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Fenotropil - instructions for use (adults and children), analogs, reviews

27 Dec 2016

Fenotropil is a new drug nootropics group, which improve brain perfusion and cognitive function (thinking, memory, attention, etc.). In addition, Fenotropil has a psychoactive effect, improving endurance under high emotional stress, tension, mood swings, and other similar conditions. Because of these properties Fenotropil used in the treatment of central nervous system diseases, such as cerebrovascular insufficiency, nervous disorders, fatigue, depression, apathy in schizophrenia, withdrawal symptoms after drinking or using drugs. In healthy people Fenotropil used to increase resistance to stress influences, and for the prevention of fatigue during heavy mental and physical exertion.

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Composition, name and release form of Fenotropil
Fenotropil is currently only available in tablet form with an active substance content of 50 mg or 100 mg. Tablets are sold in packs of 10, 20 or pieces. To quickly designation of various doses of the drug in everyday speech often uses the terms "Fenotropil 100" or "Fenotropil 50". These names numbers mean dosage tablets. In addition, sometimes used the name "Fenotropil 30" or "20 Fenotropil" to indicate how many tablets described in the package. However, these names are used less frequently than those where Fenotropil added to the title number, meaning the content of active substance.
The composition of Fenotropil as active component included oxo-phenyl-pyrrolidinyl-acetamide - a substance which is shortly called "fenotropil". Actually, the short name for the active substance got its brand name drug. Tablets may contain at two dosages oxo-phenyl-pyrrolidinyl-acetamide - 50 mg or 100 mg.

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As auxiliary substances Fenotropil contains the following components: Potato starch; Lactose; calcium stearate.
Fenotropil tablets are in the form of an elongated cylinder, flattened on both sides and painted in white or white with a yellowish or cream color.

TheFenotropil therapeutic effect and clinical effects
Fenotropil provides the following clinical effects:

  • Fenotropil has antiamnestic action (drug improves memory, including by its consolidation and accelerate the speed of transmission of nerve impulses between the brain structures);
  • Fenotropil activates the integrative brain function, ie, it improves memory and intelligence, enhances concentration, increases the activity of mental activity and the ability to tolerate high intellectual load;
  • Fenotropil improves the ability to learn and assimilate new information and learn new skills;
  • Fenotropil increases brain resistance to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) and toxic substances;
  • Anticonvulsant action;
  • Anxiolytic (calming) effect;
  • Fenotropil improves mood, arresting depression; It normalizes and balances the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system;
  • Fenotropil improves physical and mental performance;
  • Fenotropil increases the number of different ideas, it contributes to the emergence of non-standard vision and a few possible solutions;
  • Increases pain threshold;
  • Fenotropil improves vision (increased sharpness, brightness, expansion of the visual field).

These clinical effects of Fenotropil provided by its ability to accelerate metabolism and blood circulation in the brain tissue. In addition, the drug speeds up the flow of redox processes in the brain cells, which provide them with the necessary energy to be active. Improve mood and decrease depression component is achieved by Fenotropil ability to increase noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin in the nerve fibers of the brain. These substances affect the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, regulate the sensation of happiness and pleasure, as well as maintain a good mood.


Fenotropil stimulating effect (increase mental and physical performance) combined with a calming effect. That is, people in the background of the drug is capable of intense and powerful work, but stay calm and not prone to anxiety, nervousness or fear.
Resistance to the adverse effects of oxygen deficiency, toxic substances, low temperatures, fatigue and immobility attached to brain cells due to the adaptogenic action Fenotropil.
At the same time not affect the Fenotropil respiratory and vasomotor centers of medulla oblongata, so no changes breathing, but lower blood pressure.
However Fenotropil has a slight diuretic effect. In exchange using Fenotropil can trigger anorexia due to the suppression of appetite.
A very important property Fenotropil is that it has not developed addiction and tolerance, and after discontinuation of the drug does not occur withdrawal.
All effects Fenotropil develop after a single dose of the drug, it can be used as necessary, but not necessarily long courses.

