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Afobazol - It makes it does not cause drowsiness

05 Nov 2016

Advantages: It makes it does not cause drowsiness

After my brother died, our grandmother could not recover. Highly experienced, completely ceased to sleep, crying constantly. We bought her a different soothing, but nothing helped. We bought her Afobazol (though without a prescription, which is not very good). Sleep she returned to normal. This drug has helped us in dealing with anxiety and stress. Take the pills should be the course, following instructions.


Afobazol - I became calmer

05 Nov 2016

Advantages: soothing effect

I take Afobazol about two weeks. I decided to treat the nerves. two weeks that I was taking Afobazol, I became more positive look at things. If before I panicked at the thought that the work can be lost, now it seems to me that I will find myself another. So Afobazol probably good drug. No side effects.


Afobazol - Restores the sleep

05 Nov 2016

Advantages: restores the sleep

Disadvantages: high price

I started taking Afobazol because of sleep disorders. A few days later I went to sleep without problems. Afobazol eliminates problems in the nervous system. Even where it seemed to me that everything is calm. It leads the nerves in order, removes any anxiety and peace comes in the body.

After weeks of sleep Afobazol adjusted. Take 2 tablets at night, as recommended by the doctor. for the full effect, I took "Afobazol" 3 weeks, as stated in the instructions. Now I sleep hard and sweetly.


Altai Neanderthals

05 Nov 2016

About Neanderthal child, Denisova Cave and the fact of hybridization. When the first Neanderthal remains have been found? Where living representatives of this species? As there was migration of Neanderthals in the Altai territory? And how influenced ideas about the origin of modern human remains in the Denisova Cave?

In 2007, in the journal Nature published an article by a large group of authors, which reported on the extraction of Neanderthal DNA, which differs greatly according to the type of the DNA of modern man, and the DNA fragment was extracted from bones found in the cave of the Altai. And a few fragments of human bones there was found in 1984, and, judging by the context of these finds, first of all refers to the period about 40,000 years ago by stone tools that were found there, the settlement of the cave, maybe even earlier.

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Even before World War II British expedition made a very high-profile opening in caves in Israel. And particularly in the Tabun Cave was excavated the skeleton of a female, which is associated with Neanderthals, too, and it appears today that the closest analogy to this anatomical Altai population is in Israel. That is, it turns out that a very long way had to undergo these people to get into the territory.

The fact is that during the excavation of Denisova cave is very fragmentary finds were discovered - two teeth and one small bone, which belonged to a child of about 5 -7 years. In collaboration with the laboratory of the German Max Planck Institute succeeded in isolating DNA from the child's bones. Initially, it appeared that this bone belonged to a girl, and the girl turned out to be the owner of a unique relic of the genome, that is, we are talking about people who lived in southern Siberia about 50,000 years ago, and their ancestors, if based on the data of archeology, came to the area about 300 thousand years ago. But it turned out that the relic gene that has been identified, that is, that the structure of mitochondrial DNA suggests that the common ancestor of these "denisovans" as they are called by analogy with Neanderthals lived about a million years ago.


5 movies about ideology

05 Nov 2016

What to see on the political currents and ideological power over society

Before we talk about movies, let me make a few introductory remarks. Firstly, in the paintings in question is shown, not only ideology, but also the way it works. Secondly, it is necessary to describe the subject of our conversation. I propose to take as a working definition of the term is quite broad concept of the French Marxists Louis Althusser: "Ideology - a system (which has its own logic and rigor) of representations (which may take the form of images, myths, ideas or concepts), has a certain historical existence and certain historical role within a particular community." Thirdly, I tried to choose not the most famous paintings. With the exception of "The Big Lebowski", the rest are likely to be surprising to readers. Fourth, you need to list sequentially each next recommended film reveals the ideology of a new, unexpected direction. That's why I advise you to watch movies in that order, as given in the list.

  • 1.The Last Supper, 1995 (Director:Stacy Title)

Group University graduates are satisfied with the Sunday gatherings for dinner and revels in his liberal views. Once it gets to the house of human rights convictions - racist, militarist, a fan of weapons and, apparently, a man with a criminal record. Squabbled on the basis of political opinion, the Liberals kill conservative guest. Understanding the essence of its mission, the Liberals invited to imagine different people to argue with them on the subject of ecology and sexual freedoms. So a group of young open-minded people and spent Sunday night while on a visit to them did not go the eminent conservative, which is often shown on television and which, by the way, is able to rise to the position of the opposing party, if not to take it, then at least understandable. An unpleasant surprise for them is the fact that right - it is quite adequate, it is against the extremists of any kind - it left that right - and decides to convince most of the enemy in a dialogue, rather than deprive him of his life. The film does not exalt the right views and is not a statement against the liberals. It shows the one-dimensionality, which is so often characteristic of carriers of any ideological consciousness.

