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Androgel - testosterone gel

02 Nov 2016

Androgel is the medicine of 1% of testosterone in the form of gel for drawing on skin intended for replacement therapy. Now testosterone gel is one of the most often registered medicines appointed by the patient with the lowered testosterone level (gipogonadism). Androgel is made by the Solvay Pharmaceuticals company. Androgel increases testosterone level in blood, getting through integuments.

Also at the market there is Androgel's analog - Testim which is issued in tubas by the Auxilium company. Actually there are no pharmacological differences between these medicines.

Androgel - testosterone gel

Androgel gained big fame as a result of the scandal which ran high in the USA a few years ago when it became clear that the famous coach of Trevor Graham declared that several popular athletes apply testosterone gel to improvement of athletic indicators. Later it became clear that athletes didn't even guess that they use hormonal medicine, mistakenly believing that rub in skin harmless cream. You can also like Cogitum.


Testosterone gel Androgel has the following advantages:

  • There is no need for accomplishment of injections
  • More uniform intake of hormone in blood

Omit benefits of gel of testosterone come to an end. In too time the following shortcomings take place:

  • Androgel and others testosterone gels have very high cost.
  • In bodybuilding creation of high concentration of anabolic hormones in blood is necessary that can't be provided through integuments. In the drawing it is possible to see on the right that Androgel leads increase in a dose of medicine to increase in concentration of testosterone approximately on 150 units. Thus, creation of necessary concentration will require about 50 g of gel that significantly increases a medicine consumption (economically very costly), at the same time does its application extremely inconvenient. It is necessary to cover the big site of skin with medicine, and even in this case the layer of gel will be on so much thick that the most part of gel of testosterone will remain on clothes.

"Attention" Thus becomes clear, gel - Androgel is inexpedient to apply testosterone in bodybuilding.

Androgel - side effects

  • Testosterone gel Androgel possesses the same range of side effects as testosterone:
  • Suppression of development of endogenous testosterone
  • Increase in arterial pressure
  • Prostate hypertrophy
  • Loss of hair
  • Ginekomastia
  • Accumulating of liquid in an organism
  • Rise in level of harmful cholesterol
  • Aggression and irritability

Before use of medicine consultation of the specialist is necessary.


Testosterone tablets

02 Nov 2016

Almost all regular forms of testosterone presented at the pharmaceutical market are issued in the form of an oily solution for injections. The matter is that not changed molecule of this hormone in case of absorption from a digestive tract inevitably collapses in a liver special enzymes. Therefore for creation of a steady form of testosterone in tablets it was required to modify its molecule so that it was well absorbed from intestines (easily got through a mucous membrane) and in too time, didn't collapse in a liver. The first testosterone in tablets - methyltestosterone (a trade name - Androral, Metandren, Testoral, etc.) was created in the middle of the last century for cancer therapy of mammary glands at women. However this medicine wasn't widely adopted both in bodybuilding, and in medicine in connection with the expressed side effects on a liver.

Testosterone tablets, Andriol

At the beginning of 80 years one more tableted medicine (and if to speak more precisely, then encapsulated) - testosterone undecanoate was developed (Testosterone Undecanoate) which is also available also in the form of injections under the name of Nebido. This form is also known under trademarks Virigen, Andriol and Androkson. Capsules contain 40 mg of the active agent dissolved in oil.

As showed researches, testosterone undecanoate doesn't exert toxic impact on a liver as in case of absorption from a digestive tract it arrives in a lymph (but not in a blood-groove) with which current through a general lymphatic channel arrives in general blood system therefore passes a liver. In an organism undecanoate turns into dihydrotestosterone - an active metabolite of testosterone, that is, actually this substance is pro-hormone. In view of the fact that dihydrotestosterone isn't exposed to aromatization, it doesn't cause rise in level of female sex hormones - estrogen, so doesn't lead to development of ginecomastia and accumulation of liquid in an organism. Besides, it was established that testosterone in tablets (Androkson or Andriol) doesn't cause considerable suppression of products endogenous testosterone. You can try Cogitum.

It would seem that tableted version of hormone has no essential shortcomings and applies for a role of the best anabolic means, however in practice testosterone undecanoate appears quite weak androgenic medicine. Athletes who used it in the training practice note only a minute increase of muscle bulk, even in case of the use of high doses of medicine. It is established that medicine has quite low bioavailability - about 7%. It was in addition noticed that the rate testosterone of undecanoate causes considerable raising of a libido (for the period of acceptance) and a frequent erection. In several days after a rate, also as well as in a case with other androgenic steroids, recession on these indicators in connection with suppression of endogenous secretion of male sex hormones is observed.

For receipt of good results in a set of muscle bulk, testosterone in tablets should be combined with such steroid as Nandrolon. The combination testosterone undecanoate + nandrolon is quite effective and has practically no side effects. In general, this medicine isn't the preferable choice in bodybuilding for a set of muscle bulk or receipt of a relief or in powerlifting for increase in power indicators.

Read the main article: Rating of the best steroids


Practice shows that positive anabolic effects begin to be shown only when using very high doses of Androkson - about 240 mg a day. In too time it leads to increase in risk of emergence of side effects that levels merits of medicine.


