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Overview of popular stimulant of brain function

20 Dec 2016

The human brain is losing the war against the growing amount of information that he has to handle. Neuroscientists say that the human brain is strongly outdated and attention is gradually becoming our most valuable resource. And rare too - reading books transformed into a task that requires almost unbearable in the age of Twitter and BuzzFeed concentration.


But the nature and the scientists gave people a variety of "doping for the brain." And in the information age, involving processing incredible amounts of data, many no longer miss caffeine. Dr. Doping considered the main solutions to improve the functioning of the brain, I learned which ones you can buy at your local pharmacy, which will have to look at the exporters, and which in Russia is strictly prohibited.

How it works

Human brain is made up of neurons. They communicate with each other via electrochemical signals. In this communication the key role played by neurotransmitters and receptors. From the first composed the signals transmitted between cells, and the second - a special proteins that serve as "receivers".

Modalert, Adrafinil, Modafinil

In neurons have their own "chain reaction". If excitatory signals to the cell comes more than retarding, he starts to send down the "web" awakening signals. Biochemistry of the brain and its manifestations, and explained the set of phenomena: joy, sadness, euphoric and depressive states, as well as what happens to the human attention and memory.

Nootropics and drugs with similar in composition, or change the content of the signals transmitted between brain cells, or processing rules. None of them is not in the usual sense of "fuel for the head": they do not give the power cord. With this task cope mainly glucose.

Data on the effectiveness of neuroprotective drugs vary widely. Action of many of them are not fully known. Physicians complain about the lack of funding and lack of interest as the pharmaceutical corporations and scientists to drugs of this type. Nootropics were and are fun to students, freelancers and athletes.

Despite the popular misconception, nootropics do not make people more intelligent. They do not give all the knowledge of the world, but when taking increases concentration and improve memory, to some of them fit in the head. The reaction becomes faster (hence the attention of athletes and anti-doping commission, this category of drugs), and sharper motion. It is in any case not a "miracle pill": side effects of many of them tens.

Prohibited and permitted medicines in Russia

Legends of magic pill, allowing to learn a whole scientific discipline overnight pass from mouth to mouth, from site to site. Numerous stories about the "great session on the preparation for a night with coffee and Phenotropil " from a certain moment reminiscent of student stories. Ambitious students with coffee, energy and various "bombs caffeine (for example, well-known among students Cocktail" Alarm "- coffee, brewed to drink cola or energy) moving to tablets with interesting names.

Nootropil, Piracetam

The most popular nootrop today - Piracetam and its derivatives. Open Belgian pharmacists in the 60-ies of the last century. Used to form in the brain of new neural connections, allows better and longer focus on any problems. The medical purpose of this drug - wake speech and movement functions in people who have suffered strokes, and to deal with depressed patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders. The pharmacy can be found under the name nootropil, Lutset or Etiracitam. The cost ranges from 100 to 200 rubles, for sale without a prescription.

Another known group of drugs are Adderall and Ritalin, developed and used for the treatment of ADD ( "Attention Deficit Disorder") in children in the United States. There are almost equally, both - strong stimulants and cause not only a burst of energy, but also psychological dependence. Many have noted the similarity of products in composition and action with amphetamines. At the moment, not only the medicines themselves, but also their key components are banned in Russia. However, both drugs are imported to Russia illegally and sold at a price of 100 to 200 dollars per piece.

A great success with knowledge workers uses Phenotropil. Created in Russia in the 60s as a modification known nootropics (namely, piracetam) to the needs of the Soviet space and aviation. It acts as a powerful psychostimulant, it causes a surge of strength and energy, allows you to concentrate on complex tasks, despite the fatigue. It is famous for the variety of side effects from drowsiness to irritability and pronounced aggressiveness.

Rising superstar brain stimulant modafinil is now considered. French development of the '70s, designed to combat narcolepsy and overbought for US production is now the most popular nootropic for people of intellectual and creative professions. According to some reports, can keep the brain in good condition up to 3-4 days and allows you to deal with large projects (articles, projects and dissertations), almost twice as fast.

Modafinil is incredibly popular among freelancers due to a combination of efficiency of safety - one or two tablets taken in the morning, ensure enhanced brain function the next day and a half. Modafinil studies did not confirm the existence of any relationship, the presence of "withdrawal" or any pronounced side effects. In Russia it is forbidden since 2012.

For lovers of natural ingredients market marrow amps offer products containing gamma-aminobutyric acid. For example, Pikamilon or Phenibutum. In action much similar to piracetam analogues, but in addition, relieve headaches and help with good hangover.

Also in the fight against anxiety, sleepiness, and general weakness can help glycine (amino acetic acid). the soft cumulative effect (where it is necessary to spend on drink a course of the drug a month-long or two) can improve memory, and some brain processes.

Plant extracts can also help. Marc ginkgo biloba, ginseng and Siberian Ginseng have a strong stimulating effect. They help in the fight against stress and obsessive anxiety. Sold in the form of infusions, and in the form of tablets.

To drink or not to drink

The main rule when accessing Nootropil - make sure they are really necessary. They really should not drink out of boredom or interest in fashion nootropIC topics. If human activities associated with the processing of large data flows and, most importantly, he copes with it is bad, then recourse to stimulants really makes sense. But the doctor's advice in such matters can not hurt.

Remember the worth and that stimulation of the activity of the organism in any way - it is "rent" his forces. Either way, the brain will require a fee. After finishing a long project under the action of nootropics or other stimulants, can sleep for 16-18 hours and a few days to suffer apathy or irritability.

To welcome many of these drugs went as smooth as possible, it is recommended to comply with sleep, food and drink. For the duration of the course or drugs it makes sense right and eat regularly and to monitor the water consumption. Even if the task of reception of tablets is not sleep and continue to operate as long as possible, it is recommended to take breaks to sleep at least 2-4 hours duration.

Another interesting tactic to combat congestion in the information field is not the body to adapt to it, and vice versa - in a careful filtering of incoming data. Hard-adjusted themes and things worthy of attention, throwing "garbage" and negative factors may be at times it's a secret to adapt to the new information space - to allow him to increasingly pass itself. At least in this case do not have to drink any questionable pills.


Is it possible without stimulants to achieve great sporting success

20 Dec 2016

Well, a few days we have learned with you naming the substance Meldonium for sale learned on drug Mildronate. The doping scandal already looks more like an avalanche, which covers all the new sports. About someone told sources, about someone federation leadership. Maria Sharapova's own initiative, convened a press conference, said that taking this very Meldonium buy, took the blame, and, incidentally, its main rival Serena Williams yesterday spoke with words of support, called a courageous act of Sharapova.

Comment on this doping scandal already at the highest level. And the president's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said he did not want to project the situation in the entire Russian sports and his achievements. A myriad of articles, interviews, commentaries, and a version of the same weight: about and planted, and about a provocation, and about the negligence and carelessness about. Apparently, someone did not pay attention, that from 1 January Meldonium hit the stop list of the World Doping Agency. There are those who wonder at all this scandal.

Some experts even believe that the sport without doping is not possible, given the incredible advances that we see the entertainment, all in one way or another, with some drug deal. Is this true, and in particular to try some - that's about Meldonium buy talk - and in general about doping in sport.

It is obvious that in the modern world in the sport of high achievements to achieve really significant results is impossible without top pharm-support. It is obvious that serious achievements provides an incredibly high level of work on the pharmacological support.

And it is very important to understand that there are some fantastically clear division between what is here a terrible monstrous doping thicket of the forest, the blood of babies - and here's a clean, honest Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 injection. The border incredible mobile. In any case, it is a huge work - a gigantic work of research, the giant work on the selection of specific stimulant drugs being waged everywhere. And any story about how some nugget somewhere without something on the net genes won something - this is an exception that proves the rule, as the just prove the rule that run in sneakers, in general, convenient, Ethiopian runners who can win the marathon barefoot.

In modern sport to achieve great victories without serious pharm - support roughly the same as running a marathon barefoot. And the situation that has developed with Russian athletes, tells us that, unfortunately, this gigantic work in Russia has failed both at the state level - it's a huge number of cases, from volleyball to figure skating and, unfortunately - and here's a surprise - this work has failed, and individually in the top Russian athletes, as is the case with Maria Sharapova.