Fenotropil - indications for use
Fenotropil is indicated for the treatment and prevention of these pathological conditions of the central nervous system:

  • Rehabilitation after traumatic CNS injury (eg, traumatic brain injury, meningitis, etc.);
  • Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, accompanied by a deterioration of mental abilities and memory, as well as a decrease in motor activity;
  • Asthenic syndrome, combined with cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • neuroses;
  • The conditions under which a person concerned about the lethargy, exhaustion, low activity, attention disorders and poor memory;
  •  Reduced ability to learn;
  • Depression asthenic, apathetic and adynamic genesis;
  • Shallow psycho-organic syndromes that manifest infringement of intelligence and memory, as well as the phenomena of bulimia and apathy;
  • Standing listless apathy in schizophrenia;
  • Seizures of various origins;
  • Alcohol withdrawal (hangover);
  • Chronic alcoholism and drug addiction (as part of a treatment for the relief of fatigue, eliminate depression and memory recovery and mental abilities);
  • As part of an integrated treatment of hypertension I - II stages;
  • Integrated treatment of obesity is not associated with endocrine disorders;
  • Prevention of brain hypoxia;
  • Increased resistance to stress factors;
  • Correction of functional state when hit in various unusual or extreme conditions (for example, the need to work in an unusual climatic or time zone, etc.);
  • Prevention of fatigue and improving the physical and mental health in cases where this is necessary;
  • Normalization of jet lag;
  • Violation of cycles "sleep-wake" with fast moving 4 or more time zones.

Fenotropil - instructions for use
General information
Fenotropil tablets should be swallowed whole without chewing or crushing any other way. The tablet must be washed down with plenty of water - at least half of the glass.
Optimally Fenotropil shoul be taken immediately after a meal. However, if such an option acceptance for some reason is impossible, it is recommended to take the tablets after a meal, and not on an empty stomach. This recommendation stems from the fact that Fenotropil reduces appetite until anorexia.


Fenotropil dosages picked individually, based on the condition of the person and the desired therapeutic effect. Fenotropil average single dose is from 100 mg (1 tablet of 100 mg) to 200 mg (2 tablets of 100 mg) daily - from 200 mg to 300 mg. The maximum tolerable daily dosage Fenotropil 750 mg (7.5 mg tablet 100 or 15 tablets, 50 mg). Optimally, take the drug twice a day - morning and afternoon. It is not recommended to take the drug after 15-00 hours as difficulty falling asleep may arise. However, if the daily dosage is 100 mg or less, it can be taken at one time in the morning.
The duration of the course of therapy Fenotropil ranges from 2 weeks to 3 months. If necessary, treatment can be repeated at intervals of not less than one month. However Fenotropil courses must be taken for the treatment of various conditions and diseases. A temporary improvement of efficiency and adaptation to unusual conditions enough Fenotropil application in a short period of time - from several days to two weeks.
To improve performance and memory usage, as well as improve focus Fenotropil necessary to take 100 - 200 mg (1 - 2 tablets) 1 times a day for 2 weeks. You can also take Fenotropil 100 - 200 mg once a day for three days in preparation for the intense physical training or powerful mental stress.
With obesity Fenotropil in the complex therapy it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mg 1 time per day for 1 - 2 months.
If Fenotropil taken against a background of mental and emotional exhaustion, fatigue or chronic stress and insomnia, you should be prepared for the fact that after the first dosage of the drug a person will need a long sleep. If a person works, it is recommended to start taking the drug at the weekend, to be able to sleep as much as the body needs.
Fenotropil should be used with caution in people with liver and kidney disease, severe hypertension or atherosclerosis. This means that during the entire course of treatment should be carefully monitored for their own well-being and to fix the slightest changes, which tell your doctor. It should also be tested regularly, reflecting the state of the kidneys, liver and the amount of lipid fractions in blood.
In addition, Fenotropil should be taken with caution to people previously suffered panic attacks, anxiety, psychosis, or periods of agitation, because the drug can lead to new manifestations of these diseases. It may also occur exacerbation of anxiety, the appearance of panic, hallucinations and delusions in people who have allergic reactions to the pyrrolidone group compounds (eg piracetam, Fezam et al.). At the first signs of mental instability during treatment Fenotropil should immediately stop the drug and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
bring it to the prescribed 7 days - If the first three days of receiving Fenotropil a man appeared side effects (feeling of warmth, redness, an increase in pressure or excessive excitation), it is recommended to reduce the dosage by half and gradually, for 2.