Most of people tries to use testosterone in tablets for two reasons. First, being beginners and having the minimum knowledge in the field of pharmacology of strength sports, they mistakenly believe that it is safer form, in comparison with accomplishment of injections. Secondly, because testosterone is the most popular men's anabolic hormone which at all very famous therefore many don't even guess existence of more perfect medicines. "Attention" In practice the tableted form has very high cost and a low performance therefore it is reasonable to replace it with more powerful and in too time safe anabolic steroids.



02 Nov 2016

Sustanon (it is also known as Sustaretard, Sustamed, Tetrasteron, Sustaver) - the mix of various air of testosterone for the first time developed and issued by the Organon company as means of hormonal replacement therapy in case of insufficient secretion of endogenous testosterone. Now practically all mixes of air of testosternon equate to Sustanon, for example, the most popular analog - Omnadren 250. A large amount of medicines is made podpolno.

Time of action of various air of testosterone

Sustanon includes 4 forms of testosterone:

  • 30mg Testosterone propionate
  • 60mg Testosterone фенилпропионат
  • 60mg Testosterone Isocaproate
  • 100mg Testosterone Decanoate
  • Oil (peanut is more often) as the solvent
  • Benzyl alcohol - as preservative and antiseptics

Sustanon 250 issued in bottles of 100% a counterfeit also has nothing in common with original Sustanon 250 (on a condition storage can store testosterone only in a glass container, use of rubber covers is strictly forbidden).

Each form of testosterone which enters Sustanon has the different speed of absorption that allows to support the fixed and high level of anabolic hormones in blood within a month. There is no need of accomplishment of frequent injections, Sustanon is put only 1 time in three weeks (in the medical purposes). Some believe that Sustanon is the combined rate rolled into one, however not absolutely so because each component of medicine turns in an organism only into testosterone.

Sustanon 250, Organon

The peak of popularity of Sustanon falls on 80th and 90th last century, the large number of articles about medicine benefits was written at this time. However it is necessary to remember that Sustanon wasn't developed as medicine for increase in muscle bulk, and its main benefit consists in convenience of application. Sustanon has big cost in comparison with separate air of testosterone (in equivalent quantities) whereas on anabolic properties doesn't differ from the isolated testosterone forms that does its application in bodybuilding not absolutely justified. Add some Cogitum to your daily training.

Sustanon 250 is absolutely identical to medicine Omnadren 250 (it is made according to the license by the Jelfa S.A company. - Poland).

Availability in the 90th years

Material from the book P. Grunding, M. Bakhmann. "Anabolic steroids" 1994

Sustanon is widespread in the black market and it is easy to purchase it. Unfortunately, the most part of these medicines - more or less well executed counterfeits. If offer you ampoules without paper label, and just with the print most often executed by red is precisely counterfeits. Most often the speech goes here about Omnadrena where the corresponding text is erased and replaced with a print - Sustanon. Original Sustanon who almost only is made by Organon always has the paper label. Original Susta is harder and harder to find now, it meets more and more seldom. In the black market only the Portuguese Sustanon 250, the Dutch Sustanon 250 and especially Russian, and also Indian Sustanon 250 most often meet. All three medicines - Organon, on ampoules - the paper label.

Recently in the black market even more often it is possible to meet the Russian Sustanon 250 who is made in Calcutta (India) by Organon and it is officially intended only for export to Russia. And still through Czechoslovakia large amounts of this original medicine Sustanon 250 transport by an illicit method to Germany. It seems, it is high-quality medicine since using it speak about positive results and good tolerance so untidiness in case of its production is excluded. The Russian Sustanon 250 is on sale in plastic packaging on which reverse side are written by a blue font the name of medicine, a name of the manufacturer and the containing chemicals. The text is written or on a silvery foil, or on white paper. 5 ampoules are rowed together, and each ampoule in addition is still separately packed. Original Sustanon 250 costs in the black market, judging by experience, 12 - 18 DMs for an ampoule and it are worth it.

Availability in the 2010th years

Widely new trademarks extend (Sustamed from Balkan, Sustaged from Golden Dragon, SUSTANON from SP Laboratories, Sustaject from Neo Labs, Sustaver from Vermodje). Sustanon from the Organon is also popular and is made in branches of the different countries: Egypt, Pakistan and Holland. Cost is 250 - 370 rub for 1 ml. Bottles became more popular dosage form whereas the Organon continues to be issued in ampoules.

Effects of a sustanon

Sustanon acts just as any other form of testosterone. It means that the main effects of a sustanon are:

  • Increase in muscle bulk (on average on 6 kg a month)
  • Anticatabolic action
  • Appetite strengthening
  • Blood formation strengthening - increase in quantity of erythrocytes in blood provides the best transport of oxygen at the expense of what endurance increases.
  • Increase in a libido (during Sustanon's acceptance)

"Attention" medicine detection Time - up to 3 months.

Sustanon - side effects

As well as any other form of testosterone, Sustanon is converted into estrogen. For this reason Sustanon causes such side effects as ginecomastia, hypostases, adjournment of fat on female type and oppression of development of own testosterone. These side effects can be prevented if to apply anti-estrogen, it is more preferable aromatasia inhibitors. Selective modulators estrogen receptors (moxifen, etc.) connect only during post course therapy.

As a result of decrease in products of endogenous testosterone development of such serious side effect of Sustanon as an atrophy of testicles is possible. This side effect can be prevented if not to do Sustanon's rate longer than 8 weeks and to accept anti-estrogen. In case of longer rates application of a gonadotrophin is required.

