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Boldenone undecylenate

03 Nov 2016

Boldenone undecylenate (it is also known under the Equipoise trademark (Equipoise), Boldabol, Boldebal, Boldesten, Ganabol) - the anabolic steroid developed for application in veterinary science. Medicine was created as Metandrostenolon's version of long action, however the steroid which has absolutely other properties, despite chemical similarity of molecules was as a result received. Boldenone represents Dianabol's molecule which is deprived 17 - alpha and methyl group (this part of a molecule does possible Dianabol's passing through a liver, without collapsing). If to compare by Boldenon's efficiency undecylenate and Dianabol, then the received results in a set of weight and increase in force almost identical.

Equipoise Boldenone undecylenate

Chemically represents testosterone molecule which has double communication between the 1 and 2 atom of carbon. This modification made boldenone same powerful as testosterone, on anabolic properties whereas androgenic properties of medicine are expressed twice more weakly. Nevertheless, practice shows that it allows receiving smaller results, than equivalent amount of testosterone.

Boldenone undesilenat often compare to Nandrolon, obviously, it is connected with the book Dan Duchaine where the author draws parallels between two of these medicines, noting nevertheless that boldenone stronger anabolic steroid. Actually Boldenone and Nandrolon act variously. Nandrolon is progestin and 19 holes a steroid whereas Boldenone is closer to testosterone. After Dan Duchaine changed the opinion concerning similarity of medicines, however at forums it is possible to meet still messages in which Boldenone and Nandrolon because of similarity isn't recommended to combine. Dan Duchaine also writes that Ekvipoyz is suitable for receipt of a relief and a venous more, than for a set of muscle bulk.

New forms of medicine: boldenone and boldenone propionate the same effects have acetate, distinction consists only in action duration.

Steroid profile

  • Androgenic index – 50;
  • Anabolic index – 100;
  • Estrogenic activity – low;
  • Progestagenny activity – very low
  • Elimination half-life - 14 days
  • Toxicity for a liver - No.
  • Medicine removal term - 4-5 months

Effects of boldenone

The athletes accepting boldenone most often report on a slow, but high-quality set of muscle bulk. There is an opinion that the slow effect of medicine is connected with long air (undesilenat) which is attached to a molecul. Undesilenat is 1 atom longer, than decanoat. For this reason it is possible to expect slower and long growth of muscles in time Ekvipoyz of a rate, than during Nandrolon's rate. This circumstance also determines rate duration - up to 10 weeks. As well as the Sound board, Ekvipoyz long time is determined in an organism what the competing athletes shall remember. You can also like Nootropil.

Medicine increases power indicators and considerably increases appetite.

It substantially stimulates blood formation. Increase in content of erythrocytes improves delivery of oxygen to muscles. It does this steroid attractive to athletes.

Boldenone - side effects

Double communication between the 1 and 2 atom of carbon is responsible for many properties. First of all, it slows down aromatization process (transformation into estrogen) of medicine. If to compare to testosterone, then the level of conversion of boldenone is twice lower. Athletes practically never note the side effects of boldenone connected with estrogen (ginekomastia, hypostases, increase in pressure) even if the dose of medicine reaches 1 g a week. It means that during the course there is no need of acceptance of anti-estrogen.

Low androgenic activity allows to use it forwomen. The phenomena of virilization arise quite seldom, in comparison with other medicines. Boldenon is one of the few injection medicines which can be applied in female bodybuilding with the smallest danger of development of side effects.

The same double communication provides resistance to enzyme 5 - alpha reductase. This enzyme converts insignificant quantity of a boldenon which is a powerful androgen (7 times more powerfully than testosterone). Therefore medicine practically doesn't cause such androgenic side effects baldness, acne, prostate hypertrophy, etc., and also to a lesser extent suppresses testosterone products in an organism.

Boldenone cours (dosages)

The optimum dosage of a boldenone constitutes 400-800 mg, once a week. The smaller dosage is usually ineffective, the big dosage doesn't result in the best results, however the risk of side effects increases.

The rate of a boldenone lasts 8-10 weeks.

It is well combined with other steroids: vinstrol and anavar- a drying rate; testosterone and trenbolone - a rate of set of weight (in this case duration of a rate decreases to 6 weeks as the combination substantially suppresses development of own testosterone, and also it is necessary to accept anti-estrogen during a rate.

Consult with the specialist before beginning a course.

In 2 weeks after the termination of a rate carry out by PCT and begin to accept testosteron boosters within a month, for recovery of development of own testosterone.

For maximum efficiency of a rate accept a complex for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.

The combined rate on weight

Boldenone + testosterone enantat

It is required:

  • Equipose 200 or 250mg/ml
  • Testosterone enantat 250 mg/ml
  • Tamoxifen of 10 mg of a tablet
  • Anastrozol (1 mg / òàá), or Letrozole (2,5 mg / tab)

It is one of the best rates for beginners. It allows to lower testosterone dosage, without prejudice to anabolic effect, thereby reducing internal conversion of steroids in estrogen, and also androgenic activity of a rate. Tamoxifen almost completely eliminates a possibility of development of side effects.

  • Week 1 - 8: Ekvipoyz 800mg/in week
  • Week 1 – 8: Testosterone enantat 500mg/ml
  • Week 1-10: Anastrozol or Letrozole on analysis results on estradiol
  • Week 11 - 13: Tamoxifen on 20 mg a day
  • Week 14: Tamoxifen on 10 mg a day

Combined course for a set of dry weight

It is required:

  • Boldenone 200mg/ml
  • Testosterone propionate 100mg/ml
  • Vinstrol 50mg/ml (or in tablets)
  • Anastrozol (1 mg / òàá), or Letrozole (2,5 mg / òàá)
  • Tamoxifen - 20 mg of a tablet

This course in many respects resembles on previous, however Vinstrol's inclusion in him allows to improve quality of the gained muscle bulk.

  • Week 1 - 8: Equipoise 800mg/in week
  • Week 1 – 8: Testosterone propionate 100mg/ml every other day
  • Week 6 - 10: Vinstrol 50mg/everyone day (or on 10-20 mg a day, in tablets)
  • Week 1-10: Anastrozol or Letrozole by results of the analysis on estradiol
  • Week 11 - 13: post course therapy with tamoxifen



03 Nov 2016

Oxymetholone (it is also known as Anapolon and Anadrol) - the synthetic anabolic steroid developed in the 1960th years by the Syntex Pharmaceuticals company. Initially Anapolon was developed as drug for treatment of an osteoporosis and anemia (anemia), and also for stimulation of muscle growth at badly eating and weakened patients. The oxymetholone was approved by FDA for use in public. Later nonsteroid drugs which effectively cured anemia and an osteoporosis in this connection Anapolon's popularity decreased were framed and by 1993 Syntex decided to stop production of drug as well as many other producers. However the oxymetholone nevertheless remained in medicine as new researches showed that Anapolon is effective in treatment of HIV-positive patients.

Oxymetholone Anapolon

Anapolon is issued in tablets on 50 mg and is one of the strongest available steroids, in too time drug can cause some side effects inherent to all anabolic steroids. Since 2013 oxymetholone Solutio oleosa (50 mg/ml) gained distribution.

