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Semax - a unique product to improve brain function

20 Dec 2016

Getting On, it begin to notice when you start to notice the problem.

Peptide Semax

Everyone knows that I'm sick and COPD due to the constant lack of oxygen, not only have difficulties with movement, but apparently there was oppression and the brain. I noticed memory impairment, Thank God, my wife is know, but with the mother worse. And, of course, all sorts of nuances of the old life began to fade, if not escape, both with white apple smoke.
A person who writes it as a "stab in the back". I searched on the net is something that especially without the side effects and acts selectively, and then anything can happen.
And then I came across the drug Semax, whose function - improved memory.

Pharmacies have Semax in different concentrations and dosage of Semax 0.1% and Semax 1.0%.

I decided to try it with version Semax 0.1%, like not so much concentration, how much the price. I thought, if it helps, then it will be possible to buy and Semax with great concentration and brain will remember that it was not just me - I'm just going to write, that's ready to be stories. The pharmacy dispelled the myth - with a higher concentration (which is 1%) is used for the treatment of stroke, for I need Semax 0.1%.

Semax, Noopept, Peptide, nootropics

Well, I spent 10-day course – drop nose needed and immediately began to recall many things in mind like filmstrips began zipping pictures of bygone days, and vitality felt - not deceived, but there was also a side effect - began to recognize the wife's mother .

To be honest, Semax helped, I think a month or two to repeat.

Hope dies last, but with Semax, hope do not die, and dreams come true :)

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