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Side effects of insulin

19 Dec 2016


The most frequent side effect of insulin is hypoglycemia. Separate article is devoted to this problem. Other side effects meet much less often and develop at prolonged use.

Allergy to insulin and insulin resistance

With the advent of human insulin and high cleaning drugs of hormone the risk of emergence of insulin resistance and allergic reactions to insulin sharply decreased. However these side effects still meet. They are caused by availability of the denatured insulin and its units (in small quantities contain in all drugs), impurity, and also excipients (a protamine, Zincum, Phenolum and others). The most frequent allergic reactions dermal, mediated by IgE-antibodies. Systemic allergic reactions, and also insulin resistance mediated by IgG-antibodies are occasionally observed (Kahn and Rosenthal, 1979). To establish the reason of allergic reaction, it is necessary to measure the IgE-levels and IgG-antibodies to insulin. Also dermal assays are useful, however intradermal administration of insulin causes allergic reaction in many patients, and hypodermic - No. If allergic reaction arose on the admixed bull/pork insulin, the patient is transferred to human. In cases when this measure doesn't help, resort to deallergization. It is successful in 50% of cases. At dermal allergic reactions to insulin help H2 blockers, at systemic allergic reactions and insulin resistance use glucocorticoids. Please pay attention to Ovagen.

Lipoatrophia and lipogipertrofia

The atrophy of a hypodermic fat in the place of injections of insulin (lipoatrophia), perhaps, is a kind of allergic reactions to hormone. Local growth of a hypodermic fat (lipogipertrofiya) is attributed to lipogenous action of high concentration of insulin (LeRoith et al., 2000). It isn't excluded that both complications are caused not by insulin, but impurity. In any case, when using high cleaning drugs such complications meet seldom. However if to enter human insulin into the same place all the time, the lipogipertrofiya is very probable. Framing cosmetic defect, the lipogipertrofia also breaks an insulin absorption. Therefore it isn't recommended to do injections to the hypertrophied site. As for a lipoatrophia, insulin injections near the atrophied site can help to restore hypodermic fatty tissue.

Insulin edema

Many patients with a serious hyperglycemia or a diabetic cetoacidosis after the beginning of an insulin therapy have edemas, meteorism and an illegibility of vision (Wheatley and Edwards, 1985). These symptoms usually are followed by an increase in weight from 0,5 to 2,5 kg. If there are no associated diseases of heart and kidneys, the complication is allowed independently within several days, a maximum — weeks. Edemas are mainly caused by a sodium delay though also the hyper permeability of capillaries owing to metabolic disturbances is important.

Diabetic ketoacidosis and other clinical situations

In case of an acute disease at suffering from a diabetes mellitus the serious metabolic disturbances demanding i.v. administration of insulin can develop. Such introduction is required also at a diabetic ketoacidosis (Scha-de and Eaton, 1983; Kitabchi, 1989). Concerning optimum doses there are disagreements, nevertheless infusion of insulin with rather low rate (0,1 pieces/kg/h) frames concentration of hormone in plasma about 100 ¼¬Ññ/ml. The healthy person of it has enough completely to stop a lipolysis and a gluconeogenesis and almost as much as possible to stimulate capture of a glucose with tissues. At most of patients with a diabetic ketoacidosis concentration of a glucose in a blood at such treatment falls approximately for 10% an hour, pH of a blood is normalized more slowly. Further there can be a need for introduction together with glucose insulin — to prevent a hypoglycemia and to bring all ketone bodies out of an organism. Some doctors prefer to begin with the sating insulin dose. It doesn't seem to us necessary as therapeutic concentration of insulin in a blood is reached in 30 min. after the beginning of infusion. Patients from hyper wasps - a molar coma are often more sensitive to insulin, than patients with a diabetic ketoacidosis. In both cases the restore of losses of water and electrolytes which are usually very appreciable has to be the integral component of treatment. Irrespective of the scheme of administration of insulin as a key to success serve careful observation over a condition of the patient and regular measurement of level of a glucose and electrolytes. At least in 30 min. prior to the termination i.v. infusions of insulin should be made ο / to a hormone injection as it has very short T1/2. Unfortunately, very often forget about it.

Sick diabetes mellitus resort to i.v. administration of insulin also in period and at the time of delivery. Rather optimum way of administration of insulin during operations, however, there are disagreements. Some doctors insist on ο / to injections, but the majority now nevertheless inclines to i.v. infusion. Two schemes i.v. of an insulin therapy are most often used: infusion with variable rate (Watts et al., 1987) and joint infusion of a glucose, insulin and potassium (Thomas et al., 1984). Both schemes provide the stable level of a glucose of plasma and water and electrolytic balance of time of operation and in the postoperative period. Contrary to these references many doctors prescribe the patient a half of their daily dose in a look ο / to an injection of insulin of average duration of action in the morning before operation, and during operation for maintenance of level of a glucose of plasma carry out infusion of 5% of a glucose. Such approach suits for some patients, but in general it doesn't allow to provide so precisely constantly changing metabolic requirements as i.v. insulin infusion. The available data though and it is a little of them, confirm advantages i.v. to infusion of insulin before ο / to injections in the period.