Anadrol British Dragon

Complete analogs

Trademarks of oxymetholone:

  • Anadrol from Sinteks of the USA.
  • Anapolon from Sinteks Great Britain, or from Ibrahim Turkey, or from the Balkans Pharmatsevtikal Moldova.
  • Anasteron: 50 mg of the tab.; Sintecs Greece or Sweden.
  • Androlik from British Dispensary
  • Dinasten: 50 mg of the tab.; Silag Portugal.
  • Gemodenin: 50 mg of the tab.; Sintex Brazil.
  • Oximetolon of 50 mg of the tab.; Czechoslovakia.
  • Oximozona of 50 mg of the tab.; Sintex Spain.
  • Plenastril: 50 mg of the tab.; Gryunental Austria Protokhimi.
  • Sinasteron: 50 mg of the tab.; Zarva Belgium.
  • PHARMAOXY of 50 mg Inyekts.; PHARMACOM LABS

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 320% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 30% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - No, but there can be progestin by-effects similar with estrogenic.
  • Toxicity for a liver - average-high (comparable with metandrosten, toxicity is directly proportional to a dose)
  • Acceptance method - inside (in tablets); extremely seldom happens in an injection type.
  • Action duration - 15 hours (semi-removal - 9 h)
  • Detection time - up to 12 weeks

Androlic British Dispensary

Effects of anapolon

The expressed muscle growth (oxymetholone it is considered one of the most effective steroids in bodybuilding for a set of muscle bulk - to 15 kg of muscle bulk for 1 rate, after a rate the notable phenomenon of kickback is observed - up to 30% of the gained weight it can be lost as some surplus of weight is caused by liquid accumulation)

Significant increase in force

Anapolon at a number of athletes eliminates joint pains, improves their function (in connection with bigger development of liquid, it is caused by partially progestin nature). But this useful property is noted by not all athletes. Use Hypoxen too.

Reduces the globulin connecting sex hormones - it does effect of other anabolic hormones (and also own testosterone) in case of the combined application, more expressed and fast.

increases content of erythrocytes in blood, increases endurance.


The author undressed: Yury Bombela

Long enough was considered that the majority of the increase reached by means of oxymetholone in weight falls to the share of water. At the same time, approximately from the middle of last decade professional bodybuilders began to use actively oxymetholone in precompetitive preparation. Now its acceptance isn't limited only one-two days just before start — "oks" can be applied actively practically throughout the entire period of preparation for competitions; at the same time no excessive accumulation of water under skin happens.

To understand thoroughly what represents oxymetholone and what it is possible to wait from it for, researchers from University of South California solved. As subjects of a research men at the age of 65-80 years were chosen — such choice most brightly would shall emphasize advantages of the researched medicine if those were found, and also to exclude influence of third-party factors (all subjects had a level of own testosterone below a regulation). One more important point: subjects weren't engaged in a training in general (thus one more third-party factor was excluded). Consumption of protein constituted 1 g on kg of own weight.

Results of a course: Those who accepted 50 mg of an oxymetholone a day have added on average 3,3 kg in lump in 12 weeks. The increase at those who accepted 100 mg of medicine a day has made 4,2 kg. Examinees didn't accept additional protein and didn't train.

At the same time not only the lump, but also body composition has changed. That is, examinees not only put on weight, but also lost fat, in particular, in abdominal area, that is, actually the increase of muscular tissue was even more expressed. At the first group average loss of fatty tissue has made 2,6 kg, at the second — 2,5 kg. It is interesting that in abdominal area representatives of the second group have lost just significantly more (2,2 kg against 1,7 kg) without training.


Oxymetholone allows to reach essential increases in muscle bulk. And these rise can be got including by those who don't train at all.

Oxymetholone helps "to burn" subcutaneous fat; the best results can be received in abdominal area. That is, "oks" it can be used as the fat-burning agent by those men who have problems with fat loss on a stomach.

Contrary to established opinion, oxymetholone doesn't make essential impact on work of a liver.

Side effects of oxymetholone

17 - alpha group in structure of medicine allows to pass a liver without collapsing, but it is done by Anapolon toxic for a liver. Researches lasting 30 weeks where examinees applied oxymetholone in a dose 50 mg a day have been conducted. Various side effects, including on a liver are as a result revealed.

In the research Schroeder of 2003 examinees received a dose of 50 or 100 mg/days, at the same time only at one of examinees in 12 weeks of continuous reception ALAT (alanineaminotransferase) has significantly raised . But, as it has appeared subsequently, it has been connected with alcohol intake just before blood donation. In the repeated analysis of increase in ALAT it wasn't revealed. At all other examinees of ALAT and ASAT raised a little, but steadily remained within norm. Thus, toxic influence on a liver is in many respects exaggerated. The safest dosage of medicine makes 50 mg a day (or less).

Also it should be noted what oxymetholone isn't converted into estrogen, nevertheless quite often can cause accumulation of liquid in an organism, ginekomastia, to increase arterial pressure and some other. It is necessary to notice what îêñèìåòîëîí has rather low progestin activity (in comparison with progestins: nandrolony and trenbolone). Therefore it is as a last resort recommended to apply Prolactinum blockers

In certain cases (when using high doses) medicine can cause diarrhea, worsen appetite, make slight sick. Oksimetolon to a lesser extent than the majority of steroids suppresses products of own testosterone.

Anapolon course

Course of anapolon suits men 21 years for an intensive set of muscle bulk are more senior.

Duration of a rate of oxymetholone constitutes 4 - 6 weeks. Don't do a rate longer than 6 weeks, first, because the greatest results are noted within the first three weeks of a rate, secondly, because of possible toxicity for a liver.

The maximum easily transferable dosage of Anapolon - 100 mg a day. First, because it was proved that bigger increase in a dosage doesn't result in the best results. Secondly, the risk of side effects of an anapolon increases. An optimum dose for beginners - 50 mg a day. At the same time there is a number of schemes of acceptance in which daily dosages reach also 200 mg. Acceptance of medicine with gradual increase in a dosage makes a sense only in that case when there are concerns concerning its shipping. Usually acceptance of medicine happens in a stable dosage from a rate, the first to the last day. Gradual decrease in a dosage doesn't make a practical sense.

Upon termination of a rate PCT is carried out. Begin to accept testosteronovy boosters and blockers of estrogen (clomifene, torimefen; it is impossible to apply tamoxifen since it stimulates progestin receptors) within 3-4 weeks, to recovery of development of own testosterone.

For maximum efficiency of a rate accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.

Surely consult with the specialist before acceptance of oxymetholone.

Combined courses

Oxymetholone is well combined with some injection medicines, however it isn't necessary to combine him with 17 - alpha steroids as it will increase load of a liver. Often Anapolon is used for so-called "fast start" (the anabolic effect begins to be shown very quickly), providing considerable surpluses of force and body weight while other medicines in a stack smoothly increase concentration at the earliest stages of a rate. The combination allows to achieve the best effect because oxymetholone reduces concentration of the globulin connecting sex hormones, increasing free fraction of other hormones, at the same time he acts as synergist for very large amount of medicines. Considering that Anapolon has low affinity to androgenic receptors (badly contacts them) other high-androgenic hormones will be able to have full-measuring effect by means of interaction with these receptors without the competition with anapolony.

For a set of muscle bulk anapolon combine with Testosterone, Boldenon, Primobolan, but not with Nandrolon in any way and Trenbolone because it can bring to more expressed progestin.

For increase in power indicators it is most often used with various air of Testosterone. Very efficient combination is also oxymetholone's combination to suspension of stanosolol, at the same time athletes note rapid increase in force. But it is necessary to take into account high injury risk of this combination, especially for people with chronic damages.

For drying and a relief ocsimetolon is practically not used because of its property to provoke a strong delay of liquid.

Bodybuilders of competitive level often use one-time acceptance of 100-250 mg of oxymetholone in day of a part. It gives fullness to the athlete's muscles.



03 Nov 2016

Trenbolone (Parabolan, Tren, Finadzhekt, Finapleks is also known under trademarks) - the powerful anabolic steroid used earlier in veterinary science for the purpose of increase in muscle bulk and appetite of the cattle. Trenbolone isn't applied to increase in duration of action in an initial type, as a rule esterified derivatives are used: trenbolone acetate (with the smallest duration of action), trenbolone enantat and trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate and hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. After introduction in a muscle trenbolone air gradually decays a plasma lipase, providing long intake of active agent in blood. Possesses powerful anabolic action, however has many side effects therefore isn't the best choice.

