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Afobazol - really effective means

06 Nov 2016

Advantages: really effective means

Disadvantages: accept on the instructions

I have health problems. And I recently split with the man I loved most in life. I went to the drugstore and bought Afobazol, which heard a lot from friends. She read a lot of reviews already here, that the effect is not immediate. So I have patience and began to take on the scheme. Three times a day, after meals, without omissions. And since one and a half weeks before the first improvements.

I really feel better. I became calmer, began to enjoy the little things. The side effects of drowsiness and this preparation has not revealed. Total cutting during the month, very satisfied.


Afobazol - good anti-stress drug

06 Nov 2016

Advantages: no drowsiness, and it restores emotional strength

Since I am a teacher at the university, I can not be nervous or feel emotional fatigue. Otherwise, it is immediately transmitted to students, but they instantly feel these changes and themselves begin to behave differently and lead to perceive information. I therefore hints at minimal stress accept Afobazol course.

This happens to me is not often, but still every couple of semesters there. The drug does not cause me any side effects, which is especially important.

With "Afobazol" thoughts clear, fresh head. The main take instructions, not missing a tablet. The effect can be seen in a week, even ten days later I was completely calm down. This does not impact negatively on my health: on the contrary, we work much more readily.


Afobazol - It removes stress

06 Nov 2016

Advantages: good help

Disadvantages: effects only after two weeks

I will write my impression of this drug. I decided to treat the nerves. Any infusion at me do not act, even motherwort, and powerful drugs to make afraid. I decided to try Afobazol.

The medicine is not acting immediately, so in the first week of the reception I did not expect much effect. But by the end of the week noticed that the mood was better, anxiety is gone, it became less irritated. And before that it was like a squeezed lemon after a day and all infuriated. A big plus that does not cause drowsiness, at night sleep good. And you can drive a car. I have to work on the car ride, so it was very important for me.

Now comes the fourth week of the drug, no side effects. I liked the drug most likely will take courses for prevention.


Omnadren-250 - the dosage, the pros and cons of the usage

06 Nov 2016

I think it is difficult enough to find pharmacological agents that would collect a large amount of negative feedback from bodybuilders and powerlifters, than Omnadren 250. In this article we will try to understand, if it is so terrible, this "monster".

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Pros of Omnadren

Composition Omnadren 250, in my opinion, is very interesting, because this drug is composed of four esters of testosterone:

  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 60 mg
  • Testosterone Propionate - 30 mg;
  • Testosterone Iso-hexanoate - 60 mg;
  • Testosterone Hexanoate - 100 mg.

Together, they provide not only 250mg per milliliter of the active substance, but also interact in such a manner that Omnadren can be considered one of the best preparations for increasing strength and muscle mass in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

  • 1.Presented in the preparation of testosterone esters have different switching speed of the work. Because of this, they will come into effect one after the other, resulting in the user's body is maintained constantly high level of testosterone. That is why Omnadren has a strong anabolic and androgenic effect, which is why when it is used there is a rapid increase in its own weight of an athlete and his athletic performance.
  • 2.The rapid growth is accompanied by significant water retention in the body that facilitates the movement of the joints.
  • 3.Besides accelerating the regeneration processes, increases appetite, which helps to recover after hard training.

So why are you such an effective preparation write and speak so much wrong with that? Try to understand.

Disadvantages of Omnadren

Firstly, it is the side effects are the same as that of testosterone propionate:

  • Acne;
  • Liver problems;
  • Increase pressure;
  • Gynecomastia, aggressiveness;
  • Water Retention;
  • Significant suppression of natural testosterone.

Second, it is the price and availability of Omnadren - 250. Yes, price and availability are the main drawback of this drug. The fact that the list of vital drugs includes Omnadren, and even today in difficult time Omnadren can be easily purchased in pharmacies. Especially in private pharmacies.

Needless to say that at this price, and "easy availability" Omnadren poured in liters. Some people stick of 8-10 ampoules per day, and this 2000-3000mg. of active ingredient.

It exceeded all reasonable limits dosages and causes the terrible acne, covering users of Omnadren almost from head to toe by uniform crust. And it is from such doses man "fills with water" to the swelling of the face and bags under the eyes.

