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Awake your brain

18 Dec 2016

In this article we will look more serious drugs, "whipped up" the brain. Namely - nootropic drugs. The term "nootropics" comes from the Greek words "HOOC" - the mind and "tropos" - food. Neuroprotective drugs have a specific activating effect on the integrative functions of the brain, that is, they have a positive effect on learning, improve memory and mental performance. But most importantly, they "remove" brain fatigue, allowing for a long time to work "on a high" intelligence. They are also called "doping for the brain", and in English-speaking countries, the name of the common smart drugs ( «smart drugs / medication" - a word meaning drug and "drug" and "drug").

Initially - in the 70s - nootropic drugs developed for the treatment of senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, narcolepsy and attention deficit disorder. It was only much later, in the early 90's, they started advertising as a means to improve efficiency - "Doping for workaholics." For example, what is said in the advertisement "Provigil" drug distributed in the United States: "Without the use of stimulants to maintain a high pace of life is impossible. The drug, allowing to stay awake for more than 40 hours, preserving the physical and mental strength, has no hangover effect, so he quickly gained fame medication, shearing time. "

Until recently, the former Soviet Union took nootropics mainly students during the session, or those to whom these drugs for any reason prescribed by doctors. We can say that only mid 2000s we have these drugs "tasted" businessmen, programmers, web designers and advertising specialists. That is, those knowledge workers who do not work eight hours a day five days a week, and on project basis. And, accordingly, who have to work regularly in the catch involving all hands.
I note that sometimes employers are wary of employees with a high capacity for work, which are held on the tablets. Many rulers in manufacturing rightly believe that taking stimulants constitute a safety hazard. The chiefs of the offices of fear that employees will demonstrate the performance after the burst, on the contrary, its sharp decline. But the fact remains: do these bosses are increasingly resorting to the help of nootropics, though rarely admit it.

But it is with us. According to doctors, 30% of adults in the United States, Europe and Japan are taking medications nootropic group. Here he writes about this newspaper Financial Times: «Provigil or Ritalin to help you work better, began to drink lawyers, bankers, and other serious people trying to gain an advantage over his colleagues. Theoretically, almost all of these funds are sold only by prescription. In practice, they can easily be bought on the Internet. "

In Russia and in Belarus, many nootropic drugs sold over the counter. Yet their performance is to increase the take not so many people to the problem discussed in public. The situation is different in the West - there is under active debate is not even about the extent nootropics injurious to health, and how to use them at all ethical to give an unfair advantage. In sports, doping is forbidden - if he is not to be denied and in the corporate or student a competitive environment?

Most doctors recognize: nootropics are not addictive as antidepressants, or (sometimes) caffeine or amphetamines, but have their own side effects. The first course is always very effective nootropics, but then their effect is reduced. If we continue to receive increasing dose, it becomes difficult to think there is confusion. As a result of prolonged use of developing insomnia, brain, accustomed to working around the clock "for 100%" can not shut down at night and go to sleep.

It should also be borne in mind that from the neuroprotective drugs is never instantaneous effect. The effect of many nootropics develops gradually and reaches a peak at one to two months. It is for this reason often they overdose occurs the students - they do not know about this feature and look forward to the "magic pill" that is, if you start receiving two or three days, you can quickly learn the course material just before the exam.
In the post-Soviet space and in Europe among the most popular nootropics Piracetam and its analogues. Most of them are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Alternative names of drugs containing Piracetam - Nootropil, Lucet, Memotropil. I have ever talk with many people who use nootropics, and all of these well recognized Nootropil. But he is also the most expensive of the group.

A special place among other "smart pills" on the post-Soviet space takes Phenotropil. This drug is created in the 80s in the Soviet Union to improve the health of astronauts. Biochemists have developed it, however, called Phenotropil not nootropic and neuromodulator. Neuromodulation - a model of the effect in which a substance does not stimulate the neurons directly rather changes the rules, which are responsive to stimulation by other substances including natural for the body.

