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What is déjà vu?

29 Oct 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping about the mechanism of the effect of deja vu and errors of human memory.

Deja Vu (French déjà vu -. 'Already seen') - is a phenomenon in which a person has the feeling that he had already experienced a particular event that has never happened to him, or visiting a place where never been before. When people speak of déjà vu, they describe their experience as follows: "I knew that he would never come to this city, but felt that had been here before. I knew exactly what was around the corner is a newspaper kiosk. I turn, and there is a newspaper kiosk. It's deja vu. "

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In fact, there should be sharing memories and meta judgment of its memory. The memory in humans is accompanied by specific experiences. The experience of "I know" gives us to understand that we reproduce some fact that is not associated with our personal experience, for example: "Paris - the capital of France", "Iceberg white and cold." It is quite another thing when a person remembers what happened to him that something was happening, for example: "I was in Paris last Christmas," "I was shocked when I saw the iceberg." In this case, the playback is accompanied by the experience, "I remember." Usually, we are well distinguish between the data of experience, but the effect of deja vu feeling, "I know" and "I think" erroneously interchanged. For example, we know on what basis in the cities are usually placed newspaper stalls. We can come in any more or less civilized city and normally there to navigate. When the effect of deja vu a person sees a newspaper kiosk and it seems to him that he "remembers" and not "know", that is, he was already there before.

Thus, the mechanism of déjà vu is that a person makes a wrong judgment on the source of knowledge about a certain subject. For example, if a person sees a scene that takes place among his close friends, and think: "I've seen it, they have already said," that this has three possible explanations.
The first option: it is indeed already seen, they actually have already spoken. People are very stereotypical. All cities have the same structure, in almost every corner could be a newspaper kiosk. That is, it is just the recognition and nothing more.

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The second option: such an event was not, but it was in the human experience something very similar.

The third option: the man simply knows about this event, or modeled it. And then he had a memory error occurs: a person thought up the event, but it seems as if it actually happened.

Consequently, under the deja vu meant any real recollection or memory error. The phenomenon of déjà vu is very rare. In Russia, there were no serious sociological surveys and the more psychological research on the topic, interest in it is caused by more literature and cinema. By the way, there is a reverse effect - jamais vu (French jamais vu -. 'Never seen'), when the person knows exactly what has already met with someone or visiting a place, but do not feel a sense of familiarity.
The main problem in the study of the phenomenon of deja vu in the fact that people always talk about it in retrospect. The very moment of occurrence of this illusion eludes researchers. However, in the 1960s, scientists James Deese, Rodiger Henry and Kathleen McDermott attempted to create a laboratory analogue of déjà vu. They have developed a procedure which is called DRM (Deese - Roediger - McDermott paradigm) the first letters of the names of the authors. In a study of DRM test offers a list of words, such as "theft", "mattress", "bed", "chair", "Service", "Sandman", "nightmare", "pajamas", "night light" and so Further. These words belong to one category - the process of sleep. But the word "dream" is not in this list. When after some time the subjects were asked whether the list of the word "sleep" most "remembered" that it was. Of course, the resulting effect is not too much like a real deja vu, but the authors insist on the identity of the mechanisms of their occurrence.

It is important to note that the phenomenon of deja vu does not bear any positive functional load, though probably some people exposed to it to a greater extent. It is therefore difficult to say that apart from a disinterested scientific curiosity should motivate researchers to study the error memory.


Trusting Memory

29 Oct 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping about implanting memories, transforming truth and cultural differences autobiographical memory formation.

To autobiographical memory to work properly, it is imperative that people believed that it was true. If I wake up in the morning and wonder whether I - I, I work in what I do, that the people I see - these are my relatives, disaster strikes. No less a disaster happens if I doubted some events of his past, which play a fundamental role for me, such as date of birth. A huge number of effects, if the question that I thought was so, but in reality was different. And because it is very important to subjective autobiographical memories were significant, of course, there was a special mechanism in the work of this function is that this confidence, reliability and support.

