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Instruction for use: Ribonucleate sodium

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Trade name of the drug – Acavia, Sodium ribonucleinate, Ridostin

The Latin name of the substance Ribonucleate sodium

Natrii ribonucleas (genus. Natrii ribonucleatis)

Pharmacological group:

Interferon Inductors

Model clinical-pharmacological article 1

Pharmacotherapy. Inductor synthesis of interferon, stimulates phagocytosis, increases the body's resistance to infections. It is active against some viruses and chlamydia. Promotes regression of clinical manifestations (2-3 days after administration), increases inter-recidival gaps. It has immunostimulating, antiviral, antiprotozoal effect.

Indication. Prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI. Infectious and inflammatory diseases (simple, genital, herpes zoster, infectious urogenital diseases).

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, hepatic and / or renal failure, pregnancy, children's age (up to 7 years).

Dosing. SC and IM. Before use, the contents of the ampoule (vial) are dissolved in 2 ml of a 0.5% solution of procaine or water for injection. With simple, genital and herpes zoster inject 8 mg once every 3 days; Course of treatment - 3 injections. With infectious urogenital diseases - 8 mg 1 time in 2 days; Course of treatment - 4 injections. Prevention of relapse - 4 injections of 8 mg with an interval of 2 days, starting in the inter-recurrent period, or at the time of relapse. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 2-3 months.

For the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI - 8 mg dissolved in 1 ml of a 0.5% solution of procaine, with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, re-introduction is carried out after 2 days, provided that fever, intoxication and the risk of exacerbation of chronic inflammatory respiratory diseases continue.

Side effect. Allergic reactions.

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