Phenylpiracetam buy features a fast and pronounced effect, and therefore very popular with students, as well as compensation for such breaches, as "the deterioration of the learning process" or the "lethargy, decreased psychomotor activity, impaired attention, memory impairment."
Other popular products we have - Aminalon and Phenibut. Their effect on the brain is based on the fact that they "imitate" neurotransmitters. So, Phenibut (aka - Noofen) in its chemical structure is similar to gamma-aminobutyric acid, one of the main neurotransmitters.
In the US and Canada are more common drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall, modafinil. On the one hand, it is believed that they are an order of magnitude more effective than any means popular with us. Alternatively, for example, Adderall has the same chemical formula as amphetamine, only the dosage is calculated so as to improve the operability without causing notorious buzz.
From here, however, it raises an important question: is it possible to include nootropics drugs. While the answer is no - it is impossible. This is confirmed by the fact that most of them without a prescription. In fact, a substance is considered to be causing addiction if its use violates the important vital functions: parenting, work, love life. And itself takes a lot of time and mental energy. But here, for example, the coffee does not harm the work and the family, although the abuse they may eventually cause drowsiness or even the semblance of withdrawal syndrome. From a scientific point of view, depending on the coffee does not exist.
Same thing with nootropics. If you are on the threshold of two months of delivery of the project intensively drink Piracetam, then passing the project and stop taking these pills you will receive a short time withdrawal symptoms - lethargy and "inhibition" of the brain. But it wound up in a few days - a good night's sleep, sit at home and watch TV. And come back to normal, the brain will work again on normal - but not "high" speed.


Drugs for Cancer

18 Dec 2016

For the treatment of cancer in the most affected by the Chernobyl accident category of citizens officials intend to buy 11 products, of which 7 are no drugs, and dietary supplements, vitamins or amino acids. Of the 11 titles, only one drug is an antibiotic.

They want to purchase deproteined hemo-derivative of calf blood, known under the trade name Actovegin. This drug is an extract of calf blood.

The rest are L-aescinat lysine, arginine glutamate, Trometamolovaya salt of α-lipoic (thioctic) acid hydro chloride, pyridoxine, thiamine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin, magnesium aspartate, potassium aspartate, magnesium aspartate, potassium aspartate, thiotriazoline and pentoxifylline.


Allergic Dermatitis

18 Dec 2016

Of the total number of all cases refer to a dermatologist allergic dermatitis is approximately 10-20%. Most often the disease affects infants and preschool children. The cause of atopic dermatitis is a delayed type hypersensitivity of the organism, which manifests itself in response to contact with an irritant.

The development of allergic dermatitis can influence genetic factors, poor environment, emotional disorders. For reasons also include the development of a direct contact of the skin with a substance that causes hypersensitivity. At the moment, there are more than three thousand. The unequivocal answer to the question whether the allergic dermatitis is transmitted by inheritance, does not exist. It is not contagious and can not be transferred from a sick person to a healthy.

Symptoms of allergic dermatitis

At the initial stage on the skin formed a rather large red spot, against which later formed small bubble formation. Manifested and accompanied by itching and rash. More common in children. Allergic symptoms can occur on the forehead, cheeks, arms, legs, head. At older ages, may be localized in the elbow bends.
Atopic dermatitis in infants

The main symptoms of atopic dermatitis in newborns are redness on the cheeks, rash and pruritus. The disease may occur in the newborn baby also in cases where the pregnancy was complicated. Atopic dermatitis in infants may occur when artificial feeding, as well as through breast.

Allergic dermatitis drug
Widespread drug allergic dermatitis due to factors such as uncontrolled use of drugs for the purpose of self-treatment. There are quite a large number of drugs that often cause allergic dermatitis drug. These include penicillin, procaine, streptocid, cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin, wobenzym etc. You can buy online - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection. Fixed drug allergic dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of one or many spots round or oval the size of about two or three centimeters, which in the course of a few days change their color and take on a brownish tint. In the middle of these spots may appear bubble formation. After discontinuation symptoms usually disappear after about 7-10 days.

Professional allergic dermatitis

It is part of a group of skin diseases, developing under the influence of chemicals. It arises as a result of prolonged exposure to water on the skin, cutting fluids, organic solvents, weak acid and alkaline solutions. Symptomatology of the disease involves rapid drying of the skin, its peeling, damages such as cracks, mainly in the areas of brush and forearm. On the surface of the skin there is an acute inflammatory process due to direct contact with the production stimulus. On the site of the lesion appears erythema, edema, vesicle formation and bubble with serous or bloody-serous composition. The patient experiences a burning sensation in the affected place, there is pain, rarely - itching.
Neuro-allergic dermatitis

Contribute to the development of neuro-allergic dermatitis can stress, endocrine system diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and a weakened immune system. As a result - the inadequate response of the immune system on the impact of various external and internal factors. Treatment of neuro-allergic dermatitis in each case individually. You can also receive vitamin-mineral complexes and conducting physical therapy in consultation with a dermatologist.

