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Instruction for use: Polyglucinum

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Dosage form: Solution for infusions

Active substance: Dextranum 50000-70000


B05AA05 Dextran

Pharmacological group

Substitutes for plasma and other blood components

Composition and release form

Solution for infusion - 1 liter

Dextran with a molecular weight of 50,000 to 70,000 60 g

Sodium chloride 9 g

Water for injection up to 1 liter

In the bottle for blood substitutes 200 or 400 ml.

Pharmachologic effect

Mode of action - Anti-shock, plasma-substituting.

Dosing and Administration

IV, intraarterial, by drop infusion, by stream infusion, intraarterial- with acute blood loss (in a hospital). The dose and rate of administration is determined by the patient's condition, blood pressure, heart rate, and hematocrit. Transfusion is performed in the usual way with observance of the rules of transfusion production: before the transfusion, a biological sample is made (after the administration of 5-10 drops, a 3-minute break is made, and then another 10-15 drops are added and after the same interruption, in the absence of symptoms of the reaction (increased heart rate, , Skin hyperemia, difficulty breathing) continue to be transfused.

With developed shock or acute blood loss - in / in jet, 0.4-2 L (5-25 ml / kg). After raising blood pressure to 80-90 mm Hg. Usually go to the drip introduction at a rate of 3-3.5 ml / min (60-80 drops / min). Possible in / a mode of administration (in the same dosages). Infusion of the drug should be carried out under constant control of the main indicators of systemic hemodynamics. With a significant increase in central venous pressure, reduce the dose and rate of administration or stop the injection.

With blood loss of more than 500-750 ml and severe anemia, the patient is combined with a blood transfusion, erythrocytic mass or erythrocyte suspension necessary to eliminate tissue hypoxia, as well as fresh frozen plasma containing hemostatic system factors.

To prevent operational blood loss, as well as to achieve artificial hemodilution, prevent thrombosis and reduce the tendency to develop or progress the DIC syndrome, the drug is administered in doses of 5-10 ml / kg (for children - 10-15 ml / kg) for 30-60 min Before surgery (in the case of a significant decrease in blood pressure, they switch to jet injection, with a decrease in blood pressure below 60 mm Hg - in / a). The volume of infusion from the time of surgical exposure is determined by the magnitude of operational blood loss (hematocrit should not fall below 0.3).

In the postoperative period for the prevention of shock drug injected drip-drop.

When burn shock: the first 24 hours in 2.3 liters administered in the following 24 hours - 1.5 liter. Children in the first 24 h - 40-50 ml / kg, the next day - 30 ml / kg.

At extensive and deep burns combined with the introduction of plasma, albumin, gamma globulin; with burns over 30-40% of the body surface - with a blood transfusion.

recommended infusion of the drug to prevent possible dehydration fabrics combined with the introduction of crystalloid solutions in share ratio of 1: 2.


JSC "Biochimik", Russia.

Storage conditions of the drug Polyglucinum

In a dry place, at a temperature of -10 to 20 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug Polyglucinum

5 years.

Do not use beyond the expiration date printed on the package.

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