I believe that talk of sports pharmacology, on the "Farm" as they like to call it, are greatly exaggerated - about its importance. This is minor, it is not an important part of the sport, it is not the main tool to achieve good shape, some outstanding results. If we talk about the percentage is 3-4% of your success. But everything else - is the new training methods, this special equipment, is gadgets, this genetic control, is delicate biochemistry - a lot of things. And rely on the "Farm" on stimulants, and they, as a rule, all prohibited - it means to go to the sport of the 21st century, the sport of the information age with some tools from the Stone Age and nothing but trouble this thing does not work, what we observe. So once again: "pharma" in sport - is somehow inflated your brethren writing is not really the most important part of a large sports.

Wada- And it's not about the results. The WADA - is over - at least officially declared, and, in general, the anti-doping system - it is about the health unreasonable youth - and in sport, as a rule, young people desperate and irrational - of the harm that they can afford to put a using inflated, promoted chemicals. In principle, the anti-doping - it's a question young people's health, and not only those who run and jump, but also those who look at it and take from this example.

Russian athletes, who caught it athletes who plan to go to the Olympic games, which exist within the jurisdiction of WADA, who know about the rules - all of this is said: "We are aware of the rules." And there is a completely different story enclosed American leagues, living by their own laws, which in all seriousness, for example, in basketball discusses whether players need to measure the width of the jaw, because of the growth hormone jaw grows, it becomes incredibly broad. And the owners are earnestly discussing, they say: "We did not catch my players, because it prohibits the union. Let them measure the jaw. " In all seriousness Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather saying: "We will not take a drug test before the fight on the Olympic system, because they do not want." And everyone understands why they do not want to donate blood before the fight.

This is a different sports with different rules of the game. And there is no secret that doping issues are discussed in the American leagues. There is just absolutely horrible thing: instead of shouting: "How could this happen! Why has not yet gone into full force the entire leadership of the Russian sports resign? "- This is a terrible disaster is happening now, what is happening in the Russian sport, it's scarier than if we were to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Game in Sochi stadium is not We managed to finish - and instead discuss how these people still can lead the Russian sports, we discuss what asthma run for the Norwegian biathlon team, and Serena Williams that some kind of fake. We substitute the concept, and it's horrible!

The same applies to our athletes. All the talk about the fact that the American League behind brackets are they not WADA decree - it talks to the poor. Here's the latest example. This very Meldonium buy our meldonium, he was denied due to studies that took WADA - accepted, approved and banned. Do you know who examined them? And it explores their special organization, which gave the money for it. This organization is - now attention! - Bend your fingers: the United States Olympic Committee, the US Anti-Doping Agency, baseball league and the Football League. So, when necessary, they are very friendly and are combined together, in this case, in order to - even a decent word you can imagine here - well, let's say, to hurt us.

You know meldonium very much used in Eastern Europe and even started to hit us on the North American continent. Let's we forbid. " And banned. At the same time not a word about what the drug-the white, fluffy. His pregnant show. He's not dangerous. This is not a drug, it is not a drug. Gain a result of it not - I'm telling you as a professional, who has struggled with this Meldonium many years.

That is except for the cases with and Kulizhnikovym Elistratov - there is charged with drug terrorism, so I kind of brackets exhibit - I can safely say that most "meldonium" cases, the main reason - it's carelessness. People are so accustomed to mildronate - they lived with him, woke him, and covered him; mildronat - is a salad in the New Year is also a mandatory element - that does not fit in the head, now it's dope. Fairly unfair - the next conversation, and on this subject we have a little talk. But in reality, people do not understand that this is, indeed, now the dope, it is really impossible today. No one in the head does not fit.

They say: sent paper. Okay! In the paper it is written: "meldonium – trimethylhydrazinium propionate” Excellent! In the minds of the people is not clicked, it is Mildronate.

Professional boxing, professional martial arts more widely - there the boundary allowed very, very moving. This is a question that someone like best: someone athletics, someone MMA. It is quite another. It is important also that there is unity of the rules. That's all very fond of, for example, to argue about asthma, and here it is, "Here Norwegians all asthmatics!" Yes to recruit a team of Udmurtia asthmatics and asthmatics to run with the Russian flag. Ate eat resolved, do not eat forbidden. This is a completely false debate about whether WADA banned Meldonium correctly. It is important to the other: there are rules about which everyone knew and a finger does not hit to be written off in these rules. It is now, for example, that there will be - if they, God forbid will do - for example, to find out for how long meldonium completely eliminated from the body.

I do not know how to meldonium, it is necessary to take a close look - there are medications that are easily sort, but traces remain in the adipose tissue, and then the light sometimes up to six months. Traces can not meldonium itself and its decomposition products - metabolites. In fact, if done immediately and show - but such rumors have - that of meldonium there are traces in the human body - about 120 days.

We open this here little black book - Prohibited List - and see where preparations for which is not something that disqualify - would have to shoot anyone who sells them: they are dangerous to health. But in the past it was difficult anabolics, psychotropic substances, drugs - this is understandable. Now there are gene doping, peptide drugs, regulators of gene activity, genetically engineered drugs - absolutely horrible things, and, of course, it is necessary to prohibit them, close to the sport can not be allowed. Because in good clinics surrounded super-doctors people die of these drugs. And in the sport in a hurry and with a physician who is a gynecologist, psychologist and even trauma in one package, it will be a big problem. There is no dispute, it is necessary to prohibit such drugs, and you can catch those who are engaged in their traffic, you have to sit for a long time. But drugs such bromantan, phenotropil, meldonium - all our Soviet crafts - yes, Lord, forbid them, but probably because we use them. And we use them, because we have such a tradition, it is our habit. Effect something any of them. And by the way, if someone wants to say: "Ah no, there is an effect!" - Okay, prove to: take an experienced group of athletes from different sports conduction perennial - that's two or three years - the study, these measured parameters people and figures in hand say, "You know what? Your white and fluffy meldonium actually the strongest stimulant. " But it is necessary to prove.


Semax And Stroke

20 Dec 2016

My grandmother was recently a light stroke which resulted in the impairment of memory, intelligence, etc. She took immediately course of Cogitum, Piracetam, Cavintonum, Mexiprime + Mexidol injections, but the results are not very happy. Advise whether it is appropriate now will take a course of Semax 0,1% + Noben?

Maybe you should start with nasal drops Semax 1%?
But in the case of a stroke is more likely to take a course of Cerebrolysin injection.


Can there be a new sports records without doping

20 Dec 2016

Without the "chemistry" - neither in life?

Sport - is a demonstration of the maximum human abilities. A series of recent doping scandals suggests that soon the public interest in such a show could be lost: it is interesting to look at the competition not competitors, and, in fact, pharmacists? Do you have more strength athletes set records without chemical attack on the nervous system, blood, muscles? On this, as well as the true reason for the attacks on the Russian athletes on the use of illicit funds Dr. Doping had learned from the experts in sports medicine. In particular, we have found out:

* How degraded the country needs a branch of science;

* Why the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has more harm than help athletes;

* Both I had to do physician Maria Sharapova, whether it is professional the required level;

* What drug vainly trying to ban anti-doping commissioners;

* Is there any chance of future Olympians beat previous records without the use of pills.

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, which happened in 1991, our country is famous for the powerful science, and the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (VNIIFK) was the Mecca of sports medicine. It is separately funded by the State, which was aware that sports medicine - is a special industry, which, as said the former head of the department of sports medicine at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture Nina Grajewski, borders, and with biology and physiology, and pedagogy.

Today, alas, experts say that VNIIFK is not the same, more like a colossus on clay legs, inside of which - emptiness. I was convinced of it personally: Call was surprised to learn from the representative of that institution is not, and never were experts in pharmacological support athletes. "It can not be ..." - I started to argue, because personally did in his time with them interviews. As a result, I was sent to all ... Sports Minister Mutko, without the authorization of which scientists are now generally forbidden to talk to journalists.

Although, maybe not right I was. After all, the theme pharm support even in the old days was ambiguous, scientific papers about how to support professionals in the sport, the costs of institutions classified as "secret."