Trenbolone acetate - one of the most popular forms of medicine (trademarks: Trenbol-100, Finapliks, Finapleks, Finadzhekt, Finadzhet). Trenbolone acetate has the short period of semi-destruction therefore it is entered every day. The effective dose constitutes about 50 mg daily or 100 mg every other day.

Trenbolone Trenolone

Trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate or trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - trademark Parabolan, differs in long action - up to one and a half weeks. Long time trenbolone the cyclohexylmethylcarbonate and hexahydrobenzylcarbonate were absent in the market, and all existing medicines under the name of Parabolan were counterfeits. Now the situation with a large number of counterfeits remains, however the official version - Parabolan from Balkan Pharm (Moldova) is released. Injections become once a week, or time in 10 days though it is better to break a week dose into two injections to reduce differences of concentration of medicine in blood. An effective dose - 300 mg a week (200mg-300mg in a combination with other medicines). You can use Hypoxen too.

Trenbolone enantat is the form of medicine is similar in pharmacological properties to previous. Trenbolone enantat has the long period of action - about 10 days. Injections are carried out 1-2 times a week. An effective dose - 300 mg a week.

Steroid profile

Trenbolone has high similarity to androgenic receptors, the capability of binding exceeds by 4-5 times that at testosterone. It caused high anabolic activity of medicine. Trenbolone is one of the strongest steroids on a capability to increase power indicators and muscle bulk. In too time it affects the frequency of side effects which probability of origin is enough a bike, especially in case of incorrectly constituted rates.

Trenbolone purchased the popularity mainly because it isn't capable to be flavored in estrogen under the influence of aromatasia; according to analyses there can be an opinion that it provokes raising of an estradiol in blood (effect much less at hexahydrobenzylcarbonate), however this wrong judgment since testosterone metabolites in analyses can be designated as ýñòîäèîë. It doesn't deprive of it such side effects as ginekomastia and accumulating of liquid which are generally shown at the expense of progestin activity.

Trenbolone suppresses products of own testosterone, at the expense of a feedback mechanism and progesteron activity (which can provoke ginekomastia). It pours out in such side effects as decrease a libido, a sluggish erection and an atrophy of testicles.

Trenbolone is 19-nor derivative testosterone that does it similar with nandrolon concerning progestin activity. Trenbolone is capable to contact progesteron receptors that in rare instances leads to a ginekomastia, to decrease in a libido (a sound board - it is wild), this property is expressed not strongly.

Detection time - up to 5 months.

Effects of trenbolone

Increase in muscle bulk (to 10 kg for 8 week rate of trenbolone)

Increase in power indicators

Can raise a libido and a potentiality, however also the boomerang effect can be observed (or this effect can not be shown at all)

Increases the level of insulinopodobny factor of growth by 200%

Trenbolone promotes combustion of fat as independently, and due to growth hormone secretion stimulation

Reduces the level of cortisol

Trenbolone – side effects

  • Most often during a course of trenbolone side effects are possible: sleeplessness, high arterial pressure, the increased aggression, an acne, baldness, the raised skin oiliness, etc.
  • Decrease a libido, a sluggish erection ("Attention" is very frequent during a rate) is possible (however it is shown individually: at someone it can be shown, at someone isn't present, and also the boomerang effect) and an atrophy of testicles in connection with considerable suppression of products of testosterone is seldom or never possible. "Attention" Is prevented by entering of gonadotrophin and cabergolin.
  • Toxic influence on kidneys - is absent. This imaginary side effect of trenbolone is a consequence of the fact that urine during a rate is painted in red color by the removed metabolites that mistakenly is understood by some athletes as a sign of damage of kidneys.
  • Toxic influence on a liver isn't proved in moderate doses.
  • Androgenic effects are shown seldom, estrogen/progestin are almost always absent.
  • The risk of undesirable reactions increases if trenbolone is combined with Klenbuterol or Ephedrine.


Most of handicraft producers use for production of the brands of trenbolone veterinary medicine Revalor or his analogs. It is used for sagination of animals before slaughter. Revalor contains 80-200 mg of trenbolone of acetate and 8-24 mg of estradiol depending on the version. For this reason the estrogenovykh of side effects is often reported about development: ginekomastiya, hypostases, etc. For elimination of these symptoms the blocker the estrogen of receptors toremifen is used.

Trenbolone course

The general rule for all steroids - the is more powerful medicine, the it is more than side effects, well is suitable for Trenbolone. The safest rate of trenbolone is under construction as follows:

  • Don't exceed recommended dosages (Trenbolone acetate - 50 mg a day, Trenbolone enantat and B'day - 300 mg a week)
  • Begin acceptance with the minimum dose to check shipping (possibly emergence of negative reactions which will demand interruption of a cycle).
  • Duration of a rate is no more than 5-6 weeks without application of gonadotrophin.
  • Post course therapy is carried out 2 weeks later after entering of the last injection when medicine is almost completely removed from an organism, or in 2-3 days if acetate was entered. It is applied clomid or toremifen according to the standard scheme PCT. Tamoxifen isn't recommended as strengthens progestin side effects of trenbolone.
  • For recovery of products of testosterone, begin acceptance of the testosteron booster since the beginning of the last week of a rate and continue it to accept 3-4 weeks.
  • For maximum efficiency of a rate accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.
  • Surely consult with the doctor before acceptance for an exception of contraindications.
  • It is recommended to accept testosterone in the minimum dose 250mg/week to have the normal physiological level of testosterone.

Combined trenbolone courses

For a set of muscle bulk there is no special need for trenbolone combination with other medicines. During a rate of drying it is recommended to combine trenbolone with Vinstrol or Anavar. In this case use half dosages of each medicine. Duration of the combined rate - up to 8 weeks. Anti-estrogen isn't required.

Professional course

As is well-known professional cycles almost always combined. Dosages for acetate are given in the listed examples.

The dose of medicine reaches 100 mg, every other day (especially for precompetitive preparation in bodybuilding). In case of a set of muscle bulk the rate joins testosterone enantat in a dose of 250 mg a week; use of nandrolon is allowed in 200 mg, but it isn't recommended (you shouldn't combine progestin medicines on a rate) because negative progestin effects increase (a sound board - is wild (a sluggish erection), ginekomastia). Duration of a cycle can reach 10-15 weeks. It is necessary to notice that similar approach is hazardous to health.


Primobolan - Metenolon

03 Nov 2016

Metenolon (more widely known as Primobolan, and also Primobol, Nibal) - an anabolic steroid, derivative dihydrotestosterone with weak androgenic activity and moderate anabolic action. It is available in tablets (Primobolan) and in an injection form (Primobolan Depot). Many athletes compare by efficiency Primobolan and Masteron.

Primobolan Metenolon Depot

Primobolan Depot is an injection form of medicine which represents methenobosom air enanthate. The injection form has the long period of action (due to gradual transition of medicine from muscles in blood), about two weeks. In action duration Primobolan Depot is similar to Testosterone enanthate. The main lack of this form consists in morbidity of injections. Less often injection acetate meets short elimination half-life, approximately up to two days.

Primobolan Oral is a methenobosom form in tablets (Metenolon acetate), has much the smaller period of action (about 5 hours). Primobolan in tablets has higher price. Distinctive feature of the tableted form - lack of toxic action on a liver, in difference from the majority of other oral forms of steroids. You can try Cogitum.

Estimating in general two forms of a methenobosom, the majority gives preference to an injection form, in connection with lower cost and more uniform intake of active agent in blood. Besides some part of Primobolan in tablets collapses in a liver.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 88% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 44% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - isn't present
  • Toxicity for a liver - weak
  • Acceptance method - inside (in tablets) and injections
  • Elimination half-life - 5-20 hours in tablets; 4-7 days in injections
  • Detection time - up to 100 days (tablet), 6 months of an injection

Effects of primobolan

The anabolic effect of primobolan quite soft is also comparable with the Sound board therefore this medicine is more often used during drying cycles when the main goal puts not a set of muscle bulk, and its preserving. Metenolon has the minimum phenomenon of kickback, nevertheless, many athletes are dissatisfied with the results received after a rate of primobolan solo if a set of muscle bulk stood the purpose.