Medicinal interactions and metabolism of a glucose. Many medicines are capable to cause a hypoglycemia or a hyperglycemia or to change reaction of patients with a diabetes mellitus to treatment (Koffleret al., 1989; Seltzer, 1989). Some of these agents together with the alleged place of their action are listed in tab. 61.5.

Except for insulin and peroral sugar-lowering agents, is more often than others ethanol, β-adrenoblockers and Salicylas cause a hypoglycemia. Ethanol mainly brakes gluconeogenesis. This effect isn't idiosyncratic reaction and is observed at all people. Beta adrenoblockers inhibit action of catecholamins on gluconeogenesis and a glycogenolysis. Therefore at patients with a diabetes mellitus treatment with β-adrenoblockers is accompanied by risk of a hypoglycemia. Moreover, these drugs mask the adrenergic symptomatology caused by depression of level of a glucose in a blood (in particular, a tremor and heartbeat). Salicylas has sugar-lowering effect, increasing sensitivity of β-cells to a glucose and strengthening insulin secretion. In peripheric tissues Salicylas possesses weak insulinoid action. Anti-protozoal drug the pentamidine which now is widely applied to treatment of pneumocystic pneumonia can cause both a hypoglycemia, and a hyperglycemia. Sugar-lowering action is caused by destruction of β-cells and release of insulin. Treatment continuation by pentamidine leads to gipoinsulinemiya and a hyperglycemia.

Not the smaller number of drugs causes a hyperglycemia in healthy people and aggravates metabolic disturbances at patients with a diabetes mellitus. Many of them, for example an adrenaline and glucocorticoids, render the effect opposite to insulin on peripheric tissues. Others cause a hyperglycemia, inhibiting insulin secretion — is immediate (Phenytoinum, Clonidinum, antagonists of a calcium) or exhausting potassium reserves (diuretics). Many medicines in itself don't possess sugar-lowering action, but strengthen effect of derivatives of sulfanylurea (see below). It is important to remember all medicinal interactions in due time to correct treatment which is received by patients with diabetes mellitus.


Side effects of human growth hormone

19 Dec 2016

As Hormone of body height is produced naturally in a human body, side effects of use of Hormone of body height are infrequent. Side effects arise, mainly, when Hormone of body height is applied in doses above recommended and longer time, than it is specified by experts. In practice the following side effects of Hormone of human height meet (on emergence frequency):

  • The tunnel syndrome is shown by pains and numbness in extremities. It is bound to the fact that the muscles which are enlarged in volumes squeeze periphery nerves. This side effect isn't dangerous and quickly is eliminated after a drug dose decline.
  • it is difficult to call liquid accumulation side effect because accumulation of liquid goes in muscles, giving them the larger sizes and elasticity. In general the phenomenon of kickback is minimum after the termination of a course. Also it is necessary to consider the fact that for a course with GR it is necessary to reduce consumption of a salty nutrition at least twice and to refuse alcohol to exclude an undesirable clump of excess liquid that often, even at administration of drug in the minimum doses, results in morbid puffiness of extremities (generally it is brushes and fingers of arms).
  • Rising of arterial pressure - is eliminated with either a dose decline of hormone of body height, or reception of anti-hypertensive agents.
  • Local reactions are in the place of an injection (1% and 10%) an eruption, an itch, morbidity, numbness, hyperemia, tumescence, lipoatrophia.
  • Oppression of function of a thyroid gland - subjectively isn't shown in any way as oppression is too insignificant. Thyroxine dose is 25 mkg a day is applied to its elimination and rising of efficiency of a cycle. After body height hormone cancellation, function of a thyroid gland is completely restored.
  • Acromegalia is a disease arises owing to the expressed abuse of body height hormone drugs. At the correct use doesn't meet.
  • The hypertrophy of heart and other organs arises only in case of prolonged use of hormone of body height in high doses. At the correct use doesn't meet.
  • Rising of risk of a stroke when using at children - the long-term research which came to the end in 2014 showed that purpose of hormone of body height at children's age leads to rising of risk of a stroke at more adult age. From 7000 children receiving GR (average age of 11 years) at 11 people strokes are registered (middle age 24 years). Whereas at the children who weren't receiving body height hormone at the age of 24 years of similar selection the frequency of a stroke doesn't exceed 7.
  • Morning weakness - feeling of delicacy, apathy and morbidity of joints and muscles as at cold, sometimes is followed by rise in temperature. This reaction can be a sign of the autoimmune answer to antigens even through several after the first injections that in turn can testify to low-quality drug.
  • Sleepiness sometimes arises day sleepiness.
  • Stomach augmentation - popular belief that hormone of body height can enlarge a stomach at the expense of a hyperplasia of internals (as in an intestine and organs there are receptors to IGF-1). At the moment there are no reliable scientific confirmations of this fact, however striking examples of changes of a stomach among professional bodybuilders bind to it. However the practical experience of most of athletes shows that not long rates of hormone of body height don't lead to body height of a stomach. Experts believe that the stomach augmentation (the term "GH gut" is distributed in the English Internet) has the polyetiological nature, and it is possible when using high doses of GR in combination with insulin, steroids, along with consumption of large volumes of a nutrition.
  • Gynecomastia - seldom or never