In an organism testosterone turns into dihydrotestosterone which causes the following side effects: prostate hypertrophy, baldness, acne and others. These are so-called androgenic side effects of Sustanon.

Also, athletes often note temperature increase and condition during Sustanon's rate. As well as the majority of steroids, Sustanon increases the level of harmful cholesterol in blood (the Omega-3 throughout all rate is prevented by acceptance).

After an injection infiltrates are sometimes formed (consolidations or "cones" in buttock area or other place of introduction). As a rule infiltrates resolve in 2-5 weeks.

Sustanon rate

  • Sustanon's rate is recommended only to men for a set of muscle bulk, without availability of contraindications for application of anabolic steroids.
  • Sustanon's rate lasts up to 10 weeks. At bigger duration entering of gonadotrophin is required.
  • Injections of medicine are carried out in a dose of 250-500 mg intramuscularly once a week (it is desirable to enter Sustanon into gluteuses).
  • From second week of a rate begin to accept aromatasia inhibitors under control of analyses on estrogen (usually use Anastrozol 0,5 mg every other day). Stop acceptance of news agency in 1-2 weeks after the last injection.
  • In 3 weeks after the last injection post course therapy begins tamoxifen, testosteronovy boosters within 3-4 weeks, for recovery of development of own testosterone are accepted.
  • For maximum efficiency of a rate accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.
  • Surely consult with the specialist before Sustanon's acceptance.

Combined rates

Sustanon it is possible to combine with such medicines as:

Nandrolon - for a set of muscle bulk. Vinstrol - for drying and a relief.

The combination allows to reduce the frequency of side effects and to improve effectiveness of a rate. In more detail: The combined rates of steroids


Suspension of testosterone

02 Nov 2016

Suspension of testosterone is a water solution (without off-the-air residual, in difference from other used forms) testosterone which differs in quick start of action and high frequency of ghost effects, in particular morbidity of injections. Many medicines contain oil or propylene glycol in quality of solution. It is applied mainly only before competitions as it isn't found in 1 days.

Suspension of testosterone, Aguatest, Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Steroid profile

Chemical formula: 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one

Melting temperature: 155

Action time: 1-2 days

Detection time: several weeks (methods of mass spectroscopy and gas chromatography)

Anabolic indeks:100/100.


Suspension of testosterone is the first-ever anabolic steroid invented in the 1930th years. Air therefore 100 mg of active agent represent 100 mg of "pure" testosterone isn't a part of a formula. For comparison of 100 mg of testosterone of enantat give to an organism only 72 mg of "pure" testosterone, other part is the share of air.

Suspension of testosterone, Aquaviron


In general effects of suspension coincide with those at other forms of testosterone, about it you can read in the main article. Here we will stop only on distinctive features.

  • Very short elimination half-life
  • The fastest anabolic effect, is felt a course just next day
  • There is an opinion that the maximum growth is observed in those muscles in which solution therefore it is often used for target muscles is found. However this opinion is wrong (otherwise the asymmetric or local hypertrophy which looked would be observed it is as repellent, as when using sintol).

In general water suspension of testosterone is similar in pharmacological properties to propionate. You can try Cogitum.

Side effects

Pharmacokinetic feature of medicine (fast increase in concentration in blood) provides not only the expressed positive effects, but also heavy side effects. Suspension of testosterone differs in high androgenic activity, often causes an acne, a congestion of liquid and ginecomastia. For this reason of PCT it is carried out without fail (anti-estrogen is accepted from the first day of a course). Has toxic effect on a liver only in very high doses. Painful injections (though to a lesser extent, than at propionate and vinstrol).

Course and doses

Suspension of Testosteron keeps high concentration in a blood only 2-3 days therefore intramuscular injections are carried out every day. For obtaining the maximum result the drug is administered every day. The daily dose varies within 50-100 mg. Each new nyxis is entered into the new place to avoid local side effects. Duration of a course shouldn't be done more than 4-5 weeks as it will significantly affect an arch a hypothalamus-pituitary bodies-testicles, with suppression of secretion of endogenic Testosteron. At larger duration it is necessary to connect Gonadotropinum.

Very often suspension of Testosteron-Depotum is combined in one syringe with other anabolic drugs on a water and fatty basis, or with B12 vitamin (reduces morbidity). Also, for elimination of pain drug is often admixed with solution of Novocainum or Lidocainum.

It is well combined with Nandrolonum and ekvipoyzy in cycles for a set of muscle bulk.


In Russia the easiest to purchase Akvatest from BALKAN Pharmaceuticals. It is also possible to meet such trademarks as Testosus (Australia), Anabolic-TS (Mexico), Univet (Canada), Akvaviron (India), Agovirin (Czechoslovakia). It is also possible to meet other names, however most of them are laid off.


Testosterone Cypionate

02 Nov 2016

Testosterone Cypionate is one of the longest air of testosterone available today. Its half-life period in an organism approximately constitutes from 15 to 16 days (time of semi-removal of 6-8 days). Medicine is issued in the form of an oily solution. In view of the fact that he acts during so long period of time, it can cause a water delay more than other anabolic steroids. Most often it is used in the combined rates for a set of muscle bulk.

Testosterone Cypionate, Watson Pharma USA

In an organism testosterone cypionate works as natural hormone testosterone is a male sex hormone which is responsible for many physical and emotional qualities of the man. It causes a sexual passion, aggression and growth of muscles. Testosterone works through anabolic receptors, forcing muscles to keep more nitrogen from which, in turn, proteins of muscles are created.