And that, actually, we have to hide? Bromantan, Phenotropil, inert gases, Preductal? This line of products, which, like the much-talked meldonium, administered by our sports doctors as Cyanocobalamin, Methylcobalamin to support not only the athletes, but also the military, and members of special operations. All were permitted but only up to a certain time.

At the end of the 90s, when there was WADA's goal and its actions were logical and accepted by all literally with a bang. Still, it was supposed to protect the athletes from the destructive action of doping, leading sometimes competitors to death, as well as possible to equalize the athletes at the start.

Now that frank steroids, such as the French erythropoietin, seemingly defeated, the work of WADA is more like a pure business. Periodically it gets to "Cyanocobalamin", which allegedly give competitors an advantage over other, because to justify its existence as it is necessary. The result is that his work has already begun to bring more harm to athletes than good. Well now restores the heart Sharapova takes Meldonium for sale ten years?

- WADA has unlimited power, he wants something and forbids - complains to me a sports doctor who once worked in our team. - Under the ban almost everything but yet glucose, creatine and clean water. The last attempted to outlaw because creatine is able to influence the instantaneous power the work of muscles, for example, in weightlifting. But they did not succeed. And all because creatine is produced in our bodies comes from the meat of animals. To prove his malicious reception is not yet possible. Moreover, creatine - is not an anabolic steroid. It can not be compared with steroids and buy meldonium - supports heart means. But how do we convince the WADA?

Sports doctors replaced physiotherapists

- I'm not an expert in matters of doping, and such you are now in our country, perhaps, no longer find. Many fell into disfavor due to the scandals in athletics federation - someone went into the shadows, someone went abroad. But I do not think the theme of doping, our main problem. It is only a consequence of more serious - the gradual collapse of the entire sports medicine in the country.

Look who heals is now level star Maria Sharapova? As a rule, in the past, this conventional doctors do not have a sports specialization: therapists, proctology, gastroenterologists, gynecologists. Before the 90s there was a separate specialty - Sports Medicine. After it merged with others, and the name has changed: a specialist in sports medicine, physical therapy, physiotherapy. Then he changed the order of the words and became: specialist physical therapy, health resorts and sports medicine. That is, its importance has decreased even more. Tell me, doctor LFK something needs to know about doping? But that's not all. In 2008, this team has been a specialty at all excluded from the category of major - she was given the status of a more basic: medicine, surgery, obstetrics-gynecology, etc. Previously, a specialist in sports medicine prepared fully for five years, but now the deadline pressed down up to four months. And who teaches? Those doctors for Resorts. Someone naively assumed above, that this unification will help save money. Here and "save" today with a group of our athletes, retirees.

Why athletes do not protest against this state of affairs? Do not they realize what is happening?

- Yes, they have no time to realize they have five workouts per day. They rely on existing doctors ... and they seem to have recognized that the knowledge they have is not enough. In 2008, officials combined all the sports physicians of our teams under the roof of a respected institution that had athletes aiming not engaged. Yes, the equipment there is good, yes, young professionals ... and start from scratch. But in VNIIFK remained and archives, and huge achievements, experts worked great, but no one ever took: we will re-invent the wheel, stepping on a rake old, and in twenty years we will once again be a solid sports medicine.

- Reallocation of cash flows?

- Alas ... I can see the level of these "new people" with their super-methods. They have deep knowledge of the physiology and the desire to use the experience of the pioneers. But abroad, where I was recently, I saw a lot of things that occur in our old books on sports medicine. They're implemented. I do not know, come up with their Western counterparts or be taken advantage of our ideas ...

And you know that finishes sports medicine directly to Moscow? The fact that no competitor can not get to us without direction ... the local clinic. Now the question is whether the doctor will want to give such a direction? Of course not, otherwise the clinic will lose money. And what an ordinary doctor knows about athletes?

How heavy is the heart of an athlete

- By the way, what?

- Never mind. He judges of him as an ordinary man - the same heart, the same feet, hands. But professional athletes physiology differs from the normal functioning of the citizen body. For example, they considered normal bradycardia, 40 heart beats per minute and sometimes lower at the rate of 60 and above. The usual thing is different for sports changes in the ECG, sometimes resembling a heart attack, a huge heart. This is what an ordinary doctor had never seen. As a result, some cardiologists from clinics diagnosed in athletes anything until myocardial infarction, where it is not.

- As far as great sporting heart?

- Fit at some times it reaches 60-65 mm - diameter of the cavity of the left ventricle of the heart, this one and a half times longer than usual. Weighing it is also more. Scientists are still arguing about where the boundary between big-hearted sportsman and unacceptably high. Same Nina Grajewski believed that the limit is half-kilo heart, someone argues with her, arguing that it is necessary to stop the border at 400 grams, allowing a maximum of 500 g

- And how sports doctor proves that bradycardia athlete - this is not a pathology?

- I recently saw a high quality individual, whose heart was beating at a frequency of 36 beats per minute - and lower case. And the way to prove that it is its norm, the so-called compensatory heart, only one - test it at the maximum load test.

- And what is the limit of possibilities in compensatory heart?

- In addition to the incredible endurance in training and competitions person with such a heart can be, for example, to move a heart attack, stay with the living, feel great and still briskly to catch up and push-ups.

- And it happens that some of the heart can not stand directly on a hockey or football field ...

- It happens, unfortunately. And this, I believe, is usually to blame for the triad of reasons. Firstly, some genetic predisposition, secondly, the latent current - without clinical manifestations - acute pathology, often inflammation of the heart muscle - myocarditis. We athlete often reduced immunity due to stress, and in the weakened body penetrate viruses and bacteria. Thirdly, the adverse conditions of sports activities: heat, cold, lack of recovery of the athlete. It should monitor the team doctor, and these subtleties, too, does not know the classic doctor from the clinic.

You know, there's a tournament on mini-football named Konstantin Eremenko. It was the best player in the world. He has put the ball as in pocket billiards. And so it happened that one day in our institute had discovered a rough change of heart, which, however, has no effect on his health. The doctor who saw it, told me that Eremenko almost reached the lawsuits - thought we mistakenly want to remove him from playing sports. It was only then that he had died on the pitch (though it was only after the completion of his career - a bus..), It proved that we were right. But it would be better if he pleaded with us ...

- A change in the blood of athletes?
- They tend to be a good level of hemoglobin. Previously, some of it reaches the hormone erythropoietin. There is even the Anti-Doping Commission habit noticed that the athlete hemoglobin level exceeds the limit above a certain point, immediately begin to check it out.

- That is correct, but the case with Meldonium ... If we had a sports medicine at the highest level, as it came out of the situation, Maria Sharapova?

- If we have the medicine was at a good level, the professionals who tend to learn in advance about the introduction of the drug in the list of banned immediately sounding the alarm: the athlete is removed from all forbidden attract colleagues for advice. On the impending ban meldonium for sale it was announced in September 2015. Here you've heard at least January 2016 shouts: O God, is prohibited meldonium buy, we must take action!

- No.
- And the alarm was supposed to be.

Africans better to train at home?

- Person Allowance as a species have been exhausted in the sport?
- You know a lot of people who have lived to 120 years? Little. Their unit. So athletes can jump over the bar of human capabilities, the unit too.

- Jumped For example, in 1991 American Michael Powell 8 meters 95 centimeters in length, because until now no one can override this achievement. Did no one will jump at 8.96 meters?

- Perhaps someone will jump.

- Under the influence of pharmaceuticals?

- I do not know. Maybe in the future doctors will go on pharmacology and learn to genetically alter the physiological condition of the person, so that he will beat one record after another.

But I think that in high-speed sports we have no genetics wait more than one record. At least from the same native of Jamaica's Usain Bolt, who runs better than anyone else in the world. After all, he periodically improves its own result.

- By the way, about the athletes blacks. Their endurance is determined genetically. But the Europeans have advantages?

- Of course have. For example, representatives of the toughest in the race of the black race is bad swim. Why do you think? They have a high density of bones, they are heavy. They also more common pathologies such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, characterized by thickening of the left ventricular wall.

- Inside the white race differences exist? After all, something is due to the success of our gymnasts - "artists" and synchronized swimmers, that show just wonders flexibility and artistry?

- I think that in these cases plays an important role coaching talent. Although there are hypotheses that suggest the prevalence of connective tissue dysplasia in these athletes. This pre-pathology associated with extraordinary flexibility, but I would not have applied to this version too seriously.