But we know that confidence - it does not mean the truth. If a person is something sure, this does not mean that it's true. And this statement is particularly applicable to autobiographical memory. If, on the one hand, people trust their memories, because they base their lives on these reminiscences, their relationships, their plans, on the other hand, to date has shown that perhaps, few things are as easy to change, modify and so easy to influence, both on the autobiographical memories. In this sense, autobiographical memory as time may be called gullible. If possible, she will eat and take the content that is suitable for her. Although it's not so bad here, because it has its own mechanisms to counter the effects. I'll try to have time to tell about them.

Now, what factors are known today? Firstly, of course, a person can share pretty bad what happened to him: memories of events that occurred in the external world, and memories of the events that took place in the inner world. In fact, for us it is almost the same thing - to survive the event or submit it, especially if the time has passed since these events, and we want to make an imaginary event was really, to us is not enough. Or we lack it, to feel psychologically prosperous or, conversely, to some negative emotions such as resentment against someone, nurture confidence and hold.

Taking advantage of this, in the laboratory, the researchers showed that it is worth only imagine some event, even almost unimaginable and unreal, and that is enough for a person to believe in something that is with him was in fact, and believed so much that he he will not be able to distinguish between truth and fiction. Another thing is that now there are works that show that there are some small signs, which can be carried out by examination and distinguish: a memory relates to an external event or internal.

For example, in one experiment, people were asked to recall their first day of life. Of course, everyone said that they do not remember their first day of life. Nobody remembers. Moreover, we know that autobiographical memory in infants is not there. She appears in these adult conversations - from different cultures in different ways, but the Europeans have somewhere between three and four years. That is an impossible memory.

But then the subjects in this experiment were asked to imagine how they could see the first day of his life if this baby could remember and tell us how it all happened. They lay on special mattresses, staring at the ceiling, it seems that over them inclined some people that might be, some toys, and so on. They explained that the children all seems more vague. Imagine that you have a blurred image. After half an hour of such training almost 90% of the subjects stated that they remember exactly the first day of his life. And, interestingly, there is always this observation: people are always sure that the other cheated, others inspired, and he is a really remembered, he had such a remarkable memory.

And here the question arises: Is everything that we can imagine, or that we can make the present, or what we can show, for example, the modern means of media, which create almost virtual reality, is it possible to make it so that people take this virtual experience lived for a real and live it in their autobiographical memory? Moreover, it is possible, here it opens space for violence for some violent implantation of relevant memories that will control the behavior, human preferences, for example, even for advertising purposes. In one of the experiments, subjects were offered to recall how they were in the "Disneyland" as a child (no matter what they are not) and ate some amazing ice cream. Then he revealed the secret of what was sort of ice cream. Of course, it turned out the ice cream, which advertised this company. And then it has been shown that people are more willing to choose, buy and, most importantly, it's ice cream seemed to them in this package is much more delicious than the other varieties of ice cream, when in fact they were of the same variety. Just by a projection of memories of childhood preferences distributed to all products that have been associated with this memory.

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You do all you can to implant anything one way or another? Is it possible to manipulate the autobiographical memory, using its credulity? The good news is that not all and not always. This credulity autobiographical memory extends to those memories that are at the very person has a motivational request. It turns out that the child becomes as he can remember, so what kind of memory it made his parents about his childhood. Because of this, he concludes that what he is, and accordingly behaves appropriately respond to the world. However, when a person has grown, there is beginning to follow a certain equality, some interaction. And when we are adults, we are reminded that fits our personality that we have now.

If you are a person, for example, kind and sympathetic to their elderly parents, then you will remember my childhood as happy, where your parents gave you gifts, walking with you, doing all sorts of good things. If you are a person angry, resentful, dissatisfied with their lives and the more dissatisfied with their parents, then you will remember very different events: you will remember how they have offended, they you gave is not what you want, they have a -That punished and so on.

Moreover, it is clear that the objective reality that is behind it in the distant past, can be absolutely identical. Our memories, when we are adults, then describe what we are now, to a much greater extent than the events that have been in the past. And there is also the part of the individual, of course, an important approach, and by the practice and practical psychology, because such work with memories, especially in the distant past, a childhood can be a very good resource, in order to adjust the relationship with the world here and now.

There are other techniques that increase the possibility of implant or implant new memories of events that did not exist previously. And I said that imagination, that is, the substitution of the experience of interaction with the outside world experience of interaction with the inner world, works very well. This is the basic mechanism. But this process can be a variety of ways to facilitate and strengthen. These factors are mutually reinforcing.