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  • 2.The Big Lebowski, 1998 (Director: Joel David Coen, Ethan Jesse Coen)

Most likely, this film in Russia perceives as a few movies about ideology. Meanwhile, scientists are engaged in Lebowski Studies, of course, deeply studied and the issue as well. For example, one of the authors of the Western attempts to interpret this picture, so try to understand how the ideology of the New Left respective positions Dude (The Year's Work in Lebowski Studies. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2009. P. 124–148). Although Dude - the main character played by Jeff Bridges - really rather could preach the ideology of the left than any other, in general, almost all ideological currents represented in the film and served as superficial. They are national-socialism, nihilism, feminism, pacifism, militarism, patriotism, and so on. Try to see the movie and find all of these ideological trends. The authors explicitly refer to the "people with convictions," ironic.

What is remarkable in this film can be for political theorist, so this is to understand whether all these ideologies are swept aside as something superficial, or to some of them authors of the movies themselves are more sympathetic. Roughly speaking, this picture - of course, with certain conventions - it is possible to study the political preferences of the Coen brothers and even build their range of ideologies - from a less to a more preferred. Go in at your leisure.

  • 3.Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America, 1992 (Director: Craig Baldwin)

Craig Baldwin - unknown to us filmmaker who enjoys a certain reputation in the West. First of all in the United States. He works in the genre of "pseudo-pseudo-documentary film." His films - is a mixture of fiction and facts, mixed with each other and very original cast. Baldwin takes material for his films from everywhere: from commercials, pictures of the "B" category, television programs, and other documentaries. His hallmark remain "99 Disasters: anomalies of foreign origin under the United States of America." The film begins with a warning that "this is not fiction. This is the shocking truth of the coming of the Apocalypse. " The author says, if the aliens have long settled by the United States of America the land, experiencing hostility towards the US and lead them against the subversive activities in the world. For example, it is explained that the secret services were not able to get rid of at the time of a serious enemy of America, Fidel Castro, who in fact is supposedly a replicant. Speaking some incredible things known author in some way reveals his view of the United States policy, as well as the ideology of colonialism and imperialism in general. The painting is interesting as "implicit ideological statement," which goes far beyond where conventional ideology stop. Watch Baldwin’s movies difficult. In the sense that they are not at all entertaining. They are akin to the famous "Report" Bruce Conner, to which, incidentally, is associated Baldwin good relations and common views on the creation of this film, so to speak, of the genre.

  • 4.Harrison Bergeron, 1995 (Director: Bruce Pittman)

Very interesting film, delivered based on a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. In the American democracy of the future are all intellectually - that is, rather are silly, that no one was hurt. However, there is a secret organization that controls everything in the country - sees to it that the state to function properly. Harrison, a very intelligent man, who may not hide your mind, recruited into this secret elite, and he, instead of working in their specialty, trying to make a revolution and to show people that happen to have Shakespeare, Orson Welles and others yet inaccessible to them things. All the charm of the film is difficult to explain in a short paragraph. In general, it is a vivid illustration of the ideas of Slavoj Zizek, that ideology can not function without cynicism. The system almost collapsing from what Harrison wondered if Orson Welles might be someone interesting. It turns out that society as a whole is not very important culture. The problem is that of chief executive officer for many years felt remorse, instead of being understanding human psychology cynic. But in the film, of course, it is much more likely.

