dorminlact, new ïàññèò, florised-health, gerbion — the calming drops, persen, triflumen, fitosed, etc. sedavit, seduksen-forte.gerbion

The mechanism of their action is connected with strengthening of processes of braking, tamponada of sodium channels, increase in a role of GAMK is characteristic of valerian.

The medicines having sedative properties are applied tranquilizers much earlier and strengthen brake process in TsNS, effect of hypnotic drugs and means. Don't exert impact on phobias as tranquilizers and don't cause medicinal dependence. In small doses sleeping medicines have similar effect, medicines of a phytogenesis and bromides concern to them. The last are used for correction of a motive in army and other isolated contingents. The main sedatives are provided in table 2.25.

Whenever possible and in case of an adequate current of neurotic conditions it makes a sense to begin treatment with sedatives, and then to pass to tranquilizers.

Forms of release of medicines

  • Chlozepidum — tablets and a dragee on 0,005 g
  • Diazepam — tablets on 0,005; 0,001 and 0,002 g; ampoules on 2 ml of 0,5% - ãî solution
  • Phenazepam — tablets on 0,00025 and 0,001 g
  • Mezapamum — tablets on 0,01 g
  • Natrii bromidi — solution 1; 2 and 3%
  • Rhizoma cum rhadicibus Valerianae — in packaging on 100 g or in briquettes on 75 g;
  • tincture (Tinctura Valerianae) in bottles on 30 ml;
  • dense extract (Extr. Valerianae) tablets on 0,02 g;
  • liquid extract (Extr. Valerianae fluidum) for preparation of mixtures 1: 2
  • Herba Leonuri — in packaging on 100 g;
  • tincture (Tinctura Leonuri) — in bottles on 25 ml;
  • extract liquid 1: 2 (Extr. Leonuri fluidum)
  • Rhizoma cum rhadicibus Polemonii coerulei — a rhizome with roots cut on 100 g
  • Corvaldinum — drops in bottles on 25 ml



01 Nov 2016

Moksonidin, Moxonidine, Moxonidinum (Physiotens) - the antihypertensive (lowers arterial pressure) possessing a series of advantages to athletes. It is available under the following trademarks: Physiotens (Physiotens) from Solvey Phatma (Germany), Moksogamma (Moxogamma), Moxonitex, Tenzotran.

Moksonidin, Moxonidine, Moxonidinum, Physiotens

Moxonidine in sport

The main function of this drug consists in a lowering of arterial pressure. It is known that hypertonia a frequent problem in sport which often demands drug treatment to avoid potential complications. Moxonidine is the optimum choice in bodybuilding and sport. The mechanism of action is bound to exaltation of receptors in the central nervous system. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Activation the imidazolinovykh of receptors results in the following effects:

  • the inhibition of a sympathetic innervation (abirritating action)
  • depression of secretion of catabolic hormones
  • microcirculation improvement (due to vasodilating action)
  • depression of level of arterial pressure
  • rising of secretion of anabolic hormone of insulin and improvement of power supply of tissues
  • intensifying of a lipolysis (combustion of fat)
  • reduction of production of lactic acid

In addition, Moxonidine reduces resistance to insulin, slightly conceding to Metforminum, thus strengthening anabolic effect of this hormone. One more positive moment, like Clophelinum, moksonidin is capable to strengthen secretion of own hormone of body height at 40-50 times. At the same time drug doesn't cause side effects of Clophelinum.

Dosage and regimen of reception

Regimen of administration of drug is selected individually, before normalization of level of arterial pressure. Usually recommend to accept it twice a day in the morning and in the evening — on 0,2 mg. The maximum single dose - 0,4 mg. The maximum daily dosage makes 600 mkg in 2 receptions.


Use of Moxonidine in combination with other antihypertensives leads to intensifying of effect. Exponentiates sedative action of tranquilizers, antidepressants, alcohol, hypnagogues.

Side effects

The general shipping of Moxonidine is estimated as good, at most of patients side effects don't develop at all. Can serve as the main disadvantage for athletes oppressing action on the central nervous system that is shown by depression of physical activity during the training. Besides:

  • Central nervous system: often - a headache, giddiness (vertigo), a sleepiness; infrequently - a syncope.
  • Cardiovascular system: infrequently - the expressed depression of the ABP, orthostatic hypotension, a bradycardia.
  • Alimentary system: very often - dryness in a mouth; often - a diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, a dyspepsia.
  • Skin: often - a dermal eruption, an itch; infrequently - a Quincke's disease.
  • Mentality: often - sleeplessness; infrequently - nervousness.
  • Organs of hearing: infrequently - a ring in ears.
  • Musculoskeletal system: often - a dorsodynia; infrequently - pain in a neck.
  • From an organism in general: often - an asthenia; infrequently - peripheric edemas.



01 Nov 2016

β-adrenoblockers were framed (and are now used) as remedies for coronary heart disease (stenocardia, a myocardial infarction), tachyarrhythmias, complex treatment of hypertensia. Restrictions for use of these drugs in sport began in 1984. For today, if other isn't specified, β-adrenoblockers are forbidden only at competitions in the following sports:

  • aeronautics (FAI);
  • archery (FITA, IPC) (are also forbidden out of competitions);
  • motoring (FIA);
  • billiard sport (WCBS);
  • bobsled (FIBT);
  • water motor sport (UIM);
  • bowling (CMSB, IPC);
  • bridge (FMB);
  • curling (WCF);
  • gymnastics (FIG);
  • motorcycle sport (FIM);
  • modern pentathlon (UIPM) — for the disciplines including firing;
  • bowling of the nine-pin (FIQ) version;
  • sailing (ISAF) (only in match races);
  • firing (ISSF, IPC) (are forbidden constantly!);
  • ski sport / snowboarding (FIS) (ski jumping, freestyle, snowboard);
  • fight (FILA).

To WADA classification, treat β-adrenoblokator (the list isn't exhaustive): alprenolol, atenolol, atsebutolol, betacsolol, bisoprolol, bunolol, carvediol, carteolol, labetalol, levobunolol, metypranolol, metoprolol, mildronate, nadolol, ocsprenolol, pindolol, propanolol, sotalol, timolol, tseliprolol, esmolol.

Considering pharmacology of β-adrenoblokator, it is necessary to stop shortly on all group of means — the medicines blocking transfer of excitement. Two main groups of medicines treat them: adrenoblokator (block adrenoceptors) and sympatholytics (break synthesis, deposition and allocation of catecholamines).

Adrenoblokatorami are called the means blocking adrenoceptors. They interfere with action of noradrenaline. According to different types of adrenoceptors they are divided on and-adrenoblokatory (prazozin, pirroksan, doksa-zozin (kardura)) also by β-adrenoblokator (anaprilin, atenolol, metoprolol, tapinolol, etc.), and also on and - β-adrenoblokator (carvedilol, labetalol). Apparently from the given classification, carvedilol and labetalol, the carried WADA to β-adrenoblokator, actually are and-β- adrenoblokators.

a-Adrenoblokatory divide into the means blocking and, and a2 adrenoceptors, and the means blocking only and, - adrenoceptors. Carry phentolamine to not selective (regitin), pirroksan (pro-rock dignity), nitsergolin (cavinton), oksibrat (vinkamin), the dihydrogenated ergot alkaloids (dihydroergotamine, digidroergotoksin, digidroergokristin).

Phentolamin (Regitinum) in Ukraine isn't registered. This derivative imidazoline is characterized short-term and - adrenoceptor blocking, vasodilating, hypotensive by actions. Causes tachycardia, increases motility of a GIT, enlarges secretion of glands of a stomach, slightly stimulates β-cells of islets of Langerhans.

Indications to use: spastic stricture of peripheric vessels (Rae's illness but also other), diagnostics and treatment of a pheochromocytoma.

Side effects: tachycardia, giddiness, hyperemia and itch of a skin, nose mucosa swelling, nausea, vomiting, orthostatic collapse.

Pyrroxan — and - adrenoblocker of the central action, generally blocks and - adrenoreceptors in structures of a brain (for example, in a core of a back hypothalamus), regulates activity of simpatikoadrenalovy system. Drug has sedative properties, eliminates hyperemia symptoms, lowers arterial pressure at various diseases bound to rising of excitability of diencephalic structures increases working capacity, eliminates a headache, tension, feeling of alarm, a dermal itch, vestibular symptoms.

Indications to use: arterial hypertension, dientsefalichny crisis, pruritic dermatoses, aeroembolism, morphinic abstinence.

Side effects: hypotension, bradycardia, intensifying of pains in heart.

Side effects are noted at drug of a butiroksan.

Digitirovanny alkaloids of an ergot (dihydroergotaminum, a dihydroergotoxin, äèãèäðîýðãîêðèñòèí) dilate vessels and lower arterial pressure, possess sedation, veno-tonic action. Are a part of whole I am glad the combined antihypertensives (adelzin, kristepen, brinerdin, cormazen, etc.).

To selective and, - to adrenoblockers carry anti-hypertensive drugs Prazozinum (Minipressum), doksazonin (cardura), terazozin (korna).

Prazozin blocks postsynaptic and, - adrenoreceptors and possesses myotropic spasmolytic action as a result of phosphodiesterase blockade. Besides, blocking α-adrenoreceptors, reduces a tonus of muscles of a neck of a bladder, a prostate, a prostatic part of an urethra that leads to augmentation of rate of outflow of urine in general and to outflow augmentation from a bladder.

Drug can cause a lowering of arterial pressure, decrease of venous inflow to heart, final diastolic pressure in heart ventricles, decrease of pressure in the pool of a pulmonary artery, simplification of work of heart, inhibition of glycogenolysis and improvement of a lipide range of a blood plasma. Duration of effect is 6 — 8 h.

Doksazozin (cardura) and Terozinin are close (korna) on structure and action to Prazozinum. Are a selective blocker postsynaptic and, - adrenoreceptors. In comparison with Prazozinum have the prolonged effect to 24 h.

Alfuzozin (dalfaz), tamsulozin (omnik), selective and, - adrenoblockers.

Indications to use: good-quality hyperplasia of a prostate, hypertensia.

Side effects: tachycardia, a headache, giddiness, a nose congestion (a mucosa swelling owing to vasodilatation), an orthostatic collapse, disturbance of a cordial rhythm, the dispepsichesky phenomena, an acceleration of an emiction, fatigability.

β-adrenoblockers - - - - - - - - - - agents which selectively block β-adrenoreceptors of heart, vessels, bronchi and other organs. Drugs which selectively block β1-àäðåíîðåöåïòîðû call cardioselective.

β-adrenoblockers differ not only ability to block β1-and β2-àäðåíîðåöåïòîðû, but also existence of internal sympathomimetic activity and membrane stabilizing activity. Classification of these drugs is based on their ability to block various subtypes of p-adrenoreceptors.

1. Not selective β1-, β2- adrenoblockers.

1.1. Without internal sympathomimetic activity — Propranololum (anaprilin), Nadololum (Corgardum), Timololum (oftan Timololum). 1.2. With sympathomimetic activity — Pindololum (Viskenum).

2. Selective β1- alrenoblockers..

2.1. Without internal sympathomimetic activity — metoprolol (Corvitolum), atenolol (atenobeks), betaksolol (locren), bisoprolol (konkor), nemeolol (not ticket).

2.2. With sympathomimetic activity — tseliprolol (tseliprol), Talinololum (cordanum), atsebutolol (sektral), espanolol (breviblok).

3. alpha, beta Adrenoblockers — carveolilol (coriol), labetolol (lakardit).

Possess membrane stabilizing action (decrease of permeability of membranes for ions of sodium and a potassium) Propranololum, atsebutolol, Nadololum, Pindololum is less.

Pharmakodinamika of β-adrenoblokator is characterized by three types of action — antianginalny, antiarrhytmic and hypotensive.

1. Antianginalny action is connected with leveling of positive inotropny and hronotropny effects of catecholamines (decrease in force and heart rate) that leads to reduction of need of a cardiac muscle for oxygen. Besides, these medicines block metabolic effects of catecholamines (strengthening of processes of a glikogenoliz, lipoliz — the main exchange). It, in turn, promotes antianginalny action as decrease in energy costs of a myocardium and redistribution of coronary blood circulation happen for benefit of the ischemic centers.

2. Antiarrhytmic action is connected with decrease in excitability and automatism in a sinus node of the carrying-out system of heart, conductivity delay as medicines block β-receptors of a sinus node.

3. The hypotensive effect is connected with reduction of warm emission and activity of reninangiotenzinovy system. Resistance of peripheral vessels under the influence of p-adrenoblokatorov can increase reflex because of reduction of warm emission.

β-Adrenoblokatora influence not only cardiovascular system, but also other bodies, in different degree. So, medicines can break concentration of attention when driving the car, having the oppressing effect on TsNS, to exert the stimulating impact on a uterus and bronchial tubes.

Anaprilin (Propranololum, Obsidanum) blocks both β1-, and β2-adrenoreceptors. Blocking β1-adrenoreceptors, anaprilin weakens and reductions of heart, reduces oxygen consumption, reduces automatism of heart, reduces cordial emission. At systematic use drug reduces arterial pressure. The tonus of blood vessels anaprilin raises in the beginning (blockade β2- adrenoreceptors) therefore in the first days of use of drug arterial pressure can not change. But at further use of anaprilin blood vessels extend (reaction of vessels to long depression of cordial emission) and arterial pressure decreases. Anaprilin reduces allocation of renin kidneys (blockade P, - adrenoreceptors) that matters for realization of hypotensive effect. Anaprilin raises a tonus of bronchi and an intestine. Drug reduces activity of a lipolysis, insulin secretion, tolerance to glucose.

Talinolol (cordanum) doesn't cause a bronchospasm, and for the rest effects are similar to those of atenolol. It is carefully necessary to prescribe to pregnant women (use of an injection form of drug is undesirable because of a possibility of action of a dissolvent — propylene glycol).

Bisoprolol possesses mainly anti-anginal, hypotensive action, eliminates the phenomena of a heart failure.

Indications to use: stable stenocardia (rest, a strain), arrhythmias (especially sinus tachycardia), an idiopathic hypertensia (in an initial stage).

Metoprolol (the prolonged form), áèñîïðîëîë, êàðâåäèëîë apply at a chronic heart failure.

and-β-adreblocator carvedilol (coriol) has also antioxidatic properties, hypotensive effect, reduces the phenomena of a heart failure, a hypertrophy of a left ventricle, influences lipide range doesn't change glucose level in a blood less.

β-adrenoblockers rather seldom cause complications or side effects, such as hypotension, a bradycardia, an asystolia, a congestive heart failure, disturbances in a GIT and digestion, constipations, nausea, dryness in a mouth, tension of muscles, bronchospasm, an impotency, psychological disturbances, toxic psychoses, a hallucination, euphoria, disturbances of concentration of attention, an ataxic gate, a headache, giddiness, delicacy, a flaccidity, a sleepiness. In rare instances reception of these drugs causes an agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenic and I will hold down purpura, an eruption, dermal reactions.

Atenolol — cardioselective hydrophylic β1-àäðåíîáëîêàòîð, has anti-anginal, hypotensive and antiarrhytmic effects. Reduces excitability of a myocardium. Exerts less expressed impact on a smooth musculation of bronchi and peripheric arteries, than not selective r-adrenoblockers.

Metoprolol is cardioselective β1-àäðåíîáëîêàòîðîì though on selectivity of action concedes to an atenolol a little, can reduce the phenomena of a heart failure in the prolonged form. Exerts insignificant impact on β2-àäðåíîðåöåïòîðû bronchi and vessels, gets through a hematoencephalic barrier.