And if Omnadren is taken along with other AAS? It turns out that having used a cocktail-androgenic anabolic steroids in a very high dosage, and get the whole "bouquet" of side effec ts, the user starts to blame Omnadren. Because it and produce something of his in Poland, without proper quality control, and forge all and sundry. You would think in Pakistan or India, the production of sterile, and nothing fake there ...

Dosage of Omnadren

Objectively to constant positive dynamics in mass and strength mid-level sportsman will have enough preparation 250mg per week - a single injection. Over time, it will be possible to increase the dosage to 500 mg per week.

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Also keep in mind that Omnadren-250 is still the drug is not for the "first course". This is due to the fact that it is not very convenient to use alone because of the almost complete lack of "soft entry" into the course. If the first injection is injected into the body it is large enough dose of a substance, often excessive for the "freshman" needs. You can try Cortexin too.

And yet, if I was not in anything except Omnadren in nightstand, I would use it as shown in the table.

At doses shown in the table, the side effects are negligible. But the results are quite acceptable. And after the drug has a chance to save them the most. Also observed on the "smooth" as the beginning of the course, and coming out of it.


Omnadren - 250 is one of the most powerful drugs for a set of mass and strength in powerlifting and bodybuilding, but in order to benefit from its reception was more desirable than harm:

  • Acquire the drug or the "trusted people", or in pharmacies.
  • Do not exceed a reasonable dosage.
  • Since the drug is easily flavored to reduce the associated adverse side effects, take anti-estrogens (eg, Proviron). What will also help to reduce the accumulation of excess water.
  • Omnadren - 250 is absolutely contraindicated for women.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Omnadren - 250 is often considered an analog of Sustanon - 250.

Expert Opinion – Dr. Doping

In my opinion, Omnadren 250 is a unique drug that is potentially considered to be one of the most effective for building muscle mass and strength that is particularly in demand in powerlifting and other strength sports. Its effectiveness as described in this article consists in its structure, which includes four testosterone ester.
However, this drug is actively criticized for a large number of side effects, which is written in this article. The problem lies in the availability and therefore Omnadren frequently exceeded the recommended dosages. To avoid causing side effects that are similar to side effects of testosterone, you must follow a clearly dosages that detailed in the article.


Transcription and genetic diseases

06 Nov 2016

Geneticist Dr. Doping tells about crash in transcriptional regulation, tumor cells and the development of new drugs. What changes in the human genome lead to disease? How recent studies of gene transcription can help in the treatment of cancer?

The transcription factors control the expression of genes in approximately half of any cell type. We have come to realize that a huge part of the variations in the human genome associated with the disease actually affects the transcriptional control of the state in many cells of interest for medicine cells. This is the basis upon which we want to understand how these changes in the genome cause failures in the regulation of transcription, which leads to disease. To find out, we studied cells as an example, cancer patients. Tumor cells often carry out the changes, experiments with its genome. Thus, they are modified, mutated, in the selection of them can give a survival advantage.

We found that the super-enhancers that create cells for the overexpression of oncogenes basic, are very sensitive to drugs aimed at many of the transcriptional machinery. We did not expect this, but we believe that it is particularly vulnerable tumor cells. Already there and developed a lot of drugs that specifically affect either the transcription cofactors or the chromatin regulators, which seems to confirm the particular sensitivity of tumor cells to this type of medication due to the vulnerability of the super-enhancers.

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One area of potential drugs suitable for the invention, is associated with transcriptional co-factors that are involved in histone modifications and histone binding to transcription factors are optional. Many of these substances are enzymes that modify the various components of the transcription machinery, or histones from the immediate environment. This invention is suitable for drugs, because they are active, potentially useful for drug development, and determine how to react to develop the structure or activity of the small molecules for clinical use.


Found neural network responsible for overeating

06 Nov 2016

Dependence on the sweet and addiction to food from the point of view of neuroscience

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What happened

We showed in this study that the neurons coming from the area of the brain called the lateral hypothalamus (region of the brain responsible for hunger, nutrition and homeostasis), sends signals to the ventral tegmental area (area of the brain responsible for motivation and reward), active when we perform actions that provide reinforcements sufficient to turn into a habit, such as a hike to the refrigerator. If we want to understand how the brain stimulates these feelings, thoughts and actions, we need to know not only what he says, but also what he says with whom.