Primobolan - side effects

Primobolan (both forms) aren't converted into estrogen that is one of the main benefits of medicine. Therefore it is possible to accept primobolan without risk of development of ginekomastia and hypostases. Though ginekomastia can be specified in some instructions.

Primobolan slightly reduces the level of products of own testosterone. It is overwhelming impact is weaker than testosterone and nandrolon. Researches show that the rate of primobolan in a dose of 40 mg suppresses testosterone level on average for 50%. [5] Considerable decrease in products of endogenous testosterone is observed only in case of long rates with high doses of medicine. In these cases during a rate application of gonadotrophin is required, otherwise development of an atrophy of testicles is possible.

Metenolon practically doesn't cause raising of harmful cholesterol. Medicine doesn't exert considerable impact on the level of arterial pressure.

Due to the low androgenic action, primobolan practically doesn't cause baldness. Most often Metenolon causes such side effects as: aggression, excitability, sleeplessness, and raising of hepatic enzymes if high doses are used.

Thus, primobolan it is possible to consider one of the safest anabolic steroids available in the market now.

Primobolan course

Course of primobolan in the best way is suitable during a drying cycle for preserving muscles and receipt of a relief.

Soft effect of medicine requires longer rate (up to 8 weeks), however with increase in duration of a rate of primobolan, the risk of side effects increases.

Dosage primobolan shouted - 50-100 mg a day. In 2-3 days after the end of acceptance post course therapy begins.

Dosage primobolan depot - 400 mg, once a week. In 3 weeks after the last injection post course therapy begins.

Before a rate consultation of the doctor for an exception of contraindications is required.

Combined courses

Considering quite weak anabolic action of Metenolon (its capability to increase weight a little less nandrolon) it often combine with other medicines. In the best way Primobolan is combined with:

  • Nandrolon - for a set of muscle bulk (one of the safest rates, with good preserving weight)
  • Testosterone - for a set of muscle bulk
  • Sustanon - for a set of muscle bulk
  • Anadrol - for a set of muscle bulk
  • Metandrostenolon - for a set of muscle bulk
  • Vinstrol - for drying

Don't include more than one medicine in the combined rate. Use both steroids in half doses (from recommended) - it will allow to reduce the frequency of side effects of each medicine and to increase efficiency of a rate.


Anavar - oxandrolone

03 Nov 2016

Oxandrolone (Anatrofill, etc. is also known under the trademarks Oxandrolin, Anavar, Oksandrin, to Vasoroma) - the anabolic steroid framed by the Searle Laboratories company. and Anavar who is let out in the USA under a trademark in 1964.

Oxandrolone Anavar

Oxandrolone is a synthetic steroid, a ring And who is represented by a heterocycle in which the second carbon atom is replaced with an oxygen atom. Oxandrolone is widely known thanks to his extremely low level to androgenic activity along with a high anabolic index.

Has the highest immunostimulating effect among steroids, considerably increases sensitivity of tissues to insulin. Initially Oxandrolone was developed for treatment of the weakened HIV-positive patients, at an osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, Turner's syndrome, anemia, for acceleration of restoration after combustions, a long bed rest, at Diabet of the II type bound to excess weight. Soon it began to be applied activly in bodybuilding then Anavar was entered in the list of controlled drugs.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 400% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 25% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - isn't present
  • Toxicity for a liver - moderate/weak
  • Way of reception - inside (in tablets)
  • Elimination half-life - 8-12 hours
  • Detection time - up to 60 days

Effects of ocsandrolon

  • Increase in relief and hardness of muscles - the main effect of Oxandrolone
  • Combustion of fat
  • Increase in level of hormone of growth
  • Increase in force

Anavar is inexpedient to use for a set of muscle bulk. Anavar's course is recommended to people who have the sufficient muscle bulk and moderate content of fat in an organism, for giving of relief of muscles and reduction of subcutaneous fat.

Oxandrolone for combustion of fat

Scientists from University of South California made an experiment which showed that the cleaned fatty tissue doesn't return right after cancellation of this steroid.

The research was sponsored by the U.S. Government and producer of an Oxandrolone - Savient. The men who weren't engaged with burdenings participated in an experiment which lasted 12 weeks, 60 years are more senior. Use also Cogitum.

The research showed that men not only got rid of fat, but also gained some muscle bulk in 12 weeks even without power trainings. The daily dosage of a steroid constituted 20 milligrams, loss in fatty tissue constituted 1,8 kg. However within the next 12 weeks the gained muscle bulk left, but the effect of a fat reducers remained. Only 17% of fatty tissue returned. Besides, it was established that the main changes in composition of a body happened for the first 6 weeks. Therefore incline to short rates of Oxandrolone as the most effective.

Loss of fatty tissue in cm2

Fat on a stomach 25

Subcutaneous fat 10

Fat on hips 8

Fat on a lap 3

Intramuscular fatty tissue of a trunk 8

Intramuscular fatty tissue of extremities 2

Scientists came to a conclusion that Oxandrolone is more effective medicine for fat loss, than for a set of muscle bulk. However you shouldn't forget that loss of 2 kg of fatty tissue in 12 weeks is easily achievable without acceptance of AAS.

During the research it was also established that in process of fat loss sensitivity to insulin increased. That is the organism became capable to manage smaller amount of this hormone in response to receipt of food substrata in blood, so, and the risk of transformation of glucose into fat decreased.

Side effects of Oxandrolone

Testosterone level after 5 days of acceptance of Oxandrolone (15 mg/days)

In spite of the fact that Oxandrolone is alpha 17 steroid, its toxic influence on a liver is insignificant. Researches show that Anavar in a dose of 20 mg a day accepted for 12 weeks doesn't influence the level of hepatic enzymes (indicators of destruction of a liver) in any way. The first signs of injury of a liver is pain in the right, a light chair and dark urine.

As Anavar is derivative dihydrotestosterone, it isn't flavored (doesn't turn into estrogen which causes such side effects as ginekomastia and accumulating of liquid in an organism).

In comparison with other steroid medicines, in moderate doses Oxandrolone to a lesser extent oppresses products of own testosterone and an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles on a feedback mechanism. When Anavar's dosage is high, the organism reacts decrease in products of gonadotrophin, believing that the endogenous level of testosterone too high. Lack of stimulation of cages of Leydiga leads to an atrophy of testicles. According to the research Grunfeld, Carl MD, PhD for 2006 Oxandrolone in a dose of 80 mg a day lowered testosterone level for 67% after 12 weeks of acceptance.

Suppression of products of testosterone is shown by decrease by a libido and a sluggish erection. It is possible to eliminate this side effect of Oxandrolone by addition in a rate of gonadotrophin or to conduct the combined courses with androgenic medicines.

Also sometimes such side effects of Anavar as a loss of appetite, belly-aches, nausea, headaches, rise in arterial pressure and some other meet.

In general, side effects of Oxandrolone meet quite seldom, Anavar is considered one of the safest steroids.