For example, one of the factors, which clarified to date - is a factor of appeal to authority. Where did this new recollection and how likely it is that it really happened in your past? For example, on the street you stop a passer, which you do not recognize, and something tells you of your past, and most likely, you say that he is a charlatan and nothing you do not happen.

And if, say, you arrive your grandmother or some close relative with whom you have not seen, yet at the same time shows you a photo (by the way, no matter what is depicted in this photo, it is important that it is only in this period of life treated), then, of course, your subjective probability and subjective accuracy of this event will sharply rise. Such experiments were carried out with practical purposes, to show how people can be sensitive to the effects on their memory.
For example, the Roman scholar Julian Mazon just wore glasses and a white robe doctor during the experiment, and, when the test came, she looked at him seriously and said: "Tell me your dream." The man told his dream. No matter what he said. She said: "I am a doctor, I dreams specialist, I interpret them very clearly. And the dream is telling you that you have experienced as a child (leave it on her conscience) drowning and almost drowned. " And after that a huge percentage of people began to believe (the truth, then what was on them - a mystery) that they, for example, as a child survived drowning.

In another experiment, people were placed in a situation where to see or participate in possession by the devil - it's a perfectly normal thing. It mounted a talk show that is broadcast as if by accident on the screen, where people from the federal channel logo discussed how they survived the experience possessed by the devil, as the experience possessed by the devil has affected their lives, and so on. Lay specially made artificially printed newspaper (of course, in one instance), where the country's Prime Minister admitted that he was a child was possessed by the devil, then he was healed. All Wednesday hinted that to be possessed by the devil - this is normal, even prestigious, it leads to personal growth in the future. People are not saying of course that they are implanted memory. They just said, "Wait here sit, socialize, spend time pleasantly."

But after a few weeks, a significant percentage of these subjects have already recognized, and then some of them recalled in detail what they were or were possessed by the devil, or have seen the possessed by the devil, that is entered into contact with them. That is what happened here? Some kind of experience. We have memories, but we do not know what to call them. We never thought about it. And then we called and explained what it was. And we remember not what was actually, but how it is for us to describe the authoritative sources that tell us that the contact was actually. Once we have explained, we have and remember. By the way, those children with whom I began, too, adults, explain that it was in reality. We are looking for all my life, too, such explanations to a greater or lesser extent. And here there is a very serious transformation memories.


Involuntary Memory

29 Oct 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping about mnemonic effect, involuntary memory and the ability to deliberate memorization. Why are some events and facts better deposited in our memory than others? What factors contribute to memorize? Why is it important to understand the mechanisms of involuntary memory for us?

Unintentionally, we do not remember anything, not accidental, but the only one and it is the material that is the purpose of our actions. And what we have seen, but lies outside this goal, we inadvertently did not remember if we do not have to remember a special purpose. And the more complex the action, the more it requires us to cognitive effort, the better the effect of memorization and recall more likely. Accordingly, the more important for us to act than it is more motivational rich, the more pronounced effect on mnemonic memorization and reproduction.

In our study, we twice at an interval of six months, interviewed people about the tragic, traumatic events, namely the explosions as a result of the terrorist attacks that took place in September 1999 in Moscow, and our subjects were Muscovites. And the first time we interviewed them in the spring of 2002, and the second - in the autumn of the same year. It is clear that the very acts of terrorism, information about acts of terrorism one specifically did not remember: it happened, and people like themselves (and in fact, because it was related to their motivation, their interest, their excitement) remember, it is remembered. And now we ask them to recall intentionally, as detailed as possible, as detailed as possible, as much as possible, what happened there, all that they can report it. And it turned out that the second time people remembered this event, which has been separated from them a fairly large time intervals is much more accurate, more, they are more details given, they are much stronger and more emotional experiencing this memory.

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Involuntary memory and therefore unintentionally, that memories occur and are included in our lives without having to specifically we tried to incorporate them, as if by themselves. But in fact, did not of themselves, it is very natural. And if we learn gradually understand how to manage the unintentional, involuntary memory, then in fact we are in a very large extent can control what happens with ourselves and with others.


Intentional memory

29 Oct 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping about focused on memory, memory techniques and conflict mnemonics.