We used optogenetics, which allows to activate and deactivate the neurons to see which particular neurons (their genetic and anatomical individuality) fed signals (the nature of their pulses) and to whom they have sent them (the neurons in the network, these messages are received). With the activation of this pathway, we found that it causes a feeling of compulsive overeating as a research promotion in the face of punishment, binge eating even do not experience hunger and constant behavior aimed at finding a reward. We also found that the overlap of the search path compulsive reduced sucrose. But, surprisingly, it did not alter the food intake process at the hungry animals!

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One of the biggest challenges of treating obesity associated with overeating, is that most therapies time they treat the symptoms, not the disease. Gastric bypass surgery, for example, makes it harder to supply the process itself, but it does not change the habits of overeating, and often a lot of people after the failure occurs, and they are gaining weight again.
The main problem in such cases is a passionate craving, which leads to overeating, and then to the compulsive behaviors associated with overeating. There is a theory that has been developed by researchers dependencies Barry Everett and Trevor Roberts, that the actions aimed at searching for rewards lead to habits that can turn into a compulsive search for promotion in the case of drug addiction. We were interested in how the brain may cause compulsive behavior. So we wanted to find out whether or not this theory is valid.

This is very interesting because it is a huge difference between an addiction to food and drug addiction is that you do not need drugs to survive, but to do this you need food. Treating addiction to food has to be more delicate, because you have to get rid of painful overeating, but still want to be a desire to have healthy food in order to survive. Our research indicates that this is possible.


Imagine if I told you that in the future we will be able to change the way our nerve transmission network signals so that I would not have wanted to have a sweet tooth, but nothing would stop me from eating healthy food when I'm hungry. Of course, you must still do a lot of work before it becomes a reality, but our research shows that this is possible.

We must make sure that these things are safe and effective, but we hope that our work will inspire scientists to treatment method development attempts, based on neural networks, which will use deep brain stimulation, or non-invasive methods, such as the stimulation of using focused ultrasound or transcranial magnetic stimulation, possibly together with cognitive behavioral therapy. While our study suggests that this type of treatment is possible because it is a different network, which means that we have a starting point for further research. The only thing that I am absolutely convinced - that this is only the tip of the iceberg.


Biocompatible Nanomaterials

06 Nov 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about artificial skin, blood vessels from the proteins of web and biodegradation of materials management. What are biocompatible nanomaterials? How can obtain the film of tiny fibers to create artificial skin? And because of that make artificial blood vessels?

If you scald, you have a burn of varying degrees of severity. There is a need to protect this place, because as long as your skin is restored, the place has undergone a burn can be easily subjected to infection or other destructive factors. But artificial skin must possess certain properties, for example, the film has to pass liquid easily, so that you can easily handle the wound, it should be easy to pass the gases, but at the same time it should not pass bacteria and microorganisms to sepsis has not occurred.

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At the State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms of our colleagues have received the recombinant spider silk proteins, and we, in turn, of these proteins web obtained nanostructured materials, including nanowires and one film. If you position such films on some cylindrical carrier, they can be converted into the tube. And these tubes can be used as an artificial vessel or various catheters that can be used in surgery.

Biocompatibility inherently are coming with biodegradability. It would be interesting to learn how to manage those artificial systems that you create, so that the introduction into the body are slowly replaced on its own tissues. This situation would be perfect. Choose a time of disposal of a structure of a polymer in the body, to the time that the body needs to renew cells, to coincide with the time of degradation of the material.


Possibilities of adult stem cells

06 Nov 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about history of the discovery of stem cell transplantation, skin fibroblasts and intestinal stem cells cultivation.

You probably know that the human body is made up of 1014 individual cells, and that a very large number of cells we lose in life. For example, a person in the process of life is losing about 300 kilograms of skin cells - just exfoliate, and we are losing it. Once a week, updated cells lining the intestine, because we eat different food - it is quite aggressive, it is digested and undigested residues with go well and the cells. But all this must be restored, and, indeed, in the adult, a mature body, all these layers of cells are restored: skin cells, intestinal epithelial cells, hematopoietic cells, tens of millions of which we continually lose. And these lost cells must somehow recover. Recovery of the lost cells in the adult life of the organism occurs just by adult stem cells. It has its own specialized stem cells in each tissue.

