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Advantages of Original Jintropin rhGH

17 May 2017

Five major advantages of the course of the original Jintropin before the course of steroid hormones:

  • Certified product authorized in the territory
  • Sale is strictly in the network of city pharmacies, which excludes falsification and forgery.
  • Availability of quality certificates and trade licenses, which are available for each pharmacy client.
  • There is no need to do after-course therapy after stopping the drug.
  • After canceling the reception, it is possible to save most of the power indicators and the dialed mass.


Original Jintropin rhGH for sportsman

16 May 2017

What is the system for protecting the original Somatropin (rDNA origin) for injection from the underground?

A few years ago, Stallone was stopped at the Australian customs, because in the luggage were found several packets of the drug, which was considered suspicious and accused the actor of trying to import illegal drugs into the country. Under Australian law, the actor faced a fairly large fine, but later the conflict was exhausted. And in one of the following interviews, Stallone admitted that thanks to the growth hormone, he had significantly improved overall health and physical fitness, he actively used Gintropin during the filming of "Rambo IV" and "The Expendables". And he also added that he takes the hormone regularly because of his sick tendons and weak bones. Judging by his words, taking Jintropin is a kind of recipe against aging.


Strongest OTC Painkiller Medicine Pentalgin for Joint Pain

15 May 2017

Joint Pain

For joint pain (arthralgia) often complain about young people and the older generation. Such pain brings considerable discomfort: prevents move does not work properly and fully relax.

otc painkiller for Joint pain

Causes of joint pain

Exercise stress. Pain arising after active entertainment, long walks, intense exercise, usually are not strong and after a short rest or taking pills from joint pain. Often such arthralgia - a normal phenomenon, it is not dangerous and does not require a visit to a doctor.

Injuries. In their preparation can be damaged cartilage, ligament or joint capsule. Signs of tissue trauma can serve not only constant pain during movement and at rest, but the redness and swelling of the affected area. Taking pain medication for bruises, sprains, or dislocation is usually necessary first aid.

Arthritis. This inflammation of the joints of fabrics. Most often suffer from arthritis small joints of the hands and feet, a little less - knee, elbow and others. The presence of arthritis may indicate the presence of constant pain, difficulty of movement (stiffness) of the joints and swelling of the tissues around the joint may also occur redness of the skin over the joint. Arthritis can be caused by different reasons, for their determination and selection of the optimal therapy requires a specialist survey. To facilitate the patient's condition and reduce the severity of pain can help to correctly chosen remedy for joint pain.

Arthrosis (osteoarthritis). This is a serious disease in which damaged all the elements of the joints: cartilage, joint capsule, ligaments, adjacent muscles. When osteoarthritis pain one feels when moving and at rest, the tension in the muscles close. Over time, the joint begins to deform, the mobility of the joint decreases, the characteristic feature is morning stiffness. If at the beginning of the disease the pain occurs only occasionally, after considerable physical exertion, and quickly goes alone, then the progression of the intensity of pain increases, it does not disappear after rest and appears in the night hours. arthritis treatment should be complex, it is carried out under the supervision of a physician and usually involves the use of pain medication.

Infection. Often joint pain are signs of infectious disease:. Influenza, rubella, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, etc. Typically, these pains disappear on their own after recovery, but if they persist for a long time or disturb its intensity, it is necessary to see a specialist.

The analgesic for pain in the joints
Discomfort is not necessary to endure. Long-term presence of pain not only violates the rhythm of life and unsettling, but also limits the mobility of the joints and can also lead to a "vicious circle" - to increased pain and / or preserve it, even with a decrease in the action caused her factor (eg, injury or inflammation). The lack of timely relief of pain may lead to the fact that the syndrome goes into a chronic form. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents for the joints are able to quickly and permanently eliminate the discomfort. Many combined analgesic for pain in the joints, not only reduces the severity of the pain, but also affect its cause (inflammation, edema or spasm), as well as the perception of pain in the brain. That means such a combined preparation Pentalgin.

Pentalgin Tablets contain 5 active components, naproxen, paracetamol, drotaverine, pheniramine and caffeine.

Naproxen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and therefore reduces inflammation, edema and pain in the focus of injury or inflammation. Due to prolonged excretion of naproxen has a prolonged analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Paracetamol is a central analgesic - ie It affects the perception of pain in the brain, and also participates in the work of the so-called antinociceptive system of our body - a special system, whose work is aimed at the suppression of pain. An important feature of paracetamol is rapid onset of analgesic action - as a rule, within half an hour after taking the drug.
Drotaverinum well known and widely used in clinical practice, due to the pronounced antispasmodic action - shooting spasms in smooth muscles, and it helps to eliminate the pain caused by spasm.
Turning pheniramine and caffeine in the combined preparation due to their ability to enhance the analgesic effect of analgesics, which allows to reduce the dose of the individual components and thus reduce the risk of side effects.

Due to its favorable safety profile, Pentalgin released from pharmacies without a prescription. And thanks to the carefully thought-out composition, which ensures exposure of the drug to several mechanisms of pain, Pentalgin able to help with the pain in the joints of different backgrounds. The components of the drug have a rapid and long-lasting analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.


Usage of Recombinant human growth hormone for injection

13 May 2017

Some of the nuances of the Jintropin courses for a bodybuilder:

If the goal of your course is to achieve a good relief and pronounced venousness, general improvement and improvement of the skin, as well as muscle fullness and excellent pampa. Begin cedejt c 2 ed. Pappata, and in the course of two days, go to 5 units ezhednevno. Injection is desirable to do on the yellow stomach. In the morning, after a trip from the bed and in the beginning before the meal, the food which must be high in coca ta. Kypc should be about halfway around the lake. That should be enough. Also, it is strongly recommended before and during the course to regularly take tests and monitor the level of sugar and hormones in the thyroid gland. Of course, the incremental, repeated use of insulin and tyrosine will solve this problem. However, before using, be sure to consult your sports doctor so that he or she prescribes the dosages you need for these products. Uncontrolled use of insulin and thyroxine can be dangerous to your health. Also, do not forget to pay for food and food, it is impossible to progress qualitatively without paying attention to these issues.