  • 5.Virtual Nightmare, 2000 (Director: Michael Pattinson)

The film begins where the stops "Harrison Bergeron".
The ideology of consumers is not very different from the ideology of the resistance, who wants to destroy the conspiracy of the elite, holding the general population in the world of virtual illusions. In other words, the resistance wants to turn off the virtual reality and the elite, living in a luxurious place, want to maintain the status quo, with the most well-guided by certain ideals. However, their view of the world as an illusion. It turns out that somewhere there is a machine that translates the different signals for all types of ideological consciousness. The machine also has long existed in itself - that is no secret forces, which would be beneficial to her work. There is no single center, and there is only the operator who sees to it that it runs properly.
Not casually write that it is necessary to watch this movie, along with a picture of John Carpenter's "They Live". But if in "Aliens Among Us" true ideological statement is hidden behind posters containing appeals to consume it in this movie hostage to ideology are its own carriers. Ultimately, we see the absurdity of the ideology in the broadest sense. She, being broadcasted through certain technical means, there is not because it is necessary to someone. It just opened. But in the absence of those technical means ideology is precisely what it was with them. This is about as if in "Aliens Among Us" People put on magic glasses, but in fact have seen exactly the same thing, and that in them, but for sure the viewer would know that the reality contemplated by them, just not real. Very deep.


7 films About Euthanasia

05 Nov 2016

What to look for legal euthanasia assumptions, the problem of choosing between life and death, and the people who make it.

The problem of euthanasia - it is the most difficult problems of bioethics. Euthanasia is understood as the acceleration of death seriously and terminally ill, carried out according to his will (with or without the will of relatives). Approaching death, suffering person without his conscious and repeated requests by the term "euthanasia" can not be called. To cope with depression you can by Phenibut, Afobazol, Phenazepam. The laws of all countries in the world, with a few exceptions, the idea of human sacrifice assessed as inhumane, and actions aimed at accelerating the death of the patient, qualified as criminal. In order not to let die, not kill another person, a person do not need to make any special effort: the recognition of oneness and transcendence of the human person prohibits euthanasia. This recognition is the basis of very detailed arguments of opponents of euthanasia legalization.

Supporters of legalization insist that euthanasia is the realization of freedom of the will of the patient, his conscious and informed choice. The development of new medical technologies, especially life-sustaining treatment, along with the statement in the medical practice such values as the patient's right to self-selection, as well as the emergence of social movements defending "the right to die with dignity", has led to the fact that euthanasia issue was again in the focus at the beginning of the XXI century. Stories of real people and fictional characters, their personal choice of life and death in the face of suffering, philosophical, political, social arguments for and against euthanasia in the context of contemporary culture - that's what offered you a movie.

  • 1.Mar adentro, 2004 (Director: Alejandro Amenabar)

In tape-based real story bedridden Spaniard Ramón Sampedro, who for several years fought for the right to voluntary withdrawal from life. By the beginning of the events taking place in the film, he was 30 years imprisoned in his own body, bedridden, his sea of liberty within its non-free body.
The film is widely represented range of arguments for and against euthanasia coming from the people, social institutions and movements, aimed at different ideological bases. Accordingly, the film viewer will be treated in accordance with their own religious and moral convictions. The sincerity of the positions, the game Javier Bardem, genuine drama of the plot does not let the viewer. Aphoristic arguments protagonist makes a personal choice to make. The film can not be attributed to the lungs, it guarantees a minimum of sad reflections. Oscar-winning director Alejandro Amenabar tape will not leave anyone indifferent spectator. In the film there is an Indian remake, entitled "Prayer."

  • 2.You Don't Know Jack, 2010 (Director: Barry Levinson)

This film is an autobiographical drama about an American voice and advocate of the right to choice of euthanasia in cases when it is not possible to provide patient care, which does not allow suffering to continue to live. The film poses the question: "Who is he, Jack Kevorkian: a fighter for human rights or a serial killer?" Why is it so broad ranks of his supporters and why so many of those who curse? The film does not give a clear answer, but with documentary precision introduces the viewer to the facts of the biography of Dr. Kevorkian.

Jack Kevorkian (Dr. Death) was born in 1928 in Pontiac, Michigan, died in March 2011, at the end of the Faculty of Medicine joined the US Army, participated in the Korean War, worked in hospitals in Detroit, Michigan and California. In 1989, Jack Kevorkian has designed and built a so-called suicide machine (mersitron -. English Mercitron, by mercy - 'mercy'), which causes the death of the patient only when the patient will lead it into action. That is why the authorities have been difficult to attract Kevorkian to justice when his mersitronom benefited more than 130 people. He was stripped of his license to practice medical practice, four were acquitted by the courts due to lack of evidence. In 1999, Jack Kevorkian was sentenced to imprisonment for a direct second-degree murder (euthanasia 52-year-old Thomas Yuka from Oakland County, suffered from Lou Gehrig's disease). Prosecutors have been recording as evidence of guilt. For good behavior 79-year-old Jack Kevorkian was released June 1, 2007, two years ahead of schedule, with the ban to help someone to die by euthanasia, to care for persons older than 62 years. The film discusses the problems of active euthanasia - the deliberate intervention to terminate the patient's life. Worthy of praise Al Pacino in the lead role, it is worth paying attention to the work of Oscar-winning director Barry Levinson.