If in the event we are not specifically trying to involuntary memory to remember and recall everything happens as if by itself, but naturally, in the case of intentional memory reverse position. Involuntary (involuntary, automatic) memory we lack, and we have to stop their activities, to step aside and begin to specifically take some action to or write, to fix some stuff, or that it is much more unpleasant subjectively, to get that stuff which itself seems lacking. Although it seems that voluntary memorization and recall is a usual phenomenon for us, it is quite a unique achievement of man. Nobody but a person, and only at a certain stage of cultural development, work with arbitrary memory can not. For example, if your dog will love the brand of a food, it will not be able to stand over the bag and repeat the beautiful foreign name, so you tell it to you, when you go to the store for the next portion - not because it can not chant and read, but because in her inner world there is no arbitrary process, and it is important to distinguish.

The goal to remember appears much earlier than the ability to memorize. And in this sense in a child's life is dramatic moments, when he is aware of his weakness, because he wants to please the adult, for example, or be effective in the game. He understands that it needs to remember his name, to remember any list of words, your home address and so on, but he can not do it. In order to be able to arbitrarily remember and recall (and we often forget about the task at random to forget, although it is an important skill), it is necessary to master the special techniques or tools. That is an arbitrary, deliberate, purposeful memory is always associated with the use of some technologies. Then, these technologies can be fatal effect on memory functioning.

What are the tricks to remember? They are well known, only three basic techniques. The first way - to designate, to name, say what you are trying to remember. For example, you are lucky in life, and you were suddenly at dawn on the beach and see the stunning sunrise your imagination - pink with crimson reflections. You really want to remember it for a lifetime. And what are you doing? You stared, mouth open, exclaimed: "Oh! A! ", Waving his arms. The sun rose, you came home and you realize that and remember and can tell nothing but "Oh! A!". In this case, the main reception - try to tell myself what happened. If you can do this, then the material is stored. Perhaps that is why our ancestors (I mean the more educated circles) had a habit of keeping a diary, and almost every day discussing with a notebook or piece of paper, what happened to them, and so they memorize important in its development, the path of life. Such a method, on the one hand, global, so it is very common, but, on the other hand, it is not suitable for all, and only the material that can be understood to place the system in existing knowledge. Intentional, tightly targeted often need to memorize when you have to memorize something that can not be understood. For example, it is impossible to understand the number of your passport, it is impossible to understand why this man's name is Anfisa Petrovna, not Mariya. It is beyond the comprehension, so we have to resort to the other two methods.

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The second method is also known to all - admission is repetition, that is, the first thing the child masters in childhood. Repetition, cramming, something that causes a lot of rejection and hatred of all students - a huge anthropological invention: when a person has learned to cram, he was much smarter than all the other animals in the world. How does the repetition? Why, if I repeat something, then it is more likely to reproduce than if it were not repeated? It would seem obvious, but if we think about it and look at the results of research, it turns out that repetition only works when you have a goal to remember. If there is no purpose to remember, you can repeat a thousand times some material, but do not reproduce. Not so long ago was a commercial experiment, which was commissioned by the British psychologist Alan Baddeley by the Air Force. The company planned to change the broadcasting frequency in the air and tried to remember the audience, when the wave of change and where will the transition. They thought it would be effectively a lot of times to repeat and people will remember it, because they repeat with them. But when simulated this situation, it appears that after a thousand repetitions (think: a thousand repetitions, they were paid, the people specially repeated), only 15% of people could name the date of transition and that, at what frequency will move the company. That is unfocused repetition completely ineffective. But when it is targeted, we can "cheat" our psyche, namely, repetition we exploit and imitate the laws of involuntary memory. If any material is the goal of what I'm doing now, my memory will remember, copy. If there is something related to what I do, most likely, it is in my mind long enough until I do something. And to repeat, we're trying to simulate this situation: put the material into consciousness, he lay there, but specifically it is not needed now, because he is remembered for the future, and then the material running out of memory. Then again we catch material and put in place, and so on until the unfortunate memory does not agree, do not give up and do not assign, does not copy this material. Of course, repetition effectively, but it is not the most effective way of remembering.