Adrenoblockers should be distinguished from sympatholytics (sympatholytics). Drugs from group of simpatiolitik block a sympathetic innervation at the level of the terminations of postganglionic (adrenergic) fibers. Unlike adrenoblockers, they don't influence adrenoreceptors and don't reduce action the adre-nomimeticheskikh of agents, and even on the contrary, strengthen their action. Different sympatholytics can have various mechanisms of blockade of the terminations of adrenergic nervous fibers, however the end result of action of these agents is identical: they reduce allocation of a mediator the adrenergic nervous terminations. Sympatholytics eliminate the stimulating influence of a sympathetic innervation on heart and blood vessels — there is bradycardia, force of cordial reductions decreases, blood vessels extend and arterial pressure decreases.

Reserpin — an alkaloid of Rauwolfia serpentine (Rauwolfia serpentaria Benth.), growing in India. Reserpinum has ability to collect in a membrane of vesicles in the terminations of adrenergic fibers. Drug promotes destruction of the ATP complex with Noradrenalinum and itself forms complexes with ATP.

Reserpin breaks process of deposition of Noradrenalinum in vesicles, the return capture of catecholamins oppresses, and also breaks their synthesis. As a result the maintenance of Noradrenalinum in the terminations of adrenergic fibers decreases owing to what transfer of exaltation in adrenergic synapses is broken.

Reserpin easily gets through a barrier and reduces the maintenance of Noradrenalinum in a CNS. Its sedative and antipsychotic action is bound to it. Therefore Reserpinum is carried also to group of antipsychotic (antipsychotic) agents. Drug promotes development of a dream. Strengthens effect of hypnotic drugs and anesthetics. A little respiration oppresses, reduces body temperature.

Hypotensive effect of Reserpinum is caused by its peripheric (sympatholytic) action. Arterial pressure at introduction of Reserpinum decreases gradually (the maximum effect is observed in several days). Hypotension at long introduction of Reserpinum is bound to decrease of the general peripheric resistance of vessels and oppression of pressor reflexes. Oppression by Reserpinum of an adrenergic innervation - results in prevalence of cholinergic effects. It is shown by a bradycardia, rising of a secretory and physical activity of a GIT, miosis.

Indications to use: arterial hypertension.

Side effects: giddiness, sleepiness, hyperemia of the person, narrowing of pupils, bradycardia, arrhythmias, hypotension, dermal eruption, dyspeptic phenomena, depression of sexual activity.

Raunatin contains the sum of alkaloids from Rauwolfia roots.

Pharmacological properties of Raunatinum are bound to existence in it of Reserpinum.

Indications to use: arterial hypertension.

Side effects: are less expressed in comparison with Reserpinum.

Methyldopa (Aldometum, dopegit) gets through a hematoencephalic barrier into a CNS where as a result of decarboxylation turns in and - methylnoradrenalinum (a false mediator). The last is an active stimulator central and - adrenoreceptors. Methyldopa breaks also a biosynthesis of catecholamins, reduces concentration of Noradrenalinum, forces out it from the nervous terminations. Besides, the false mediator itself is bound with and, - adrenoreceptors of unstriated muscles of a vascular wall that reduces pressor effect of Noradrenalinum. As a result of this competition vasoconstrictive action decreases and arterial pressure decreases. The hypotensive effect occurs in 4 — 6 h and 2 days last.

Methyldopa rhythm of cordial reductions, improves a renal blood stream, strengthens diuresis, causes sedation, exponentiates effect of hypnotic drugs and neuroleptics. Indications to use: arterial hypertension.

Side effects: a sleepiness, an orthostatic collapse, a depression, a nose congestion, dryness in a mouth, rising of a motility of a GIT (spastic strictures of a stomach and an intestine, diarrhea), a delay of ions of sodium and water, dermal rashes, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, an impotency.

Octadin — a sympatholytic of peripheric action, replaces Noradrenalinum in the intraneyronalnykh vesicles, Noradrenalinum is allocated from vesicles, its return capture is blocked, Noradrenalinum is inactivated a catechol-au-methyltransferase, partially a monoaminooxidase.

Drug gradually reduces the arterial pressure, the general peripheric resistance of vessels. In high doses perhaps curariform action, slightly lowers intraocular pressure.

Indications to use: arterial hypertension.

Side effects: an orthostatic collapse, short rising of arterial pressure, peripheric edemas, dryness in a mouth, pain in a thorax, a dyspnea, a bradycardia, a diarrhea, a nose congestion, the general delicacy, giddiness, nausea or vomiting.

Features of use of β-adrenoblockers in practice of sports preparation

β-Adrenoblokatora gained distribution in sport as the medicines suppressing activity of the central nervous system and other physiological systems. Their application promotes reduction of frequency and lowering of force of warm abbreviations, reduction of minute volume of blood (warm burst), and, as a result — to lowering of need of a myocardium for oxygen. At the same time excitability and conductivity of a myocardium decrease.

In sport β-adrenoblokator are used for suppression of excessive excitation, lowering of a tremor, frequency of abbreviations of heart that can be effective in the course of competitive activities in such sports as firing from the gun, archery. Can be the useful and for jumpers on skis from a springboard, bobsledders, lugers. Separate of substances of this class can be also used for a distance of approach of guarding braking, overcoming pain.

At the same time p-adrenoblokatory exert the negative impact on effectiveness in the sports connected to endurance manifestation and also the types requiring high coordination, bystry response, etc. For example, application of p-adrenoblokatorov oppresses function of cardiovascular system, reduces the content of hemoglobin and the free fatty acids in blood.



01 Nov 2016

Hypertonia is diagnosed with a systolic arterial pressure (bloody, CD) higher than 140 mm of mercury. and diastolic higher than 90 mm of mercury. With excess of these values the risk of a lesion of vessels is enlarged, but definitely it is impossible to call threshold value of blood pressure after which there comes the hypertonia. It is offered to approach assessment of risk factors more strictly: for example, at Diabetum the norm of arterial pressure is reduced to 130/80 mm of mercury. The purpose of such approach consists in preventing a lesion of organs and to reduce probability of a lethal outcome. However only the blood pressure of the specific patient gives in to measurement, it is taken for the objective therapeutic parameter of assessment of a condition of this patient. Before purpose of medicinal therapy it is necessary to recommend to the patient to follow certain restrictions: to reduce body weight (IMT <30), to reduce alcohol consumption (for men <20-30 g/days, for women <10-20 g/days), to stop smoking and to reduce daily consumption of table salt.

Choice agent for treatment of hypertonia are such drugs for which in clinical tests it was taped that they lower a mortality from hypertonia: diuretics, inhibitors of an angiotensin-converting enzyme, beta-blockers, antagonists of a calcium.

From diuretics as hypotensive drugs are recommended tiazida. In order to avoid essential loss of K+ the combination with Triamterenum or amiloride is often favorable.

Inhibitors of APF interfere with formation of angiotensin II and by that reduce resistance of peripheric vessels and arterial pressure. Besides, they inhibit influence of angiotensin II on albuminous synthesis in cells of heart and vessels and therefore reduce a heart hypertrophy. Undesirable side effects: dry tussis, deterioration in work of kidneys, giperkapiyemia. At an intolerance of inhibitors of APF it is possible to prescribe the antagonist of an angiotensin of the ATII-receptor.

From group of antagonists of β-adrenergic receptors have special value β1-áëîêàòîðû, for example metoprolol. β-blockers, being bound on β1-ðåöåïòîðàõ, can cause deterioration in pulmonary functions, especially in patients with an obstructive disease of lungs.

From antagonists of a calcium as anti hypertensives are recommended with more long half-life period as at reception of high-speed drugs (fast falling) with a short half-life period there can be tachycardia. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Medical effect of monotherapy is reached only at 50% of hypertensive persons. If such treatment doesn't help, it is necessary to replace medicine, or to use a combination from two medicines in a low dosage. The combined therapy is especially effective if reception of one hypotensive means causes strong responses of an organism. For example, at reception of diuretics because of losses of Na + and waters there is an activation a system that can be stopped by means of APF inhibitors or antagonists of ATII.

Bodybuilding and the increased arterial pressure

Hypertension every fifth inhabitant of the planet, and in Russia, according to some information, every third has. A hypertonia — one of the most dangerous enemies of heart and vessels. Rising of pressure upon each 10 mm of mercury. enlarges risk of development of cardiovascular diseases by 30%. At people with the elevated pressure of 7 times disturbances of a cerebral circulation develop (strokes) more often, is 4 times more often — coronary heart disease, is twice more often — a lesion of vessels of legs. Already for anybody not a secret that practically all professional athletes bodybuilders have cardiovascular diseases, one of which — the athlete's hypertonia. The situation is aggravated with the fact that externally the hypertonia can not be shown in any way. Not for nothing it is called sometimes "the silent murderer". The athlete, without suspecting anything, leads a usual life, goes to trainings, competes at competitions, etc. And the hypertonia blasts vessels meanwhile and overloads heart.

For athletes it is more preferable to use drugs from a class of beta adrenoblockers (reduce a load on heart) and moksonidin (drug increases secretion of hormone of body height, insulin, possesses anticatabolic action and improves power exchange). In more detail in the section of treatment.

Influence of power load

It is known that excessive power loadings significantly lift arterial pressure. Let's address researches of scientists of the Kama institute of physical culture.

"Researches were conducted on the athletes who are systematically going in for bodybuilding. Athletes had various level of physical fitness — from the beginners (having an experience of occupations bodybuilding 1-2 years) to candidates for the Master of Sports (4-6 years doing the same sport). In total 65 people have participated in an experiment. All examinees have been divided into 5 groups. […] The fifth group was made by the students of the Kazan state pedagogical university at the age of 17-18 years who aren't playing systematically sports. […] All examinees treated for health reasons the main medical group and were under constant medical control which was exercised by doctors of policlinic at the place of residence and a medical and sports clinic. […] Arterial pressure of blood was registered at examinees in a prone position, at the same time a hand on which the cuff has been imposed, was at the level of a body" [Safin R. S., 2002].

Apparently from the drawing, in the first year of occupations there is an appreciable gain of systolic arterial pressure. In a year it grows by 16,6 mm of mercury. Further it is stabilized and the gain doesn't occur any more. And though 136 mm of mercury. — it within norm, but I will remind that 140 mm of mercury. — it is already hypertonia. And it is about young people of 17-22 years which initial pressure was 119 with small. What will be by 40-50 years? Guards also the fact that unlike systolic, diastolic pressure isn't stabilized, and gradually and wavy grows. What to do to those at whom arterial pressure is already increased? To pass from power loads on aerobic as some experts advise. And how so desired beautiful well-muscled body? And whether it is possible to consider aerobics an ideal agent of improvement of the ABP? And what arterial pressure athletes, including and representatives of aerobic sports have? I will tell about it a bit later. Contrary to statements that allegedly "beefy" muscles frame the additional resistance to a blood flow and from it pressure and raises, from the same table we see that OPS (general peripheric resistance of vessels) and OPS/100 (a ratio of the general peripheric resistance of vessels to body weight) on the contrary, decrease. Arterial pressure increases at the expense of disproportionate augmentation SOB (stroke output of a blood) and MVB (minute volume of a blood). Apparently from the table, UOK and IOC increase by fourth year of occupations almost twice.

"It is known that the complex of training factors causes certain changes of function of the autonomic nervous system in athletes. For each sport there are load and training factors that can't but affect a condition of a regulation of a vascular tonus and the ABP level. So, among sports, weightlifters are most subject to AG syndrome; on the contrary, arterial hypertension occurs at gymnasts seldom. It is also necessary to note that in appreciable number of sports disciplines the percent of persons with the raised ABP is higher, than at people, active sports not playing" [The Moscow scientific and practical center of sports medicine].

Selection became probably among persons within age suitability to sport — as among all population the percent of hypertensive patients is much higher. The submitted schedule demonstrates percent of athletes at whom arterial pressure is increased. With a noticeable abruption weightlifters go ahead. But, as shows the schedule, aerobic loads too not always contribute to normalization of the ABP. Besides, there is one more circumstance. "The European echocardiographic association and Society of cardiologists (2007) call regular aerobic exercise stresses a transition predictor to CHF (chronic heart failure) with the lowered fraction of emission" [Koretskaya A. Yu., 2009]. I will notice that from all presented sports the lowest interest of diseases of an arterial hypertonia is observed at athletes-gymnasts. And it in spite of the fact that the exercise stress in gymnastics is, generally in an anaerobic regimen of power supply. Probably, it is all about short-term static strains, characteristic of gymnastics, in combination with a dynamic load.

Static load — advantage and harm

Power exercises can conditionally be parted on dynamic and static. Dynamic exercises — those which are carried out in the movement. Muscles at the same time strain, are relaxed. Static, on the contrary, assume bracing of a body in motionless situation at a constant muscle tension. Today in fitness there was a steady opinion that static loads negatively influence work of cardiovascular system. And this opinion is partly not groundless. Constantly tight muscle squeezes blood vessels, worsening the blood supply. It occurs against the background of the growing needs of a muscle for oxygen and energy. Heart should push a blood in constantly tight muscle. From it arterial pressure grows, enlarging a load by heart and vessels. That long static loads lift arterial pressure I know firsthand. Being engaged in one of power types of oriental martial arts in due time, I practiced dissecting of firm objects. Those who seriously are engaged in it, know that behind dissecting of firm objects there are long static loads. They, strengthening a body, do it unreceptive to blows. Regularly being engaged, I was much surprised when I found in myself elevated pressure. Later, studying literature, I learned that static loads, depending on time and intensity, variously affect an organism. I had to think of how to replace the training program not to lose health.

On the scheme on the right presented in Gavronina G. A. abstract. (2009) it is easy to track that loadings of big and average intensity and duration are necessary for strengthening of the musculoskeletal device. But loadings of small and moderate intensity and small duration, on the contrary, will be suitable for hypertensive persons. "At VVD (vegeto-vascular dystonia) on hypertensive type static exercises should be applied for the purpose of depressor impact on vessels: small intensity, small and average duration in combination with exercises in any relaxation of muscles and breath exercises in a proportion 1:2:1 — in an initial stage and 1:1:1 — in the intermediate period" [Gavronina G. A., 2009]. Small intensity is declared as 20-30% of a maximum. Small duration — 2-5 sec., average duration — 5-25 sec. Positive influence on cardiovascular system of a ratio of a statics and loudspeakers 1:3, 1:2 is confirmed also with other researches [Orlov A. A., 1996; Nekorkina O. A., 2007; Koretskaya A. Yu., 2009]. Time frames of static effort also approximately coincide. Static loadings as it has become clear, it is necessary to apply extremely carefully, depending on the purposes and priorities. And here the role of an individual and personal training and independent occupations because the average generalized program can only practice in groups increases.

Orthostatic assay

Gymnasts have one more reason of good arterial pressure. In gymnastic exercises position of a body in space constantly changes. It improves vascular reactions [Khachaturov R. S., V.N.'s Kurys, 1975] and develops so-called orthostatic fastness. The orthostatic assay fixing change of pulse and arterial pressure upon transition from lying situation to a standing position — very important and informative test in functional diagnostics. And here the statodynamics favourably differs from traditional aerobics. There are researches which show that at a statodynamics orthostatic assay is much better. Such results, for example, are recorded in Mazenkov A. A. abstract. (2003). Participants were divided into two groups. The Main Group (MG) was engaged according to the statodinamichesky program which consisted of consistently repeating series of exercises. The algorithm of one series looked as follows:

  • ·dynamic exercise in a power regimen intensity of 60-70% of a repeated maximum;
  • ·exercise IPT (isometric power training) lasting 3-7 sec. on the same group of muscles;
  • ·dynamic exercise in a high-speed regimen.