Influence on carbohydrate metabolism and use of insulin

Body height hormone: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance

Hormone of body height renders opposite effects in comparison with insulin on exchange of glucose and lipids, however also as well as insulin strengthens synthesis of protein in an organism. In a healthy organism own hormone of body height practically doesn't influence exchange of a glucose in a type of small concentration. Please pay attention to Ovagen.

At administration of exogenous drugs there is a depression of consumption and oxidation of a glucose muscles, and also oxidation of fats increases and the gluconeogenesis is activated. As a result of it right after an injection of GR the hyperglycemia develops (rising of level of a glucose in bloods).

Hypoglycemia (depression of glucose level in blood). In the first days of a course the pancreas records a hyperglycemia after an injection of GR and begins to produce intensively insulin which gives a signal to tissues to use a free glucose of a blood. There is a potent insulin peak which leads to lowering of the level of glucose and hypoglycemia symptoms can even develop.

Hyperglycemia (rising of level of a glucose in a blood). At long courses and high doses of hormone of body height there is a diabetogenic side effect. The pancreas doesn't cope with products of enough insulin for utilization of excesses of a glucose in a blood any more, resistance to insulin (a liver, muscular and fatty tissues don't react even to its high concentration) develops, that is occurs most too, as at a diabetes mellitus 2 types. At the same time it is observed both a hyperglycemia, and giperinsulinemiya. For elimination of a hyperglycemia it is possible to accept additives with Alpha Acidum lipoicum which restores sensitivity to insulin.

Due to the development of a hyperglycemia many athletes enter in addition insulin, however it is necessary to consider that it in a larger measure can increase insulin resistance of tissues.

Mythical side effects

Suppression of secretion of own hormone of body height - professor of Elmer M. Cranton, M.D. conducted a research on more than 100 patients where suppression of own secretion wasn't revealed. At the same time your own level of Somatotropinum will never return to the previous level which you had to a course. Any course lasting of a month turns into replacement therapy, don't wait for Somatotropinum indicator after a course more than 0.05 ng/ml. In the range of referensny (standard) value it will never be any more. Unless that in old age when it is already necessary to nobody.

Tumoral process is a hormone of body height causes sharp acceleration of division of tumor cells therefore scientists became concerned whether the tumor can provoke hormone of body height. Therefore the retrospective research in which the people who underwent treatment by body height hormone participated, frequency of tumoral processes at them statistically was organized didn't differ from other population that can speak about lack of cancerogenic effect of hormone of body height. However in one research rising of risk of development of a lymphoma of Hodzhkin was observed.

Influence on a potency and function of a penis - body height hormone practically doesn't influence sexual desire and can improve erectile function.

General conclusion

Body height hormone extremely seldom causes side effects if to apply it in moderate doses. Practically all side effects have reversible character. At the same time, it was accurately proved that drugs of hormone of body height are capable to rejuvenate an organism: to improve physical shape, to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, to improve properties of a skin, to strengthen bones and ligaments and many other positive effects.


Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

19 Dec 2016

Pyridoxine is the main form of Vitamin B6. Represents colourless crystals, soluble in water. B foodstuff vitamin B6 meets in three types: pyridoxine, pyridocsal, pyridoxamine which practically don't differ on the biological activity.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

Biological effects of pyridoxine

  • takes out an abstinence syndrome after cancellation of stimulators
  • takes part in formation of elements of a blood - erythrocytes;
  • participates in assimilation processes by nervous cells of a glucose, improves work of a brain and stabilizes blood Saccharum level;
  • increases working capacity;
  • it is necessary for protein metabolism and a transamination of amino acids;
  • takes part in exchange of fats;
  • reduces cholesterin level;
  • renders lipotropic effect, enough a pyridoxine is necessary for normal functioning of a liver.