Relying only on the repetition of mankind deemed insufficient, so to invent a special technology, which called mnemonics (μνῆμα - this 'memory'), ie memorization techniques. Basic two - is shaped and verbal mnemonics. In this and in another case, it is paradoxical things. For example, you want to remember the colors of the rainbow in the correct order. To do this, you are given a ready-made rule of thumb: "once Jacques-ringer head knocked the lantern." You learn this poem and now all my life know the proper color sequence. But in fact it turns out that in order to store small amounts of information - the colors in a certain order, you study more and more, and memorize over is easier than to memorize less. This is an amazing contradiction that runs between.

For some rules and common things is stable mnemonics. Now the young people it seems very strange, but even 20-30 years ago, the memory of any more or less educated person was filled with lots of different mnemonics in which medical students were taught the names of organs, various diseases, symptoms, nerves, historians, students memorized dates of historical events, philologists - different rules. If you tell it to today's students, they are very surprised and say: "Why is it all to learn, when you can just see on the Internet?" And then the question arises: Is the voluntary memorization and arbitrary memory of modern man what it was, say, 30, 50, 150 years ago? In fact, it is quite an important question, because, for example, the art of memory (mnemonics) started inventing even in ancient Greece, then this applied particularly active in the Middle Ages. This gradual adaptation of humanitarian technologies to peculiarities of the human psyche, which allows us to solve some important problems. Antique, he had to come out and say no piece of paper, and with inspiration, operated by many facts. Witty conversationalist, a teacher - people need to remember, to keep within the limits of the body and interact with the world of large amounts of material. And then the situation has changed: what is to keep everything inside yourself when you can easily take the outside? This ease of getting material, first, the novelty. While writing the book and was invented a long time ago, and then any other "gadgets" to remember, such as photography and video, they still require operating material. For example, I know that the library is a collection of the works of Aristotle, but to get to it, I have to go to the library, to register, order a book, bring it to me, then I should make a statement - long affair. And now there are mobile devices that are comparable with the rate request to the brain can not make a request to his brain, and to an external source.

There is a serious question whether it affects the memory of modern man, whether it is new technology changes, and if so, in what way - it is improving or getting worse? Or is it a general question correctly? Studies show that there are pluses and minuses, but overall transformation occurs, and very rapidly. Today's pupils and students, that is, people who grew up, formed in a mobile, highly available IT environment context, in other words the process of building a purposeful, voluntary memorization. They are trying to remember is not actually the content of what should be, for example, the very colors of the rainbow, or affixes, or the names of the planets and years of historical events - and where it can be found, that is, address and reference (query formulation and where to look) . It turns out that, on the one hand, this is a huge advantage if you know how to ask and information environment immediately respond, like and do not need to memorize. After all, the whole memory - the ability to use knowledge, and if I use them, I have a good memory. I'm not going to fantasize on the topic "What would happen if all the electricity is turned off", "what happens to the adaptability of consciousness, with the erudition of most modern people," but at the same time there is a huge number of new problems: if that knowledge is not my own, and hybrid how he can be trusted? And what will happen if there is a choice of options? If I have my memory, I do remember about some event, but I give my question several answers: which of these options is to my memory, and which - a stranger? Is it possible to confuse them? And what would happen if confused?

Now, perhaps, the fastest growing area in the study of memory - this is just a study of interaction, on the one hand, mutual enrichment and, on the other hand, inter-simplification of the human psyche, trying to remember some material recorded with the internal media on an external storage device (not only online, but also other systems). I think that if these studies are reasonable and intensively conducted in the future, we will find some harmonic output, or a variant of interaction, when we will be able to balance between internal and external and, therefore, not be totally dependent on an external memory in the same while taking advantage of its benefits.


FAQ: Challenges in thinking

29 Oct 2016

5 facts about the difficulties with which the person is facing in the process of cognitive activity.

Human thought is faced with two types of difficulty. The first type - is a problem, and the second - the problem. The words "challenge" and "a problem" in the Russian and other European languages are synonymous, but from the point of view they represent a different psychology.