  • 3.How to Die in Oregon, 2011 (Director: Peter Richardson)

As of November 2016 active euthanasia is allowed in countries such as Albania, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada. At the same time in Belgium and the Netherlands allowed pediatric euthanasia. In North America, euthanasia is allowed in five US states: Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Georgia and California. In the US state of Oregon passed a law in November 1994, which was called «Death with Dignity Act» ( «Act on the right to die with dignity"). Then such laws began to accept other states: in November 2008, Washington, in March 2012, GA, May 13, 2013, Vermont. In California, in October 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed the law "On the right to die ', which permit the euthanasia.
The film tells about the fate of people who have decided to take advantage of the opportunity provided to them on a voluntary suicide. Desperate patients in the terminal stage of cancer, their families, people trying to escape from the pain and suffering on the "party of the dead» (death party), - characters of the film. The viewer can not escape personal answer to the question of whether a person has the right to self-determination, even to the point that he can choose whether to continue his life, or break it. Supporters of euthanasia based on the fact that the right to life, declared by modern civilization, presupposes human right to determine the time of his death; Doctors also are required to provide a sick person exercising this right. The basis of this argument is the belief in the inherent falsity of the idea that life - is a supreme gift and the person is not entitled to dispose of the fact that he does not belong.

  • 4.The Suicide Tourist, 2007 (Director: John Zaritsky)

The film director, has Academy Award statuette - a documentary history of Briton Craig Evert, who, after a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis decides to travel to Switzerland. In England and Wales assistance in euthanasia is a criminal offense, the punishment for which can be up to 14 years in prison.
In Switzerland, euthanasia is permitted since 1941. The law of the country on euthanasia allows a very loose interpretation. In fact, the only restriction is the prohibition to exercise it for selfish reasons. According to Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Swiss Confederation to assist in the act of suicide, if it does not pursue selfish personal goals punishable. However, in Swiss law, this procedure is not clearly spelled out. However, it stated that assisted suicide is not illegal. When it comes to the terminal stage of a serious illness, such assistance in suicide is considered as a humane act. In Switzerland, as this is the only country in the world where this type of assisted suicide is not prohibited in respect of foreign nationals coming foreigners (information about their numbers were not disclosed), and develops a practice dubbed "suicide tourism".

The film raises a very important issue: in a global world the difference in the legal regulation of euthanasia becomes a factor in the value attitude of people to the fundamental questions about the meaning of life, the choice of death, the meaning of suffering, the experience of pain. Today Great Britain - a country where at the state level are carried out extremely sharp debate about possible legalization of euthanasia. In the UK at present a draft law regarding privacy, which help in committing suicide is declared legal. The law includes several conditions for carrying out euthanasia: it is supposed to allow for patients who, on the conclusion of the medical council, to live no more than six months, and their desire to die is confirmed by at least two physicians and a witness.

  • 5.Million Dollar Baby, 2004 (Director: Clint Eastwood)

The film has collected a rich harvest of awards, including four Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (Hilary Swank), Best Supporting Actor (Morgan Freeman). The plot of the film series of stories by Jerry Boyd, the famous organizer of boxing fights. The peculiarity of this film is that the emphasis is not on the position of the suffering person, making the decision about the choice of death. The central problem of the film - the man responsible, who should be forced to accept and carry through life is the heavy burden - the responsibility for the death of another. The film is built around the figure of the boxing trainer Frankie Dunn. Experiencing hard guilt for injured student, already an old coach, after much persuasion, agreed to prepare a young purposeful title fight former waitress Maggie. She is a very talented athlete, but the fate of her merciless: after a serious injury in the ring it is paralyzed. Left alone, Maggie asks his coach to help her die, which he does by entering her lethal dose of adrenaline. The end of the film leaves the unanswered question: "Will the hero be able to find internal strength to gain peace of mind and a sense of guilt and responsibility for the actions in relation to others inescapable?"