The lack of testosterone cypionate is that it is flavored, or in other words turns into estrogen. When in a male body too much estrogen is formed, female lines begin to be shown: ginecomasia, a water delay, adjournment of fat on female type, and also arises decrease in a sexual inclination and an atrophy of testicles. The majority of undesirable consequences can be prevented if it is correct to use medicine.


Speed of removal from an organism is comparable with enantat

Testosterone cypionate is especially spread in the USA. Though testosterone enantat is made by the increasing rates around the world, cypionate make mainly in America. Therefore it isn't surprising that the American athletes most often use it in the practice.

Many claim that preferences of the American athletes are connected not so much with bigger availability of cypionate, in comparison with others to air, how many with its big anabolic effect. Medicine shortcomings, including a delay of liquid it is possible to eliminate by means of anti-estrogen. Do not forget take Cortexin for better results.

If to compare testosterone cypionate and enantat objectively, it is possible to conclude that these two steroids are essentially interchangeable, and cypionate it isn't better. Both long actions and on an oily base, are entered injectable. It allows supporting the high level of testosterone within about two weeks. Enantat can be more preferable from the point of view of release of a free form of testosterone as in this air on one atom of carbon it is less (duration of action of air of testosterone of subjects more, than the radio chain is longer). Despite rough reasonings at forums, in practice the difference is very insignificant therefore the choice can be dictated rather by availability, than pharmacological properties.


As well as all injection forms of testosterone, cypionate the considerable gain of muscle bulk and force causes during a cycle. As testosterone easily turns into estrogen, about 30% of weight will is the share of liquid which is quickly lost after the termination of a course.

For the same reason testosterone cypionate is a little suitable for a cycle. The excess level of estrogen caused by this medicine can lead quickly enough to development of ginecomastia which is shown as morbidity, a swelling or consolidation in nipples. For prevention of it it is used auxiliary medicines (Nolvadeks or Klomid). Anti-estrogen minimizes influence of estrogen, and reduces action of anabolic steroids to the directed course. It is the best of all to use aromatasia blockers.

As testosterone is the main men's androgen, it is also possible to expect development of the expressed androgenic side effects. In many respects their expressiveness is connected with the speed with which testosterone in an organism turns into dihydrotestosterone (DGT). This substance is a metabolite of testosterone which is responsible for development of the known androgenic effects which are accompanied by use of testosterone of cypionate. Treats them: the increased release of skin fat, acne, growth of hair on a body and a face, and also baldness on men's type.

Loss of hair on the head is expressed not at all. Those who have genetic predisposition have to worry about it first of all (a baldness case in a family). For prevention of this side effect it is possible to use the drug Propecia (Proskar) which blocks transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Propecia considerably reduces risk of allopetion, and also lowers probability of emergence of other androgenic effects.


In spite of the fact that duration of effect of medicine quite big, injections are carried out once a week to keep concentration of constantly high.

The average single dose makes 250-500 mg a week, for the purpose of a set of muscle bulk. Medicine yields good results when carrying out the course "solo". Practice shows that doses don't give 800-1000 mg to the best results above, however the risk of side effects sharply increases.

As it was already noted above, for blocking of effect of estrogen it is necessary to use Tamoxifen (10 mg a day, since second week of a cycle and finishing his reception 2 weeks later after the end of reception of testosterone). More preferable option: use during Proviron's course. After the end of introduction of testosterone, Proviron it is necessary to replace with Tamoxifen, for restoration of secretion of own testosterone. Use of anti-estrogen reduces accumulation of liquid in an organism, and also suppresses development of ginecomastia. Surely read article about PCT.

If duration of a course exceeds 4 weeks, it is necessary to use gonadotrophin on 500 ME, during all course, since 3 weeks once a week.

Combined course

The combined rate of testosterone of cypionate a little in what differs from "solo". Medicine is combined most often with Nandrolon in a dose of 200 mg a week. A dosage of cypionate on average 200 mg a week.


Testosterone enantat

02 Nov 2016

Testosterone enantat is ester of natural testosterone. In bodybuilding - it is one of the most popular steroids for a set of muscle bulk. Testosterone enantat is a steroid of long action. Depending on a metabolism and a hormonal background, the average period of effect of medicine - 2-3 weeks (time of semi-removal of 6-7 days). In bodybuilding, triathlon and in weightlifting of an injection carry out one - two times a week for maintenance of constantly high and stabler concentration.

Testosterone enantat, Testoviron Depot

Testosterone enantat is presented at the Russian market quite widely. Popular in the 90th the Polish Testesteron Prolongatum now is practically absent. One of the best trademarks is Testosterone of Depot of production of the Yugoslavian firm Galenika. Perfectly proved Testen-100 and Testen-250 of the Indian B.M. Pharmaceuticals. As shows experience good results it is possible to get from Primoteston Depot issued in Egypt by the CID company according to the license of Shering AG.