Food allergic dermatitis

It is believed that other factors often cause the development of allergic dermatitis are food. That is why when a disorder such as atopic dermatitis, is required to be appointed medical hypoallergenic diet. However, it should be noted that in the development of diseases such as allergic dermatitis, food, take part, and such factors as the condition of the nervous system, genetic predisposition, particularly of the skin structure, hypersensitivity to any other substances. It may develop in the use of any product, most often a variety of proteins, at least - fats and carbohydrates. The most common food allergens are eggs, fish, nuts, soy, legumes.
Power at allergic dermatitis

Meals for allergic dermatitis is primarily intended to exclude from your diet foods that cause it. If allergic dermatitis has evolved for some other reason, or an allergen has not been identified, it is recommended to balance the power and eliminate from the diet of highly allergenic foods. In allergic dermatitis is not recommended to use the following products: alcohol, citrus fruits, eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, nuts, confectionery, condiments, spices and sauces, melons and watermelons, strawberries, honey, mushrooms, milk, coffee and cocoa, smoked, radishes, tomatoes, poultry and fish.

A diet with allergic dermatitis may include the following products: boiled beef, low-fat vegetable soups, boiled potatoes, butter and vegetable oil, rice, buckwheat and oats, dairy products, greens, baked apples, fresh cucumbers, tea and sugar. Sticking to a strict diet should be, as a rule, until complete stabilization and the disappearance of symptoms of allergy.


Total Recall

18 Dec 2016

I am going to summer to go to university, but I doubt myself: I have not a good memory, bad at remembering dates and numbers. Prompt, what tablets that you can buy without a prescription, at least temporarily help improve memory.

IF you are basically healthy and just want to "memorize better" pills are unlikely to be a good tool, - So far there are no serious studies proving that any OTC drug improves memory of a healthy person. Of course, one could argue that there is a subjective assessment: "I began to remember better what still needs confirmation?" But doctors in this case we speak of self-hypnosis - a man sometimes tend to feel that it would be desirable .

Moreover, the drug is in principle not able to dramatically improve memory. Even after passing a course of treatment, you will not notice any changes. In other words, if you previously hard to memorize phone numbers, this process will be given to you with the same difficulty. The results will be visible only under a special pilot study.
Moreover, all people differ in the parameters memory, as well as, for example, for growth. Someone nature has endowed more someone - less. The drugs are designed to only carry the memory status to normal. And if a friend is easy to remember historical dates (for it is the norm), and you is not given by nature, do not try to jump over your head, achieving the same with the help of pills.
If "normal" memory suddenly decreased due to stress or depression, you should not consider it a manifestation of the disease. Bring memory to normal, usual status helps these OTC drugs as Semax, Cogitum, benfogamma, Sermion, glycine, and various supplements. Conventionally, they can be called adaptogens. They allow the body to quickly adapt to environmental conditions, and therefore affect the memory improvement only indirectly: in the adaptation of the human brain expends less energy thus released additional capacity for learning and reproducing information.
As for the "People's" and loved by schoolchildren and students "promoter" of the brain - chocolate in it, as well as in nuts and seeds, contains tryptophan - a relative of "happiness hormone" serotonin. But the memory of chocolate also improves. It only acts as an antidepressant and helps positively perceive the world, to adapt to it, that is, again, to spend on "grinding" to the environment less effort. It has the same properties, and other products, "improving" the memory.
But if the desire to remember everything, and a little blood never leaves you, sign up for special psychological training or courses. Harm to health is not a reason, and if the result is, you will notice it.


Nasal drops Semax - Effect pleased: the baby began to talk!

18 Dec 2016

In Short:

This drug Semax has appointed us to a neurologist, in combination with pills "Pantogam" when we were in kindergarten doctors. Son is two years old.