  • 6.De Surprise, 2015 (Director: Mike van Diem)

It is striking that in this film in a conversation about death, managed to avoid the darkest tones. movie is between melodrama and comedy. Perhaps it is not surprising that one of the films that affect the choice of death problem, took the Dutch director Mike van Dim, in fact the Netherlands is one of the few countries where euthanasia is legalized. According to Dutch law, any person who has attained 16 years of age, has the right to independently determine the order and the way of life care. For example, a person may write in his statement that he was not treated in the event of a car accident or cancer. Children under 16 years old can submit such an application with the consent of the parents.
The film - a love story of an eccentric millionaire Jacob, contact the agency "Elysium", helping its customers to go to another world, taking into account individual wishes - unfolds against the backdrop of thinking about life and death, the human right to terminate his earthly course, if life in different reason does not bring happiness.

  • 7.The Lobster, 2015 (Director: Yorgos Lanthimos)

The list of films on euthanasia should also include a film in which the story is not about euthanasia - "Lobster". The film was shot in a realistic manner. For example, the actors do not use make-up and shooting all made with natural light. "Lobster" is included in the category of "not for everyone" and tells the story of how a decision is made to withdraw from the onslaught of human life under the conditions and circumstances of life. The fundamental choice of a theme that underlies the judgment on euthanasia, presented in this film is extremely trivial.


How do genes influence the development of speech of the child?

05 Nov 2016

About ROBO2 gene corresponding to the development of speech, dyslexia causes and influence of heredity on the ability to speak.

September 16, 2014, British scientists published in the journal Nature Communications article on a gene that influences the development of speech in children. They had found a gene that affects how many words will be able to pronounce the child at an early age.

Handling of British scientists is very interesting and contributes to the understanding of what and how to identify the genes in the development of the child, in the formation of the features of an adult.
Children begin to talk at different ages, and when one is already in full talks, another still just says a few words. As it turned out, the number of words that says a child under the age of 3 years, depends not only on how parents communicate with him, but also on the genes. Actually, the fact that the genes for the ability to affect speech learning, it was known before. But now we found a specific gene with which it is associated impact. The gene is called ROBO2. Children with one embodiment vocabulary gene are more than the other. Interestingly, the gene is located on the 3rd chromosome, near the site, which is known that it is associated with dyslexia - a violation of learning to read, while maintaining intellectual abilities. Some of the children are not able to learn to read not from the fact that they are poorly taught, and because the genes they "do not give." For example, due to the genetic characteristics of the child can not coordinate eye movements that they followed along the lines of letters, or has violated phonemic hearing. For such children need special training program to teach them to read.

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But in the study in question, we studied healthy children. And this is important - to understand how genes provide the normal development and because of what it can be broken. In order to understand this, geneticists are regions of the genome, variations in which are linked to the characteristics of the person, and then begin to understand what is written in these areas, what are the functions of the genes that are found. This story was with another gene important to the ability to speak. It FOXP2 gene. Mutations of this gene found in a family whose members were unable to master the grammar. This caused great interest, because the ability to speak - a key feature that distinguishes man from other animals. Gene carefully studied and found that it works during embryonic development in those areas of the brain that are associated with speech. Moreover, it turned out that FOXP2 evolved a special way a person does not like his closest relatives, monkeys, or other animals. Although they have this gene busy "verbal" functions. For example, song birds it affects the learning song.
There is no doubt that ROBO2 gene comprehensively examine these studies will be useful for the development of medicine or pedagogy. The ability to speak - a very important property of the person. It is necessary all the time to write about what beneficial results of this study bring. But, in addition to utility, it is also quite fascinating - to understand how genes "do" person, and what role they play in how we differ from each other. For example, Richard Feynman talking about physics: "Physics is like sex: specifically, it may give some practical results, but we are doing it not because of this." The study of the genome is no worse than physics, and maybe even more fun.


Epigenetics and Stem Cells

05 Nov 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about epigenetic inheritance, specialization of pluripotent stem cells. What is the process of epigenetic inheritance? Why is the original object can not be accurately reproduce by cloning? How to epigenetic changes seen in cells of the female?

For such a trend in science as overgenetics, epigenetics is very active the last couple of decades, began to develop - that is, as it were beyond genetics. What is meant by the term "epigenetics" in terms of an exact science of genetics? This inheritance is not associated with DNA from deoxyribonucleic acid, with a change of the genetic code. Inherited, but with a change in the genetic code and coding within the genetic code, it is not connected.