- How do you feel about acquisitions athletes from Africa and South America?

- I say in such cases: the guys, there's a caveat - to the athlete continued to run well, it is necessary here, in Russia, Africa do. After all, it generates heat its endurance, and our low temperature is not conducive to this.


Nootropics speed the brain

20 Dec 2016

These drugs increase the ability to learn, improve memory, stimulate intellectual activity and help in times of stress.

Some dream of a pill that will help to lose weight in a day, others are looking for products that will improve the "efficiency" of the brain. Drugs, nootropics enhance learning, improve memory, stimulate intellectual activity and help in times of stress. In Russian pharmacies choice of drugs is very large, and you can buy them without a prescription. Often people assign themselves such tablets themselves, without any evidence.

The drug or not?

Nootropics - are drugs that stimulate the metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.

The name "nootropics" literally means "similar to the mind" That is all drugs belonging to this group are similar in chemical structure to the natural substances of the nervous system -.. Neurotransmitters, as well as vitamins and amino acids history nootrop drugs began in the second half of the 20th century opening in 1963, the drug piracetam. He stimulated the brain (improved thought process, memory and attention), such as psychostimulants agents, but it does not cause side effects inherent to psychostimulants, particularly exhaustion and dependency. The common name of "nootropics" has been suggested only in 1972 year. Since a plurality of chemical compounds synthesized by this group.

However, a separate class nootropics are not allocated yet. This is due primarily to the absence of sufficient evidence of their effectiveness

The therapeutic effect of taking nootropics different, they may be prescribed as an adjunct in traumatic brain injury, stroke, to recover from infections of the nervous system, impaired memory, concentration, thinking, depressive syndrome, neurosis-like disorders and even alcoholism. The drug is prescribed and to improve mental function, attention and memory in healthy people during severe emotional and physical stress. Some used them, hoping to mobilize body fat reserves (lipolysis) in the toxic effect on the immune stimulation. According to the doctor, efficacy is confirmed by an opinion of doctors and scientists. Among the patients there are those that describe the positive effect of nootropics, and there are those who have not experienced.

The promised effects are very tempting producers. But we must understand that today, all of the desired effects of nootropics are not supported by evidence-based medicine standards.

In search of a magic pill

The patient comes to the doctor internally configured for a specific algorithm for the interaction with the doctor, "the complaint survey-inspection-purpose medication". People usually easier to eat a pill than to do something themselves, especially if it should be done for a long time and regularly. If the doctor does not prescribe drugs, but says that it is necessary to establish a daily routine, diet, sleep, turn to a psychologist, these recommendations may cause the patient's rejection, returning responsibility for their own health. Not everyone is ready to accept this responsibility, so often in self-defense doctor anoint "bad and insensitive", and begins a search for a "good" doctor, who prescribed many pills.

Sometimes doctors use nootropics themselves to absolve themselves of responsibility to the patient. Like appointed treatment, he said the need to take a long time, that was the effect, and all seemed well.
Nootropics suitable for this purpose is very "successful" - side effects are rare, and the placebo effect may be more pronounced. Do not forget and that nootropics - are chemical substances that may still have and side effects.

Experts believe that if the work of the brain is not broken and he is healthy, then the rate of processes occurring in it, and so high. Enlarge nootrops it is unlikely to succeed, which is why the use of nootropics in healthy people is doubtful in terms of efficiency.

Under the action of nootropics in the brain is greater than neural connections, the desired effect - the best memory, attention - can be obtained by developing these functions.

Nootropics can not be regarded as a primary means to enhance the performance and endurance of the body. Nothing better than a healthy lifestyle and work with specialists yet.

But the side effects can still occur: headaches, drowsiness, nervous excitement, and allergic reactions. Besides, nootropics there are contraindications, which can only take into account the doctor who is familiar with the patient's state of health. Another argument against self nootrops: it is better to drink a course, and not just before a stressful situation in the hope of a quick effect.

In addition, now appeared on the market and are popular homeopathic medicines, which you can hear that they are better tolerated. According to the ideas of modern science, homeopathy - a branch of pseudoscience and homeopathic remedies are simply "dummies", so the harm from them may not be as good.

In addition, now appeared on the market and are popular homeopathic medicines, which you can hear that they are better tolerated. According to the ideas of modern science, homeopathy - a branch of pseudoscience and homeopathic remedies are simply "dummies", so the harm from them may not be as good.

First of all, we should understand about any Nootropil question: vascular or neurometabolic - two different groups, so you should not generalize. Some drugs are not something that is not calm, they are meant to excite the nervous system. The debate on the use of nootropics active, but if the doctor prescribes them correctly, they only help (like any other drug). As for the lack of evidence, I can not fully agree with it: there are drugs whose effectiveness is proven.

If translated literally, it turns out the "brain food". Generally, it is contemplated that the cells of the cortex can absorb the essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals to sustain life. The effectiveness of nootropics proven practice in neurology, today are very popular products of amino acids and peptides.

For example, such a drug as nootropil (it was already 25 years old) is in the directory of Vidal, it passed clinical trials. They were held and cerebralysin and Cortexin ".

No, nothing bad about nootropics I can not say. Problems arise only when a doctor wrongly prescribed the drug, but this can happen with any drug. Therefore, it is not necessary to be afraid of nootropics, professionals need to be afraid of illiterates.

Afraid it is necessary not only illiterate doctors, but also self, especially if it relates to psychosomatic problems - in the best case, it will do no good.

5 nootropics You Need To Know

Cerebrolysin - used to treat depression, head injuries, concussions and various vascular disorders of the brain.
Phenibut - indicated for exhaustion of the nervous system during stress, psychologically difficult situations, in order to reduce anxiety.
Phenotropil - appointed for the same purpose as the Phenibut. It may also be used in the treatment of obesity, psychiatric disorders and anxiety.
Glycine - amino acid preparation, fatigue, anxiety, irritability and malaise.
Mexidol - most often it is prescribed for the prevention of cerebral circulatory disorders and to combat stress by the change of seasons.


Addicted to stimulant of Maria Sharapova

20 Dec 2016

Three times increased sales of the drug "Mildronate" that took the famous Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova. According to pharmacists, many citizens believe that the results of the doping tests have confirmed the efficacy of this Meldonium drug.

Meldonium began to buy actively and in other cities of the country just after the doping scandal with Maria Sharapova.

Analysts point out that a similar situation had previously around stimulator "Phenotropil" - after the doping scandal with the biathletes in 2006.

the excitement caused by the fact that the scandal involved media persons. And people felt that time itself Sharapova uses the drug, it means that it really helps.

Also scandal could cause panic among the patients of the possible, far-fetched, or appreciation of the ban of the drug Meldonium for sale. Therefore, it started buying in store. Plus more about the drug and found those who previously did not know about buy Meldonium.


The main rule for creating an excellent memory

20 Dec 2016

It has long wanted to make a short release cycle on the theme of memory, and that this moment has come! Accumulated a lot of information from various sources, it will now have to organize and present to you!

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The cycle will be different themes, and one of them - how to forget. Agree, sometimes this knowledge is not enough.

Thus, the memory - one of the functions and capabilities of the brain. And to the question, why develop it, each person will respond differently. In general, we want to use it to develop expertise in any computer game, be allowed fewer mistakes in the future, and to do again what brings joy into our lives. We want to remember the good things and forget the bad. From this perspective, there are 2 ways: you can have a bad memory and forget everything, and can be good, but to learn how to change its settings on the storage and reproduction of data, what is the meaning of this cycle.

Where is the memory

It is now believed that the memory associated with the part of the brain like the hippocampus. Especially long-term memory. Operational and short-term memory begins at the physical layer to become the long 15-30 minutes after some experience. This is not to consider that there is any hard drive in the head.

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The hippocampus - a part of the brain in which to prove neurogenesis exists. Roughly speaking, with the hippocampus you can be sure that it really pump up the muscles by 100%. Here in the cerebral cortex, where the thinking and planning is no conclusive data neurogenesis. Ie it lends itself to the development of memory is much easier than logic.

It was found that the hippocampus of London taxi drivers has been greater than that of men of the same age of the control group. Specificity of work in a taxi means seeing new places and new people every day, and trains memory. You can use Honluten.