12 May 2017

What do we know about glucose? It would seem that everything that could be learned has long been recognized and used. However, life shows that this is not so. We constantly learn something new, unknown before, something is being specified and corrected. After all, science does not stand still.

We all know that glucose is the main energy substrate of the body. Though it contains half the calories of fat, it oxidizes much faster and easier than any other substance that can supply energy to the body. All carbohydrates are absorbed into the intestines. There is a so-called "glycemic index", which allows us to compare the rate of absorption of individual carbohydrates. If we take the rate of absorption of glucose as 100, then, respectively, the value for galactose will be 110, for fructose 43, mannose - 19, pentose 9-15. All monosaccharides are phosphorylated into the cells of the intestinal mucosa; Form phosphoric esters. Only in this form carbohydrates can be involved in energy metabolism. Phosphorylation occurs with the participation of special enzymes, which are activated by insulin. All is well, but the trouble is: during heavy physical work, during a competitive distance or a long-term endurance training, the release of insulin into the blood constantly decreases, otherwise it will inhibit the breakdown of glycogen, fat and protein stores to glucose. However, glucose released into the blood is poorly utilized by the muscles because of a lack of insulin, because it can not be phosphorylated. There is a vicious circle that is quite numerous in the body: in order to saturate the blood of the working organism with glucose, it is necessary to get rid of excess insulin, and in order to use the glucose thus obtained, the body lacks insulin to phosphorylate it. It turns out neither that, nor this. The body secretes insulin, but just a little, and enough for your and ours, so that the glycogen breaks down and at the same time that glucose is somehow absorbed by the working muscles. Where is the way out? It turned out to be extremely simple: it is necessary to synthesize phosphorylated carbohydrates, carbohydrates with already attached phosphorus residues. Then the wolves will be full and the sheep are safe. The body can at least completely stop the production of insulin. Phosphorylated carbohydrates are instantly absorbed in the intestines, no one even takes their glycemic index, and is instantly included in the exchange. Phosphorylated carbohydrates are a new milestone in sports nutrition at the distance and during training. Their reception allows you to conduct training with unprecedented efficiency until now and organize meals at a distance, for example, stayer so that all sports achievements will improve dramatically. Phosphorylated carbohydrates are an excellent means for carbohydrate loading, for post-training carbohydrate loading. Their use can significantly increase the body's resistance to hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the tissues) and significantly accelerate post-training recovery. Interestingly, being ingested, phosphorylated carbohydrates dramatically increase the glycemic index of conventional, non-phosphorylated carbohydrates. This is because the sugars are absorbed into the intestine by a concentration gradient. Phosphorylated carbohydrates are rapidly included in the energy metabolism and in intestinal cells the concentration of free monosaccharides becomes much less than in the lumen of the intestine. Hence the acceleration of absorption. In developed countries, such drugs have been produced for many years. So, for example, the drug "fruktergil" is nothing more than fructose-1,6-diphaphate-phosphorylated carbohydrate, which is instantly switched in exchange with the release of a large amount of energy. Glucose-1-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, etc. are produced. You can also like Semax.

All these preparations are produced under different commercial names and are very widely used both in sports and in everyday life for the speedy removal of fatigue. Most of these drugs are synthesized and used to treat and prevent fatigue in France and Italy. Gradually creates a new industry, the industry of medicines for a healthy person, where the line between medicine and food is imperceptible and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish one from another.
Soviet scientists Chaplygina and Baskovich created the original Russian preparation "hexose phosphate". The hexosophosphate consisted of a mixture of glucose-1-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-6-phosphate and fructose 1,6 di-phosphate. The drug was successfully tested, but for some reason the serial production did not go. Why it happened, now it remains only to guess. We all know how important constant muscular work is for a stable stable blood sugar level. All of them, however, know that the muscles can not use sugar in their work (!). They capture glucose from the bloodstream for one single purpose, replenish glycogen stores. Muscles directly break down glycogen for physical work and again synthesize it from glucose and partly from pyruvic and lactic acid. The higher athletic athletic qualifications, the higher its ability to synthesize glycogen from lactic acid (into which, eventually, pyruvic acid is converted).
Sugar (glucose) is a component of the internal environment of both vertebrates and invertebrates. The most constant level of sugar in the blood on an empty stomach in humans and higher vertebrates. Recall that human blood contains 70-120 mg of sugar. Birds are very high in blood sugar (150-200 mg), which is due to their very high metabolism. But the bees have the highest sugar content (up to 3000 (!) Mg). No wonder they bring us honey. This content in the body of sugar (glucose + fructose) is no longer present in any living being. In recent years, a very interesting phenomenon has been discovered. It turned out that the inclusion of glucose in the intracellular exchange is directly proportional to the rate of its penetration into the cell. All factors that accelerate the transport of glucose (phosphorylation, etc.) will lead to acceleration of carbohydrate metabolism. An intensive aerobic load leading to the development of a pronounced energy deficit in the brain, muscles, heart, liver and other working organs can accelerate both the rate of glucose penetration into the cell and its inclusion in the metabolism 2-2.5 times.
With the fat tissue the situation is completely different. Under conditions of large aerobic loads, the penetration of glucose into the fat cells is completely inhibited. If we take into account that 90% of fat is synthesized from carbohydrates (glucose), we can understand why all runners for long distances are skinny.