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  • 1.Features solving problems

The task in front of you someone puts it some kind of difficulty, which you have to cope. Most often, psychologists say that the problem - it is a goal that must be achieved in conditions that limit the ways to achieve it. If the goal can be reached at once, it is not the problem. Go to the kitchen and pour a glass of water - it's not the problem. If there are some formidable obstacles, such as social (in the kitchen sitting parents who do not want you to start), then such a situation and attract the interest of psychologists between you and the kitchen. The problem is most often local, well defined, with a more or less clear purpose, and in the decisions you need to find some ways, the means to get to that goal.

In human culture, there are many areas that cultivate the problem as a special stratum of experience. As an example, methodological support school mathematics. This is a great example of how people built a certain complexity of the problem in a given material, then to replicate and teach them to solve. The complexity of the most trivial problems can cheat in different directions. The problem is trivial, but extremely difficult to deal with, if she has a lot of additional built.

  • 2.The task of thinking as a subject of study

Tasks - this is the main subject of psychological study of thinking. Thinking - the internal process. As he starts and stops, it even stops - is unclear. For a few hundred years of observations, and then study the people came up to activate only one way of thinking - to offer some difficulty, to put the person in a problematic situation. The task - is one of the options of the problem situation. By varying the properties of the task - and they are extremely diverse in material, structure and strategies that are needed to solve - you get the opportunity to explore different "slices" of thinking.
By selecting the task in a special way, you can in different ways to target the human mind, put it in a different problem situations and learn it from different sides. Among other things, the problem is very useful as educational material. In this sense, quite knowingly secondary school of the European type is based on the solution of problems. When teachers say they teach children to think, it means that they teach them to solve problems - often typical.

  • 3.Peculiarities ofsolving problems

About 40 years ago, psychologists began to pay attention to the fact that there is another type of difficulty, which eventually was called "problem." Problems are arranged completely as the problem. Firstly, before a man can not put a problem, a person enters into the problem state itself. This process is called "problematization". However, even if you do nothing, the problem itself you will find. In this sense, the problem of living by its laws. Even if you do nothing, it does not mean that you will not have problems.

Secondly, the problem of poorly formulated. Problems often have a ready formulation, or even a person who knows how it is properly formulated and solved. Problems are arranged differently: they are not known or very poorly defined goal to be achieved, and because they are much more difficult to solve. If you are going to have serious difficulty in life, it is absolutely not the fact that you know where you need to move on. That is why a variety of procedures invented to solve problems, make you the first step to decide: where you go, what you want, what the goal is in front of you. It is also clear that the correct solution to the problem in general can no one know.

  • 4.Problem field

In addition, the issue includes a variety of elements of reality and thinking. For example, how can a set of concepts to describe the challenges in environmental protection? For example, people, money, upsetting the balance between man and nature, waste (what to do with them - is unclear), the political struggle, a terrible future and so on. Such a material from which the problem is called "problematic field". From it develops the difficulty with which a person or group of people to work.
Very famous explorer address D. Doerner wrote: "Imagine that you are playing a game of chess, but special. When you make a move, then, as all the pieces are connected, you move around the board all the pieces at once. " This is a problem when every move changes the position of all the pieces. This situation Doerner calls "the principle of a spring mattress": when you click on a spring mattress in one place, all its parts are moved.

  • 5.The decision of intellectual problems

The longest process that is able to study the psychologists - is a process of solving problems. There are scientific problems that were solved for decades, and with a non-guaranteed outcome. This does not mean that a person every 15 minutes with her fighting, but he returned to the problem many times, published works, discussed it. Mendeleev, for example, come up with a table for more than 10 years; After Einstein general theory of relativity 20 years trying to build a more general theory. All these processes take a great amount of time. The correct answer, as well as the correct direction of his quest, because no one knows. Interviewed Nobel laureates said that more than half the time spent on the decision it took on the formulation of the problem.

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When psychologists have realized that the problems are different from the tasks they have to seriously discuss whether you can do the means and forms of thinking, which are suitable for the tasks to cope with problems. Apparently, no. "Problem" thinking differently arranged. About him not much is known, although, of course, there are people who solve the problem brilliantly. At the moment, the process of solving problems is still calling the psychology of thinking.


Molecular mechanisms of memory

29 Oct 2016

Psychophysiology tells about the learning process, "memory molecule" and the higher functions of the brain.

How neurons are connected to each other? Can I erase the memory? Which neurons are activated during training and reminder?