No, it is not necessary to go to the taxi drivers, because the memory is not only a space. The hint is clear!)

What should I do to create a great memory

People often complain of poor memory, but in most cases and can be no question of any serious violations at the age of 50. We so to focus not see the main reasons for the deterioration of some intelligence. And it's a lifestyle! I, as the author has repeatedly written by people that have noticed a significant improvement after a simple change of meals.
Drop all your stereotypes just try to follow the recommendations given below. They have to act as a potent nootropic!

  • Bad habits. It is a slippery place, because there is evidence of the benefits of nicotine and alcohol in small quantities and are rarely taken. Because if you do not smoke or drink - continue in the same vein, if you have the habit - to reduce their consumption. The big misconception that starting to treat the head, regardless of the body like the brain some separate substance, and if we say light cigarettes are sick liver and decomposed by alcohol, the brain supposedly right. As if passes through the liver is not the same blood, and through the brain. In general, the logic is clear: treat the body - is treated and mind.
  • Sleep. At the age of 20 years need to sleep 7-8 hours a day, 14-20 years, 8-10 hours. in sleep needs vary by age, state of health and stress. Popular justification: no time. But you can not imagine how to increase the productivity of the day, if you add on a few extra days hours.
  • Food. Subject beaten, will not repeat.
  • Physical activity. Useful for a good blood circulation, including the brain. This topic also at the hearing, specifying only that the load can be different, someone likes swimming and someone skiing and biking. The only condition is to prevent too high a rate, which implies light and medium loads. No championship level, if the desire is limited to a good appearance, and brain and body health.

Sometimes it helps to alternating loads. Personally, when I would sit for a long time at work, to the extent that the rebate began walking up 5-6 floors up and coming down. Strange, but was thinking immediately better, can someone come in handy.

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These actions - is the foundation! On this basis, we will create a smart memory. Then a few points for the understanding of the following issues:

  • 1.Memory is deceptive.

Over time, you begin to believe that "this used to be good", this feature is especially apparent in times of negative or depressive state. Just remember, when you start to think so, when at the moment everything is fine, or when life is something you can not regularly.
Memory tends to downplay and exaggerate events. Keep this in mind when you remember something.

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A great way to control memory - take notes, paying attention to the emotions rather than facts. You can every day to write a little bit, you can every couple of weeks the most striking events.

  • 2.Memory can be improved over.

What does not argue, the cells that make up the brain, neurons are able to provide processes and communicate with other cells. When you learned to drive a car or a bicycle - it was hard because it was not stable chains of nerve cells. Then, from the constant recollection and training - these chains as if cemented. The question is the most effective techniques for rapid creation of these chains!

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Bottom line:

Remember the good events and relevant facts is always a pleasure. Sometimes a negative experience is an excellent lesson. So, where to start's transformation of the hippocampus and memory: Lifestyle.


How not to get caught on doping. Memo to Russian athletes

20 Dec 2016

Suspect coach to teach my grandmother to identify pest doctor, do not open Supplements - what to do to avoid becoming a victim of disqualification.

For the next text on doping is not needed any news occasion - these occasions appearing regularly the last fifteen years. We decided to draw up a memo on the safety for the Russian athletes, whose purpose - to best protect them from accusations of the use of illegal drugs. Yes, an important clarification. Memo This is an honest athlete. We believe that these in Russia enough. The rest - those who believe that the taking, and across most unlucky - can not read.

The first point: get the personal physician

Beforehand get your doctor you can trust. I'm talking about the specialist is pharmacological profile. All products that you use, it must go through an assessment. This is the man who will always be in touch, the one who most quickly and competently be able to assess the risk from the use of certain funds - from the treatment of the common cold to support muscle tone.

I must say that in Russia, this practice is not yet generally accepted. I know that the vast majority of members of the national teams are no expert who would be responsible for the pharmacological part. There is a regular team doctor responsible for everyone and everything (though ordinary readers may be surprised when I tell that not all national teams secured a doctor there in principle). This is clearly insufficient. Remember: the main and often the only victims will be only you - that you are responsible for everything that is found in your body. Decide for yourself, you need an expert or not. My advice is to meticulously search, inquire, consult, specify, do not believe in the word of the recommendations, but find such a man. This will save you in the future on many issues.

By the way, I would not have narrowed the circle of searches sports doctors - quite the opposite. It takes an experienced health professional having basic pharmaceutical skills. This may be a district of the city polyclinic. But he must be guided freely in the WADA Prohibited List and its annual updates - believe me, the presence of professional education is not a big problem.

Why do it? Here is a simple example: there is such a drug - Phenotropil on it in 2006 got biathlete Olga Pyleva. Behind this name hides a 4-Phenylpiracetam (carphedon) - it was under these names present in the WADA Prohibited List. Only here in the summary to Phenylpiracetam they are not shown, in fact - there is the dosage for athletes. Reasonable, but not having special education people rightly decides that this is so, then there is no danger. And yet - at least two years disqualification. It is foolish to exclude such cases and requires the personal physician-pharmacologist.

Point two: avoid doctors pests

I beg your pardon, but I have a reasonable suspicion that very few professionals in our sports medicine are constantly improving their skills. At the same time, the pharmaceutical industry is moving forward, supplements manufacturers are constantly changing the assortment, analytical chemistry improves drug discovery techniques (which is why believe the terms written in the summary output of the drug has often can not - remember the story with buy Meldonium.

I am what if your team has a designated sports physician - it does not mean that you have to believe a word he says unequivocally. No, do not give up his services. I urge a check and then recheck its competence. At least to start Googling his biography, ask around people on his last place of work, to know how often it appears in the training seminars. And after all this, check out his personal recommendation from a doctor, we talked about above. I understand that sounds very complicated, but a modern sports places new demands on the professionalism and responsibility of all the participants.

I want to emphasize: do not blindly believe the so-called word of mouth - in other words, recommendations. The sad experience shows that the advice of those who know, and not those who can really help. More than once I came across who managed a hundred times physicians make mistakes (not to pick up their characteristics that word, but to "pests"), who quietly continue their professional activities. Migrate from team to team, from athlete to athlete, they continue to recommend, as they continue their "subversive" activities.

The third point: be suspicious with the coach

Be cynical and in a good way suspicious. Check all that gives you not only a doctor but also a coach. Whether he wants to or not only good, noble or not, it works with you from childhood or not - he is also a man, and he, too, can make mistakes. In the end, he can deliberately mislead you - and it happens. Be sure to have on hand a list of used drugs and the schedule of reception - this, however, applies not only to those that are issued by the coaches.

Do not hesitate to ask why and what the coach gives you. Try to know the exact use of the drug. Do not be afraid to look stupid, running into a backlash or "hurt his disbelief." Speak in a calm atmosphere - Normal mentor must understand your logic. Explain that to answer to the anti-doping services to you. You risk your future career and thank you. The coach is likely to continue to operate. You are on their third or fourth decade of stay with nothing. If the coach does not understand - decide whether to continue working with him further.

To what do not call - just stating that the current sport very cruel thing. To fight is necessary, not only in the stadium, but also outside it. You want to stay pleasant and non-controversial man and to serve two or four years - it's your choice.

Paragraph Four: to explain with the grandmother

I do not advise to skip this point, although it may seem insignificant. All the relatives up to the grandmother should be as hard and intelligibly explain two things. First, your diet is different from the usual. You can not eat the food and drink untested untested drinks. Do not try to help exotic dishes and recipes - as far as aid is a safe diet. With the meal is better not to experiment - this, incidentally, it applies to you. The second thing: a threat not only to the use of hanging over you, and possession of illicit drugs. Maximum carefully monitor the contents of first aid kits. If there are illegal drugs in sport - be accompanied by a prescription.

In addition, during the doping officers visit is not necessary to hold a prominent position with testosterone cream, which use your great-uncle. Or syringes for injections aunt. Or dropper for Mom. Doping officers in precisely this fact will make a report, and then a long and not necessarily successful procedure explanation. And let your other half intentioned secretly slips into a suitcase packing tablets for a headache or pressure! On the overseas training camp was coming with a search warrant the police - and that's when this packaging can play against you. Relatives need to understand: you - a sapper who can not make a mistake. And they - the members of the sapper family.