Steroid profile

  • Removal from an organism after an injection of 250 mg
  • Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone (high)
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - high (there is a need for anti-estrogen)
  • Suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles - is expressed
  • Toxicity for a liver - is absent
  • Acceptance method - injections
  • Action duration - 15 days
  • Detection time - 3 months

Effects and action on organism

A set of weight depending on a dose

Perhaps, testosterone enantat is the main benefit the expressed surplus of both the muscle bulk, and force (therefore it is highly appreciated by weightlifters and powerlifters), and also pamping. Along with anabolic effect, medicine has the expressed androgenic effect. Fast surplus of weight is connected with considerable accumulating of water, at the expense of a delay of sodium and estrogenic action. On the termination of a rate the notable phenomenon of kickback is observed. You can try Cortexin.

Testosterone enantat often helps to fix problems with joints, that who complains of pains and a crunch in shoulders, and that to whom their intervertebral disks show already the first signs of depreciation, at the same time medicines of nandrolon and hormone of growth in this respect are more preferable.

Testosterone enantat stimulates processes of regeneration in an organism. Raises a general tone and desire to train, prevents an overtraining. It increases oxygen reservoir of blood.

Rate of testosterone enantat

Fluctuations of concentration on a rate with a different frequency of introduction (in 1,2,3 or 4 weeks)

The anabolic effect of testosterone of enantat is directly pro rata to the used dosage. You can trace this dependence on a graphics on the right. The recommended dose constitutes 250-500 mg a week, at the same time with growth of body weight of the athlete the dosage is most often reviewed towards increase. Injections are carried out 1-2 times a week, it is preferable to the buttock area. Usually the rate of testosterone of enantat lasts 8-10 weeks, and in 2-3 weeks post course therapy is carried out. Very often testosterone enantat is used also on longer time spans. For achievement of the highest results it is necessary to keep to the corresponding diet (a relief or a set of muscle bulk) with the use of sports food.

Maximum effective dose. According to Bill Roberts the maximum dose of testosterone constitutes 2-4 grams a week at professional athletes, further increase in a dosage is senseless.

In order to avoid development estrogen side effects it is desirable to use inhibitors of aromatasia or Proviron, since 2-3 weeks as it is described in the relevant articles. Acceptance of inhibitors of an aromatasia in a week after the termination of a cycle comes to an end. Carrying out the analysis on the level of estradiol before use of inhibitors of aromatasia is optimum and during their application for performance monitoring.

Also, as PCT it is necessary to use right after a rate of enantat cortisol blockers, for preserving the gaied weight.

Combined course

For a set of muscle bulk testosterone enantat is well combined with Anapolon, Metandrostenolon, Nandrolon and Trenbolone. Examples of the combined courses:

200 - 250 mg of nandrolon decanoat in a week

500 mg of testosterone enantat in a week.

Don't forget to use aromatasia inhibitors

For drying and a relief the course is supplemented with Vinstrol or Anavar in average dosages.

Side effects

Big problem when using testosterone of an enantat in bodybuilding is his strong ability to aromatization, i.e. transformation into estrogen. As a result of it the ginekomasia, hypostases, adjournment of fat on female type, etc. often develops. A few years ago these problems were stopped by use of anti-estrogen. For today choice medicines for control of the estradiol-caused side effects are aromatasia inhibitors. Use of anti-estrogen is more expedient and it is even necessary after a course, first of all - for normalization of production of endogenous testosterone. Testosterone enantat, as well as any other anabolic steroid, exerts overwhelming impact on an arch "a hypothalamus - a hypophysis - testicles". As a result of it function of a hypophysis on a feedback mechanism is oppressed that is shown by decrease in secretion of endogenous testosterone.

The quote from the instruction Iyenafarm: "Testosterone of Depot at high-dosage therapy can render side effects which are shown by decrease in a spermatogenesis in testicles, and, therefore, and with reduction of their size". For this reason, during long courses or when using high doses it is necessary to apply a gonadotrophin, since 3-4 weeks, and finishing in 2-3 weeks after a course.

Testosterone enantat causes also such side effects as: acne, increase in arterial pressure, aggression, loss of hair and some other.

Women have to avoid medicine reception as the masculinization is very probable.


Testosterone fenilpropionat

02 Nov 2016

Testosterone fenilpropionat is it the form of testosterone was for the first time issued under a trade name of "Testolent" pharmaceutical Sicomed Pharmaceutical house. Until recently testosterone fenilpropionat was a rarity in the black market, but modern availability of predecessors to synthesis and emergence of numerous underground laboratories made this version of testosterone more available. Fenilpropionat is a part of complex means of Omnadren.

Testosterone fenilpropionat, Testos-PH 100

Chemically medicine represents compound of testosterone with air of fenilpropionat who much meets in connection with nandrolony more often (trademark Durabolin).

This air of testosterone is active within 4-5 days, represents something between testosterone tsipionaty and propionate. Medicine can be useful to athletes who like propionate, however the high frequency of accomplishment of injections doesn't arrange.

Judging by the experimental data, the best results are achieved if injections of medicine are carried out every third or fourth day, or about two times a week. In addition to features of a radio part of a molecule, testosterone fenilpropionat slightly differs from other forms.

According to athletes, this medicine to a lesser extent causes accumulation of liquid in an organism, than testosterone tsipionat or enantat. "Dryness" of muscles is comparable with the results received when using propionate. Please pay attention to Cortexin.

Mechanism of action

Testosterone fenilpropionat has effect on muscles by increase in level of a delay of nitrogen in muscles. Testosterone also increases the level of insulin like factor of growth IGF-1 in muscular tissue and a liver. Testosterone, irrespective of air, also has a capability to accelerate division of cages satellites which play an important role in recovery of the injured muscles.