Memory and learning - one of the biggest problems and puzzles that stand before physiologists for many years. Education - a process that leads to remembering, memory, that is, to any change in behavior. One of the weapons that have physiologist - is intracellular stimulation: you can select a single neuron and stimulate. It has been shown that the stimulation of literally dozens of neurons can change the balance of mediator and regulatory ways to change the behavior.

The main mystery - what is happening in the central nervous system. It appears that more than 80% of nerve cells - is interneurons which do not touch or motor. What do they do, no one knows, but it is assumed that they are carried out with the help of all the major functions. It's very complex networks, they somehow work, and the bottom line is that if we take these one hundred billion neurons, each of which constitutes an average of 10,000 connections with its neighbors.

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It is believed that every neuron in the brain is associated with each, the number of switches is only important, but they are not more than five. And the main problem - both as a result we get a thinking man, as these connections are established. From that, they will be set and what will happen depends entirely on the vital activity of the organism.


Brain: The correction of mistakes

29 Oct 2016

Psychophysiology tells about unsolved problems of neurophysiology, Descartes and perception of information. What mysteries of our brain is fraught? How the brain neurons depends on our personal experience? How is organized the activity of brain cells?

Facts are what we see with our eyes. For example, scientists are placing subjects pictures of people with whom they have a close relationship, and see that some areas of the brain are more active than others. This - the fact, this is really happening. But can we say that the scientists in this study was able to locate the function of romantic love? It would not be a fact. This is the interpretation of what they saw, and the interpretation can be very different, as you might imagine. Very often it is the interpretation undergo serious changes, and these interpretations associated with the hypotheses of the bremsstrahlung which we currently have. I think that now in science a period when we can reconsider much of what we ascribe to our brain.

Neuron has physiology, which is very similar to any other cell physiology. It is believed that it is able to generate an electrical signal. Electrical properties have any cells, but neurons actually able to generate a certain electric signal, which we call the action potential. In addition it has a very complex processes and internal chemical life.

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Women's ability in mathematics are directly related to the way society relates to the separation of the sexes. In cases where the index difference between the sexes sufficiently high, then there are quite different, men and women, in this case, women are much worse than showing themselves in mathematics. Or, as shown in another study, in the case of countries with a high level of emancipation of women cope with mathematical tasks even better than men. Of course, if you create a certain environment, which, of course, is involved in the formation of individual experience, then we can find the difference between male and female brains. But is not the fact that he is male or female, and that individual experience may vary.


Neuro-Communicators, neuro-controllers, neuroprosthesis, exoskeletons

29 Oct 2016

Neuroscientist Dr. Doping tells about capabilities of the brain, neural interface technologies and experiments with a cybernetic arm.

What are the difficulties faced by scientists when registering the electrical activity of the brain? How is the manipulator? In what situations neurons rebuild their activity?

The brain is the most complex, the most incredible and most advanced material in nature. The brain is a physical object, super complicated in structure and function. He drew the matter to himself. The brain - is the subject of the universe, which is built inside a model of the universe, and a working model, we live by this model. I can not take a step without having considered it in its model.

To improve learning and memory abilities of brain – use nootropic drugs: Cerebrolysin, Nootropil, PhenylpiracetamPeptides Pinealon, Semax.

Interfaces "brain-computer" - is such a technology that allows you to communicate with the outside world without nerves and muscles. This is a very strong statement, because the brain has a lot of sensory inputs but only one output. We can express itself only in one type of output - muscle. And here it is assumed that the muscle is no alternative. It is necessary to make an artificial way out of the brain so that the brain can tell us about yourself.

How are the neuro-communicators? Man is presented on the display matrix of symbols, each cell in the matrix to some symbol. All characters winking very quickly, but so that the two characters are not winking at the same time. Further collected and recorded EEG cortical reaction winks each of these characters. If I'm interested in some kind of a symbol, the reaction will be a little different. Next is to make the catalogs reactions to all the letters to quickly search among them the one that is very different from all other reactions, and thus, we can assume that perhaps this reaction - just the character that I was interested in at the moment.


Molecular mechanisms of memory

29 Oct 2016

Neuroscientist Dr. Doping tells about the learning process, "memory molecule" and the higher functions of the brain. How neurons are connected to each other? Can I erase the memory? Which neurons are activated during training and reminder?