Pyridoxine in sport

Synthesis of proteins, body height of muscles and utilization of carbohydrates are possible only with the participation of a pyridoxine. Also as in a case with Thiaminum, researches show that bodybuilders and other weight-lifters need the raised pyridoxine doses. Additional reception of B6 vitamin promotes augmentation of productivity and endurance. You can buy online - Vitamin B6 pyridoxine injection.

NotaBene! The pyridoxine is important most in bodybuilding, among all vitamins there are groups B, and on it there are two main reasons. First, because it is the only vitamin which is closely bound to consumption and absorption of protein: the more a squirrel you accept, the need for B6 vitamin is more. Secondly, the pyridoxine is directly involved in body height of muscles what forget about or many athletes don't know.

Pyridoxine in food

B6 vitamin contains in many products. Especially a lot of B6 vitamin contains in grain sprouts, in walnuts and a filbert, in spinach, potatoes, carrots, a color and white cabbage, tomatoes, strawberry, sweet cherry, oranges and lemons. B6 vitamin contains also in meat and dairy products, fish, eggs, grain and bean. Besides B6 vitamin is synthesized in an organism by intestinal micro flora.

Content of B6 vitamin in some foodstuff

Product - Content of B6 vitamin, mg / 100 of a product

Barms – 4.0

Corn – 1.0

Haricot – 0.9

Meat – 0.8

Rice integral – 0.7

Cheese – 0.7

Hens the 2nd category – 0.61

Wallpaper wheat flour – 0.55

Millet – 0.52

Fish – 0.4

Buckwheat – 0.4

Beef of the 2nd category – 0.39

Pork meat – 0.33

Peas – 0.3

Potatoes – 0.3

Eggs – 0.2

Vegetables – 0.1

Recommended doses

Admissible level of consumption of B6 vitamin

The daily need for a pyridoxine at the adult is equal to 2,0 mg. At occupations bodybuilding it is possible to increase a dose to 10 mg a day. The most admissible dose is 100 mg a day. The phenomena of hyper vitamin come, usually, at doses higher than 100 mg.


Drug for rising of appetite

19 Dec 2016

PERITOL (cyproheptadine a hydrochloride) is a drug which is used in bodybuilding for appetite rising. Which have for those athletes problems with appetite, can help to replace more dangerous insulin.


Peritol is a specific antagonist of Histaminum (blocks histaminic H1 receptors). Also Peritolum blocks 5-HT2A serotonin receptors and renders weak m - cholinolytic and sedative action. Reduces Somatotropinum hypersecretion at acromegalia and emission of AKTG.

Action mechanism and use

In the USA this drug is most often used for treatment of symptoms of an allergy, such as hay fever, rhinitis, boring of eyes and edemas. It is approved by FDA for treatment of anaphylactic reactions as addition to an injection adrenaline. Please pay attention to Vezugen.

The effect of blocking of receptors of a serotonin gives to this drug unique ability to increase appetite. It led to very wide use it according to not allergic indications, for example for weight augmentation at patients with AIDS, cancer and other illnesses causing attrition. Peritolum is also used as additional drug at treatment of children by body height hormone drugs, for appetite rising. It is easy to find references to properties of Peritolum in literature. One of the most detailed researches compared Peritolum from a megestrol an acetate in group of 14 men to loss of weight because of HIV. Megestrol - Progestinum - the approved FDA in 1993 for treatment of an anorexia and stimulation of appetite at patients with AIDS. In this research Peritolum showed approximately similar effect with megestrol, but without side effects of megestrol. Researchers showed that at more than 50% of the patients using megestrol there came the impotency during treatment while the group with Peritolum had no such problem.


Earlier Peritol it was possible to purchase in drugstores of the large cities under various trademarks, the most known - Peritol (active ingredient of tsiprogeptadin a hydrochloride). Is issued in the form of syrup (40 mg on 100 ml), and also in the form of tablets on 4 mg. Now medicine disappeared from drugstores, at the same time there are no full-fledged analogs on the action mechanism actually.

Doses and acceptance mode

When using as a stimulator of appetite it is possible to accept 4 mg 2 times a day. At this level side effects won't prevail over useful effect of medicine. It isn't recommended to accept it longer than 4-8 weeks as accustoming development is possible. Peritol is better to use at a stage of set of muscle bulk where the increased appetite will be very opportunely.

Side effects

Side effects in case of application in the specified dosages are practically absent.

Cases of drowsiness, disorder of coordination, muscular weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dryness in a mouth, difficulties of urination, dizziness, not clear sight, weight in a breast, congestions of a nose, perspiration can meet. Anyway, it is enough to stop acceptance of medicine for disappearance of side effects.