Interaction of Fenotropil with other drugs
Fenotropil enhances the effects of other psychoactive drugs and substances, as well as antidepressants and nootropics. In addition, Fenotropil reduce antipsychotic effect and reduce the sedative effect of alcohol and ethyl hexenal.

Overdose of Fenotropil
Overdose of Fenotropil for the entire period of its clinical application has not been detected once. The drug is normally tolerated in dosages up to 800 mg (8 tablets of 100 mg) daily.

Fenotropil for children
Fenotropil is a drug that is not recommended for children, because there are no adequate and reliable studies that prove its safety for them. However, in clinical practice, it is allowed to use the drug for severe diseases, where the benefits of it will undoubtedly exceed all possible risks and side effects.

Unfortunately, at present in the countries of the former Soviet Union had a very bad practice overdiagnosis of neurological diseases and mental disorders in young children. This means that small children identify diseases, in reality they are not affected. The most common such diseases are perinatal encephalopathy, intracranial pressure, hydrocephalic syndrome, as well as identified during sonography, EEG, or echocardiography "deviation" in the structure of the brain, such as for example ventricular enlargement on 1 - 3 mm larger than the norm, walls thickening, etc. .d.

Parents agree with the doctors, because they feel that the child does not sleep well, do not cry, throws off the blanket, bulges, wakes up and does not correspond to the prevailing ideas in their head. However, this is overdiagnosis, as any objective data on the presence of the disease is not present, and there are only indicators of outdated studies and subjective impressions of parents and doctors who have no clinical symptoms are a reflection of variant rules.
After all, the child is not being done on the patterns, it's alive, it has individual properties, which may differ from those in the clinic standards that are very far from perfect. Therefore, parents should remember that only the presence of a long-term clinical symptoms that persists for several weeks, is a cause for concern. In all other cases, if the child does not sleep periodically, not the way you want to eat, has a "bad" EEG, sonography or echocardiography, but gains weight and develops according to age, there is no cause for concern.
Returning to Fenotropil, we should say that in the countries of the former Soviet Union drug administered to children to treat a variety of "disease", identified in the overdiagnosis. Thus, the drug is often used for the normalization of sleep, elimination of "capricious" and excitability of the child, as well as to accelerate its development. Strictly speaking, such an application can not be called Fenotropil correct and reasonable, so all recommendations remain on the conscience of the particular physician and parent.

Also recommend taking Fenotropil school-age children to eliminate the following conditions:

  • Frequent stressful situations;
  • Emotional burnout;
  • Depression;
  • Low ability to learn;
  • Mental retardation;
  • Paralysis and paresis.

In these situations Fenotropil can really make a positive impact, to normalize the child's condition. However, the drug should be used with care, tracking the emergence of side effects or worsening of the child's condition. If any, you should stop taking Fenotropil and seek medical advice.
Children may take Fenotropil 50 mg 2 times a day for 2 - 4 weeks. Longer receive courses are not recommended, since the child can form a psychological dependence on the pills.