Stem cells, which were first discovered experimentally, - a blood stem cells. Experimentally it has been shown in the blood cells that exist in the adult stem cell that can completely restore all of hematopoiesis. To do this, US scientists took a mouse and irradiated it so that completely stopped hematopoiesis. The other mice were taking one and only, but blood stem cells were transferred into irradiated mouse, and this irradiated mouse got its second life, she developed blood, and this mouse lived in the future. Thus, adult stem cells have been discovered.

The discovery of adult stem cells and, in particular, the blood cells was immediately picked up by physicians-experimenters. And if the first experiments for the detection of blood stem cells in mice were conducted in 1961, then in the late 60-ies started to transplant the bone marrow, which just contains blood stem cells. And we began transplanting very well, and from the very beginning of such transplants began to help people who were either irradiated or were oncohematological diseases. It immediately began to help. By the way, for the development of such a method of treatment using stem cells Nobel Prize was awarded to a little later just to the man, Edward Thomas, who was the first to make such transplants.

That is, the stem cells of the adult organism to exist today and well used, for example, blood stem cells. Of course, the development of equipment, technologies and tools for the characterization of cell culture media subsequently allowed scientists to discover stem cells is not only the blood and bone marrow, not only, but also in other tissues. By the way, if we talk about stem cells of the bone marrow, then there is a very great contribution of Russian scientists Friedenstein and subsequently Chertkov, who just discovered that the bone marrow of each person there are two types of stem cells: hematopoietic stem cells and so-called stromal stem cell. Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to all blood cells and stromal or mesenchymal stem cells - have different names it - gives rise to tissues such as bone, fat, cartilage. They exist side by side, but they are two different stem cells and they can not communicate with each other functions. And it just was shown by Russian scientists, Soviet scientists, and is actively quoted, and all over the world know and respect the discovery made by them.

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Later, stem cells have been discovered, such as hair, muscle stem cells that can regenerate myocardium, brain stem cells. It turned out that almost every tissue have stem cells that can regenerate the tissue.

Another thing is how today we are able to use stem cells of an adult organism.

When stromal stem cells have been discovered (another name - mesenchymal stem cells), just open our compatriots Friedenstein and Chertkov, in a few decades, at the beginning of the XXI century, began to actively seek to use them for the treatment of, for example, cardiovascular disease. Either highlight specific phenotype of cells from the bone marrow fraction, or fraction used all of the bone marrow, and it was administered to patients who, for example, had a myocardial infarction. several clinical trials have been conducted in a number of countries - in Europe and in the United States. And it has been shown that there are some really are not very big and not very stable effects. What is the reason? Firstly, most likely that the cell population that was used, was not well characterized, there was and still remains unclear which particular cells from bone marrow can only have a positive effect. At present, this technology is not routinely used, although in a clinical trial, the experiment is continued in many countries, that is, via treatment of myocardial cell population isolated from bone marrow, comprising likely to stem cells.

In fact in many cases the stem cells are not needed. Fine is, firstly, a blood transfusion, transplantation of different tissues - such as skin transplantation is fine. And not so much scientists as practitioners of this led to the idea: what if we try to cells that make up our skin, skin fibroblasts, used to correct any defects in appearance? Defects in appearance may be different. This can be certainly and simply age wrinkles but, on the other hand, it can be any post-surgical scars, scarring, burns. Therefore, this part of the course, is very important, because due to the scars that remain, a person may feel uncomfortable in society. Of course, it may be applied in cosmetic purposes, and this is also a definite direction in medicine.

The technology was developed by which their own human fibroblasts cultured in the laboratory and then transplanted in the places that are needed to improve nutrition. Those people who did it gave to these places a large dose of fresh cells that secrete collagen and collagen as the gum, giving just the elasticity of our skin. And this has led and leads to very good results. Abroad, and similar technologies exist and are approved in Russia, and they are routinely used in cosmetic practice - or for purely cosmetic cases, or to recover from burns, some operating defects and so on. That is, when we talk about the use of adult cells, it is not necessary to descend to the level of 'it must be a stem cell. " It is possible to use those cells that are not stem, but we can manipulate. Another thing you need to know how to use this nosology.