Hypersensitivity, closed-angle glaucoma, good-quality hyperplasia of a prostate gland, urination delay, piloroduodenalny obstruction, peptic ulcer, predisposition to hypostases, simultaneous application with MAO inhibitors, elderly patients, pregnancy, feeding by a breast, chest age (up to 6 months).


Parapharmaceutical medicines

19 Dec 2016

Parapharmaceutical medicines is a dietary supplements for strengthening of health and prevention of various diseases having a certain pharmacological activity and applied to prevention, auxiliary therapy and support in physiological limits of functional activity of bodies and systems. Bioflavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, saponina, organic acids, essential oils, polysaccharides concern to them, that is these are medicines of a vegetable and animal origin or their synthetic analogs.

Parapharmaceutics aren't applied to treatment of diseases. Also they are forbidden to be advertized as medicines (medicines) for treatment of any pathology.

Parapharmaceutics most often have weak evidential base and are badly studied in researches. Such additives as diyetressa, osteohoney, reducsin light are an example.

The declared effects:

  • regulation (in physiological borders) functional activity of bodies and systems of an organism;
  • manifestations of adaptogen effect in extreme conditions;
  • regulation of microbiocenosis of digestive tract;
  • application as means of auxiliary therapy.

Unlike nutritsevtik of parapharmaceutics have no nutritional value though may contain the substances supplementing food from officinal and food plants, products of the sea and beekeeping, tissues of animals and also received by chemical methods. Some parapharmaceutics can include feedstuffs, in particular, vitamins and vitaminopodobny connections.

Unlike drugs, parapharmaceutics shall only physiologically, but not pharmacological regulate functions of bodies and systems. Therefore the daily dose of active ingredient parapharmaceutics shall constitute no more than 50-60% of a one-time medical dose in case of use of this substance as medicine. Unfortunately, in most cases on packagings BUD- parapharmaceutics the amount of the substances containing in them isn't specified, and also substances often aren't specified.

The nature of impact on a human body of biologically active agents of many parapharmaceutics is unknown. Moreover, at many parapharmaceutics received from herbs and other natural raw materials, the substances operating on an organism aren't defined at all. All this frames a scope for falsification of parapharmaceutics against the background of advertizing about their "unique" value in prophylaxis and treatment of a set of illnesses. Only an insignificant part of parapharmaceutics underwent clinical testing by the principles of evidential medicine. You can try Vezugen.

Told doesn't mean that all parapharmaceutics are useless or harmful, however their use as dietary supplement to a nutrition raises very great doubts, especially in clinical nutrition at an atherosclerosis, a diabetes mellitus, obesity, oncologic and other diseases.

Side effects

Let's notice that the certificate issued at dietary supplement registration doesn't guarantee absence at them side effects. So, for example, some plants included in structure BUD- parapharmaceutics have allergenic action (arnica, yarrow, primrose, dandelion, etc.), toxic impact on a liver (comfrey, Tussilago farfara, etc.) or kidneys ( horse-chestnut, shlemnik), break coagulability of a blood (lucerne, arnica, a red clover) etc. In Russia statistical account of such effects isn't kept, and advertizing dietary supplement, referring to a natural parentage of components of many parapharmaceutics, frames illusion of their safety at consumers. In the countries of Europe and North America thousands of cases of a side effect, adverse for a human body, BUD- parapharmaceutics and even deaths from their reception are registered.

It is established that sick people most often accept dietary supplement not to destination the attending physician, and independently, based on advertizing dietary supplement. Many patients, it is long the taking this or that medicine, begin to supplement them with dietary supplement, containing herbs. At the same time interactions between dietary supplement and medicines aren't considered. For example, dietary supplement, the containing St. John's Wort grass extracts, can change medicinal effect of antidepressants, antibiotics, steroid hormones, warm glycosides, etc. Some dietary supplement, recommended for patients with obesity, contain laxative herbs (Senna, aloes, a buckthorn, a buckthorn, etc.). Such dietary supplement worsen absorption of drugs from intestines and, therefore, weaken efficiency of medicinal treatment.

In 2004 and 2007 resolutions of the chief health officer of Russia "About strengthening of Gossanepidnadzor behind production and turnover of dietary supplements" are issued. Concern in connection with emergence in the market low-quality and counterfeit dietary supplement, and also unfair advertizing in which to dietary supplement, first of all, of parapharmaceutics, are issued for "magic drugs" for the whole bunch of diseases was the cause for their exit. These to resolutions forbade sale of a number of parapharmaceutics.


Pangamic acid

19 Dec 2016

Pangamic acid (Vit. B15) is issued in the form of calcium pangamat.