Paragraph Five: do not take his eyes off doping officers

Learn your rights and obligations under anti-doping officers visit. They should know by heart you personally, and not a coach or team doctor. I will not tell the basic rules - read and learn for yourself. To focus on practical aspects.

Do not ignore the ADAMS system - believe me, it is extremely easy to use and you can help out greatly. I know that many athletes in team sports not even have a personal account in the ADAMS, and it is a big mistake. Do not trust the coach or doctor filling in, it is your duty and your same alibi in case of problems.

When you visit inspecting behave themselves as open and friendly - do not give reason to put on record obstructing their work. Remember: in the proceedings rather believe them than you. All manipulations with your sample (split into two parts, refilling, packing, etc.) must only be carried out in front of you and be in your field of vision. If you are distracted, you could not watch even a few seconds for the process - make sure it's in the record.

If the density of your sample is not enough and you want to "supplement", that before leaving for a second procedure, make sure that the bulb with your first "portion" was sealed with a temporary filling. Her number is required to be entered in the record. There should be no open containers outside the athlete's line of sight - if it happened again safely record this fact in the report.

Point Six: Keep records!

When filling out the protocol, there are two important counts. The first - where the athlete writes about preparations data that he used seven days before sampling. This does not prevent noting drugs that have been used previously. Accordingly, we return to our past recommendations: exactly know and write down everything that you are taking. The second important count - comments on the process. Any action that you are suspicious or not the relevant regulations, recorded in the minutes! fill language - ideally, of course, English. But if there is no confidence in the adequate knowledge of the language - write in Russian, not scary. When proceedings will be used by a notarised translation.

At the end of the visit you are required to give a copy of the report - if not, ask. Keep all copies until the end of his career. These leaves do not pull pocket. Do not give them to doctors or trainers, then end not find. Keep records as a passport. Keep even in the case of negative samples.

Right now, for example, I'm the one thing athletes in her late June took a sample, but only in early November reported problems (although the idea of the sample should be analyzed within seven days). If we did not have a copy, we would not even understand the circumstances of the case: when they took the sample, where the conditions in which that took at that time ... Of course, it is possible its request to the international federation - but to begin with we would have formulate its position, and how to do it without an understanding of the simplest facts of the case?

Point Seven: read the labels
Even after consultation with your doctor, continue to be careful in the use of substances - especially new ones. Carefully read the label and include logic. If it says "anabolic effect" - whether the substance tested three times, do not use it. It's a risk.

Here I use the lesson to encourage Yulia Efimova, who two years ago did not pay attention to the specific name of doping on the label. Or was the story with our weightlifter Goltsova Darya, which was disqualified for one year in 2014. In its sample found traces of cocaine. It turned out that the competition in South America it is used at the normal tea bag, without paying attention to the name. And he called saying: Mate de Coca. There was a long discussion in the CAS, and weightlifter punished anyway - maybe not as tough as they could. The reasoning was as follows - by the way, pay attention to it and remember! - A professional athlete should act reasonably and to avoid even the possibility of a risk.

Number Eight: leave one package

Another important rule is never "allowed" food supplements (dietary supplements). There are prohibited and permitted substances, and there are mixed manufacturer of dietary supplements - is known only to him. No wonder RUSADA in each his speech does not recommend their use in sport. Each new batch can be various combinations of substances, there may be hundreds. Do you want to risk - please, but then do not complain. Cases of finding banned substances after use seems to be proven dietary supplements - a few dozen a year.

But even in this case, if you can not live without some BUD - must do three things. Keep your receipt (invoice) for purchasing. Put the unopened one sample from each batch to an independent analysis later. And leave a little powder on the bottom of the showdown, the pot - this is to conduct an internal analysis (the most for themselves) required for building lines of defense. Finally (this is what I have already said, but again will not be superfluous): journal - when, what and how much you have used. This may facilitate the process of your proof of inadvertent doping. I would recommend even save receipts of the restaurants, but we will talk more in the second half, when we discuss your steps in case of problems.


Nano-packaging for Semax

20 Dec 2016

In order to protect peptides from destruction and help them to overcome the blood-brain barrier, the Moscow scientists offer to enter into a drug into liposomes.

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Neuropeptide semax is wonderful stimulant mental performance. To increase the stability of the drug and deliver it to the brain cells to allow liposomes - nanospheres of lipids.

Neuropeptide - proteins that affect the central nervous system, for many years attracting the attention of researchers. Semax, for example, not only has beneficial effects on the digestibility and memory information, but also promotes recovery after cerebral stroke. However, neuropeptides have a few drawbacks. In the body, they are destroyed rapidly, and almost no blood comes from the brain and are therefore difficult to use as drugs. In order to protect peptides from destruction and help them to overcome the blood-brain barrier, the Moscow scientists offer to enter into a drug into liposomes. Consisting of lipids, they fuse with cell membranes, so that the contents can penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Researchers concluded semaks liposome derived from soy or a mixture of distearoyl lipid. In the presence of various enzymes that break down the protein isolated from the blood and brain of rats Semax embedded in liposomes destroyed much smaller than outside them. Liposomes can save up to 90 percent of the enzyme. Preservation of the protein depends on the biological environment in which the liposomes are, and on the nature of the liposomes themselves. Scientists hope that the use of the latter will allow for the delivery of neuropeptides to the cells of the central and peripheral nervous system.


Stroke: the inside story

20 Dec 2016

We offer our vision of the impact of solar storms on the human body, its circulatory system and its ongoing excess electricity as one of the possible causes of stroke: loss of brain tissue own electricity.

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Created nationwide stroke centers, of course, good for the people affected by this disease, but in our opinion and according to the British and Swedish researchers, it is necessary to create a Pre-stroke centers where prevention will be patient in order to prevent a stroke. The relatively small expenditure on prevention will save a lot of money spent now on the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients. To implement this direction in the prevention of this terrible disease should already have clinics dedicated service in the face of the doctor neurologist trained in the diagnosis Pre-stroke conditions, knowing thoroughly symptoms begin to crash.

By the symptoms pre-stroke we consider include:

- Venous stasis in the vessels of the brain;

- Growing hypertension in the arterial vessels of the brain.

This issue is unexplored, is available in the arsenal of medical equipment makes it impossible to confidently identify the early stages of cerebral circulation. The only long-practiced eye fundus study can help identify initial changes in cerebral blood flow - a spasm of arteries and venous stasis retinal vascular eye. Since the fundus a person eats from the end branches of the internal carotid artery, and blood vessels have a common innervation to the carotid artery, it allows us to understand and explain the uniformity of the reactions of intracranial vessels and the vessels of the fundus. It is also known that the very short-term cessation of blood circulation in the brain leads to irreversible changes in the nerve cells.
N.A.Nadzharyan (1948.) Studied the effect of stimulation of the auditory, visual and olfactory analyzers of blood circulation in the brain noticed that the change in the lumen of the artery of the brain is made possible by the rapid expulsion of blood from the venous system of the brain vessels. In addition, the occurrence of intense pulsation of cerebral arteries associated with rhythmic rises in intracranial pressure.

Modern ultrasound devices, showing blood flow in the vessels of the head, make it possible to fix the rate of blood flow through the arteries and its variation in certain clinical situations. This makes it possible to identify the group of patients with the slowing of blood flow, which shows the study of blood viscosity parameter is a marker of possible thrombotic events. However, ultrasound is not able to detect venous stasis.

The necessary equipment is capable of measuring the amount of the incoming blood and the amount of flowing blood veins in the brain blood flow system at a particular time, which will allow to diagnose it, venous stasis, which prevents the normal circulation of the blood, with all its consequences, leading up to the thrombus formation in the cerebral arteries with subsequent cerebral ischemia. And so will enable to carry out the necessary pre-treatment in order to eliminate venous congestion, which ultimately leads also to brain edema.

More N. Cybulski (1885) method of determining the rate of blood flow in the arteries, called them photo-hemo-tachometer gives an indication of peripheral resistance to blood flow of intracranial vessels (the so-called cerebrovascular resistance, increasing in Pre-stroke conditions) has been developed. To overcome these conditions, there are three options for reducing the resistance to blood flow. The first - an increase of oxygen in the tissue, compensating its lack (due to poor blood flow). II - increase the exchange surface, the change in blood flow rate through the capillary opening or reducing blood viscosity. And the third - increasing oxygen conductivity of the erythrocyte plasma into the tissue.