Memory and learning are one of the biggest problems and puzzles that stand before physiologists for many years. Education is a process that leads to remembering, memory, that is, to any change in behavior. One of the weapons that have physiologist - is intracellular stimulation: you can select a single neuron and stimulate. It has been shown that the stimulation of literally dozens of neurons can change the balance of mediator and regulatory ways to change the behavior.

To improve memory and learning – use nootropics: Nootropil, Cerebrolysin, Phenylpiracetam, Semax and Peptides Pinealon.

The main mystery - what is happening in the central nervous system. It appears that more than 80% of nerve cells - is interneurons which do not touch or motor. What do they do, no one knows, but it is assumed that they are carried out with the help of all the major functions. It's very complex networks, they somehow work, and the bottom line is that if we take these one hundred billion neurons, each of which constitutes an average of 10,000 connections with its neighbors.

It is believed that every neuron in the brain is associated with each, the number of switches is only important, but they are not more than five. And the main problem - both as a result we get a thinking man, as these connections are established. From that, they will be set and what will happen depends entirely on the vital activity of the organism.


What is the scientific basis of hypnosis?

29 Oct 2016

Psychophysiology Dr. Doping tells about the natural conditions of the brain, hypnosis in animals and "confidence channels".

In the conventional understanding hypnosis - is, on the one hand, one of the natural human brain states and mental, on the other hand, the technique of using this phenomenon, mainly for therapeutic purposes. Quite certainly, it is a state of the brain, along with the other states (such for example as sleep, wakefulness, anxiety, increased alertness, depression and so on. D.), Is the subject of scientific research with the most modern methods, and there is a large pool of scientific articles on this score. However, to accurately answer "scientifically", what is the nature of hypnosis and hypnotherapy mechanisms itself, as, for example, in the textbooks to answer questions about the nature of electricity, is now impossible. This is due to the fact that currently do not have a precise scientific interpretations of even the basic mental processes such as memory, thinking, consciousness, that is, everything that relates to the mental world of man.

hypnosis, Nootropil, Phenotropil, Semax

Brain - this is one of the most complex objects of our world, and it would be rash to assume that all its mechanisms are already specific scientific explanation. Another question is whether there is currently testing scientific hypotheses about the nature of certain psychic phenomena, including hypnosis, more or less confidently explain these phenomena? If we generalize these hypotheses for a brief response, then hypnosis - is one of the natural state of the human brain and the animals that allows them some time to keep immobility or stupor, and at the same time to be awake. Apparently, these states are having an ulterior motive, and preserved in the course of evolution. For the animals, they were particularly biologically significant, as the majority of predators in nature detects its prey by its movement. Therefore, a better chance of survival was obtained those organisms which, when danger could "turn off" to pretend to be a stone or a branch. In this case, obviously, we had to remain on the channels of the "special trust" to control information about the external environment, to monitor the situation and not remain for ever in a daze. To awake your brain you can with the help of Phenotropil, Nootropil, Picamilon, Semax, and Cytamine Complex for Brain functions.

Perhaps for human hypnotic state - throwback, something preserved in it from the animals than it is now necessary "for life" property of the brain. To me personally it seems that nature is in full use of the mechanisms of "animal hypnosis" and for a person saving in it the possibility of forming a "special trust" channels for critical situations, when it is impossible to make a quick full-scale analysis of what is happening and make an independent decision, that is to make a conscious choice. This applies especially to pathological mental states when their cause is hidden from the human mind, and it just can not cope, for example, a neurotic condition. Here to help can come to the doctor - the hypnotist, who, having professional knowledge, open the patient trust channel to avoid a scalpel, and the words, first find out the psychological cause of pathology, and then try again, through the confidence channel to approve the patient in the new knowledge about the Me and a new approach to some life circumstances. For neuroscientists and psychophysiology is no longer a secret that the "channels of trust" - this is not some mystic transfers, and increased sensitivity of the sensory pathways and systems "mirror" neurons to certain physical stimuli, the words, facial expressions, gestures - to everything that for a given subject may be a certain code transition to a state of submission "wise" advisers. It is important that this adviser has always been a man who owns a professional art and technique of hypnosis care.

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