Pharm cinetics, pharm dynamics. It is well soaked up in digestive tube, delivers active metil groups, calcium ions for biosynthetic processes, promotes formation of creatine phosphate in muscles and a glycogen in muscles and a liver, eliminates the dystrophic phenomena. Participates in formation of a fosfatidinkholin, improves lipide exchange, digestion of oxygen of liver tissues. You can also like Pinealon.

Indications to use: atherosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, emphysema of lungs, chronic hepatitises, chronic drunkenness, skin and venereal diseases (pruritic dermatoses, syphilitic aortites), bad acceptability of Sulfanilamidums, corticosteroids and other drugs.

Side effects: allergic reactions.



19 Dec 2016

Ostarine (synonyms: Ostarin, Enobosarm, GTx-024, MK-2866) ((2S)-3-(4-cyanophenoxy) - N-[4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl] - 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide) is an active agent from a class Ariel Propionamid passing clinical tests belongs to the class of selective modulators ofandrogen receptors (SARM). Ostarine is developed by the Merck & Company and GTx Incorporated company for treatment of a muscular atrophy and osteoporosis.


The chemical structure of ostarin was revealed in 2009 in the scientific article of Mohler ML.

There are different types of SARM: Ariel Propionamidy, quinolines, hinolinona, bicyclic gidantiona. Ostarine (and also Andarine/S-4 and S-23) belong to Ariel Propionamidam which in researches show the greatest efficiency. Ostarine differs from Andarin in cyanodeputies on the fenilnykh rings which are replaced on nitro-and acetamido - fragments.


As a result of twelve weeks of testing for which 120 men and women received 3 mg of ostarin a day:

The average surplus of muscle bulk constituted 1.4 kg, average loss of fatty tissue is 300 grams.

Women didn't lag behind in anything men, that is, SARM was effective medicine and for female representatives. At the same time the phenomena of virilization weren't observed.

Testosterone level at men slightly decreased. Despite assurances of creators of aostarin that it won't exert any impact on secretion of the main male sex hormone. You can also like Pinealon.

There was a decrease in level of "useful" lipoproteid of a high density in case of the invariable level of lipoproteid of low density ("bad" cholesterol). Also increase in level of enzymes of a liver was noted (ALAT and ASAT) that can speak about violation of its function.

Side effects

In the 2nd phase of clinical tests it was most often reported about development of fatigue, anemia, nausea and a diarrhea. Rising of cholesterin and toxic influence on a liver is also possible.

Yury Bombela's opinion

Ostarine (and he is one of two SARM presented at the market today) really works, allowing to try to obtain a gain of muscle bulk and loss of subcutaneous fat. However, with side effects from its use everything isn't so remarkable: there is a certain depression of level of Testosteron in a blood (the LG and FSG levels also fall, let and slightly). Besides, ξstarine can negatively affect work of cardiovascular system and a liver.

Dosage. Today the recommended dose is 20 mg of ostarin a day. But in the first experiments researchers only tried to understand what advantages use of ostarine and what side effects can be expected can give. Therefore made a start from very low dosages, but also they were sufficiently effective.


Selective modulators of androgenic receptors were entered by the World anti-doping agency in a list of banned drugs in sport in January, 2008 though medical supplies didn't exist yet. Spectrometer ways of definition of the drugs SARM in a blood and urine are developed.

The international Union of Cyclists reports about a positive sample on dope of the racer of the Vacansoleil-DCM team Nikita Novikov. The analysis of the racer was taken in the out of competition period on May 17, 2013 and tested in laboratory of the city of Barcelona, by result of testing traces of drug of gidroksi-ostarin (Hydroxy-ostarine/O-dephenyl-ostarin) were found.

On December 17, 2016 in Alexander Povetkin's doping assay it was found ostarine. The analysis was taken within preparation for Alexander Povetkin's fight with Bermeyn Stivern.

Legal status

Ostarine is entered in the list of strong substances for Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The ban is initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in August, 2016. Legally ostarine equated to anabolic steroids.


Features of training with steroids

19 Dec 2016

One of the main factors of successful application of anabolic steroids is the correct reorganization of a training. In general, the training in case of the use of steroids a little in what differs from regular training programs, however there are some accents and features which we will consider in this article.

Classical training programs:

  • Training program for beginners
  • Training program for professionals

You can be engaged according to these programs, complying with a number of conditions for receipt of the maximum results.

1. Rest

It is known that in case of the use of steroids it is possible and it is necessary to train more often and more intensively. However it doesn't assume that you shall exhaust yourself with loadings every day. Muscles also as well as in case of regular trainings need rest. To optimum load one muscular group of 1 times in 4-7 days. For this purpose you can constitute threefold a Split training (to break all muscular groups into 3 parts, each of which will fall on a certain day) and to be engaged every other day. Don't forget that it is necessary to sleep at least 8 - 10 hours a day. Also in case of an opportunity the polyphone dream is desirable.