Tried to find out what more affects the inclusion of glucose in the metabolism: transport speed or phosphorylation? To do this, tissues were saturated with high concentrations of glucose (400-500 mg /) and in the end solemnly announced that the leading factor is still phosphorylation. With further increase in the concentration of glucose, only the phosphorylation depends on the rate of its incorporation into the metabolism. Here we are again back to phosphorylated carbohydrates. And he sees an eye, but a tooth. Which organs have the highest glucose transport rate? In erythrocytes and in the liver, it is an order of magnitude (!) Higher than in other tissues, and here this rate is determined by phosphorylation.
We all know that animal fats are harmful, and vegetable ones are useful. Although evil tongues have long been saying that a free radical relationship with vegetable fats is much stronger than animals (Academician Dilman V.M., etc.). But who would have thought that vegetable fats take an active part in the transfer of carbohydrates through the cell membranes. What depends on the speed of such a transfer, we already know. It turns out that the most common increase in the dietary dose of vegetable oils significantly activates insulin and changes the fluid properties of cell membranes, making them more perceptive for glucose.
In all the catalogs that praise the amino acid mixture, it is written that the use of amino acids stimulates the release of somatropin and insulin into the blood, which are natural "anabolic" organism. Insulin, in this case, according to the logic of things, should stimulate the utilization of glucose by tissues. I had long suspected that this was not so. Why would suddenly amino acids stimulate the release of insulin? With them and somatotropin is enough. And it's true! Relatively recent studies have shown that the introduction of pure amino acids into the body not only does not stimulate, but even inhibits the release of insulin. After all, somatotropin is a "counterinsulin hormone." Introduction to the body of amino acids weakens glucose by 62 mg / (!). Here you have a solution to the dispute about what it is better to do at night to burn fat: eat or take clean amino acids. It turns out, it is better to take amino acids.
Cyclic adenosinionophosphate (c-AMP) is a recognized leader among intracellular mediators of the exciting and mobilizing mediator (hormonal) signal. And here everything is not so simple. In small, physiological concentrations, c-AMP enhances the utilization and reduction of glucose, and in large pharmacological concentrations inhibits !. Who would have thought! Classical doping of the type of phenamine and pervitina are capable of giving an inverse, inhibitory effect, when the minimum dosages are exceeded, instead of the energizing effect. After all, c-AMP is the mediator of the stimulating signal of all stimulants.
But many times sports doctors have noticed that high doses of stimulants are capable of giving their fall instead of incremental results. Only the announcement did not find all this. They talked about some kind of prohibitive inhibition in the nerve cells, and the solution was simple: an excess of stimulant inhibits the exchange of glucose and that's it.
The increase in body temperature, as it turned out, accelerates the utilization of glucose by tissues. Hence, there is an occasion to think again: why should the body raise its body temperature during intense physical exercises.

In the body of animals and humans, chromium serves as an irreplaceable microelement of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and its consumption with food significantly enhances the utilization of glucose.
It turns out that ATP, which is formed as a result of the cleavage of glycogen, can not be completely replaced by that ATP that is formed as a result of the oxidation of glucose.
In addition to glucose, all other sugars are phosphorylated and oxidized in the Krebs cycle, but before they become oxidized in the Krebs cycle, they are converted to glucose (gluconeogenesis). It turns out that there are no biochemical justifications for the preferred use of fructose or galactose in diabetes compared to glucose. During the pentasophosphate cycle, glucose is not consumed by energy production, but it serves as a starting material for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. Anabolic steroids, as well as insulin, introduced from the outside, dramatically activate the work of the pentose phosphate cycle. When fasting, the main source of glucose is the alanine amino acid, which is sent from the muscles to the liver, where special enzymes turn alanine into glucose, which is so necessary for the oxidation of fats.
As the organism adapts to starvation, glucose synthesis is directly developed from fatty acids, and the use of the amino acid alanine, coupled with the breakdown of muscle tissue, slows down.
It is believed that synthesis in the body of essential amino acids is impossible, however, as it turned out, there is an exception for this rule. With an amino acid deficiency of 95% of the brain's delayed glucose are transformed into amino acids, especially irreplaceable. Even when a person dies of exhaustion, the weight of his brain remains unchanged, i.ĺ. When starving, the brain dies last.
90% of adipose tissue is formed from glucose and only 10% from lipids. Hence it becomes clear what all these "neutralizers of fats in the intestines" are worth, etc. The only real way to reduce the amount of fat tissue is to limit the diet of carbohydrates. This is well known to those who at least once experienced all the "delights" of precompetitive "drying".
In principle, it is not surprising that the higher the physical activity, the less glucose is included in the adipose tissue. At very high physical exertion, this value can decrease from 90 to 0.5%. The main amount of fat from glucose is formed in the liver.
In the human body, 50% of the total glucose is absorbed by the brain, 20% by red blood cells and kidneys, 20% by muscles, and only some meager 10% of glucose remains on other tissues. With intensive muscle work, muscle glucose intake can increase to 50% of the total level due to anything, but not at the expense of the brain. The higher the level of fitness, the more muscles use fatty acids as energy and the less glucose. In the body of highly skilled athletes, 60-70% of muscle energy is achieved through the use of fatty acids and only 30-40% due to the use of glucose.
During the recovery from physical work, only 15% of lactic acid is oxidized, and 75% is again converted to glycogen. 10% go to other reactions.

The amino acid alanine, used for the synthesis of glucose in the process of glyconeogenesis from glucose, can again turn into alanine. Amino groups for this amino acids with branched side chains (valine, leucine, isoleucine). Thus, amino acids with branched side chains can inhibit the breakdown of muscle tissue to glucose during intense physical work.
In quantitative terms, the physical load increases glucose consumption in working muscles by a factor of 10. Approximately in the same degree, insulin increases the utilization of glucose in the muscle at rest. However, the combination of insulin and physical work significantly exceeds their total effect - in this case, the utilization of glucose increases by 34 (!) Times in comparison with the initial level. The problem is only to provide the body with an adequate amount of glucose, otherwise such a growth in consumption without adequate provision will cause severe hypoglycemia - a decrease in blood glucose up to the death of the brain from a banal lack of energy.