In the beginning exercises in a dynamic regimen were applied. Thus a ratio of a statics and dynamics the same, as earlier — 1:3. On the right results are given in the table.

As we see, results of the control group (CG) which wasn't using static exercises, much more modestly. Above-mentioned orthostatic assay is better in the main group. I will remind that at good tolerance of assay the difference makes no more than 11 blows. At satisfactory — 12-18 blows. At bad — 19 and more blows. Along with this indicator in OG the vital capacity of mild (ZhEL) and a breath-holding test (a Stange's test and assay of Genchi) is rather better. It speaks about larger fitness of cardiorespiratory system. Also Quetelet's index determining the ideal body weight on which, by the way, arterial pressure directly depends improved.

Power loads and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis of arteries has a direct bearing on arterial pressure. Atherosclerotic plaques narrow a lumen of vessels. To support necessary blood supply of organs and tissues, heart should push a blood through such vessels, increasing arterial pressure. It is difficult to keep and not to tell that the increased arterial pressure is nearly the most harmless that can cause an atherosclerosis. Power dynamic loads intensity of 80% of individual tolerance (an acceptability, fastness) in the same degree, as long static loads, can be the cause of development of an atherosclerosis of arteries. They enlarge contents in a blood of a cholesterin of lipoproteins of low density (the XC LPNP). It is a harmful cholesterin. It is postponed in walls of vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques. Power loads intensity of 60%, on the contrary, reduce the maintenance of the XC LPNP ["Cardiology", 2003, No. 2]. Whether here also think — there is a sense to practice a pamping? The pamping is just about 60% of a one-repeated maximum. Besides, the pampingovy trophic regimen (alternating of approaches on antagonists with a minute interval) perfectly reduces pressure. But besides a harmful cholesterin, there is still a useful cholesterin - it is a cholesterin of lipoproteins of high density (the XC LPVP). It isn't postponed in vessels, but participates in many vital chemical reactions proceeding in an organism including and in synthesis of Testosteron-Depotum. Lipoproteins of both high, and low density are transport systems for a cholesterin. And from what "type of transport" our cholesterin will use, depends, we will be ill with an atherosclerosis or not. The XC LPVP can be enlarged aerobic and, in particular, loads.

Nekorkina O. A. researches., during which short-term isometric (static) exercises were used, demonstrate it. The form of creation of occupation of the main group (MG) was 1:2 or 1:3. The same ratio which has been stated above. 2 or 3 exercises in the dynamic mode which are coming to an end with an active relaxation fell on 1 isometric exercise. Duration of static exercises made from 4 to 8 seconds. The Group of Comparison (GC) was engaged only in dynamic exercises. The schedule demonstrates that both aerobic dynamic, and loadings increase the maintenance of the XC LPVP. But in the main group which was engaged according to the program, this indicator is higher.

Aerobic loadings and cellular membranes

Aerobic loadings train heart and lose weight. It contributes to normalization of arterial pressure. But there is also "reverse of the medal". Long aerobic loadings are followed by the strengthened splitting of fatty tissue and accumulating in blood of products of its disintegration including the free fatty acids (FFA) which are used by muscles as fuel. "Physical activities strengthen lipoliz fats in fatty tissue. After 30-minute loading concentration of products of lipoliz in fatty cages increases by 35-40%, and after 4-hour run on the tredmil — more than by 5-6 times. […] As a result of strengthening of mobilization of fats in fatty cages the SZhK level and glycerin in blood significantly increases" [Volkov N. I., 2000]. And further: "Penetration of SZhK into fibers of skeletal muscles is performed by active transport with participation of carriers". There are two transport modes of fatty acids through a cellular membrane:

1. An active way — through special receptors (apoye/B-100 receptors) which are synthesized by the cage. By this way fatty acids only in the connected form — in the form of triglycerides (chemical compound of glycerin and fatty acids) are transported. Triglycerides are delivered in fabric from a liver as a part of special carriers — lipoproteid of very low density (LPONP). Hydrolysis and release of fatty acids happens already in a cage.

2. A passive way — the most ancient. Fatty acids get to a cage by embedding in a cellular membrane. At the same time the structure and the related functions of the membrane — namely permeability for ions of Na and Ca on the one hand, and K and Mg with another significantly changes. Operation of the ionic pump is as a result broken, there is a liquid delay in cages and further all according to "plan": has swelled cages, narrowing of a gleam of vessels, rise in arterial pressure.

Here in brief by what passive transport of fatty acids is dangerous. "Free ZhK (SZhK) can get to a cage, being only built in a membrane of cages" ["Clinical laboratory diagnostics", 1999, No. 2]. Normal at rest the active way always prevails. At long physical activity concentration of SZhK repeatedly increases. It is quite possible that during these periods the share of a passive way of transport increases. Besides, increase in maintenance of SZhK in plasma of blood can cause fatty regeneration of a liver [Mari R., etc.], and it is one more of the reasons of high arterial pressure. The situation is aggravated when aerobic loadings are used for decrease in content of fat in the mode of rigid food restrictions. In this case the increased concentration of SZhK in an organism is maintained rather long time. I don't oppose aerobics and, perish the thought, weight loss. Just I want to tell that splitting of fats — quite "painful" process for an organism. And much more usefully regularly not to allow formation of fatty tissue, than periodically to get rid of it.

Treatment and prevention

  • 1.It is necessary to see a doctor for search of the reason and purpose of the corresponding treatment, regardless of sport
  • 2.It is impossible to train with the increased arterial pressure (systolic higher than 140 mm, diastolic higher than 95 mm)
  • 3.It is recommended to reduce consumption of saturated fats, fast of carbohydrates and to keep to a low-carbohydrate diet.
  • 4.Sports additives which contain stimulators are contraindicative, however it is possible to use donators of nitrogen, a protein, a creatine, amino acids
  • 5.It is desirable to accept a L-carnitine and an omega-3. Also read: Drugs for strengthening of heart
  • 6.In sport it is more preferable to use antihypertensives from group of beta adrenoblockers (protect heart and reduce pulse rate). The optimum choice - a konkor (bisoprolol, biprol, bidop, koronat) in a dosage of 2,5-5-10 mg, an egilok (metoprolol) in a dosage of 25-50-100 mg.

Clophelinum and moksonidin not the best antihypertensives for ordinary patients, however in bodybuilding they have particular advantages as it is potent inductors of secretion of hormone of body height. Bamberger CM, Mönig H, Mill G and coauthors experimentally showed in experimental work in public that Clophelinum (a dose of 0,3 mg) increases the GR level from 0.2 to 5.4 ng/ml), moksonidin (a dose of 0,3 mg) increases level from 0.1 to 4.8 ng/ml. For comparison, the standard dose of GHRH increased level to 14.8 ng/ml. Moreover, moksonidin stimulates release of insulin and possesses anticatabolic action, starts a lipolysis that does it by an optimum agent for treatment of hypertonia at occupations bodybuilding and other sports.

For hypertensive patients are acceptable only short-term static loads in combination with dynamic exercises. But there is one more circumstance. Arterial pressure even at quite healthy people is exposed to fluctuations. During the day and weeks it is influenced by various factors of the environment: natural (fluctuations of atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity of air, "magnetic storms") and social and psychological (the psychological atmosphere at work, houses and in society, stresses). Sometimes it falls below individual norm. Personally I in such days dare to practice longer static loads to level pressure to individual norm. Otherwise the organism will react with additional emission of renal hormone — a renin. This hormone is produced by yukstaglomerulyarny (renal) cells in response to pressure decrease in renal arteries. Activating other hormones, the renin strengthens a tonus of a vascular wall.

Beet juice as showed scientific research on athletes, is a natural source of nitrogen oxide, reduces arterial pressure and increases endurance during the trainings.

The progressing muscular relaxation of Jekobson

As it was already said above, arterial pressure in many respects depends on a condition of regulation of a vascular tone. The lowering of arterial pressure is promoted by ability to relax. And it is necessary to weaken not only a tone of skeletal muscles, but also a tone of a vascular wall. In 1929 the famous American doctor Edmund Jekobson suggested to try to obtain relaxation without using passive failure to act, and is active — giving to muscles additional loading, causing their overfatigue and the subsequent inevitable relaxation. Jekobson's method is used generally in neurology for treatment of patients with various neurosises. Later it was established that with its help it is possible to reach also a lowering of arterial pressure at the persons having a hypertension [Shkrebko A. N., Nekorkina O. A., 2007].

The progressing muscular relaxation across Jekobson assumes use of short-term tension of muscles by effort of a will. This principle meets also in other techniques. It is the basis for "Strong-willed gymnastics of Anokhin", our compatriot, the doctor and the strength athlete. Its system was extraordinary popular at the beginning of the 20th century. In the Chinese gymnastics of similar exercises are also applied. Duration of static tension is maintained within several seconds. Short-term squeezing of vessels initiates baroretseptor. They send the impulses suppressing a tone of the vascular center and exciting central formations of parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system to the central nervous system that leads to pressure decline (there are such educations and there is such system). But why strong-willed efforts, but not habitual exercises with burdenings? Possibly, the reason that such reducings muscles inevitably lead to compensatory reducing the counteracting muscles (antagonists). Otherwise we won't be able to hold a motionless provision of a body and its parts. Strong-willed reducings squeeze not only small, but also larger vessels. And squeezing of the last happens from several parties the counteracting muscles. Thus, impact on above-mentioned baroretseptor of vessels more powerful, than in case of the isolated reducing group of muscles of directed action. By the way, about what it was mentioned above, it can do both to lower pressure, and to increase it. Everything depends on duration and intensity of exercise, and also on an operating mode and rest.

Plastic ware can be connected with hypertension

In drinks from plastic cans and bottles diphenol of A or BPA which causes increase in arterial pressure and a disease of heart is emitted chemical, and also has cancerogenic properties. Scientists believe that the diphenol A emitted by plastic packagings and ware can play an essential role in development of a hypertension in many people. However many scientists note a cause and effect relationship ambiguity.

Diphenol A is used since the 1960s, for a change packagings of products of daily demand. In 2012 in the USA a ban on use of BPA in baby food was imposed. In 2010 in Canada diphenol A was brought in group of toxic medicines. In Europe are skeptical about researches of toxicity of diphenol A also the strict regulating framework on use of plastic for storage of food, isn't available.



01 Nov 2016

Pharmacological drugs of metabolic and cytoprotective action applied to correction of a functional condition of a myocardium designate the term "cardioprotectors" which appeared in the nineties 20th century when ideas of the most important role of biochemical changes in a pathogenesis of coronary heart disease were formulated.

Myocardium constantly needs delivery of the oxygen providing process of oxidizing phosphorylation. The ischemia/hypoxia can be treated as an imbalance between delivery of an oxygenic blood to a myocardium and its need for oxygen. If delivery of oxygen doesn't correspond to requirements of cardiomyocytes as at patients with the chronic coronary heart disease (CCHD), and healthy people in the conditions of excessive exercise and emotional stresses, the functional condition of cells of a cardiac muscle worsens and there are clinical symptoms of stenocardia.

Universal mechanism of adaptation of a cell to the changing living conditions is reorganization of a metabolism and energy. At the present stage of development of pharmacology the whole arsenal of the cardioprotectors possessing a broad spectrum of activity, promoting synthesis and mobilization of energy and plastic resources, optimization of activity of physiological systems, acceleration of processes of restoration including in a cardiac muscle is developed and tested.

Main directions of correction by pharmacological agents of metabolic action: improvement of energy balance (intensifying of synthesis of macroergs, expansion of their reserve pool, more economical and effective use in various biochemical processes; depression of degree of a fatigue); correction of plastic metabolism (acceleration of formation of structural "trace" of adaptation, prophylaxis of dystrophic processes, acceleration of processes of aftertreatment); protection of cellular structures and free radical oxidation; optimization of neuroendocrinal regulation.

Mechanisms of action of cardioprotectors are various and multidimensional. In the absence of a hypoxia cardiomyocytes "receive" ATP due to splitting atsetil-KOA in Krebs's cycle, and the glucose and the free fatty acids (FFA) act as the main sources of energy. At adequate blood supply of a myocardium of 60 — 90% atsetil-KOA it is formed due to oxidation of free fatty acids, and other 10 — 40% — due to decarboxylation of pyruvic acid (PVK). About a half of PVK in a cell is formed at the expense of a glycolysis, and the second half — of Sodium lactatum coming to a cell from a blood. SZhK catabolism in comparison with a glycolysis demands larger amount of oxygen for synthesis of equivalent number of ATP. At sufficient entering of oxygen in a cell glucosic and fat and acid systems of power supply are in a condition of dynamic equilibrium. In the conditions of a hypoxia the amount of the arriving oxygen isn't enough for oxidation of fatty acids. Thereof in mitochondrions there is an accumulation of the activated forms of fatty acids (an acylcarnitine, atsil-KOA) which are capable to block that is followed by suppression of transport of the ATP produced in mitochondrions in cytosol and damage of a membrane of cells.

It is possible to improve the energy status of a cage with the help:

  • increases in efficiency of use by mitochondrions of scarce oxygen owing to the prevention of dissociation of oxidation and phosphorylation, stabilization of membranes of mitochondrions;
  • weakening of inhibition of reactions of a cycle of Krebs, especially maintenance of activity of a suktsinatoksidazny link;
  • compensations of the lost components of a respiratory chain;
  • forming of the artificial redoks-systems shunting the respiratory chain overloaded with electrons;
  • ekonomization of use of oxygen and decrease in an oxygen request of fabrics weakening of respiratory control in mitochondrions or inhibition of the ways of its consumption which aren't necessary for the emergency maintenance of activity in critical conditions (nefosforiliruyushchy enzymatic oxidation — thermoregulatory, mikrosomalny, etc., non-enzymatic oxidation of lipids);
  • increases in formation of ATP during glycolysis without increase in products of a lactate;
  • decrease in an expenditure of ATP a cage on the processes which aren't determining the emergency maintenance of activity in critical situations (various synthetic recovery reactions, functioning of volatile transport systems, etc.);
  • introductions from the outside of high-energy connections.

With respect thereto cardioprotectors can be divided conditionally on direct and indirect. Action of direct cardioprotectors is caused as local (stabilization of membranes, influence on a metabolism is direct in the kardiomiotsitakh, vasodilating effect), and the central impacts (regulation of a vascular tone through influence on structures of TsNS). Cardioprotectors of indirect action reduce load of a myocardium and therefore reduce or prevent violations of functioning of a cardiac muscle.

Classification of cardioprotectors of direct action

1. The drugs regulating a metabolism in a myocardium

1.1. Drugs with primary impact on power processes — òðèìåòàçèäèí, ritmokor, meksikor, reatine phosphate (neotone), a taurine (dibikor), kratat, ATF-LONG, sodium adenosine triphosphate, to asparka (Pananginum), etc.

1.2. Anabolic agents of steroid and nonsteroid structure — metandienon, Retabolilum, potassium orotat, magnerot, Riboxinum, etc.

1.3. Antioxidatic agents — a tocopherol an acetate, Quercetinum, corvitin lipoflavon, lipin, tiotriazolin, Niacinum, ritmokor, corargin, ascorbic acid, hepatocuprein, etc.