Rate of Oxandrolone

  • As it was already told above, Anavar's course is "solo" conducted for increase in relief of muscles. The general duration of a rate is 6-8 weeks.
  • Get acquainted with the general principles of creation of a rate of steroids in article - the best rates of steroids.
  • Begin to accept Oxandrolone in a dose 20 mg the day divided into two acceptances - in the morning and at the beginning of the second half of day.
  • In a week increase a dosage of anavar to 40, at most 80 mg the day divided into 3 acceptances.
  • Continue a rate in the absence of side effects within 5-6 weeks.
  • In 2 days after the termination of a rate of Anavar begin acceptance Tamoxifen in a dose of 10 mg a day for recovery of development of own testosterone for 1-2 weeks.
  • The rate of Oxandrolone requires preliminary consultation of the doctor for identification of contraindications (a hypertrophy of a prostate, a disease of a liver and B'day).
  • For maximum efficiency of a rate accept sports food for a relief

Combined rates of Oxandrolone

To prevent some side effects of Oxandrolone (decrease in a libido, a sluggish erection, toxic influence on a liver) and side effects of the enclosed medicines, and also to receive big results, it is recommended to include high-androgenic medicines in a rate of anavar:

  • Testosterone
  • Sustanon
  • Primobolan

It is necessary to consider also:

  • In case of a combination to other medicines, the dosage of an Oxandrolone usually constitutes about 40 mg a day.
  • The combined rates will allow not only to receive a relief, but also to increase muscle bulk.
  • For maximum efficiency accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.


Vinstrol - stanosolol

03 Nov 2016

Vinstrol (action substance - stanosolol) is the anabolic steroid which is released in tablets and solution for injections (vinstrol depot). Vinstrol has been developed in 1962 in Winthrop Laboratories. It is a synthetic steroid, derivative dihydrotestosterone the approved FDA for use by people (initially stanosol has been developed for use at animal (horses)). Stanosolol is an antagonist of progesterone. There are data that medicine protects from progestagenvaction of nandrolon. In difference from the majority of injection forms stanosolol represents water suspension.

Synonyms: Strombafort, Stanover, Nabolik, Stanazolik, Strombadzhekt, Stromba, Menabol, Stanol, Terabon, Tsetabon, etc.

Vinstrol in tablets has high bioavailability and stability (doesn't collapse in a liver when passing) thanks to alkilny group in alfa-17 positions, however it does stanosol in tablets toxic for a liver. However, the injection form is also not deprived of this shortcoming, the difference in toxicity and bioavailability of both forms of a steroid is minimum.

Strombafort from Balkan

Strombafort Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Stanozolol

Strombafot (water solution in ampoules) from the Balkans of Pharm

Strombaject Balkans of Pharm stanozolol

Vinstrol is one of the safest steroids for women as has low androgenic activity though virilization and masculinization still remain probable.

Vinstrol tablets, Stanozolol

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 320% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 30% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - isn't present
  • Way of reception - an injection and in tablets
  • Toxicity for a liver - moderate, equally for the injection and tableted forms
  • Elimination half-life - 9-24 hours (action duration up to 2 days)
  • Detection time - from 340 to 360 days.

Historical information

Stanozolol was developed by the Winthrop Laboratories company in 1962 under trademark Vinstrol. Initially medicine was created for treatment of anemia, heritable hypostasis, acceleration of recovery after transactions, and also for application in veterinary science for increase in muscle bulk, stimulation of blood formation, strengthening of bones and stimulation of appetite of the weakened or sick animals.

A little later medicine began to be applied actively on running horses, to increase in high-speed indicators. Athletes of bodybuilding and other strength sports quickly paid attention to it, having begun to apply vinstrol with purpose. One of the Best drug is Cogitum.

Effects of vinstrol

Vinstrol in bodybuilding is very popular as its action differs from the majority of steroids. Medicine slightly influences body weight, however gives to muscles relief, strengthens venous and burns fat therefore it is applied generally during rates of "drying".

  • Relief of muscles - one of the main effects of stanosolol.
  • Significant increase in force and endurance - valuable effect in powerlifting and track and field athletics.
  • Combustion of fat.
  • Appetite strengthening.
  • Removal of excess liquid from an organism
  • According to scientific tests, oral stanosolol in number of 0,2 mg on a kilogram of weight of the athlete lowers the level of the globulin connecting anabolic hormones for 50%. It means that efficiency of acceptance of other steroids in a combination with stanosolol considerably will increase.
  • Availability of anti-estrogenic and antiprogestagen effect (competitive inhibition of receptors of progesterone) is supposed

Side effects of vinstrol

Medicine isn't converted into estrogen therefore doesn't cause such ghost effects as ginekomastia and hypostases.

Side effects on origin frequency:

  • Large joint pains and injury of ligaments are the most frequent complications. For minimization of risk stanosolol is necessary to combine with testosterone and a sound board. In more detail here. Also special components are applied to ligaments and joints.
  • Rise of arterial pressure - is eliminated with reception of hypotensive means (enalaprit).
  • Increase in level of cholesterol  - is eliminated with reception an omega-3 or others means (lovastatin, atorvastatin, etc.) during course. 
  • Painful injections - this ghost effect of vinstrol is peculiar only to the injection form (vinstrol - depot).
  • As vinstrol is derivative DGT, androgenic ghost effects are possible: a hair loss on the head, an acne, suppression of framing of own testosterone and so forth.
  • Toxicity for a liver - is shown at the expense of alpha 17 - alkylations. In a research on dogs the expressed protective action was shown by extract of a thistle (gepatoprotektor). 
  • Myocardium hypertrophy - especially in case of high doses. 

Read in more detail: Ghost effects of steroids and how to reduce harm.

Course of vinstrol (stanozolol)

Solo course of vinstrol is conducted by athletes for receipt of relief and venoznost, and also increase in power indicators. In other words, this rate will suit people who have sufficient body weight with moderate content of fat.

The optimum dosage of vinstrol constitutes 30-50 mg in tablets or injections every day. Athletes and boxers use, as a rule, lower doses - about 10 mg/days.

Duration of a rate constitutes about 4-6 weeks. In case of increase in duration of a cycle the risk of the side effects first of all touching joints increases.

After the termination of a rate, in 2-3 days carrying out PCT is necessary.

For receipt of the maximum effect accept sports food for a relief.

It is necessary to notice that many experienced athletes recommend to use stanosolol only in combination with testosterone. Such approach allows reducing risk of side effects, in particular, considerably reduces probability of adverse effect on joints: testosterone detains liquid in an organism, without allowing being dehydrated an articulate bag. Besides, testosterone can considerably will increase efficiency of a rate of vinstrol.

Combined course of vinstrol

Depending on desirable result the combined rate of stanozolol is under construction. For a set of muscle bulks include stronger androgens in a rate, for example, testosterone, metandrostenolon or anapolon. In this case vinstrol will balance a rate, creating good anabolic effect and reducing estrogenic effect of other medicines. In this case it is necessary to include aromatasia inhibitors in a course, Nolvadeks or Klomid are applied to post course therapy. As a result of the correct combination it is possible to achieve a considerable surplus of muscle bulk with much smaller delay of liquid and fat.

Before competitions or during a diet for weight loss Vinstrol it is possible to combine with not flavored androgen, such as trenbolone. Such combination as practice shows, gives relief and hardness to muscles what many athletes aim at.


Nandrolon fenilpropionat

03 Nov 2016

Nandrolon fenilpropionat, Durabolin also known under trademark, has active ingredient - nandrolon. Nandrolon fenilpropionat has a smaller half-life period (2-4 days), than nandrolon decanoat or "Sound board" (7-10 days). For this reason nandrolon fenilpropionat works well.

According to experienced athletes, this medicine causes a water delay in much smaller degree, and for this reason it is more compatible to "androgens" than nandrolon decanoat depends on a dose and predisposition because active ingredient of fenilpropionat and decanoat one - nandrolon.

Radio chain of Fenilpropionat is approximately twice shorter, than decanoat thanks to what active ingredient is quicker soaked up in blood and has smaller time of impact for an organism. Therefore the fenilpropionat has benefits: 1 - shorter period of action substantially reduces the frequency of side effects of nandrolon. 2 - in case of side effects or bad shipping the rate can be stopped and all undesirable reactions will quickly disappear.