We all know that we know that the main role of liver glycogen is to maintain a constant physiological level of glucose in the blood in conditions of deficiency of epsogenic carbohydrates. But few people know that if muscle glycogen did not have the ability to regenerate due to glucose from hepatic glycogen, the entire supply of muscle glycogen during physical work would be consumed in 20 seconds, with anaerobic oxidation (white muscles) and in 3.5 minutes In aerobic conditions (red muscles). Synthesis of glycogen in both muscles and in the liver proceeds in essentially the same way, however in the liver glycogen can be synthesized due to gluconeogenesis (from fat and protein), but in muscles there.
The brain, kidneys and erythrocytes (partially and the liver) utilize glucose in the way outlined above. If we consider that the brain utilizes 50%, and the kidneys and red blood cells - 20% of the total glucose, then the basic metabolic fund of the body's glucose is independent of insulin. Such a process, independence was entrenched in the process of evolution and made the energy exchange more "flexible" and perfect.
Fructose increases the oxidation of fatty acids, and glucose is not.
In the cerebral layer of the kidneys, erythrocytes, testes, the decrease in glucose goes only in anoxic way. So important organs for the body protected themselves from possible oxygen deficiency and "insured" themselves from death.
You can talk about glucose endlessly. It will forever remain familiar to us, and at the same time completely unfamiliar and far from a complete understanding of its exchange.
Let's finish this with our story. Let's leave it for a while.


Cavinton (Vinpocetine) solution for infusion - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

11 May 2017

Synonyms: Intelectol

Active substance: Vinpocetine.

Vinpocetine (brand names: Cavinton, Intelectol; chemical name: ethyl apovincaminate) is a synthetic derivative of the vinca alkaloid vincamine (sometimes described as "a synthetic ethyl ester of apovincamine"), an extract from the lesser periwinkle plant.

Vinpocetine is not FDA approved in the United States for therapeutic use.

Vinpocetine has been reported to have cerebral blood-flow enhancing and neuroprotective effects, and has been used as a drug in Eastern Europe for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders and age-related memory impairment. You can try Vinpotropile.

ATC - N06BX18 Vinpocetine.

Pharmacological group - Cerebrovascular correctors; Nootropics.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F01 Vascular dementia;

G25.9 Extrapyramidal and movement disorder, unspecified;

G45 Transient transient cerebral ischemic attacks [ attack ] and related syndromes;

G45.0 syndrome vertebrobasilar arterial system;

G46 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases;

G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified;

H31.1 Degeneration of choroidal;

H31.9 Disorders of choroid, unspecified;

H34 Retinal vascular occlusion;

H34.8 Other retinal vascular occlusion;

H35.3 Macular degeneration and posterior pole;

H35.8 Other specified retinal disorders;

H35.9 Retinal disease, unspecified;

H40.5 Glaucoma secondary to other eye diseases;

H57.9 Violation eye and adnexa, unspecified;

H81.0 Meniere’s Disease;

H83.3 Sound effects of the inner ear;

H91 Other hearing loss;

I64 Stroke, not specified as hemorrhage or infarction;

I67 Other cerebrovascular diseases;

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

I69 Effects of cerebrovascular diseases;

I69.4 effects of a stroke, unspecified as hemorrhage or cerebral infarction;

R41.3.0 * Reduced memory;

R42 Dizziness and stability violation;

R47.0 Dysphasia and aphasia;

R48.2 Apraxia;

R51 Headache;

T90.5 Effects of intracranial injury.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Composition, structure and packing

Concentrate for solution for infusion is a colorless or slightly greenish, transparent.

1 ml 1 amp. 1 amp. 1 amp.

vinpocetine 5 mg 10 mg 25 mg 50 mg

Other ingredients: ascorbic acid, sodium bisulfite, tartaric acid, benzyl alcohol, sorbitol, water for injections.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Pharmacological action

The drug, which improves cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolism.

Improves brain metabolism, increasing consumption of glucose and oxygen to the tissues of the brain. Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia; enhancing the transport of glucose to the brain through the BBB; takes the process of breakdown of glucose for energy more economical, aerobic way; selectively blocks Ca 2 +-dependent phosphodiesterase, increases the levels of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) brain Brain. Increases the concentration of ATP in the brain tissue, strengthens the exchange of norepinephrine and serotonin brain, stimulates the ascending branch of the noradrenergic system, has an antioxidant effect.

Reduces platelet aggregation and increased blood viscosity, increases the ability of red blood cells deform and blocks recycling erythrocytes adenosine; enhances oxygen release erythrocytes.

Enhances the neuroprotective effects of adenosine.

Increases cerebral blood flow, reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels without significant changes in indicators of the systemic circulation (blood pressure, cardiac output, heart rate, systemic vascular resistance).

No effect of “steal” increases blood circulation, especially in ischemic brain regions with low perfusion.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Pharmacokinetics


Therapeutic plasma concentration - 10–20 ng/ml. When administered parenterally V d - 5.3 l/kg. Readily crosses the blood-tissue barriers (including the BBB).


T 1/2 is 4.74–5 hours excreted through the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract in the ratio 3:2.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine)Dosage

The drug is intended for in/drip infusion. Introducing slow infusion rate should not exceed 80 drops/min.

Can not be entered in the/m and/in without dilution.

To prepare the infusion can use saline solution or solutions containing dextrose (Salsol, Ringer Rindeks, Reomakrodeks). Infusion solution should be used with Cavintonum the first 3 hours after cooking.

The usual initial daily dose is 20–25 mg per 500 ml infusion solution. Depending on tolerability, within 2–3 days the dose can be increased to not less than 1 mg/kg/day. Average duration of treatment 10–14 days.

The average daily dose for body weight 70 kg - 50 mg (500 ml infusion solution).

Liver and kidney dose adjustment is required.

Upon graduation in/therapy is recommended to continue treatment pills Cavinton Forte (1 tab. 3 times/day) or Cavinton (2 tabs. 3 times/day).

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Overdose

Currently, data on drug overdose Cavinton limited.

Treatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Drug Interactions

With simultaneous application interaction is observed with beta-blockers (hloranolol, pindolol) clopamide, glibenclamide, digoxin, hydrochlorothiazide, or acenocoumarol.

In rare cases, the simultaneous use of alpha-methyldopa is accompanied by some increased hypotensive effect when applying a combination of a regular monitoring of blood pressure.

Despite the lack of evidence supporting the possibility of interaction, caution is advised with concomitant administration with medications central action and antiarrhythmic drugs.

Pharmaceutical interactions

Concentrate for solution for infusion and heparin chemically incompatible, therefore prohibited their introduction into a fluid mixture, but you can simultaneously perform anticoagulation and vinpocetine.