Fun for epigenetics experiments were carried out, in my opinion, in 2002, when scientists tried in genetically modified mice - they were introduced to a gene that gives color agouti, a pale pink, a strange color - change the color, affecting external factors . And they feed it by certain substances, which contain a sufficiently large number of chemical methyl grounds. This mouse agouti, except the color was still bad: ill because of diabetes and so on. Can we cure it by external factors? Oh, miracle! Progeny of the agouti mouse has lost color and became feel better - of course, at that time, while it lasted feeding.

Why is this really the case? A DNA sequence encoding our genes, can still undergo some chemical modifications are inherited. In particular there is a chemical modification of DNA methylation, but due to the fact that the chemical reaction occurs with the DNA, ceases to be available to read information from it. In the case of mice, agouti in diet gave many of the methyl group, the gene was silent, and it was inherited in a number of generations. He remained in the genome, just stopped working. And - lo and behold! - Mice lost color and even heal. This is just the practical impact of epigenetics.

Epigenetics is everywhere and since our birth. For example, we arise from a single cell or group of pluripotent stem cells, then they specialize in a particular type of tissue. These cells must remember, in what type of tissue they are specialized to lifelong generate exactly the type of tissue. That is, they need to get to certain environmental conditions, which will fix their epigenetic state, some work of their genome. After all the cells in the body have one and the same gene, the same gene, but some genes work in blood cells, hair work quite different genes, but it should be inherited.

And it is precisely these specialized genetic program in a single body fixed by epigenetic mechanisms. Epigenetics - this kind of environment, including the environment, shows a remarkable example of the agouti mice, associated with the real environment, even food. What does this mean? This means that you can not in the same water twice enter as a philosopher Heraclitus said, five hundred years before our era, we can not repeat the story twice.

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If we think about it: we are pluripotent stem cells or cloning we do, we want someone to clone. We want to clone Einstein - let's do it. What do I need? To do this, not only to reproduce the gene pool of Einstein, that there is simply done by using cloning technology, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 2012 - to take a piece of Einstein's skin, its gene pool, move the kernel. But what we need to do? We need to repeat all the external conditions that accompanied Einstein throughout its development, from a single cell up to the birth and up to the theory of relativity. Can I do it? Of course, impossible. Therefore, if we want to clone Einstein, we find a man like Einstein. But whether he will be such a freak, who played the violin and created the theory of relativity - is not a fact, it is not a fact. This is precisely the effect of epigenetics.

We always have in the body, the life of the genes, they give us a range of possibilities. And the range of possibilities is realized in certain external environmental conditions and inherited.

What was inherited as a result of those external environmental conditions - this is an epigenetic effect.

Therefore, if we talk about pluripotent stem cells, human cloning, whether we can accurately reproduce all, if we can accurately reproduce this or that body? No. We can reproduce it accurately genetically we can try to reproduce it exactly structurally, but it will still be some other fabric, because this body has developed in other environments.

But it is not terrible, in most cases, do not be afraid. For example, if we want to renew your mind with the help of regenerative medicine, then perhaps we will be able to reproduce neurons. But whether they will have a memory? A memory - this is epigenetics, this is what we want to keep, and what defines individuality. Of course, keeping the structure of the brain, we do not save memory, because epigenetic environment in which we all do it outside the body, will be completely different. In the case of the heart, perhaps it is not so important. In the end, the heart - it is only the pump, it must be reduced by performing its function, and here we were on epigenetics is not worth paying attention to.

When we talk about the immune system, if we are using pluripotent stem cells to repair, say, a particular immune system to fight infectious diseases or cancer with some things - we need a memory. Because immunology - a memory that remains. Then it turns out that epigenetics says no, guys, we still have to educate first, because there is this memory.

Great display of epigenetics in female cells, whether the human body, whether it is - the most interesting example - cats. Women in each cell of the two X-chromosomes, but the two X-chromosome - it is too much for one woman, it is too large luxury, so each cell is one of X-chromosome to be inactivated, does not work, because if it is it will work, this will lead to a pathology. But this inactivation silencing one of X-chromosome in each cell, occurs in the early stages of embryonic development of the female body and chaotic. In one cell from the Pope inactivated chromosome from his mother in another, and so on, then it is already fixed and inherited.

