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Instruction for use: Noopept

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Noopept is a neuroprotective drug with nootropic and neuroprotective properties. Improves learning ability, memory, operating on all phases of processing: the initial processing of information, consolidation, retrieval. Prevents the development of amnesia induced by electroshock, blockade of central cholinergic structures glyutamatergicheskih receptor systems, deprivation of paradoxical sleep phase.

The drug has neuroprotective and nootropic effect. In his reception improves memory and the ability to remember and learn.

Brain increases resistance to harmful influences, such as lack of oxygen, toxins, trauma, electroconvulsive therapy, reduces the neuronal damage and provides neuroprotection, i.e. protection of brain tissue.

It provides antiplatelet, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic effect, improves blood rheology and has an antioxidant effect.

Education tsiklopropilglitsina which has antianamnesticheskimi properties allows nootropic effect. It has holinopozitivnoe action.

Restores associative connections in cortical structures, thus favors the improvement of memory and other cognitive functions, which have suffered due to the negative effect on the cells of the brain ischemia and hypoxia, trauma, alcohol.

Neuroprotective (protective) effect Noopept increases the stability of brain tissue to damaging influences (trauma, hypoxia, electroconvulsive, toxic) and the weakening of the degree of damage to brain neurons. The drug reduces the amount of focus on thrombotic stroke model and prevents neuronal death in tissue culture of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, subjected to the action of neurotoxic concentrations of glutamate, free radical oxygen.

Noopept has an antioxidant effect, an antagonistic effect on the effects of excess calcium, improves the rheological properties of blood, having antiaggregatory, fibrinolytic, anticoagulant properties.

Nootropic effect of the drug is associated with the formation of tsikloprolilglitsina similar in structure to endogenous cyclic dipeptides possessing antiamnesticheskoy activity, as well as the presence of holinopozitivnogo.

Noopept increases the amplitude of the transcallosal response, facilitating associative connections between the hemispheres of the brain at the level of cortical structures.

Noopept helps to restore memory and other cognitive functions, disturbed as a result of damaging influences - brain injury, local and global ischemia, prenatal damage (alcohol, hypoxia).

The therapeutic effect of the drug in patients with organic disorders of the central nervous system appears, from 5-7 days of treatment. Initially implemented in the existing spectrum of activity Noopept anxiolytic and stimulant effects of light that appear in the reduction or disappearance of anxiety, irritability, emotional lability, sleep disorders. After 14-20 days of treatment it revealed a positive effect of the drug on cognitive function, attention and memory parameters.

Noopept has vegetonormalizuyuschim effect, reduces headaches, orthostatic violations tachycardia.

Noopept bioaccumulates in the body, does not cause drug dependence. Removal of the drug does not cause withdrawal syndrome.

Noopept has no damaging effect on the internal organs, does not change the hematological and biochemical parameters, does not possess immunotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic properties does not show.


Noopept is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract an unchanged enters the systemic circulation, crosses the blood-brain barrier is found in the brain in higher concentrations than in blood. Time to reach maximum concentration averages 15 minutes. The half-life of plasma - 0.38 h. The drug is partially preserved unchanged, partly metabolized to form phenylacetic acid, and fenilatsetilprolina tsikloprolilglitsina. It has a high relative bioavailability (99.7%).


Each tablet contains: Active ingredient: Noopept - 10 mg.

Inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose (milk sugar), potato starch, povidone, magnesium stearate.


White pills, round with a facet.

Indications for use

Impaired memory, attention and other cognitive functions and emotional labile disorders, including elderly patients, with

  • consequences of traumatic brain injury
  • postkommotsionnom syndrome
  • cerebral vascular disease (encephalopathy of different genesis)
  • asthenic disorders
  • other conditions with symptoms reducing intellectual productivity


Pregnancy, lactation. Age 18 years. Individual intolerance of the drug. Expressed by the human liver and kidney.

Dosage and administration

Noopept should be taken after a meal. Normal daily dose is 20 mg - 10 mg twice daily (morning and afternoon). In case of insufficient efficacy and good tolerability the dose may be increased to Noopept 30 mg (see "Special Instructions"), distributed over 10 mg in three divided doses for the day. The duration of a course of treatment was 1.5 - 3 months. A second course of treatment if necessary can be carried out after discontinuing for 1 month.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible. In patients with hypertension, most severe, while taking the drug may be a rise in blood pressure.


Specific manifestations of overdose has not been established.

Interaction with other medicinal products

Interaction is not established Noopept with alcohol, drugs and antihypertensive drugs and drugs stimulating effect.


If necessary, increase the dose (30 mg / day), long-term use, as well as the simultaneous use of other drugs, the emergence of adverse events or deterioration should consult your doctor.

Form of

25 tablets in blisters of PVC and aluminum foil printed pack.

30 or 50 tablets in plastic banks to control the opening.

Two blister packs along with instructions for use in cardboard box.

Storage conditions

List B. Keep in dry, dark place at a temperature not above 25 Degrees C.

Keep out of reach of children.

Expiration date

2 years. Do not use after expiration date printed on the packaging.

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