Concentrate for solution for infusion is incompatible with infusion solutions containing amino acids, so they can not be used for breeding Cavinton

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) at Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Side effects

Adverse events during treatment with the drug were detected rarely.

Cardio-vascular system: ECG changes (depression ST, prolongation of the interval QT), tachycardia, arrythmia (a causal relationship to drug intake is not proved, because in a natural population of these symptoms occur with the same frequency) change in blood pressure (usually decrease), redness of the skin, phlebitis.

CNS: sleep disorders (insomnia, hypersomnia), dizziness, headache, general weakness (these symptoms may be manifestations of the underlying disease).

From the digestive system: dry mouth, nausea, heartburn.

Other: allergic skin reactions, increased sweating.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Indications

Reduction of neurological and psychiatric symptoms in various forms of circulatory failure, brain (ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke recovery stage, the effects of a stroke, transient ischemic attack, vascular dementia, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertensive encephalopathy and traumatic);

Chronic disease of the choroid and retina (eg, thrombosis/occlusion/central retinal artery or vein);

For the treatment of hearing loss perceptive type, Meniere’s disease, idiopathic tinnitus.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Contraindications

The acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke;

A severe form of coronary artery disease;

Severe arrhythmias;



Age 18 years (due to lack of data);

Known hypersensitivity to vinpocetine.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Cautions

Presence of a syndrome of prolonged QT interval and administration of drugs causing prolongation of the interval QT, requires periodic monitoring of ECG.

Cavinton infusion solution contains sorbitol (160 mg/2 mL), and therefore the presence of diabetes necessary to periodically monitor the level of glucose in the blood.

In the case of fructose intolerance or deficiency of fructose 1,6-di-Phosphatase vinpocetine should be avoided.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

Data on the effect of vinpocetine on the ability to drive a car and operating mechanisms not.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine) Reviews

Anrew, 37 years,Vinpocetine has been prescribed by a doctor to my grandfather with piracetam to improve blood circulation in the brain. The drug works only, it dilates blood vessels and capillaries in those places where the brain lacks new oxygenated blood. And my grandfather when applying medication did not notice any change in heart function and blood pressure. Also worth noting is that this medicine protects against nerve cell death and permanent increases their power. Basically it is administered after a stroke, atherosclerosis, lesions or disturbances in the brain.
Also, it should be avoided to use pregnant, baby, breastfeeding, with heart disease and so on. D. Read instructions carefully. Also worth noting is that this drug should not be used with heparin, as there is a risk of severe bleeding. And I want to note that the older a person uses Vinpocetine, the more carefully should be watching him from the attending physician. At least grandfather grandmother watched carefully, as he wrote in his review about Ketoprofen is our nurse.
Grandfather status improved, his head began to ache less, adverse reactions we have not noticed, even though he had insomnia, but it's likely effect of piracetam!
As a result, I can say that a drug like vinpocetine, used together with piracetam!

Steven, 46 years, Vinpocetine refers to the psychoactive and neuroprotective drugs. I saved them with a small increase in pressure of 130-140, when weather changes when the pressure on the brain, or tormented migraine. Even at a pressure of 120/75, and when the pressure on the brain too drink. At lower pressures, I do not drink, and then the pressure falls very much. Just half an hour after the application ceases to press on the brain, and I feel like they improve blood circulation, and before that was the impression that the brains screw up.

Initially, I attributed this drug neurologist, when I have the pressure was increased and this drove the jaw and occasionally twitching eye rate of 1 tablet 3 times a day. From this he also shits as improves cerebral blood flow.
I rescue them at low pressure and weather changes.


Pain killer Pentalgin for Muscle Pain

10 May 2017

Muscle Pain

Pain in the muscles, or myalgia, familiar to almost everyone. One has only to overextend in the gym or pick up the "cold" as the body can signal us about the pain any violations. In fact, the causes of myalgia much more, in some cases to determine their need for a thorough examination by a specialist, but sometimes you want to immediately get in shape and get rid of the discomfort. To help in such a situation is capable of modern means pain in the muscles Pentalgin. It contains in its composition the active components 5 and acts on different mechanisms of pain.

painkiller for Muscle pain Pentalgin

Causes of muscle pain

Excessive exercise. Probably everyone at least once in their life experienced pain in the muscles at the second or third day after the lifting, the first ice skating, too intensive training in the gym, and so on. D. This is called delayed onset muscle soreness, or syndrome of delayed muscle pain. It occurs due to the increase of lactic acid concentration in the tissues themselves and usually disappears after a few days.

Incorrect posture. Body of people with improper posture for a long time is in an unnatural position, so that a prolonged static muscle tension, which often causes them to spasm and myalgia rise.

Injuries. Bruises, sprains, dislocations are usually accompanied by quite severe pain, the muscles at traumas often overly stretched and sometimes torn. Pain - is not the only trouble with the injury. Along with them are often observed bruising and swelling. To determine the exact cause myalgia doctors perform special surveys, and for the relief of discomfort is usually recommended to take pain medication.

Inflammatory disease. Unfortunately, too many inflammatory (. Incl infectious) diseases can cause loss of muscle, accompanied by local pain, tenderness at movement and palpation: these are "familiar" to us phenomena as SARS (flu, "cold", a sore throat and et al.), as well as toxic and autoimmune myositis (muscle inflammation), arthritis (joint inflammation) and others.

The manifestations of muscle pain

Muscle pain can manifest itself in different ways and accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. Pain in trauma is usually strong and sharp, they occur almost immediately after the injury, after a few minutes or hours. The most common slack pulling pain in the muscles (with excessive physical stress, inflammatory diseases, and so on. D.). Depending on the causes of myalgia and may be accompanied by other symptoms: headache, fever, general weakness, nausea. When moving, emotional stress, lack of sleep, colds pain can be amplified. Most often, pain relief is required when myalgia neck, shoulders, back, legs.
The remedy for muscle pain Pentalgin

An effective remedy for muscle pain is Pentalgin - Analgesic number 1 in Russia. The composition of the tablets consists of 5 well-studied components: naproxen, paracetamol, Drotaverinum, pheniramine and caffeine.