Why not get some color cats? Because they do not get the right colors: they color genes located on the X-chromosome. And if we want to reproduce a particular color correct, since the X-chromosome inactivation occurs randomly, color of the parent will not be played. That is why, incidentally, abandoned cats cloning, because the owners want to get a kitty that looks exactly like the original cat, but random epigenetics, random inactivation of X-chromosome gives us diversity - the variety of feature, a variety of adaptation to the environment. And not just genetics provides us the opportunity to survive in this world, but also epigenetics, which gives a fairly broad interaction with the environment.


As the patient was transplanted retina of the "artificial" cells?

05 Nov 2016

On receipt of induced pluripotent stem cells and their use in medicine

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September 12, 2014 in Japan for the first time the operation was carried out by transplantation of retinal cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells, 70-year-old patient with age-related degenerative retinal changes.

Rapid development of regenerative medicine has led to a new breakthrough - retinal cells from induced pluripotent stem cells, the patient first hoisted. Pluripotent cells can give rise to any adult cell type. After the first type derived in culture of pluripotent cells - Embryonic stem cells - such cells learned prepared from mouse adult somatic cells, and then human. Such "artificial" cells called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). They have all the characteristics of embryonic stem cells can differentiate into all cell types of an adult organism. Furthermore, since they are obtained from a patient's cells could have its genotype, respectively, their derivatives - perfect resource for production of cells for transplantation to the same patient.

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Protocols differentiation of different types of pluripotent cells began to be developed in a breeding culture of the first lines of embryonic stem cells, and to date, have learned how to get many types of adult cells, including cells of the retina. However, until now used for retinal transplants, tissue derived from stem cells of the patient, and this resource is very limited and usually requires surgery. Also, embryonic stem cells and their derivatives have an excellent genetic material from a patient, and they are subject to unceasing ethical controversy many countries. The solution to these problems become iPSCs. The technology they use is quite simple: a biopsy of the patient's skin get its somatic cells in vitro (test tube), they are converted into iPSCs and have these freshly pluripotent cells differentiate into the desired cell type and gives a lift to the patient.

Such a "full cycle" for the first time received permission to use in medicine: retinal cells thus produced eye hoisted seventy patient with age-related degeneration of the retina. Most likely, the next cell type, which will be available and, importantly, the transplant patient - different neuronal derivatives, as they are well developed protocols differentiation, and have already been made in animal experiments using neuronal derivatives of embryonic stem cells. Thus, the technology of "full cycle" removes the ethical issues related to the use of embryonic stem cells, and significantly reduces the chance of graft rejection. Together with the technology of 'genome editing', with which you can be genetically "treat" patient iPSC-derived cells, this first step indicates the beginning of a new era of using iPSCs in medicine.


FAQ: Embryonic stem cells

05 Nov 2016

7 facts about the unique type of pluripotent mammalian cells

Embryonic stem cells and tissue stem cells - are two different things, and it should be well understood. Tissue stem cells are in a very large amount of the body tissue. They are responsible for what we have updated the skin, hematopoietic stem cells are found in the bone marrow makes blood. Recently we discovered neural stem cells.