1.4. Elektronoaktseptora — ubikhinon, cytochrome C, Riboflavinum, energosty, etc.

2. The drugs influencing electrolytic balance in a cardiac muscle

2.1. Selective blockers of slow calcium channels — verapamil, diltiazem, amlodipin, felodipin, latsidipin, etc.

2.2. Na+/N inhibitors + - channels — amiloride, cariposid, etc.

2.3. — nikorandit the agents opening ATP-dependent K-channels, etc.

3. The drugs stabilizing a membrane of cells of a myocardium

3.1. Antiarrhythmic agents - Amiodaronum, ñîòàëîë, Gilurytmalum, neogilurytmalum, Disopyramidum, Lidocainum a hydrochloride, meksiletin, etatsizin, propafenon, fleksainid, etc.

4. The agents reducing the need of a myocardium for oxygen

4.1. Organic Sodium nitritums — - Nitroglycerinum, Nitrongum, Isosorbidum dinitrate, koronarolitik of the similar mechanism of action — Molsidominum.

4.2. beta Adrenoblockers — anaprilin, atenolol, metoprolol, bisoprolol, betacsolol, nebivolol, tseliprolol, esmolol, etc., and, (3 adrenoblockers — carvedilol, labetolol, etc.

4.3. Drug of a natriuretic peptide – niseretid

Classification of cardioprotectors of indirect action

1. Anti-hypertensive agents of various mechanism of action

1.1. Diuretics — Hydrochlorthiazidum, Clopamidum, indapamid, Furosemidum, Spironolactonum, eplerenon, etc.

1.2. APF inhibitors — captopril, enalapril, berliprit, lizinoprit, fozinoprit, ramiprit, perindoprit, etc.

1.3. Blockers of receptors of an antotenzin of II — losartan, irbesartan, eprosartan, candesartan, telmisartan, valsartan, etc.

1.4. Antagonists of endothelin (bosentan), (kandoksatrit) blockers of a neutral endopeptidase, the drugs having also properties of inhibitors of APF — omanatrilat.

2. The agents influencing rheological properties of a blood

2.1. Inhibiting aggregation of thrombocytes — acetylsalicylic acid, atselizin, tiklopidin, clopidogrel, tirofiban, eptifibatid, etc.

2.2. Anticoagulants — a heparin, the low-molecular fractioned heparins (fraksiparin, enoksiparin, deltaparin, fondaparinus, warfarin), Syncumarum, Phenilinum, etc.

3. The medicines influencing lipide exchange

3.1. Gipolipidemichesky agents — statines (lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, fluvastatin, atorvastatin, rozuvastatin, etc.), fibrata (fenofibrat, bezafibrat, etofibrat, etc.).

3.2. Drugs of unsaturated fatty acids — thecomas, Linaetholum, Essentiale, ýïàäîë, the omakor, lipostabit, an omega-3 and others.

In sports medicine special attention is paid to medicines which regulate a metabolism in a myocardium, especially in the conditions of a hypoxia. Other medicines are appointed during the recovery period, in case of business disruptions of cardiovascular system owing to excessive overloads, the wrong mode and other reasons.

Application in sports preparation of cardio action is determined not only by ideas of an orientation of the main effect of such medicines, but also availability to practical doctors of information which is created by results of scientific developments and advertizing of producers of such medicines. At the same time it is necessary to consider that purpose of medicines depends on type of the performed work and a training cycle. In particular, application o f cardio protectors and plastic regulators of exchange processes more reasonably during the competitive period. Regulatory antigipoksant are shown, generally against the background of the basic loadings developing adaptation opportunities of cardio respiratory system at the athletes specializing in cyclic sports.

The leading place on urgency of impact against the background of the developed picture of a fabric hypoxia is taken by substring antigipoksant. The first of them can be considered glutamic, asparaginovy and amber acids, and also their salts. Though the potential of protective action of these cure for a hypoxia of a myocardium is rather limited, numerous researches proved activation of processes of oxidizing phosphorylation by them. Apparently, it is connected with the fact that glutamic and amber acids recover substring fund of a cycle of Krebs due to education and acids that brings to NADN to recovery of fumarat.

The central place among antigipoksant, by our experience, is occupied by substances which main point of application activation of anaerobic products of makroerg against the background of deficit of oxygen shall be. These substances can be united in two groups, first of which is to some extent available to each sports doctor.

These are regular substrata of glycolysis — glucose and fosforilirovanny derivatives of hexoses — glyukozo-6-phosphate and fruktozo-1,6-diphosphate (in the form of ezafosfina medicine). The possibility of anti-hypoxemic effect of substrata of glycolysis was connected, first of all, with economy own the makroergicheskikh of phosphates of the cages spent for preliminary phosphorylation of hexoses. Unfortunately, hopes for protective effect the fosforilirovannykh of hydrocarbons in case of a hypoxia weren't equaled. In case of various forms of a hypoxia only moderate favorable changes are received from use of glyukozo-6-phosphate, fruktozo-1,6-phosphate and their mix — geksozofosfat. It is established that on anti-hypoxemic activity various fosforilirovanny carbohydrates differ from each other a little. It is considered, that membranes of cages practically not of pronitsayema for all intermediate products of glycolysis that reduces the value of these means as antigipoksant and explains their approximately identical efficiency in the conditions of a hypoxia.

We believe that in the conditions of need of application of these means for each athlete decision making about specific medicines for achievement of necessary anti-hypoxemic effect shall go on the way of intravenous injection the glyukozirovannykh of solutions with the maximum doses of insulin. Use in such circumstances, as well as in case of other forms of miokardialny weakness, the concentrated glucose solutions with insulin in the doses reaching 1 ME on 0,5 — 1 g of hexose promotes prevention of injury of a myocardium which substantially can be connected with an organ hypoxia.

Widely known use of the so-called polarizing mix offered N. by Laborit is based on the same effect — on switching of metabolism of the myocardium to some extent injured by a lack of oxygen from uneconomical oxidation of free fatty acids on the glucose energetically more profitable as a substratum in the conditions of a hypoxia. The Gipoksichny myocardium is an optimum object for such therapeutic impact as even in usual conditions in it only 25 — 30% 02 are spent for glucose oxidation, other quantity 02 goes for oxidation of fatty acids and a lactate. It is shown that use of the polarizing mix in case of a sharp myocardial infarction almost for 100% slows down oxidation of free fatty acids and by 2 — 3 times increases absorption by the injured glucose heart.

For glycolysis strengthening, including it is reasonable to apply the ritmokor which is a stimulator of the shunt of oxidation of glucose to efficiency strengthening of "the polarizing mix". Oxidation of glucose in shunt has the advantages for the reason that functioning of the shunt is almost autonomous, i.e. doesn't depend on oxygen availability: on each 1 mol of the oxidized glucose 1 mol of glyukozofosfat, a glitseralyaldegida and ribozofosfata going to reactions of glycolysis at stages below limiting is formed that promotes its prolongation. Use of medicine is shown as during a base period, and is direct during the competitions. Intravenous administration of medicine stimulates oxygen - the transport function of erythrocytes mediated by accumulating of glitseralyaldegid and 2,3-phosphoglyceric acid that is followed by return strengthening hemoglobin of oxygen and elimination of a circulator hypoxia. Medicine is applied orally to increase in adaptation opportunities of cardio respiratory system during a base period of preparation by rates on 21 days (on 2 capsules 2 times a day). In case of need increases in oxygen reservoir of work perhaps intravenous administration of 10% - ãî solution on 10 ml on isotonic solution of sodium of chloride for 2 — 3 h to loadings.

Attempts of broad use of medicines exogenous were ATP enzymes, insolvent owing to its fast destruction. Use of ATP in the form of a coordination complex in medicines ATF-LONG and ethane was more effective because their molecules are less subject to hydrolytic splitting by enzymes. On resistance of ATF-LONG and ethane by 2,5 times exceed actually ATP. The mechanism of action of ATF-LONG and ethane is connected first of all with influence on receptors of heart that limits a "calcic" overload and promotes prolongation and power education. ATF-LONG has the expressed activity in case of loadings during which endurance is developed.

Medicine ATF-LONG promotes increase in endurance at the athletes specializing in game cyclic and sports. Results of researches showed that course acceptance of ATF-LONG promotes the best shipping athletes of training loads, increases endurance and improves indicators. Single application of ATF-LONG promotes increase at athletes of critical capacity during performance of work of the testing loading against the background of more economic work which is shown in smaller accumulating of lactic acid in case of bigger amount of work. At the same time resistance of an organism to physical activities increases. Medicines accept sublingual on 0,02 — 0,01 g for 2 — 3 h to loading.

Eton differs from drug ATF-LONG in the fact that contains in the structure not Histidinum, and acid which is the regulator of shunt.

The known breakthrough in treatment of organ hypoxemic lesions began after introduction in clinical practice of drugs of an exogenous phosphocreatine. It is known that physiological function of the last providing intracellular transport of energy in cardio myocytes and cells of sceletal musculation, brain and some specific cells, such as cells of a retina of an eye and spermatozoons is considered. The phosphocreatine which contains in normal cardiomyocytes in high concentration should be considered as one of natural factors of stabilization of cellular membranes. Its disappearance from cardiomyocytes at an ischemia can be one of the reasons of destabilization and damage of their membranes. On the basis of appreciable on volume and versatile pilot studies it was shown that the exogenous phosphocreatine entered into a blood in high doses has significant effect on power, structural integrity of membranes of ischemic cardiomyocytes and their sokratitelny function. It is considered that the mechanism of protective action of an exogenous phosphocreatine is difficult and consists, at least, of three-cellular components and one extracellular, including:

  • penetration of phosphocreatine in a cell and immediate participation in maintenance of local cellular pools of ATP which, according to Saint-Dyerdi, is "a power change";
  • inhibition of degradation of myocardial adenilnukleotid at a stage 5 '-nucleotidases of a sarkolemma of cardiomyocytes;
  • inhibition of accumulation of lizofosfoglitserid in an ischemic myocardium and conservation of an intaktnost of sarkolemma;
  • inhibition of aggregation of thrombocytes at the first stage by excision of ADF in extracellular creatin reaction and augmentations of plasticity of membranes of the circulating erythrocytes.

Thus, against the background of action of an exogenous phosphocreatine there is a decrease of functional implications of an ischemia of a myocardium, aritmogenny activity of the ischemic center, excess activation is HOLLOW. Industrial drug of a phosphocreatinine — neotone (Alfa Schipparelli Wassermann) is applied in an urgent cardiology in the earliest terms after emergence of the first symptoms of an acute myocardial infarction. Usually bolyusno 2 g of drug with the subsequent drop infusion during 2 h with rate of 3 — 4 g an hour are entered. The maintenance therapy for the next 5 days makes 4 — 8 g of neotone a day. At the same time protection against hypoxemic damage of myocytes of a sceletal musculation or cells of other ischemic organ is observed as distinct stability of the central hemodynamics after including of a zone of an ischemia owing to protection of cardiomyocytes against toxic reperfusion metabolites, and.

In sports practice neotone found application as drug of the mobilizing action. The full scheme consists in purpose of 2 — 4 g of drug in 24 — 48 hours prior to competitions.

Inconvenience of use of drug is bound to use of intravenous infusions that is forbidden to WADA without special prescriptions. In this regard emergence in the pharmaceutical market of the first domestic drug of a phosphocreatine for oral administration — a reaton ("Farkos", Ukraine) draws attention. Each tablet contains 0,5 g of coordination hydrophylic stabilized phosphocreatine complex with ions of a magnesium and ATP. Drug is approved in schemes of pharmacological maintenance of work on endurance, on improvement of high-speed and power characteristics, and just as the activator of recovery processes. Reaton accept 2 tablets with an interval of 1 — 2 p 2 — 3 times a day.

Some time ago abroad, and then and we, had works on use as substratny antigipoksant of salts of succinic acid under the influence of which considerably decreases or the post-hypoxemic metabolic acidosis of various parentage is completely compensated. Such effect is bound, first of all, to the power giving succinate influence. The ATP synthesis augmentation, inhibition of a glycolysis and intensifying of a gluconeogenesis is result.

Succinate oxidation — a necessary condition of catalytic influence of any of carboxylic acids as endogenic substrates, for example mA - lat or a fumarat, on assimilation by oxygen tissues. This phenomenon was explained with Krebs who showed that the sequence of reaction of oxidation of a series di - and tricarboxylic acids is closed in the cycle later called by his name at - than for maintenance of normal tissue respiration there is theoretically enough entering only of the activated acetic acid (atsetil-KOA), and other substrates can not be spent.

Succinate is a stimulator of synthesis of recovery factors in a cell. The phenomenon of bystry oxidation of succinate in a cellular cytoplasma with the participation of suktsinatdegi-drogenaza enzyme which is followed by restoration of a pool of dinucleotides is taped. The phenomenon noted when entering into internal medium of excess of succinic acid received the name of monopolization by succinate of a respiratory chain of oxidation. Biological value of this phenomenon consists in a bystry resynthesis by cells of ATP and rising of their antioxidatic activity.

The most appreciable group of substances which could be carried to regulatory antigipoksant long time was made by nonspecific activators ferment and the kofermentnykh of systems. They were considered as only clinically available medicines of this plan; treat them:

  • group B vitamins — Nicotinamidum, a cocarboxylase, a pyridoxine, pangamovy and folic acids (a calcium a folate), to a lesser extent — cyancobalamine;
  • tiolovy derivatives — Unithiolum, acetyl - Cysteinum;
  • pyrimidine derivatives.

Their efficiency in clinical medicine was very moderate, and often and the sports working capacity which isn't proved in bench tests for rising. So, a series of reactions of the referred synthesis which are inhibited by an oxygen disadvantage is necessary for transformation of Nicotinamidum in OVER, and therefore the final anti-hypoxemic effect of Nicotinamidum is small and unstable. Thiaminum and a coenzyme, derivative of it — a cocarboxylase are a part of many cellular dehydrogenases catalyzing oxidizing decarboxylation of ketoacids (pyrogrape and and-ketoglyutarovoy). But even high doses of a coenzyme, without speaking about initial Thiaminum, can hardly get into a cell without dephosphorylization, undoubtedly, volatile. Anti-hypoxemic action often applied in combination with cocarboxylase of ascorbic acid and Riboflavinum is small.

Efficiency of a cocarboxylase as reducer deserves attention for the reason that it regulates rate of formation of Sodium lactatum in the conditions of deficiency of insulin (gipoinsulinemiya) which develops in 6 — 8 hours after the competitions or other intensive exercise and psychoemotional stresses and is bound as believe, to emission the kontrinsulyarnykh of hormones in response to a stressful phase of exercise stresses. In this regard intensifying of transketolazny reaction of the pentozny shunt under the influence of a cocarboxylase enlarges formation of a pyruvate from Sodium lactatum and its utilization in Cory's cycle.

Use of a cocarboxylase is presented in the form of a coordination complex with glycine and a betaine as a part of drug àëàêòîí perspective. Due to intensifying in a liver of reactions of a transmethylation under the influence of aetaine and intensifying of formation of NADFN, the main source of energy for a neutralization test of xenobiotics, àëàêòîí accelerates recovery processes in the conditions of exercise stresses, has aktoprotektorny effect, increases detoksikatsionny function of a liver.

The substances found among derivatives — gutimin and its derivatives which possess very much a broad spectrum of activity on the practical level are of appreciable interest. Drugs of a gutiminovy series of the second generation (àìòèçîë, Treminum) not only activate glycolysis, but also reduce Sodium lactatum level in a cytoplasma, extracellular liquid, a blood and tissues (except for a liver), normalizing thus the acid and main equilibrium broken as a result of a hypoxia. Resynthesis of a glucose at the same time happens not due to switching of a cycle of Krebs to primary oxidation and in glyukozo-laktatny cycle of Cory or in glyukozo-alaninovy cycle.