In recent years, a great success in the study of intestinal stem cells has been achieved. Dutch scientist Hans Klevers devoted a lot of time and published an absolutely fantastic job. In his works, he has shown that intestinal stem cells can be cultured outside the body. Moreover, it can then be used in a large number of practical things.

For example, it may be specialized in a particular intestinal tissue and potentially used for transplantation.

While this pre-clinical studies, but soon, probably, it will have clinical studies. This system can be used, for example, to carry out the screening and study of new dosage forms which may aid in tumor diseases. Perhaps Hans Klevers may even be partly a contender for the Nobel Prize a few years.
In general, adult stem cells of the body is not as widely used as we would like. Basically it hematopoietic cells, fibroblasts, cells isolated from adipose tissue. But use them quite limited. Why? Because the potential of their exhaustible, although attracting availability: they do not need to manipulate, they can be taken from each individual and with little manipulations transplanted back. The question remains: where? Therefore, despite the fact that adult stem cells are available, easily cultured, their practical therapeutic use is still quite limited.


Bioengineering of internal organs

06 Nov 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about directions in bioengineering, ethical issues of stem cell research and the prospects for the creation of the internal organs.

Suffice it is widely believed that everything is very good in the field of bioengineering of artificial organs. And now scientists are almost easy to create any body. There is a wonderful series, which tell about the life of a non-existent American doctors, as is usual in the series. There, in particular, it describes how doctors of 3D-printers to print various organs. In fact, to this state medicine has not yet been reached, but there is a feeling of desire for something like that.

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The method, which is now very actively developed, - every year comes a lot of articles - is to take the body of the animal, such as a pig, and remove from it all the cells, simply dissolve them. Collagen is inert enough, and it will remain. Will a skeleton body that we will populate the cells, and may be interacting with some frame to restore the structure. With this work, something that works, sometimes even get a heart that can beat a bit, trying to transplant it to animals, and sometimes something even works. Still to medicine is still very far away, and I doubt very much that it may appear tomorrow. Is there any possibility to overcome this curse can not be created in an adult organism complex new bodies, a new three-dimensional organization? Apparently, in many cases - not. But if this can not be done as an adult, you can try to go back to an embryonic state. And so once there is the idea that you need to work with those cells that retain the properties and potential of embryonic stem cells.

The technology completely different way forced to take a look at what's inside the body. We have always believed that differentiation - is the way in one direction, the cells are totipotent by the state, then embryonic stem cells in a pluripotent state and then are multipotent stem cells that differentiate and die. Always in the same direction, the irreversible process. Here the process is fully converted - mature differentiated skin cells transformed by properties in the near-fetal. How to use it? Naturally, there is an idea that now we will raise some body and transplanting it - yet. But still something you can do already.


Growing of organelles

06 Nov 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about flat and three-dimensional cultures, methods of creating artificial organs and problems of Bio-printing.

Great achievement of the beginning of XX century was that people learned to cultivate the cells of the human body, the organism is a mammal. For this, they used a petri dish, that is, the flat surfaces where the seeded cells. In general, the beginning is the cultivation took place even in the hanging drop, without the surface, there is a drop hung, and this drop to anything not attached, a separate floating cells. Then the technology has become refined, and we learned how to grow the cells on the surface so that it has become convenient to look at them under a microscope, observe what happens. And, of course, all the cellular biology and genetics greatly developed taking into account the fact that we were able to cultivate the cells in our body outside the body for a very long time, growing them on plates.

But, as always, we reach some limits when the cup is full, we say: we must move somewhere further, because we already do not have enough. Similarly, humanity is now no longer enough that the two-dimensional propagation of cells in the cup because we are three-dimensional, we're not flat, like smeared on the asphalt, we exist three-dimensionally. How there is a community of cells in three dimensions? All of our three-dimensional bodies, too. That is, with the development of technology researchers an opportunity to study the culture is not flat and three-dimensional culture, or, as they were called now, organelles.

A similar trend appeared quite recently, just in the past, probably 3-5 years old. It is clear that the desire has always been to collect some bulk body with the help of something, but we must understand that no one collects in the course of individual development, the formation of the body from the outside - it all comes from the inside, the cells themselves are placed. And those who have not kept to the right place, which were not in the right neighborhood, actually die without finding a helping hand from a neighboring cell. Here the task is just the opposite: we need to collect a variety of cells, so that they were friends with each other and continue to grow further. This can be done, not all types of cells and cultures. But in recent times was really a lot of progress in the artificial cultivation of organelles.