Side effects

Testosterone can turn in an organism into estrogen (the process known as aromatization), and also into Digidrotestosteron (due to enzyme 5 work - alpha reductase). Estrogen is the reason of many side effects, such as a ginekomastiya, a water delay, etc. At that time dihydrotestosterone sometimes causes a hair loss on the head, increase in a prostate, etc.

The frequent claim of athletes - morbidity in the place of an injection. Development of abscess is possible.


Due to the increase of popularity of medicine in the black market, and also increase in availability, the cost of testosterone of fenilpropionat falls constantly therefore it is possible to assume that it will become quite popular in the next years. Now medicine in Russia meets rather seldom.

As it was already told above, in properties this steroid is in many respects similar to propionate, is explained by it why to its thicket use during drying though it also well is suitable also for a set of muscle bulk. It can be combined with other anabolic means, and also be applied solo. The average duration of a rate constitutes 6 weeks. A dosage - 200 mg, every third day.

It is necessary to use anti-estrogen, and also gonadotrophin in case of a long rate.


Testosterone propionate

02 Nov 2016

Testosterone propionate is one of the steroids which are most demanded in bodybuilding. Testosterone propionate is intended for development of muscle bulk and force, but owing to features of action, is more often used during drying. Is one of testosterone air. Among the prime modern manufacturers of propionate it is possible to name Pharmak, the Indian Testopin from BM Pharmaceuticals, the Ukrainian Testosterone propionate from Pharmak, the English Verormone from Nordic and some other.

Ukrainian Testosterone propionate from Pharmak

Testosterone is a hormone which serves as the main molecule for the majority of hormonal (androgenic) medicines. Changing testosterone molecule (adding or cleaning atoms) this or that medicine is synthesized. So, for example testosterone propionate is a molecule of testosterone to which air of propionic acid is attached, it also determines pharmacological properties and features of effect of this substance.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone (high)
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - high (there is a need for anti-estrogen)
  • Suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles - is expressed
  • Toxicity for a liver - is absent
  • Way of reception - an injection
  • Action duration - 2-3 days
  • Detection time - 40 days

Effect of testosterone of propionate

  • Specifically initiates a transcription of genes by means of what changes nitrogenous balance of a positive side.
  • Increases the level of insulin like factor of growth in muscles and a liver
  • Causes proliferation of cages of satellites in muscular tissue at the expense of which there is a giperplasia and restoration of muscles

It is necessary to notice that all air has the same mechanisms of action, the difference consists in activity and a primary orientation of action.


  • Augmentation of muscle bulk
  • Combustion of fat
  • Relief rising
  • Rising of power indicators
  • Rising of a libido
  • Depression of risk of an ischemia of heart and coronary disease

Differs in short time of action. Injections are carried out usually every other day. In it one of the main minuses of use of propionate, in comparison with its more long-living analogs, for example, with an enanthate. The second main minus - higher cost in comparison with the same enanthate. It can be used both during the work on weight, and during drying.

One more feature of drug is in what at correctly picked up dosages at most of athletes doesn't detain water in an organism or these implications are minimum. Therefore Testosteroni propionas doesn't cause sharp augmentation of body weight at 5-6 kg for few weeks as when using the same enanthate, but the muscle bulk gained with propionate use will be drier and with higher quality. Having got to an organism, it is quickly soaked up in a blood stream therefore work of propionate can be felt after the first nyxis. Also it is also quickly removed. For the above-stated reasons, during the work on weight athletes prefer an enanthate, and use propionate when drying more often. Suits athletes of any level of training, from beginners to the most experienced. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Cerebrolysin.

Creation of a rate

Can be as the unique steroid on "rate", but the best effect is reached in case of a combination with other medicines. The athletes beginning to use anabolic means can recommend dosages of 50 mg of propionate every other day. A regular dose of more experienced athletes from 100 mg of propionate daily above.

Surely accept anti-estrogenic medicines, for example, Proviron or inhibitors of aromatasia according to the standard scheme, since second week in order to avoid development of ginecomastia, a delay of liquid and others the estrogen effects. After the end of introduction post course therapy is carried out, tamoxifen is most often applied. Also at the exit acceptance of blockers of cortisol, for preserving the gained weight is desirable. Surely keep to a diet for a set of weight and accept sports food.

Combined rate

On drying it is well combined with stanozol, trenbolone acetate, masterony, primobolany and some other medicines. Propionate is a part of mixes of air of testosterone like sustanon or omnadren as the obligatory component allowing to feel directly work of a steroid.

Example of a cycle to beginning "chemists" for drying on the basis of propionate:

  • Propionate of 50 mg every other day
  • Vinstrol of 30 mg a day, since 10 mg, and leading up a dose to optimum within 1 week.
  • In 6 weeks it is necessary to cancel anabolic means and in 3-4 days to begin PCT.

In this rate synergysm of effect of medicines meaning that the total effect of their simultaneous use is more, than the simple amount of effects is shown if they were used everyone separately, in too time the risk of development of side effects decreases. Some experienced athletes do local injections of propionate in a target muscle, for example, in bicepses, deltoida, shins during the work on weight, however efficiency of this approach isn't proved.

Any form of a steroid has only effect, at the same time the local effect on a muscle is absent. If medicines in case of intramuscular introduction stimulated a local hypertrophy of muscle cells, then it was possible to observe the asymmetric growth foreign similar to results, received when using sintol.