Naproxen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and therefore against muscular pain pills based on it can reduce inflammation, swelling and pain in the hearth damage. With long naproxen excretion from the body, it has a prolonged anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.

Paracetamol is a central analgesic, ie, affects the perception of pain in the brain, and also participates in the work of the so-called antinociceptive system of our body, which suppresses pain. An important feature is the rapid development of paracetamol analgesic effect - as a rule, within half an hour after taking the drug.

Drotaverinum well known and widely used in clinical practice, due to the pronounced antispasmodic effect: removing spasms in smooth muscles, and it helps to eliminate the pain caused by spasm.

Turning pheniramine and caffeine in the combined preparation due to their ability to enhance the analgesic effect of analgesics, which allows to reduce the dose of the individual components and thereby reduce the risk of dose-related side effects.
Due to its favorable safety profile, Pentalgin released from pharmacies without a prescription. And thanks to the carefully thought-out composition, which ensures exposure of the drug to several mechanisms of pain, Pentalgin able to help with myalgia of different backgrounds. Furthermore, the tablets have antipyretic effects and thus may help in inflammatory diseases involving myalgia and fever.



09 May 2017

Each of us not once faced with a desire to overcome morning drowsiness or evening drowsiness. In order to cheer up we are already out of habit to reach a glass of strong tea or a cup of coffee. The effect is achieved thanks to the substance contained in these drinks - caffeine. So what is this substance and how does it really affect our body?Caffeine is an alkaloid found in tea leaves (up to 4%), coffee seeds (up to 2%), cola nuts (up to 6%), cocoa beans (up to 4%). As we see, this substance in nature is widely distributed. For medical purposes, however, caffeine is produced synthetically. From a medical point of view, caffeine is a classic psychomotor stimulant. It has the property of exciting the nervous system, reducing the feeling of fatigue, increasing mental activity, driving the dream. However, it should be borne in mind, especially to athletes, that caffeine does not increase physical activity, but, on the contrary, reduces it.The exciting effect of caffeine is related to its ability to block the receptors of the adrenaline-inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system. Caffeine reduces the sensitivity of nerve cells to adrenaline and thus, indirectly, has an exciting effect. Caffeine, however, is able to have a direct and exciting effect. Like other methylxanthines, it blocks the enzyme (phosphodiesterase), which limits the carrying (transfer) of nerve impulses to the cell. As a result, any exciting signal begins to act on the nerve cells more strongly. If caffeine overdo it can develop a pronounced psychomotor agitation (the excitation of the mental and active sphere).At the dawn of this century, caffeine was used in large doses to provoke the symptoms of the disease in mental patients. Simultaneously with the central nervous system, caffeine also stimulates the vegetative (innervating internal organs). The frequency and strength of the heart rate increase, the secretion of gastric juice increases, sweating increases, body temperature rises, etc. Blood pressure does not change, because. Caffeine, although it stimulates the release of vasoconstrictor factors, simultaneously stimulates and ejection of vasodilators. In addition, caffeine has a diuretic effect, which in turn, does not allow for an increase in blood pressure. After taking caffeine (caffeine-containing drinks), you feel better, a feeling of cheerfulness, muscle processes and motor sphere become active. Complex studies of the effect of caffeine on performance showed that after a single intake of it, the concentration of attention and muscular strength manifested at the same time increases. Along with this, all types of endurance decrease and oxygen consumption increases, and this already adversely affects the cardiac muscle. Vessels of the heart can not always provide adequate blood flow and supply the heart with oxygen. The tolerance of high temperatures worsens, but the tolerance of cold improves. This is caused by a sharp increase in the intensity of metabolism. Caffeine somewhat reduces blood coagulability, increases urination, activates the processes of tissue oxidation. This increases the breakdown of glycogen. His stores in the liver and muscles are decreasing. The vessels of the brain, skeletal muscles, heart, kidneys expand. The increase in the breakdown of glycogen leads to an increase in the content of sugar in the blood. Caffeine also has the ability to destroy subcutaneous neutral fat and increase the blood levels of fatty acids. The increase in blood sugar and fatty acids - one of the reasons for the appearance of a feeling of cheerfulness and a surge of energy. It is the fatty acids that get into the blood that cause an increase in heat transfer and an increase in body temperature.

Permanent long-term intake of caffeine blocking inhibitory adenosine receptors causes a response from the body - the formation of new adenosine receptors and the synthesis of more than normal amounts of adenosine. As a result of such an adaptive adjustment of the central nervous system, the caffeine's exciting effect is reduced. Developing addiction, which requires already large doses of caffeine to achieve the same stimulating effect. Sudden abolition of caffeine, taken a long time, leads to the fact that adenosine replaces all receptors. In the central nervous system there is a strong inhibition. There is sluggishness, general depression, drowsiness, nervous depression. Chronic caffeine intake depletes the nervous system. The slowing down of thought processes, the weakening of will power develops, and uncertainty arises in its powers.