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  • 1. All these cells are a kind of common property with embryonic stem cells - they are all at some stage of underdevelopment. They are not differentiated. Embryonic cells are at the bottom of the pyramid, and tissue stem cells are already higher, so they are called "multipotent," meaning they have the potential to ensure that turn into different cells of the body typically within a single tissue. Therefore, they should not be confused with each other. The rest of the properties of these cells, too, are quite different.
  • 2. Embryonic stem cells are derived from human 5-day embryo. In other words, it is an embryo, which, in fact, is several hundred cells. This blastocyst - a ball filled with embryonic stem cells. They can be isolated in culture, they grow well, they divide almost indefinitely. For the first time for a man they have identified more than 14 years ago and the line, which are then identified so far cultivated the laboratory and they do not change their properties. It turns out that we can artificially support these embryonic cells in "limbo" state, in a state in which they are found in the embryo.
  • 3. They have, in contrast to the tissue stem cell self-renewal in addition to immortality and there is a lovely property - these are the cells from which the entire body is built. That is, they can differentiate into any cell of the adult organism. This property is called pluripotency. This is a very important property. There are tests for pluripotency. For example, we can make the proper cells from mouse mouse, typing them into mouse blastocysts. That is, the mouse can be made entirely created from the cells which were cultured in the laboratory. It is clear that we can not make a man, so only test a similar mouse, when we introduce these human embryonic stem cells subcutaneously immunodeficient mice, that is, one that does not have an immune response. Often at the point of entry of these cells obtained tratoma - a benign tumor, it usually consists of tissues belonging to the three germ layers. This suggests that in vivo, that is live and not only in vitro, human embryonic stem cells can differentiate into all tissue diversity. Perhaps it is connected with it all the fears about the fact that they are similar to the cancer cells because they can divide and form an infinite tratoma into immunodeficient mice. But, in fact, cancer cells are very different. And cancer cells - it is broken some cells that have broken and self-maintenance mechanism of transformation in that whatsoever. At the same embryonic stem cells that grow in a culture nothing is broken. We support them in the same condition in which they are found in nature, so we can control them.
  • 4. The control cell fate involved thousands of scientists, because this area offers great opportunities when we can take embryonic stem cells and artificial way to make them the heart, lung, liver, anything. Firstly, it is very interesting, because biologists ESC it is the Lego, they can pass the path of differentiation, and they can be used to trace the path of development and the way to becoming one fabric to another. Secondly, if we want to test how drugs affect embryonic cells or into different paths of development, we can do this in vitro initially, which is also very convenient. Plus we can make in these embryonic cells some mutation, for example knockouts, that is off some genes that are important, for example, embryonic development, and watching what happens. If we are talking about a mouse embryonic stem cells, we can even observe the phenotype, that is manifested as the inclusion of certain genes at different stages of development. To improve quality of life and increase you immunity buy Complex of cytamins for the immune system, Metaprot, Peptides (Cytogens) Kristagen.
  • 5. Embryonic stem cells are taken from embryos remaining after IVF procedures. Usually they do a small amount, some of which is transferred into the womb, some not. The part that is not transferred into the womb, with the permission of patients, the parents give to the needs of the laboratory. And there is nothing, in my opinion, flayer, because it is a five-day embryos, blastocyst is a few hundred cells in which there is no division or the nervous system, or whatever it may be. And as we already know from practice, the mainstream is cells that can turn anything you want. However, it may not happen, because nobody knows this particular embryo develops or not.
  • 6. Now embryonic stem cells into practice, except in biomedicine any basic things are used as a universal supplier any variety of tissues. And, given that we can do more differentiated derivatives and learned to make them in pretty large quantities, you can try to do some kind of tissue replacement therapy. That is certain to grow tissue that will get accustomed to the site of injury. Now, there are several clinical tests (carried out on the derivatives of embryonic stem cells), and one of the most promising tests - it tests oligodendrocytes that are derived from embryonic stem cells. These oligodendrocytes, is embryonic stem cells that are running in the direction of neuronal development, but it is not the final leg. They can still develop further. Test The idea is that when there is a certain nervous system injury when neurons are recovered, they can not recover the myelin sheath around them, and the signals are not without it. And oligodendrocytes - these are cells which produce the myelin sheath. Now clinical trials are conducted by only 10-20 patients, because the main issue in these tests now is safe or not these cells. Today, there are still fears about what they are getting into a living organism will behave unpredictably. It is now made successful tests in rats and monkeys. And patients in which these tests are done, it's a pretty strong group of patients who have had a spinal injury, during the week before the cells are transferred into the womb to them. It is assumed that at such an early stage of traumatic recovery just these oligodendrocytes help the patient to recover and restore its connection to the spinal cord. Studies in rats and monkeys it turns out.
  • 7. Another branch, on which are in clinical trials, is to obtain pigment epithelium cells from embryonic stem cells. Pigment epithelium - a retina and connected with it a lot of diseases of both genetic and just senile. For example, degeneration of the retina - the thinning of the retina, when people gradually stop seeing. Today we are able to do quite effectively from embryonic stem cells of the pigment epithelium cells. Scientists are trying to implanting the cells of the retina pigment epithelium dystrophy patients. Eye - a very convenient model for the control of graft survival.

    Preliminary tests show that everything is going well, and patients receive their sight, literally. But this preliminary study. And while this practice is not left not what the clinic, but also in any more serious patients. Therefore, it is too early to talk about general clinical use of these cells. But, nevertheless, it is clear that this can be done. So before the era of stem cell clinics still very far away. All experiments with embryonic stem cells derived hampered by the fact that it's still a cage of another person. Immunologically they are, as well as transplant organs, are incompatible with the patient. This is the biggest problem with the use of derivatives transplantation of embryonic stem cells.

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