The changes became noticeable after the first 2 weeks of application. Son except their standard gradually began to speak other words, and every day became more and more. Is it because of their age, or drops so good, but the result is! The son became active, it changes before our eyes. He learned to put pictures of pieces to this he did not succeed. He acquires new skills and use them with pleasure.
Drops "Semax" really improve memory and facilitate learning.


Train the brain

18 Dec 2016

Many have to open our eyes to what we can see, studying the brain. We all have to deal with this. How can we understand ourselves, if we can not understand your own brain? After all, our brains - we, our essence itself, of course I do.

For example, personality change, if the brain is damaged. If the cerebellum ceases to function, we lose control over all impulses and uncontrolled will go from tears to laughter. If you cease to operate parietal lobe, we forget our names, and our body becomes a stranger to us.
In the temporal lobe of the brain has a center of anger and fear, which may cause us to pour insults. But we have also a frontal lobe that can stop us and force count to ten.

If you are able to train so as to direct the explosion of feelings circumferential path of the cerebral cortex, you can focus on how to soothe a guilty man. You can buy olnine Semax.

Train your brain every day
Knowledge about the brain will help you see the outline of how to influence it in diseases such as depression and in a completely normal everyday situations.
For example, it may be useful to know that the brain has a tendency to prefer short-term instead of long-term benefit.
If you want to get the job done, it's very good time to promise the brain reward from time to time

On weekdays, you do not have the time to carefully read a good book? But you know that the training should start?

Then upload this book in electronic audio book and listen to it during a training run, so you will get an immediate "reward." This means that at the same time you upload to the brain dopamine reward substance.

Semax will help you!


Cogitum - helped improve memory

17 Dec 2016

Advantages: no side effects

Disadvantages: expensive

We have prescribed this drug at complaints on bad memory on the background of delays in speech development. It takes 3 weeks to 1 ampoule per day. I almost immediately noticed the improvement. My son has improved vocabulary, he began to remember the best poems and more volume. And the doctor said that the drug Cogitum is a natural and therefore healthier than synthetic analogues. Now we take the second course, and again a marked improvement.


Cogitum - delay of speech development

17 Dec 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, without the side effects

Disadvantages: expensive, did not help the child to talk

Unfortunately, I as a mother faced with this problem as a delay of speech development in the child.

At the half year we did not have any word.

Son understood everything what said to him. He complies with a request, showing the picture of animals ... but the speech was not.

The doctor said that boys develop more slowly girls that have slight speech delay, but early to panic. He advised to take course of Cogitum.

Produce it in France, and its price is quite high.

Side effects in the form of aggression and overstimulation, we did not. The child was behaving normally. he slept, walked, the behavior has changed.

But, unfortunately, clearly marked effect was not there. It has not changed, to say no more become. But what is important, the son began to ask for a pot, not peeing in your pants.

The fact that receive are Cogitum I do not regret, perhaps the effect will manifest itself later.


Cogitum - helped to talk

17 Dec 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, there is an effect in speech development

Disadvantages: expensive

The neurologist appointed drug in 1.5 years my son

We have a birth injury: cervical dislocation 1-6, cesarean.

Generally pregnancy was not very good. The weak tone in his hands, high in the legs. He is silent.

Of course, we were treated: the massage every three months, and a variety of drugs, physio and chiropractor treatments.

One of the neurologists said that because of this shift you will have speech problems and is chokes with food.

I choked since the early days. I could not breastfeed.

1.5 In general and not a sound. I configure that to 3 and will be silent.

We were assigned to take Cogitum 30 days.

We have taken the first two weeks, and he began to talk in a few days.

Certainly not a proposal but a success.

First word is the Moon, 2 months later says about 100 words. However of these, only half of the first 2-3 letters. But I read that, and it happens. This step is.

But I love it! I did not expect such an effect. I recommend.


Cogitum – I advice it

17 Dec 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, without the side effects

I am the mother of two wonderful children. The youngest just turned 4, neurologist appointed to take Cogitum due to delayed speech and motor development. We take a course. Very pleased! The child began to speak complex sentences, finally showed interest in books, previously interested only in toys.

And the eldest daughter, is going through adolescence. Not very easy time for parents. Probably therefore had difficulty with sleep, academic performance, communication. I consult with a neurologist and decided to give her Cogitum. The result was not long in coming! Mood swings have become not so noticeable, study was adjusted overall mood changed for the better. she liked the effect and most now accept it with pleasure.

So I advise everyone!

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