Fenotropil and alcohol
Fenotropil reduces the effects of alcohol on the brain, so the intake of the drug a person gets drunk a lot less than usual, the head remains sober and clear. In addition, the morning after a stormy libations, symptoms of "hangover" either completely absent or mild. However, this does not mean that the intake of Fenotropil can drink alcohol in any quantity.
The negative effect of a combination of alcohol and Fenotropil appears after removing all the decay products of ethanol, when the process starts brain neuronal cell death in large numbers. This is due to the fact that Fenotropil activates the metabolism in brain cells. Against the background of rapidly flowing cell metabolism absorb toxic metabolite of alcohol, poisoned and die after a while literally massively.
To visualize what effect on brain cells produces a combination Fenotropil + alcohol, you need imagination to paint a picture of being in the room where the sprayed chemical agent, such as carbon monoxide. To reduce the impact of toxic substances, the person will try to breathe as little as possible and shallow. But if at this point to breathe deeply and intensely, the poisoning will be very strong, even fatal. In this analogy, the action can be compared to Fenotropil intense breathing, as a result of which there is a large number of absorption of harmful substances, and alcohol is a toxic compound, destroying brain cells. That is, under the influence of Fenotropil brain cells receive more than the usual amount of toxic metabolite of alcohol, which trigger a process of intense destruction. Therefore, the effects of alcohol intake in combination with Fenotropil brain cells more destructive compared with only ethanol.
In addition, when the original depressed central nervous system, which just causes alcohol Fenotropil has no stimulating effect, but on the contrary, the vast. That is, it increases CNS depression.

How to take Fenotropil for Slimming
Fenotropil is used in the treatment of obesity, non-hormonal disorder that is caused by overeating or constitutional peculiarities. This means that theoretically Fenotropil can be used to lose weight. However, before making such a decision is necessary to know what is due to its effect.
So Fenotropil really helps to reduce weight due to the fact that it has anorexic activity, that is, simply eliminates the appetite and hunger. This person does not want to eat, the amount of calories consumed is reduced, and the extra weight goes. That is, not Fenotropil splits fat, does not bind nutrients received by the body, but simply reduces appetite, which makes it a relatively safe drug for weight loss. After all, as a result of his actions from the gastrointestinal tract normally absorbed into the body received all the nutrients, and the digestive process is not broken, leaking is perfectly normal.
This means that Fenotropil is very effective in combination with a diet that will directly reduce the weight, and the product, in turn, will observe it without any problems and the inconveniences associated with the feeling of hunger. However, if a person fails to comply with any diet or will continue to eat as much as before the application Fenotropil, he did not lose weight. Remember that medication only eliminates the feeling of hunger, which allows to eat less and therefore lose weight, but the Fenotropil directly on adipose tissue does not have any effect.
In order to lose weight Fenotropil recommended to take 50 mg twice daily for the required period of time. People suffering from obesity, Fenotropil under the supervision of a doctor can take up to 23 months. If a person takes Fenotropil diet alone, without medical supervision, it can be done within a maximum of one month. A second course can be carried out after an interval of at least three months.

Fenotropil - side effects
Fenotropil can trigger the development of the following side effects:

  • Insomnia (usually occurs when the pill after 15-00 hours);
  • Hyperstimulation (excitation energy, the desire to do everything at once, etc.);
  • Psychomotor agitation;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • The feeling of heat on the skin.

All of these side effects with the exception of developing insomnia and disturbed man in the first three days of the start of the reception of Fenotropil, then disappear. Thus, the body responds to the introduction of a drug, but after habituation, which extends from one to three days, and the normal state of the side effects disappear.

Contraindications of Fenotropil
Fenotropil can not be used when the following diseases or conditions:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • Age younger than 14 years;
  • Pregnancy;
  • The period of breastfeeding.

These factors are absolute contraindications, the presence of which can not be applied strictly Fenotropil. However, in addition there are absolute contraindications to the use of the relative Fenotropil under which the drug can be used only in compliance with caution and under medical supervision.
For relative contraindications to the use of Fenotropil include the following:

  • Severe liver and kidney disease;
  • Severe hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Transferred last panic attacks;
  • Transferred psychotic conditions with psychomotor agitation;
  • Propensity to allergic reactions in the pyrrolidone group compounds (eg Piracetam, Phezam et al.).