2. Repetitions and sets

The quantity of sets and repetitions doesn't differ from a regular training:

  • Exercises - 2-3 on one muscular group
  • Sets - 3 - 4 on one exercise
  • Repetitions - 6-8

3. Training duration

The optimum duration of training is 1-2 hours.

4. Warm-up

Steroids considerably increase power indicators for short terms, in too time the level of durability of sinews and a cartilage remains same owing to what the risk of traumatizing increases. Therefore always carry out careful warm-up. If you suffer a serious injury, efficiency of a rate will sharply decrease as you won't be able to continue accomplishment of full-fledged trainings.

5. High-intensity training

You need to create maximum impact on muscles during a cycle. It is possible to achieve it by progressive increase in scales and use of elements of high-intensity training.

Begin a cycle with a training of average intensity (your regular training) and during all cycle, constantly increase intensity. Each new training you will shall work with heavier scales, thus, after each visit of the gym of a muscle to receive super stimulation that will provide intensive muscle growth. Add some Kristagen to your daily training.

Don't increase sharply loading from the very beginning of a cycle as in this case there will be not enough opportunities for progress in subsequent, besides it is hazardous to health. To optimum reach 30% of gradual increase in scales of the beginning of a cycle, by its end.

Trainings after a course of anabolic steroids

It is important to know not only how to train during a cycle, but also after it. On the end of reception of anabolic steroids the level of testosterone falls below initial and if during this period not to take the appropriate preventive measures, then in a month all results will be lost.

After a cycle PCT is required

As soon as you stop reception of anabolic steroids, begin to reduce intensity of trainings. The concept intensity includes, first of all, the weight and the number of exercises, and also training duration (many advise to reduce to 30-40 minutes). The more intensity - the more muscles are exposed to loading.

So, if you have begun a cycle with 100% with intensity, by the end of a cycle have reached 130%, in a week after cycle intensity has to decrease to 70%, and in 2 weeks to 50%!

Thus, in 2 weeks after a cycle you have to leave the hall without feeling of fatigue. If you continue to be engaged according to the former program, your muscles will begin to collapse quickly under the influence of powerful catabolic processes. At the same time it is necessary to try to keep big the weight (to give to muscles sufficient stimulation), but to reduce number of repetitions and to increase rest between approaches. High-repeated trainings aren't recommended to be carried out as they activate catabolic processes stronger.

In 4 weeks after a cycle it is possible to increase loading to 80%, in 2 weeks to 100% then continue to be engaged according to the usual program.


Orsoten Slim

19 Dec 2016

Orsoten Slim is a drug reducing an absorption of fats in a digestive tube. Orsoten Slim contains orlistata is a substance which is specifically inhibiting a pancreatic and gastric lipase, lipolytic, arriving with a nutrition. At reception of orlistat splitting of triglycerides of a nutrition which in not split form aren't absorbed in an intestine is prevented and are removed with a feces in an invariable look. Owing to depression of absorption of fats drug Orsoten Slim reduces the caloric content of a nutrition and promotes depression of body weight. The therapeutic effect of drug Orsoten Slim is implemented without systemic absorption of orlistat.

Besides depression of body weight Orsoten Slim promotes some depression of level of the general cholesterin and cholesterin of lipoproteins of low density.

Difference between Orsoten and Orsoten Slim is a dosage in the first 120 mg of Orlistat, in the second 60 mg.

Side effects of Orsoten

Side effects in decreasing order of frequency:

  • Incontience calla
  • Oily allocations from a rectum
  • Abdominal distension
  • Meteorizm
  • Headache
  • Lower respiratory tract infections
  • Infections of urinary tract,
  • Dismenorey
  • Sleeplessness, alarm, weakness
  • Deficit of oil-soluble vitamins
  • Rectal bleedings.

Efficiency Orsoten and Orsoten Slim

Orsoten doctors endocrinologists, both to men, and women often register. Efficiency of medicine at all is approximately identical. It is influenced rather not by (with) a floor, and that, the percent of fats in daily consumed food is how big. The proved Orlistat's efficiency, active ingredient of Orsoten, is very small. In case of fixed acceptance for a year, loss of weight will constitute 6.2%. Orsoten doesn't solve a food problem in any way, just temporarily blocks assimilation of a part of fat. As soon as acceptance of tablets stops if not to change food, weight will be gained again. You can try Kristagen.

Responses of the nutritionist

Practicing nutritionist

Tablets for weight loss Orsoten Slim have responses mostly negative because of small effect and unpleasant side effect. Judging by recalls of the Orsoten slim capsule lead to uncontrollable allocation oily a calla. It is caused by the fact that Orsoten Slim blocks absorption of 25% of food fat. This fat comes out in the natural way, but unfortunately when you wait for it least of all.