The unique lack of fenilpropionat is need for frequent injections, but it is impossible to call it essential.

Metabolites of nandrolon are removed from an organism for a long time. 16-18 months - terms of detection of fenilpropionat, and 18-24 months - decanoat. Therefore medicines of nandrolon aren't recommended for acceptance competing to athletes.


  • Augmentation of synthesis of protein
  • Decrease of losses of protein cells
  • Improvement of absorption of amino acids from a small bowel
  • Liquid delay in a connecting tissue
  • Raises Prolactinum

Drug improves synthesis of a collagen and causes a calcium delay in an organism. Nandrolonum considerably reduces pains in ligaments and joints, facilitates the movement of a joint therefore it can be especially useful to athletes who have injuries or problems with joints or ligaments. Add some Cogitum to your daily life.

"Attention" Many consider that the effect of drug in many respects differs from a dekanoat, however actually it not so. The acting agent is identical - Nandrolonum, difference consists only in rate of its release.

Side effects

Aromatization in case of acceptance of nandrolon is insignificant therefore the majority of side effects is caused by increase in Prolactinum. In case of high dosages there is a strong accumulation of water in an organism and the increased arterial pressure. Unreasonable dosages and long acceptance of medicine cause substantial increase of Prolactinum in an organism that promotes emergence of ginekomastia. Ginekomastia arose against the background of application of nandrolon doesn't scratch and doesn't create an itch in nipples, and is characteristic only swelling and emergence of consolidations. The high level of Prolactinum in blood created nandrolon is the reason of decrease in a libido. With success apply to decrease in level of Prolactinum Kabergolin (Dostinecs) and less preferable option - bromocripin.

Nandrolon substantially lead to braking of development of gonadotrophins and fall of level of endogenous testosterone that leads to long recovery after a rate. Nandrolona (in particular nanrolon decanoat) aren't medicines for beginners and fans in bodybuilding, and form only a basis in competitive career.

Application and dosages

As it was already noted above, nandrolon fenilpropionat has quite short half-life period, therefore there is a need to inject drug more often - not less than two times a week. Usually injections are carried out each 3-4 day. The average dosage makes 25-100 mg for one injection. The general week dosage of nandrolon usually doesn't exceed 300-400 mg a week. Nandrolon fenilpropionat is practically always combined with other steroids for creation of synergetic effect, at the same time the dosage of nandrolon decreases.

Courses: Nandrolon fenilpropionat is often combined with turinabol, metandrosten, testosterone propionate, masteron. Also 3 medicines are often combined at once, for example: turinabol +nandrolon fenilpropionat + vinstrol (it is better not to use several oral medicines at the same time and at course terms more than 4-5 weeks ALWAYS to use testosterone, at least in small dosages), at the same time the general dosage of steroids decreases.


Nandrolon Dekanoat

03 Nov 2016

Nandrolon Dekanoat / Nortestosteron Dekanoat / Nandrolon Fenilpropionat

Slang names: Deka, Deca, Rhett, Nandr, Sound board, Nandrolon, Dekabol, Half-wit, Retukh.

Nandrolon is the chemical name - 19-nortestosteron) - an anabolic steroid can be formed in a human body after heavy or long physical activities or during pregnancy, at the same time concentration of its main metabolite 19 norandrosteron in urine doesn't exceed several nanograms on ml. Nandrolon is on sale most often in the form of a form of decanoat, is more rare in the form of fenilpropionat. A sound board durabolin for the first time appeared in the market in 1962 and is one of the most popular steroids within the last decades, having earned the reputation thanks to the expressed anabolic activity and relative low androgenic activity.

Retabolil Gedeon Richter

Retabolil - Gedeon Richter 50mg/ml.

It is released according to the prescription form of the N 148-1/u-88 form.


  • Nandrolona decanoat - 50 mg
  • Sunflower oil
  • Benzyl alcohol (as preservative and antiseptics)

Deca Durabolin - Organon 25/50/100mg/ml.


  • Nandrolona decanoat - 25/50/100 mg
  • Peanut butter
  • Benzyl alcohol (as preservative and antiseptics)

Structurally nandrolon differs from testosterone in lack of atom of carbon in 19 line items (from here and the name 19-nortestosteron) and it makes it more similar to progestins. Thanks to progestinovy nature, retabolit shows smaller androgenic action in comparison with testosterone is considerable, however interaction with progesteron receptors involves a number of side effects which will be described below. You can try Cogitum.

One more difference is that testosterone in an organism is gradually converted by enzyme 5 an alpha reductase into a powerful androgen - dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for development of the majority of side effects. Nandrolon on the contrary turns 5 alpha reductase into extremely weak androgen – dihydronandrolon which practically doesn't make impact on an organism and doesn't cause side effects. However it can be one of the reasons of lowering of a libido during a rate (due to fall of level of androgens of blood). It should be added what dihydronandrolon sometimes is included some anabolic additives though doesn't represent special advantage.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 150% of Testosteron-Depotum
  • Androgenic activity - 30% of Testosteron-Depotum
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogens) - minimum
  • Toxicity for a liver - low
  • Way of reception - an injection
  • Action duration - 15 days (an elimination half-life - 7 days)
  • The recommended dose - to 50 mg is each 5 days (the optimum and minimum option)
  • Detection time - up to 18 months
  • Suppression of Testosteron-Depotum - high (because of progestin nature)

Effects of Nandrolonum

  • Concentration of Nandrolonum of a dekanoat and fenilpropionat in plasma after 1 injection (100 mg in 1 or 4 ml of oil)
  • Concentration of Nandrolonum of a dekanoat in a blood after 50, 100 or 150 mg of an injection (Wilma M. Bagchus, 2005)
  • The expressed muscle growth (for one course it is possible to gain up to 8 kg of muscle bulk with the minimum phenomenon of kickback)
  • Strengthening of bones (earlier it was applied to treatment of an osteoporosis) and ligaments (stimulates collagen synthesis)
  • Elimination of joint pains, at the expense of augmentation of production of synovial fluid (synovia)
  • Blood packed red cells augmentation that develops into improvement of transport of oxygen. As a result - larger endurance
  • Rising of immune protection (it is applied even at people with AIDS)
  • Transformation to Oestradiolum without enzyme an aromatase
  • Absorbability improvement by an intestine of amino acids and other useful substances

Nandrolonum has rather low probability of side effects. As a result of low androgenic activity, such side effects as an acne, a baldness, body height of hair on a body practically don't meet. Nevertheless they are possible, as well as at the use of any steroid, but in a case it happens to Nandrolonum only at excess of the recommended doses several times.

Retabolilum has very low level of conversion (proceeding without aromatasia) in estrogens as showed researches 5 times smaller, than Testosteron-Depotum. The highest level of conversion is observed in a liver whereas the main place where occurs transformation (fatty tissue) remains inaccessible for this process. Thereof, the Sound board Durabolinum has no the side effects bound to estrogens (a gynecomastia, accumulation of liquid in an organism). Estrogennny activity of drug is shown only at very high doses.

Above-mentioned properties are explained why the sound board Durabolinum is one of the most popular anabolic steroids so far, including for men for the purpose of a set of muscle bulk. Besides it is necessary to add that Nandrolonum practically doesn't cause a kickback phenomenon.

Side effects of retabolil

It was noticed that nandrolon is capable to contact progestin receptors (about 20% of the entered substance), it is connected with remote atom of carbon in 19 line items. Almost everything 19-nor anabolic steroids show progestin activity.

Besides, retabolit caused the following side effects in researches:

  • Headache - 20%
  • Rhinitis (allocations from a nose) - 15%
  • Back pain - 15%
  • Rash - 10%

In addition, during a rate sometimes arise: rise in arterial pressure, belly-ache, irritability, headaches, depression and some other complications.