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The first great work was published in 2013, when Austrian researchers was grown organelle, which they called cerebellar organelles. They worked with stem cells and, like many, grew them in the cup, in a plane, in the culture, but then decided to detach from the surface and move in floating in suspension culture, the cells are not attached. In order not attached, they put them in a bioreactor with stirrer, which kept their mixed and did not allow to attach. These cell culture took a spherical shape, small spheres were formed, and then, surprisingly, they began to increase more and more in size. It turned out that in the bioreactor environment where we are actively growing tissue around changing the culture medium, thereby providing oxygen and nutrition, these growing cell formation, cell feel good, the right processes are in them.

Scientists have studied and used in their experiments, embryonic stem cells. The embryonic stem cells during neuronal differentiation of neurons in the direction, of course, has the potential formation of the brain. And what they saw after a while? When we are given the opportunity to grow neuronal culture in three-dimensional space and provided with nutrients that they have received, - these were cerebellar primordia. When they learned the culture and began to analyze them with the help of the so-called sections - cut into very thin sections under a microscope began to look at it like structure histologically, ie the cells there are, - it turned out that is really similar to how the in the cerebellum. After that, they took the already special marker proteins and with their help, these sections were stained, and it turned out that they really raised the structure of the cerebellum: there just settled cells, such as layers, formed the same community of cells.

Surprisingly, it turned out that is the human body - and they used just embryonic stem cells and reprogrammed human cells - to generate a fragment of the human body.

Another group of scientists from England later received similar organelles, but what they watched, a little changing the culture conditions, - it turns out there was organoid cortex. That is, we can grow some small bodies (they were called - organelles) that will repeat structure of individual organs, thereby giving us the opportunity to study in more detail some processes, something to model. Generally, the most remarkable thing in these organelles - this is probably the modeling, the ability to model something human, but without human intervention.

Another similar organelles was gut. Again, as stem cells, pluripotent stem cells were taken, scientists in a certain way to influence them by means of certain growth factors, and then grow to a certain stage realized that on the cup and in the bioreactor are not very well grow: they It becomes very large. And then they decided to go to a trick: they are the beginnings of organelles transplanted into a mouse, and the mouse it was further developed. And in the place where the transplanted these germs really developed intestines - with crypts, with all the necessary cells and so on.

Moreover, when the human intestine, which evolved in the mouse, infected with Helicobacter pylori, it turned out to be infected and how would show all the signs of peptic ulcer disease. Thus, it turned out that we are on the one hand, have started to create something outside the human body, on the cup in the laboratory, then, in order to obtain a more adequate model moved it to the animal, but in this case it is completely mimicked the what happens in the human body. That is, these organelles provide today a tremendous opportunity to use it primarily for the development of new technologies to find new drugs for the simulation of various diseases. This is true not only in the field of scientific knowledge as to what we use scientific knowledge for the development of a specific technology of this body.
One way to create a bio-printing bodies. She is now in rudimentary form, because the printers are already well established, but so far for bio-printing lacks bio-ink who would behave in the same way that behaves program and connective tissue of the body during development, to first, each cell was isolated, and then, when we printed the body, we get a body composed of cells that interact with each other.

But go and the other way: do not use biopechat and biosborku. And we have enough in his laboratory successfully use such biosborku. For example, we get a separate vascular endothelial cells, which passes the blood separately obtain liver cells and stromal fibroblasts obtain separately. All that we get from induced pluripotent stem cells, that is, genetically it belongs to a single patient. Then we mix in certain conditions of vascular endothelial cells, liver cells and fibroblast cells in the stromal cell - have spherical structures are formed, which represent the embryo liver, small fragment, as if the cell.

If we take a lot of hundreds that we are easy to assemble, add them together and they communicates with each other - than it is now, we just deal with - we have already received a large liver. But it will build an artificial way, not as cerebral organelle, created by the internal program of cells, not as bioprinting when we cage somewhere forcibly shove. When we have three cell populations, they form a structure similar to that which exists in the liver. Probably, it is today the most striking examples of the existence and development of artificial organelles that are there.

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