It is shown that the thiourea derivative — amtizol-succinate as cyclic derivative a gutimina is most active in the prevention of an oxygen failure after a post-operational and posttransfusion hypoxia, acute falling of cordial activity against the background of a myocardial infarction and after open heart operations (septic shock). The dosage of an amtizol indirectly confirms its regulatory character as antigipoksant: bolyusny — 2 — 3 mg-kg "1, daily — 5 — 8 mg-kg-1 of body weight against the background of the greatest expression of a hypoxia.

The accurate positive inotropic effect, and also ability to interfere with hypercoagulation and development of a postoperative thrombophilia against the background of deficiency of oxygen and substrates is found in an amtizol. It possesses the expressed membrane stabilizing action what ability to reduce intensity the FLOOR testifies to.

Influence of a trimetazidin on physical working capacity in the absence of pathology is known that preliminary (in 30 min. prior to physical activity in the form of swimming) inside-bryushinnoye introduction to rats of medicine in a dose of 50 mg-kg "1 didn't show any aktoprotektorny action (Moroz et al., 2002). In scientific and scientific and methodical literature there are no data concerning efficiency of application of a trimetazidin in practice of sports preparation. In too time of G. A. Makarov, based on results of own observations (òðèìåòàçèäèí in connection with magneroty appointed to 2 — 3 weeks in daily doses 40 and 1000 mg to members of national teams on rowing on kayaks and to a canoe and cycle road cycling respectively on an all-preparatory and spetsialnopodgotovitelny stage of the preparatory period of one macrocycle), assumes that medicine deserves attention first of all as means which allows to prevent the negative changes revealed on the electrocardiogram against the background of large volumes of loadings of an aerobic and aerobic and anaerobic orientation.

Mildronate synthesized in the early eighties the last century at Institute of organic synthesis of Latvia is one of the strongest inhibitors at - butyrobetainehydroxylases, reduces intensity of r-oxidation of free fatty acids by means of prevention of receipt them in a mitochondrion. It occurs owing to the fact that medicine slows down receipt in a cage of a L-carnitine which, in turn, provides transfer of fatty acids through a membrane. Mildronat reversibly limits the speed of biosynthesis of a L-carnitine from his predecessor — at - a butyrobetaine. Thereof the carnitine - the mediated transport the dlinnotsepochechnykh of fatty acids through membranes of mitochondrions without impact on metabolism the korotkotsepochechnykh of fatty acids is broken. Blockade of oxidation of fatty acids includes an alternative production system of energy — oxidation of glucose which considerably (for 12%) uses oxygen for ATP synthesis more effectively. However the positive effect of a mildronat as structural antagonist of a carnitine is still unclear, and the L-carnitine has the expressed cytocardioprotective effect, including in case of a sharp myocardial infarction, reducing expressiveness of diastolic dysfunction (Colonna, Iliceto, 1999).

Carnitine (W vitamin) is endogenous connection and is formed of a lysine and methionine in a liver and kidneys, fatty acids through an internal membrane of mitochondrions while activation and penetration of the lowest fatty acids happens without it plays an important role in transfer. Besides, the L-carnitine plays a key role in education and regulation of level atsetil-KOA. Physiological concentration correlate with increase in level which provides oxidation of limits lactate products. Thus, its anti-hypoxemic action is connected with transport of fatty acids in a mitochondrion, is shown in case of purpose of high doses of medicine while low doses possess only specific vitamin action.

The mechanism of influence of a mildronat on physical (including sports) working capacity in the absence of clinical pathology is studied insufficiently. It is known that preliminary (in 30 min. before physical activity in the form of swimming) introduction to rats of a mildronat in a dose of 100 mg-kg "1 didn't reveal action, as well as in a case with trimetazidiny. As for a possibility of effective use of a mildronat in practice of sports medicine, serious researches in this direction are almost absent. Only results of scientific research known to us given in N. I. Volkov (1990) work demonstrate that one-time oral administration of a mildronat by cyclists racers in a dose of 1,0 g for 3 h to loading promotes bigger use of carbohydrate inventories in the working muscles, to some increase in the maximum consumption of oxygen and improvement of indicators of aerobic efficiency. However these data can hardly be considered rather convincing because in principle it is impossible to expect from similar medicine in case of oral administration of immediate effect, especially, when there is a speech about changes of the main criterion of aerobic capacity — MT To. Other authors (Kulinenkov, 2002) recommend to accept mildronat in the period of intensive loadings (the preparatory period) on 1 — 2 capsule in 30 min. after food 2 — 3 times a day within 10 — 14 days whereas at the beginning of a special preparatory stage and just before start the dosage doesn't exceed half of the specified dose.

Tiotriazolin possesses antioxidatic, anti-radical action, improves blood supply of tissues of a brain, heart, eye; fibrinolytic, radio tire-tread influence of this drug is taped.

Realization of a cardiopatronage by means of use of antioxidants — Quercetinum and its soluble form of a korvitin which show properties of the modulator of activity of various enzymes which are taking part in degradation of phospholipids deserves attention. Drugs promote formation of nitrogen oxide, 5 lipoxygenases and synthesis of leucio-Tryenums brake activity, prevent rising of concentration of a calcium in thrombocytes.

Quercetinum represents àãëèêîí a flavo-noidny glycoside of Rutinum. This bioflavonoid which is released in granules, tablets and solution for injections is capable to prevent or liquidate implications of an oxidative stress. It expressed antioxidatic, anti-radical, membrane stabilizing properties thanks to a primary ingibition of activity of a lipoxygenase, and also, to a lesser extent, phospholipases, cyclooxygenases. Quercetinum prevents rising of level of a potassium in a cell, possesses the vazoprotektorny action bound to ability to release nitrogen oxide and to inhibit a protein kinase. Drug in a peroral form (Quercetinum) is included in a complex of actions for treatment of stenocardia, and in an injection (korvitin) applied in an urgent cardiology at an acute myocardial infarction. It is established that drug is capable to reduce a necrosis zone (according to serial definition of a cardiospecific isoenzyme).

Inside Quercetinum is prescribed in granules on 1 g by 3 — 4 times a day, at the same time 0.5 teaspoons of granules of Quercetinum (1 g) dissolve in half of glass of water and accept in 30 min. prior to food.

Good cardiotyre-tread effect gives Quercetinum combination with lipiny — lipoflavon which is an antioxidant, and, besides, has ability to restore the level of macroergs, though itself lipiny has sufficient cardiotyre-tread effect. Efficiency of lipoflavon in complex treatment of patients with coronary heart disease is established. However influence of Quercetinum and corvitin on physical working capacity isn't studied.

Cardioprotectors of a plant origin which possess antioxidatic and membrane stabilizing action improve a coronary circulation activity of a myocardium, hawthorn drugs — tincture, liquid extract, cardioplant are. They are included in a complex pharmacotherapy of coronary heart disease and a heart failure.

Drug possesses the expressed cardiotonic, anti-anginal, anti-hypoxemic, antiagregantny action, containing in one tablet of taurine 0.867 g, extract of fetuses of a hawthorn of prickly dense — 0,043 g, extract of a motherwort dense — 0.0867 g. Drug exerts the inhibiting impact on systems, improves blood supply and pump function of heart, reduces arterial pressure, normalizes heart rate.

Taurine reduces displays of intoxication warm glycosides, and also exponentiates the normalizing action of warm glycosides on energy inventories.

Medicine the cardiotone containing except hawthorn extract, ions of magnesium, potassium and acid folic has the expressed cardiotyre-tread effect. In addition to direct influence of extract of cardiotracks-nogo of a hawthorn medicine normalizes the level of the specified minerals, reducing the myocardium dystrophy phenomena.

Further pharmacological properties of some medicines of this group which took the worthy place in sports medicine are given.

Mildronate after intake is quickly soaked up, bioavailability makes it 78%, the maximum concentration in plasma of blood is reached in 1 — 2 h after acceptance. Medicine in an organism with formation of two main metabolites which are removed by kidneys is metabolized; elimination half-life in case of intake constitutes 3 — 6 h.

Quickly inosine (inosine), a ritmokor, a dibikor (taurine), ATP — LONG, ethane and other medicines of metabolic type are soaked up and join in exchange processes.

Medicines of a creatinfosfat — neotone and ritmokor — work the same though are entered in the different ways. Neotone is entered only parenterally intravenously by drop infusion. In case of single intravenous infusion its maximum concentration in blood is determined on 1 — the 3rd minute, and elimination half-life in a slow phase constitutes several hours. Neotone is distinguished with kidneys, the greatest number accumulates in skeletal muscles, a myocardium and a brain, in a liver and lungs accumulating of medicine is insignificant.

Reaton, unlike neotone, is applied sublingual or inside. After sublingual acceptance it is found in blood in 10 — 12 min., quickly diffundirut in fabric.

Meksikor, derivative amber acid, at parenteral introduction passes into bodies and fabrics, is metabolized by brought with urine. Trimetazidin after intake is quickly absorbed, the maximum concentration in plasma of blood is reached less than in 2 h. At repeated reception stable concentration in serum of blood is defined by 24 — 36 h and is maintained throughout all course of treatment. Medicine well gets into all bodies and fabrics, mainly with urine in not changed look, elimination half-life makes about 6 h. At oral introduction stable concentration in plasma of blood is reached no later than 60 h from an initiation of treatment.

Retabolil is gradually soaked up from the place of intramuscular introduction, his action develops slowly, reaches a maximum for the 7th day and not less than 3 weeks last. It is metabolized in a liver with formation of various forms of cetosteroids, about 90% from them are removed with urine.

Metandiyenon is quickly and completely soaked up from the digestive channel, its low bioavailability is caused by effect of the first passing through a liver. In blood he for 90% contacts specific globulins — carriers. In a liver is exposed to biotransformation with formation of inactive metabolites, it ekskretirutsya with urine. Duration of action of a metandiyenon makes to 14 h.

The maximum concentration at intravenous administration is noted through 50 with, elimination half-life makes 0.73 — 0.85 min.

Use of cardioprotectors as activators practically of all types of exchange is shown in sports medicine both in preparatory, and during the recovery period. Drugs promote adaptation of organs and tissues to the raised loads (to a hypoxia, an ischemia), and during the recovery period thanks to combined effect on a metabolism normalize function of vitals. Besides, they are included in complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases, hepatitises. The drugs containing a potassium and a magnesium are used at a hypopotassemia and a hypomagnesiemia, intoxication by cardiac glycosides.

Side effects are insignificant, quickly pass after cancellation of drugs. Interchangeability of drugs is caused by their purposeful influence on these or those processes of exchange in vitals and systems of an organism.

Pharmacology of the specified agents testifies to expediency of new approach to including the metabolitaykh of drugs in an arsenal of sports doctors taking into account of medicines of cardiotyre-tread action, individual approach in complex schemes of pharmacological providing the preparatory and recovery period, during the competitions.

Use in sports medicine and in practice of sports preparation In sports practice belongs to cardiotyre-tread drugs the important place as cardiovascular system is the main part of the kislorodtransportny system of an organism directly bound to physical working capacity, especially in the sports bound to endurance implication. This fact gives the grounds to consider use of the cardioprotectors increasing functionality of heart as one of the leading factors determining the level of physical working capacity.

Use of cardio protectors in sports medicine is caused by the aspiration to increase resistance of a myocardium and other vitals to physical activity. During the recovery period medicines restore processes of a metabolism, activity of immune system, reparations promote.

As for negative impact of cardio protectors on the athlete's organism, it can be shown at the wrong reception, namely at excess of the recommended doses, reception duration, and also against the background of existence of contraindications.

Forms of production of medicines

  • Mildronate — capsules on 0,25 g
  • Trimetazidin — tablets on 0,02 g; tablets with the modified release on 0,035 g
  • Mexicor — capsules on 0,1 g; ampoules on 1 ml of 5% - ãî solution
  • ATP-LONG — ampoules on 1 and 2 ml of 2% - ãî solution; tablets on 0,01; 0,02 g
  • Natrii adenosintriphosphas — ampoules on 1 ml of 1% - ãî solution
  • Tiotriazolin — tablets on 0,1 g; ampoules on 2 ml of 1% - ãî and 2,5% - ãî solution; suppositories rectal 0,2 g; drops eye 5 ml of 1% - ãî solution
  • Riboxin — tablets on 0,2; 0,4 g; kmpula on 5; 10 ml of 2% - ãî solution
  • Kalii orotas — tablets on 0,2 g
  • Magnerot — tablets on 0,5 g
  • Retabolil — ampoules on 1 ml of 5% - ãî solution
  • Methandienon — tablets on 0,005 g
  • Asparkam (Panangin) - tablets; ampoules on 5; 10; 20 ml
  • Dibicor — tablets on 0,5; 0,25 g
  • Cratal — tablets


Medicines influencing work of heart

01 Nov 2016

Ways of pharmacological impact on functions of heart. Function depends on many factors: with rising of frequency of reductions force of reductions is enlarged; the size of diastolic filling regulates amplitude of reductions (the law of Starlinga). Simpatikus under the influence of Noradrenalinum, and also an adrenaline strengthens reductions (but also oxygen consumption), increases the frequency of reductions and excitability. Parasimpatikus lowers the frequency of reductions as Acetylcholinum brakes rhythm cells drivers.

It follows from this that all medicinal substances influencing sympathetic and parasympathetic system can exert impact on function of heart. Therapeutic application is found by β-blockers — — for decrease of sympathetic activity, ipratropiya — at a sinus bradycardia etc. Undesirable activation of a simpatikus can be observed at a pavor, pains and other mental reactions. In such cases pharmacological prophylaxis is shown by benzodiazepines (Diazepamum and other drugs) that it is especially important at a myocardial infarction. Ganglioblokatora were applied to stopping of hypertensive crisis earlier.

Work of heart generally depends on a circulation: the condition of rest or a load of an organism define the corresponding power of work of heart; average size ABP is the second decisive factor. Constantly increased peripheric vascular resistance leads to development of a heart failure. Therefore all drugs normalizing the ABP exert positive impact on heart. Vasodilating drugs (for example, Sodium nitritums) lower venous return and/or peripheric vascular resistance and thus have medical effect at stenocardia or a heart failure.

Direct medicinal impact on cells of a cardiac muscle is made by warm glycosides which contact Na-K-Atfazoy, antagonists of calcium and the antiarrhytmic means of group of local anesthetics contacting Na-channels of a membrane.

Reducing mechanism — relaxations

Signal to reducing is the action potential extending from a sinus node. Depolarization of a membrane causes sharp increase in concentration of Sa2 + in cytoashes that fibers (electromechanical interface) leads to shortening. The more concentration of Sa2+, the is stronger reducing. Sources of Sa2 + is extracellular calcium which arrives in a cage when opening Sa-channels, calcium from the sarkoplasmic reticulum (SR) and the calcium connected on membrane inside. Plazmalemma of kardiomiotsit is penetrated by a set of the tubules going in a cage.

Signal to relaxation is return of membrane potential to a rest condition. During repolarization concentration of Sa2 + falls below threshold (3 • 10 ~ 7 M): activity of Sa-transport zones of a plazmalemma stops; Sa2 + it is transported in sarkoplasmic reticulum; Sa-Atfaza repumps Sa2 + with energy costs. Near it the carrier which under the influence of a gradient of concentration of Na + transports Sa2 + from a cage in exchange for Na + is located (Na/Ca exchange).