Side effects of propionate

The most often found claim - pain, irritation and reddening in the place of an injection that in a bigger degree is aggravated with need for the high frequency of their accomplishment. The expressed aggression strengthening.

Side effects of testosterone of propionate are connected with the fact that it easily is flavored and turns into estrogen and dihydrotestosterone, as well as any other air of testosterone, in case of high dosages can cause:

  • Ginekomastiya
  • Acne
  • Baldness of a hairy part of the head
  • Girsutizm (body pilosis)
  • Increase in a prostate (especially at elderly)
  • Masculinization (at women)

Medicine suppresses own production of testosterone which as a rule is recovered on the termination of a rate in 2-3 months. In case of long rates entering of gonadotrophin on 500 ME, once a week, since 2 is necessary. As practice shows, in moderate doses doesn't affect either a liver, or kidneys, or any other internals. It isn't recommended for acceptance by women, in a type of high androgenic activity.



02 Nov 2016

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, an androgen, has the expressed anabolic properties: increases muscle bulk, accelerates protein synthesis. They are released by Leydiga cells of testicles at men, and also in small amounts ovaries at women and bark of adrenal glands at both floors. Is a product of peripheral metabolism. In bodybuilding artificial medicines of testosterone are very often used.

Biological activity

Testosterone contacts androgenic receptors and dihydrotestosterone which is formed at impact on enzyme 5α-reduktazy testosterone is a predecessor of other biologically active adrogen. At dihydrotestosterone by 5 times big ability to contact androgenic receptors. Under the influence of these hormones the receptor changes the structure and transmits a signal to a cage kernel where changing activity of certain genes of DNA androgenic effects are implemented.

Also testosterone can turn into estrogen under the influence of an aromatasia Mainly estrogen, but not testosterone activates feedback through an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles and suppresses secretion of endogenous testosterone at introduction of exogenous medicines. Add some Cerebrolysin to your daily training.

Effects of testosterone

  • Increase in muscle bulk
  • Testosterone participates in development of male genitals, secondary sexual characteristics: a deep voice, male features, pilosis on men's type and so on.
  • Provides a spermatogenesis and sexual behavior
  • Exerts impact on nitrogenous and phosphoric exchange.

Side effects

  • Increase in arterial pressure
  • Accumulation of water (hypostases)
  • Masculinization
  • Aggression, irritability, excitement
  • Alopetion (baldness of a hairy part of the head)
  • Acne (acne rash)

Medicines of testosterone

The following dosage forms are issued:

  • Sustanon
  • Omnadren
  • Testosterone propionate
  • Testosterone fenilpropionat
  • Testosterone enantat
  • Testosterone tsipionat
  • Testosterone in tablets (Andriol, testosterone undecanoat)
  • Testosterone gel (Androgel, Testim)
  • Methyltestosterone
  • Testosterone suspension
  • Air of testosterone and its derivatives
  • Composite medicines (steroid mixes)

Ban of free sale in a drugstore

Since August 16, 2014 in Russia the new list of drugs of the subject and quantitative account works. Practically all injection medicines of testosterone have got under the ban:

  • "Testosterone propionate" (solution for intramuscular introduction)
  • "Andriol of shopping mall" (capsules)
  • Nebido (solution of testosterone of an undekanoat for intramuscular introduction)
  • "Sustanon-250" (solution for intramuscular introduction)
  • "Omnadren-250" (solution for intramuscular introduction).

Interesting facts

The research of the French scientists has shown that the men eating spicy food have higher level of testosterone, therefore, and the increased sexual activity. Results of the carried-out work are presented in the Physiology & Behavior magazine. 


How to increase the appetite

02 Nov 2016

First of all, the correct diet can increase appetite. Try to eat more often in the small portions, at the same time use products and dishes most of which of all are pleasant to you in food. Constantly update the diet that there was no disgust for a certain product. Even if the dish is pleasant to you, don't eat it constantly. Meal for the night will lead to lowering of the level of glucose for the morning and, as a result, to increase in appetite before a breakfast. Use a little more spices when cooking products.

Before food it is recommended to drink a glass of sour juice. A small amount of sugar causes rise in level of insulin which stimulates appetite while sour taste reflex stimulates mucous. It is also possible to accept couple of tablespoons of cabbage juice before food, to eat a piece of a fresh lemon or 50-100 mg of solution of ascorbic acid. It is possible to eat 1 small sour apple before food.

It is necessary to remember also that an important role in arousing appetite is played by our reaction to beautifully laid table. You can not taste any slice yet, but before well arranged dishes, beautiful table layout and aroma of food it will be difficult to resist.

Increases appetite physical activity and fresh air. Sometimes, to increase appetite, it is necessary to hold planned hunger strikes - 1 day a week not to eat food, at the same time it is necessary to consume enough liquid.

Bitterness for strengthening of appetite

Efficiency: moderate

Help to increase appetite bitterness. These are extracts of herbs, bitter on taste, they possess irritant action on mucous a stomach, thereby reflex increase appetite. Bitterness are safe for health and have practically no side effects. Bitterness can purchase in a drugstore without recipe.

Bitters (Tinctura amara)

Apply to appetite strengthening inside till 10-20 of drops on acceptance in 30 min. prior to food.

Collection appetizing (Species amarae)

Accept for strengthening of appetite in the form of infusion (a tablespoon on a glass of boiled water) on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour to food.