The arteries in a person's blood pressure of 80-95 mmHg, in the capillaries is reduced by 20-45 mm Hg, about mitochondria inside the cells of the tissue is only 1-3 mm Hg.

As blood - highly structured, non-Newtonian fluid flowing in a pulsating mode, the vessels - elastic tubes with variable cross section, in such a system, there may be non-linear cooperative phenomena - congestion on the high pressure areas of both the macro (in the transition from one vessel cross-section diameter to another) or at the micro level (within one section arising due to the interaction of blood cells and plasma proteins).

The bloodletting procedure widely practiced by our ancestors helped the regulation of blood flow and was found by an empirical practical actions without theoretical foundation, improving the patient's condition. At the present stage we consider bloodletting as appropriate, since it leads to a decrease in blood pressure. This procedure can take a blood sample through a sterile packaging for subsequent autologous transfusion (without additional checks on the group and rhesus compatibility, the risk of contracting many types of infections, blood-borne). This practice of drawing blood for autotransfusion is now widely practiced in Europe.

It is necessary to pay attention to another source of hypertension, it is difficult to be corrected only medication therapy aimed at changing blood pressure. This situation changes caliber arteries, where blood flows from the artery into smaller vessels until arterioles. The joints of these vessels due to the lack of elasticity of a slowing of blood flow, as a result of the reverse current flow of blood may twist to form clots and blood clots. With a significant build-up of blood pressure in large blood vessels (arteries) occurs, as noted by several researchers, a spasm of arterioles, until their paralysis in violation of the adjacent structures of the brain activity. Therefore, if you do not establish the blood flow in the arterioles, the treatment will be ineffective and will be long-term rehabilitation.

The above-described condition, we believe the second possible source of stroke (the first we consider venous stasis).

In the absence of a proper prevention of stroke, cerebral edema possible. Interstitial edema observed in the development of hydrocephalus and is characterized by an increase in the volume of the interstitial space, due to violations of the outflow of CSF. In this form of cerebral edema, brain cell function and blood-brain barrier is maintained.

Recently, when discussing the pathogenesis of brain edema, are increasingly focused on aquaporin type 4 - specialized channels are localized in astrocytes and responsible for the transport of water within cells and plays an important role in the correction of intracranial hypertension, which is one of the major intensive care objectives patients with acute stroke. It seems necessary for the treatment and rehabilitation of and apply before (for 200 years), magnesium sulfate therapy, the drug acting on the blood vessels and muscles of deducing them from spastic state. Additional arguments in favor of magnesium sulfate-Application are:

  • Elimination arteriolospazma, improve microcirculation;
  • Potentiation of the action of antihypertensive drugs;
  • Increase production of prostacyclin by endothelial cells;
  • Reduction in plasma renin activity;
  • Decrease in the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme;
  • Reduction of platelet aggregation.

Blue blood - this is not a myth. The real, not artificial blood blue (as, indeed, blood and other colors and shades) occurs in nature, but not as a sign of aristocracy. Blue blood is found in many inhabitants of the seas: cephalopods, squid, cuttlefish, and other organisms. This blood, unlike red iron human hemoglobin has mednosoderzhaschim complex blue - keyhole.

Perftoran - a preparation for which there is no impermeable barriers, it is capable of delivering oxygen to ischemic sites, glucose. When the diagnosis of ischemic stroke his appointment shows up to take stock to the site of ischemia via mikroirrigatora.

In Europe today there is a broad research and application Perftoran type drugs. Unfortunately, our domestic developers of the drug died and Russia lost priority on their production. At the time, the drug was successfully tested in combat conditions. He was appointed in wounds to the head and a large blood loss. Stroke can also be attributed to such a serious condition.

When added to the treatment of drug perftoran Semax reduces the rehabilitation period, and increases the efficiency of the recovery of brain neurons. Semax has complex neuroprotection, whose main components are immunomodulation, inflammation inhibition of glial responses, improving maintenance of the trophic brain, inhibition of the synthesis of nitric oxide and oxidative stress reactions. The optimal daily dose Semax stroke of average weight is 12 mg (3 drops 1% solution in each nostril four times a day), with severe stroke 18 mg (3 drops 1% solution in each nostril 6 times a day).

Interesting experimental data on brain vessels, received IP Pavlov and his school in the 30th years of XX century. First of all, they found that the intracranial vessels are in a constant state of tonic contraction. In this regard are particularly compelling observation with an action on the tone of vascular intracranial carbon dioxide. It turned out that under the influence of excess carbon dioxide blood tone of intracranial vessels is sharply reduced, and for the elimination of the excess carbon dioxide degree of tonic contraction of vascular re-amplified and reaches the initial state.

Application carbogen (a mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen 1: 1) via the anesthetic machine to the mixer used A.P.Nesterovym professor and his colleagues for spasmolysis retinal vessels and glaucoma and cerebral blood vessels, respectively. Therefore, we believe it is possible to use carbogen and in the treatment of stroke.

Condition of permanent tonic contraction of the vascular wall is peculiar, apparently, only the intracranial arteries, because intracranial veins characterized the thin-walled, and the almost complete absence in their muscle wall (Riese, 1935). Fluctuations in blood filling of intracranial veins and the regulation of blood outflow rate determined it is not so much the state of the tone of the venous wall, as the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid and pressure in the sinuses of the skull and extracranial venous system (where the blood was collected from the cranial sinuses). The mechanism of focal disorders intracranial circulation is a complete loss of tone, a paralytic condition of the walls of small blood vessels, caused by excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the pool spastic reduction artery.

In pathological cases, the reactivity of the intracranial arteries on their mechanical stretching and neurohumoral influence can be different in different arteries. This is the reason for the onset of focal changes in cerebral blood flow, which in hypertensive patients are quite common.

Excessive reaction of the vascular wall (a sharp reduction in its tonic) by one or other intracranial arteries occurs as a response to increased stretching her high blood pressure, ie, if there artery spasm, it inevitably comes into effect is another mechanism of pathologic changes in intracranial circulation. As practice shows, after the short-term anemization cerebral tone of intracranial vessels is significantly reduced. After a long anoxaemia the extent of this decline is very severe, and in fact in this case we can speak about the paralytic state of the vascular wall, coming as a result of anoxaemia.

Spasm of one or other intracranial arteries results in anoxaemia around the pool with the development of this artery is a paralytic condition of the vascular walls and the ensuing consequences in the form of first and foremost a violation of permeability of vascular wall in the area of their paralysis.

In the event of stroke it is also an important factor in the difference in electrical conductivity of certain brain structures. The experimental data of Pavlov and his students, intracranial elektropletizmografiya spread of electric current through intracranial formations indicates the possibility of following with utmost ease by cerebrospinal fluid, which, as it covers the brain fills the ventricles of the brain and has, as noted above, relatively high electrical conductivity . English researchers found that such pathology as epilepsy is the result of abnormal electrical discharge action in the brain cells.

However, liquor is not only through the distribution of electrical current within the skull. There is no reason to believe that the current should not be here on the brain tissue and the meninges. Due to the spread of current in intracranial vessels and there are pulse oscillation, which can be seen in each of intracranial electropletizmogramme.

Distribution of electric current through the cerebrospinal fluid is essential for the interpretation of the results of intracranial electropletizmography. The amount of liquor in the skull does not remain constant. On the one hand, the absolute amount may vary liquor (this apparently requires greater time intervals), on the other hand, it can be moved in different brain volume changes associated with variations in its blood supply or nerve tissue swelling.

In particular, it may be (L.V.Blumenau, 1889.) That liquor can be shifted to the tank of the medulla oblongata and the spinal subarachnoid space. If such transfers on the path of electric current inside the skull may be different amounts of liquor and thereby change the conditions of conduction of electric current in the cranial cavity.

Since living tissues possess the so-called ionic conductivity at passage through them of electric current latter meets some resistance, which can vary depending on several conditions: the mass of tissue in the path of the electric current changes its colloidal properties and richness of its first liquid medium containing dissolved electrolytes. Such environments should be classified: interstitial fluid, blood plasma, and applied to the study of the brain and spinal cord - and cerebrospinal fluid.