Drugs for strengthening of heart in bodybuilding

Power trainings can negatively influence a condition of warmly vascular system. Many doctors consider that the bodybuilding constitutes danger to heart as causes excessive overloads and a hypertrophy of a myocardium without sufficient vascularization. It in turn frames disharmony between the need of a myocardium for oxygen and opportunities of its delivery.

In too time there is also an opposite opinion. So, for example American Heart Association journal, in the article "Pumping Iron Improves Heart Health" writes that recently the number of proofs which confirm the return increases. Authors believe that the natural bodybuilding exerts mainly positive impact on heart.

Contraindications to power trainings

It isn't necessary to go in for bodybuilding if are available:

  • The increased arterial pressure (it is possible to be engaged only after selection of adequate therapy)
  • Heart failure
  • Failure of valves with a regurgitation
  • Prolapse of the mitral valve with a regurgitation
  • Aorta coarctation
  • Aneurisms
  • Myocarditis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Arrhythmia (tachycardia) - it is possible to be engaged if the rhythm is normalized

The first symptoms of pathology

Even in a condition of physiological norm, athletes often begin to notice the first signs of pathological changes in heart:

  • pain
  • extrasystoles (interruptions)
  • acceleration of pulse

At their emergence it is necessary to see a doctor and to carry out diagnostics which includes first of all Ekho-KG and the ECG, the analysis of level of a cholesterin. Unsportsmanlike doctors often underestimate risk to which athletes therefore if the expressed pathological changes didn't occur, therapy isn't prescribed are subject, however it is a mistake as it is much simpler to prevent heart pathology, than to treat.

Drugs for protection of heart

Beta blockers

Beta-blockers are a wide class of agents which affect heart beta adrenoreceptors, thereby cause its reductions. In this regard the need of a myocardium for oxygen and nutrients decreases, the overload is eliminated. Beta-blockers are one of the few pharmacological groups which authentically enlarge life expectancy due to depression of risk of the basic heart diseases.

In medical practice drugs are tried on most often for a lowering of arterial pressure, however in bodybuilding they find broader application:

  • 1.For normalization of pulse. If pulse exceeds physiological norm (is higher than admissible level at a training, and higher than 80-90 óä in a minute at rest) in heart there are changes which lead to pathology. It can't be allowed, and beta-blockers perfectly help with it.
  • 2.At the use of fat reducer. A thyroxine, ephedrine, clenbuterol, termogenik and many others enlarge pulse rate. There is a heart overload which leads to a myocardium hypertrophy. Beta-blockers prevent a myocardium hypertrophy.
  • 3.At the use of anabolic steroids. As well as in the previous case, anabolic drugs cause a myocardium hypertrophy.

After reception of beta-blockers the health considerably improves, pulse is normalized and heartaches are eliminated. There is an unscientific theory which isn't deprived of sense. Its short is that heart of the person is programmed on a certain number of reductions, respectively the more often it is reduced, the life expectancy is less.

The best drugs from this group are Metoprolol (Egilok) 25-50-100 mg and Bisoprolol (Konkor, Biprol, Koronal) of 2,5-5-10 mg. The dosage is selected individually: reception begins with the minimum dose, and is enlarged until pulse isn't peer rest about 60 óä in a minute - it is an optimum rhythm for heart. Before use consultation of the doctor is necessary, there are contraindications. What is interesting, Balkan Pharma began to release carvedilol which is also available in drugstores.


Has the difficult mechanism of action with which it is possible to get acquainted in the instruction. In sum, Trimetazidin normalizes a heart metabolism, improves its delivery at the cellular level and has the expressed protective effect which is proved by numerous researches. Trade names of Trimetazidin - Preduktal, Antisten, Rimekor.

Other cardioprotectors

Also it is worth mentioning such drugs for strengthening of heart as Mildronate, Meksikor and Inosin (Riboxin), ATF-LONG, however their effect has weak evidential base though in the description of the producer everything is very beautiful and competently reasonable.


Popular medicine in a bodbiliding. Is a source of a potassium and a magnesium. These ions positively influence heart, reduce the frequency of reductions and eliminate cramps. It is known that during the power training the need for a magnesium and potassium increases therefore it is incidentally recommended to spend on drink Asparkam's course. Similar drug - Panangin.

Vegetable adaptogens

Vegetable adaptogens also have cardioprotective effect, especially It should be noted:

  • Rhodiola pink
  • Levzey saflorovidny
  • Hawthorn
  • Nutritional supplements

Nutritional supplements can be taken out in separate category as the safest, however they play very important role in protection of heart.

  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Omega-3
  • L-carnitine

Combined course for protection of heart

We offer the example of a complex course for athletes of bodybuilding referred on protection and restoration of a myocardium:

  • Trimetazidin - on 35 mg (1 òàá.) 2 times a day during meal of morning and in the evening. Duration of therapy is 15-30 days. It is enough to spend on drink 1-2 times a year.
  • Asparkam - on 1 dragee, after food 3 times a day within 1 month. 1-3 times a year repeat.
  • Rhodiola pink (tincture) - on 5 — 10 drops 2 — 3 times a day in 20 — 30 minutes prior to food within 10 — 20 days. 2-5 times a year are spent on drink.
  • Beta-blockers - for normalization of pulse, at the use of anabolic steroids and fat reducer. Bisoprolol on 5 mg/days, if necessary it is possible to enlarge a dose to 10 mg/days. The main reference points - the arterial pressure, pulse rate. The dosage is selected so that arterial pressure remained within norm, and pulse rate decreased approximately up to 60 blows/min. at a condition of rest. (It is necessary to accept carefully at a combination with asparkamy, the joint course can cause a hyperpotassemia and, as a result, an arrhythmia.)
  • Vitamin and mineral complex - according to the instruction, within 1-2 months. 2-3 times a year.
  • Omega-3 - according to the instruction, it is possible to accept on a constant basis.

Drugs can be used as together (as a part of one course), and separately. Consultation of the doctor is necessary.

Other recommendations

Don't forget to carry out systematically aerobic trainings, they promote myocardium and strengthen heart. Eat properly. Consult with skilled experts.

How to keep heart healthy in bodybuilding

The health problem in bodybuilding is particularly acute very much. A plentiful high-calorie delivery for accumulation of muscle bulk, massive reception of sports additives, abuse of the forbidden "chemistry" - all these factors obviously don't promote strengthening of health. But when there is a wish to possess larger beautiful muscles, about health you think in the last turn and you remember it when you begin to lose it.

In this chapter I will tell about the main problems with health which face in bodybuilding - it is problems with a liver and with heart. In end I will in detail tell how to finish "chemistry" that who made this decision, but doesn't know how it is correct to throw.

Cordial affairs

Heart diseases claimed more lives, than all wars on Earth combined, and still heart troubles are a murderer No. 1 in the world. Irrepressible occupations bodybuilding and in general any strength sports, are additional risk factor which aggravates heart troubles. That to minimize this risk, read this section on heart and learn how to support him healthy and efficient.

Heart - the most important internal organ of a human body. It performs very serious function — is the motor which banishes a blood on all organism. Reductions follow one another absolutely automatically and almost irrespective of brain signals. The healthy heart warmed to body temperature and filled with a blood will begin to pump it independently because that occurs around. Heart pumps over through itself everything that is in an organism therefore practically all illnesses - cordial. But, unfortunately, remember heart only when it begins to hurt.

Anatomy of heart

Anatomically heart is a muscular organ. The size its small, approximately about the clenched fist. Heart works at an extent of all human life. It is possible to tell that heart - the muscular pump which provides the continuous movement of a blood on vessels. Vessels and heart make together cardiovascular system of a human body. It consists of big and small circles of a circulation. From the left departments of heart the blood at first moves on an aorta, then on large and fine arteries, arterioles and capillaries. In capillaries oxygen and other substances necessary for an organism come to organs and tissues, and the carbon dioxide and products of exchange are removed from there. After that the blood from arterial turns in venous and again begins the movement to heart.

Inside heart is divided by septums into four cameras. Two auricles are divided by an interatrial septum into the left and right auricles. The left and right ventricles of heart are parted by an interventricular septum. The left and right departments of heart absolutely are normal separately. At auricles and ventricles different functions. In auricles the blood coming to heart collects. When the volume of this blood is sufficient, it forces the way in ventricles. And ventricles push a blood in arteries on which it moves on all organism. Ventricles should perform more hard work therefore the muscular layer in them is much thicker, than in auricles. Auricles and ventricles from each side of heart connect an atrioventricular opening. The blood through heart moves only in one direction. On a big circle of a circulation from the left part of heart (the left auricle and a left ventricle) in right, and on small of right in left. The right direction provides the valval device of heart: three-leaved, pulmonary, mitral and aortal valves.

Why it hurts?

Heart begins to hurt when its own cells lack oxygen. It is called coronary heart disease. Oxygen can not be enough for several reasons:

Atherosclerosis. LPNP (lipoproteins of low density, and simply - a bad cholesterin) is postponed on walls of arteries and partially blocks a blood stream. If it occurred in the arteries of heart, cells fed by this artery will feel badly.

Clottage. The clot (thrombus) - with all that it implies unpleasant consequences can block an artery. Damage of vessels gives to a thrombus additional chance to be hooked for your heart.

When heart has nothing to breathe, it begins to give signals to your organism. Also does it by means of chemistry: in cells substance a bradikinin collects. Thanks to it the organism smells a rat and rushes to the aid of the main artery. At this time the owner of an organism feels the severe pressing pain in the middle of a breast which sometimes gives to the left arm, a scapula or a chin. Such pain signals that heart still somehow copes with a situation. But it so far...

Heart diseases

Heart, as well as any human organ, is subject to various diseases. However if to consider that heart - the organism motor, all its illnesses extremely dangerous.

Myocardial infarction. One of the most known and dangerous disturbances is the myocardial infarction. It consists in a necrosis of the site of a muscle of heart owing to an occlusion of one of vessels on it a thrombus. As a result of disturbance of a delivery muscular tissue on the place of an infarct gradually regenerates, dies and is replaced with a connecting tissue which turns into the cicatrix subsequently. The occlusion can occur owing to narrowing of walls of a vessel.

Strong nervous exaltation, physical overstrain, poisoning with a nicotine, plentiful food, abuse of alcoholic beverages and others can be the immediate cause causing a myocardial infarction. All these reasons force your heart to work in the emergency mode that has an adverse effect on health. The main symptom of a myocardial infarction is sharply arising sharp pain in heart ("blow of a dagger") differing in big duration. In hard cases heart can hurt within 2-3 days. Treatment should be begun with creation of conditions of absolute physical and mental rest. Treatment in the conditions of a hospital will be the best. Therefore if the infarct occurred outdoors, regardless of a condition of the patient, after rendering the first emergency aid to it should carry it to hospital. A delivery has to be minimum in the first days and consist of digestible products. Later it is possible to enlarge quantity of a nutrition. After passing of one and a half months it is possible to allow to rise and go. As prophylaxis it is necessary to protect transferred an infarct from physical and nerve strains, to forbid it the use of a nicotine and alcohol.

Stenocardia. Stenocardia is also rather widespread (or "angina pectoris"). It consists in an attack of the severe pains in heart arising owing to a spastic stricture of coronal arteries. Strong nervousness, a fright, a physical overstrain, abuse of tobacco or alcohol can be the cause of development of an attack.

Tachycardia. Unfortunately, such disease as tachycardia is widespread today. It consists in periodic sharp attacks of heartbeat at which the number of cordial blows reaches to 200-250 in a minute though the rhythm of reductions remains correct. Attacks are usually transient though they can proceed in rare instances within 1-2 days. Usually it occurs after or during a mental overstrain or physical overwork. The attack can happen even at the healthy person, suddenly, to feeling of pain in heart or strong heartbeat. Jugular veins bulk up, the skin turns pale. During such attack at the person the acute heart failure which usually disappears upon termination of tachycardia can develop. However several similar attacks enlarge risk of an infarct.

Arterial hypertonia. The hypertonia as rising of arterial pressure represents one of the most widespread cardiovascular diseases. It is important to remember that an arterial hypertonia - not only an independent disease, but also one of factors of coronary heart disease. Insidiousness of illness is that it can imperceptibly proceed for the most sick. The person is disturbed by headaches, irritability, giddiness, memory worsens, working capacity decreases. Having had a rest, he for a while ceases to feel these symptoms and, taking them for implications of usual fatigue, for years doesn't see a doctor. Eventually the hypertonia progresses. Constant are headaches and giddiness, differences of mood. Appreciable memory impairments and intelligence, delicacy in extremities are possible.

The hypertension affects people at the most efficient age, differs in a long and persistent current, development of serious complications (a myocardial infarction, a cerebral stroke, a heart and renal failure), is followed by depression of working capacity up to disability. As well as any chronic disease, a hypertonia gives in to correction only on condition of continuous and competent therapy, and also demands from sick conscious change of a way of life. Only the combination of these two factors allows to support optimum arterial pressure, so, to keep good health and working capacity for many years.

Hypertonia develops 6 times more often at those who irrationally eat, greasy and salty food, alcohol and have excess body weight. Also significant role is played by stressful situations. To stabilize the pressure, it is necessary to normalize the weight, to begin to conduct active life, to refuse addictions, it is rational to eat and minimize stresses.

How to save the heart

The defining factors of unhealthy heart are not so much the age, how many heredity and a way of life. It is better if in a family nobody has heart diseases, and you don't drink, don't smoke and constantly play sports and fitness in the recreational purposes. If all this not about you, that time to be engaged in cordial health, without postponing business until a critical situation.

  • STOP SMOKING. Smoking promotes body height of concentration of the LPNP harmful cholesterol to the detriment of a useful cholesterin LHD (lipoproteins of high density). Besides, a nicotine causes tachycardia, than enlarges consumption by oxygen heart. At the same time other components of tobacco smoke bind up to 10% of a hemoglobin, reducing inflow of vivifying oxygen to starving cells. Therefore it isn't enough to leave off smoking most. You should convince to make it and people around. Passive smoking makes negative impact on heart too.
  • MOVE. A hypodynamia - an inactive way of life - one of the factors making harmful effects on heart. And only two hours of heavy traffic a week are enough to reduce risk of heart diseases by 10%. What you will be engaged your business at this time (to go, run, jump, float, to shake) in - main thing, don't ignore an exercise stress.
  • GET RID OF EXCESS WEIGHT. The main thing to lose weight to norm. The norm is approximately peer to your body height with a deduction hundreds. Having lost the weight to treasured digit, you reduce risk of developing of atherosclerosis or at least slow down its advance. Besides extra kilos are excess millimeters of mercury column in your vessels and with pressure of a joke are bad. Get rid of extra kilos and receive odds at least in 4 years of life.
  • DRINK. Only not hard alcoholic beverages! Replace their 2-3 l of simple water. So you will avoid a deaquation. The disadvantage of liquid can make a blood more dense, so more inclined to formation of thrombi. 5-10 glasses of water a day will dilute it and will force to run more cheerfully on vessels.
  • NO to the STRESS! A stress - not the best assistant to heart. First of all the stress is an emission of an adrenaline, so, more hard work of heart and the increased need of cells for oxygen. All this enlarges risk of heart attack by 3 times.