Researchers conducted with this medicine have confirmed that very small dose of orlistat comes to blood, rendering very big positive effect for an organism. After that intestines remove 97% of medicine which you had taken, and kidneys all the rest. Here everything is clear and clear; fats don't remain in an organism, and at once are removed without processing from an organism.

But if you want to lose weight, without changing the addictions in the use of food and the way of life, hoping only for a new miracle medicine, then can receive violations in work of an organism, namely severe diarrhea, a liquid chair. Results if to refuse from fat, but to abuse sweet will be not less deplorable. Fat in this case can accumulate in hypodermic cellulose. Use of Orsoten Slim in this case too won't bring you result in weight reduction and satisfactions in such treatment.


Omnadren 250

19 Dec 2016

Omnadren 250 (Omnadren-250, "omka") is an anabolic steroid from Polish the pharmaceutical company Jelfa S.A.

Since August 16, 2014 Omnadren got under a prohibition as the new list of drugs of subject and quantitative accounting began to work, and not accounting turnover is forbidden. Its acquisition in a drugstore requires the prescription form of the N 148-1/u-88 form. In connection with decrease in availability the price of Omnadren raised more than by 7 times. It is connected with the fact that implementation of medicine became much more difficult, deficit of a product therefore the prices grew in proportion to risks and decrease in availability sharply increased. You can also like Kartalaks.

Omnadren 250 contains 4 actions of air of testosterone, various on duration:

Main substances:

  • testosterone propionate – 30 mg;
  • testosterone fenilpropionat – 60 mg;
  • testosterone isocapronat – 60 mg;
  • testosterone decanoat – 100 mg;

Result: general contents of testosterone of 176 mg from 250 mg of testosterone + a radio tail.


  • Peanut butter - for dissolution of testosterone crystals in it + a radio tail.
  • Benzyl alcohol - disinfects an oily solution.
  • Nitrogen - for creation of the inert environment, replacement of oxygen from an ampoule.

Age restriction: 3+ (because of availability in composition of benzyl alcohol).

The price in European drugstores on Sustanon 250 and Omnadren 250 - is identical, in Russia until the end of 2015 the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, for the budget account, redeemed 80% of cost of medicine.

It was issued until the end of 2015 in cardboard packagings on 5 ampoules. Since the end of 2015 is issued in cardboard packaging with one ampoule.

Omnadren 250 is absolutely identical to medicine Sustanon 250 (it is made according to the license by the pharmaceutical company Jelfa S.A. - Poland).


Omnadren is testosterone connected to four various airs which time of resorption explains the fact that medicine has property to be late in an organism for the long period after introduction. Similar properties the medicine Sustanon-250 to which often compares Omnadren also has.

Scope of Omnadren is mainly the bodybuilding and powerlifting where medicine provides to athletes a necessary surplus of muscle bulk and force. Omnadren for the accumulation account in an organism of water provides fast and high-quality surplus of body weight that, however, is peculiar also to other testosterone. The athletes long ago accepting Omnadren are already familiar with pamping during the trainings. Due to strong anabolic and androgenic effect of medicine, not only accumulating of the water in an organism relieving joint pain and force surplus, but also the increased appetite, higher regeneration of fabrics and well-known to athletes "effect of the pump" is reached.

It is contraindicated in case of liver failure, a renal failure, gipercaltsiuria, diseases of blood and cardiovascular system. Quite often hypostases, acne rash, an inflammation in places of injections, a prostate hypertrophy, ginekomastia develop. Emergence of symptoms of hepatitis, development of jaundice, and decrease in coagulability of blood is in rare instances possible. It is necessary to control a condition of function of a liver. Before appointment consultation of the doctor is required.

Scheme of use and dose:

In spite of the fact that Omnadren 250 for a long time is late in an organism, athletes prefer to stick it weekly. The dosage of medicine can be various, Omnadren one of the few injection steroids which dosage can constitute both 250 mg of medicine a week, and 1000 mg a day. Though as practice shows, 500 mg of Omnadren a week, intramuscularly will be an optimum dosage of medicine. For achievement more noticeable and fast results athletes sometimes combine acceptance of this medicine with the Sound board Duraboliny, Metandrostenolony or Anapolony. The quite good result is yielded by Omnadren and Metandrostenolon's combination which not only is effective and provides fast surplus of muscles and force in case of a minimum of energy costs, but also besides has the low price that makes it available for most of athletes. One of the few shortcomings of Omnadren is, perhaps, the fact that after the medicine acceptance termination, the amount of muscle bulk and the reached surplus of force decline.

Because of the expressed aromatization (transformation into estrogen) use of inhibitors of aromataza throughout all rate is necessary (for prevention of hypostases and ginekomastia).

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