Fenotropil - analogues
In the pharmaceutical market there is only one synonym Fenotropil - Corfedon a drug containing the same active substance. However, there is a wide range of analogues of Fenotropil, i.e., drugs that have similar therapeutic effects, but contain different active substance.
Fenotropil analogs are the following drugs:

1. Lucidril tablets;

2. Bravinton concentrate;

3. Vero Vinpocetine tablets;

4. Vinpotropil capsules and solution;

5. Vinpocetine tablets and concentrate;

6. Vinpocetine forte tablets;

7. Vincetin tablets;

8. Glycine and Glycine Forte tablets;

9. Gopantam tablets;

10. Demanol solution;

11. Idebenone capsules and tablets;

12. Cavintonum tablets and concentrate;

13. Cavintonum forte;

14. Gopantenat Calcium tablets;

15. Karnicetin capsule;

16. Cogitum solution;

17. Combitropil capsule;

18. Corsavin and Corsavin forte tablets;

19. Cortexin lyophilisate and dry extract;

20. Lucet tablets and solution;

21. Memotropil tablets;

22. Minis drops;

23. Neuromet capsule;

24. Noben capsule;

25. Hook the capsule;

26. Nooklerin solution;

27. Noopept tablets;

28. Nootropil capsules, tablets and solution;

29. Omaron tablets;

30. Pantogam syrup and tablets;

31. Pantokalcin tablets;

32. Picamilon tablets and solution;

33. Piracezine capsule;

34. Piracetam granules, capsules and the solution;

35. Piriditol tablets;

36. Telektol tablets;

37. Tiocetam tablets and solution;

38. Phezam capsule;

39. Celestab capsule;

40. Cellex solution;

41. Ceraxon solution;

42. Cerebrolysat solution;

43. Cerebrolysin solution;

44. Encephabol tablets and suspension;

45. Epithalamin powder;

46. Eskotropil solution.

Fenotropil - reviews
About 70% of Fenotropil reviews are positive, and 30% - negative. Most people have used the drug in order to improve mental and physical performance, when it was necessary to do a lot of work for a limited period of time or remember a lot of new information. In other words, to help Fenotropil often resorted people who want to, for whatever reasons, improve efficiency, get excellent concentration, memory, intelligence and high intensity of intellectual activity.
The vast majority of reviews Fenotropil when it is used for the purpose of "brain activation" is positive, since the effect was pronounced, well-marked, people have time to do everything we wanted and planned. Separately, it is worth noting that Fenotropil exerts its effects after a single application, to achieve a marked clinical effect it is not necessary to take a long course.

This quality product is very important plus for many people who want a single pronounced effect and need not take nootropics, psychostimulants courses, as in the normal rhythm of life, they do not need them. Several less common feedback on the application of Fenotropil with extreme fatigue, loss of strength, irritability, weakening of memory and attention, fatigue etc. In such situations Fenotropil reviews about 2/3 of the positive, and in the third - negative. Positive due to the fact that after the course of the application of the condition of people Fenotropil normalize. Negative reviews about Fenotropil due to several factors - the presence of heavily-borne side effects, addictive when taken in a dosage of 2 - 3 tablets a day, insomnia, anxiety, excessive sweating. People who took the drug, noted that there is a clinical effect, but "pay" for it comes after, and it is very unpleasant and portable hard. Therefore, they believe Fenotropil potent drug that can be taken only on doctor's prescription when indicated, and it is not suitable for the revitalization of the whole brain in a healthy person.

Phenibut or Fenotropil?
Phenibut is a kind of precursor to Fenotropil because it is a new drug was synthesized based on it. Both are nootropics but Fenotropil has also additional psychoactive effect. Therefore, the need to improve cerebral blood flow should be selected Phenibut, and if you want above all to improve mental performance, then Fenotropil.
Both drugs have a rapid action, and clinical effect is just 1 - 3 receptions. However, from the point of view of safety effects on brain structure Phenibut, Fenotropil is preferable.