If you have heart troubles, it is necessary to adhere to these references:


Nicotine, alcohol - Lead a healthy lifestyle

Is salty, spicy, greasy, fried and stale food - Rationally and properly to eat (watch the table of food), especially if drug intake is dated for food

Gather extra kilos, lead an inactive life - To move more. Walking, swimming, occupations remedial gymnastics, trainings on cardiovascular machines and improving fitness are especially useful

Excessive tension on sports activities and fitness. Exclude occupations strength sports with extreme loading (weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding) - Doing any sport, to train only in the sparing and moderated modes. The best alternative to strength sports is the improving fitness

Work at the nights, sleep less than 7 hours a day - It is full to have a rest at night not less than 7 hours. To have a rest whenever possible in the middle of the day 1-2 hours

Stress on trifles - Be able to switch, not "go in cycles" in troubles, whenever possible to practice yoga, gymnastics a chi kung, auto-training and meditation

Pass or stop drug intake, appointed the doctor, test drugs which "helped" the neighbor- Implement all recommendations of the doctor. Especially carefully it is necessary to listen to that, as for administration of drugs, to regularly measure arterial pressure

References on a delivery for prophylaxis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases:


Eat food in the fresh, crude, boiled, baked, stewed look (depending on category of products) / Repeatedly warmed and defrozen food / Fried, stale food

Fresh greens, vegetables and fruit (it is desirable local on a season) / The import and frozen vegetables and fruit / Canned food, marinated, smoked, hot and salty dishes, products with the high content of dyes and preservatives

Porridges (oat, buckwheat, millet, yachnevy, brown rice), bran bread from whole grain (it is desirable unleavened) / Barmy bread from flour of the 1st grade, macaroni from whole grain / Macaroni (from high-grade flour), white rice, semolina, bread from high-grade flour, fancy bread, cakes, cakes

Vegetable and lenten soups / Bitter chocolate, fast pastries, jelly / Milk chocolate, candies, sweets with various fillers, ice cream

Fish, bird, low-fat grades of meat in the boiled, stewed and baked look / Eggs / Sausages, salami, sausages, pelmeni, fat forcemeat

Low-fat grades of cottage cheese, cheese and fermented milk products / Cottage cheese and cottage cheese, butter (it is desirable melted), low-fat sour cream / Fat and firm grades of cheese, margarine and vegetable fat, mayonnaise, fat sour cream, whole milk

Natural juice, rather weak tea, broths of a dogrose, hawthorn, house kvass / White and dry red wine / Hard alcoholic beverages

Peeled water (depending on weight, physical activity and season, from 1 to 3 liters) / Table mineral water / Carbonated drinks, the packaged juice, tap water

It is necessary to eat small portions of 4-5 times a day. Don't allow acute sense of hunger. Don't overeat at all and exclude an addiction densely to gorge on for the night.

Facts about heart

  • According to the last references of World Health Organization of 1999, the level of arterial pressure lower than 130/85 is considered normal. Pressure level between 130/85 and 140/90 and is considered an arterial hypertonia above.
  • Only measurement of pulse on a wrist gives a right picture of cordial reductions. Attempts to measure pulse on a neck — are wrong. Pressure upon a cervical artery forces down a cordial rhythm.
  • Heart has right and left speak rapidly. Left is stronger, than right, and more largly. It is caused by the fact that reduction of this part of heart leads to blood circulation in all organism. The right part is responsible only for blood supply of lungs.
  • Heart height - 12,7 cm, width — 7,5 cm. It weighs at men about 310 g and 240 g - at women.
  • The average cordial rhythm makes 72 beats per minute. It means that by 65th year of life heart is reduced 2 500 000 000 times.
  • Between reductions heart has a rest. If to put all these moments of rest, then will leave that for human life heart "is silent" about 20 years.
  • Total length of all blood vessels in an organism by 3 times exceeds length of the earth equator.
  • Fatty tissue is penetrated by the infinite number of circulatory capillaries. Excess 10 kg of fatty tissue induce heart to do additional efforts to push a blood on these capillaries which total length makes 8 000 km!
  • In 1 cubic millimeter of a blood - 4,5-5,5 million red blood cells. They are continuously formed in an organism and completely replaced in a blood in 120 days.
  • The general cycle of a circulation in a body takes 23 seconds.
  • If not the valves in blood vessels holding in them a blood, it would flow down in legs to ñòóïíÿì by gravity for only a few fractions of a second.
  • The boxer appears in a knock-down after strong blow in a stomach because the blood sharply casts from heart, lungs and a brain, moving to the area of a press. It also leads to temporary opacification of consciousness.
  • Most of all infarcts happen on Monday, between 7 and 10 h morning.
  • Heart diseases carried away lives more, than all wars on Earth combined.

Aerobic trainings are the best trainings for heart

Going in for bodybuilding, don't forget also about aerobic trainings. Thanks to them you will get rid of excess fat, but the most important — them you support healthy the heart.

Here what concerning aerobic exercises is told "by Mr. Olympia" Jay Katler: "I regularly do cardio exercises in order that my heart was healthy. If there is no health, then why to you your weight?"

Here not all list of the facts about advantage for cardiovascular system of aerobic exercises:

  • Aerobic trainings - walking, run, swimming, the bicycle etc. - put cordial internal clocks back. They are capable to rejuvenate heart for 20 years!
  • The purpose of aerobic trainings is in forcing lungs to enrich a blood with a large amount of oxygen. Further oxygen together with a blood gets into muscles where it is used for obtaining energy.
  • The aerobics increases the content of oxygen in a blood. However not less than 2 months of trainings before similar changes happen are necessary. One of the best types of aerobic trainings for athletes - sprinting.
  • The aerobic training in the first 1-2 weeks leads to dropping of a cordial rhythm at rest on 1 reduction a minute.
  • For the life the person passes about 140 000 km. Walking — the natural type of an aerobic training supporting a high tonus of heart.
  • The heart training the mild restoring loads after the postponed heart disease guarantees fixing of results of treatment at least for 2 years.
  • Swimming — one of the best types of a training of heart. In addition it saves from fatty deposits.
  • Trainings in run do cordial reductions at rest not only more infrequent, but also more potent.
  • According to scientists, aerobic trainings 3-4 times a week lasting 15-60 minutes have the best result. Level of pulse of-60-90% from maximum (220 minus the age expressed advanced in years).
  • Sex - the safest and pleasant type of an aerobic load.

Heart troubles and steroids

Nearly cardiovascular diseases, obligatory for security officers, allowed scientists to tell with an accuracy: steroids injure heart. Today they taped at least four mechanisms of such injuring influence.

On the first place depression under the influence of reception of steroids of the so-called high density lipoproteins disturbing stick together cholesterol in clots and to be postponed on walls of vessels.

On the second - "solidification of a blood", i.e. rising of its coagulability. As a result sharply the risk of an infarct because of an occlusion of a coronary artery a thrombus increases.

Scientists carry to number of the third most dangerous factor unexpected (not explained with science yet) spastic strictures of the coronariest artery when it suddenly clenches, blocking access of a blood to heart.

On the fourth place - direct damage of heart muscular tissue by steroids.

This list includes only the most obvious risk factors, but besides them there are still indirect consequences of reception of steroids which are capable to cause heart attacks and heart diseases too. In particular, steroids increase concentration of sodium in an organism (the water delay, typical for steroids, in muscles also is bound to it, actually). And sodium leads to rising of blood pressure. However, after the termination of reception of steroids pressure comes back to norm. Nevertheless those who accept steroids constantly live under infarct "Sword of Damocles". The heavy-duty physical effort in the conditions of the increased blood pressure at any time can overstrain a cardiac muscle and lead to its gap.

Steroids allow to train most potently. Such type of a training is exclusively stressful for all organism. Trying to be protected, the organism increases secretion of so-called "hormones of a stress" adrenals. Among them there is Epinephrinum which is known that it is capable to lead to disturbance of a cordial rhythm. If presence of Epinephrinum at a blood becomes nearly daily norm, the stable cordial rhythm - an arrhythmia develops. Heartaches, interruptions in heart, shortage of air, unexpected attacks of delicacy - are that typical signs of an arrhythmia at body builders. Worst of all the fact that this type of an arrhythmia seldom passes with the termination of reception of steroids. It should be added that in the rating of lethal outcomes the arrhythmia costs on one their first places.

Arrhythmia today quite successfully treat the drugs called beta-blockers. However in practice the picture of cordial disturbances of a rhythm is so various that incorrect diagnosis by the doctor not familiar with specifics of reception of steroids is quite probable. In that case reception of beta-blockers will only disguise the main disease.

Here to you example from life. The body builder with the complaint to a cardiopalmus addressed to clinic. Logical would be to assume an arrhythmia especially as the body builder admitted that within 2 years he accepted Vinstrol on 280 mg weekly. Nevertheless the in-depth study of heart didn't confirm the initial diagnosis. It turned out that at the body builder two main coronary arteries, including left descending to which bind infarcts were dangerously narrowed. In addition it was established that the body builder already transferred two microinfarcts. It is logical to assume that narrowing of a lumen of arteries is bound to adjournment on their internal walls of a cholesterin. Meanwhile blood test was surprisingly favorable: level of cholesterin was normal. Then in what business? Probably, steroids caused depression of level of the protective high density lipoproteins which aren't allowing cholesteric clots "to be stuck" to a wall of coronary arteries. In these conditions even the normal level of cholesterin was dangerous.

As for microinfarcts, they, perhaps, are bound to direct toxic impact of steroids on cells of a cardiac muscle. Modeling of such processes, i.e. in a test tube, showed that under the influence of steroids separate internal structures of cells so expand that literally "blow up" a cell from within. It leads to formation of the centers of a dead tissue and the subsequent their cicatrization, i.e. a degeneration of elastic muscular tissue in connecting which isn't capable to be reduced. The complicated reduction of certain sites of a cardiac muscle leads to a distortion of all cordial rhythm, i.e. to an arrhythmia. In the inferior of scenarios heart ventricles in general will cease to pump over a blood, and then the lethal outcome is inevitable. Such changes in heart cause both injections, and the tableted steroids. However, rather small difference between tablets and injections is. Injections practically don't lower level in a blood of high density "good" lipoproteins. And steroids in tablets do it. Nevertheless both those, and others have equally an adverse effect on viscosity of a blood. The reason is that they enlarge production by kidneys of an eritropoytin who, in turn, enlarges the maintenance of red blood cells in a blood.

In this sense introduction to itself injection erythropoetin that is extremely widespread today in bodybuilding, is a terrible practice.

Athletes enter erythropoetin to lift number of the red blood cells which are oxygen carriers. As a result in muscles much more oxygen - the catalyst of all biochemical reactions is delivered. If to enter to itself erythropoetin at the same time with steroids, "solidification" of a blood to a critical limit which death will follow is possible.

The main danger at reception of steroids

Of course, androgens are necessary for an organism - they regulate hormonal processes. But the surplus of androgens threatens with a trouble. Accepting anabolic steroids (according to the prescription or self-willedally), you strike blow to the cardiovascular system. The matter is that even in small therapeutic doses anabolic steroids change a ratio of a "good" and "bad" cholesterin in a blood. Such "imbalance" by 6 times increases risk of cardiovascular diseases! A "bad" cholesterin is lipoproteins of low density (LPNP). They easily form the clots settling on walls of blood vessels. Over time clots become more and more, yet don't block a blood channel, like a stopper: an atherosclerosis - the main reason of an infarct develops. And a "good" cholesterin (lipoproteins of high density) just disturbs it. And so, analyses showed that at the body builders accepting steroids, a "bad" cholesterin is raised more than for 30% (watch the table "Influence of Steroids on Cardiovascular System"). In addition to it anabolic steroids increase activity of special enzyme of a liver under the influence of which the level of a "good" cholesterin decreases.

Influence of steroids on cardiovascular system (real stories of illnesses of body builders are used).


Cardiac standstill / 18 / oxymesteronum

Myocarditis / 24 / the look is unknown

Myocardial infarction with ventricular tachycardia / 31 / the look is unknown

Myocardial infarction / 37 / Nandrolonum, boldenon, Testosteron, stanosol, oksandrolon

Clottage of a venous sine / 31 / Testosteron, metolonon, trenbolone

Myocardial infarction with hematencephalon / 27 / the look is unknown

Depression of the LPVP level, rising of diastolic blood pressure / 22-38 / Nandrolonum, Testosteron-Depotum, stanosol

Rising of the LPNP level, lowering of the level of LPVP / 23-36 / methandrostenolone, decanoat, oksandrolon, stanosolol, etc.

Lowering of the level of LPVP, rising of activity of enzyme of a liver / 20-26 / stanosolol

Lowering of the level of LPVP, rising of the LPNP level / 20-31 / stanosolol, methenobosoms, depot Testosteron, sound board-dyurabolin, oksandrolon, androstenolon

Intensifying of coalescing of thrombocytes / 18-39 / Testosteron, Nandrolonum, methandrostenolone, etc.

Lowering of the level of LPVP, rising of the LPNP level / 18-40 / ethenyltestosteron-Depotum

Lowering of the level of LPVP / 29-33 / methandrostenolone, ñòàíîçîëîë, Nandrolonum, oksandrolon, Testosteron

But it is even more unpleasant that such picture remains many months after the person ceased to accept steroids. And it means that it will be threatened by an atherosclerosis for a long time. If in such condition of people gets a trauma which is followed by a hemorrhage, for example, fracture, then devitalized blood cells (thrombocytes) under the influence of a "bad" cholesterin will begin to stick together in clots. If such clot begins independent "travel" on blood vessels, wait for a trouble. Having got to a narrow duct, such clot corks it tightly. Death in such cases happens instant.

I am sure that spores on harm of steroids won't cease for a long time. What who told, the medical facts are relentless: steroids are dangerous. He agrees, it is not a poison. However all hitch that steroids prepare for you a dirty trick where you expect it least of all. Only one risk of cardiovascular diseases of what costs! Of course, much are lucky. They accept steroids and don't complain of health. It isn't lucky units. But where a guarantee that you not from their number?

As the diet in bodybuilding influences heart Very few people know, but the food gives a larger load on heart. Just for this reason all bulimics - cores. The serious training in bodybuilding forces heart to work at a limit. That it should be not overstrained, eaten absolutely Pomala. Athletes of the past arrived exactly the opposite, and therefore seldom which of them lived up to 40 years...

But at the same time to build up big muscle bulk, it is necessary to eat much. And how to be in this case? How to eat so that also to gain weight, and at the same time to preserve the heart? Here is how this problem is solved by the professional bodybuilder Chris Cook.

Chris Cook: "I increase intensity of a training in off-season in steps. Cycles last for 1,5-2 months. And so, at the initial stage I don't eat sports food at all. But in the period of big loadings I substitute for sports products every second meal.

The matter is that when you shake much, there is no appetite at all. It also is clear. The organism spends so many forces for a training that on their digestion doesn't remain at all. Here the organism should be helped. The liquid food so instead of every second meal I take belkovouglevodny cocktail is the easiest acquired. At the same time breaks between meals should be tightened till 2,5-3 o'clock. Intestines and so hardly turn so it needs more time for its work".

Help heart - the best additives Besides that for strengthening of cardiovascular system it is necessary to get rid of excess weight, are less greasy food more vegetables and fruit, and also it is reasonable and to be engaged without physical exercises, it is necessary to pay attention to the following nutritional supplements:

  • reducing cholesterol level - lucerne, a soy protein;
  • promoting lowering of blood pressure - fatty acids an omega-3, garlic additives;
  • strengthening a cardiac muscle and in general the hearts promoting improvement - a hawthorn, a carnitine, Q10 coenzyme, creatine.

Not everything is desirable to accept these additives together, and selectively, depending on your purposes. Also adhere to the recommended dosages from producer companies.