Progestin side effects

Change of level of testosterone after 1 injection (100 mg) of nandrolon of fenilpropionat or dekanoat

Contacting progestin receptors of hypophysis, nandrolon causes strengthening of products of Prolactinum and hormones suppresses secretion. Prolactinum is in many respects similar to estrogen, its effect is shown by decrease in products of own testosterone, insignificant increase in fatty weight and in rare instances ginekomastia.

And activation the progesteron receptors can lead reduction of concentration of testosterone in blood very often to decrease in a libido which is recovered within a month after a rate (so-called a sound board - is wild, from English Deca Dick).

"Attention" Progestin activity and its consequences (in particular a sluggish erection, suppression of a sexual passion, and seldom inekomastia) - it welcome the main and very unpleasant shortcoming a sound board of durabolin, however it can be prevented successfully. Prolactinum inhibitors are for this purpose applied: bromokriptin or modern and safe - cabergolin (dostinecs). These medicines significantly raise a sexual passion during a rate (and out of), strengthen an orgasm and reduce recovery time between sexual intercourses. Also it was shown antiprogestin activity anabolic medicine Vinstrol has (a research of Ellis AJ, Cawston TE, 1994) therefore they are very well combined together.

Read the individual clause: progesterone at men.

Course of retabolil (nandrolon)

This medicine works quite slowly. The anabolic effect during a course of retabolil is developed gradually, at the same time the considerable, but not sharp growth of muscle bulk is observed. It follows from this that the course of nandrolon has to be longer, in comparison with other anabolic medicines. When using equivalent doses and identical duration of a course, testosterone causes approximately twice a bigger gain of weight. However for testosterone more expressed kickback phenomenon is peculiar.

  • The beginning and the termination of a course are meant as the first and last injections of nandrolon.
  • The course of nandrolon usually lasts 8-10 weeks, at the same time cases aren't rare when the acting athletes apply it before half a year, gradually raising dosages.
  • The course of nandrolon is recommended with obligatory use of testosterone to avoid the progestin effects and consequences of low testosterone (a low libido, a weak erection).
  • Injections of nandrolon usually become once a week. Considering the activity period - 15 days, there is no need to do 2 injections of retabolil a week. But if the week volume of the injected drugs is big, then often it breaks into two - three pricks.
  • The recommended dose of nandrolon makes 200 and more than a mg a week, thus acquaintance to this medicine should be begun with lower dosages. Conservative approach will allow to estimate effect of medicine on your organism, to avoid possible problems. The maximum 600 mg a week, however together with increase in a dose grow risk of side effects. It is possible to receive big results if to execute 2 courses with breaks in reasonable doses, than one in high doses.
  • Don't do a rate longer than 8 weeks without additional medicines. In case of long rates application of a horionichesky gonadotrophin is necessary. If on a long rate HGCh wasn't applied, then its acceptance at the end of a rate before PKT, but in any way not on PKT is necessary.
  • Elimination of progesteron activity requires inclusion bromocriptin, also, since the second and finishing in 2-3 weeks after a final injection of nandrolon. About 1:25 mg, twice a day are accepted. Instead of a bromocriptin is more preferable to use more modern cabergolin on 0,25 mg every fourth day throughout all rate and 2-3 weeks later.
  • In addition, to recovery of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles is applied clomid (clomifene citrate) since the beginning of the last week of a rate and comes to an end in 2-4 weeks after it, on 50-100 mg with gradual cancellation. Tamoxifen isn't recommended to be used as it increases sensitivity and progesteron receptors expands population. 
  • For suppression of development of Prolactinum and decrease in progestin activity it is possible to include in a rate Vinstrol with the second and to the last week.
  • Instead of gonadotrophin it is possible to use testosteron boosters, however it is less effective.
  • For receipt of the maximum effect accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.
  • The rate of retabolil shall be approved with the specialist.

Combined courses of retabolil

  • It is necessary to notice that the solo course of retabolil has many shortcomings, in particular decrease a libido, slow activity, suppression of production of own testosterone, etc. These defects can be eliminated if to add testosterone to a course. It is the gold standard of use of nandrolon, without testosterone this medicine isn't recommended to be used extremely. Testosterone has to be at least twice more, than nandrolon. In the best way nandrolon it is combined with the following medicines:
  • Vinstrol - is very well combined with medicine.
  • Testosterone / Sustanon - at the same time testosterone has to be approximately twice more than a nandrolon, for example 500mg/week testosterone and 100-300mg/week nandrolon.
  • Metandrostenolon - at the same time 200-300mg/week nandrolona and 20-40 mg of metandrostenolon every day, are admissible only in a combination with Testosterone.
  • The most optimum course (dosages in a week):
  • 100-300 mg of a nandrolon of decanoat.
  • 500 mg of testosterone of enantat or tsipionat, or 500 mg of sustanon or omnadren
  • 1 tablets of Kabergolin and inhibitors of aromatasia according to indications



03 Nov 2016

Metandrostenolon (slang name: Metane, Metan) is an anabolic steroid applied inside initially synthesized by doctor John Ziegler and issued in the USA in the early sixties of the last century by the Ciba company. Initially metandrostenolon was used for acceleration of recovery and treatment of burns and even for increase in a general tone for women, and soon was widely adopted in bodybuilding as means for increase in muscle bulk until it wasn't forbidden by FDA. Nevertheless Danabol is available without instruction in such countries as Mexico (the trade name Reforvit-b), in many Asian countries and in countries of Eastern Europe so far (Moldova - Balkan Pharmaceuticals; Romania - Terapia;). In Russia Metandrostenolon is on sale as Nerobol.

Metandrostenolon, Metane, Metan

It is known also under names: Dianabol, Danabol, Nerobol, Naposim, DBOL, Metandiyenon in bodybuilding is widespread the slang name "Methane". Less widespread trademarks: Anabolin, Bionabol, Degidrometiltestosteron, Metastenol, Novabol, Perabol, Perbolin, Pronabol (pronabol), Stenolon, Anaboral, Vanabol of "Dianoget" and many others) Appeared an injection form of Dianoget methane from Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals (Hong Kong). Today there is a large number of the discrediting information on Danabola. Authors exaggerate toxic properties and underestimate anabolic activity. Nevertheless practice shows that the rate of a metandrostenolon lasting about 6 weeks in a dose of 30 mg a day can increase muscle bulk by 8-10 kg, with the subsequent loss of 2-5 kg (a so-called phenomenon of kickback). The phenomenon of kickback can be minimized if the rate is constituted correctly.

Metandrostenolon, Metane, MetanNerobol


Liquid (injection) "methane"

Liquid metandrostenolon (synonyms: Averbol, Reforvit B, Methastenon, Methanoliq, Metabol-25, and available now Pharmabol 100 from Pharmacom Labs, Methanabol from British Dragon, Methandienone from Radjay and Dianoged from Golden Dragon) is issued in the form of suspension or oil solution. The alkiln radical in the 17th situation, however according to Dan Duchaine also has connection, Dave Palumbo and other famous athletes due to lack of effect of primary passing can have higher bioavailability and have smaller toxic effect on a liver though confirmations of it are absent. Many claim that as well as in a case with an injection form of a vinstrol toxicity remains. Some equate him to a boldenon, however it is a mistake. One of the Best drug is Cogitum.

Injection metandrostenolon was popular in the second half of the last century as cheaper form which isn't demanding the equipment for production of tablets. Now gains popularity again, being sometimes positioned as means of "new generation", however cost is unfairly overstated.