Fenotropil or Piracetam?
Fenotropil is a compound Phenibut and piracetam, therefore has both the effects of both drugs. Fenotropil has a strong psychoactive effect (raises mood, eliminates anxiety and fear creates a feeling that all is well, and so on), which is absent in the piracetam. In addition, piracetam results in significant clinical effect only after a course of receiving and Fenotropil - after a single use, and after a course of therapy.
Therefore Piracetam is best suited for a course of treatment of various disorders of cerebral blood flow when needed to achieve a lasting effect without psycho-stimulation. Fenotropil can be used for a single application, if necessary, perform a large amount of work.

Fenotropil or Mexidol?
Mexidol is, strictly speaking, an antioxidant, i.e., drug, protecting brain cells from free radical damage and subsequent death. Thanks to his action of brain cells get resistance to the negative effects and the ability to perfectly perform their functions in different situations. Therefore, the activation of mental capacity under the influence of Mexidol occurs indirectly. Fenotropil is a neuroprotective drug, the main effect of which is the activation of intelligence, memory and attention, as well as stimulating effect.
Therefore, if necessary to give strength brain cells against various diseases such as cerebrovascular insufficiency, hypoxia and other recommended Mexidol. And if there is a need to activate the intelligence, memory and attention, you should choose Fenotropil.

Some Reviews about Fenotropil

Student: I took Fenotropil during the session. Discipline, which I do not give any, surrendered herself perfectly. Taught material is 3 days (and nights) in a row. The brains were boiling, everything learned, understood everything. She took 100 mg in the morning and 100 in the 16h, I did not sleep at night. His mission preparation is performed.

Oksana 19 years: I had a nervous condition and his background with short-term memory problems. It was a nightmare, it leaves open the apartment and the keys in the door and left. I do not remember what I wanted to do just that, whether the iron off, and forget that something is being prepared on the stove. The doctor has appointed Fenotropil and afabazole and I doubt that drugs are chosen correctly for me. But after a while the memory was restored, all the symptoms are gone. True, after the course, I appointed a doctor, and a month later another nootropil cutting (itself so decided).

Stutter 24 years: Good day ladies and gentlemen, this is my story of the drug, I stutter 4 years, all my life I have it spread rot horror as thought ruined, nooo !!! I could not say stop in the bus, while studying in high school, do not talk to very interesting the girls, no career, and this list, number, different from normal people, then decided to transcend themselves and get a job where it is needed competent speech, (for me it's like an atomic bomb, honestly !!! I go to the pharmacy and ask if there is nothing for the normal mood, and of mental activity, I respond, a former student of what a university, hold fenotropil on your requirements exactly, I bought it, and then began to stutter, I just stopped for a few hours, the mood is +100, and not recognize myself, the brain works at 100, I want to say this drug works, and help me, I am glad that there is a cure for stuttering)) Respect to creators)))

Danil 22 years: Greetings to all who read and post reviews) Once again, looking for information on the Internet for "re-admission rate Fenotropil" and ended up here.. I read the morning (hard close) indications for use again and drank a pill. A couple of hours could all analyze and compile your own review. To me, this drug has been prescribed by a doctor, during the time of rehabilitation. There are some consequences of intracranial injury, UGM cord. degree followed by surgery to remove the intracranial hematoma on the right (craniotomy), as a result of injuries after an accident. With regard to the drug I can say that several courses of reception has been completed. receiving a positive effect (all identical to the described above) it was observed. On repeated courses of thought after the notice of a recent increased irritability and fatigue without any explainable reasons, decreased concentration. Often it began to appear "heavy" in the head (possibly meteo-dependence). Tips and motivation for action were perceived as teaching and coercion. Ambient noted the appearance of inappropriate coarseness in conversation. Since last course took 1.5 months. Usually I take 1 tablet / day for a month. Just do not know how long is necessary and possible for me to continue taking courses of the drug.

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