Only you remember that these nutritional supplements won't have desirable effect if you incorrectly eat and you lead a sedentary life. The positive result is achieved only in case of interaction of all these factors.

About creatine and how it can help heart, I want to tell separately.

Muscle cells actively stock in themselves creatine as it is a source of the ATP connection already known to us. Acceptance of creatine in the form of nutritional supplement naturally leads to increase in force and endurance. If creatine helps skeletal muscles whether it can help heart? Heart represents one big muscle. The science answers this question positively. With age, and also because of big physical activities, our kidneys begin to work worse, and therefore in blood the level of amino acid of a gomotsistein, very harmful to heart, increases. And there is no place to get to from it since it is formed in the course of exchange of irreplaceable amino acid of methionine. Creatine, working together with group B vitamins, significantly reduces the level of a gomotsistein. Accept 2-3 g of creatine before and after a training, and also 2-5 g in days of rest. That creatine helped your heart, accept it with "bystry" carbohydrates. They cause secretion of hormone of insulin which helps delivery of creatine in muscle cells.


Vitamins in sport (scientific review)

01 Nov 2016

Vitamins – the major organic compounds which regulate processes of a metabolism, synthesis of energy, nerve conduction prevent destruction of cells. There is a basic separation of vitamins on liposoluble and water-soluble.

A,D,E,K belong to liposoluble vitamins. The organism is inclined to accumulate liposoluble vitamins so their excessive reception can be toxic.

Water-soluble vitamins are vitamins of group B and vitamin C. Excessive reception of these vitamins isn't so dangerous as they can be removed with urine, behind some exception (for example, B6 vitamin at an overdosage can cause injury of peripheral nerves).

In general, in spite of the fact that during the researches positive influence of separate vitamins on health of the person was proved (for example, vitamin E, Niacinum, folic acid, vitamin C etc.), properties were taped only at the few from them.

Nevertheless, some vitamins help to reduce oxidizing damages and by that to improve adaptation to trainings (vitamins E, C) and/or to support immune system in the normal state at the raised exercise stresses. Theoretically, it has to help athletes to postpone better intensive trainings and as result to improve sports indicators.

Other vitamins represent small ergogenny usefulness for athletes with the normal diet saturated with all necessary nutrients. As the analysis of a delivery of many athletes showed a disadvantage of vitamins and calories in their ration, many experts recommend daily reception of multivitamins and/or reception of albuminous and carbohydrate additive right after the training.

In recently published article in the magazine of the American medical association the reference about daily reception of multivitamin drugs in a low dosage was stated.

Statements that reception of vitamin supplements doesn't carry advantage for athletes and/or that for the specialist in a sports delivery is unethical to recommend daily reception of certain vitamins, have under themselves no reasons and aren't confirmed by modern scientific publications. It concerns as references on reception of multivitamin drugs, and concerning separate vitamins: Niacinum which helps to enlarge the level of lipoproteins of high density and to reduce risk of heart diseases; vitamin E which is an antioxidant; vitamin D which supports musculoskeletal function; vitamin C which exerts positive impact on immune system. Do not forget take Vitamin B12 for better results.

General information on vitamins

The person has to receive not less than 40 substances with a nutrition. They can be divided into energy sources (carbohydrates, fats and proteins), replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids (squirrel), irreplaceable fatty acids (fats), and also mineral substances (including trace substances) and vitamins (water - and liposoluble) (Shilsetal., 1999).

Vitamins, despite a variety of their chemical structure, can be defined as organic substances which small amounts have to arrive from the outside as in a human body they or aren't synthesized at all, or rate of their synthesis (for example, formation of nicotinic acid from a tryptophan) it is insufficient. In most cases exactly the nutrition is a source of vitamins; the exception makes vitamin D which is synthesized in an organism under the influence of ultra-violet radiation. The given definition distinguishes vitamins from trace substances — inorganic components of a nutrition (which are necessary for an organism in small amounts too) and from irreplaceable amino acids which it is required much more. We call vitamins only those organic substances which mammals need. The same which are necessary only for body height of microorganisms and cells in culture are designated as body height factors (in order to avoid unreasonable appointment to their person as vitamins). If the same vitamin exists in several chemical forms (for example, a pyridoxine, pyridoxamine) or in the form of the precursor (for example, Carotinum for vitamin A), such analogs sometimes call vitamer.

Though vitamins strongly differ on the structure and function, some general provisions are applicable to them. Reserves of water-soluble vitamins B an organism are small and therefore demand frequent replenishment. Liposoluble vitamins can collect in tissues in very large numbers and therefore can have much bigger toxicity. Many vitamins gain biological activity only after chemical transformations in an organism. A series of water-soluble vitamins also bonds with purine or pirimidinovy nucleotides (Riboflavinum, nicotinic acid) are activated by phosphorylation (Thiaminum, Riboflavinum, nicotinic acid, a pyridoxine). Water-soluble vitamins usually serve as coenzymes whereas at least two liposoluble vitamins, A and D, work like hormones, being bound in target tissues to intracellular receptors.

Need for vitamins. Standards of consumption.

In many countries scientific expertize of needs of the population for various feedstuffs is periodically carried out. Instead of the regulations of daily requirement (RDA) published since 1941 the Department on foodstuff and food of National Research Council (National academy of Sciences of the USA) with active participation of the Ministry of Health of Canada publishes the standards of consumption (DRI) including several new indicators that allows to plan and estimate food of healthy people now. In addition to a regulation of daily requirement standards of consumption included three new indicators: approximate daily requirement (AI), maximum daily consumption (UL) and median daily requirement (EAR) (Yates et al., 1998).

The department on foodstuff and food performs the long-term project on expansion of a range of quantitative recommendations. The project includes an impact assessment of both nutrients, and other components of food on health of the population. At the same time not only the quantities necessary for prevention of classical conditions of deficit are investigated, but also communication of consumption of these or those components of food with risk of chronic diseases is considered.

Modern recommendations for men and women of different age are summed up in the tab. of the XIII.1—XIII.3. In the tab. XIII. 1 yet not reviewed regulations of daily requirement (RDA) for some components of food are given. The tab. XIII.2 contains the last standards of consumption (DRI) in which separation of the population into age groupes changed a little. At last, in the tab. XIII.3 sizes of the maximum daily consumption are specified. A regulation of daily requirement of this or that substance are the daily consumption preventing deficit of substance at 97 — 98% of the population. However even smaller consumption won't surely cause deficit though the remote risk of the last increases in proportion to degree of inferiority of a diet.

Consumption at the level of regulations of daily requirement or approximate daily requirement can not always compensate the deficit which arose owing to malnutrition or a disease. As the standards of consumption provided here are based on the data obtained in the USA and Canada them it is impossible to extend to the countries where because of features of food and local customs bioavailability of these or those substances can be other.

The maximum daily requirement is a consumption level which probably doesn't cause increase in risk of side effects in the majority of the population. This indicator purchased value in connection with an expansion in consumption of the enriched foodstuff and biologically active nutritional supplements.

Department on foodstuff and food, finishing scientific examination of each group of substances, about foodstuff, medicines and cosmetics, regulates marking of the vitamins and mineral substances going on sale as a part of foodstuff or medicines. The law on marking of foodstuff of 1990 (which last edition is published in "The federal soldier" at the beginning of 1993) obliges to specify on all packagings of foodstuff their structure in sizes of daily requirement, and also to provide information on their application in case of these or those diseases. FDA completely controls composition only of those nutritional supplements which are intended for children more young than 12 years, and also for pregnant women and the feeding women. However standard marking allows the consumer most to determine what part of daily need for this or that substance is covered by this amount of foodstuff.

Use of vitamins and components of food for treatment of diseases is controlled by FDA, and the medicines containing these substances are considered or as foodstuff for special diets (including nutritional supplements) or as medicines (nonprescription and released according to the recipe), depending on purpose of medicine and stated purposes of its use. The foodstuff used in the medical purposes, for example solutions for a parenteral nutrition and nutritious mixes estimates on safety and efficiency. Similarly check the OTC medicines containing vitamins and mineral substances.

Nutritional supplements use more than 50% of residents of the USA (Report of the Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels, 1997). Most often such additives contain vitamins and mineral substances; similar nutritional supplements consume 47% of the population of the USA (USDA's 1994 — 1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals, 1999). The great interest shown to nutritional supplements by consumers and sellers forces the Congress of the USA to counteract regulation in this area. FDA repeatedly tried to control activity and composition of the sold nutritional supplements, but every time the Congress of the USA interfered with it.

The law on nutritional supplements led to essential reduction of regulation of sale and advertizing of nutritional supplements (Bass and Young, 1996). This law expands an interpretation of the concept "nutritional supplements" including vitamins and mineral substances and imposes to them requirements, general for all foodstuff. Thereby only harmlessness of foodstuff in case of the method of application specified on the label is guaranteed or in usual conditions. Responsibility for it is born by the producer. Thereby the regulating FDA function concerning nutritional supplements changed from preliminary check before simple supervision of safety of use (hl. 3).

Scope of vitamins and mineral substances.

Millions of residents of the USA regularly consume vitamins B the quantities much exceeding recommended. One of the reasons of it is wrong confidence that vitamin supplements give additional forces and improve health. Such self-treatment is widespread very widely, and it needs to be considered in case of collection of the anamnesis.

Vitamin supplements are shown in any cases allowing to assume availability of avitaminosis which can be a consequence of insufficient food, violations of absorption, the increased requirements or congenital metabolic disorders (Position of the American Dietetic Association, 1996). In practice the specified reasons sometimes coexist (as it is characteristic, for example, of patients with alcoholism at whom malnutrition is combined with absorption violation). The patient, it is long being on a parenteral nutrition, it is absolutely necessary to add vitamins B nutritious solutions. Unfortunately, the amount of the parenteral polyvitamin medicines issued in the USA aren't enough for satisfaction of requests of clinic.

Though the serious avitaminoses caused by malnutrition are observed generally in developing countries, but separate bright cases of avitaminoses meet also in the USA. The U.S. Government periodically estimates consumption of vitamins by the population. Average consumption of a series of the major vitamins (vitamin A, thiamine, Riboflavinum, nicotinic and ascorbic acids) exceeds standards of daily requirement. However among the poorest segments of the population (especially elderly and representatives of ethnic minorities) the risk of some avitaminos, especially And yes With, can be very appreciable.

Some people receive few vitamins because use amateur diets, owing to special alimentary addictions or lack of appetite. The vitamin deficiency can arise at the people using a low-calorie diet, and also at elderly, undereating owing to the economic and social reasons. And other feedstuffs can lead to a vitamin deficiency also an alcoholism.

At many pathological states (for example, diseases of a liver, cholic ways, a pancreas, chronic diarrhea, a thyrotoxicosis, B12-scarce anemia, a sprue, and also after applying of an interintestinal anastomosis) the absorption of vitamins is broken. Besides, the antimicrobial agents changing intestinal microflora inevitably reduce security of an organism with vitamin K and biotin which are synthesized by GIT bacteria.

The diet can be incomplete when rising need for vitamins. So, reception of some medicines changes the need for vitamins: Trimethoprimum, for example, interferes with a metabolism of folic acid (Roe, 1981). The need for vitamins increases also when rising the main exchange thyrotoxicosis, fever or other states with the raised catabolism.

At last, cases when the increased need for vitamins is bound to genetic defects even more often are registered. Usually it is result of change of structure of enzyme for which vitamin serves as a cofactor, and depressions of affinity of enzyme to a cofactor (Scriver, 1973).

The need for separate components of a nutrition can change depending on a stage and gravity of various diseases which sometimes demand medical use of vitamins. After convalescence reception of these vitamins is stopped.

About a break in reception of Polyvitamin

At treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases and decrease in immunity, for example, it is possible to prescribe ultrahigh (10 — 15 g/days) vitamin C doses. However, such dosages should be applied not more longly than month — otherwise the organism will adapt to such high doses of ascorbic acid and will just remove it with urine. In general, any vitamin at repeated introduction to an organism shows the maximum activity within a month, and then its efficiency decreases. Therefore after reception of Polyvitaminums it is necessary to take a monthly break; then it is possible to resume their reception for a month.

It is even better to alternate courses of reception of various vitamins on months. For example, for the purpose of rising of muscular working capacity megadoses of such vitamins as E, C, B15, B5 can be applied. It is the most expedient to conduct a monthly course of treatment vitamin C, then within a month to accept high doses of vitamin E, then a monthly rate of B5 vitamin — and to repeat everything at first. So you will derive the maximum benefit from megavitamin therapy at the minimum material inputs.


Testosterone boosters

01 Nov 2016

Testosterone boosters - these are such magic tablets and capsules which are allegedly capable to turn any man into this male without any risk for health. Whether so it? Let's understand. Today we stopped the choice on three additives. This is Ekdisteron from Dynamic, Tribulus terrestris (Trib-650) from Dymatize and Halodrol Liquigels from Gaspari Nitrition. Choice of additives absolutely any. It would be possible to add some ZMA (zinc) to this group, but I consider that this medicine — auxiliary and in itself works very poorly.

As I tested the additives called above not only on myself, but also for the numerous acquaintances, I dare to claim that the opinion expressed here applies for objectivity. I will begin with the price of the main boosters of testosterone. The most democratic product in this plan — Ecdysteron. One banks worth about 1000 rubles quietly lasts for a month. Tribulus banks will last for a month too, but it is in retail slightly more expensive — about 1300 rubles. Tribulus rose in price recently. Say even that it is carried to banned drugs now though equally well it is possible to forbid green tea or a motherwort. Halodrol where as is more expensive, one packaging pulls for 3000 rubles, and packagings on a rate it is necessary two. But there is more to come, because cunning Rich Gaspari developed the boosters of testosterone so that they become more effective when are accepted not on the single, and in a crowd. In a word, if bank notes for you not a problem – Halodrol most that.

Now we will talk about dosages of boosters of testosterone. To tell fairly, I don't know for what reasons on packaging of Tribulis it is written that it is necessary to accept it on 1-2 capsules a day and then everything will be good. Long experiments showed that the effect of acceptance of Trib-650 is felt in case of a dosage at least 3 grams a day, and these are 5 capsules! Ecdysteron needs to drink somewhere 50 mg a day within 3-4 weeks. You can try Cerebrolysin

Testosterone boosters - feelings.

When I for the first time tried Ecdysteron, for the fifth day of acceptance felt enormous rise in forces! Power indicators grew on average from 5 to 10%. Of course, all individually, but the effect was. As for a libido, there were few changes here though at many acquaintances its growth was observed.

Tribulus on me worked differently. Power indicators grew, but they faded into the background. The libido was all! At the acquaintances accepting Trib-650 terms of the beginning of effect of medicine differed a little. At someone "break" came for the second day, and "covered" someone in about 5-7 days, but the result was one: Trib-650 worked! The only thing, he had more smoothed effect on the people who got used to be engaged with required longer acceptance.

As for the Halodrol booster, advertizing booklets promised miracles in a set of force and weight. For this purpose it was necessary to accept daily 3 Halodrol capsules plus the accompanying medicines before and after a training. I prepared for a tournament on a press lying and hoped that Halodrol great will help me, but I increase in a libido, growth of force wasn't observed. But the pronounced diuretic effect and as it isn't strange, growth of muscle bulk took place! I interviewed the acquaintances, and it turned out that on them Halodrol worked in the same way. For a 40-day rate two packagings of Halodrol added to each of us from 4 to 6 kilograms! From there is a conclusion: medicine more is suitable for bodybuilding, than for powerlifting. Actually, that's all. Fairly told that knew, and the choice — for you.

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