The use of caffeine (caffeinated drinks) leads to the formation of physical and mental dependence on this substance.
In view of all of the above, caffeine can not be recommended for permanent daily use as a means of improving performance and endurance. To increase intellectual activity, you can use caffeine, but not more than once in three days and only in the morning. With this method of reception, the possibility of habituation and depletion of the reserves of the nervous system is completely excluded. Morning intake of caffeine allows you to avoid disturbance of daily biorhythms of the human body.
Caffeine in addition to its ability to increase the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices dramatically increases intestinal peristalsis. Promotion of food through the gastrointestinal tract is accelerated. The food does not have time to be completely digested. As a result, putrefactive and fermenting processes in the intestine develop. The protein components of food begin to decay, and carbohydrate components - to wander. For this reason, you should never drink tea or coffee. These drinks should be drunk separately, at least one hour before the main meal. Although even in this case, the progress of food will be accelerated.
Consumption of caffeinated beverages around the world is growing very rapidly. People get used to domestic caffeine-type stimulants very quickly, but they get used to it with great difficulty. Some can not get used to it at all.
The most common caffeinated plant is tea. Its culture is the oldest. More than five thousand years ago, Chinese shepherds noticed that the animals, having smoothed out some shrubbery, became unusually fastidious and mobile. Chinese leaves began to be used as a cure for excessive sleepiness and lethargy. Chinese "cha" means a young leaflet. Chinese monks were preparing tea as a drink, driving away sleep during many days of celebrations and ceremonies.
Gradually, tea began to cultivate as a culture. From China, he penetrated into Japan and Korea, and from there to Indonesia, India and Ceylon. From Ceylon tea has been spread all over the world. There are two kinds of tea as plants: Chinese and Ceylon. All available varieties are their varieties.
In Russia, a tea drink has been consumed since 1638, when the Mongolian Altyn Khan sent 4 poods of tea leaf as a gift to Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich. The tsarist ambassador at first did not want to accept from the khan as a gift some grass instead of donated sables and gold ornaments. However, at court yard the drink was tried and immediately appreciated. In 1679, the first contract was signed for the supply of tea from China. Since then, the level of tea consumption in Russia has developed only on an ascending line. Due to its ability to mobilize sugar from glycogen depots and fatty acids from the subcutaneous fat layer, tea eliminates hunger and has a warming effect. That is why tea is so popular in places of deprivation of liberty, where a lack of food is often combined with a cold climate.
In coffee grains, the caffeine content is much lower than in tea leaves. A stronger stimulating effect of the coffee drink is explained simply by the large amount of coffee used to make the drink.
Cocoa beans contain very little caffeine. The cocoa drink and chocolate, which are made from cocoa beans, have almost no stimulating effect, but they contain a large amount of fats.
Quite a lot of caffeine in the cola nuts. In total there are about 125 species of cola shrubs. Coca nuts besides caffeine also contain cocaine.
The constant use of caffeinated drinks to stimulate and increase mental performance lead to the same side effects as the intake of pure caffeine. Gradually, addiction develops, which requires the preparation of more and more strong drinks. The cessation of the use of caffeinated beverages leads to the appearance of lethargy and drowsiness, an inability to productive thinking, which is a consequence of the hyperactivity of the braking mechanisms in the central nervous system.
Exhaustion of the nervous system in chronic use of caffeinated beverages accelerates the development of age-related diseases. A number of seriously-minded scientists consider the use of tea and coffee as one of the main causes of the weakening of the health of the population throughout the globe. Such side effects as addiction and depletion of the nervous system can be avoided only if you use them no more than once in three days and only in the morning. A sufficient break between tea or coffee receptions allows nerve cells not only to restore their resources, but even to achieve some supercompensation. Morning reception allows the exciting action of the drink to penetrate into the natural rhythm of the organism's activity.

All caffeinated drinks excrete Vitamin B1 (thiamin) from the body. You can buy vitamin B1.Therefore, when they are used, it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of this vitamin in the diet. It is best to take vitamin B1 in the form of phosphothiamine, in which one phosphorus residue is attached to the thiamine molecule.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that you can consume caffeinated drinks, but only to the place and by the time.


Growth hormone for losing excess weight

07 May 2017

Growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland of the brain, after which it is sent to the liver, whence it begins its direct work with the cells and tissues of the human body.

At the majority of people far from sports at a word combination "growth hormone" at once there are visual associations with huge hypertrophied guys. Yes, of course, growth hormone has excellent anabolic properties that promote a good growth of dry muscle mass. But do not forget about how it affects the human body as a whole. For example, its ability to cope perfectly with the burning of excess fat, which is why it is sometimes even called a "weight loss injection." Please pay attention to Semax.

It is due to the fact that somatotropin helps to rebuild the body from glycolysis to liposis, i.e. Teaches the body to eat fat cells together with glucose obtained from food. Embedding the membranes of fat cells and serves as a kind of transport system for fat cells, bringing them into the bloodstream to begin absorption as a fuel. That in principle it is impossible to perform at the same level of effectiveness without injections of growth hormone. If you summarize the entire process of losing weight, you can simply say that the body eats its own fat.
There are several schemes of taking weight loss injections. Each of them, in turn, is aimed at different purposes, so before using any of them, consult a specialist. Or at least make sure that you have no problems with thyroid hormones and sex hormones.
To put the same growth hormone is better during the most favorable conditions - that is, when the body has an understated glucose level. The most successful time for this is morning on an empty stomach, or after physical exertion, when all the glucose was consumed.
Where and how to buy growth hormone for weight loss? Yes, buying a quality growth hormone is one of the most important stages of the entire course. The fact is that most people who want to lose weight with the help of growth hormones, give their preference to dealers or questionable sites. But, alas, getting an injection in this way, you are very likely to run into fake products made in artisanal conditions, from which not only do not get the desired result, but also put your health under attack.

Therefore, we recommend buying growth hormone only in pharmacies in your city, where it is stored properly and supplied by an authorized dealer.


Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) pills - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

06 May 2017

Active substance: Ginkgo Biloba.

An extract of Ginkgo biloba leaf (GBE) is marketed in dietary supplement form with claims it can enhance cognitive function in people without known cognitive problems. Studies have failed to find such effects on memory or attention in healthy people. You can buy Nootrop.

ATC - N06BX19 Ginkgo Biloba.

Pharmacological group - Angioprotectors and correctors of microcirculation; Cerebrovascular correctors.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified;

H35.3 Macular degeneration and posterior pole;

H36.0 Diabetic retinopathy (E10-E14 + with common fourth character.3 );

H81.4 Vertigo of central origin;

H93.1 Tinnitus ( subjective);

H93.2 Other abnormalities of auditory perception;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

I69 Effects of cerebrovascular diseases;

I73.0 Raynaud’s syndrome;

I73.9 peripheral vascular disease, unspecified;

I77.9 Violation arteries and arterioles, unspecified;

R41.3.0 * Reduced memory;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

R42 Dizziness and stability violation;

T90.5 Effects of intracranial injury.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Composition, structure and packing

Gelatine capsules, size number 4, pink contents of capsules - powder from light brown to dark brown with visible particles darker color.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Pharmacological action

Angioprotector of vegetable origin. Biologically active substances of Ginkgo biloba extract (flavonoid glycosides, terpene lactones) help to strengthen and improve the elasticity of the vascular wall, improve the rheological properties of blood. The use of the drug leads to an improvement of the microcirculation, increases the supply of the brain and peripheral tissues with oxygen and glucose.