Liquid metandrostenolon is possible to apply inside, has disgusting taste.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 200% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 50% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - yes (low)
  • Toxicity for a liver - moderate
  • Way of reception - orally, injections
  • Action duration - 6-8 hours
  • Detection time - up to 3 months

Metandrostenolon's effects

  • The main effect of metandrostenolon is shown in fast increase in muscle bulk, due to activation of synthesis of a protein, glycogenesis.
  • In passing power indicators increase
  • Appetite amplifies
  • Fat is slightly burned
  • The bone system becomes stronger
  • Metandrostenolon has rather weak androgenic action (50% in comparison with testosterone), nevertheless it takes place to be in vivo.
  • In researches it has been shown, side effects begin to be shown in most cases at excess of a dose of Danabol more than 30 mg a day

Research of effects of prolonged use of metandiyenon

The scientific article of R. J. Shephard

Dianabol effect

Data the 6th bodybuilding athletes are studied. All accepted metandrostenolon (Dianabolum) independently. One of athletes used drug continuously within several years, others 5 accepted it within 7-10 months courses from 3 weeks to 3 months with breaks, peer on time, to avoid side effects. A large number of a protein, training to 6 times a week 2-3 hours was in addition used.

Indicators of a blood, function of a liver and endocrine system, including the level of Testosteron-Depotum, LG, FSG and other laboratory indicators were estimated.

Dianabol effect 2

Results of clinical analyses of each athlete accepting metandiyenon:

  • None of athletes noted disturbances of sex function.
  • Indicators of a blood were normal, at one athlete a hemoglobin and a hematocrit was raised.
  • From a liver the addicting of nuclear heating plant and an alkaline phosphatase at 2 examinees was observed.
  • 4 of 6 examinees who still were on a reception course had a level of Testosteron-Depotum below norm.
  • LG was considerably lowered at 4 and rather low at 2.
  • FSG is slightly lowered at 3, but significantly raised at 1.
  • Hormone of a thyroid gland a thyroxine is normal.
  • At the athlete with the greatest experience of reception of Dianabolum (several years) a cholesterin, triglycerides and uric acid was raised.

Side effects of methandrostenolone


Gynecomastia results from conversion of a part of methandrostenolone in estrogens - Methyloestradiolum which has for 30% a larger affinity to estrogen receptors. Aromatasia inhibitors are applied to prevention of development of this side effect. These drugs in most cases allow to avoid development of gynecomastia.

Toxicity for a liver

In a type of the fact that the methandrostenolone has metilny group in 17α situation this drug has moderate toxic effect on a liver. The Metilny group interferes with destruction of Danabolum in a liver, and gives the chance to use drug orally (inside). It also reduces linkng of Danabolum with the globulin binding sex hormones. Bile-expelling drugs, such as Flamin, Tykveol are used.

Note. Methane, as well as any other oral steroid drug, at long reception can provoke a thickening of membranes of hepatic cells, and also deterioration in conduction of biliary tract that can result in stagnation of bile and pain in the right side. Traditionally advise at the methane use in parallel to drink karsil drugs, Essentiale, liv-52, Allocholum or an ovesol to avoid stagnation of bile and "to clean" a liver. These drugs actually not only don't help a liver during a course, but also harm it. Bile-expelling drugs are divided into 2 groups: one strengthen production of bile – choleretics (Allocholum, Cholenzymum), others - holekinetik, promote its outflow from a gall bladder in an intestine (Cholosasum). Therefore if to accept the drugs promoting bilification you only aggravate a situation. Therefore on a course from bile-expelling it is possible to apply only Cholosasum! And gepatoprotektor (karsit, Essentiale, etc.) have membrane stimul effect on liver cells, it in turn leads to a thickening of hepatic wall and stagnation of bile, it is difficult for them to diffuse through a thick membrane. So it is more reasonable to accept gepatoprotektor after a course and in this case it is better to stop the choice on Geptrala and Gepa-mertsa (ademetionin).

Liquid delay

One more quite widespread side effect of amethandrostenolone which is bound to estrogens. At the same time, the delay of liquid occurs mainly in muscles that makes an impression of larger volume of musculation. After the termination of a course of methandrostenolone excess liquid is removed and weight is lost for 10-50% of gathered. It isn't observed when using inhibitors of aromatasia.

Other side effects of methandrostenolone

  • Rising of arterial pressure. The problem can be solved if to use aromatasia inhibitors during a course.
  • Rising of sex activity during a course and temporary depression after a course.
  • The atrophy of testicles arises at long courses with use of high doses of Danabolum.
  • Acne during a course
  • Heartburn, sensation of discomfort or feelings of the fever, burning sensation behind a breast bone extending up from epigastric (subspoon) area on the esophagus course. Emergence of heartburn happens periodically
  • Alopecia (loss of hair)
  • Methandrostenolone causes masculanization for women.
  • In case of abuse or genetic predisposition development of a hypertrophy of a myocardium is possible.
  • Hypocoagulative state with predilection to bleedings, syndrome ( leukosis, pain in long tubular bones), an iron deficiency anemia.
  • Advance of an atherosclerosis (augmentation of concentration of LPNP and depression of concentration of LPVP), peripheric edemas.

Course of metandrostenolon

This course of metandrostenolon suits men 21 years for increase in muscle bulk, in the absence of contraindications are more senior (the increased arterial pressure, heart diseases, a hypertrophy of a prostate gland, a disease of a liver and some other).

  • It is recommended not to exceed a daily dose more than 30 mg. Is accepted in 2-3 receptions (for example 20 mg in the morning, 10 after a lunch). Methane (methandienone) is toxic for a liver, and it is the best of all to make reception of medicine after food.
  • The course of metandrostenolon begins with 10 mg, in 2-3 days the dose gradually increases to 20-30 mg a day (to estimate shipping). Duration makes usually 6 weeks.
  • In a week it is desirable to connect aromatasia inhibitors. For example, Anastrosol on 0,5 mg in 3 days. It will reduce conversion level in estrogen and that the most important will eliminate a congestion of liquid and puffiness.
  • In 2-3 days after a course PCT is carried out: tamoxifen, in a dose of 20 mg, 2-4 weeks. For the last week the dosage is gradually reduced to full cancellation.
  • It is necessary to watch arterial pressure. In case of increase it is necessary to lower a dose, or to begin reception of hypotensive means (Enalapril on 5 mg)
  • After a course it is possible to use the testosteron booster for 3-4 weeks, for faster restoration of secretion of testosterone in an organism and prevention of a phenomenon of kickback.
  • Don't forget that reception of anabolic steroids has to be coordinated with the doctor as contraindications are possible.
  • For obtaining the maximum effect and decrease in loss of muscle bulk after a course it is recommended to apply sports food to a set of muscle bulk and to keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.

Also nonconventional schemes of reception of methane meet: method, interval method, etc., etc. Each of these options has tasks. This method, for example, in the theory has to ensure functioning of medicine without any negative impact on production of endogenous testosterone that in practice doesn't give similar effect, and decrease in level of Tesstosteron all the same takes place. The interval method is intended not to cause in an accustoming organism to active ingredient and to weaken "pressure" upon a liver. In practice most often these methods don't work for a number of reasons therefore you shouldn't recommend them. Methane isn't suitable for intercourse bridges.

Combined metandrostenolon's rates

Considering quite high frequency of side effects of metandrostenolon and narrow width of positive effects, many authors recommend to use this medicine in combination with other anabolic steroids. At the same time the daily dose of Metandrostenolon can fluctuate from 10 to 30 mg. The combination allows to increase efficiency of a rate, together with it to reduce the frequency of side effects, in a type of various pharm dinamics medicines.

For increase in muscle bulk metandrostenolon shall be combined as follows:

  • M + Testosterone
  • M + Sustanon or Omnadren
  • M + Primobolan
  • M + Trenbolone + testosterone
  • M + Nandrolon + testosterone

The last two schemes are often applied by security officers. In the combined rates metandrostenolon quite often put only for the first 4 weeks.

Metandrostenolon's application without addition in a rate at least of therapeutic dosages of medicines of Testosterone isn't recommended. Remember that each combination assumes strictly certain doses of both medicines and the special mode of acceptance. You will be able to find the safest rates of anabolic steroids in article: The best rates of steroids.


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