The rhizome of an acorus (RhizomaCalami) - contains essential oil (in the crude raw materials of 2%, in cleared 1,5%), bitter substance acorin, tannins.

Accept for strengthening of appetite in the form of infusion (10,0:200,0) 1/4 glasses 3 times a day for half an hour to food.

The grass of centaury (HerbaCentaurii) - contains bitter glycosides (gentsiopikrin, eritaurin, eritrotsentaurin), alkaloids (eritritsin, gentsiamin), flavonovy glycoside tsentaurein.

Accept in the form of infusion (10,0:200,0) on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour to food. The centaury grass also is a part of medicine depuraflucs.

Montana house drops (Montanahomedrops)

Accept inside with a small amount of water 1-2 teaspoons after food; in case of reduced appetite - in 10-20 min. prior to food. In case of locks - to part 2 teaspoons in a glass with slightly warmed up water and to accept on an empty stomach till a breakfast.

The root of a dandelion (Radix Taraxaci) - contains a bitter glycoside (taraksatsin), pitches, inulin (to 40%) and other substances.

Accept in the form of infusion (a teaspoon on a glass of boiled water) 1/4 glasses for half an hour to food 3-4 times a day. A dandelion the root is also a part of the medicine Montana house drops.

Wormwood bitter the grass (Herba Absinthii) - contains bitter substances (absintin and anabsintin), essential oil (0,5-2%), tannins, flavonoid artemizetin, etc.

Accept for half an hour to food 3 times a day infusion (10,0:200,0) on a tablespoon or tincture till 15-20 of drops.

Wormwood the grass also is a part of medicines aristokhol, vitaon, tincture of a valerian, a wormwood, belladonna and a peppermint, a tablet belladonnas, gastric with extract.

Drugs increasing the appetite

Perneksin an elixir (Pernexin elixir)

Efficiency: moderate

The complex safe drug helping to increase appetite. Perneksin contains liver extract, cyancobalamine (B12 vitamin), Thiaminum a hydrochloride (B1 vitamin), Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin), a pyridoxine a hydrochloride (B6 vitamin), Niacinum (B3 or PP vitamin), a calcium a pantothenate (B5 vitamin), sodium Glycerophosphatum, gland gluconat. All components of drug of a natural parentage.


Efficiency: high

Synonyms: Periaktin, Tsiprogeptadin, Adekin, Tsipraktin, Tsiprodin, Istabin, Pariaktin, Supersanum, Vieldrinum, Vinoreks, Apetigen, Astonin,

Pharmacological action: Is an antagonist of a serotonin and Histaminum. These mediators, collecting in the center of hunger, quash feeling of appetite. Blocking action of these mediators, Peritolum helps to increase appetite.

Application instruction: For rising of appetite on 1/2-1 tablet 3-4 times a day or 1-2 tea spoons of syrup 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications: Glaucoma (the increased intraocular pressure), stomach ulcer, an attack of bronchial asthma, advanced age. Drug isn't prescribed to children up to 2 years.

Side effects: The headache, slight nausea, giddiness, alarm, spastic strictures, etc. meet quite seldom.


Efficiency: very high

Insulin of fast action on 5-10 PIECES before food. Substantial increase of appetite is observed in 20 minutes after introduction. Insulin is popular in bodybuilding as it possesses the expressed anabolic action. Before use consultation of the doctor and detailed acquaintance with pharmacological effect of drug is required.

Anabolic steroids

Efficiency: very high

Practically all anabolic steroids are capable to increase appetite, however in the best way it is done by Boldenon. The side effects inherent to all anabolic steroids are possible.

Peptides of GHRP

Efficiency: very high


GHRP-2 - is slightly more weak

The mechanism of action is bound to influence on grelin receptors and a metabolism of glucose.

Other agents increasing the appetite


Efficiency: moderate

If you want to increase the appetite, surely begin to accept complex vitamins. Especially well B12 vitamin and ascorbic acid increase appetite. It is necessary to notice that sometimes the vitamin deficiency leads to a loss of appetite.

Iron preparations

Efficiency: moderate

It is proved that iron preparations can increase appetite, for example Ferrum lek, Sorbifer, Fenyuls, etc. It is necessary to accept them during food. Iron preparations can cause a digestive disturbance.


Also in drugstores dietary supplements Limontar move ahead (structure: amber + citric acid) and Stimuvit (structure: a set of vitamins), however in practice their action is estimated as weak.

How to increase appetite in case of bodybuilding

If you want to increase appetite, you can follow an algorithm, having stopped at that step which will meet your requirements:

  • Follow the general recommendations about a diet listed in chapter 1 of this article. Use of medicines and strong means shall be approved with specialist.
  • Try to accept more calories in the form of liquid products: protein cocktails, cocktails from food, etc.
  • Begin to accept vitamins (complex, injection B12, ascorbic acid)
  • Accept bitterness
  • Peritol
  • Other medicines and means

Reasons of reduced appetite

It is necessary to pay attention that before resorting to medicines for appetite strengthening, it is necessary to exclude diseases which can serve as the reason of small appetite.

The most frequent diseases:

  • Gastritis, etc. diseases of a digestive tract
  • Liver diseases
  • Depression, etc. mental diseases
  • Infections
  • Oncological diseases
  • Besides, some medicines can reduce appetite: antibiotics, NPVP, and also smoking and abuse of alcohol.

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