Normalizes metabolism in cells, inhibits platelet aggregation, inhibits platelet-activating factor. Exerts a dose-dependent regulating effect on the vascular system, expanding the small arteries, increases the tone of veins, regulates blood supply vessels.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Pharmacokinetics

The pharmacokinetic parameters of Ginkgo biloba extract are difficult to quantify due to multicomponent composition of the extract.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Dosage

Assign 1 caps. 2 times/day (morning and evening). The capsules should be swallowed whole with a little water.

The course of treatment - at least 3 months. First signs of improvement usually appear within 1 month of therapy. For the re-possibly after consultation with the doctor.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Overdose

Currently, the cases of drug overdose Biloba Forte reported.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Drug Interactions

Simultaneous use of the drug fort biloba with aspirin or anticoagulants (including warfarin) may increase the risk of bleeding due to increased clotting time.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) at Pregnancy and lactation

Biloba forte is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) due to the lack of sufficient clinical data.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Side effects

Allergic reactions: possible - skin redness, swelling, itching.

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

The nervous system: headache, hearing loss, insomnia, dizziness.

Other: lowering blood clotting.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Indications

Encephalopathy various etiologies (developing from stroke, traumatic brain injury in the elderly), accompanied by a decrease in attention, memory impairment, reduced intellectual ability, sleep disturbances;

Disorders of peripheral circulation and microcirculation (including arteriopathy of the lower limbs), Raynaud’s syndrome;

Neurosensory impairment (dizziness, tinnitus, Gipoakuzija);

Senile macular degeneration;

Diabetic retinopathy.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Contraindications


Erosive gastritis;

Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in acute phase;

Acute cerebrovascular accident;

Acute myocardial infarction;

Children up to age 18;

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Cautions

When often felt dizziness and tinnitus should consult a doctor.

With the sudden deterioration or hearing loss should seek medical attention immediately.

The preparation includes lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for patients with galactosemia, malabsorption of glucose/galactose, with a deficit of lactase lapp (lactase deficiency in some nations of the North).

In very rare cases, azo dyes (E110, E124 and E151) may trigger the development of bronchospasm.

Bilobil (Gingo Biloba) Reviews

Jane, 27 years, The drug Bilobil Forte - the drug does help, and as soon as possible

I want to share with you my story. Not to say that it is very sad, but this could have been avoided. I do not know what I was guided, but after the first birth, I was determined to feed the baby on the clock, including at night, and not pulling it out of the cradle. I did not want to disturb the child. As a result, at night I put the alarm clock, get up, decant and gave a bottle every 3 hours. As a result of lack of sleep after 3-4 months began to understand that brains goes bad. It has become scattered, inattentive. The last straw was that one morning I got up and drew attention to the fact that her husband was not at home, and there is a long time according to the order. I decided to call him to find out what's up - after I learned that he had left a few days ago on a business trip, and I do not remember exactly - I was very scared ... I work in the neurological clinic, so the first thing went to work, did MRI , CT scan, EEG. Everything was normal. But I forget everything, forget where I was going to forget that promise to make, as a result of consultation with our doctors, decided to drink Tanakan, and then drink a course Bilobil Forte.

In conclusion, I will say that the drug will help those who are suffering from any disorder caused by a violation of cerebral circulation. But I advise you to throw itself a gelatin capsule, the drug and without it perfectly digestible.

Barbara, 38 years, Review: The drug Biloba Forte - A plant that helps the brain!
quick effect, lasting effect, cost, availability, ease of use
Good day, dear colleagues and visitors! I want to tell you about the preparation, which bailed out a few of my family members. This "Bilobil Forte".
Packing the most that neither is a standard and normal. But from the usual "biloba" "forte" is not only the words, but also coloring. Why am I talking about this fact, but because they got me once not quite experienced saleswoman, who wanted to sell instead of just one other drug. I am not sure of their fundamental difference, because the usual use do not have to, but did not notice pinkish lines on a green background, I was asked to replace the drug.
I like the formulation of the drug, - a capsule. I always make it easy to swallow, and they dissolve in the stomach much faster than conventional tablets. I say this without reason, after all, try to take a pill and a pill analgin "biloba" and you will feel the difference at once. If Pervan begins vaguely resemble the effect in a couple of hours, the capsule acts in exactly half an hour. This is what concerns the headaches.
Now that he has done for our family.

Firstly, the grandmother, who began to suffer distraction, inattention, it is more popularly called senile marasmus. But as follows: if the time to resort to the treatment, then stop, or slow down the process of its development - is real.

Grandma took him exactly one month, according to the instructions. the first two weeks did not show any significant results, but after three weeks, the effect was on the face: it seemed to us that a granny back young daughter, because she stopped us to ask questions "and where I laid?" "And someone seen? " and "Why did I come here?".

Second, after such a success, I also decided to try. Not to say that I was really quite bad, but after pregnancy and the first three months of sitting at home all time (walk with Tiny do not count), I did not mean to slow down and everything became forgotten, but a drag in conversations specifically. And with the memory overrun occurred. His course I'm cutting up to a week, but saw a meticulous perfectionist and never excused myself and did not violate procedure. SS since completely complain of problems with the head.

It should be noted that I have breast fed baby does not, that's why decided to experiment.

And thirdly, my mother often uses three times a day application when a headache on the weather or the pressure.

Help comes quickly, even if you compare each of the timing of relief with a degree of neglect sores, it all turns out - quickly.

I am very strongly will recommend the drug, especially those people who have elderly relatives. Believe me, there still is life in the old dog yet. My grandmother again in the saddle again, running again Nurses great-grandchildren, and none of it is not afraid.

But more strongly I advise you, just do not hurt, I do not have to buy medicine as food.

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