The highest electrical conductivity (least resistance) possess CSF and blood plasma. Good conductive muscle tissue, somewhat lower conductivity has nerve tissue and liver tissue. The relatively poor conductor of electric current is bone.

Wick and Alexander (1939) found that the conductivity of the blood column in the aorta decreases sharply when stopping circulation.

The relationship between blood flow rate and its electrical conductivity can be set at a constant and alternating electric current. These authors further showed that the faster moving blood, the more it increases the electrical conductivity. The difference in this case is quite considerable and may reach 15%.

Their data show that increasing the electrical conductivity and resistance drop of blood associated with its current acceleration; slowing blood flow leads to opposite changes in its electrical resistance.

In the experiment, and Alexander Wick also been shown that the lumen of intracranial arteries can be changed to some extent during stimulation of the cervical sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Furthermore, it was found that the tone of blood vessels and brain membranes significantly affects the chemical composition of blood and especially its content of carbon dioxide.

All of the facts of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid conductivity allow us to suggest the accumulation of brain cell electrical potential and its discharge in the brain tissue of stroke with a lesion of the structures in the form of burns.

In hemorrhagic stroke is a conflict of two genetically dissimilar systems: blood and neurons. It is known that neurons develop from the ectoderm as well as leather and match the female genotype, as develop from a part of the egg, unfertilized sperm. A blood, in turn, develops in the yolk sac, which is the result of fertilization by sperm polar body thus comprises the genetic material of both parents. Upon contact of the two systems is developing an autoimmune process, aggravating loss of brain tissue due to stroke. These studies on the genetic structure of cells in the brain and blood reported to us at the III Congress of Immunology and reproduction in Moscow and at the IV International Congress of Immunology and reproduction in Varna.

As you can see, the problem of stroke, considered by us as a disaster cerebral circulation, requires further study from different perspectives. For a visual representation of the biomechanics of the cardiovascular system and cerebral blood flow, in particular, it is an interesting simple analog electric model of a circulation system.

There is a paradoxical situation that is incomprehensible to the common man. There is a cure, that says that it is an analgesic, it takes a person who has a pain, but the pain persists.

It is very effective in neuropathic pain and anticonvulsants. This group of drugs has a rich history. Among the modern anticonvulsants have drugs that act in the brain to synapse on dorsal horn level, where the first neuron is joined with the second. This type of medication gabapentin (Neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica). The transmitter in the synapse, glutamate is the neuropathic pain and at the synapse works excessively. And Neurontin and Lyrics - are drugs acting through the calcium-mediated mechanism, blocking the chain reaction associated with the release of glutamate and its effect on the receptors, thus contributing to the reduction of glutamate activity and thus reduce the intensity of pain.

We are all familiar with the pain - whether it be the head, toothache or pain in the muscles after exercise. But there is quite a different pain that is associated with damage to the nerves. It is often a painful, violates a person's life over many months or years. This pain is called neuropathic. It occurs in 6-7 of 100 people. Neuropathic pain can make even the most basic actions, such as putting on socks, shirt, walk, impossible. Often people do not realize what kind of pain and how to tell your doctor about it. They can not find the words to describe it. So often, these patients do not receive proper care and treatment desired.

As there is neuropathic pain? In our body there are millions of nerves, interacting with each other. Together they form the nervous system. Imagine a set of electrical and telephone wires connecting your brain to various parts of the body. For example, when you step on the beach in the hot sand, nerves located on the foot, sending a signal to the brain that tells that you step on something hot. As a result, you feel in stop burning. Or, if you accidentally touch the exposed electrical wires, the nerves in the hand are sent to the brain faster signal that you electric shock. But if there is damage to the nerves, they begin to work properly and send incorrect signals to the brain. For example, the damaged nerves can inform the brain about the fact that you stepped on hot or touched the electric wires. And this despite the fact, that in fact you are nothing on advancing and not to touch anything. Nerves can be damaged as a result of many factors, such as diabetes, herpes infection, injuries of hands and feet, spine disorders, stroke, cancer and others.

Which diseases pain occurs after a stroke:

Characteristics of pain after stroke:

Approximately 8% of patients after cerebral stroke, after some time (from 1 month to 2 years) on the affected side, or in the arm and / or leg may appear unpleasant sensations as tingling, burning, pain on contact with cold objects, "hand is cold." Therefore, to reduce the pain after a stroke, some patients wear a mitten. This type of neuropathic pain is called post-stroke central pain. Its cause is damage to the nerves in the brain area.

Pain after a stroke or "central post stroke pain" - this pain and other sensory disturbances that occur after suffering a stroke. In 1906, Dejerine and Roussy described strong unbearable pain - thalamic syndrome (deep and superficial unilateral anesthesia, mild hemiplegia, sensory ataxia, choreoathetosis structurally unstable) after myocardial localized in the thalamus. A common cause of central pain - vascular lesion of the thalamus (ventroposteriolateralnyh and ventroposteriomedialnyh thalamic nuclei). Pain after stroke as well experience some at ekstratalamicheskih focal lesions (lesion of the lateral sections and the bridge of the medulla oblongata most common causes of these disorders - heart attacks, hemorrhage, arteriovenous malformations Pathogenesis of central pain in many ways remains unclear;.. Discuss the possible role of the defeat of afferent somatosensory systems in the brain, and also dizingibitsiyu, sensitization and secondary neurotransmitter disorders.

Epidemiology of pain after stroke.

Central post-stroke pain occurs throughout the year after suffering a stroke in 8% of patients. That is, the uptake of people with post-stroke pain great enough. 50% of patients affected by this pain syndrome during the first month after a stroke, 37% - in the period after the first month of the second year, and only 11% of patients after 2 years.

The clinical picture of pain after stroke.

Central post-stroke pain often occurs in the right or left side of the body, although some patients pain may be local (on the face in one arm or leg). Patients often describe the pain: burning, tingling, aching, tearing. Pain enhance various factors: cold, motion, heat, emotional outbursts. In other patients, these factors can reduce the intensity of pain. Such pain is often accompanied by other neurological symptoms: hypersensitivity, numbness, dysesthesia, changes in susceptibility to heat, cold, vibration and touch. A reliable diagnostic feature - abnormal sensitivity to cold and heat. According to studies, about 70% of patients with central post-stroke pain does not feel the difference in temperature between 0 and 50 ° C. Typical for these pains - the phenomenon of allodynia noted in 71% of patients.
In the treatment of post-stroke pain is the most efficient assignment of amitriptyline (75 mg / day or higher), with best results obtained at the first signs. Inefficient assignment of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the same applies to carbamazepine. Do not give the effect of NSAIDs. The results of the use of opioid analgesics are also unsatisfactory because of the high incidence of side effects (although a number of studies and noted some positive effect). Taking into account the different pathogenetic mechanisms of pain after stroke is currently studying the effectiveness of a rational combination pharmacotherapy (antidepressants in combination with anticonvulsants and opioids).

The author of interviews with contemporary neuroscience professionals revealed that they have worked and are working on the basis of their plants remove spasticity and rigidity through the pain. It considered them a legitimate, binding and valid.

But in recent years the European school world neurologists unfolded toward analgesia in post-stroke period. For anesthesia during manipulations may also be used electroanalgesia. The equipment for this is widely and successfully used in the 20th century.

It is necessary to use anesthesia in neurology for the treatment of patients in rehabilitation period. It should be the emergence of a new medical specialty of anesthesiology and respective service. Neurologists, for unknown reasons, possibly because of their settings: treatment of spasticity through the pain, failed to notice the emergence of Anesthesiologists service and do not use it until now.


1) pain relief in the domestic neurology is not enough developed;

2) is urgently needed staff unit anesthesiologist in stroke centers;

3) need rethinking of pain and its possible consequences, because during the manipulation of the affected organs arises "sews" the pain from head to toe. Pain, in our opinion - is an individual experience in sensation, feeling, nervous system response to changes in the operation (action) of an organism, an organ, or portion of the human body. This action of protective forces generated within the body and manifest themselves in the form of a sense of human consciousness. Pain - is a consequence of saying, the search for the cause. If the cause is identified, the pain must be eliminated, because in this case it is an obstacle to the treatment of disease.

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